"planestupid" kills polar bears via CGI to make a point

h/t to Kate at SDA. Gotta hand it to her. Being a fan of WKRP in Cincinnati, her headline made me laugh out loud. As God Is My Witness, I…

Spencer on elitism in the IPCC climate machine

ClimateGate and the Elitist Roots of Global Warming Alarmism by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D. The hundreds of e-mails being made public after someone hacked into Phil Jones’ Climatic Research…

Mirror Site for Climate Audit Setup

The CA server has been overwhelmed. The kinds of load it is getting is difficult for a single server unit to deal with. So “cloud servers” like we have at…

CRU Emails – search engine now online

Quite a lot of interest continues in the files from CRU that were leaked/hacked and placed on a Russian FTP server. Quite a number of other websites have been things…