From Rio + 20: The future we dread


Marked-up draft of UN Rio+20 agenda reveals shocking “sustainability” wish list.

An American family of four could owe the UN $1,325 per year.

The United Nations plans to make its Rio+20 Sustainable Development Conference “the most significant environmental conference in history.” A draft planning and agenda document, “The Future We Want,” marked-up by myriad ultra-liberal NGOs, provides an unvarnished look at what lurks behind Rio+20.

“Americans, their free world partners and people in developing nations who hope to lift themselves out of poverty should be on their guard. Otherwise Rio+20 could easily trap them in a future we dread,” said Craig Rucker, CEO of the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow, a Washington, DC-based organization that advances the needs of people, while also protecting wildlife and environmental values.

The UN’s international NGO allies want to expand previous calls for a “green economy,” by including new demands for “resource justice” and new mechanisms to ensure “contraction and convergence for over- and under-consumers of natural resources.” People do not need advanced degrees to figure out whose economies and lifestyles the activists intend to “contract,” Rucker commented.

Another agenda item would have the world end “speculation” in energy, raw material and economic markets. However, history has taught that it is extremely difficult even to define “speculation,” and that attempts to control investment, development and resource allocation frequently end in disaster.

The international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) also advocate making national environmental policies subject to “international legal frameworks and regulations,” and “strengthening international environmental governance … within the institutional framework of sustainable development.” That would make national sovereignty “the most endangered species in Rio,” CFACT president David Rothbard stated.

The NGOs would place both nature and man in jeopardy, since they call for curbs on “any technologies that might imply a serious risk for the environment or human society, including in particular synthetic biology, geo-engineering, genetic modification, nuclear energy and nanotechnology,” Rothbard observed.

They would curtail the very technologies that allow us to provide for people’s needs in the most efficient, least intrusive manner. Few policies are more counterproductive than forcing people to grow low yield crops that are susceptible to insects and drought, or to rely on inefficient energy technologies, he said.

The document also seeks to impose staggering financial burdens on people in developed nations. It would give the UN 0.7% of a nation’s gross domestic product – some $1,325 per year for an American family of four. A Canadian family would pay $1,211, while their counterparts would be taxed $1,206 in Germany and $1,171 in Japan. Norwegian families would take dubious first place honors, paying a whopping $2,445 every year. Other countries’ obligations, based on World Bank 2010 data, can be found on

The NGOs most popular agenda item appears to be increased funding and powers for the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), which they want to turn into an international version of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. “People concerned about the impacts that EPA has had on American energy prices and jobs – for minimal health or environmental benefits – should be especially wary of giving vast new powers and funding to the UNEP, which is completely unelected and unaccountable,” Rucker commented.

On climate and energy, activists claiming to be acting for “indigenous peoples” said the UN should insist that developed countries shift rapidly to low-carbon energy use. Not to be outdone, environmental NGOs are demanding that developed countries cut carbon dioxide emissions by 95% by 2050. That would take the United States back to what it emitted around the time of the Civil War, while accomplishing nothing for the climate.

To pay for this expansive eco-wish list, the United Nations and NGOs also want to give the UN authority to tax every currency conversion and financial transaction, fuel sales and air travel tickets – and seize all funds that currently provide subsidies and tax deductions for fossil fuel and nuclear power. These funds would be in addition to the extensive foreign aid already provided by taxpayers and treasuries of developed nations.

CFACT invites people to examine this remarkable document at – and determine for themselves how much it actually represents “the future we want.”

The Committee is taking a delegation to Brazil to expose these potentially devastating policy proposals. “We also intend to inject some much needed common sense into the deliberations, and ensure that at least some consideration is given to the needs of real people, especially the world’s poor – and not just to the unreasonable and often outrageous demands of Deep Ecology, anti-development activists,” Rucker said.


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Kurt in Switzerland
June 12, 2012 2:12 pm

This doesn’t have a prayer — not with the world economy in tatters (but keep up the pressure to expose these bizarre plans, nevertheless)! Rio +20 will produce another long-winded document, lacking specifics (apart from justifying next year’s bash).
Kurt in Switzerland

Mike Hebb
June 12, 2012 2:12 pm

It’s about time the rest of the Climategate emails were cut loose I think.

June 12, 2012 2:14 pm

They’re flaming mad. UNELECTED pols basically stealing money. This must be stopped at all costs.

June 12, 2012 2:14 pm

This is the real fight, and it has been all along. CO2 is nothing now; it’s all about sustainability. And every single company in the U.S. is “doing” sustainability now, along with every city and county government (thanks to U.N.’s Agenda 21 plan to go around national governments and straight to the gullible citizens).

June 12, 2012 2:15 pm

My bet is that the implosion of this dangerous farce will make the Copenhagen conference look successful by comparison.
The confluence of unaccountable big NGO’s, unaccountable UN bureaucrats, and unaccountable AGW promoters is leading to a debacle that will be historic in scope.The AGW movement has less and less contact with the real world, and its veneer of science is wearing thin.

Richard deSousa
June 12, 2012 2:22 pm

George Orwell would be proud of the agenda the UN has planned for our planet… 😉 the One Worlders are nuts…

June 12, 2012 2:23 pm

They’re [slowly..] learning that reality is creeping on to ’em and, thus, they [now] attempt becoming ‘immune to taking responsibility’… My Godness, what a World is this???
Get them and put ’em to court… ehh, what court?…
Go figure!

Philip Peake
June 12, 2012 2:23 pm

Fortunately, with the world on the edge of financial meltdown these proposals will be heartily laughed at by any responsible government.
Irresponsible governments should expect armed rebellion to make Syria look like a Sunday afternoon picnic.
At a different time, under better circumstances there would be a minuscule chance that these proposals might be adopted by certain governments.
I really think there are a group of people that are trying really hard to forment world-wide civil war.

June 12, 2012 2:28 pm

“We also intend to inject some much needed common sense into the deliberations,
A this point, I wonder if that is wise. Marginal improvements to something terrible will only make the terrible more likely to happen.
A better strategy is to encourage more excesses. Make it far worse. Make the final recommendation repugnant.
These NGO are so far overboard. Don’t throw them a life preserver, throw them an anchor.

June 12, 2012 2:28 pm

hunter says:
The AGW movement has less and less contact with the real world, and its veneer of science is wearing thin.
And yet, this is what I see in the MSM and from the general public:
We don’t seem to be gaining any ground at all.

June 12, 2012 2:30 pm

In a different UNEP report the UN agencies also seek a veto right before any country can take any new innovation to the production stage.
Also be on the lookout in this or any other report out of Rio mentioning happiness and well-being. The UN agencies think they and governments generally need to be in charge of ensuring each citizen’s happiness and well-being.
Equitable happiness and well-being.

June 12, 2012 2:31 pm

We are fortunate in that wealthier countries tend to be those with democratically-elected governments, who will soon suffer the consequences — indeed, are suffering them now — if they try to go along with this abrogation of their responsibilities. Behavioural economics tells us it’s much harder to take away something someone already has than to withhold something they haven’t got. The environmental movement has yet to learn this.

F. Ross
June 12, 2012 2:33 pm

Jerks, …very dangerous jerks. [For “jerk” please substitute the explitive of your choice]
Is it time for another release of FOIA emails yet?.

June 12, 2012 2:37 pm

NGOs are simply businesses hiding under the cover of “international” & “nonprofit” to avoid taxes regular businesses must pay. Another marxist scheme.

John West
June 12, 2012 2:38 pm

From the draft:
“114. We call for increased aid effectiveness”
Agree, since the UN is the most ineffective organization in world history, it should be disbanded.
Seriously though, the smell of desperation permeates the entire document, they know the jig is almost up, the news almost out, widespread knowledge of nature’s betrayal just around the corner.

June 12, 2012 2:47 pm

And then there’s the “Beyond-GDP Principle” being pushed by all these UN agencies and other groups.
Now how on earth can we afford all these bureaucrats in a world based on a global economy that “recognizes the inherent limits and distorting effects of using GDP as a measure of progress and welfare. Policy goals and monitoring need to be guided by integrated measures on environmental, social, human and economic well-being, taking into account diverse interpretations of human welfare.”
I guess we really do just provide the funding in this world of superiors dictating to inferiors.

June 12, 2012 2:48 pm

Mike Hebb — Interesting comment. When the last Climategate emails were released it was said there were more to come and it was said or strongly hinted that they would involve the connections of the AGW movement with politicians. So I agree it is time for at least ” a taste” of what they include.

June 12, 2012 2:52 pm

This is Obama’s 2nd term agenda if elected.

June 12, 2012 2:54 pm

“A nation of sheep begats a government of wolves”….Edward R Murrow
The UN is the Uber-Nation, an unelected, fascist banking syndicate creation….the question is, how ‘sheepish’ is humanity in the face of this naked tyranny ?

June 12, 2012 2:55 pm

Instead of developed and developing economies, the world could end up getting split between the developed countries and the going backward fast countries (those that buy this ridiculous belief system).

