The National Wildlife Federation Jumps The Shark

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach


It doesn’t happen often … some would say not often enough … but I’m speechless.

Truly, I don’t know what to say about this. I can only shake my head and point and laugh. They are truly getting desperate.


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Michael in Sydney
April 4, 2012 3:37 am

Avatar blue – love it.

April 4, 2012 3:43 am

Possibly should be more accurately titled: Psychological effects of global warming propaganda in the United States…?
Has our professorial friend Kari got a chapter? Something like: The relative of efficacy of eugenics, psychotropics and brain electro-stimulation to the treament of climate change denial syndrome in a californian cohort of WUWT moderators…?

April 4, 2012 3:44 am

Now this is just getting ridiculous.

Paul Coppin
April 4, 2012 3:46 am

They are not getting desparate; they are winning. This is a full-fledged, full-on, take-no-prisoners media assault. The vast majority of casual viewers will see this as a topic with substance, even as they do not understand the content. Communications companies exist for a reason. Perception iseverything, and will trump substance everytime. Never, ever, under-estimate the power of guilt and fear, and never, ever over-estimate the intelligence of the mass audience. The vast majority of people would still sell Manhattan for $24 in beads and trinkets, if the sales pitch was properly crafted, and these people vote…
Any product or service that can be delivered on the shoulders of individual and societal morality can totally capture the intended market, if the message is strategically and properly delivered. In this age of manipulated media and warp speed communications and sound bites[bytes], you can tell a million people ANY message you want to deliver in seconds. Even if they don’t believe it, if it sounds plausible, the seeds of doubt, fear and guilt are planted. Focus on what people ought (they think) to do and you’ll drive them to what you want them to do with the right message. Religions have known this for thousands of years, Madison Avenue perfected it over the last 100.

April 4, 2012 3:49 am

The alarmists curiously claim that “the science” is settled.
Guess what guys, there’s no such thing as, “the science”. That phrase is only ever used by politicians and bureaucrats.
Ultimately there’s only ‘science’ and I have no doubt that truth will prevail.

April 4, 2012 3:53 am

If all you have is a couch, every problem is shrink wrapped ( to butcher a cliche’).

Nicholas Harding
April 4, 2012 3:53 am

There is no evidence for this. I just returned to Connecticut from a wonderful week of enjoying the beaches of Costa Rica. I know people who go to Florida each winter. I know people who moved to Arizona and California. Those places are warmer than Connecticut in the winter, actually year around. There is actually a large travel industry devoted to transporting people to warmer climates; most who spend money on these trips enjoy the experience and return refreshed and wondering why they choose to live in cooler climates. Cold climates are related to misery, discomfort and depression. And while the Army taught me that I am responsible for my own happiness and I learned that I can be happy anywhere, given a choice between sleeping in a snow bank and sleeping on the beach in a tropical climate, I will take the tropical climate. I think most will.

Lawrie Ayres
April 4, 2012 3:53 am

Why are you surprised; they are correct. Global warming has caused mental problems for an increasingly small segment of the population. The warmers are depressed because the thing they most believed in has been shown to be a figment of their imagination. They were riding a wave but now the rip is pulling them into deeper water. The smart people didn’t go surfing and are standing on the beach waving them goodbye. Now don’t tell me you wouldn’t be in a panic too.

April 4, 2012 3:54 am

Well, I can answer the basic question right now: the psychological effect has been to bring zombies out of the woodwork to worship Al Gore and Hansen. Now every time somebody sees a cloud, or starts to sweat, they start running in a circle, like somebody form Monty Python’s Ministry of Funny Walks, screaming ‘It’s CO2! It’s CO2! The sky is falling!’
Sound about right?

April 4, 2012 3:55 am

As has been pointed out time and time and time again this is about jobs, careers, money and grants and has nothing to do with CAGW sending people mad.
From the source :-

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Having the reality of the destructive forces presented by climate change fully register with people, so they will to act with the needed urgency, is indeed a challenge. And,
while the physical and environmental effects of global warming are studied and described, what has rarely been addressed, and is as compelling a topic as any, are the
psychological impacts. This report aims both to fill in the gap in our awareness of the psychological impacts of climate change, and by exposing the emotional side of the issue, to find the place in our hearts that mobilizes us to fly into action, forewarned, determined, relentless. It also is a call for professionals in the mental health fields to focus on this, the social justice issue of all times, with their capacity to work through denial and apathy, to bring insight and commitment before it is too late.

Best bit ‘exposing the emotional side of the issue, to find the place in
our hearts’ If you don’t believe in the ‘Cause’ your heartless?
Oh and second paragraph why not slip in the ‘D’ word and imply that it can be treated.
[Formatting fixed -w.]

April 4, 2012 3:57 am

a trivial point not mentioned in Lisa Van Susteren’s bio at the end of the “report”:
Greta Van Susteren is a journalist and well known television personality, currently on the Fox News Channel, and earlier, from 1991 to 2002, on the CNN Channel…
Her sister, Lisa Van Susteren, a psychiatrist, ran unsuccessfully for the U. S. Senate seat in Maryland in 2006…

April 4, 2012 3:59 am

hmmm….looks like most of this was written by Greta Van Susteren’s sister Lise.

April 4, 2012 4:00 am

…whoops! Following on from my previous post of Prof Kari’s hypothetical paper, I really should have added to its title: ‘a proposed trial design’…. (hate to think that you might think that I was implying she had already got you guys!).

Ray Hudson
April 4, 2012 4:00 am

This is the setup “science” so next they can claim that AGW causes people to flip out and use firearms to kill people in public places. You watch, it will happen, as sad as this may be.

April 4, 2012 4:00 am

This surprises you? How far from this are we from this really?;
[google Apocalypto Sacrifice Scene, if you must ~ ctm]
Warning, video not for the faint of heart. Nor is climate science of course. It all feeds into the defective “Republican Brain” needing treatment. It’s been all over and everywhere of late. Just a happy accident for the warming community? This meme has been carefully developed.
There is something else aside from “desperate” involved. Who do you think the modern high priests of AGW want on the table in the video? Who do they want to “treat” in the process at the WWF??

April 4, 2012 4:00 am

The Soviets had a policy with regard to dissenters back in the 70s. Anyone who resisted the power of the state must be mad, therefore they were mad. The cure was to imprison them in lunatic asylums, which they did.
With the latest meme of skeptics somehow being mentally ill, do you get the feeling the alarmists would like to apply the same theory and solution to climate realists?

David, UK
April 4, 2012 4:04 am

The ironic thing is, these shysters are [b]contributing[/b] to ignorant people’s anxiety about climate change.

April 4, 2012 4:05 am

Q one…what is a JD?
and as for mental effects of climate change AGW whatever label they slap on it..
well the Major issues are FROM idiots like gore and hansen and their lies..
like the couple that killed their son tried to kill their baby and did kill themselves over it.
the old lady who wanted to euthanase her only friend, her dog because she was worried he might suffer if she was to die first.
people who have been evicted or had land resumed over this conjob.
people whos water or other amenities have been removed or cut by green laws enacted by fools like WWF and the rest pushing their barrow to local councils etc. CIGIAR agenda 21 millenium lies..
the stress and worry over nothing..the hikes in insurance meaning folks really do risk losing the lot cos they cant pay for coverage.
the fastest and easiest cure would be stopping the liars from spreading muck and untruths.

April 4, 2012 4:07 am

Priority for guidelines, models, training and other support should be given to mental health professionals
There’s the money quote.
As in, “Give us more money”…

greg holmes
April 4, 2012 4:08 am

Could only happen in America, I hope. Still we have our fair share of crackpots over here in the UK.
God bless canada, they have seen through this c**p.

April 4, 2012 4:10 am
(Posted April 16, 2009)
Pffffffff, and she calls herself a psychiatrist.
Lord, have mercy with her patients.

April 4, 2012 4:11 am

In the source piece the use photos from 9-11 and the World Trade center aftermath including workers in despair.
Pathetic is a better word to build on.

April 4, 2012 4:11 am

This gang should definitely have their own heads read. The brainwashing to which they have been subjected and to which they have succumbed is evident from a reading of the Preface. Certain word associations have been crafted and cultivated into the minds of those authors. Little lights illuminate and little push buttons pop out upon receipt of mere whispers of carefully cultivated ‘catch phrase’ stimuli. The trigger words are heard, and immediately comes the chorus of response “We must save the planet–we must save the planet–do something–do something–NOW!”
They are beyond help. The world will continue to have a largely healthy population way after they have all become dust.
Geoff Alder (Old, but reasonably healthy)

April 4, 2012 4:15 am

I.R.Engineer says:
Now this is just getting ridiculous.

I can promise you that there is a lot more to come.
Sharks had better hide in the run up to the Rio bongfest.

April 4, 2012 4:16 am

Actually, I’d have to say that the constant doomsaying on the part of the Warming proponents and government tax collectors are likely to have untold psychological effects on a defenseless population. I know they had numerous effects on me up to and including intense feelings of anger in being taxed $23 a Tonne for CO2 from 1st July this year ( Actually that’s $84 per Tonne for the carbon bit – since we aren’t supposed to be taxed on the Oxygen bit). This is especially psychologically damaging when one does the math and determines that the tax won’t do a thing to reduce the globes temperature but will transfer $11Bn of welath from people like me to government coffers.
Actually, the psychological damage will probably be so severe, that I’ll be waiting on my veranda with a baseball bat come next october with a whole pile of like minded respectable people, waiting to exert retribution on my federal government, who are likely to be subjected to the biggest slaughter in living memory at the election booth – sending the ruling labor party (Read liberals in the US) into political oblivion for a decade.
PS> Just so I don’t get the cops around, the reference to Baseball Bats and Verandas comes from a famous quote by the Australian Labor Ex State Premier Wayne Goss in 75 when he famously said of Keatings Federal Electoral Defeat “voters had turned so violently on then-Prime Minister Paul Keating that they were “sitting on their verandas with baseball bats” waiting for the writs to drop” ( ) It’s a lovely turn of Aussie phrase that really does encapsulate the depth of feeling in the Australian Electorate right now.

April 4, 2012 4:19 am

A lot of scientists who used to believe in global warming / climate change no longer believe in it. After all, they are scientists.

