Friday Funny – fresh lunacy from Bill McKibben and

Ah, you knew it had to happen. Taking a page from the “smoking kills” campaigns, the McKibbenites are petitioning the land of fruits and nuts to put new warning labels on gas pumps warning buyers about the evils of gasoline use as it pertains to global warming.

And, given that California’s governor Jerry brown was recently scared shitless at AGU by a hyped up presentation by Penn State’s Dr. Richard Alley, he’ll probably help these folks get it into law. I wrote then:

I shudder to think what sort of influence Alley’s rantings might have on the people of California via Brown.

Here’s the proposed label:


My view is that it will probably get about as much attention from consumers as the idiotic Global Warming Labels for cars in California, that are even required on electric cars (which is why I gave up on trying to sell them in 2008, but that’s another story) because apparently consumers are too stupid to figure out that electric motors don’t directly emit gases.

Gloabl Warming window sticker. Source:  California Air Resources Board
Global Warming window sticker. Source: California Air Resources Board

Does anyone except the most zealotous of buyers really care? Generally not, looks, features, color, price, performance, and mileage are still the biggest factors in determining an automobile purchase.

So, even if the McKibbenites manage to get this into law, it will likely have about as much impact as this sticker already slapped onto new car doors and the side of gas pumps in California from Proposition 65 in 1986:


People still need to get from point A to point B, like to work, and will generally consider that need above all others. Basically the new global warming gasoline warning label as proposed will just be a subtle form of harassment from the minority McKibbenites on the majority of Californians.

The local chapter of the McKibbenite sect thinks the label should look like this: has released this mock up of what a climate change warning label might look like on a gas pump. ( has released this mock up of what a climate change warning label might look like on a gas pump. (

I keep hoping environmental zealots will be forced to wear a warning label. Maybe something like “Warning: Irrational and emotionally based statements (and odors) may emanate from this individual, keep 10 feet back.”

(h/t to a bunch of people, you know who you are.)

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January 10, 2014 10:41 am

stupid is as stupid does

James V
January 10, 2014 10:45 am

Does anyone except the most zealotous of buyers really care?
zealous zealotous is is a name from Ragnarok

Mark Bofill
January 10, 2014 10:46 am

I like to think that California is like a safety valve for the rest of the country. It gives the more extreme nutty progressives a place to regulate. Perhaps by providing an outlet, it alleviates our having to deal with this in other parts of the country to some extent.
At least, that’s what I keep telling myself.

January 10, 2014 10:46 am

If the ‘success’ of the Surgeon General’s Warning on every pack of cigarettes produced in the USA for the last 48 years is any indication, don’t look for gas stations to be going out of business for lack of sales any time soon.

January 10, 2014 10:47 am

I saw the article as well. California – going broke as fast as it can.

Les Johnson
January 10, 2014 10:48 am

Living is hazardous to your health, and will lead to illness such as heart disease and cancer. Prolonged exposure to life will result in death.

Steve Keohane
January 10, 2014 10:51 am

They are still digging I see. Perhaps they have reached a depth where they can’t clear the dirt from the hole.

January 10, 2014 10:53 am

This is the funniest part about it:
California is benefiting more than any state from the CO2 fertilization effect on its massive agriculture crops.
Talking about shooting yourself in the foot……..but this is on purpose!
What’s next? Ban the use of H2O for outdoor applications(irrigating crops) because it will evaporate and become a greenhouse gas.

Tom J
January 10, 2014 10:53 am

Warning: One of the liquids, water, used in your engine’s cooling system can cause death if it is in sufficient quantity to inhibit breathing.
Warning: One of the gases, oxygen, in your vehicle’s tires can create runaway fires if exposed to heat and a flammable material.
Warning: That same gas, oxygen, which is partially present in your vehicle’s tires, will, in insufficient quantities result in asphyxiation.
Warning: If you look through any of the windows of your vehicle, and directly at a solar eclipse, the glass on the vehicle will not prevent permanent vision damage.
Warning: The State of California has determined that the mindset of the State of California can cause permanent injury to Western Civilization.

Janice Moore
January 10, 2014 11:03 am

Average Joe or Maria at the gas pump: (muttering)
… regular….. dang it why doesn’t he re-set the pump……. come ON already (annoyed glare in direction of mini-mart)….. (punch…)…. okay, good, it’s going. (look at sky…. look at traffic on road…… orange sticker catches eye, reading to self:) “WARNING The State of California, blah, blah, blah, whatever”… (stops reading…. glance at gallons pumped) fifteen……… sixteen….. I’ll run it up to twenty…. (stare at traffic on road… at pump…. think about that jerk at work…… think about what to eat for lunch — CLICK!. Done. Into Chevy Silverado, drive off, accelerating sharply (because it is FUN)).
Memory of the orange sticker? ZERO.
Bwah, ha, ha, ha, haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
AGW is dead, you dopes, DEAD. No matter how many stickers you plaster all around town, the game is OVER.
Thanks for the laugh, An-tho-ny. #(:))

January 10, 2014 11:03 am

If gasoline were made illegal in California today there would be millions of dead people there in weeks. Gasoline is an essential component of any modern mobile society. Anything that disrupts the economies of scale in the process of making gasoline universally available at a reasonable cost would far outweigh anything 0.7ºC could ever accomplish. McKibben is a flapping idiot with no sense of proportion and even less common sense. I say we pull his access to modern portable energy.

January 10, 2014 11:05 am

Wait for it California residents–when the “state” is finally told (and Gov. Brown decrees) that WATER is the primary GHG.
Say “So long!” to your swimming pools, lawn watering, even agricultural irrigation!
And they’ll be trying to figure out how to get rid of that dastardly Pacific Ocean just upwind from them all!
I kid you not!

Janice Moore
January 10, 2014 11:06 am

@ Tom J — good one! And, KEEP ON DOING YOUR ART WORK! Hope today is a good day. Take care, J.

Rob aka Flatlander
January 10, 2014 11:06 am

Just like the prop 65 plaques in all the restaurants they become part of the wall paper

Clay Marley
January 10, 2014 11:07 am

Seems like most every product I buy has a label on it that says “…KNOWN TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA…” to cause some horrible problem. Does anyone actually give credence to any of this? Has anyone ever decided not to buy something because California says it might be dangerous? Even the air I breathe has chemicals known to California to be dangerous. And the air I breathe out is even more dangerous. Sigh. If Californians actually banned everything they put a warning label on, I wonder what would be left?

Dave in Canmore
January 10, 2014 11:09 am

I suppose it’s too much to ask these zealots to simply look at the temperature trend in California to see if their rantings match reality?
see California’s temperature trend here:

January 10, 2014 11:10 am

Rampant supidity! Over this side of the Atlantic we have had the EU telling us that due to AGW we have to prepare for droughts, this was after they told us that the wet and stormy weather with floods that we have just had was also caused by AGW!
Of course nothing can compete with the warning on a bag of peanuts “WARNING, this product contains nuts”
It is not just the product that contains nuts!

January 10, 2014 11:10 am

Mark Bofill says:
January 10, 2014 at 10:46 am
I like to think that California is like a safety valve for the rest of the country. It gives the more extreme nutty progressives a place to regulate. Perhaps by providing an outlet, it alleviates our having to deal with this in other parts of the country to some extent.
At least, that’s what I keep telling myself.

Whether or not it’s a safety valve depends on who’s in Washington.
I remember replacing a fitting in my house several years ago. The new fitting had a warning saying something to the effect that the California EPA had determined that the brass in it contained lead and so was very, very bad. (I live in Ohio.)
Now, years later, the USEPA requires lead-free brass in water fittings.
At times California isn’t a safety valve but a preview.

Gail Combs
January 10, 2014 11:10 am

Mark Bofill says: @ January 10, 2014 at 10:46 am
I like to think that California is like a safety valve….
Unfortunately it is more like a testing ground.
If it flies in CA it is then exported to the east coast and MA gives it a try and then we get stuck with it nation wide.

Rob aka Flatlander
January 10, 2014 11:11 am

Warning where you are right now at any moment could experience an earthquake of sufficient magnitude to cause destruction of everything in your field of view. This is not limited to the ground opening up and swallowing you and your vehicle whole. Have a nice day.

Gail Combs
January 10, 2014 11:13 am

andrewmharding says: @ January 10, 2014 at 11:10 am
… Of course nothing can compete with the warning on a bag of peanuts “WARNING, this product contains nuts”
ERRrr, “Peanuts” are not tree nuts. Despite its name and appearance, the peanut is not a nut, but rather a legume. and grows underground.

January 10, 2014 11:14 am

apparently consumers are too stupid to figure out that electric motors don’t directly emit gases.
I’d surmise it’s because consumers are generally smart enough to realize that electric cars just emit their CO2 elsewhere. I.e., at the power station.
It frosts me every time I see an electric bus or car with a “zero emissions vehicle” sign. It’s a lie. The sign should say ‘exported emissions vehicle.’

pablo an ex pat
January 10, 2014 11:15 am

These people would have trouble finding their rear ends using both hands

January 10, 2014 11:19 am

Les Johnson, it’s worse than you think! “Care, being born is fatal – 100% of those born will die. Vote for nil birth rate NOW”!

January 10, 2014 11:19 am

As Foghorn Leghorn would say, “Bill, ah say Bill McKibben is about as sharp as a bowling ball.”

January 10, 2014 11:20 am

So if someone drives to the petrol station (sorry, gas station in California) and then they see the warning sign – what are they meant to do?
Some Options:
A: Decide to not fill up and instead leave their car there?
B: Decide to not fill up, drive off and run out of gas in the middle of the road?
C: Decide to cut down on their usage and hope people don’t notice they are actually driving further to make more trips to the station.
D: Ignore this and in the process miss the “No Smoking near flammables” sign as well.
Any other ideas?

January 10, 2014 11:21 am

Because water is by far the primary greenhouse gas, the main source of greenhouse gas in California is hot air.

Mark Bofill
January 10, 2014 11:21 am

Gail, Gunga,
Stop disillusioning me. 🙁

January 10, 2014 11:22 am
January 10, 2014 11:24 am

Dave in Canmore says:
January 10, 2014 at 11:09 am
“”I suppose it’s too much to ask these zealots to simply look at the temperature trend in California to see if their rantings match reality?””
Californian, G. Ima Zealot. sitting in his cold grass hut says:
“looky there, Cali’s regulations are stopping global warming after all.

Janice Moore
January 10, 2014 11:25 am

Reactions of Gas Station Customers (cont.):
1. Average Joe or Maria — see above.
2. Average 20-something: (shrug) Crap happens.
3.Average 30-something: (never sees it) No, I’m not buying candy, this time. No. NO! GET BACK IN THE CAR, JASON MICHAEL!
4. Average 55-plus-something: Warning… hnh. How do they expect me to read that without my glasses.… (back to calculating to the penny exactly how much 23 gallons will cost)
5. Average punk of any age: HA, HAA! (lights cigarette and uses it to deface sticker)
6. Average educated punk: Heh. (takes out black Sharpie pen and edits sticker appropriately… “WARNING… GLOBALL FARMING CAUSED BY GREENHOUSE GASES CAUSES… SERIOUS…. ECONOMIC WELL-BEING… HEALTH…” etc, etc…)

Janice Moore
January 10, 2014 11:31 am

Ha, ha, M. Courtney (11:20am) Nice. That creates a FUN mental image; would make a terrific comedy skit: The Super-sensitive Dupe at the Gas Pump
“Oh, dear, oh, dear, oh, dear! What to do???!!”