R. Shearer
June 12, 2012 2:59 pm

Put it on my bill.

June 12, 2012 3:00 pm

Oddly the madder they make it the better it is for those that oppose it , the first rule of politicians is get elected the second stay elected , these ideas break both the first and second rule so are nothing but a wild vote loser for politicians and therefor likely to kill the whole thing dead .
Post Rio apart from nice sun-tan , a few post drinks headaches and some expended waist-lies the only thing likely to come out is a few meaningless plans to promises to consider to think about doing something . Or in other words , things as normal .

Fred 2
June 12, 2012 3:05 pm

Unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats in charge of seeing that we pay for and follow rules they create in orrder to solve problems they alone define. What could possibly go wrong?

June 12, 2012 3:06 pm

“sustainable” means returning humanity to hunter gathering, except for those in charge of course.

matt v.
June 12, 2012 3:14 pm

As has been shown during previous similar conferences , these meetings have very little to do with saving the planet or protecting the environment , but everything to do with yet more taxes, more UN control of all free nations and general loss of national sovereignty. They should be referred to as “watermelon conferences “- green on the outside but red on the inside. The pr work has already started prior to Rio and the floodgates of another round of new doom and gloom papers will soon fill the mainstream media where every possible thing that can go wrong is now on the tipping point due to global warming .

June 12, 2012 3:17 pm

Someone once told me that I should be careful about the enemies I make. My reply was: “I don’t make enemies, they identify themselves by their words and actions”. The bunch that is the topic of this thread have made it abundantly clear that they are my enemy. So be it.
“May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won’t.” (G. Patton)

June 12, 2012 3:18 pm

I’d rather negotiate women’s rights with the Taliban than give these jokers a cent.

Steve C
June 12, 2012 3:21 pm

CFACT are dead right. We need ways to fight this band of tyrants, and the more effective, the more widely known and the sooner the better. Hoping that the current economic meltdown will stop them really isn’t enough.

Hilary Ostrov (aka hro001)
June 12, 2012 3:23 pm

There are days (and this is one of them!) when I begin to wonder if the whole CO2->CAGW “debate” has been fostered (and permitted to fester) in order to keep everyone’s eyes focussed off-side, so to speak, in order to avoid any close examination of the Bigger Picture!

Gary Pearse
June 12, 2012 3:27 pm

I don’t believe it will go this far, but, you know, these NGOs are well funded by Americans, Canadians, Europeans, Australians, New Zealanders and the rest of the unwittingly blind lot of nice liberal folk. This is why NGOs have a lot of confidence that most would tend to march out to have their Kumbaya utopia. It was bad enough that these organizations were being funded for a life of endless safaris at high pay (how well have they done developing the Third World). It would appear that they do have an electorate and a constituency. A vote for the left is a vote for this crowd. They have to push this hard now before the climate cools and sealevels flatten and fall in the coming decades. The serious CAGW climatologists have been useful fools, but nevermind, they’ll try to do what they intended all along another way

Interstellar Bill
June 12, 2012 3:29 pm

The latest print copy of Nature has a comically apocalyptic cover art scene,
but the Freudean slip is on page 19, a cartoon Sandalista dragging a chain
with an end resembling a chain gang’s ankle collar, though it’s a chimney plug.
Then on page 68 they actually use the big Socialist Mantra, ‘Equity’,
which is right down there in Abused-Word Hell, next to ‘Diversity’ and ‘Fairness’.
The rest of the title is the Big Scary Anti-Future: Rescale Civilization,
the new code word for the Permanent Green Depression they so yearn for.
That kind of re-scaling is usually called genocide.

Keith Pearson, formerly bikermailman, Anonymous no longer
June 12, 2012 3:29 pm

As the ‘good’ Reverend Al might say, “resist we much”!
Mike Bromley the Canucklehead says: June 12, 2012 at 2:14 pm
They’re flaming mad. UNELECTED pols basically stealing money. This must be stopped at all costs.
This is precisely the methods and implementation that has gone on with the EU. Unelected bureaucrats, beholden to no one, calling the shots. And think, things are working out *so* well in Europe right now, right?

June 12, 2012 3:32 pm

Monkton on Rio + 20 …

June 12, 2012 3:39 pm

This may be a good thing – massively overeaching themselves at this point may bring about a fall.
But, they will NEVER give up, to much power and position at stake. They will regroup and do it all again.

R. de Haan
June 12, 2012 3:42 pm

As long as we refuse to handover the control over the internet to the UN we will be fine.

George E. Smith;
June 12, 2012 3:44 pm

So finally; this is what World War Three has turned out to be. Hell will become a frozen ice ball, before I pay a dime to the UN scumbags.

June 12, 2012 3:47 pm

Any free country’s leader or representative who signs on to this should immediately be incarcerated and tried for treason upon landing back in their home country. And I’m 100% serious too.

June 12, 2012 3:47 pm

And, of course, those lucky enough to be a part of the UN bureaucracy will never ever pocket this extra money and live like kings. They are the enlightened ones and therefore not corrupt. (end sarcasm)

George E. Smith;
June 12, 2012 3:48 pm

“””””…..Curiousgeorge says:
June 12, 2012 at 3:17 pm
“May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won’t.” (G. Patton)…..”””””
That’s Gen George S. Patton; Guess, what the “S.” stands for ??

June 12, 2012 3:48 pm

I would recommend “Animal Farm”. If you don’t want to read it, there is an animated version that can be found online. Just remember that in the book the animals didn’t rise up again at the end. it is a good depiction of what can happen when the human nature is exploited by others whose human nature is dominated by a lust for power.

June 12, 2012 3:51 pm

Time for the UN to be disbanded, really…..

June 12, 2012 3:58 pm

Norway has a foreign aid budget that is about 28 billion kroner (4,7 billion US dollars). There are 5 million people i Norway and our foreign aid budget is about 1,000 US dollar per capita, or approx. 4,000 dollars per family or 1,800 US dollar per employee!
The Norwegian government has about 600 trillion US dollars in investments all over the world.
The numbers can be found here:
Norway is controlled by a socialists government.

June 12, 2012 4:05 pm

@terrybixler 2:52 pm
This is Obama’s 2nd term agenda if elected.
Worse, its Obama’s exit plan. If re-election is becoming less likely, then Obama’s supporters will Agenda21 and Rio+20 with gusto. A “Scorched Earth” electorial defeat, but a strategic victory.

June 12, 2012 4:10 pm

Norway says:
June 12, 2012 at 3:58 pm
…. Norway is controlled by a socialists government.
We’re all in this together whatever flag flies over our head.

June 12, 2012 4:22 pm

Simple, just make it law that only democratically elected bodies can pass laws and that they can not delegate those law making powers to unelected institutions or individuals.
That should restrict the evolution of these quangos!

June 12, 2012 4:23 pm

Any government that attends this meeting deserves to fall in their next election.
It is about time for countries to start withdrawing membership in the UN and cancelling all their funding for the UN.
We need to start pressuring our governments to demand this. Its time to stop allowing the NGO’s to highjack our nation’s public agendas. Write your representative today.

Gary Pearse
June 12, 2012 4:24 pm

The whole UN creation was to essentially destroy Western Civilization. The irony of setting up the HQ in NY, the centre of much that they dispise, and having more than half of it paid for by the hosts is not cheek enough! Why did we let them go as far as they have? Pull the funding out from under them and stop sending money and making endowments to these NGOs. Even if they didn’t come up with Rio+20 scheme, they should be fired on results – look at the status of world peace, world poverty eradication, the IPCC charlatans…. Shame on us.

June 12, 2012 4:25 pm

George E. Smith; says:
June 12, 2012 at 3:48 pm
“””””…..Curiousgeorge says:
June 12, 2012 at 3:17 pm
“May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won’t.” (G. Patton)…..”””””
That’s Gen George S. Patton; Guess, what the “S.” stands for ??
I don’t have to guess – Smith. 😉 I spent 30 years in the military, and have studied (and occasionally participated in ) warfare since I was old enough to read. That was about 1948. I was born into the military, as were my ancestors going back to the 1600’s.
“So as through a glass, and darkly
The age long strife I see
Where I fought in many guises,
Many names, but always me.
And I see not in my blindness
What the objects were I wrought,
But as God rules o’er our bickerings
It was through His will I fought.
So forever in the future,
Shall I battle as of yore,
Dying to be born a fighter,
But to die again, once more.”

June 12, 2012 4:25 pm

“Climate Funds Update is an independent website that provides information on the growing number of international climate finance initiatives designed to help developing countries address the challenges of climate change.”

June 12, 2012 4:27 pm

Oops link for Climate funds Update:

June 12, 2012 4:31 pm

“Instead of developed and developing economies, the world could end up getting split between the developed countries and the going backward fast countries (those that buy this ridiculous belief system).”
Sadly this statement is closer to the truth than I would like. Economists have recognised, although politicians and the public have not, that the difference between the world’s poorest economies and the world’s richest has been only a difference of a few % of GDP growth, compounded over many decades. When advocates argue that such policies will only affect 1% or 2% of GDP per year in their country, I don’t think they fully appreciate what that means in the long term.