April 4, 2012 4:22 am

Error in the very first sentence: “Having the reality of the destructive forces presented by climate change fully register with people, so they will to act with the needed urgency, is indeed a challenge.” Presumably the ‘to’ shouldn’t be there.

April 4, 2012 4:26 am

A psychosis has been built around AGW, it has been deliberate and the use of panic and alarm via the media, including the particular use of language has created a disconnect for many people from reality. But the reality of nature is very hard to hide from and this man made edifice will collapse causing massive amounts of cognitive dissonance in the AGW world. Buy your popcorn now!

April 4, 2012 4:27 am

Scarface says:
April 4, 2012 at 4:10 am
(Posted April 16, 2009)
Pffffffff, and she calls herself a psychiatrist.
Lord, have mercy with her patients.

We are already seeing wildfires, floods, sea level rise, storms, droughts, risks to our national security, and a mass extinction.
Lethal global overheating – strike the innocuous sounding “global warming” – is not something that may happen in the next century or even mid-century – it is happening now.

I have worked with individuals who were “on the ledge” emotionally.

April 4, 2012 4:28 am

I have to confess a deep psychological problem with the recent warming. I made plans to get my boat and gear ready based on the assumptions of a normal winter. I’m doing things other than fishing because of the warm weather. I’m terribly depressed by having missed the peak of the crappie season. Ah, the agony imposed by global warming.

April 4, 2012 4:32 am

ozspeaksup says:
April 4, 2012 at 4:05 am
Q one…what is a JD?

Latin abbreviation for a law degree — Kevin Coyle’s a lawyer.
although when I was growing up, “JD” stood for “juvenile delinquent”…

April 4, 2012 4:38 am

greg holmes says: April 4, 2012 at 4:08 am
God bless canada, they have seen through this c**p.
Somebody please inform the Vancouver Aquarium. Last time I visited many years ago they were going on about the destruction of the Amazon, and how all the forests would be gone by the year 2000 or so. Last year John Nightingale, president and CEO of the Vancouver Aquarium was telling anecdotal tales about the destruction of the permafrost. Today he is babbling about the destruction of the Arctic Ice.–vancouver-aquarium-makes-breakthrough-in-cod-breeding

April 4, 2012 4:47 am

JD. They get a Master’s degree or maybe the equivalent of an MBA, but because they are lawyers they call themselves doctors. Go figure.

April 4, 2012 4:50 am

If really does read like the wildly confident brochure for a conspiratorial self-help cult. They need to invent CO2 exhalation “audit” meters and camp out at train stations.
I’m a bit confused though since even ill adapted light skin folk thrive in Australia where it’s already much hotter than the US.
Remember skinner boxes and blank slate development theories that held for decades? Psychology can approach science if it want though, like when they finally tested various talk therapies to discover that none of them were effective except those that completely emulated what the better personal development gurus had been shouting about all along: make a plan and work it instead of wallowing miserably in the past. Also worth noting is now the 97% failure rate of AA based addiction treatment programs compares with the fact that 80% of reformed alcoholics become moderate drinkers. Or how inheritance of various types of intelligence and temperament are still grounds for being locked up in politically correct Europe. The drug war put an end to the study of higher consciousness in humans, so psychology as a science is mostly just treading water.

Tom in Florida
April 4, 2012 4:52 am

Last evening I was sitting by my fire pit (yes I burn wood) with a cold beer as the sun set in the western sky. It was one of those perfect evenings, deep blue sky over head, not a cloud to be seen; the blooming bougainvilleas contrasting with the large green leaves of the banana plants. Yellow alamanders and blue plumbagos added to the colorful arena. It was warm but not hot, a slight sea breeze kept the air refreshing and sweet. No stress, no worries just total relaxation and peace. These so called “knowers of everything” should get out of their dungeons and see what it is like to enjoy a warm climate; to be part of a beautiful world. Perhaps then they would then understand why warmer is better.

April 4, 2012 4:54 am

The RWF Foundation, is that like the Heartland Institute?

Luther Wu
April 4, 2012 4:54 am

The obvious solution is the Gulag.
It can be funded under the auspices of the EPA.
No vote from Congress needed- just the stroke of a pen.
After all, the scientists have reached a consensus.

April 4, 2012 4:56 am

Good grief !
That is the most appalling “reasoning” I have ever had to read. They really do want to disappear us.

April 4, 2012 5:01 am

Paul Coppin says:
April 4, 2012 at 3:46 am
“They are not getting desparate; they are winning. This is a full-fledged, full-on, take-no-prisoners media assault.”
Paul, get a grip. Warmists have become irrelevant. From the brochure, or is it a paper:
“Forum participant Dr. Edward
Maibach confirms this in his research.
“People are aware,” he says, “but they
are largely indifferent.” His team’s
2009 public survey found that while 17
percent of people in the U.S. express
some worry about global warming but
most people do not.”
Look, they can’t even get that sentence right; they have nobody skilled enough on board anymore. We’re seeing a total collapse.

Luther Wu
April 4, 2012 5:03 am

Bob says:
April 4, 2012 at 4:28 am
I have to confess a deep psychological problem with the recent warming. I made plans to get my boat and gear ready based on the assumptions of a normal winter. I’m doing things other than fishing because of the warm weather. I’m terribly depressed by having missed the peak of the crappie season. Ah, the agony imposed by global warming.
Not to mention the sand bass run didn’t happen… what next?
No walleye?

April 4, 2012 5:04 am

Let me see if I have this right. These charlatans in our schools brain wash children and subject every one to a chicken little propaganda for decades. Many people become anxious and paranoid about global warming because of all this. Then the charlatans blame this on the people that refuse to believe BS. Did I get it right. No wonder Willis is speechless, these useful idiots have no shame.

April 4, 2012 5:06 am

Has anyone else noticed when arguing with Warmists that they inevitably end up accusing Skeptics of things they do themselves?
It’s a strange kind of ‘inversion’ of reality that has resonances of pre-school playground arguments of the ‘No, you are!’. ‘No YOU are!’ variety.
A prime example is the relentless assertion that the Skeptic ‘movement’ which has so comprehensively demolished their case, is a sinister, well organized, conspiracy, well funded by shadowy interest groups. When it is blindingly obvious that this is a precise desription of their own movement.
Indeed the recent attempt to fabricate evidence of such a ‘conspiracy’ on the part of Dr Gleick was a strange almost childlike attempt to come up with something that would undermine the Skeptical cause in exactly the manner that Climategate has devastated their ’cause’.
And it goes further, Skeptics are often ridiculed for their lack of ‘expertise’ or ‘authority’ to speak on the subject of climate…and yet Warmists hang on the every word of amateurs like Gore, or James Cameron, or Tim Flannery in Australia…Warmism relies on these celebrity mouthpieces for its public face to a far greater degree than Skepticism.
Most bizarre of all is the regular accusation that Skeptics simply ‘make up facts’ to suit their case. (I often point to the reference pages of WUWT and ask warmists which sources of data they regard as suspect; Nasa, Noaa, perhaps? Or maybe those crazy loons at NSIDIC or the whacko denialists at HadCru?) No, of course when it comes to ‘making up stuff’ it’s the Warmists themeslves that have been caught out time after time. They abolished the Medieval Warm period, they doctored the US temperature data and relegated 1934 from its position as warmest year of the 20th century. The have lied about Himalayan Glaciers, Ice Free Artic Oceans, abrupt sea level rises, droughts and the link between climate change and extreme weather events…when it comes to making stuff up and just being plain wrong Warmists are in the A-league. They are the masters of manipulation, false linkage and failed prediction.
I’m sure by now you can see where I’m going with this. Their latest theme that Skeptics are; apathetic, in denial psychologically disturbed or in short mentally ill is merely another example of that weird inversion that they practice. It is themselves they are seeing…in a mirror…darkly.

April 4, 2012 5:07 am

Goodness, we spent years treating purulent nasal discharge and chronic suppurative otitis media often mixed with maggots or drowned flies in the greenie-socialist controlled communities of central and northern Australia. I expect the same as in the jungles and communes of Central and South America.
And the gonococcal conjunctivitis that spread like wildfire through the population, the exudate excoriating the facial skin around the eyes in children and elderly, brought about by the dreadful living conditions. Living conditions directly related to those [that] pushed policies and grant expenditure of maintaining the culture, the under-development and communal property rights of peoples, deliberately un-educated, particularly the girls, for eons.
Why can they not see they have the chance to offer change from such suffering?
There has not been great change since 1972, as described below.

will gray
April 4, 2012 5:07 am

Can I sue All Gore for the mistakes in his film? One things for sure it affected the world, and thats me and everybody here innvarious ways.
I can understand people feeling a little off themselves.

April 4, 2012 5:07 am

How does the US Mental Health Care system interact with the creatures that the National Wildlife Federation is (or should be) concerned with? I imagine it is a fairly safe bet that the US Mental Health Care system is not going to cope with deranged deer, mad moose, crazy coyotes, bonkers beavers, psycho squirrels or demented damsel flies.

April 4, 2012 5:09 am

In the old Soviet Russia the way they dealt with political dissidents was to declare them mentally ill and lock them up and drug them. This looks like a step in that direction. Really very dangerous! We have to get rid of the big Zero, and clean out all of the “Utopian compassionists”!!

April 4, 2012 5:11 am

More from the Source:
“Global warming…
in the coming years…
will foster public trauma,
depression, violence,
alienation, substance
abuse, suicide, psychotic
episodes, post-traumatic
stress disorders and
many other mental
health-related conditions.”
That pretty much covers it all!

April 4, 2012 5:12 am

Put yourself in the shoes of a believer – if you really truly believed the world will be destroyed along with your own children by a climate tipping point, and some people in society, for reasons your don’t understand or hold invalid, are blocking a remedy, what would you do? Go gently into the good night night? Or fight to the death?
I predict this will get uglier by a small minority of alarmists.

John Gf
April 4, 2012 5:14 am

This is increasingly similar, and as irresponsible, as yelling fire in a crowded theater. When these people lose their political cover in 2012, perhaps a few well-placed civil court actions could take care of the worst offenders. Deliberately causing emotional distress can be a tricky issue, however, the cost to defend such suits can usually force compliance. Just as the legal system can be misused by green fanatics, realist may need to consider similar tactics. Like many of the ‘green’ nuisance suits, the objective is not necessarily to win, but to force action or inaction.