Myron Mesecke
January 10, 2014 11:33 am

All I can say is that since California is so worried about man made CO2 I have no alternative but not to travel to California on vacation. I would hate to endanger the people that live there. I’ll just have to spend my tourist dollars somewhere else.

January 10, 2014 11:35 am

Mark Bofill says:
January 10, 2014 at 11:21 am
Gail, Gunga,
Stop disillusioning me. 🙁

“Sorry about that, Chief.”

David L. Hagen
January 10, 2014 11:38 am

Sticker that all car and gas store owners are free to use:
“Remember your unalienable rights to life,
liberty and the pursuit of happiness,
endowed by your Creator.”

January 10, 2014 11:38 am

Why not put warning labels on planes, stairs, the light switch, etc. Now I did say planes and I know Mcbidden’s went on a tour all over the place using that transport of convenience. He didn’t need to fly.
The Niagara Falls naturally formed ice sculptors.,0,7766210.story#axzz2q1fDEr7b

Mac the Knife
January 10, 2014 11:39 am

Errrrrr….. what about all of the exhalations and emissions of green house gasses from Californians? Should each one have a similar label applied to the head… and posterior?

January 10, 2014 11:40 am

CARB should really be re-named The Department of Redundancy Department. How about they simply eliminate CARB (jobs, infrastructure, the whole thing) and use the existing federal system. So, California is running a huge fiscal deficit. How close would California immediately move towards a balanced budget?

Frank K.
January 10, 2014 11:44 am

Janice Moore says:
January 10, 2014 at 11:25 am
Reactions of Gas Station Customers (cont.):
You forgot one, Janice:
Average Left Wing Liberal: “OMG!!! Moon Mama – did you see this??! My gasoline is going to destroy the Earth!!! Quick – get me those chains from the Subaru! We’re gonna chain ourselves to these pumps of death until they stop polluting our PRECIOUS PLANET!! [singing] We shall overcome…we shall overcome…”

Janice Moore
January 10, 2014 11:45 am

@ Frank K. — LOL. And, yes, it WOULD be a Subaru.

January 10, 2014 11:46 am

So should I assume that McKibben and all the 350.orgers don’t drive cars?

Reply to  Bob Johnston
January 10, 2014 12:01 pm

Johnston – no, they just ride with other people that are “going there anyway”.

Janice Moore
January 10, 2014 11:47 am

@ Mac the Knight in Shining Armor — have a good (and peaceful) lunch break. #(:))

Werner Brozek
January 10, 2014 11:53 am

Should they not quantify it somehow to really drive the message home? For example: Burning your next tankful of gasoline will cause the global temperature to be higher by 0.0000000001 F in 100 years in the worst case scenario.

January 10, 2014 12:02 pm

further to Les Johnson @ 10:48 am
It’s even worse than that. Did you know that everyone who ate a carrot more than 120 years ago is now DEAD! That’s right, it’s a 100% correlation. We must take steps to ban the carrot before it can kill again.
I’m reminded of a interview with the resident of a very poor area where there was a mine and a very high cancer death rate. The interviewer asked one of the village elders if he was aware of how cancer (supposedly caused by the mining activities) were now the leading cause of death. “Yes, isn’t it wonderful,” was the reply. “My grandchildren aren’t starving anymore, They can live long enough for cancer to get them.” It’s wonderful that our society is so rich that we can afford to question the very engines of prosperity and health that we enjoy.

January 10, 2014 12:04 pm

Ony in California can a car be falsely labelled as a zero emission vehicle. How about a class
action lawsuite that sues Gov Brown and California govt for false and misleading claims or consumer fraud?

January 10, 2014 12:08 pm

“I keep hoping environmental zealots will be forced to wear a warning label.”
Not a warning label, but a sandwich board whilst standing on street corners all over the country, with “The End Is 95% Nigh” printed in large letters.
Hopefully everyone will get the message that they are genuinely crazy.

Reply to  Mark McGuire
January 10, 2014 12:34 pm

McGuire – and on the opposite side, it would say “97% of Doctors agree”.

January 10, 2014 12:11 pm

andrewmharding says: @ January 10, 2014 at 11:10 am
… Of course nothing can compete with the warning on a bag of peanuts “WARNING, this product contains nuts”
ERRrr, “Peanuts” are not tree nuts. Despite its name and appearance, the peanut is not a nut, but rather a legume. and grows underground.
Hi Gail agree totally with you! BUT here in the UK, nut allergy is a massive problem for many people and they are usually allergic to all nuts (including coconuts) and peanuts.
Unfortunately we have a huge health and safety industry here, but telling consumers that a bag of peanuts contains nuts, is overkill.
Like taking a sledgehammer to crack a nut!! (Sorry, couldn’t resist that one!)

January 10, 2014 12:21 pm

Sometimes I feel like you all are taking unfair potshots at the state I live in. Then I remember I’m moving to NV because the state I live in is disconnected from reality. And I don’t understand why all my rational friends aren’t trying to get out, too (including Anthony). This is the state whose US Represetative said we had to pass a bill to find out what was in it. You all should watch L.A. Story. It captures us so well – our architecture, history, education, immaturity, irrationality, insanity. If it weren’t for the maroons in Sacramento and the maroons we send to Washington, D.C., this place would be paradise.
I still hang on to hopes we try to ban dihydrogen monoxide. If any state could, it would be California.

January 10, 2014 12:23 pm

“And, given that California’s governor Jerry brown was recently scared shitless at AGU by a hyped up presentation by Penn State’s Dr. Richard Alley, he’ll probably help these folks get it into law.”
Really, I would never have tried to get that word thru moderation.
FYI, “Another Smokey” is running at Tampa Bay Downs in 3 minutes. (9-2 odds)

Beta Blocker
January 10, 2014 12:25 pm

If the McKibbenites truly want Californians to consume substantially less gasoline, they should be lobbying Governor Brown and the state legislature to raise the state gasoline tax by $2 per gallon, by $3 per gallon, or by whatever dollar figure might be necessary to reach their desired reduction targets. Anything less than that is mere pandering to California’s environmental activist community.

January 10, 2014 12:28 pm

Please, FORCE them to use the label that says “Global Warming”. And then FORCE them to put a temperature graph. I would bet anything that most leftie/greenie pols would walk right into this.

J Martin
January 10, 2014 12:28 pm

Daft. Vehicle fuel use is essentially inflexible. Who’s going to to tell their kids they can’t go play soccer at the weekend because the grown ups are trying to help the environment yet they still drive the kids to school. Far better to promote fuel efficiency, the US has some way to go to catch up with Europe in this regard.

January 10, 2014 12:41 pm

I know that according to gov’t figures about 97% of the CO2 that is added to the atmosphere every year is from non-anthropogenic sources. It seems pretty unlikely that “gas use is the leading source of greenhouse gases in California.” (not to mention water vapor). I’m wondering if anyone has the numbers on this.

January 10, 2014 12:44 pm

Folk seen filling their cars at the gas station will belong essentially to 2 demographic groups;

…… Skeptics and Hypocrites

Mike M
January 10, 2014 12:48 pm

If it is actually posing a SERIOUS threat then why do they continue to renew vehicle registrations? They cannot have it BOTH ways.
If was governor I’d issue an emergency tax incentive for everyone to scrap their car and buy a horse. Yeah, that’ll work! Think of the manufacturing job creation potential for things like saddles, buggy whips, other leather accoutrements and shovels?

Steve B
January 10, 2014 12:49 pm

Warning labels should be placed on every government building.

Tom J
January 10, 2014 12:51 pm

Janice Moore
January 10, 2014 at 11:06 am
Hi, Janice. How’re ya’ doin’? Right now I’m waiting to have nitrogen put into my car tires. I figure the atmosphere is only about 20% oxygen so I don’t want to take any more O2 out of it than I have to.
Don’t repeat that to any Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming Cult supporter. They might actually believe it! Best wishes to you. I’m doing good.
A foot of snow less than a week ago, subzero temperatures, and now it’s raining cat and dogs. Global Warming? No. Chicago? Yes.

Dan F.
January 10, 2014 12:51 pm

I traveled extensively through Southern California in the 80’s an 90’s. I was amazed at the expansion in the area. The inland empire of San Bernadino is now connected to the multiple suburbs of Los Angeles with a continuous slab of concrete. Every fight in showed more construction. I am willing to bet that most, if not all, of any temperature/climate change is due to all this construction. The sad fact is that many usable facilities exist that are unused, vacant. They still absorb and retain heat The sensors are still located in the same places, but are now surrounded by manmade stone……what do you expect.

January 10, 2014 12:53 pm

Perhaps the label could turn out to be of enormous value and even worth its expense to the consumer by listing all of the greenhouse gases specifically, and their most important sources. “Carbon dioxide from power generation, transportation, shipping, air travel, and fire; nitrous oxide
from crops, methane from cows, refrigerants, and water vapor are causing global warming.” This absolutely should be required. Now that I would pay to see.
Then since we are in the business of labeling social costs, let’s get those state and federal taxes and fees listed per gallon of gas on both the signage and the receipts.

January 10, 2014 12:53 pm

Speaking of funny, German-accented polar vortex rap video has improved my mood a bit 🙂

January 10, 2014 12:56 pm

mods please delete last post, having a problem today (probably sleep deprivation), mistakenly goes to my wordpress administrator page, sorry!
REPLY: Fixed it, Anthony

W Curry
January 10, 2014 1:06 pm

Our state tax money at work

January 10, 2014 1:11 pm

Perhaps the label could turn out to be of enormous value and even worth its expense to the consumer by listing all of the greenhouse gases specifically, and their most important sources. “Carbon dioxide from power generation, transportation, shipping, air travel, and fire; nitrous oxide
from crops, methane from cows, refrigerants, and water vapor are causing global warming.” This absolutely should be required. Now that I would pay to see! (:

January 10, 2014 1:19 pm

bbc radio had luck-baker on an hour or so ago, laughing at sceptics laughing at shokalskiy getting stuck in ice. am sure he used the words “pseudo science” – not to try to find the item! meanwhile…
10 Jan: BBC: Antarctic rescue ship’s stop-off thwarted
By Andrew Luck-Baker BBC science producer, on board Aurora Australis
The Australian mercy mission icebreaker is being thwarted yet again in its attempt to unload cargo and fuel at Australia’s Antarctic base, Casey.
The only compensation for the crew and passengers is that the Aurora Australis is cruising up and down what looks like a graveyard of gigantic icebergs, in a holding pattern for when the weather allows…
The calving rate of icebergs from glaciers is predicted to increase as climate change proceeds in Antarctica.
Sights such as these may be more common in the frozen South in coming years and decades…

January 10, 2014 1:22 pm

These guys must own stock in label printing businesses……

January 10, 2014 1:22 pm

Look, face it, a lot of people in California are illiterate so let’s get some placard graphics to help. Wheat, rice, cattle, dairy cattle, car, electricity, lake, refrigerator, camper, semi-truck, airplane = planet on fire.

Robert W Turner
January 10, 2014 1:24 pm

I wonder who makes these stickers and what their carbon footprint is. I’d guess a factory in China without environmental regulations in place.