June 12, 2012 4:32 pm

Reds just re-branded as greens, and the politburos became NGO’s.

June 12, 2012 4:41 pm

‘The Justice Principle” -it delivers equity between and within countries and between generations.
Well that’s impossible and trying will sink what does work.
“The Dignity Principle”-it creates genuine prosperity and wellbeing for all.
Because Africa has done so well under UN initiatives. And with development policies that encourage poverty continuing so that aid money just keeps coming. To then buy those Mercede

June 12, 2012 4:43 pm

The socialist hordes are unemployed but their masters will meet in Rio In the grandest style. -Same as usual.
We need a revolution to sweep the UN and it’s nefarious assortment of crooks and high living scum bags to some god forsaken location like the melting Arctic in a leaky boat!

Malcolm Miller
June 12, 2012 4:43 pm

The United Nations has become irretrievably corrupted, by money. Like most human organisations, it has passed its use-by date.

June 12, 2012 4:51 pm

Sounds like they admired Pol Pot and want to emulate him.

June 12, 2012 4:57 pm

Time to de-fund the UN…

June 12, 2012 5:01 pm

It would give the UN 0.7% of a nation’s gross domestic product – some $1,325 per year for an American family of four. A Canadian family would pay $1,211, while their counterparts would be taxed $1,206 in Germany and $1,171 in Japan. Norwegian families would take dubious first place honors, paying a whopping $2,445 every year.
I’ve been commenting on this proposed UN “World Tax” for the past several years. This is nothing new. A couple of points:
First, the UN has always rejected any suggestion of an independent, outside audit of its finances. Once money enters the opaque UN, it becomes completely untraceable. And…
Anyone who belives that a 0.7% World Tax will remain at 0.7% is dreaming. [When the 16th Amendment was being proposed, U.S. citizens were promised that the federal income tax would be capped at a maximum of 1%.]
Gov. Romney would get plenty of votes if he promised to evict the UN from our shores and withdraw from that America-hating, anti-West kleptocracy.

June 12, 2012 5:02 pm

It´s too late to complain: All countries signed Agenda 21 binding agreements, these are as mandatory as the WHO Governance´s A1H1 vaccination orders. We´re done!. Perhaps with the exception of a few “third world” countries, where, it is a tradition that laws which do not obey “common sense” are simply ignored. (And if someone appears down there to enforce it, that someone will be invited to enjoy a tasteful local dinner……and the next thing the enforcer will remember-if he is lucky to survive- is a cataclysmic diarrhea 🙂 )

June 12, 2012 5:02 pm

“gsonline2 says:
June 12, 2012 at 2:14 pm
(thanks to U.N.’s Agenda 21 plan to go around national governments and straight to the gullible citizens).
Ummmmmmmmm….no. The Useless Nations do not have to go around gubermints in the Western world,as they are just as corrupt,crooked,and venile(also a lot of gullible) as the UN.

June 12, 2012 5:06 pm

Do you remember who donated the land for the UN´s building in New York? …Well, think it over.

Miss Grundy
June 12, 2012 5:07 pm

beesaman says:
June 12, 2012 at 4:22 pm
Simple, just make it law that only democratically elected bodies can pass laws and that they can not delegate those law making powers to unelected institutions or individuals.
That should restrict the evolution of these quangos!
The USA has a constitutional clause requiring treaties to be ratified by our Senate before going into effect. That hasn’t prevented the uber-left from insinuating Agenda21 bullbleep into federal programs, which in turn put compliance requirements on states and municipalities.
Somehow the American Revolution’s rallying cry, “Taxation without representation is tyranny!”, has been diluted to the level of homeopathy.

June 12, 2012 5:20 pm

The only solution is to defund the UN and give the location of its headquarters to whatever country wants it — suckers. Others have stated this necessity most eloquently. There is no other possibility. President Romney must begin the process.

June 12, 2012 5:27 pm

gsonline2 says:
June 12, 2012 at 2:14 pm
This is the real fight, and it has been all along. CO2 is nothing now; it’s all about sustainability. And every single company in the U.S. is “doing” sustainability now, along with every city and county government (thanks to U.N.’s Agenda 21 plan to go around national governments and straight to the gullible citizens).
All the links I gave here are now showing 404:
Several States fighting back against Agenda 21.
For example:
“As the United Nations prepares for its next global conference on “sustainable development” in June, the Texas state GOP recently followed in the footsteps of the Republican National Committee (RNC) by passing a resolution blasting the controversial UN sustainability scheme known as Agenda 21, as well as all of the entities working toward its implementation. Advocates of liberty and national sovereignty celebrated the move as yet another victory in a decades-old battle against the plan.
“According to experts and the state GOP’s resolution, the global scheme represents a significant threat to the U.S. Constitution, the individual rights of Americans, and the institution of private property. And despite never having been ratified by the U.S. Senate, it is being foisted on the people of every state through various organizations including an international non-profit group known as ICLEI, formerly called the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives.
“The UN agenda, the Texas resolution states, is: “designed to destroy our fundamental rights and liberties as a people, hitherto enjoyed under our system of just government, in order to transform us from men made in the image of God to men re-made in the image of compelled beings, oppressed, having no acknowledged rights or liberties held inviolate; all designed by the enemies of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in order to reduce us to misery and bondage, without hope or God or natural moral absolutes.”
“As opposition to the UN plan escalates, however, lawmakers and officials across America are increasingly rejecting the highly controversial global program. Dozens of cities, counties, state legislatures, and even the national Republican Party have already started to fight back. …
“The state GOP supports the full restoration of constitutional justice, individual liberty, property rights, and limited government, according to the resolution. As such, “the people of Texas shall remain free religiously, socially, economically, and politically, according to our natural rights and liberties granted to us by God.”
“Those God-given rights, the resolution points out, are guaranteed by the Constitution. So the party resolves to protect them “in order that our fundamental rights and liberties shall be held inviolate forever, standing in opposition to all forms of religious, social, economic, and political globalism as set forth in the United Nations Agenda 21 Program.” As part of the Texas GOP’s official party platform, all Republicans are expected to work toward preserving those rights in the face of UN assaults.”

June 12, 2012 5:40 pm

p.s. I’ve just found it on a different page:
Here’s the list of related articles, several counties, if they can do it why not others?:
Related articles:
What are the UN’s Agenda 21 and ICLEI?
Irving, Texas, Becomes Latest City to Drop ICLEI & UN Agenda 21
Texas City Withdraws From ICLEI, UN “Agenda 21”
Tennessee Lawmakers Pass Resolution Blasting UN Agenda 21
Ocean County, New Jersey, Blasts UN Agenda 21 in Resolution
Your Hometown & the United Nations’ Agenda 21
Agenda 21 and the Movement Toward a One-World Govt
New Strategies in the Fight to Stop Agenda 21
2011 Was an Incredible Year as Agenda 21 Becomes a Major Issue
UN Demands $76 Trillion for “Green Technology”
Obama Signs Agenda 21-Related Executive Order
UN Bosses Secretly Plot Global Govt Through “Green Economy” for Rio+20
Oklahoma City Leaves ICLEI but Not Agenda 21
County in Washington Ditches Sustainable Development
Pennsylvania County Rejects Agenda 21
Edmond Oklahoma Dumps Agenda 21
Maryland County Cancels Agenda 21 Participation
UN’s Green Economy May Cost $2.5 Trillion a Year
Ambitious UN Sustainability Conference in Rio to Avoid Climate Talk

June 12, 2012 5:43 pm

Exactly. We are watching for a treaty and tax. So they come in through ICLEI and education where the right to tax already exists. If the city and county and school district super are on board with implementing this agenda (and many are whether they get the broader implications or not), the power to tax is already in place. It’s in your monthly property taxes.
The Un has already announced that education will be their weapon of choice going forward. That’s why the UN makes such a point of emphasizing its local connections to put its agenda in place.

June 12, 2012 5:49 pm

That being said, I don’t see what everyone is so upset about. These people’s you-know-what is not brown like ours is. /sarc
We are not worthy of licking the soles of their feet. /sarc
So what if they are not elected? We are pathetic fools, and they don’t need our stinking votes. /sarc
They don’t need our ideas, our insights, our hopes, our dreams, or even our lives. /sarc
We should spread their good news! Tell your neighbors! Tell your family! The vastly superior have arrived! /sarc.
We should spread the news like Paul Revere. Danger is coming. /No Sarc at all.

June 12, 2012 5:50 pm

p.p.s. This site might have even more on what’s happening in different areas in the US, but I haven’t found their filing system yet, here’s another:
From a news item:

June 12, 2012 5:53 pm

I think the financial meltdown looming will embolden the socialists for centralized planning in all areas of life.