Frank K.
April 4, 2012 5:19 am

Shevva says:
April 4, 2012 at 3:55 am
“As has been pointed out time and time and time again this is about jobs, careers, money and grants and has nothing to do with CAGW sending people mad.”
Bingo! This is ALL ABOUT the CLIMATE CA$H!
BTW, where ARE our trolls?? Why don’t they ever comment on these stories? Embarrassed? (They should be).

peter azlac
April 4, 2012 5:19 am

Come now, this report has the ring of truth. But it will not be the “deniers” that will need the care but the followers of Gore and the Team when it eventually dawns on them that they have been had.

April 4, 2012 5:20 am

The important thing to remember is that they actually believe this stuff. Its not an act, they honestly think they are saving the world. That makes them potentially as dangerous as any religous fundementalist.

April 4, 2012 5:22 am

Beesaman says:
April 4, 2012 at 4:26 am
A psychosis has been built around AGW, it has been deliberate and the use of panic and alarm via the media, including the particular use of language has created a disconnect for many people from reality. But the reality of nature is very hard to hide from and this man made edifice will collapse causing massive amounts of cognitive dissonance in the AGW world. Buy your popcorn now!

Judging from the panic-stricken screeds of Mss. Norgaard and Van Susteren, the cognitive dissonance is already hitting. They’re desperate, and desperate people say (and do) insane things…

April 4, 2012 5:24 am

and of course they already have the kids needing physco help:

April 4, 2012 5:27 am

If the second author is truly a MD then he should be reported to his state of registration and his medical association for a breach of ethics.

Midwest Mark
April 4, 2012 5:32 am

Remember the Y2K hysteria? People stockpiled supplies of canned goods, bottled water, batteries, and bicycles. Many were convinced civilization would crumble at 12:01 a.m., January 1, 2000. The hysteria over global warming is much the same, only reality will take years–perhaps generations–to set in. I have a feeling there will one day in the far future be pockets of AGW fanatics, perhaps living in caves or communes, scanning the skies, taking temperature readings, and waiting for the eventual arrival of world destruction. A long road lies before us.

Stark Dickflüssig
April 4, 2012 5:33 am

Well, when your greatest fear is that the world (oh, I’m sorry: The Globe) is going to be roasted by man’s use of hydrocarbons, the most important thing to do is convene large groups of publicists to publish fearful news, ship massive quantities of paper hither and yon, burn tones of coal to send electronic missives, and set your house thermostat 0.7°C friendlier. As every driver of an automobile knows, when you’re blasting towards a cliff at 130mph (that’s 209.21472kph if you’re a climate scientist) the best thing you can do is slow down by 0.05% or so just before you fly off. Especially if you really really truly honestly believe in the cliff.

April 4, 2012 5:35 am

Dear Mr Willis Eschenbach
Loved this entry of yours.
The fate of the poor people submitted to psychiatric treatment is extremely important to me. And I think it is very unfair to mix them in the climate wars, just to try and frighten them, and the rest of the people, especially those who care for them even more, and gain publicity and leverage at their ( our ), expenses.
May the gods be with you and smile at you.
Your old Spanish fan (one of many, I know)
María Maestre

April 4, 2012 5:35 am

suissebob says:
April 4, 2012 at 4:54 am
The RWF Foundation, is that like the Heartland Institute?

The RWJ Foundation — named after Robert Wood Johnson, of Johnson & Johnson pharmaceuticals. RWJ is a philanthropic organization which specializes in funding practical health care (an excellent teaching hospital) and medical research (they give people a lot of grants).
I’m wondering if anyone at RWJ even *read* the pamphlet — it doesn’t reflect well on the organization.

April 4, 2012 5:38 am

First, define a mental disorder which encompasses the thinking of your adversaries. Second……
Unbelievable is the word that best describes the paper.
On the lighter side of things, reading this immediately brought to mind this scene from Galaxy quest where the Thermians are confronted with the fact that their heroes are actually liars. Like the crew of the NSEA Protector, we deniers need to admit our mental illness and come to our senses to save the Thermian, I mean, human race. Of course this paper sees the people of the world in the role of the cast of Gilligan’s Island. And can anyone come up with a good stand in from the leaders of the deranged deniers for the role of Sarris? Perhaps Lord Monckton?

April 4, 2012 5:40 am

The Chicken Littles are self-diagnosing. All one has to do is recognize that the people who write these sorts of things are self-absorbed. They project their fears on to others and then envision themselves as superheroes who can save the day. In a removed, dispassionate way it’s kind of fascinating, really.

April 4, 2012 5:45 am

larrygeiger says:
April 4, 2012 at 4:47 am
JD. They get a Master’s degree or maybe the equivalent of an MBA, but because they are lawyers they call themselves doctors. Go figure.

That way, they can chase their own ambulances…

April 4, 2012 5:49 am

Nah, they’re not winning. They’ve already lost in Canada, and they’re going down fast in Britain, Germany and Australia. The evil masterminds will never admit lying (see Kuhn), but their money is going down the drain as more countries decide to focus their tiny remaining funds on reality.
Just bear in mind that they’re spending lots of effort on a project that has no future.
Like Wile E. Coyote spinning his legs after he’s off the cliff.

Matt in Houston
April 4, 2012 5:59 am

The hubris and narcissistic tendencies of the eco freaks is sometimes incomprehensible…

April 4, 2012 6:01 am

Please come on Willis, youve missed the boat, April Fools Day has long since past 🙂
Of course this can’t be true but if it was does that mean people with mental health problems need an organisation called the National Wildlife Federation to protect them.

April 4, 2012 6:01 am

The graphic is top notch and all the text is on colored bands so it’s easy to replace. It’s just asking to be used in a Photo Shop contest. .

April 4, 2012 6:06 am

It’s appauling but isn’t the least bit “surprising”. The meme of believers as “victims” and skeptics as “perpetrators” who need “treatment” is nothing new. Chris Mooney and his Republican Brain book etc. etc.
The NY Times has been doing some version of the cousin argument; “conservatives are stupid” for about a century. It’s (select your own Godwin or Eugenic example) insert at this point for dehumanizing those who oppose your agenda. Skeptics are stupid and mentally ill, reeducation attempts first then medication…….then………..well……….. you know where this is going.
Tim Robbins, who admits to years of Bush hatred, yelling at his TV and finally abandoning the device is producing a version of “1984”. Dwell on the irony of that for a moment?;
I guess Orwell was really writing about corporations and the “1%” in the book?

April 4, 2012 6:17 am

Speaking of desperate did anyone watch the speech yesterday?;
Memes like this don’t grow off the grass. They come from the Central Command and Control Committee. Aside from trying to kill people with hurricanes the GOP is scheduled to starve children, poison food and water, crash airplanes and kill old people on purpose;

cui bono
April 4, 2012 6:25 am

Paul Coppin says (April 4, 2012 at 3:46 am)
DirkH says (April 4, 2012 at 5:01 am)
“They are not getting desparate; they are winning”
I fear Paul is right – they are winning.
The first thing a rational person has to do is to recognise that most people aren’t rational.
Sceptics have been fighting with facts, figures, physics, and all things designed to win minds.
Warmists have been fighting with photoshopped smokestacks, faked distressed polar bears, doom-laden soundbytes, and loads of cash to PR companies. They win hearts.
Sceptics don’t have the money for PR companies, and no PR company is going to help sceptics pro bono because that would upset the warmist groups who have all the money that the PR companies want to grab.
Everything is about perception. So now they have co-opted the weather (a respected commentator in the UK said last night on TV “Look at last weeks sunshine and heatwave and this weeks snow. You have to believe something is seriously wrong with the climate [sic]”. So now every cold front, warm front and blocking high is a new batallion for the warmist cause.
Welcome to the modern world, where PR trumps science; vicarious emotionalism on behalf of furry animals trumps any facts about nature; and where the self-appointed Planet Savers drown out the planet when it says “Actually I don’t need saving. Now piss off”.

April 4, 2012 6:26 am

Okay, let’s get one thing straight. The term “doctor” was originally applied to lawyers before it was used by the medics. JD stands for Juris Doctor, or “doctor of laws”. It replaced the old baccalaureate degree because it was granted only after post-graduate work.
A friend of mine and I used to kid around with the PhD chemists by referring to each other as “doctor”. The term is not, however, in common use for lawyers. The common term is SOB.
Jim Brock, JD Georgetown Law 1960.

ursus maritimus augustus
April 4, 2012 6:39 am

Yup, the psychology of “denialism” is the new front in this assault on reason, this corruption of science. I predict the next move will be along the lines of “denialist’s” repressed memories and after that we will all be afforded “assisted communication” via the agency of approved spokespersons appointed by the IPCC.
After that will be a chapter in the next IPCC report that we were all sexually abused as children by oil company executives and our puppies and kittens burned alive in front of our little eyes or something.

April 4, 2012 6:50 am

Bill Tuttle says: April 4, 2012 at 4:32 am

[JD is the] Latin abbreviation for a law degree — Kevin Coyle’s a lawyer.
although when I was growing up, “JD” stood for “juvenile delinquent”…

Aren’t they two sides of the same coin — lawyers and juvenile delinquents? Both tend to be self-centered and cause societal disruptions, but only one is considered “good”; the other “bad”. [I’ll leave the determination of which is which to you. 😉 ]

April 4, 2012 6:50 am

Homo sapiens (homo insipiens in the case of climate scientists) is now officially “wildlife”. However The National Wildlife Federation has forgotten to include a section on the mental health of… …wildlife. Maybe next time, could be very profitable, all those sad furry critters needing some SSRI’s and a course of NLP. :o)
Psychiatry in this form is simply fear induced fascism. The practitioners get away with so much because as Leonard Roy Frank said: “Mystification is psychiatry’s defense against the danger of being found out”.

April 4, 2012 6:51 am

Meet the Thermians
[ ]
And there seems to me to be a remarkable resemblance between these two:
REPLY: Why let your irrational hatred stop there? Go straight for Lucifer – Anthony

April 4, 2012 6:51 am

Climate Lawyers 4 You
Have you had suffered heatstroke recently? Have you encountered a tornado on the way to work? Have you suffered a mental breakdown as a result of freak weather or climate change? Have you suffered an asthma attack as a result of breathing increased carbon pollution? Have you experienced mental stress after reading WWF or Greenpeace reports?Climate Lawyers 4 You can help. Our trained professionals work on a “No Win, No Fee” basis, and are licensed by the EPA.
We have a successful record of suing oil and power companies on our clients behalf. Our expertise and a sympathetic judiciary almost guarantee your claim will succeed.