January 10, 2014 1:25 pm

Luck-Baker 3 days ago:
7 Jan: BBC: Rescued Antarctic expedition arrives at Casey base
By Andrew Luck-Baker BBC science producer, on board Aurora Australis
The AAE is only making a short stop at Casey before heading for Hobart.
And the 52 scientists and tourists from the expedition will not even be going ashore…
Greg Mortimer: “[We had] an enormous area of very old ice (frozen sea ice of 10-15 years of age), which was to the east of where we were, and to the east of the famous Mertz Glacier.
“All of a sudden, the mass of ice was just spat out to the west, like a cough-ball if you like.
“It was a massive area of ice hundreds of square kilometres in size, and we just happened to be there at the time.”…
“Every time, I’ve been there, I don’t know what to expect of Antarctica. It doesn’t treat fools kindly. Whether or not we go into the basket of fools, history will tell. But [Antarctica] tends to jump on the back of your neck if you make a mistake.”

January 10, 2014 1:27 pm

‘Filling your car is the equivilent of .001 hiroshima bombs per second. Eat lentils and gas the b***ds instead’

Rud Istvan
January 10, 2014 1:28 pm

The stupider their proposals get, the more the general public will take notice and begin to laugh. Not only do we know McKibbomites and their ilk (hide the decline Mann, ice bound Turney) cannot stand laughter, it seems to scare away the politicians as well. Of course maybe not moonbeam Jerry.

January 10, 2014 1:32 pm

I hope nobody ever tells Weepy Bill about the awful properties of hydroxylic acid.

January 10, 2014 1:35 pm

If they were at all serious, they would immediately BAN the use of cars in California.
Its all a façade of caring. !!!

January 10, 2014 1:36 pm

I see ole Bill and his loyal disciples are all leading by example and living completely fossil fuel free lives. Well done, Bill and your flock.

January 10, 2014 1:38 pm

NSA recorded the following telephone communications and metadata:
Gov. Christie: “We need a traffic problem.”
Gov. Moonbeam: “Got it!”

January 10, 2014 1:39 pm

WUWT says, “Ah, you knew it had to happen. Taking a page from the “smoking kills” campaigns, the McKibbenites are petitioning the land of fruits and nuts to put new warning labels on gas pumps warning buyers about the evils of gasoline use as it pertains to global warming.”
I am glad petitions came up because I noticed a lot of the petitions on are campaigns directed right at companies. This may be an area WUWT could use as well.
I would not be above begging regularly in petitions for companies not to engage in expensive green schemes that continously raise prices on me and my family.

Lawrie Ayres
January 10, 2014 1:51 pm

I am amazed that the world’s leading economy is actively destroying itself and that by and large Americans are allowing it, no, making it happen. This is nothing short of suicide. We were on the same trajectory but enough Australians decided to stop it. Tony Abbott has said he wants empirical evidence upon which to base his decisions. He refuses to support socialism dressed up as environmentalism. He wants an enquiry into the health effects of wind farms and he questions their efficacy. He is now embarking on a review of the education curriculum to find out why university entrants need remedial maths and english classes. On the latter I wonder what 13 years of leftist teaching accomplishes; not much apparently. Is Jerry Brown the result of a failing education system? Seems so.

Jenn Oates
January 10, 2014 1:52 pm

Hey, this is not funny! I live in California, and I’ll have to look at one of these stupid things every time I put gas in the car–which is admittedly not often, but still. Stop laughing, you guys. Really. Stop. C’mon, pleeeeeeze?
I’m feeling disrespected. Hmmmpf.

January 10, 2014 1:55 pm

I think they should do it. What better way to drive it into the LIV heads that their abstract opposition to “fossil fuels” would have a very concrete impact on their lifestyle. Hell, half of them probably don’t even realize gasoline is a fossil fuel.

January 10, 2014 1:56 pm

Nuts are still one of the major products of the State of California, I see. Perhaps warmistas should be required to ring a bell as they approach normal people, as Lepers used to be required to do, in the interests of public sanity.,

Janice Moore
January 10, 2014 2:07 pm

Hi, Tom J.! #(:)) re: “I’m doing good.” Good! Thanks for letting me know (you’rebeingprayedforfriend). Nitrogen, lol. I’d go for some NO2 in a little canister sitting on the center console, heh, heh… . ZOOOOOOOOOM!
@ J. Martin — Well, many here would agree with you, but this American has no desire to “catch{} up” to the Europeans in fuel efficiency UNLESS that can be done with high-performance, i.e., quick acceleration, a comfortable ride, with excellent handling, and STYLE (most new cars are just plain boring or downright ugly). Others may prefer to save money on gas, I prefer to spend what I can afford on excellence. The key is: liberty of choice in how to spend one’s money and the free market should determine what motor vehicles are sold, not the State.
Re: Quinn (at 12:41pm and to add to Zeke’s poster…)
Water vapor (99.9 % natural sourced) is the #1 “greenhouse gas.” That should go first on the sign.
Then, re: CO2 natural v. human sourced, about 95% is natural. Further, since natural sources, being in close balance, could easily outweigh natural sinks, even with a very small imbalance (since they are greater in magnitude than human CO2 by a factor of 3) the natural net CO2 could easily outweigh all human CO2 making the human % ZERO:
2) Dr. Murry Salby’s April 18, 2013 Hamburg, Germany lecture (on You Tube).

Janice Moore
January 10, 2014 2:14 pm

@ Jenn Oates — So sorry to hear that. Your comment made me realize that another gas station customer needs to be added to the list above:
The Highly-educated, Well-informed Customer (i.e., you — your comments have proven that to me): (out of corner of eye, trying to avoid looking at it, sees that disgusting orange sticker again and shakes head, closing one eye to avoid having to see it at all, continuing to pump gas) Grrrrr. I hate this state! So help me, if it gets any worse I’m moving to Texas.
Hope the school day went well, today. Hurrah, the weekend’s nearly here! Have a good one.

January 10, 2014 2:19 pm

zealotous is not a word. RU trying to be silly-funny?
Try “zealous”. Rhymes wilh “jealous”.

Gail Combs
January 10, 2014 2:19 pm

Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide video:

January 10, 2014 2:19 pm

typo: wilh with

Tom J
January 10, 2014 2:30 pm

Janice Moore
January 10, 2014 at 2:07 pm
‘Hi, Tom J.! #(:)) re: “I’m doing good.” Good! Thanks for letting me know (you’rebeingprayedforfriend). Nitrogen, lol. I’d go for some NO2 in a little canister sitting on the center console, heh, heh… . ZOOOOOOOOOM!’
Janice, no offense intended but you need to learn the nitrogen bible. It’s an obscure bible, known only to the most die-hard of gear heads. I will teach you its truths; oh curious one.
1) Pure Nitrogen: goes into tires
2) Nitrous Oxide: goes into the air flowing into the engine and mixes with it to produce an extra 25-50%+ power increase (depending on ratio) when the gasoline lights off
3) Nitromethane (otherwise referred to as ‘Nitro’): originally developed for rockets it has found its true meaning in life by powering massively supercharged (blown), punched out, Chrysler Hemi variants producing perhaps 6,000 hp at 8,000 rpm for about 30 seconds until the engine explodes at the drag strip. Nitromethane has been alleged to be a gift from god. It is certainly the fuel of the gods.
Believe it or not, I’ve never seen a drag race. That’s one of my goals this summer. I have seen some earth shattering machines at tractor pulls however.

January 10, 2014 2:42 pm

So i pull into the gas station to fill up because i am low on gas,i read the sticker on the pump o my god this is bad.So i leave the car there and go home,i ring my boss at work that is 50 miles away and tell him i have orderd a horse when i get it i will be in.plonkers all of them.

January 10, 2014 2:43 pm

Penn. State University of Ignorance and Deception …

January 10, 2014 2:48 pm

I lived in an Islamic country that allowed liquor sales. As part of your Visa application you had to declare your religion. If you declared Islam or Morman or other sect that did not allow alchohol you were not eligible for a licence to purchase alchohol. We should do the same for the church of CAGW. If you are a member, no fossil fuels for you.

Janice Moore
January 10, 2014 2:53 pm

THIS, is a car:

God bless America!
“I Can’t Drive 55” (Yes! Sadly, have to, mostly, TOO much traffic) — Sammy Haggar

You may find that song personally annoying. In some ways, it IS obnoxious. There is one very good thing about that song, however. THERE IS STILL HOPE FOR AMERICA. Americans love liberty. It’s in our blood. That same “Don’t Tread on Me” spirit is alive and well in the hearts of all of us red-blooded Americans. And there are millions of us. America IS and FREEDOM ROCKS!

Henry Clark
January 10, 2014 2:59 pm

The label is one of those things which seems effective to a group themselves after much ideological polarization, yet is out of touch with the wider world. In a way, I hope they succeed in getting it legally required in California, because their “Warning! Gas use creates climate disruption” dumb label would generate much ridicule, both within California and of California by people outside it.
At its goal, the label would only be effective on:
1) a moron who (a) didn’t already know that was their claim about gas usage and (b) would be convinced by it, the level of thought at which they want people to operate.
2) some others under a reminder effect … except that would actually probably backfire.
Regarding #1, the number of people for whom (1a) applies is not many, as growing up in modern society without already having encountered CAGW claims in the media is next to impossible.
Regarding #2, a reason that a reminder effect would probably backfire is how many people tend to have their beliefs affected by their own actions (e.g. if someone does X regularly, he or she is less likely to think of X as bad, almost whatever X may be). Only some, not most, people like to think of themselves as evil, so reminding them that CO2 emission is not just a matter of faceless corporations or rich people but their own actions needed in daily life … makes them less likely to think of carbon fertilizer emission as horrible.

January 10, 2014 3:00 pm

One is reminded of the conceptually rather brilliant John Carpenter film “They Live”.

Janice Moore
January 10, 2014 3:01 pm

Thanks, Tom J. (oops, blush) — NO. What I need is Gail’s or Pamela’s knowledge of chemistry!
Yes, indeed, Mr. J., I am quite a curious specimen, that’s for sure.
DO go to a drag race — make sure it’s one with at least a few Chevy big blocks in it (cannot BEAT that heart-stirring grumble). Mouse motors are fun, but Rats are cooool. Have a fun time!

January 10, 2014 3:03 pm

Janice Moore says: January 10, 2014 at 2:07 pm
Not to forget, natural decomposition processes takes a big chunk of the remaining 5%.
Also, the margin of error for measurements of human emissions are high. Most of it are calculated by people behind desks (a.k.a. “wetware” …)

Janice Moore
January 10, 2014 3:07 pm

@ Bazza — LOL.
@ Fraiser — GREAT idea.
@Sasja L (good to see you again, Sasja, but, wait a minute, was that “Sasja J?” aack, can’t remember!) — yes, the net CO2 of natural sources and sinks can easily overwhelm any theoretical human CO2 contribution.

lurker, passing through laughing
January 10, 2014 3:20 pm

May have been suggested already:
All windmills be labled wth large signs stating that “windmills are shown to kill birds and bats, as well as to disrupt wildlife living in the vicinity.”
And to put this same emsage in every power bill.

January 10, 2014 3:31 pm

The global warming score for a vehicle is zero. Given that there are about a billion vehicles in the world, and that vehicles contribute about 20% of total greenhouse gases, then even assuming that a doubling of CO2 equivalent greenhouse gases raises average temperatures by 5 celsius, generates a marginal impact of less than 0.00000001 degrees. Even if all Californian vehicles are taken together, the global warming impact on a scale of 0 to 10 is zero to the nearest whole number. It is only if a good part of the world follows California’s example that the impact will be significant. That is not happening.

January 10, 2014 3:31 pm

If you vote a monkey into power, you’re gonna get nuts.

