Marcott's hockey stick uptick mystery – it didn't used to be there

At Climate Audit, Something odd has been discovered about the provenance of the work associate with the Marcott et al paper. It seems that the sharp uptick wasn’t in the…

Another Hockey Stick?

Guest post by S. Fred Singer Green forces, eager to promote their theories of global warming, appear to be practicing intellectual recycling.  Is this the return of the notorious hockeystick…

A must watch – Greening the Planet – Dr. Matt Ridley

I met Matt Ridley for the first time in person last month on his trip through California. We shared lunch in Novato on a Saturday, it was a pleasant and…

Simple questions for Bill McKibben and Peter Gleick – with comic relief from Bill Nye

Being a fan of public transportation seems to go hand-in-hand with climate activism. Two of the top activists have recently commented on how much they like it. Being curious as…

I offer @ClimateOfGavin help understanding events -vs- trends

Yesterday, when Climategate 3 was released, the ever flippant Dr. Gavin Schmidt made this Tweet in response: Source: Google Trends, searching the word “climategate” from December 2009 to March 2013…

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