Focus on Fossils: Paleobiologists to Unearth Ancient Megafauna in East Africa, Forecast How Humans and Climate Affect Wildlife

“We’re really trying to understand how animals respond to changing climate and changing environments, so that we can get a better sense of how they’ll respond to increased warming and…

Ancient genomes suggest woolly rhinos went extinct due to climate change, not overhunting

he extinction of prehistoric megafauna like the woolly mammoth, cave lion, and woolly rhinoceros at the end of the last ice age has often been attributed to the spread of…

What Caused Madagascar’s Megafauna Extinction?

Guest post by David Middleton What rapidly wiped out Madagascar’s megafauna between 700 and 1000 AD? Climate change? Meteors? Over-hunting? President Donald J. Trump? Nope. It appears that agriculture may…

A headline I thought I'd never see

It seems that the media down under is turning on newly appointed climate change commissioner Tim Flannery and his ideas. We need a Flannery FAIL blog to keep track of…