January 10, 2014 3:34 pm

This is a great idea. When gas costs a dollar more a gallon than anywhere else in the country, drivers will know who to blame.

January 10, 2014 3:36 pm

To be posted on every ballot box…
The State of California has determined that misguided environmental policies driven by loony leftist elites pose a serious threat to the economic well-being, career aspirations, commmercial prospects, and mental health of the citizens of California.

Pippen Kool
January 10, 2014 3:46 pm

tadchem says: “If the ‘success’ of the Surgeon General’s Warning on every pack of cigarettes produced in the USA for the last 48 years is any indication, don’t look for gas stations to be going out of business for lack of sales any time soon.”
Huh? If it was a successful as the anti-cigarette campaign, we would single handedly make the Kyoto targets for all of N. America. Remember the idea is not to go out of business, but to lower gas consumption. Since 1965 or 1970, cigarette use has halved, in spite of the industry obfuscation on the correlation between smoking and cancer.

Janice Moore
January 10, 2014 3:47 pm

Lurker! FANTASTIC idea, re: “…in every power bill… .”
How about this?
Congratulations, California Regional Association for Power customer! You killed 2,435 bats, 9 Golden Eagles, and 2 California Condors this month (and 32 English Swallows).
And all for a cost per kilowatt hour to the taxpayers of JUST $2.00 {just a wild guess — replace with actual figure} (counting all subsidies).

Janice Moore
January 10, 2014 3:51 pm

Pippen-Poppen-Pipped — KOOL!
LOL. But, CO2 does not cause climate “cancer” (as a metaphor, a metaphor, a metaphor). And, indeed, we know this ” in spite of {Envirostalinist Climate} industry obfuscation on the correlation between {human CO2 and climate}.”
Thanks for that great opening. I owe you one.

January 10, 2014 3:55 pm

He is now embarking on a review of the education curriculum to find out why university entrants need remedial maths and english classes. On the latter I wonder what 13 years of leftist teaching accomplishes; not much apparently
You’re confusing a couple of issues. The level of maths and English of school graduates is much as it ever was — actually a bit better at the bottom end, as few leave school today totally unable to read.
The problem is that too many people are going to university who really shouldn’t. We don’t need to send 50% of our kids. It’s a waste of their time and money, and our tax dollars.
It continues, however, because no political party will stop it. The Left likes that University education has been removed as an elite status symbol. The supporters of the Right like to send their kids to University regardless of their ability and won’t support a party that won’t do that. And the Middle rely on the middle class votes — who are the group who are now sending their kids to University.
Better teaching is always a good idea, but it won’t fix the problem you have. Which is that kids are going to University who are less than average academically.
(Incidentally, don’t peeve too much about how illiterate the modern kids are, then forget to capitalise “English”. It isn’t a good look.)

January 10, 2014 4:07 pm

What happens when gas is no longer the leading source of anthropological Carbon Dioxide emissions? Who is going to pay for all the label replacements?
Come to think of it, the statements “Gas Use Is The Leading Source Of Greenhouse Gases In California” isn’t even factual technically.

Bill Illis
January 10, 2014 4:13 pm

I’m okay with them focussing on something truly dumb and pointless like this.
We need to have the lefty enviros focussed on something else besides climate, and energy. While this is clearly energy, it won’t actually do anything except make them have emotions (which they need) when they fill up.
Good pointless way for them to blow off steam.

January 10, 2014 4:14 pm

Frank K and Janice:
Hold on a mo! We used to have a Suburu and are definitely not lefty liberals.
I hope there are still some sensible Californians around …you do seem to have a lot of fruit(cakes) and nuts (nutters).

January 10, 2014 4:15 pm

Gunga Din says:
January 10, 2014 at 11:10 am
I remember replacing a fitting in my house several years ago. The new fitting had a warning saying something to the effect that the California EPA had determined that the brass in it contained lead and so was very, very bad. (I live in Ohio.)
– – –
Just this past summer I replaced a tap that refused to export its hot water and one of the new parts had that label, and I live in British Columbia, Canada.

January 10, 2014 4:22 pm

If they do it, buy up a pile of those stickers, & leave them to your kids. They are going to be worth a fortune in 50 years time, as a reference to the global warming stupidity, & to those wanting to put California down for leading the crazy stampede.

January 10, 2014 4:27 pm

Well, now that Mary Jane is AOK, now that the DOJ has selectively turned away and called it a day, exactly what are the California label requirements going to be for, say, Panama Red? Acapulco Gold? Jerry Brown’s Private Blend. Warning: This product can make you psychotic?

Lars P.
January 10, 2014 4:27 pm

M Courtney says:
January 10, 2014 at 11:20 am
So if someone drives to the petrol station (sorry, gas station in California) and then they see the warning sign – what are they meant to do?
E: fill in with gas and have a bad conscience and pay for absolution, buy indulgences.

January 10, 2014 4:38 pm

If most Californians weren’t real people, this would be so funny!
But they are and this NOT funny.

Craig Moore
January 10, 2014 4:46 pm

If Jerry Brown is “scared shitless” by what he heard and saw at AGU, then what would he do with the olive sandwich monster?

January 10, 2014 4:46 pm

Janice Moore says:
… January 10, 2014 at 3:07 pm
Like the last time you wrote that, I have been working a lot.
… January 10, 2014 at 3:47 pm
Spot on!

First snow this year came in the middle of the night, just slightly covering the ground. It started to rain in the evening, that later turned into a “nice” crisp foundation for the snow …

M Seward
January 10, 2014 4:47 pm

James V asks “Does anyone except the most zealotous of buyers really care?” I think we need a name for these highly strung pack creatures. I suggest “Zealoons” or even “Zealewnies” ( singular “Zealewny”) in honour of that great professor of the human condition, Stephan Lewandowsky. I am sure these is a paper from him in the making addressing the sorry psychlogical condition of those who do not subscribe to the sort of ecofascist propaganda in question.

January 10, 2014 4:51 pm

My only regret in life is not being wealthy enough to circle Bills house in a jet by myself.
People will pay as much attention to that sticker as they do all the other stickers on pumps.

Mark Nutley
January 10, 2014 4:56 pm

Gas use creates climate disruption? So what happens when you fart?

Paul. Jackson
January 10, 2014 5:06 pm

Fools, when you put dire warnings on trivial hazards, it trivializes the warnings placed on dire hazards.

January 10, 2014 5:12 pm

I am in favor of this law. It might get to a number of California drivers who, steeled with resolve, abandon their vehicles for public transportation, bicycles and donkeys, thus freeing up the highways and byways for the likes of me.
As I pass them at my superior rate of speed and comfort, I will give these fine citizens a glad nod and smile, knowing that their sacrifice is not in vain.

January 10, 2014 5:13 pm

Janice Moore says:
January 10, 2014 at 2:53 pm
THIS, is a car:

No. THIS is a car. And it can ignore gas pump warning labels!

January 10, 2014 5:15 pm

And I forgot the link!

January 10, 2014 5:16 pm

What goes around comes around.
CA has Brown Rot…..again!!!!!

January 10, 2014 5:29 pm

And those stickers would be made of… plastic? oil-based? The horror!

Gary Pearse
January 10, 2014 5:37 pm

Yeah, ha ha, but what is really scary is Cali keeps electing Brown. They must applaud all this crap.

Berényi Péter
January 10, 2014 5:37 pm

I propose a novel legislation to the state of California. Let people voluntarily register for a carbon negative lifestyle and for those who do, deny access to gas by making it illegal for them to purchase any under threat of capital punishment. I mean no pressure whatsoever, it’s just an option to be chosen freely.
In a year we shall see how many dedicated fools are there in the Golden State.

Mac the Knife
January 10, 2014 5:38 pm

Pat Frank says:
January 10, 2014 at 11:14 am
It frosts me every time I see an electric bus or car with a “zero emissions vehicle” sign. It’s a lie. The sign should say ‘exported emissions vehicle.’
Why not extend the ‘smoking kills’ meme and call it ‘second hand emissions’ vehicle?

January 10, 2014 5:39 pm

jones says:
January 10, 2014 at 3:00 pm
One is reminded of the conceptually rather brilliant John Carpenter film “They Live”.

If only sunglasses was all it took………

January 10, 2014 5:46 pm

MactK, I’d have to actually investigate the case about 2nd hand smoke before committing to an opinion on it.

Frank K.
January 10, 2014 5:50 pm

You can substitute “Prius” for “Subaru”. 🙂

F. Ross
January 10, 2014 5:57 pm

@Janice Moore says:
January 10, 2014 at 11:03 am
Good one; very entertaining.

January 10, 2014 6:12 pm

re: Janice Moore says January 10, 2014 at 2:53 pm
. . THIS, is a car:
Not bad … but to *see*/experience what those babies can REALLY do you need to take it over to one of our famed ‘Texas Toll roads’ where we don’t have any speed limits.
The sound you hear on the opening scene … think that’s a chopper? Guess again!!
Also – on the interior shot, watch the driver’s left hand at about the 150 MPH point … that last 50 MPH is your Nitrous oxide in action!


Mike from Carson Valley a particularly cold place that could benefit from some warming
January 10, 2014 6:13 pm

Being a former third generation Californian, now living in Nevada, I know how this will be done.
The label will be published not just in English but also in Spanish, Portuguese, Mandarin, Cantonese, Tagalog, Japanese, Thai, Indonesian, Russian, Finnish, French, German, and possibly Polish, but also in sign symbols for the deaf, and those little bumps for the blind. Perhaps some internationally recognized symbols for the illiterate stupid as well. It should be orange and cover the entire from of the pump. It will be a target for derision by grafiti artists.It may become a treasured and much sought after bit of memorabilia resulting in pump vandalization. Imagine getting an Al Gore autograph across the face of one of these. In the mean time another 10 or 20 million cars will be added to the states highways

January 10, 2014 6:14 pm

Anthony writes:
I shudder to think what sort of influence Alley’s rantings might have on the people of California via Brown.
Not just the people of California.
R.B. Alley was once a rational person, who has had papers published showing the Little Ice Age and the Medieval Warm Period. Then, they got to him…
Climate activists got to Alley the same way they have corrupted many other scientists: by using grant money [or the withholding of grants] to control him. As we see, they succeeded.
Now, Alley has flipped. He rides the grant gravy train, and it is amusing to watch how he tries to tap dance around his previous peer reviewed papers, charts, and graphs, which show clear evidence of the LIA and the MWP.
Well, it would be amusing — if what he was doing was harmless. But it isn’t. Alley is part of the pseudo-science contingent that pushes for the UN’s immense “carbon” taxes. As if that would help the average person, or the millions of poor folks in emerging economies. Alley is part of the corrupt cabal that would keep the standard of living low, and life expectancy short. Just another type of Eugenicist. And just as evil.

D Ashcart
January 10, 2014 6:22 pm

My, Oh My! That’s quite a stream of vomitus from you guys against California! I hope your “science” is better researched and devoid of bilious generalizations.
I’m a proud Californian and I value our courage for independent thought.
But then again, I’d like to know what all you commenters have been smoking, and where I could score some.

January 10, 2014 6:31 pm

D Ashcart says January 10, 2014 at 6:22 pm

I’m a proud Californian and I value our courage for independent thought.