April 4, 2012 6:51 am

Apparently the world has already gone insane…. Or this is surely an April Fool joke….
The National Wildlife Federation. !!!????
Studying Psychological Effects of Global Warming !???
Commenting on the US Mental Health Care System !!?
I feel like I’ve been transported to another dimension, and the previous one was whacky enough.
And people got PAID to produce this? Surely enough to make poor old Robert Wood Johnson turn in his grave and question why he ever started his foundation.

April 4, 2012 6:56 am

If there were much warming, the only psychological effect would be “Yay, more swimsuits!”.

Chuck Nolan
April 4, 2012 6:58 am

Could this be the money quote on page ix?
Looks like little sister Lisa and her buddy Kevin are finding the money.
“There is no organized discipline for the study of the psychological aspects of global warming:
While considerable research and
professional literature report on
psychological reactions to natural
disasters, no overarching discipline
or field of study connects human
psychology to the many faces of
global warming. A long term and
disciplined approach to studying
these problems within public health
agencies, the academic and clinical
community is needed to adequately
assess and address the full meaning
of global warming on the mental
health of the American public”
So, it’s such a big problem our ‘considerable research’ isn’t enough. They want more money.
We must need the ‘ultra expensive considerable research’ type of research.
Can I nominate Lisa for the directorship of this new ‘ultra expensive considerable research?’

April 4, 2012 6:58 am


April 4, 2012 7:01 am

It’s absolutely true! You have Gleick, Trenberth, Susuki, Hayhoe, Norgaard, Mann, Jones, Romm… They all are [snip].

April 4, 2012 7:04 am

Apologies to all those scientists who are open minded and therefore definitely not homo
insipiens. :o{

April 4, 2012 7:09 am

The power is driven by the gold. He who has the gold will win.

April 4, 2012 7:11 am

It seems to be driving you all crazy. 😉

April 4, 2012 7:19 am

Lise Van Sustren, MD-
“…She serves on the Board of Directors of the Climate Project and is (a) member of the Board of Directors of the National Wildlife Federation and the Chesapeake Climate Action Network. In September 2006, Van Susteren was chosen as one of the first 50 persons to be trained by Former Vice President Al Gore’s Climate Project to give her version of his global warming slide show, An Inconvenient Truth.”
A Goreian crusader.

April 4, 2012 7:19 am

Geez, 9 of the forum’s 22 participants are dedicated to saving us from global warming:
Nice to see so many differing organisations all dedicated to the same cause?
Everything should be under control, then!
A list of climate warming orientated postions :
Executive Director, Presidential Climate Action Project The Wirth Chair in Environmental and Community Development Policy, School of Public Affairs, University of Colorado Denver, Boulder,
Founder and Director, Center for Health and the Global Environment
Vice President for Programs H.J. Heinz Center for Science, Economics and the Environment
General Counsel and Corporate Secretary Center for Naval Analyses Executive Director, Military Advisory Board, ”National Security and the Threat of Climate Change” project
Senior Scientist, Climate Change Research National Center for Atmospheric Research
Associate Director for Global Climate Change National Center for Environmental Health Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
Director, Center for Climate Change Communication George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
DirectorChesapeake Climate Action Network Takoma Park
Vice President, Global Warming Solutions, National Wildlife Federation,

More Soylent Green!
April 4, 2012 7:21 am

Global warming hysteria is a mental illness. There is going to be an official Environmental Obsession Disorder added to the diagnostic manuals if there isn’t one already.

April 4, 2012 7:21 am

Dirk and Paul: maybe you are both right! That’s what we call a Win/Win!
But first, Paul, it would seem that Dirk does not agree with you; how does that make you feel?
Uh-huh…mm-hmmm…OK. OK that’s just great; Dirk is OK and Paul is OK. OK!
Let’s see if we can clarify a few things. Paul I don’t want to put words in your mouth but I am going to anyway: Dirk, I think was Paul is trying to say is that the lying liars are very high technology liars and we are really stupid for not noticing what they have been doing all these years. Let’s all say it together: Freeze, Isolate, Ridicule. And that works really well when you have all the JDs, PR people, rent-seeking corporations, bien-pensant smarty pantses, NGO types, and the list goes on an on, uh…on your side. Even “conservative” politicians have sat on the love seat of deep-deep climate understanding so…Dirk, you can see why Paul might be less than optimistic…uh-huh…mm-hmmm…
Now Paul, I think what Dirk is trying to say is that at some point ordinary stupid people notice that New York is not under water, energy costs are going up along with every other cost, and that it is not working out to have everybody working for the government taking meetings, writing reports (ungrammatical reports too I might add, but then who hasn’t misplaced a colon from time to time),
caulking windows and so on. Now when I say stupid I mean that in the best possible way. Think of it as a form of multi-culturalism for people like me, born and (in)bred in the South. Heck we are so stupid, we live in the South and go south on vacation! In fact we are so stupid I suggest ya’ll come and play poker with us. Free money!
Now, if we let wee Kari at the water supply or it gets Darkness At Noonish around here like Jimmy Hansen might like it will get worser before it gets better. But it will get better. There is this odd primitive behavior that Southerners and honorary Southerners all over this country still engage in: pro.cre.ation. The future will belong to those who show up. Even if you convinced us that it would be at the cost of each and every Polar Bear we still will not have our children live in the cold and dark. I think it will take a long time but if we do not win this world back from these Malthusian barbarians ourselves we will be standing with our children when they do.
And that’s all I have to say about that.

Tom in Florida
April 4, 2012 7:22 am

JimB says:
April 4, 2012 at 6:26 am
“A friend of mine and I used to kid around with the PhD chemists by referring to each other as “doctor”. The term is not, however, in common use for lawyers. The common term is SOB.”
Except when you really need one.

April 4, 2012 7:23 am

I happen to agree that climate change has psychological effects on people, it’s just a matter of ranking it among the other things that affect psychology. Observe:
1.Physical Security
2. Autonomy
3. Achievement
4.Loving Family(or lack of)
5. Affordable Health Care
6. Financial Security
7. Sexual Relationships
8. Physical Fitness
1,245. Performance of favorite sports teams
1,246. Canceling of favorite tv shows
1,247. Climate change <————Bam!

April 4, 2012 7:24 am

Gotta love the intro by van Susteren and Coyle:
Sounds like the theme of a bad teen novel aimed at schoolgirls:
Questions beg to be asked:
• What will the rest of the world think of us?
• Where will we be safe?
• How will we feel about ourselves?

Larry Ledwick (hotrod)
April 4, 2012 7:24 am

Note from the wiki article on Lise Van Susteren, she is a bought and paid for activist in the Global warming circus, and one of the “selected” propaganda generators for the Al Gore machine.

“… In September 2006, Van Susteren was chosen as one of the first 50 persons to be trained by Al Gore to give her version of his global warming slide show, “An Inconvenient Truth.” She returned several times to The Climate Project in Nashville to help Gore train 1,000 presenters. She was named Eastern Regional Coordinator of the Climate Project in 2007 and was elected to its Board of Directors in 2009. She has presented her global warming slide shows to over 100 civic, educational, religious, labor and environmental groups in the Washington, DC metropolitan area, nationally and abroad. In 2008 she developed an additional slide show focused on the health effects of global warming.
Van Susteren is also a member of the Board of Directors of the National Wildlife Federation and the Chesapeake Climate Action Network. She was appointed by the Governor of Maryland to the Board of Trustees of the Chesapeake Bay Trust and to the Working Groups on Transportation and Energy of the Maryland Commission on Climate. In 2009, she was appointed to the Climate Energy and Environmental Policy Committee of the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments in Washington, DC.
She is obviously fully invested in the CAGW campaign and is likely one of the originators of this movement to cast honest skepticism and a mental illness. Sort of like the home repair scammers that flock to a tornado area after a disaster she is scurrying around in the debris left by the global warming campaign trying to create an industry treating people for their global warming anxiety and folks suffering from delusional denial syndrome.
Her medical degree was attained in Paris (medical degree in 1982 from the University of Paris and interned at the Hospital St. Anne and the American Hospital in Paris) so I would suspect she was indoctrinated with “the cause” in the European model. When she got her degree was about the time acid rain was the cause celeb in the environmental movement in Europe.
This should be treated as a propaganda document straight out of Al Gore’s brief case.

Eric Dailey
April 4, 2012 7:25 am

No, they are not desperate. Nor are they stupid or delusional. This stuff is not accidental or happenstance. It is by design. There is a great plan with lots of money and lots of support and lots of staff working deliberately to achieve their goals of tyranny by technocrats. This will be found to be in concert with many other Agenda 21 efforts. They do plan to achieve world government. We must see these efforts for what they are; sinister stages to total control and the end of liberty. We must not imagine that they are random events. Your many readers who only follow main stream media will never understand. The MSM will never tell them. They are ignorant of the real danger.

April 4, 2012 7:29 am

The medical profession is not prepared for an invasion from Mars either, and a lot of other things that are not happening.
Form their website they appear to be an activist group that sees the modern world as the worse thing that has happened since the big bang.

April 4, 2012 7:34 am

I am curious what the long-term psychological effects will be on children who have grown up with the Weather Channel and major TV networks constantly screaming “WE’RE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!!”.
The WWF realized a long time ago that they couldn’t attract people to their cause by speaking about the demise of beetles and fish, so they focused on Charismatic Megafauna (their term) like pandas and polar bears. Using 9-11 and Hurricane Katrina in this report demonstrates that they’ve applied that lesson here and have identified them as Charismatic Megadisasters.
Aside from that, I can’t see this being much more than a headline grabber. It’s poorly written, and includes some NASA/NOAA graphics that they don’t bother to explain. If the reader is already an AGW Acolyte this report will be something else they can snivel about, but any reasonable person will see it as just another “me too!” piece of hysteria.