June 12, 2012 5:56 pm

This is so DOA that I am not in the least bit worried.
I mean really, if congress won’t pass Kyoto, what are the chances this would ever get through – absolutely zero.
But I do appreciate that CFACT is getting the message out there.

June 12, 2012 5:58 pm

Globalism will soon be deader than a door nail. UN = League of Nations. Bye, bye!

Henry Clark
June 12, 2012 5:59 pm

Let’s see:
Desire to “contract” “over-consumption,” a.k.a. lower true incomes and wipe out prosperity among those they are jealous of and among who do not worship their BS (SUV drivers, etc). Check.
“Beyond GDP” so they can have a false pseudo-academic composite index from flexible fudge factors when implementing policies lowering GDP and harming the economy, to deny the harm. Check.
Desire to eliminate international competition which is the greatest barrier to the standard “frog in boiling water” trick of gradually expanding taxation and of building dominance of the political class over the economic class (reducing the number of individuals who move up by free enterprise and increasing the portion who must do so by sucking up in politically correct ways)? Check.
Desire to stop nuclear power (amongst the most hardcore not really because the long-term radioactivity of mere thousands of tons of manmade radioisotopes in waste compares to 40 trillion tons of uranium, etc. in Earth’s crust, nor the <=~ 0.002 mSv/yr from nuclear power to such as 5+ mSv/yr variation in natural background radiation between various countries, but because they fear its potential for massive industrial-scale energy supporting growth of human civilization). Check.
Desire to strangle the baby of new scientific and technological advancement, including biomedical and agricultural (even when opposition to advancing high-yield agriculture actually means more land requirements and less able to be spared for nature). Check.
In principle, someone being an opponent on one of these matters does not mean they have to be so on all. Amongst individuals, there are some exceptions, of course. But it is almost convenient how often the most hardcore activists fall into step as opponents with so little for redeeming features. There are two potential future paths for mankind: one favoring true science and its heritage for promoting material advancement, the other favoring a foundation of dishonesty to promote stagnation and decline.
Many of the modern watermelons would be worse than the old communists, if they ever gain full power over time: There would not be shortage of societal prosperity and material advancement by accident or incompetence but by direct intent, outright desiring to stop "over-consumption" as a direct ideological goal in and of itself, not only seeking to reslice and redistribute the pie of material wealth like energy generation but to make it smaller instead of larger (and what is defined as "over-consumption" can get increasingly more limited over time as ideological indoctrination progresses). If they wield power, their potential is more dangerous than political corruption centuries ago. Someone who abuses power and steals for personal gain is wrong in falling to such temptations, but worse is someone who will harm even beyond any such direct personal reasons. A thief is less evil than someone who would try to bring down prosperity as a goal in itself.
While mere casuals often just get duped, not meaning to support dishonesty and who they are truly supporting, the most hardcore activists of the CAGW movement are frequently essentially merely an outgrowth of a broader, more fundamental anti-growth ideological movement. If too many people lost belief in CAGW, they'd just look for another excuse to accomplish the same goals (although it would be a major setback).

June 12, 2012 6:11 pm

Funny how no one calls for an army. Guess men today are just going to stand by and watch it happen to every person who helped build a great world.

June 12, 2012 6:12 pm

Robin says:
June 12, 2012 at 2:47 pm
And then there’s the “Beyond-GDP Principle” being pushed by all these UN agencies and other groups.
Now how on earth can we afford all these bureaucrats in a world based on a global economy that “recognizes the inherent limits and distorting effects of using GDP as a measure of progress and welfare. Policy goals and monitoring need to be guided by integrated measures on environmental, social, human and economic well-being, taking into account diverse interpretations of human welfare.”
What is revealing is that while these lobbyists deplore GDP as an inadequate measure of well-being, preferring ‘triple bottom lines’ and similar nonsense which elevates their preferences to a universal good, when it comes to cold hard cash they are on GDP like white on rice. So, they demand X% of a nation’s GDP be allocated to foreign aid, or saving the planet, or whatever they consider to be important.
This has a double-good result for them, as the ‘human development’ indices and the like that they promote so strongly often include quite poor countries as having a good quality of life (Cuba often pops up, for example). But, since that is not going to fund their extravagant lifestyles and projects, they seamlessly revert to GDP as a measure of national well-being (ie capacity to contribute) when it suits them.
Oh, and thanks for the Monckton clip posted above. It’s quite long (nearly an hour), but even if you only have time to listen to part of it, it’s well worth checking out. He summarises the issues around the growth of supra-national bodies like the EU and the UN with his usual clarity and compelling insight. And, he says he’s going to Rio and will be reporting back (hopefully a post here included) and gives WUWT a good plug as well.

June 12, 2012 6:17 pm

@wayne says:
June 12, 2012 at 6:11 pm
Funny how no one calls for an army. Guess men today are just going to stand by and watch it happen to every person who helped build a great world.
People who have reasonably comfortable lives, rarely take up arms.

June 12, 2012 6:28 pm

markx says:
“But, they will NEVER give up, to much power and position at stake. They will regroup and do it all again.”
You’re correct. People’s careers, professional reputations, livelihoods, and (in all truthfulness) belief systems (i.e., faith) have been built around the false deity of “environmentalism.” Some know it’s a convenient excuse for something more (a concentration of power), but the majority have consumed the Flavor Aid and actually accept unreservedly that their “supportive and clearly sympathetic” actions are “saving the planet.” If such beliefs actually had merit, then these people would have been mythical with their ability to prevent Nature from allowing that K-T boundary… transgression from occurring about 65 ± 0.5 mya.
Humanity’s recent hubris before Earth’s humbling antiquity has never been so blatantly displayed as it is with the ironically entitled “Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development” or “The Future We Want.” In the timelessly-wise words of Lincoln, “How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn’t make it a leg.” Political correctness and its insensate need to re-purpose words has created a generation (or three now) of conveniently non-critical thinking, zealots (a/k/a non-governmental organizations) lead by Jim Jones-like religious figures, shamelessly masquerading as “friends” of the Earth and (on occasion) “climate scientists.”
I mean… I’m just saying… you know?

June 12, 2012 6:28 pm

DR says, June 12, 2012 at 5:53 pm

I think the financial meltdown looming will embolden the socialists for centralized planning in all areas of life.

Yep, stage management is a long drawn out process but timing is everything.

Louis Hooffstetter
June 12, 2012 6:30 pm

Let’s review: How well did the UN deal with Israel, North Korea, Zimbabwe, Bosnia, Rwanda, Somalia, Congo, East Timor, Sierra Leon, Darfur, Iran, & now Syria?
How well did they administer the Oil for Food program?
How’s the IPCC working out?
Any organization that has proven its incompetence as many times as the UN needs to be scrapped. Scrap the UN and start over.

June 12, 2012 6:32 pm

“Otherwise Rio+20 could easily trap them in a future we dread…”
There are reasons why ~ 80% of Republicans have balked at climate change. Here I report my comments at hotair that explained why, though, some Republican politicians, notably Chris Christie, have held to the leftist view. First:

Yes, and of all his RINOisms, the most disturbing is his aggressive pro-climate change stance, as late as just a few months ago.
In the face of polling that shows Republicans now reject the fear-mongering leftists on AGW (a Pew poll shows only 19% of Repubs believe in man-made global warming), it’s one thing to take a kind a non-committal stance, but Christie puts his nose up at his own party, not much different than Huntsman…

Mary of L.A. replied to me: “Bummer! I didn’t know that. 🙁 I wonder how he came to believe so steadfastly in global warming?” My reply:

A few years ago, more than half of the Repub politicians were apparently believers in global warming… I mean climate change.
But then the Climategate emails were exposed (with the likes of Hide the Decline), and key pillars of the warmist argument fell (the hockey stick, and the cause & effect CO2 / temperature correlation). Everyday Republican voters saw and were moved by these new developments, but many Republican politicians, stuck in perhaps formulaic ways of thinking or acting, or (too) involved in campaigns, haven’t paid attention, or at least, they haven’t followed suit.
BUT, -most- Republican politicians, if they were former warmists, -have- repudiated their previous view, or modified their view to be more centrist, or at least been very low key about their pro-warmist views. BUT BUT not Huntsman, not Christie. Maybe Christie really believes it. Yet there’s been plenty of time, and what makes him, then, like Hunstman, so much smarter than 80% of the Republican voters?
The thing that was instrumental in changing my view was this 3 minute 2007 excerpt from The Great Global Warming Swindle, which shows algor repeating the key ipcc deception on CO2, see it, share it, promote it:

June 12, 2012 7:12 pm

I’ve read countless times that wealth redistribution, resource allocation and management, and convergence of national standards of living are part of AGW solutions. Not surprised at all over what I just read here. The calls for many of these things can be traced back to the 1969 book “resources and man” by the National Academy of Sciences. It probably goes farther back, that’s as far as I’ve got…
Rockefeller funding and influence seems to be tied to this green utopian movement.