Hmmm … picture painted here looks kinda bleak, D. If you have deep pockets, CA is looking for you to contribute via the various organizations that can ‘tax’ you via tickets and fines to keep pension funds liquid:

Another sample of the bleak outlook for CA:

Two Californias

Here are some general observations about what I saw (other than that the rural roads of California are fast turning into rubble, poorly maintained and reverting to what I remember seeing long ago in the rural South). First, remember that these areas are the ground zero, so to speak, of 20 years of illegal immigration. There has been a general depression in farming — to such an extent that the 20- to-100-acre tree and vine farmer, the erstwhile backbone of the old rural California, for all practical purposes has ceased to exist.

January 10, 2014 6:35 pm

Oh great, 150 posts directed at the troll, coming right up.

Bill H
January 10, 2014 6:37 pm

the saying “stupid is as stupid does” comes to mind… these folks couldn’t find their butts with both hands and would wonder what the brown excrement was no their hands to boot.

January 10, 2014 6:44 pm

Dave says:
January 10, 2014 at 11:19 am
As Foghorn Leghorn would say, “Bill, ah say Bill McKibben is about as sharp as a bowling ball.”
“….ah say, ……ah say …..That boy there (Bill M.) is strictly GI ……..Gibberin’ Idiot , that is”

jim heath
January 10, 2014 6:49 pm

The air we breathe contains heaps of germs and bacteria, we should all stop breathing.

Louis Hooffstetter
January 10, 2014 7:08 pm

The irony is that gasoline really is a nasty, albeit necessary substance. It contains approximately a dozen carcinogenic chemicals, and is a chronic poison when inhaled or absorbed through the skin. Not to mention it’s extremely flammable to the point of being explosive.
And these clowns want to warn us about is it’s influence on mythical anthropogenic global warming.

Janice Moore
January 10, 2014 7:14 pm

Hey, Annie, yes, indeed, I know some intelligent, well-informed, people who drive Subarus (mainly for the fuel economy and the reasonable sticker price), and now, I know you are one of that category of S. owners, too (I must say, though, they usually are NOT well-informed about cars…). I hope that yours never lets you down. Yeah, what Frank said, and ANY hybrid would do: the Enviroguilt Cult’s “holy car.”
Re: “I hope there are still some sensible Californians around … .” Well…. there are a few…. (smile), An-th-ony, D. B. Stealey, Mario Lento, Phil (in California), Leif Svalgaard, Eric Simpson, Roger Hedgecock, my friend Marlena and her family, and…., well, you get the idea — there really are a LOT of cool Californians, but, they find it pretty sickening to have to put up with all the Cult of Climastrology junk etc….
Thanks, Frank! It is such a treat to have someone enjoy what I write — and say so!
@ Sasja L — Glad all is well and, yes, as with last time, I suspected you’d just been very busy. Be careful on that super-slick ice/snow. Thanks for responding! (and thanks for the thumbs up on the PERMANENTLY NEGATIVE R.O.I. (sans tax subsidies) windmill kills post) #(:))
blank Jim! WOW! “Don’t try this at home.” lol, if only! That was THRILLING. Finest car in the world, imo (C7 is not my favorite generation, though). And V for VICTORY of course! Heh, and I’ll just bet that when the ‘vette passed the police officer’s radar gun, it was only doing 175. (smile) I love our wonderful law enforcement — just wish I could have a gently curving, nearly empty, 50 miles of highway (straight would be waaaay too boring) where I knew none of them would be …. until I was long gone. Heaven! That’s what I’ll be doing in heaven, driving!!! No, Jim, no. Texas is cool an’ all, but, no I do not consider it “heaven,” heh.
Thanks for sharing that. Pure JOY.
@ Mike from Carson Valley… — LOL. And, smart move. Keep warm, O Stolid Climate Ally.

January 10, 2014 7:16 pm

“fresh lunacy”
I thought a Traffic Wave was what California was built on…now, that’s when someone waves as they go by,only to run right into the stopped vehicle in front of them.
Thanks for the interesting articles and comments.

Mac the Knife
January 10, 2014 7:16 pm

_Jim says:
January 10, 2014 at 6:12 pm
re: Janice Moore says January 10, 2014 at 2:53 pm
. . THIS, is a car:

_Jim and Janice,
That sounds sooooooooo schweeeeeeeeet!!!!!!!!
NO2 can put a smile on my face THAT way – any time!
PS: Now, why did that make me think of this? Friday Funny, I guess – Enjoy!
John Prine – Illegal Smile

January 10, 2014 7:18 pm

Anthony is there an answer to this I can give the alarmists?
In over 2,200 peer-reviewed articles about climate change by over 9,000 authors, published between November 2012 and December 2013, just one author and paper rejected human actions as the cause. DeSmogBlog

January 10, 2014 7:18 pm

D Ashcart says the comments are…
“…devoid of bilious generalizations.”
Um, speaking of generalizations: care to be specific, D?

Mark Bofill
January 10, 2014 7:35 pm

D Ashcart says:

Hey now. You could at least put a warning label as a header on your comments, D. MAybe something like,

Warning: the following constitute apologetics from a California progressive. Exposure to the courageous independent thought of Californians is known to cause epileptic seizures in conservatives and may cause irreversible brain damage in small children. Read with caution.

Janice Moore
January 10, 2014 7:43 pm

@ Mac — My dear Mac, I am afraid (given that my car knowledge is largely second-hand via my brothers and a few other guys), I got that NO2 thing wrong — I just looked it up and it’s: N2O (sorry) and commonly referred to as “NOS.”
Well, that song is definitely not about ME, but, I have gotten an “illegal smile” from my (or another’s) breaking the speed limit… . My policy: drive safe for conditions (and that can be mighty fast, sometimes — wheeeeeeee!).

Mike M
January 10, 2014 7:45 pm

Meanwhile, life expectancy just keeps going up thanks in large part to cheap fossil fuel energy.

January 10, 2014 7:46 pm

CarolinaCowboy says:
“Anthony is there an answer to this I can give the alarmists?”
There are plenty of answers, one of which is that the DeSmog comment is simply an Appeal to Authority fallacy. And ‘Consensus’ is not science.
Or, if you want to play their game: the OISM Petition to the government, to reject the Kyoto agreement, was co-signed by more than 31,000 credentialed scientists and engineers, including more than 9,000 PhD’s. They stated in writing that CO2 is harmless, and beneficial to the biosphere. Those numbers certainly trump anything the alarmist crowd has been able to come up with.
So, either consensus is irrelevant and DeSmog is tilting at windmills, or consensus matters — in which case scientific skeptics far outnumber the alarmist clique. Either way, the alarmist crowd loses the argument.

Larry Fields
January 10, 2014 7:50 pm

McKibben may get hoisted on his own petard. If common sense ever carries the day, there will be a mandatory warning label on E85, a motor fuel that’s popular in the Corn Belt, for obvious reasons.
Warning: This motor fuel contains 85% corn-based ethanol. Using food for fuel in the USA is contributing to malnutrition and infant mortality in the developing countries.

Mac the Knife
January 10, 2014 7:52 pm

_Jim and Janice,
My favorite production corvette is the original 1990 – 1995 ZR1, with the LT5 aluminum block, double overhead cam, 375hp, 375 ft lb torque, sweetest V8 small block mill ever built! In 1993, they increased the horsepower to 405 hp…. The ZR1 included a greatly refined suspension, a new 6 speed manual transmission, a 4 inch wider aft body to cover the wider tires, and many other refinements.
Rumor became fact at the 1989 Geneva Auto Show, when the ZR-1 officially debuted. It was a time when performance cars were only beginning to regain some of the performance enjoyed during the heyday of the muscle car, and the ZR-1’s 375-horespower (280 kW) LT5 V-8 engine – with its DOHC configuration and four-valve heads – was an intoxicating breath of high-octane excitement.
The all-aluminum LT5 engine’s design was a collaboration of GM and Lotus Engineering, sharing only a 5.7-liter displacement with other small-block engines. The engine was built by Mercury Marine, which was renowned for its aluminum machining capability. Engineers were justifiably proud of the LT5’s refinement and smoothness; so much so that it was claimed a nickel placed on its end on top of the engine wouldn’t fall over when the engine was started. The challenge was immediately taken up – and the LT5 roared to life while the nickel remained standing.
The ZR-1 was more than merely a more powerful Corvette – it was a complete performance package that included wider rear bodywork to accommodate humongous rear tires and a unique, convex rear fascia with rectangular taillamps that made the car recognizable at a glance. The distinctive exterior elements contributed to the car’s mythical status among enthusiasts and auto critics. At its launch, the ZR-1 was found on the cover of just about every automotive publication around the globe, with Car and Driver dubbing it the “Corvette from Hell.”
Proving the ZR-1’s performance lived up to its instant legend status, a production model was sent to a high-speed test track at Fort Stockton, Texas, and set seven world speed records – the most notable being a 24-hour endurance run that averaged 175.8 mph (283 km/h) and recorded more than 4,200 miles.

THAT was done with a production car – no nitrous…. and the +175 mph average speed included stops for fuel and to change drivers! (Please Santa – I’ve been a good boy..again. I’d really like one of these shiny toys for next Christmas!)

January 10, 2014 7:53 pm

None of these bastards should ever be allowed on a plane again.

Janice Moore
January 10, 2014 7:54 pm

@ Caroline Cowboy (re: 7:18pm today) You could start with this:
I found it by entering “peer review” into the WUWT search box (hint, hint, — smile).
If your own research into this doesn’t pan out, do ask again. There are MANY informed (far more than I) and kind people here, one of whom will help you (if they have the time).

Janice Moore
January 10, 2014 8:01 pm

OH, BROTHER! Sorry about that, Carolina Cowboy. Just a typo, nothing else.

Janice Moore
January 10, 2014 8:06 pm

Thanks for sharing your dream car, Mac. VERY cool. Go, non-ethanol gasoline!
I hope you own one (or one similar to it) someday. Start planning for it!

January 10, 2014 8:08 pm

Priceless, “scared Shitless”.
Yes. The AGU has indeed wandered far afield from the original intent.
A once honorable society dives to the depths of quackery and sociopathic nonsense on a grand scale payed for by … “members.”
As on 1 January 2014, I am most-definitely not a “member” of this incestuous tribe of neanderthals of the likes of its “President” and “Executives.”
May ‘God’ forgive them, … I will not!

January 10, 2014 8:14 pm

Why dont you guys hand CA back to the Mexicans? Problem solved!

January 10, 2014 8:17 pm

more laughs:
26 mins: 6 Jan: BBC Discovery: The Return to Mawson’s Antarctica – Part Four
10mins in: Tracey Rogers: this stuff is massive & everywhere, we’re in a sea of multi-year-ice, which is unusual for Antarctica, which is why we’re here in this region. it’s so iced up. ….it’s probably changed the environment here.
Luck-Baker: u work a lot in the west where there has been warming, i guess something else is going on here.
Tracey Rogers: that’s exactly right. that’s why we really wanted to come to this region. we talk about global warming, really climate change. u get some areas of warming, & some areas are experiencing different things. the trend in west antarctic sea ice is receding, but here it’s growing.
this is something completely different. it’s another example how the system is changing, it was not like this before. the system’s responding in different places differently; in some areas u r seeing flooding, in some u r seeing cyclones, here u r seeing this multi-multi-year ice.
Greg Mortimer: it is an extraordinary event etc etc. cough ball. cataclysmic event…
UNSW School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences: Tracey Rogers
Associate Professor Tracey Rogers:
Field of Research:
Predator-prey interactions, communication, Antarctic wildlife.
Reseach & Current Projects:
The common thread of my rather diverse research is the attempt to understand how mammals respond to change.
How has the recent warming off the Western Antarctic influenced the predator guild (changing food webs, morphological changes)…

Janice Moore
January 10, 2014 8:24 pm

Good for you, SIG INT Ex. I’m sure that was neither an easy nor a happy decision. Way to go, taking a stand for truth. If I were in your shoes, I would look for a group called something like the “Reformed AGW.” And if it did not exist, I would start one. Those guys that quit the AMS last summer (spring?) over it’s AGW propaganda should form such a group. The “Reformed … Societies” (American Physical Society is another one — Harold Lewis (now deceased, I believe) resigned from them — theirs could be the Harold Lewis Society), once funding for AGW dries up, would become the de facto societies, for all the genuine scientists of integrity would join them — and if that culls out those who are now lying and calling it “science,” TERRIFIC!

