Catlin Artic Ice Survey bio telemetry status: "demonstrational"

After being called out by WUWT on the fake biotelemtery readings presented as “live” but were actually from March 8th looping repeatedly, Team Catlin had changed the website to say:…

Gore's "WE" campaign cap n' trade call to action

I was recently forwarded this email from Al Gore’s WE Repower America website. They have a call to action based on their belief that a majority of Americans support carbon…

GISS Global temperature anomaly – coldest March since 2000

While I have reservations about the GISS dataset due to the many adjustments it endures, the GISS global temperature anomaly data for March 2009 has been published. The March 2009…

Catlin Arctic Survey gives up on ice radar – "much less likely to reach pole"

From the “we told you so” department.  Gotta love this quote from Pen Hadow: “It’s never wise to imagine that either man or technology has the upper hand in the…