April 4, 2012 7:37 am

cui bono says:
April 4, 2012 at 6:25 am
“I fear Paul is right – they are winning.”
Hm. They’re talking about psychological consequences of Climate Change. One of their many lines of “reasoning” is:
“Psychological Responses to Violent Weather Generally
Extreme weather events can lead to immediate psychological problems relating to loss, economic disruption and physical displacement. Fear, grief, depression, anxiety, problems sleeping, eating disorders and self medication with alcohol and drugs are common responses.”
People start drinking because of violent weather? Really? I mean they can only hope winning if they can assure that nobody of the public ever reads that. In general you don’t win by making a complete clown of yourself. Well in a clown contest maybe.

I beg to differ
April 4, 2012 7:39 am

God love my people (Lawyers), but anytime you see an article that deals with mental health written even in part by one you have to wonder. Lawyers deal with legal and poltical information, so this piece clearly deals with those purposes (at least in part).

April 4, 2012 7:45 am

This gets BEYOND hilarious!
On the second page it is plain there has been a misdiagnosis: The very first casualty of “the stress of global warming” is in fact a victim of “the stress of climate propaganda”.

In the first known “climate change delusion” a depressed 17 year old boy was hospitalized for refusing to drink water out of fear it would cause many more deaths in drought ridden Australia. The doctor who treated him has seen other children suffering from climate related anxiety disorders. A body of research showing how distressed Russian and U.S. children were by the threat of nuclear bombs during the cold war era underscores the potential for global climate change to have the same destructive impact.

Even more amazing when you consider that Australia’s biggest issue for the last 3 years has been widespread flooding.
Surely this is all an elaborate hoax?

April 4, 2012 7:46 am

Eric Dailey says:
April 4, 2012 at 7:25 am
You’re right but many skeptics are also associated to the left. They tend to laugh and make light of this and similar social stories. Willis is very in depth at one level but has a willful blindspot on these topics all the time. How is this “surprising” for example, it’s happening all over the place in many different ways but similar memes. Inspector Renault from Casablanca etc.
There is a green/left split inside the skeptic community. It’s part of why warmers have advanced this far.

Many skeptics like the technical details of the debate, they want to avoid the essential politics as much as possible. “It’s about science”. They certainly have contributed but on its own it fails. Marc Morano, Delingpole are actually closer to the truth and the solution regardless of how it might make someone feel.

April 4, 2012 7:46 am

Sorry guys but knowing advertising as I do, the need to “jump the shark” when the product is selling doesn’t exist. The pitch then adjusts to “it’s selling” variants as people get on board what they perceive as being socially relevant as you’ve witnessed with everything from the iPad to obesity being the number one health problem in America. No successful marketing company on this planet craps the bed they’ve just spent a fortune successfully making and if the hype is to be believed that AGW has indeed a fortune being invested in advertising, they would have hired such.

April 4, 2012 7:48 am

Actually IMO, we’ve already seen the psychological manifestations claimed.
After Climategate 1, what did Mr Jones claim?
“He said he had recovered from the depression that had led him to contemplate suicide at the height of the controversy, when Sarah Palin and other politicians in the United States accused him of faking his research. He has put on most of the stone he shed and lost the pale, gaunt look on show in March as he trembled in front of a parliamentary committee questioning him about his integrity.”
Climategate 1 and 2 showed antisocial bullying behavioral patterns.
Wikipedia… GISS “adjustments” – suggestions of OCD?
Mr Glieck …self confessed break from social norms…into illegitimate acts.
Mr Hansens claims …breaking from reality.
AND this pseudo-science paper that exhibits Narcissistic traits.
“An exaggerated sense of one’s own abilities and achievements.
A constant need for attention, affirmation and praise.
A belief that he or she is unique or “special” and should only associate with other people of the same status.
Persistent fantasies about attaining success and power.
Exploiting other people for personal gain.
A sense of entitlement and expectation of special treatment.
A preoccupation with power or success.
Feeling envious of others, or believing that others are envious of him or her.
A lack of empathy for others.”
Yeppers!!! IMO they [ psychological – sociological breaks ] are already manifested.

April 4, 2012 7:49 am

@cui bono
April 4, 2012 at 6:25 am
Paul Coppin says (April 4, 2012 at 3:46 am)
DirkH says (April 4, 2012 at 5:01 am)
“They are not getting desparate; they are winning”
I fear Paul is right – they are winning.
Take it from a psychologist with more than 30 years in professional practice, THEY ARE LOSING. They ARE getting desperate. All of the bizarre behavior and pronouncements you are now seeing from the CAGW crowd confirms this.
Many of these people have made the belief and value system that humankind is evil and is destroying the planet the centerpiece of their lives. Now they are experiencing tremendous cognitive dissonance because their confident predictions have not come true, and they have not been able to convince everyone. In a very short time, quite a few of these people are going to have to reorder their lives, both spiritually and (in many cases) financially.
To protect themselves from this reality, they use denial and projection. They think if they can just convince enough people, all might yet be salvaged. Unfortunately for them, as time goes on, fewer are convinced, and more and more are beginning to see AGW for what it really is, i.e. a bizarre and irrational belief system.
Sooner or later, it will all just collapse, and it will happen suddenly, probably with an unusually cool and rainy summer or with a brutal winter like the one in central and eastern Europe this year. It could also happen with more bizarre behavior from the CAGW crowd – theft, lying, sabotage, physical violence and so on. As they get desperate, they become more dangerous, but they will not win.

April 4, 2012 7:51 am

It’s not hatred Anthony, it’s parody. That is how the Warmists ( Thermians ) see Lord Monckton.
Here is how I would relate Lord Monckton to a movie Character:
Of course, no character can do justice to the man. I believe he is aiding the fight against pseudo science to the greatest degree. There is so much that can be brought in an indictment against this report. But Lord Monckton’s work stands alone and without assistance against the absurdity and outright lies perpetrated by the NWF.
Just my opinion of course.

Ian W
April 4, 2012 8:01 am

Paul Coppin says:
April 4, 2012 at 3:46 am
They are not getting desparate; they are winning. This is a full-fledged, full-on, take-no-prisoners media assault. The vast majority of casual viewers will see this as a topic with substance, even as they do not understand the content. Communications companies exist for a reason. Perception iseverything, and will trump substance everytime. Never, ever, under-estimate the power of guilt and fear, and never, ever over-estimate the intelligence of the mass audience. The vast majority of people would still sell Manhattan for $24 in beads and trinkets, if the sales pitch was properly crafted, and these people vote…

Unfortunately, Paul you are right – and many of the people on this board do not realize that the scientific arguments are not going to work any more. I can remember being told that an audience for a talk should be considered to have the intelligence of a 9 year old. Messages pitched at that level WILL get across.
Remember everyone – “the science is settled” – that phrase may make you giggle -but the man in the street believes it. And now if you want to sell anything from fruit in a supermarket to a passenger jet – you have to quote carbon footprint and emissions.

April 4, 2012 8:02 am

I’m just flabbergasted by the logic in this WWF article.
IN this world of pain they are predicting with flood, droughts , fires, horrific storms, surely we will be too busy dragging people out of floods and battling our way through droughts and treating the wounded survivors of storms and rebuilding our shattered homes and retreating from the encroaching sea and desperately farming and scavenging for food ….
… to stop for a moment and consider if we feel stressed about the whole issue?
Obviously the only thing that CAN logically be treated is the stress induced by all the fear mongering going on right now.

April 4, 2012 8:05 am

I’m betting this is hoax.
I’ve never seen anything quite this silly and obtuse before … it reeks of a setup.

jeff 5778
April 4, 2012 8:10 am

The money line:
“A long term and
disciplined approach to studying
these problems within public health
agencies, the academic and clinical
community is needed to adequately
assess and address the full meaning
of global warming on the mental
health of the American public.”
Surprise, surprise!

David Jones
April 4, 2012 8:13 am

Please correect me if I am wrong but I had assumed the “National Wildlife Federation” would be concerned for the well-being of WILDLIFE (i.e. non-domesticated flora and fauna). Since when have they become a political lobby group?

John T
April 4, 2012 8:15 am

That’s what happens when you’re continuously told to fear the nice weather we’re having instead of just enjoying it.

April 4, 2012 8:15 am

JohnH says:
April 4, 2012 at 7:34 am
“I am curious what the long-term psychological effects will be on children who have grown up with the Weather Channel and major TV networks constantly screaming “WE’RE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!!”.”
The long-term psychological effect is that they stop watching TV. My kid did. They’re more into youtube anyway.

April 4, 2012 8:16 am

Remember for the AGW hard-core, they simple cannot accept the idea that people can hold good and logical views that differ from them on this subject.
Therefore, they must be either bad or as in this case MAD and if that means trying to project that idea onto millions that is no problem. For just like the extremists in religions they consider it a ‘duty’ to ensure others are shown the error of their ways and ‘lead’ unto the path of true righteousness. When you start from the idea that you can’t be wrong and its all for a ‘good cause ‘ it amazing how far you can go in the totally wrong direction .
Whenever you here the words ‘for the good of the people ‘ that’s a time to be very careful for its amazing how often that idea has been pursued by some of the worlds biggest monsters .

April 4, 2012 8:17 am

Let the treatment begin! But perhaps they need to find out who needs the treatment first?

April 4, 2012 8:30 am

markx says:
April 4, 2012 at 7:45 am
It’s a hoax? They used photos from 9-11 review pages 13-15 for example. Terror victims = Climate victims

April 4, 2012 8:32 am

As many have said before, it is actually a very good thing to finally see all the masks coming off.
Is there any honest person left who doesn’t see that this is no longer a scientific war, but a purely political war for power? The left has pulled out all the stops in its drive to seize control; articles like this are the way the do that.
The hardest part for us is to realize that all of these institutions that support them, now including the National Wildlife Federation, have got to be torn down to the ground and either rebuilt or more likely, replaced before the disease can be contained. Which means a campaign to starve them of funds and de-legitimize their existence. Sad, but now necessary.