January 10, 2014 8:26 pm

Blame the east coast, Anthony. We let all sorts of irresponsible teenagers run away “California Dreaming,” back during the summer-of-love, and your state got all our refuse and riffraff. They might have done well, had they not fried their brains with drugs, creating a population of basically incapable thinkers.
Every time I pick up some basically harmless stuff, and read on the label, “The State of California has determined this item harmful because you might poke your eye out,” I feel guilty for passing the buck, and forcing California to endure the worst sort of earthquake, namely: A million stoned hippies arriving in something like five years. (1966-1971.)
I’d say the nation would be better off if California fell into the ocean, however the pressures created by that insane state can be like the pressures deep under earth that turn black carbon to sparkling diamonds, and perhaps WUWT is a website like a diamond, created by California’s loony-tune pressures.
Likely Governor Brown will insist WUWT wear a label, “The state of California has determined that this website is like a diamond, and because diamonds are pure carbon, and because carbon is evil, this website must cause cancer, Global Warming, and likely balding children.”

Janice Moore
January 10, 2014 8:27 pm

I’ve made that typo before! Arrgh — “Reformed AGU” — Freudian, GOTTA BE.

January 10, 2014 8:38 pm

Mac the Knife says January 10, 2014 at 7:52 pm

THAT was done with a production car – no nitrous…

Fast alright! But, using a hand-built engine with 32-valve DOHC heads rather than the usual Chevrolet 16-Valve OHV Heads … built by specialty engine builder, Mercury Marine in Stillwater, OK and thoroughly different from any of the other Chevrolet 350 engines of the time too …
Have to give it credit for being fast though!

January 10, 2014 8:42 pm

Patrick says:
“Why dont you guys hand CA back to the Mexicans? Problem solved!”
If they want it… they will just have to come and take it.
They’ve tried before…

January 10, 2014 8:50 pm

RokShox says:
January 10, 2014 at 1:55 pm
“…Hell, half of them probably don’t even realize gasoline is a fossil fuel.”
Heh, heh, well I realize it because I fuel both of my fossils with gasoline.

January 10, 2014 8:53 pm

Pat Frank says:
January 10, 2014 at 11:14 am
“…It frosts me every time I see an electric bus or car with a “zero emissions vehicle” sign. It’s a lie. The sign should say ‘exported emissions vehicle.’”
Or better yet, “Premature Emission Vehicle”

January 10, 2014 9:02 pm

re: Mac the Knife says January 10, 2014 at 7:52 pm ” _Jim and Janice, …”
Truth be told, since we’re talking GM cars here, I’ve had the good fortune to own/drive a number of GM’s V8 350 CID engines over the years, nominally ‘police package’ B-body Caprices … first was a lt. blue 1986 with a Rochester Quadrajet carb mounted atop the intake manifold … took a few seconds for that ‘Saturn V’ to fully light (get the secondaries to open fully) THEN the excitement started … the most nimble (excellent suspension tuning on that particular model) was a dark blue 1990 Caprice with “Throttle Body” injection; very responsive throttle compared to the big, ‘lethargic’ Quadrajet … the last in the GM series was a 1994 Caprice with an L99 engine … the little 4.3 L ‘brother’ to the 1990s 5.7L LT1 GM series … the 4.3L L99 with port fuel injection is VERY responsive and except for top end performance you would never know it was a small 8!
The only other car in the ‘police package’ category was a 1991 3.8L V6-engined Ford Taurus … the suspension on that car allowed cornering as if it were a ‘rocket on rails’ … sweet car if it weren’t for maintenance issues (notably air conditioning and front CV joints).
The ’83 Euro-model ‘gray market’ 500SEL import still in the garage – another story altogether and for another time …

Janice Moore
January 10, 2014 9:14 pm

@ _Jim — Thanks for sharing, Jim. Sounds like you’ve had a lot of fun getting from here to there. Re: the (wince) Ford… “Ford Taurus … maintenance issues… ” — of course. (not to mention the boring appearance, too) Glad THAT one is no longer in your garage. #(:))
I wish Mario Lento were here, he would have had a highly-informed thing or two to share on this sub-topic I am sure!
Mario! … Mario? Are you okay? We’ve missed you.

Mac the Knife
January 10, 2014 10:47 pm

_Jim says:
January 10, 2014 at 9:02 pm
Good stuff, _Jim! Thanks for the memories!
My brother had a 1991 Caprice with the police package on it. It was a sweet handling and surprisingly quick ride, for a full sized sedan! My favorite V8 was my first: A 1969 Firebird, with the ‘HO’ 325hp 350 cube V8, a heavy duty clutch, close ratio 4 speed, and limited slip rear differential. I bought it in the spring of ’74 and paid $1,375 for it. It had 34,000 miles on it, I was 19 years old, and the police were being forced into the new ‘smog control’ low powered cars! Yeeeee Haaaawww!
It also had a 650 cfm ‘spreadbore’ Quadrajet carburetor, with a half second throttle lag when you busted the throttle wide open, just like yours! Setting the accelerator pump up to a longer stroke and a tweek to the secondary enrichment circuit improved it a bunch but the real cure was a properly set up (used) Holley ‘square bore’ 4 barrel carb…. and a second hand Edlebrock intake manifold.
The engine had a flaw however. Pontiac used a nylon overlay on their cam timing chain gears, to reduce cam chain noise. One bitterly cold morning (-22F) in WI, the nylon separated from the cam gear, the cam went out of time, and the engine went from 2500 rpm to zero with a ‘thunk’. Broken valves were embedded in pistons (this was a close tolerance 10.5-to-1 compression engine) and I had an engine rebuild on my hands. As I was going to a tech school at the time (for automechanics!), this became my major project. I reassembled the engine basically ‘stock’ but with a whole bunch of small, tweeky ‘clean ups’ and mass balancing of rods, pistons, pins, crankshaft, etc that I did myself. It also received solid steel cam gears and a higher lift & duration cam shaft. The factory engine was limited to a 5200 rpm redline, largely because it had cast iron connecting rods. During the rebuild, I blended the rough cast surfaces of the connecting rods smooth and shot peened them to reduce stress raisers and improve their fatigue resistance.
With the help of the tech school instructors, we used the in-floor dynamometer and diagnostics to set the timing and mechanical advance for optimal performance, and debugged some small ignition and carb issues on my newly installed engine. I ended up with a pretty crisp ride for relatively small dollars! All of the small improvements to the engine internals gave me an engine that was reliable and still pulling strong at 6500rpm. Did you know you can do quarter mile runs on an in-floor dyno??!! Way cool for a kid just turning 20! At the drag strip, I managed the quarter mile at 97mph/14.2 sec. Not to shabby, without changing to radial ‘slicks’…..
Changes to tires and suspension added much needed handling improvements… but that’s another story as well. Yep – Another unrepentant gear head here!

January 10, 2014 11:24 pm

It’s kinda like the warning posted on my windshield shade: “Do not drive vehicle with shade installed!”. Serioulsy.

Janice Moore
January 11, 2014 12:04 am

Gearheads Rock! — American driving spirit lives!
“Little Deuce Coupe”

“Shut Down”

Best of all….
There is hope! — There are millions of little gearheads out there right now!
— and they are NOT into hybrids, heh.
(popularity of “Cars” and “Cars 2” is strong evidence… yea!)
“We’re the Kids of the Future”

Take that, you Envirostalinist car-hate-rs!
LOL, you were passed and lapped a loooooong time ago. All those little babies born just as the warming stopped? They are now 18. And they drive…. and they will vote.

Janice Moore
January 11, 2014 12:19 am

@ Skeptic Gone Wild — lol, just one more attempt to make the world idiot-proof. Almost certainly, there is a plaintiff out there (watch out, she or he could be heading down a road near you) who did just that and sued the manufacturer, blaming his or her stupidity on the defendant corporation. They likely settled, but, word got around to all the manufacturers and foreverafter, that sticker will be there. Just like the “Do not insert fingers into mower while running” sticker and… on and on.

Mac the Knife
January 11, 2014 12:33 am

Bless you, Janice!
Were you the kind of gal that would pour the bleach down on the local back road ‘drag strip’ AND flag the cars off at the line? Or were you driving…..? };>)

January 11, 2014 12:41 am

I was in England a few months ago and in one of the hotels I stayed in there were signs on the basic and shower: Warning: Hot water may cause burns and scaling.
Methinks the nanny state is going a bit far with warnings like that. It’s all about protection from lawsuits which just means we need a few less silly activist ambulance-chasing lawyers

Reply to  Wally
January 13, 2014 8:52 am

@Wally – in California, they are considering putting warning labels on all taps that read: WARNING – Hydrogen Hydroxide has been know to cause death by suffocation and Global Warming!

James Bull
January 11, 2014 12:51 am

I don’t know about most of you but I ignore all these labels on things they are just like most advertising it just passes me by which must be heart breaking for all those trying to sell me stuff or get me to behave in a certain way, having said that some ads do stay with me but not for the right reasons!
The best warning label I have seen was this one.
James Bull

January 11, 2014 2:09 am

Rather brings to mind a Winston Churchill quote: “always count on the Americans to do the right thing after they have exhausted all the other possibilities”. Hmm: “exhausted” – rather apt!

January 11, 2014 2:21 am

I do hope they’ll factor in the cost of the meetings it took to come up with this, the cost of having the stickers designed, printed, cut, the waste involved in the production, the vinyl and the ink consumed, the packaging, warehousing and distribution, the cost of having them taken out to gas stations in nasty old fossil fuelled vans, and stuck on the pumps by a guy who gets paid for doing that, setting up and running the related website, and what the *ahem* “carbon footprint” is of the entire process is and how much public fuel consumption they’d need to reduce to offset the latest ignorant, conceited, holier-than-thou exercise by the Eco-Taleban.

January 11, 2014 2:47 am

Leave Subaru’s (Now owned by Toyota since ~2000, sadly) alone. I have driven Subarus, both 4×4 and 2×4, turbo and non-turbo since 1996. Never had a single problem with them. They just keep going.
But where will this loony labeling end? As far as I can tell, EVERYTHING we make contains “stuff” that can be dentrimental to us and the environment. Just go almost anywhere in Africa and Asia to see that. And those items had “labels” too.
Still, you could build a wall around CA and insulate the rest of the USA from the idiocy. I still think the USA should give CA back to the Mexicans, or suffer “assimilation” from within.

January 11, 2014 4:01 am

Carolina Cowboy:
97% of all climate science grants require the results to be CAGW.
97% of all climate science model predictions are wrong.
97% of all climate models predicted significant global warming over the last 15 years….and were wrong.

January 11, 2014 4:40 am

Pippen Kool says
“Since 1965 or 1970, cigarette use has halved, in spite of the industry obfuscation on the correlation between smoking and cancer.”
Nicotine is a known appetite supressant.
Obesity now afflicts 25 % of the population in the UK( mainly non-smokers). So now it is heart disease/ stroke that will get you instead of cancer.
Law of unintended consqeunces ?