Aussie Luke Warm
June 12, 2012 7:24 pm

Can’t wait to see if Australia’s imbecilic Labor/Greens government will push back on this one.

June 12, 2012 7:28 pm

This cultural virus still wants to kill its host. It offers to tax us, merely, in unworkable ways, so indeed I detect the last great gasp of green financial speculation prior to the upcoming conservative landslide in both national and local US elections. Giving women the vote has permanently skewed politics to the idealistic left due to the foolhardy urge to ban abortion by the entire right wing machine, so there’s a whopping 50% of voters whose adult freedom to screw up is threatened enough to cause all of us progressive political disasters as backlashes against such Puritanism. So Romney gets eight years followed by another greenie fanatic, and the EPA and useless DEA are joined by new UN agendas. Imagine a world in which women scoff at fancy shoes, artificially scarce diamond rings and who study the Old Testement all weekend. Denial of human nature on both sides creates a culture war turns government into a cancer that keeps growing quite disastrously. Local tea party politics is more libertarian than Puritanical though, so the horizon is a bright one.

June 12, 2012 7:34 pm

Johanna-now that the schemers have been forced to acknowledge due to long term tragic experiments that central planned economies with a large govt presence are not as productive, the solution is apparently for all of us peons to get over that type of prosperity. Control is all.
Those were just a few of the charming Green Economy Principles being used.
Plus don’t forget the UN issued its first ever World Happiness Report in 2012. We should really beware of all Jeffrey Sachs initiatives. That pulls in Broadband too through UNESCO.

Darren Potter
June 12, 2012 7:45 pm

There is a very easy and simple way to solve United Nations’ Rio+20 Sustainable Development Conference agenda and any other United Nations’ agendas. Cut off all American support (funding, “peace” keeping, aid) and kick the United Nations out of the United States of America.
Send the U.N. packing!

June 12, 2012 7:49 pm

You may think, in your WUWT cocoon, that you’re making a real difference. Easy to do.
On Yahoo (yahoo, not google), one has to fully spell out ‘churchil’, to get 1, yes just one, reference to Winston Churchill.
Get out there!!! Fight THE POWER!!!!!!!!!!!! Our history is being erased before our blinded eyes……

Mark Bofill
June 12, 2012 7:56 pm

The real hell of this is, it actually defeats its alleged purpose. I care about the environment. But I will be damned if I’m going to be taxed into oblivion so another parasitic bureaucracy can thrive, or permit my kids to have their money funneled away for god knows what purposes in third world countries. These guys are thieves, pure and simple, and people who really care about the environment should be up in arms that these thieves are hijacking their cause. I’ll have no part of it, except to fight it.

June 12, 2012 7:59 pm

Hummm, seems some things never change over the years . . . . . . .

Chris Riley
June 12, 2012 8:12 pm

If I were the King of the World I would cancel the passport of every last attendee about mid-way through the conference. The attendees could then crawl into the rainforest and live out the rest of their lives in the style they have in mind for the rest of us.

Eric Gisin
June 12, 2012 8:14 pm

The proper response from western governments would be: “If this document is released, we will cut all UN funding”. Move the UN to Cuba and let the third world fund it.

June 12, 2012 8:17 pm

One of the chief architects of all this is Helen Clark …ex P.M. of New Zealand and now boss of the United Nations Development Programmeand. She is well known for her belief in Fabian Socialism… thats socialism by stealth to you and me…Just remember, all the communists did not just disappear when the Berlin Wall came down… they morphed into melons…

June 12, 2012 8:22 pm

Turn this boat around, , , Please !
Good night >

June 12, 2012 8:22 pm

Darren Potter says:
“Send the U.N. packing!”
THAT is the ONLY answer! Anything less, and those America-hating kleptocrats will rule us all.
Kick the bastards off our shores, dump our membership in the UN, and only deal with countries that appreciate our generosity.

June 12, 2012 8:54 pm

Let’s hope that this whole Rio+20 shin-dig takes a long high dive into a small dry barrel.

June 12, 2012 8:57 pm

Smokey says:
June 12, 2012 at 8:22 pm

Darren Potter says:
“Send the U.N. packing!”
THAT is the ONLY answer! Anything less, and those America-hating kleptocrats will rule us all.
Kick the bastards off our shores, dump our membership in the UN, and only deal with countries that appreciate our generosity.

It’s easier to bug the building when it’s on your territory. Who cares whether another 10,000 fruit loops run around in NYC? Would you prefer them to cook up their ridiculous schemes in Brussels?

June 12, 2012 9:08 pm

Taxing and seizing funds?
Sounds like a plan to pick every pocket on a Global scale.
Only Russia, China, India, ME, BRIC are not going to play along.
The West is a different story, having already thrown itself on the Derivative Sword and outsourced itself to the 4 winds.

June 12, 2012 9:27 pm

The same people (and their philosophical progeny) have had the same solution for every new problem since Plato, and they wouldn’t be so meek as to let the fact that it’s never once worked change their minds!
In other words, new battlefield, old battle.

June 12, 2012 9:28 pm

DirkH: They won’t stay if we stop paying them. And we *should* stop paying them to steal from us, abuse us, and generally act like spoiled brats on our dime.

Richard Day
June 12, 2012 9:37 pm

All G20 countries should cut their UN funding to $1.00. Much hilarity ensues.

Joe Prins
June 12, 2012 9:48 pm

Page 269: 24. International Organization for the Protection and Welfare of Squirrels –
Chapter V paragraph 94
We recognize that mountains are highly vulnerable to global changes such as climate
change [ changes that affect not only the human population, but the many Species
of wild animals that inhabit the mountains, some of them of a vital importance and
value for the life of mountains- such as Squirrels, which are credited with
maintaining and developing the forests for millions of years by burying the nuts
and planting the trees – International Organization for the protection and Welfare
of Squirrels] and are often home to communities including of indigenous people , who
have developed sustainable uses of their resources yet are often marginalized, sometimes”
Thought I would actually read this “future we want…” Being a bit of a sceptic….maybe someone exagerates? I am now convinced. Squirrels are vital to all. Please take my YEARLY contribution of $ 1,211.00 and help the squirrels./sarc

June 12, 2012 10:22 pm

Joe Prins says:
June 12, 2012 at 9:48 pm
“Page 269: 24. International Organization for the Protection and Welfare of Squirrels –
Their website:

June 12, 2012 10:31 pm

@NikFromNYC. “Giving women the vote has permanently skewed politics to the idealistic left due to the foolhardy urge to ban abortion by the entire right wing machine, so there’s a whopping 50% of voters whose adult freedom to screw up is threatened enough to cause all of us progressive political disasters as backlashes against such Puritanism.” Nik, you’ve nailed it! Strongly. I can’t emphasize enough how on target your observations are. Keep spreading the word!
I tend to be neutral on the choice issue, but I don’t like the way it is doing exactly what you say… causing leftists to prevail in politics. Sure, as you suggest, the leftists go crazy and women come back reluctantly or even fearfully, to the conservatives. But you probably have it just right. If conservatives win, and the threat to legal abortion ever becomes real, even conservative women will take it upon themselves to vote the leftists back in. And with the changing demographics and new morality, we have the potential for the next leftist wave to usher in a regime that will make O look like a capitalist tycoon.
Ok, I say, go ahead and repeal Roe vs Wade, and let the states decide. But let only women vote on the issue; after all, it is they that are most affected. Let them feel comfortable with the abortion issue, so the leftists don’t rise again to lead us into true communism and redistribution of all property. Don’t think that the constitution will save us.

Ian W
June 12, 2012 10:45 pm

Philip Peake says:
June 12, 2012 at 2:23 pm
Fortunately, with the world on the edge of financial meltdown these proposals will be heartily laughed at by any responsible government.
Irresponsible governments should expect armed rebellion to make Syria look like a Sunday afternoon picnic.

And other similar comments.
These people want disorder and chaos as crises can be used. Loss of control shows that obviously the current government(s) cannot cope therefore we ‘bureaucrats’ must step in and take power. You will already have seen this kind of statement in the western press about Greece. Both Italy and Greece have had their prime ministers replaced with unelected placemen by similarly unelected Eurocrats in Brussels who fully support Agenda21 and Rio+20. Yes there are riots – and Greece is being reduced to…. the level that Rio+20 NGOs want everyone to be at..
Just because their ideas seem beyond the pale, doesn’t mean they have not well planned their execution.

June 12, 2012 11:38 pm

Curiousgeorge says:
June 12, 2012 at 6:17 pm
@wayne says:
June 12, 2012 at 6:11 pm
Funny how no one calls for an army. Guess men today are just going to stand by and watch it happen to every person who helped build a great world.
People who have reasonably comfortable lives, rarely take up arms.
Guess you’re right George, blissfully blind.