Paul Coppin
April 4, 2012 8:33 am

Sceptics on WUWT still seem to believe this is about Climate Change. Marshall McLuhan would be proud. As I have said time and time again, this has nothing to do with Climate Change. Climate change is simply the hook. Today’s hook. That’s why the title of it keeps changing – clmate change, global warming, extreme weather, carbon emissions, green economy, sustainability, respect for the environment, and on and on. Global warming begat Climate Change which is already morphing to “extreme weather”. All of these are different flavours of the same snake oil, and you are seeing the high-powered mass marketing of that snake oil, and it’s very effective. Why do you think all prognostications are out 5, 10, 20, 50 years? Because no one will have to refute the oil salesmen by then – the mission will have been accomplished.
It used to take three or four political cycles to change or reverse change a particular social ideology. Now with computerized target marketing near instanteous message delivery, high speed media production, ad hoc, in situ media production, it only takes one to at most, two, political cycles to effect a major ideological shift politically. Carbon markets are crashing everywhere, but cap and trade is still a cornerstone of every liberal ideology. Every municipality I’ve seen in the western world has an active, “green” agenda. Most large corporations have a “green”, sustainability agenda. Sure its about bottom line, but all of these institutions legitimize the message seen and heard everywhere, even to the good boys from the deep sowth, sittin’ on the porch , flickin’ chiggers and countin’ gators. (h/t Bernal, /LOL). Sustainability and the bottom line are even part of the message.
Americans only need to look at their own country since the last two years of GWB and the disaster that is the Obama admin, to know how potent this PR campaign is. Look where your country is and ask again, who’s messaging remains in control? (hint, its not the GOP’s – Romney can’t beat OB in 2012. The GOP had the chance and threw it all away.). Even in Canada, we are one election to putting the left back in. Harper is screwing up on so many fronts and moving the conservatives so far to the center they are in danger of losing the core. Ontario literally had the province offered to conservatives on a proverbial silver platter and the conservatives (albeit progressive, conservatives), still couldn’t figure what the message was and who it was being delivered to.
It is said, that in politics, to effect significant sociopolitical change (regardless of the underlying motive), you target, intensely, one group and one group only: females aged 18-35. Make it about home, safety and security and motherhood issues, and you will win. Think about those around you and to whom you defer. They already make up slightly more than half the population… Cheers!

Paul Coppin
April 4, 2012 8:50 am

jbird says:
April 4, 2012 at 7:49 am

Jbird, with all due respect to your profession, I know people who could convince you your best effort during the day would be to spend most of it on your own couch analysing why you need to analyse denial and projection, AND sell you a new couch, AND a case of self-health books to aid you in your own self-analysis AND sell you the self-congratulatory vacation in Mo’ Bay at the conclusion of it. Back in a day, people in the medical professions were amongst the easiest sales marks there are, partly because they’re semi-rational and have too much disposable income. Clinical psychologists and psychiatrists are institutional psychologists; Good salesmen and marketeers are applied psychologists.. /LOL.

April 4, 2012 8:55 am

The U.S. Mental Health Care system will never be adequately prepared to handle the case load of the Pro-Warmists;
1. Burdened by the doomsday projections from their own Climate Models, and
2. Burdened by the aftermath when all of their AGW theories are tossed into History’s Garbage Can.

April 4, 2012 9:06 am

Mind you they might have a point since they’ve been making kids neurotic for many years as this oft quoted 2007 kiddie survey discovered at the time-
And with the daily news diet of floods, tsunamis, tornadoes, etc from around the world in our living rooms, it doesn’t take much for our ‘concerned’ educators to associate it all with global warming and give the kiddies nightmares. After all the assault on young minds begins very early in the kindergartens and reception.

April 4, 2012 9:12 am

Aldous Huxley 1962 U.C. Berkeley Speech on “The Ultimate Revolution”
Number Of Ways To Go Nuts To Increase: DSM-V
Increasing Mental Health Awareness: Too Much of a Good Thing?
Does the DSM-5 medicalize normal behavior?
Diagnosis as disease
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
Crispin Tickell
Huxley family tree (partial)
Climatic Change & World Affairs
This website now contains the entire text of Climate Change and World Affairs, first published in 1977, revised 1986. This seminal book did much to arouse interest in the then little-known problem of ‘global warming’ in response to human emissions of greenhouse gases.
Nigel Lawson: Global warming has turned into religion
Lawson was Chancellor when Crispin Tickell, then British Ambassador to the UN, convinced Prime Minister Thatcher that man-made global warming was a problem. Despite Tickell lacking any scientific background (he read history at university) Mrs Thatcher took the population campaigner’s views seriously enough to make a landmark speech on global warming. This led to the foundation of a branch of the Met Office, the Hadley Centre at Exeter, to study the issue. It remains one of the three leading climate institutes.
Crispin Tickell (Belief)
Now you come from an Anglo-Irish family. Your great, great grandfather was T H Huxley – Aldous Huxley was in your background too. Now this is a legacy of seriously thoughtful, intellectual address, isn’t it?
Well T H Huxley was in many respects one of my heroes. Aldous was as well. In fact I think if anybody had any influence on me during my adolescence, it was Aldous Huxley
Well while you were leading this high profile life, you were also already concerned with the planet, and your book ‘Climatic Change and World Affairs’ was published in 1977, and really was seminal in both I think perhaps shaping up everything you’ve done since, and also in shaping up the political responses to climate change both in Britain, Europe, America and the United Nations. So where did this book come from?
Religion and the Environment
Lecture delivered to “The Earth our destiny” conference, Portsmouth Cathedral, 2002-11-30
Environment is the stuff of religion, and religion is the stuff of the environment. Their relationship once went without saying. Yet we live at a time when they are being prised apart

April 4, 2012 9:13 am

I also think Paul is right… despite their idiocy, the lack of factual support, and the growing case against the claims of AGW, they are winning the battle for the minds of the young and future generations. It matters less and less what we all think here. Just spend some time on any campus and ask a few questions… reality bites.

David Corcoran
April 4, 2012 9:15 am

So the alarmists have given up on speaking about climate science altogether? They seem to only natter on about secondary issues now: Saving species from an imaginary problem, treating people stressed by the imaginary problem, and getting more money to study things related to the imaginary problem. Like Jimmy Stewart opening doors for Harvey… he didn’t need to actually show people Harvey, just pretend he was there.

View from the Solent
April 4, 2012 9:31 am

Looks like the NWF are out of step with “The Nature Conservancy, the world’s biggest environmental group.” From
Nature ISN’T fragile nor a bossy mother-in-law – top eco boffin
Get rid of hippies, save the planet
” The Green movement needs to rethink its philosophy from the ground-up. That’s according to Peter Kareiva, a leading conservation expert and chief scientist for The Nature Conservancy, the world’s biggest environmental group.
It must abandon the idea that nature is “feminine” and in particular that it’s “fragile”, he said, because not only is this artificial, it’s wrong, and so many bad ideas follow.”

April 4, 2012 9:36 am

jbird says:
April 4, 2012 at 7:49 am
The war will go on but they aren’t losing. The socialist agenda goes on forever until there are no private rights left to debate.
Since being stopped on Cap and Trade it’s been all about “education” which means brainwashing children, firing up the base and smearing skeptics as being intellectually inferior/distrurbed or both. Standard NY Times dogma and tactics. They morf into “sustainability” and relive many of the old eco-standard topics of the past. AGW is just a card in the deck.
The journOlist memo has certainly been passed on the Soviet psychiatry theme. Chris Mooney, Norgaard etc. all in the past week. Deniers are racists also, another pine for the 60’s;

April 4, 2012 9:47 am

johnwschwartz says:
April 4, 2012 at 9:13 am
If it comforts you John, I went to largely left-wing schools my entire life. They’re always those who can be manipulated but the social pattern is more complex then people adopting leftwing views from teachers as taught to them. They’re letting it all hang out in an election year to fire up the base and other than the EPA not much is going on policy wise. The base are the people at the bottom of the pyramid in the Apocalypto Sacrifice Scene that the host thought gratuitious on my part to post.
They’re will not be enough reaction to this green dogma but there is another side growing as well. On campus as well.

April 4, 2012 9:49 am

Wonderful, thanks, Willis.
We have a translation of the source to Spanish, in case any one needs to use it in blogs, etc. One of the most laughable things I read in years.
¿Hay que ser un degenerado para ser ecologista?

Paul Coppin
April 4, 2012 9:57 am

Let me illustrate my point by using a recent event: Fakegate. The only people who care that Gleick took one for The Team, Gleick himself, maybe (martyrdom is is only a so-so tough shroud to wear, especially as your approach retirement age and who knows, the paycheques probably still roll in even if your name is off the board), Heartland, some WUWT readers and a few other associated blogs, and about maybe 50 people on the outside who have expressed public dismay over the event.
Nobody’s heard boo from Gleick, Desmo doesn’t care because the medium is the message, and they continue to medium the message, as do their ideologues, and who’s still having to dig themselves out from under the poo shoveled over them? Heartland! This is the power of a modern media driveby. Heartland continues to restate its case, and in doing so, continues to draw attention, not to its belief system or its causes, but to the trangressions it never committed. Heartland needs to press for prosecution, sue, or let it go completely, quickly. Until it does and holds Gleick up in the bright glare of light for the whole world to see, it will always be the guy of whom the question “did you ever get caught beating your wife?” will always be asked. This is the power of high speed targeted media in today’s world. Even though innocent, the only way Heartland will regain the equivalent of years worth of PR back, is to monumentally hand Gleick from the highest public tree or commit a monumental act of public decency, which will still be viewed as guilt penitence. And I chose the word “monumental” intentionally.
While I admire and respect Anthony’s basic human decency, this side of the fence needs to get down and dirty too, and be willing to play in the same sandbox. You are in a fight with a pig. Don’t show up to a pigfight armed only with lipstick.

G. E. Pease
April 4, 2012 10:09 am

This report was published in February, 2012. Yet, it states:
“The interplay between the climate realities we likely face and the potential psychological
fallout from them was the subject of a conference convened in Washington D.C., in
March 2009. A highly respected group of experts offered insights. Their thoughts,
recommendations and supporting evidence are presented in this report.”
Apparently they haven’t noticed that the 13-year global temperature trend from March 2009 to February 2012 is absolutely flat. If they had only noted this in the 2012 report, it might have gone a long way towards averting global warming fears and psychosis.

April 4, 2012 10:12 am

This is the “Anti-Placebo Effect.” If you believe in catastophic climate change, you will become mentally ill.