January 11, 2014 5:43 am

This might not be fast but from a gearhead standpoint, it’s simply amazing.

January 11, 2014 5:49 am

Lawrie Ayres says:
January 10, 2014 at 1:51 pm
socialism dressed up as environmentalism

It’s not socialism. It’s elitism. You need to check out the real powers behind it. And they are seeking having governments guarantee their in-country investments 100% (not dissimilar to the US banks getting a 100% default guarantee for students loans in 2005)…because ‘the people’ will be made to demand it. Gabriel de Rothschild started the WWF. Baron Edmund de Rothschild was behind getting the World Resources Institute (DC) started. The World Resources Institute was the source of the original CO2 scare in 1987, claimed Baron Edmund de Rothschild in Denver at the 4th World Wilderness Conference (1987) extra conference up in the hills of Estes Park CO after the main conference. The Baron’s source? Dr. Irving Mintzer, the editor of the World Resources Institute. Dr. Mintzer has all three degrees from Berkeley: BA in general arts, an MBA, and a PhD in Energy Resources. Big scientist. Yet Baron de Rothschild shrieked that DOCTOR MINTZER !!! was warning that global warming was going to kill us, and the Baron recommended covering the arctic ice in dry ice in order to save the arctic ice from CO2.
I am not making this up. It’s actually worse than the taste I’m giving here.
And BTW, ‘socialism’ within our capitalist system means taking care of everyone, and making sure that today’s kids have the same opportunity and costs that their grandparents had in the 50s. Everyone who wags on this board about “socialism” in the USA (not anywhere else) is full of BS and cruel, and doesn’t understand how federal accounting works (like the idiots who think there’s some factory in downtown China manufacturing dollar bills that the US borrows…facepalm stupid).

January 11, 2014 6:03 am

Oh yeah, addendum to Policycritic says: January 11, 2014 at 5:49 am,
Dr. Irving Mintzer (I can never get the spelling right, it might be Minzter) was the guy who helped McKibben write his first book in 1988. How would Bill McKibben know to contact Dr. Irving Mintzer? How? The World Resources Institute was a minuscule org in DC. Who put him onto it?
(We know, courtesy of researcher Vivian Krause’s analysis of US tax returns that McKibben has been funded by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund since Day One, albeit under different names.)
This is elitism and you are being made to believe it is otherwise.

James V
January 11, 2014 6:23 am

I fixed my earlier post where I was quoting Anthony but did not use quotation marks. I was trying to point out to Anthony that “zealotous” is not a word.
“Does anyone except the most zealotous of buyers really care?”
You mean zealous. Zealotous is is a name from Ragnarok

January 11, 2014 6:36 am

If they really meant it, then they should remove the credit card swiper mechanism and require all gasoline purchases be cash transactions, after all if you can’t afford to burn gas today but you do have a credit card to borrow from the future (our children) and selfishly increase your carbon footprint today well that isn’t very environmental either is it?

January 11, 2014 6:41 am
Gail Combs
January 11, 2014 7:01 am

Policycritic says: @ January 11, 2014 at 5:49 am
It’s not socialism. It’s elitism….
Socialism is the sheepskin used to hide the wolf of elitism.
Read E.M. Smith’s explanation of why corporations love socialism.
The propaganda that Corporation CEOs and Bankers HATE socialism and love ‘Capitalism’ is the biggest lie ever pulled on humanity. Even bigger than the CAGW lie that is just a part of that much big lie.

January 11, 2014 9:11 am

Here’s a Saturday Funny for ya: Mark Steyn’s take on the “glorious ship of fools”:
It’s a “gotta-read”!

Janice Moore
January 11, 2014 11:59 am

@ Mac — (smile) I only heard about how well my brother did with his ’69 Camaro after the fact … . I didn’t know Ovenell Road was used as a drag strip until I did a ride-along with a local sheriff sergeant, years later. I’ve watched (only) some pretty spectacular bleach burn-offs in front of my parents’ house… . And there was the day we all stood well back and grinned and “oh-man-that-is-so-COOLed” while watching my brother doing 360’s in that same location. If I had owned a cool car, I WOULD have been driving! If you weren’t wealthy, you had to be a genius motorhead (or someone with the motivation to force herself to learn — I didn’t) to own such a fine car at that age. I just like to drive. But, someday…… I’m planning on it!
@ James the Fifth — How did it go on Thanksgiving??? I prayed for you! If she refused to listen, that is NOT YOUR PROBLEM. Hope that, at least, you enjoyed your dinner. Re: “zealotous,” maybe An-th-ony was thinking of how gelatinous the brains of those junk science dupes are… .
@ Rocky Road — yes, Mark Steyn is ALWAYS a good read, and the content of that article will likely be good, but, he kind of messed up with the “A Boy Named Sue” song title. In that song recorded by Johnny Cash, Sue the boy was super-manly and tough thanks to his first name. So, the pun is witty, but, the meaning of the song is not on point. And I’m only pointing that out because I’ve seen at least one WUWT commenter make the same mistake and want to prevent anyone ELSE from embarrassing him or herself. Mann is not a macho dude by ANY stretch of the imagination.
Thanks for sharing.

January 11, 2014 12:44 pm

Inre: “This is not socialism it is elitism.” Socialism and communism require a class which is above the laws to distribute weath and property and enforce “equality.”
Any free services and money pre-supposes a class which writes the checks and gives the benefits. These are not accountable and form a separate aristocracy. This is an elitist system: instead, all laws must apply equally to all people. For example, passing Obamacare and giving waivers to Congress and the IRS, and Unions, is the creation of inequality before the law and must be rejected on that basis.
It is wrong and ethically incomprehensible for older progressives to convince younger, inexperienced individuals that they should have free entitlements given to them. This corrupts them deliberately.

January 11, 2014 12:54 pm

Gail Combs says:
January 11, 2014 at 7:01 am

Can you imagine how much they are salivating for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)? The Corps (transnationals) with treaty rights to change a nation’s laws? Somnambulant Americans are going to let this President pass it and that will be the beginning of the end, imo.

January 11, 2014 1:03 pm

re your post at January 11, 2014 at 12:44 pm.
I suggest that you leave discussion of socialism to people who know what it is. I and several other socialists who post to WUWT can provide the information (I already have in another WUWT thread so if you want to learn then you can do a Search).

January 11, 2014 1:14 pm

richardscourtney says:
January 11, 2014 at 1:03 pm Zeke: re your post at January 11, 2014 at 12:44 pm.
I suggest that you leave discussion of socialism to people who know what it is.
This is not the time and place for you to create a thread dedicated to your personal appologetics for socialism. I have criticized inequality before the law which has been implemented in my country through socialist programs.

January 11, 2014 1:17 pm

RichardSCourtney, just ignore them.
If there is a rational criticism of socialism (as opposed to corruption) then the debate would be interesting. But most of the criticism of socialism here has defined socialism as “that which I don’t like”.
That has two effects.
1 Followers charge off on a wild goose chase; shouting at socialism and getting in the way of nothing… who cares about them?
2 Careful readers will do more research into their ‘enemy’ and they will provide rational criticisms or choose to say and do nothing. That is harmless or helpful.
But wrestling with those who have already decided they don’t like you will not be a friendly contest. It can only be destructive for all concerned.

January 11, 2014 1:40 pm

M Courtney:
Yes, I agree. Please note that my refutation of the silly comment said to use the Search facility but the silly commentator pretended that I – not him – was trying to start a discussion.
If there is further on this matter I shall ignore it.

January 11, 2014 1:52 pm

I responded to a broad, simplistic statement in another comment; and the content and quality of my objection is both valid and worthwhile.
I do not feel obligated to repeat the numerous long threads on WUWT which deal with the nuances of your personal hobby horse. Milodonharlani, Gail, DirkH and many others have already responded. Shall I provide the link?

Mario Lento
January 11, 2014 4:07 pm

Janice Moore says:
January 10, 2014 at 11:47 am
@ Mac the Knight in Shining Armor — have a good (and peaceful) lunch break. #(:))
I thought the gentleman was Mr. Knife?

Mario Lento
January 11, 2014 4:26 pm

Tom J says:
January 10, 2014 at 2:30 pm
Janice Moore
January 10, 2014 at 2:07 pm
‘Hi, Tom J.! #(:)) re: “I’m doing good.” Good! Thanks for letting me know (you’rebeingprayedforfriend). Nitrogen, lol. I’d go for some NO2 in a little canister sitting on the center console, heh, heh… . ZOOOOOOOOOM!’
Janice, no offense intended but you need to learn the nitrogen bible. It’s an obscure bible, known only to the most die-hard of gear heads. I will teach you its truths; oh curious one.
1) Pure Nitrogen: goes into tires
2) Nitrous Oxide: goes into the air flowing into the engine and mixes with it to produce an extra 25-50%+ power increase (depending on ratio) when the gasoline lights off
3) Nitromethane (otherwise referred to as ‘Nitro’): originally developed for rockets it has found its true meaning in life by powering massively supercharged (blown), punched out, Chrysler Hemi variants producing perhaps 6,000 hp at 8,000 rpm for about 30 seconds until the engine explodes at the drag strip. Nitromethane has been alleged to be a gift from god. It is certainly the fuel of the gods.
Believe it or not, I’ve never seen a drag race. That’s one of my goals this summer. I have seen some earth shattering machines at tractor pulls however.
More fun facts follow!
N2O or Nitrous oxide has a high molar oxygen mass relative to air. So, you can burn more fuel and get more power by injection of N2O… give me my NOS! Instead, though I use a turbo charger to ram in more air, which is free. At 22 pounds of boost, that is like 2.5 times the amount of oxygen than air at atmospheric pressure provides. N2O is also great for laughs when inhaled –you can try this with whipped cream cans. If you hold the canister upright, only the N2O will come out. Breathing it is called a “whip-it” and you can get about 3 lung fulls of laughter out of a can. I believe nitrogen tapped beer also gives a better head than CO2… hence the famous Guinness Stout with its superb creamy foamy head.
Nitrogen in tires is more stable than compressed air –especially since there is moisture in most compressed air, that when heated (via rolling resistance) within a tire causes a significant tire pressure change from cold to warm. At the race track, I care only what my hot tire pressure is, because at that pressure, the footprint of the tire is what matters most to traction. Given that I want temperature of the contact patch to be ideal (for grip reasons) at the resulting pressure that maximizes the tires’ surface that contacts the tarmac, nitrogen provides a sweeter hot spot (pun intended) with less of a variance in pressure.
I digress.
Yes sucks… this makes me on topic and on the right side of the argument right?

Mario Lento
January 11, 2014 4:35 pm

Janice writes – “I Can’t Drive 55″ (Yes! Sadly, have to, mostly, TOO much traffic) — Sammy Haggar
Hey – I volunteer to teach teen driving clinics at ThunderHill Raceway in Willows CA. There is no speed limit during parts of the clinic –especially when I get to give demo rides on the race track. Or when I drive shot-gun while the student gets the reins removed for their on-track sessions. That said, there is a safe place to speed… with no speed limits!!! And it’s not the streets or public roadways.
That said, I really loved Haggar before Van-Hagger. The Van Halen sounds was designed for Mr. Roth I think.
Corvette, considered by many enthusiasts to be the best in terms of performance per dollar spent… period. This is settled science (in my opinion). By that metric, I vote the ‘Vette best performance car bar none. I have yet to drive the latest incarnation. So little time – so many new things to thrash on track!