June 12, 2012 11:56 pm

OK, calm down folks.
I will be shocked if a single thing the UNFCCC is asking for gets approved, and the UNFCCC itself will be just as shocked. They know they won’t get squat on their wish list approved and they don’t care. They care that they get to strut and fret in front of their peers, wail away along with some hand ringing and maybe even some rending of clothes together with lofty feel good speeches. Then at night they will party their faces off, and inject huge amounts of money into the local night club, drug dealer, and brothel businesses.
When it is over they will cry, hug one another, promise to try even harder next time, and then go home. But accomplish anything substantive? Fat chance.
As much as I think the UN provides little of value and does much harm, there is one purpose fo them to still exist. It draws all the looney tunes into one place where it is easy to whatch the whole bunch of them at once and learn if they are getting any actual traction on this bullarky. Abolish the UN and they will scatter to the four winds to turn up who knows where.

June 13, 2012 12:03 am

These airheads do not live in the real world. I will be writing to my MP. While he is a socialist he is not a communist and this scare him as much as it does me.

June 13, 2012 12:05 am

*should* scare him…

June 13, 2012 12:06 am

“Not to be outdone, environmental NGOs are demanding that developed countries cut carbon dioxide emissions by 95% by 2050.”
ROFL. One well placed meteorite, well..

Phil Ford
June 13, 2012 12:36 am

‘The Future We Want’ is nothing less than an extreme left-wing, socialist/communist political manifesto – sure, it uses weasel words like ‘sustainability’ and ‘green economies’ quite liberally throughout to hide it’s real intentions, but even the most cursory reading of this alarming, wretched 288-page propaganda sheet reveals the truth of what climate realist author James Delingpole brilliantly described as ‘the watermelons’ (green on the outside, red on the inside).
This is a document to send chills through the heart of every freedom-loving individual wherever you are in the world – its Soviet-like overtones scan like a bleak international death sentence for liberty and enterprise, a bullet to the head for human prosperity and the utter abandonment, once and for all, of any chance of genuinely alleviating the problems of world poverty and energy shortages. Condemning future generations all around the globe to a feudal ‘sustainable’ tomorrow, with no energy security, not even the most basic of living standards, no job security, food shortages, colossal tax rises and a raft of undemocratic laws to enable all this nonsense (no doubt on pain of imprisonment via some nebulous ‘World Climate Court’)… It’s enough to make one weep.
And yet here we are, days away from Rio+20 Rally – the scene of the crime about to be committed. Is this to be a ‘Nuremberg moment’? Alarm bells must now surely be ringing across the globe – and if not, why not? This is, after all, in the face of increasing public distrust of the bogus claims of the climate alarmists, going to be ‘the watermelon’s’ last final chance for the ‘big putsch’ to finally get Agenda 21 bound into international law at an executive level, to bypass the democratic process entirely (always their real intention), and to enable the creation of a vast new unelected international bureaucracy (tax-payer funded, of course), to facilitate the kind of global governance the UN has until now only been able to dream about.
Most breath-taking of all will be witnessing the world’s mainstream media report not one solitary word about this whilst simultaneously (and dutifully) parroting all the best, most alarmist and sensational pro-AGW headlines their political masters can script write for their nightly bulletins. Cowards, all. Meanwhile, behind the curtain, the real business of Rio goes on abated and all of our futures hang very much in the balance… Funny how we will never get to vote on a single page of any of it. In the UN’s Brave New Future (the ‘one they want’) that’s how ‘democracy’ will work. Like a meaningless, rather quaint and antiquated notion. Democratic freedom, as nothing more than a beaten-up museum piece.

June 13, 2012 1:56 am

Felix Dodds’ “Stakeholder Forum” is the biggest pusher of extreme RIO outcomes. Dangerous, unelected charlatans.

Brian Johnson uk
June 13, 2012 2:56 am

BBC’s Richard Black is there – why?
Joe Prins says:
June 12, 2012 at 9:48 pm
“Page 269: 24. International Organization for the Protection and Welfare of Squirrels –
For squirrels read tree rats. The grey ones anyway. They must be saved! – why?

John Marshall
June 13, 2012 3:02 am

The European project is displaying why a world government would be a bad thing let alone never work. The UN is turning into a more socialist granny knows best organization with every turn of the planet. America must cut the monies paid to these loonies.

June 13, 2012 3:04 am

Hillary Clinton is leading US Delegation to this party. Apparently Obama is too busy trying to avoid getting fired in Nov.
“Reuters Point Carbon) – Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will lead a delegation of officials to the United Nation’s sustainability conference in Rio de Janeiro from June 20-22, the State Department said Tuesday, signaling a stronger U.S. commitment to the summit.
The announcement comes after U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in April called on U.S. President Barack Obama to attend the conference and to take a more active role in global efforts to curb climate change.
Environmental NGOs had hoped Obama would participate to lend weight to the conference.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lisa Jackson will serve as alternate head of the U.S. delegation with special envoy on climate change Todd Stern as chief negotiator
Over 130 heads of state and government have confirmed their attendance at the Rio+20 summit, which Ban has said will be one of the biggest conferences in U.N. history.
Ban and others believe the outcome of the conference will serve as the building blocks for a future international climate deal.
Rio+20 will aim to agree non-binding sustainable development goals in areas such as food security, water and energy.
However, expectations to the summit are low as many governments have played down potential outcomes of the meeting and are focusing instead on solving economic difficulties.”

June 13, 2012 3:15 am

KnR says: June 12, 2012 at 3:00 pm
Oddly the madder they make it the better it is for those that oppose it , the first rule of politicians is get elected the second stay elected , these ideas break both the first and second rule so are nothing but a wild vote loser for politicians and therefor likely to kill the whole thing dead .

You and others seem to be assuming that you will get to vote one way or another on any of this. That isn’t how they operate. They know full well that they could never get this crap past a ballot box. Take a look at this list of those busily implementing Agenda 21, you don’t really think that any of the residents of the ‘members’ listed got to vote do you? Toward the bottom of the list is the UK where the two biggest cities in England appear. Close your eyes now if you are a US resident!
They talk a good ‘democracy’ but that is the very last thing they want. Everything is done by the back door. And don’t believe for one moment that they are just anonymous activists chipping away at your world in the background. Here is a compilation from the recent “planet under pressure’ jamboree. Do watch at least the first minute for an idea of what is taking place (UK centric) behind your back and the kind of people involved.
Some often comment that it all sounds like some paranoid internet conspiracy theory but in reality it is no more a conspiracy than “socialism” is a “conspiracy”. They may not march with red flags singing the “The Internationale” but, just like socialists, they are very real and active at all levels. Rio is their major conference and so is the ideal time to put names to faces.

June 13, 2012 3:29 am

I don’t have a dog in the political party fights in the US, so this page because I think it useful as it pulls together a lot of the background and what’s happening in fighting it,
Taking up arms really should be only last resort, fighting it this way also establishes through education, discussion, what the fight is all about. Revolutions in the past comprised mostly of canon fodder ignorant of what was being fought for, there’s no history to remember for the majority..
You Americans don’t for the most part understand what you have in the setting up of your republic, you’d never call it a democracy if you did… You’re the only ones with a still living history of establishing Common Law – use it or lose it.

Phil Ford
June 13, 2012 3:42 am

Oh, and here’s a fine slice of very recent indoctrinaire climate propaganda from the UN, aimed at school children…Have these people no shame at all? WARNING: This movie will seriously ruin your day.

Rhys Jaggar
June 13, 2012 3:43 am

‘Few policies are more counterproductive than forcing people to grow low yield crops that are susceptible to insects and drought, or to rely on inefficient energy technologies, he said.’
This is a statement I agree with.
It is not, however, a deduction to be made from that that GM crops are necessarily any better.
Some may be, some are not. Other approaches to improve crop yields may be more appropriate.
This debate needs to be resolved by those with no allegiance to either Monsanto or Greenpeace.

June 13, 2012 4:00 am

Sustainability = rationing.

June 13, 2012 4:50 am
Note in the Terra Preta article what the magic ingredient is – charcoal
Because note this:
“Ancient fertilizer technique could help poor farmers, store carbon
What is biochar?
Biochar is charcoal made from the partial combustion of organic materials. It contains high levels of organic carbon and enriches soils by adding nutrients such as potassium and calcium and boosting the soil’s ability to retain water and nutrients. It also helps neutralize acidic soils such as those found in the Amazon. The soil becomes a more welcoming environment for fungi and bacteria, which boost the amount of nitrogen and other nutrients available to plants. Carbon in the form of biochar remains stable within the soil for thousands of years. Studies show that the addition of biochar improves crop yields, especially in poor soils”
And the writers interest is in carbon trading the stuff, oh right, in the interests of the poor farmers..
Don’t burn all your charcoal for the barbie, dig some into your soil – on the Terra Preta page there’s a picture of the difference in growth in:
Corn Test Plots
with low-temperature biochar, no charcoal & commercial charcoal
Low-temperature biochar is, I assume, just the old way of making it, I don’t know how this differs with the results of commercially produced.