Dave Worley
April 4, 2012 10:24 am

Speaking of mental cases, Keith Olbermann made an appearance on the Tonight Show with David Letterman. Quite a scene there with Dave repeatedly baiting KO into publicly airing the dirty laundry about hissy fight between Gore and Olbermann. It really has all the hallmarks the breakdown of an “alternative” marriage.
There’s some great “alternative energy” metaphor attached to the breakup. Apparently, during a couple of episodes of the KO show, the lights in the studio went out because Gore had not paid the electric bill. Perhaps the sun went down and the wind subsided. KO, being the big star that he is, could not stomach working in such substandard conditions.

April 4, 2012 10:38 am

Come on guys, that’s just Crazy Lisa, loopy as jitterbug. She’s harmless. Up her meds and shoo her home. No need to fear the barking insane; just keep them from wandering into traffic.

April 4, 2012 10:39 am

It is true that most Americans are not mentally fit to deal with future climate change. After all, the comfort seeking, debt addicted, med popping masses are really going to be in a world of hurt, when, not if, we incur the next major cold period. Keep your powder dry.

G. E. Pease
April 4, 2012 11:01 am

My apologies for my own apparent date confusion in my previous (10:09) comment. I should have merely written “Apparently the NWF hasn’t noticed that the 14-year global temperature trend from 1998 to February 2012 is flat. If they had only noted this in the 2012 report, it might have gone a long way towards averting global warming fears and psychosis.”
They did have a full three years between 2009 and 2012 to correct the hysteris that the 2009 conference report itself created.

April 4, 2012 11:03 am

Never underestimate the mental health care provider and advocacy community for mining tax dollars. They will do anything to keep budget pace and try to make gains in the health care mandate tab coming your way. They did not grow to their current outsized share of total medicaid spending by sitting around. What better way to expand their scope (and mandate tab) than to metastasize onto the other great money grab in climate change? No facts required of course.

April 4, 2012 11:10 am

Kevin J Coyle JD. Juris Doctor. Obviously qualified to speak about wildlife, Climate Change and Psychology.
The MD co-author might know psychology. So who’s the CAGW expert?
Plus, they don’t mention “Climate Angst”, My personal favorite climate related mental pathology.

April 4, 2012 11:22 am

they will never declare war on the citizens explicitly.
they’ll just do everything to deprive us of any rights whatsoever.
as long as there is doubt, there is hope.
give up hope. there is no doubt.
there is only one relationship possible between parasite and host.
a hug won’t cure them. talk won’t stop them.
WUWT shifted them to alternate means. it delayed things a little.
but the good times are gone and won’t be coming back until men have no doubts about what are virtues and values. this has to be fought on moral grounds.
they’ve already substituted theirs for the true ones, i.e., the ones consistent with human nature.
the debate for the past 200 odd years has only been how big a slice to cut off you or who shall wield the butcher knife.
not very many question the virtue of cannibalism or the value of being lunch.
and the calves will be taught the same but more.
next, you must learn to moo…. lol – or discover morality.

Pete in Cumbria UK
April 4, 2012 11:36 am

We all know, seriously, that they are lovely caring people and they do genuinely believe that they can and do ‘help’ but, we all know that a healthy and non-drug-addled human soul is quite capable of looking after itself. By example, the death of a parent is a commonly occurring event that happens to almost everybody yet, The World Does Not End every time it happens. We’re mostly intelligent grown-up adults and, despite all the best of intentions, we can actually cope with trauma. Something is already built into the human psyche.
Sometimes, the well intentioned help actually makes things worse…,8599,1812204,00.html
Thanks counselling people, but No Thanks.

April 4, 2012 11:49 am

ozspeaksup says:
April 4, 2012 at 4:05 am

I have to agree with ozspeaksup. It is getting to be almost impossible to fully comprehend the strength of the indoctrination that is happening everywhere. Video News Releases make up half the programming on many “news” stations, grade school children are taught that we are destroying the Earth and must all work together in a communal, “team” fashion to save it. I’ve been watching it in the college where I teach — classes in Building Industry Practices devoted almost entirely to demonstrations of “team work” combined with messages about “sustainable building.” Bob Hoffman has been writing about it for a long time in the advertising business — marching morons swayed to ridiculous degrees by implausible theories that have no empirical evidence backing them up.
The fight isn’t half over, and success is questionable. When stupid takes hold, it takes hold with a vengeance — especially when it has a moral underpinning,

April 4, 2012 11:52 am

They ran out of sharks to jump a long tine ago, but they are still around. I fear there is no end to this crap but an ice age.

April 4, 2012 12:38 pm

I took a little time to look at the report. It’s worth stopping after the preface. I’ve tried to restore the italics. That meant rereading the piece. I feel so stressed out now.:
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Having the reality of the destructive forces presented by climate change fully register with people, so they will to act with the needed urgency, is indeed a challenge. And, while the physical and environmental effects of global warming are studied and described, what has rarely been addressed, and is as compelling a topic as any, are the psychological impacts.
This report aims both to fill in the gap in our awareness of the psychological impacts of climate change, and by exposing the emotional side of the issue, to find the place in our hearts that mobilizes us to fly into action, forewarned, determined, relentless. It also is a call for professionals in the mental health fields to focus on this, the social justice issue of all times, with their capacity to work through denial and apathy, to bring insight and commitment before it is too late.
The language of science is, admittedly, not a stirring call to action. Scientists are by nature cautious, and restrained. While this report does not aim to present the forum participants as flame throwers, for this work to accomplish a primary goal, the reader will need to feel something in reading it. The language used here, and some of the questions asked, may feel uncomfortably probing, as they pierce our armor. After all, most of us want to be patriotic, to be optimist [sic] about the future. But we need to fully confront certain realities.
If we continue the adolescent-like disregard for the dangers we are being warned of, driving green house gasses up with only casual concern, there will be consequences. As our world begins to unravel and our role is undeniable, all eyes will be on us. Questions beg to be asked:
• What will the rest of the world think of us?
• Where will we be safe?
• How will we feel about ourselves?
The interplay between the climate realities we likely face and the potential psychological fallout from them was the subject of a conference convened in Washington D.C., in March 2009. A highly respected group of experts offered insights. Their thoughts, recommendations and supporting evidence are presented in this report.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to the RWJ Foundation and to our forum participants. We also note the sad death of forum participant and friend Dr. Jerilyn Ross. She added her characteristic straight talk, practical knowledge, and bright intellect to the discussion.
Lise van Susteren, MD,
Forensic Psychiatrist
Kevin J. Coyle, JD
Vice President for Education

April 4, 2012 12:40 pm

I just wonder if Pro. Kari, the above lot Hansen and company should all move to Glastonbury in the UK. I am sure they would be welcomed.

April 4, 2012 12:40 pm

kim2ooo says:
April 4, 2012 at 7:48 am
(…) Narcissistic traits:
“An exaggerated sense of one’s own abilities and achievements.
A constant need for attention, affirmation and praise.
A belief that he or she is unique or “special” and should only associate with other people of the same status.
Persistent fantasies about attaining success and power.
Exploiting other people for personal gain.
A sense of entitlement and expectation of special treatment.
A preoccupation with power or success.
Feeling envious of others, or believing that others are envious of him or her.
A lack of empathy for others.”
Al Gore?

April 4, 2012 1:41 pm

I don’t generally jump on the commentors here, but I do think it’s important to point out that, while it’s easy to laugh at a report like this, that doesn’t mean there might not be psychological impacts from a planet warmed one or two degrees. People living in Oakland, California, for instance, might easily become confused were they to suddenly start experiencing the climate of Freemont, some 25 miles to the south. Even more confusing would be those living in Concord, New Hampshire, who would suddenly be experiencing the climate of Boston. Believing that they had somehow moved to a different state, they could well end up refusing to show their drivers licences at roadside checks, believing them to be forged.
The possibility of social chaos is nothing to be laughed at.

Lars P.
April 4, 2012 1:46 pm

Paul Coppin says:
April 4, 2012 at 9:57 am
“While I admire and respect Anthony’s basic human decency, this side of the fence needs to get down and dirty too, and be willing to play in the same sandbox. You are in a fight with a pig. Don’t show up to a pigfight armed only with lipstick.”
yes Paul unfortunatelly you are right (here and above). It is enough to check the media, the message is overall “climate weirding”, anti-science, etc, not enough “Merchants of Despair: Radical Environmentalists, Criminal Pseudo-Scientists, and the Fatal Cult of Antihumanism”

Ally E.
April 4, 2012 2:00 pm

They are definitely running out of steam. They know they are running out of time. They are panicking in a louder way and offering what dire threats they can (what’s left, that is, that haven’t already been thrown up to manipulate the emotions of the populace). They only know to scream louder before all is lost for their cause. Not the planet. Their cause. They only have so many days (up to the next election) to save their cause! Oh, woe!

Dr Burns
April 4, 2012 2:35 pm

Seems reasonable to me. It is obvious that millions of alarmists, other than the scammers, have mental health problems. They are probably a subset of the 50% of the population who believe in alien abductions.

Lars P.
April 4, 2012 2:40 pm

Lars P. says:
April 4, 2012 at 1:46 pm
Paul Coppin says:
April 4, 2012 at 9:57 am
reflexion faite – in the end Paul what can and should we as skeptics do? I think that the only thing that we should do is stick to the science and continue to point out their failures to do so.
Not sure if we get down and dirty would serve our cause, let them do it – they do it very well – we can point it out, maybe we can get better at this.
Speaking of your example for Fakegate, in any conversation that I had with some warmist it was enough for 2-3 posts to calm him down and show him the reality. And this on “neutral” sites – so people see fast reality once shown out.

April 4, 2012 2:56 pm

Quinn says:
April 4, 2012 at 10:12 am
“This is the “Anti-Placebo Effect.” If you believe in catastophic climate change, you will become mentally ill.”
You think you have cause and effect right?

Gail Combs
April 4, 2012 3:10 pm

Ray Hudson says:
April 4, 2012 at 4:00 am
This is the setup “science” so next they can claim that AGW causes people to flip out and use firearms to kill people in public places. You watch, it will happen, as sad as this may be.
I took a quick peak and found this

pg 7
Another major problem for the military is a high rate of active service member suicide… While suicide is the result of many complex factors, the linkage to global warming with respect to military personnel must be acknowledged.. Burning fossil fuel for energy means depending on foreign areas… Our service members will recognize that their own live and limbs were sacrificed even though alternate renewable sources of energy could be more available.