Mario Lento
January 11, 2014 4:39 pm

London247 says:
January 11, 2014 at 4:40 am
Pippen Kool says
“Since 1965 or 1970, cigarette use has halved, in spite of the industry obfuscation on the correlation between smoking and cancer.”
Nicotine is a known appetite supressant.
Obesity now afflicts 25 % of the population in the UK( mainly non-smokers). So now it is heart disease/ stroke that will get you instead of cancer.
Law of unintended consqeunces ?
Isn’t there a study that shows that people who quit smoking gain weight? So could we extrapolate that smoking reduces obesity? (I’m just trying to get a rise out of people with that comment. I am NOT advocating smoking as a weight reduction method.)

January 11, 2014 4:49 pm

theOtherJohninCalif says:
January 10, 2014 at 12:21 pm
“I still hang on to hopes we try to ban dihydrogen monoxide. If any state could, it would be California.”
Well, they came damned close already.
“In March 2004 the California municipality of Aliso Viejo (a suburb in Orange County) came within a cat’s whisker of falling for this hoax [dihyrdogen monoxide] after a paralegal there convinced city officials of the danger posed by this chemical. The leg-pull got so far as a vote’s having been scheduled for the City Council on a proposed law that would have banned the use of foam containers at city-sponsored events because (among other things) they were made with DHMO, a substance that could ‘threaten human health and safety.'”

Mario Lento
January 11, 2014 4:49 pm

Janice Moore says:
January 10, 2014 at 7:14 pm
Hey, Annie, yes, indeed, I know some intelligent, well-informed, people who drive Subarus (mainly for the fuel economy and the reasonable sticker price), and now, I know you are one of that category of S. owners, too (I must say, though, they usually are NOT well-informed about cars…). I hope that yours never lets you down. Yeah, what Frank said, and ANY hybrid would do: the Enviroguilt Cult’s “holy car.”
I drove a few subies on track. One of them put down 550ph… it was insane. Other subies on track with about 350hp were also a blast to drive. Like the Evo, they are really easy to drive fast. They drift and respond well to drop throttle rotation to get them aimed at apexes. So much fun!!

Mario Lento
January 11, 2014 4:54 pm

Mac the Knife says:
January 10, 2014 at 7:52 pm
_Jim and Janice,
My favorite production corvette is the original 1990 – 1995 ZR1, with the LT5 aluminum block, double overhead cam, 375hp, 375 ft lb torque, sweetest V8 small block mill ever built! In 1993, they increased the horsepower to 405 hp…. The ZR1 included a greatly refined suspension, a new 6 speed manual transmission, a 4 inch wider aft body to cover the wider tires, and many other refinements.
Rumor became fact at the 1989 Geneva Auto Show, when the ZR-1 officially debuted. It was a time when performance cars were only beginning to regain some of the performance enjoyed during the heyday of the muscle car, and the ZR-1′s 375-horespower (280 kW) LT5 V-8 engine – with its DOHC configuration and four-valve heads – was an intoxicating breath of high-octane excitement.
I totally loved the ZR-1. At the time, it was simply amazing… I drove one back in the day – but to see one is much better than looking at pictures. The wider body looks so damned cool. Very much a super car. The following generation Vettes with standard 405 hp were not as good, but the bragging rights of equal power for much less money stole the show.

Janice Moore
January 11, 2014 6:12 pm

Dear Mario!,
How COOL that you showed up here! LOL, re: “Mr. Knife,” I just cannot bear to call that kindhearted, generous-spirited, man the name from that HORRID song (ugh), so I changed it… . He is not my knight in shining armor, just a knight in shining armor. #(;))
Re: Subarus — Oh COME ON, Lento, you know good and well that’s not the model of Subaru I was talking about (smile).
Yes! (re: wider ‘vette body) — that’s why my dream C5 Corvette will have a Calloway body mod.. Bea—u–teee–ful.
Re: speed limits, as I said, I always drive safely… . #(:))
Thanks for all the fun and informative (have to go buy some fake whipped cream, now — I call it “fake” because it’s far inferior to the real thing — and LAUGH-OUT-LOUD, GIGGGGGLE, heh) comments, Mr. Lento.

Bob Lansford
January 11, 2014 6:44 pm

Ah,yes. About what you can expect from
Governor “Medfly” Brown

Mario Lento
January 11, 2014 7:11 pm

Janice: You know I commented on this particular post because of you. I had missed it in trying to catch up, so was busy on other posts. So, anyone who might be perturbed by me on this particular post –blame Ms Moore, that’s Janice Moore.

Janice Moore
January 11, 2014 7:28 pm

Au contraire, Mr. Lento, they will most certainly not be blaming me for your excellent remarks, but giving me the CREDIT.

Mario Lento
January 11, 2014 7:38 pm

Awh – shucks Janice, you sure know how da make a fella feed real good. (I hope that sounds like the Mater the Tow Truck character)… *blush*

Janice Moore
January 11, 2014 7:45 pm

Yes, you sounded like Mater, lol, but you reason and write and drive and charm like Lightning McQueen. Your wife is blessed, indeed. Yeah, just thought I’d better remind myself about her existence, heh, heh.

Mario Lento
January 11, 2014 7:47 pm


Janice Moore
January 11, 2014 7:52 pm


Janice Moore
January 13, 2014 10:19 am

Hi, Phil Jourdan,
Well, I can’t speak for Wally, but your post was read by me, at least. Good one, heh, heh.
Say, did you get to listen to that Meatloaf song I posted for you and for A. D. Everard on Bob Tisdale’s “I have to go back to work” thread? (“Forever Young”)
Your WUWT ally,

January 13, 2014 12:47 pm

@Janice Moore – No I missed it. I read most comments from the email, but it never posts youtube links or graphics. I just went back and listened to it. Always nice to take an enjoyable break to listen to great artists!

Janice Moore
January 13, 2014 12:51 pm

Jourdan — You are welcome! #(:))
Thanks for letting me know.

January 14, 2014 6:51 am

Let them do it. Why fight it? Let everyone be assaulted by this and every other “sky if falling” nonsense that is out there. And, year after year, as it becomes more obvious the sky isn’t falling, they’ll just have made it that much more impossible to prevaricate on where they actually stood and what they actually were calling for.
Give them all the rope they want.

January 15, 2014 12:44 pm

Frank Lee MeiDere – thanks for the Snopes link for the DMHO ban in Mission Viejo. I wouldn’t have believed you otherwise. I mean, Orange County is supposed to be the sanest of CA. It’s the next town south of me. I had to forward a link to this page as well as the Snopes link, because it beggars belief. LMAO!
I gotta get out of here SOON! (I know, you don’t give a damn!)

Reply to  theOtherJohninCalif
January 18, 2014 3:36 am

I know. It beggars belief.
I think I’ve told the story here before, but I taught at a college in Toronto for eight stress(pretty much gone back to journalism now) and for the first half of the semester I would stress the importance of checking facts, and especially facts being provided by people with an agenda. After the mid-semester break I would introduce a guest speaker (my friend, Joe) who would proceed to regale them with the horrors of DHMO (using a PowerPoint presentation I’d prepared). At the end he would pass around a petition to ban from municipal properties all food containing or prepared with DHMO. I’ve been doing that for the last five years I taught (so right up to 2012) and each semester I had between three to five classes.
In all that time, two (2) students DIDN’T sign the petition. One because she figured society was so screwed it wouldn’t help anyway, and the other because she didn’t think I would allow a real petition in my classroom (she was right — a fellow Doctor Whovian, she’d pegged me pretty well).
Every other student out of those hundreds signed willingly and with great pride.

January 18, 2014 3:16 am

Other John;
Um, it’s DHMO, not DMHO. That would mean Di-Mono Hydrogen Oxide, a nonsense.

Reply to  Brian H
January 20, 2014 7:59 am

H – I prefer hydrogen hydroxide – HOH.

January 18, 2014 3:38 am

H: “Um, it’s DHMO, not DMHO. That would mean Di-Mono Hydrogen Oxide, a nonsense.”
Doesn’t mean they wouldn’t try banning it anyway 🙂

January 18, 2014 6:22 pm

Frank Lee MeiDere says:
January 18, 2014 at 3:36 am

Every other student out of those hundreds signed willingly and with great pride.

Once you had the papers safely in hand, did you casually reveal that they had just petitioned to ban water? What was the best reaction you got, if so?

Reply to  Brian H
January 19, 2014 12:18 am

Brian H says:
January 18, 2014 at 6:22 pm
Sorry for the delay answering. We went to visit some friends for a belated birthday party.
Anyhow, to set the stage for this whole DHMO trick I would explain, a couple of weeks before hand, that we were going to have a guest speaker and when he was finished the class was to discuss how well he’d presented the material, the trustworthiness of his sources and how convincing he’d been.
When the presentation was over there was a slide with various questions and suggestions for class discussion. When the discussion finished I would say that unfortunately there was no way I could grade them on their participation, at which the guest (my friend, Joe) would say, “I have a way,” and produce the petition. I would hem and haw over allowing a petition in my class, but eventually I’d relent, saying something along the lines of, “Well, I’ll allow it — but only sign it if you were really convinced. Whether you sign or not will have no effect on marks — in fact, I won’t even look at it when you’re done.”
The petition would be passed. When it came back with the signatures I would click the PowerPoint ahead another slide, which explained that sometimes it helped to understand the nature of a chemical when dealing with issues. The slide would then show that DHMO was H2O.
The general reaction was a chorus of groans, following which I would ream them out for failing to apply even a single lesson I’d been hammering home for the first part of the semester.
I think the most puzzling reaction I got was one student who said, “You know, I knew it was water.” And when I asked why he’d signed it, he said, “Well, I figured there must be a good reason, otherwise there wouldn’t be a petition.”
The best reaction was one student who came up to me with a big smile as the class was leaving and said, “You, sir, are a bastard.”
I cherished that one.
The PowerPoint presentation went through several forms, but around 2009 I settled on one that looked like an official, and somewhat bland, presentation as done by the DMHO organisation. I’ve just now uploaded it to my old class website from my Dropbox (naturally I didn’t have a link to it on the class site while I was actually teaching, since I didn’t want students stumbling upon it before the lecture, and after the lecture it was irrelevant.). The link to the page is here:
The PowerPoint is called Dihydrogen Monoxide.
A few others you might enjoy (if that’s the right word) are “I Read the News Today,” which looks at Video News Releases an has a special feature on the non-reporting of the Climategate emails, Who’s Lying Now, which looks at the way statistics are often manipulated, and Reading Studies and Statistics.
Geeze. Going over all this has reminded me just how much I loved teaching. I stopped in 2012 to become managing editor of a paper out west for a year. I sure don’t miss the education system, though.
Hope you enjoy the DHMO presentation, and thanks for the interest.

Reply to  Brian H
January 19, 2014 11:14 am

Uh. That should have been “beforehand.” (Bad English prof. No cookie.)

January 19, 2014 12:38 pm

Working my way through the PPTs. The CTV glassware link is dead, I think. Just gives a generic FP now.

Christopher Simpson
Reply to  Brian H
January 19, 2014 7:22 pm

Shame, but I was always having to find new examples to replace old ones that no longer were available. If I recall, that one was obviously put out by Corning Ware’s PR department and showed how some glass bake-ware shattered when taken from the oven and placed on a wet surface. Only one brand didn’t — Corning Ware.