June 13, 2012 5:26 am

A minor quibble: The statement at the beginning
“An American family of four could owe the UN $1,325 per year.”
Should read:
“An American family of four WILL BE REQUIRED TO PAY the UN $1,325 per year.”
Steamboat Jack (Jon Jewett’s evil twin)

June 13, 2012 6:43 am

Western taxpayers are getting sick and tired of all the lectures and finger-wagging by the “green” zealots, and there is absolutely no possiblity of any of these proposals being implimented. Rio is just another great junket for the “greens” to take their families/colleagues/mistresses on holiday for a week at taxpayers’ expense and feel good about it because they can pretend to be saving the planet.
WOULD you be surprised to hear that British charities receive more money from the government and the National Lottery than they do from individual donors? More than £12bn a year was transferred from the taxpayer to the third sector at the last count. Much of this was essentially outsourcing. Millions of pounds of foreign aid is channelled through groups like Christian Aid and Oxfam, and many healthcare services, including hospice care and family planning clinics, are provided by grant-maintained charities.
Britsh Government has worked with charities to provide public services since the welfare state was created and there is no compelling reason for it to stop now. However, in the last 15 years, the relationship has become murkier. Governments, from the European Commission down to local authorities, have been funding overtly political organisations on a large scale. Did you know, for example, that dozens of environmental pressure groups, including Friends of the Earth, are largely funded by the EU? Is it transparently clear that many of the charities who lobby for various taxes and prohibitions are being paid by government departments for “advocacy” and “policy development”?
Count China out of Rio. This is just one example of why the whole Rio junket is a complete waste:
CHINA yesterday threatened to impound European planes if its own aircraft are seized, in the latest tit-for-tat over the EU’s unpopular carbon emission tax. Chinese airlines, at the behest of Beijing, have refused to hand over data on their carbon emissions by Europe’s 31 March deadline, and now authorities have warned they could hold up European flights if the EU tries to punish them for the breach.
EU climate commissioner Connie Hedegaard has said the carriers have until the end of this week to submit their data or face enforcement action such as fines or impounding aircraft. “Chinese airlines are unanimous on this. We won’t provide the data,” said Wei Zhenzhong, secretary general of the China Air Transport Association, on the sidelines of an International Air Transport Association (IATA) meeting in Beijing.
Wei said China “would try to avoid any trade war”, but is prepared to retaliate if its state carriers – Air China, China Southern Airlines and China Eastern Airlines – are penalised. The country has already delayed an estimated $14bn of plane orders in protest at the carbon scheme, prompting airlines of all stripes to ask Europe to delay the introduction of the cap-and-trade programme.
China has been the most vociferous critic of the plans to tax polluting carriers, but the US, India and Russia have also hit out at Europe’s plans.
The EU set out in 2009 a scheme to force the aviation sector to monitor and pay tax on carbon emissions by 2012. Firms would be able to trade surplus emissions allowances from 2013 under the current schedule. But at a time when airlines around the world are battling with soaring fuel costs and dwindling traffic growth, China has asked Europe to push back the start date by a year. The EU has said it is prepared to withdraw the plan if other countries can come up a suitable global alternative. “It’s not about the money. It’s an issue of sovereignty,” said Paul Steele, IATA’s director of aviation environment.

June 13, 2012 6:48 am

On the comment above that this is coming regardless of treaties, yes, bringing it in through education initiatives is already scheduled for a July UN meeting. Believe it or not I have the agenda from tracking things you have likely never heard of.
Consistent with a 2003 UNESCO Roundtable Statement on using accreditation worldwide to enforce the desired political vision for education. To “adapt to a world whose societies are undergoing profound social and economic transformation.” Yes, that would be pushed by UN agencies and Agenda 21 and the OECD and World Bank and various unaccountable NGOs and so-called charitable foundations.
In the future “a quality education . . . should equip all people, women and men, to be fully participating members of their own communities and also citizens of the world.”
Oh good. Of course that would be the transformed and managed reinvisioned world.
The bureaucrats will not get what they want but they can take most of us and everything that makes an economy work for the masses and gut it. At our expense.

June 13, 2012 6:57 am

“The NGOs would place both nature and man in jeopardy, since they call for curbs on “any technologies that might imply a serious risk for the environment or human society, including in particular synthetic biology, geo-engineering, genetic modification, nuclear energy and nanotechnology,” Rothbard observed.”
The key will be- who gets to decide. And you can bet that future Solyndras will get approved, and it will not be a big deal when they leave toxic waste behind, but projects by others will face close scrutiny that consumes copious amounts of time and money, thus sapping innovation.

G. Karst
June 13, 2012 8:01 am

The Committee is taking a delegation to Brazil to expose these potentially devastating policy proposals. “We also intend to inject some much needed common sense into the deliberations, and ensure that at least some consideration is given to the needs of real people, especially the world’s poor – and not just to the unreasonable and often outrageous demands of Deep Ecology, anti-development activists,” Rucker said.

A worthy mission. Keep in mind that “common sense” is not all that common. GK

John from CA
June 13, 2012 12:31 pm

It gets worse.
Hillary Clinton to head US delegation to UN earth summit
By Ben Geman – 06/12/12 06:23 PM ET
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will lead the U.S. delegation at the upcoming United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (dubbed Rio+20) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the State Department announced Tuesday.
Also in the U.S. delegation for the big June 20-22 summit: EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, and Todd Stern, who is the State Department’s special envoy for climate change.
Stern, who has seen his share of diplomatic battles over climate change, will serve as chief U.S. negotiator. While the conference is certainly getting high-level attention, environmental groups had wanted President Obama to lead the U.S. team.

June 13, 2012 1:04 pm

Turn back technological development to 200 years ago. (p 4)
Strictly apply the precautionary approach to any technnology which might harm the environment. (p 18)
End all large agricultural use of land. End use of agricultural technologies. Give land to small hunter gatherers, pastoralists, peasants. (p 126)
Just a few of the modest proposals to end world poverty.
In Zoroastrianism the Evil One, Ahriman, always hated all farming, homes, fires, marriage to one wife, and he especially hated cattle. This was known 4000 years ago as “The Assault,” named for the hostility to all things necessary for human life. Today the same hatred goes by the sophisticated and elegant term, “food security.”

June 13, 2012 1:18 pm

Tom Murphy says:
June 12, 2012 at 6:28 pm
Political correctness and its insensate need to re-purpose words has created a generation (or three now) of conveniently non-critical thinking, zealots (a/k/a non-governmental organizations) lead by Jim Jones-like religious figures, shamelessly masquerading as “friends” of the Earth and (on occasion) “climate scientists.”
There was an excellent (rare) documentary on the DOC channel last night called “The War on Kids”. Eye opening. I recognized some of the “techniques” from my own schooling in the 60s-70s, but it’s far worse now.
I think this is it:

June 13, 2012 1:56 pm

To those who maintain that there is nothing to worry about from RIO because no treaty will ever pass in the senate, you are unfortunately quite mistaken. Lisa Jackson, in charge of EPA, is busy having her staff write and enforce regulations that aim to accomplish much of what the Rio+20 want. I am simply appalled at how much power we let the EPA have. The EPA writes and enforces it’s own laws without any oversight at all by our congress. This is totally unconstitutional in my opinion. EPA should only be able to enforce regulations that have been put to a vote in congress and signed by the president. At this very moment, every coal fired power plant is slated to be shut down due to EPA regulations in our near future. Gas powered power plants wont be far behind as the next set of LISA regulations will shutdown gas plants as producing to much CO2 as well.

Gail Combs
June 13, 2012 2:05 pm

nigelf says:
June 12, 2012 at 3:47 pm
Any free country’s leader or representative who signs on to this should immediately be incarcerated and tried for treason upon landing back in their home country. And I’m 100% serious too.
I think in the USA all it takes is the convening of a Grand Jury for ANY PURPOSE. It is certainly worth investigating whether or not it is true.

On the Grand Jury
Fully Informed Jury Association
Post Office Box 5570 Helena, MT 59604-5570 1-800-TEL-JURY
The U.S. Attorneys Manual states that prosecutors “must recognize that the grand jury is an independent body, whose functions include not only the investigation of crime and the initiation of criminal prosecution but also the protection of the citizenry from unfounded criminal charges” (USAM, Section 9-11.010). The Manual recognizes that targets of investigations have the right and can “request or demand the opportunity to tell the grand jury their side of the story” (USAM, Section 9-11.152).
The Supreme Court states that the independent grand jury’s purpose is not only to investigate possible criminal conduct, but to act as a “protector of citizens against arbitrary and oppressive governmental action,” and to perform its functions, the independent grand jury “deliberates in secret and may determine alone the course of its inquiry” (United States v. Calandra, 414 U.S. 338 (1974))…..
The grand jury is to protect citizens against “hasty, malicious and oppressive persecution” and to insure that prosecutions are not “dictated by an intimidating power or by malice and personal ill will” (Wood v. Georgia, 370 U.S. 375 (1962)). The independent grand jury is described as “a body with powers of investigation and inquisition, the scope of whose inquiries is not to be limited narrowly by questions of propriety or forecasts of the probable result of the investigation” (Branzburg v. Hayes, 408 U.S. 665 (1972)). “Without thorough and effective investigation, the grand jury would be unable either to ferret out crimes deserving of prosecution, or to screen out charges not warranting prosecution.” (U.S. v. Sells Engineering, 463 U.S. 418 (1983))…..
Find out if there is a sign-up sheet to volunteer to get on grand juries in your county, state, and federal jurisdictions. Sign up if you can! It is the best way to put a lid on out-of-control government prosecutions. If you are serving on a grand jury, you have the authority and the duty to call in the person or persons being accused, to dismiss the prosecutor and government employees from the room, and to question and hear from the person the prosecutor wants to charge. You have the duty to ensure that no person is brought to trial unless there is obvious and sufficient evidence to return an indictment. As a grand juror, you are the first line of defense for private citizens against ambitious prosecutors and unconstitutional laws being used against The People.
Our founders intended that our independent grand juries protect people from ambitious or tyrannical government employees and laws. You, as a grand juror, stand as the first bulwark against government tyranny.….

