Cislunar blueprint to propel space research for the next 50 years

Driving the orbital area around the Earth and Moon Purdue University In its inaugural call to action, Purdue Engineering’s Cislunar Initiative took a giant leap forward in advancing humankind’s presence…

Another mooooot press release – cows and climate change

From the University of Washington, another press release making gloom where there is none. I had to laugh at this statement: The authors also found that dairy farmers are already…

Death Valley's Big Bang Theory

From the The Earth Institute at Columbia University Waiting for Death Valley’s Big Bang A volcanic explosion crater may have future potential In California’s Death Valley, death is looking just…

Global Warming and Walnut Trees: a Case Study in Deception

Guest post by Dr. David Deming The science of global warming is allegedly “settled.” The American Physical Society has declared that “global warming is occurring” and that the “evidence is…

Oh noes! Giant thistle weeds a coming consequence of climate change, but another study says "maybe not"

Yellow starthistle is indeed a problem in western states, but the problem preceded “climate change” by decades.  See the end of the press release for more. Climate change allows invasive…