Potential breakthrough: electrical power from waste heat generated at the quantum level

I’ve always been fascinated by the thermocouple and its ability to generate electricity from heat. I’ve often wondered if we could put millions of thermocouples into places where heat is…

Kilimanjaro's snow – it's about land use change, tree cutting

From the we told you so, twice, no make that three times, department, the poster child for climate change is cited in the New Scientist where they say a peer…

How not to measure temperature, in the Solomon Islands

People Send me stuff. I get pictures of weather stations from all over the world. Here we have Henderson Field, serving the capital city of Honiara, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands. Hi…

21 complaints about farm smells and an idiotic bureaucracy – enough to ruin a life, a livelihood, and a family home

This really, really, pisses me off. It stinks, and the stench isn’t coming from the animals.  WUWT’s call to action and generous readers have helped raise over $30,000 to keep…

Steve McIntyre – one of the top 50 people who matter

I wish to add my congratulations to the chorus of them. Steve has been an inspiration to many climate skeptics, yours truly included. I’m honored to call him a friend.…

Breaking: NASA GISS Dr. James Hansen – arrested yet again

Dr. James Hansen arrested in coal protest at the White House, see the photo below. From the Wonk Room » Around The World, Activists Arrested For Protesting Coal’s Destruction More…

The season of disinvitation continues

As we’ve seen previously this week: Enviro and Media Agenda on Extreme Weather – State Climatologist Invited, then Uninvited to Rally …”disinvitation” seems to be the latest tool for stifling debate.…