June 13, 2012 3:02 pm

June 12, at 11:56 pm
As much as I think the UN provides little of value and does much harm, there is one purpose fo them to still exist. It draws all the looney tunes into one place where it is easy to whatch the whole bunch of them at once
Maybe we can get them to meet in a “B Ark” Since they purport to be a panicky lot who think the world is about to end, it might be easy to arrange.

June 13, 2012 3:05 pm
Gail Combs
June 13, 2012 4:01 pm

NikFromNYC says:
June 12, 2012 at 7:28 pm
…… Giving women the vote has permanently skewed politics to the idealistic left due to the foolhardy urge to ban abortion by the entire right wing machine, so there’s a whopping 50% of voters whose adult freedom to screw up is threatened enough to cause all of us progressive political disasters as backlashes against such Puritanism……
A female who has any sense considers the abortion issue deader than a door nail and pays attention to other things. The only reason abortion is ever brought up as a campaign issue is because the left (and right) hopes to sway female voters through emotion.

June 13, 2012 4:22 pm

Over here in Britain, we have been part of a Social homogenisation of peoples and regions, the powers that reside in Brussels wish to rid Europe of the nation state.
Indeed, the whole idea of the nation state is to be expunged, there have been plans extant – that show the cantonisation of the British mainland are already drawn up – all we will be is a maritime province on the fringes of the People’s Socialist Soviet of Europe.
When I read the above blog post, “From Rio + 20: The future we dread” , I thought to myself, we are, here in Britain 80% there already.
The future is Orwellian, that great man had the foresight, he was a little out on the timing.
I thought the UN was some sort of a international talking shop designed to prevent world wars and local conflicts, on the latter I’d say – big fail, on the former – well maybe but the USA’s nuclear arsenal possibly had something to do with as well.
That said, how is it, that an unelected, undemocratic and very unrepresentative cabal of tinpot dictators, mass murderers and mafia bosses…….er east of the Volga…….can start dictating terms on how we live our lives and pay taxes in the Western world?
Ask yourself this question and in honesty – if somehow, tomorrow the UN ceased to be, would anyone actually miss it, or even care?
Another question, this one addressed to our American cousins – are you not weary of paying for this monster [the UN] and is this the future for you?
Don’t vote Obama.

Walter Sobchak
June 13, 2012 9:39 pm

Hey, Rio should go for it go deep, and we should encourage them so that everybody will be able to understand what it is all really about, trying to create the international socialist world government without firing a shot.

John Kettlewell
June 13, 2012 11:14 pm

The .7% of GlobalGDP has been the target for 40 years. If one is interested, Mr. Wolfensohn, former World Bank head, has been peddling that for a decade atleast; you may visit him on YouTube, as an example.
These United States are truely the only roadblock to the dystopia they seek; notwithstanding the individuals and groups worldwide (UKIP, recently Australia, scientists). As a sovereign, it is merely us. We have enough problems within, we do not need global tyrants’ interference as well.

June 14, 2012 1:53 am

Gail Combs says:
June 13, 2012 at 4:01 pm
NikFromNYC says:
June 12, 2012 at 7:28 pm
…… Giving women the vote has permanently skewed politics to the idealistic left due to the foolhardy urge to ban abortion by the entire right wing machine, so there’s a whopping 50% of voters whose adult freedom to screw up is threatened enough to cause all of us progressive political disasters as backlashes against such Puritanism……
A female who has any sense considers the abortion issue deader than a door nail and pays attention to other things. The only reason abortion is ever brought up as a campaign issue is because the left (and right) hopes to sway female voters through emotion.
Thanks, Gail, for telling me that I am a female with no sense. I had no idea until you just put me right on that question.
This may come as a shock to you, but you do not speak for anyone but yourself.

June 14, 2012 9:07 am

It is not just at Rio, this message is being put forth at conferences everywhere, this post
“At this biodiversity conference the Green Energy Act lay like a dog turd in need of a policy pooper-scooper.
The 2012 Muskoka Summit on the Environment entitled Perspectives On Biodiversity Loss – From Science to Policy, follows on the inaugural 2010 Freshwater Summit which had its inception in the year of the world Summit in Muskoka.
The objective then was to prepare a policy statement which would be communicated to our government representatives at the international Summit. An member with long-standing involvement in freshwater monitoring and protection was invited to the first event and this year again attended to bring a Lake Superior perspective to the proceedings giving us the opportunity to share with you a first-hand report:”
Continue reading at
One of the speakers and the most egregious of the bunch when it came to alarmism and misrepresenting the science was Prof. Jeremy Kerr. This video accurately captures his disingenuous presentation
Jeremy Kerr, Associate Professor of Biology at the University of Ottawa misrepresents, or display stunning ignorance of, the actual state of climate science. He would also have us believe correlation is causation.
Jeremy Kerr states in the bio submitted for his talk at the 2012 Muskoka Summit on the Environment that: “… To this end he has worked to improve endangered species legislation in Ontario and, through the International Boreal Science Panel, to gain commitments from governments across Canada to establish vast new protected areas in the boreal wilderness.
His work remains focused on big questions in ecology and conservation, particularly on how species respond to recent, rapid climate change and sharply rising incidence of climate-related extreme events.”
When asked by a member of the audience what his position was on the Ontario McGuinty Liberal government’s omnibus Budget Bill 55 which will severely weaken over one dozen environmental protection laws Kerr responded that he had been too busy to be concerned with it…
Kerr was awarded $100,000 by the McGuinty Government’s Early Researcher Award Program. Provincial research funds have allowed Kerr to establish the Canadian Facility for Ecoinformatics Research at the University of Ottawa’s Department of Biology.
Video clips of the other presenters can be found here

Brian H
June 16, 2012 2:07 am

Jeff L says:
June 12, 2012 at 5:56 pm
This is so DOA that I am not in the least bit worried.
I mean really, if congress won’t pass Kyoto, what are the chances this would ever get through – absolutely zero.
But I do appreciate that CFACT is getting the message out there.

The more fool you (are). As Monckton points out, it’s a death by inches. Each conference produces voluminous resolutions and treaties which increase slightly the powers and funding of the globalist agencies, and they add up and accelerate. It’s a ratchet; one-way motion, one click at a time. Then you find out your local prerogatives, rights, and sovereignty have been reduced to mere shadows, having no force or substance.
And none of the agencies now holding power are accountable to anyone, and do not even publicize their proceedings and decisions, until they’re at the point of implementation. The EU functions in exactly this way.
In the long run, it’s a klanking unworkable Soviet sort of governance, but it takes internal collapse to demonstrate it. That may be happening right now with the EU. If so, good riddance! (Unless “the world” decides to pass its powers upstairs to a global version …) And don’t kid yourself; that’s exactly what is the goal and ideal being pushed.

Brian H
June 16, 2012 2:29 am

Curiousgeorge says:
June 13, 2012 at 3:04 am
Hillary Clinton is leading US Delegation to this party. Apparently Obama is too busy trying to avoid getting fired in Nov.

According to Monckton, the EU Commission has twigged that the Agenda 21 lot are planning to supplant and replace them — rendering the EU just a sub-department of the global governance bureaucracy. They are not pleased, and have declined to send a delegation. Hilary and Obama plan to be part of, or even control, its top echelons, though, so they have no problem subordinating the US to it.

June 16, 2012 1:17 pm

June 15: Rio+20: ‘cautious optimism’ as last round of outcome document talks nears end

After the third and final session of Rio+20’s Preparatory Committee concludes [on the 15th], the responsibility for the outcome document will be handed over to Brazil, which holds the presidency of the Conference. The South American nation will then decide on how to proceed to achieve progress on the economic, social and environmental issues at the centre of negotiations.
“It is clear that everybody wants to finish this process before the arrival of the heads of state,” Mr. Seth said. “It is everyone’s hope that by 19 June everything will be wrapped up. Time is of the essence.”