So Ray, I think you are correct. The first part of the Strategy was to blame everything happening in the natural world on CAGW. Now they have moved to the next stage, blaming anxiety about every social catastrophe on CAGW. The last stage will be to declare “Denialism” a mental illness and have such people committed.
Unfortunately the precedence has already been set and a new international diagnostic manual released. of healthy people – may be wrongly labeled mentally ill by a new international diagnostic manual, specialists said on Thursday. (Reuters ~ 3:07 PM EST February 9, 2012)

Head Case: Can psychiatry be a science?
…Within the profession, the manual that prescribes the criteria for official diagnoses, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, known as the D.S.M., has been under criticism for decades….
In the case of a patient who exhibits the required number of symptoms, the D.S.M. specifies only one exception to a diagnosis of depression: bereavement…..
Christopher Lane, a professor of English at Northwestern, argues that this is a blatant pathologization of a common personality trait for the financial benefit of the psychiatric profession and the pharmaceutical industry….
Turning shyness into a mental disorder has many downstream consequences. As Steven Hyman, a former director of the National Institute of Mental Health, argues in a recent article, once a diagnosis is ensconced in the manual, it is legitimatized as a subject of scientific research. Centers are established (there is now a Shyness Research Institute, at Indiana University Southeast) and scientists get funding to, for example, find “the gene for shyness”—even though there was never any evidence that the condition has an organic basis. A juggernaut effect is built into the system.

And as the The Rosenhan Experiment shows once diagnosed as “mentally ill” the label sticks no matter what. So it is a bit of a facer to find another article by Psychology Today Field Guide to the Conspiracy Theorist: Dark Minds Thankfully the attack is on Alex Jones and not Climate Skeptics…. This time.

…Conspiracy theories exist on a spectrum from mild suspicion to full-on paranoia, and brain chemistry may play a role. Dopamine rewards us for noting patterns and finding meaning in sometimes-insignificant events. It’s long been known that schizophrenics overproduce dopamine. “The earliest stages of delusion are characterized by an overabundance of meaningful coincidences,” explain Paul D. Morrison and R.M. Murray of the Institute of Psychiatry at Kings College London. “Jumping to conclusions” is a common reasoning style among the paranoid, find Daniel Freeman and his colleagues, also at the Institute of Psychiatry…

I had read several years ago a comment from a nurse that in the USA nurses and doctors were told to identify those who were 9/11 truthers, birthers and other “Conspiracy Types” as “mentally ill” She was cautioning people to keep their political opinions to themselves or they might just find themselves in a mental institution.
I hesitate to link to this but since Skeptics are now being lumped in with other “Conspiracy Types” it is worth paying attention to the example they offer.
A psychologist Doug Soderstrom, Ph.D. said in August 29, 2009, “…Having been a psychologist for nearly thirty years now I am not at all surprised to find that such a thing has occurred. The United States government has routinely used (or should I say misused) psychologists to do their “dirty work,” and only recently has the American Psychological Association been willing to consider the ethical concerns that individual psychologists have had to deal with….”
This is definitely a future possibility we need to keep an eye on….

Ivor E. Tower, M.D.
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
Volume 11, series 3, pages 4-5
This study conclusively demonstrates that unfounded fear of government is a recognizable mental illness, closely related to paranoid schizophrenia. Anti-Government Phobia (AGP) differs from most mental illnesses, however, in that it is highly infectious and has an acute onset. Symptoms include extreme suspiciousness, conspiracy-mongering, delusional thought patterns, staunch “us against them” mentality, withdrawal from reality, and often religious fanaticism. Having the patient committed to a qualified mental health institution is the best option for family and loved ones. For this reason, all psychiatrists and family physicians should be provided with educational materials which will help them recognize the various symptoms and warning signs accompanying onset. Since comparatively little is known about Anti-Government Phobia at the present time, a government-funded health commission should be set up to oversee, and help focus, future research.
The writer wishes to thank the following individuals and organizations for contributing their expertise to this report: Morris Dees of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), Rick Ross of the Cult Awareness Network (CAN), the United States Justice Department (USJD), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF). This study was funded by a grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

April 4, 2012 3:16 pm

gee. I never knew. And to think, all this time, I’ve been blaming it on the full moon ….

April 4, 2012 3:46 pm

Gail Combs says:
April 4, 2012 at 3:10 pm
“This is definitely a future possibility we need to keep an eye on….
Ivor E. Tower, M.D.
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
Volume 11, series 3, pages 4-5

Gail, I don’t find any other publications of Dr. Ivor E. Tower… but I find this…

April 4, 2012 4:28 pm

I literally LOLed at the graphic and its words. On a more serious note, ‘The Whole World’s Goin’ Crazy’, by April Wine:

April 4, 2012 4:39 pm

I think what is more important is the psychological effect on the misled masses when they understand it was blown out of all proportion and is not dangerous at all. The consequential loss of faith in authority, both scientific and political, could spark a slow and dangerous revolution. I have no idea how it might pan out, however.

April 4, 2012 5:17 pm

…anxieties could
increase with continuous
and frequent media
reports on the subject…
That is pretty much the summary of the study.

April 4, 2012 5:58 pm

Frank Lee MeiDere says:
April 4, 2012 at 1:41 pm

I don’t generally jump on the commentors here, … Even more confusing would be those living in Concord, New Hampshire, who would suddenly be experiencing the climate of Boston.

Hmm. I live in easy walking distance to the northern Concord city line. Good thing that when I retire I expect to be moving some 35 miles NNW and part way up a mountain.

April 4, 2012 6:25 pm

Ric Werme says:
April 4, 2012 at 5:58 pm
Then your sanity is assured.

john s
April 4, 2012 6:27 pm

This particular shark was jumped at least two years ago. Back then i noticed a number of seminars on offer at my local university. These included one from a rent seeker looking at the effects of global warming on human psychology.

Barbara Skolaut
April 4, 2012 8:44 pm

What about the psychological effect of their constant nagging and haranging on those of us with common sense and 2 brain cells to rub together?
Doesn’t OUR psychological well-being count?
If they truly cared about others’ psychological well-being, they would SHUT UP.

April 5, 2012 1:22 am

This PDF is a fraud. There was no forum on the date mentioned.
Closest forum that even remotely resembles this fraud is the PEW Trust meeting at
Mount Vernon, where Gavin S. was present.
There was also a Capital Hill gathering,which Lord Monckton was present at about the same time,
but none of these so called participants were gathered together for a forum in DC on
March 19th 2009.
Are we sure this is not some April Fools joke.
Because if it is. I’m not [snip . . . kbmod] laughing.

TIm from NZ
April 5, 2012 1:54 am

Fear is the greatest motivator known to man. It matters not whether the fear is warranted.

April 5, 2012 5:19 am

observa says:
April 4, 2012 at 9:06 am
Mind you they might have a point since they’ve been making kids neurotic for many years as this oft quoted 2007 kiddie survey discovered at the time-
And with the daily news diet of floods, tsunamis, tornadoes, etc from around the world in our living rooms, it doesn’t take much for our ‘concerned’ educators to associate it all with global warming and give the kiddies nightmares. After all the assault on young minds begins very early in the kindergartens and reception.
I wouldn’t put much stock in BrainPop’s survey.
” BrainPOP’s “Global Warming” movie explains the nuts and bolts of this issue, while the “Humans
and the Environment” movie discusses some of the many things children can do to contribute in a positive way to the health of the planet, including conserving electricity, participating in neighborhood cleanups, and making their voices heard.”
They asked the questions after showing their movies.
Had they shown a movie about CAR CRASHES or CANCER then asked??
If a true survey on fear was done:
I think the fear of losing a Parent / Family member / Loved one…would always come out on top.
Seconded by the Social Death of being grounded on the weekend. 🙂

April 5, 2012 5:44 am

Scarface says:
April 4, 2012 at 12:40 pm
kim2ooo says:
April 4, 2012 at 7:48 am
(…) Narcissistic traits:
“An exaggerated sense of one’s own abilities and achievements.
A constant need for attention, affirmation and praise.
A belief that he or she is unique or “special” and should only associate with other people of the same status.
Persistent fantasies about attaining success and power.
Exploiting other people for personal gain.
A sense of entitlement and expectation of special treatment.
A preoccupation with power or success.
Feeling envious of others, or believing that others are envious of him or her.
A lack of empathy for others.”
Al Gore?
🙂 C’mon. Be nice. Don’t just single out him…..Albeit: IMO he’s a perfect poster child 🙂 Wikipediagate – Climategate – Fakegate – This report…. don’t just show us “bad boys at play”. IMO they are a window to the psychological personalities projected by the players.

April 5, 2012 5:46 am

ClimateForAll says:
April 5, 2012 at 1:22 am
> This PDF is a fraud. There was no forum on the date mentioned.
I believe there’s no law that a forum must have proceedings published. I did some poking around and found a big event in New Mexico that had no sub events about climate or warming, so that’s out.
March 19th was a Thursday, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a fairly small group that met in a conference room at someone’s place of work. That’s how NFS V4 was started – 8 or 9 engineers meeting in Austin TX for two days at the obvious company (no, not Dell). I might be able to find a reference to that on the web, but given that the topic was the Network File System, the challenge would be to find the first reference (and we called it NFS Next Generation, anyway).
I picked a couple rare names from the list of participants to see what Google had to say about pages that list both, but didn’t find much of interest. Have you tried taking that list and looking at their CVs or related web pages that list conferences attended?
Proving that something happened can be easy – proving it didn’t can be very tough. I think you need to present better evidence before asserting fraud. Heck – how do you know the date is right?

Chuck Nolan
April 5, 2012 7:38 am

Keith Battye says:
April 4, 2012 at 4:56 am
Good grief !
That is the most appalling “reasoning” I have ever had to read. They really do want to disappear us.
And as well we should. We ought to be ashamed causing all this trauma. I’m thinking re-training camps. Maybe they could set up walk-in clinics for our monthly shots for our obvious delusion. Surely, they have a good drug in mind to combat our deranged thinking.

Chuck Nolan
April 5, 2012 7:58 am

The lead graphic and story make me wonder whose minds are in trouble. Someone thinks like this? Yeah, but then the NWF paid for the image and the report. Again, whose minds are in trouble.

April 5, 2012 8:14 am

@Ric Werme–
You are correct. I just find it fascinating that a think tank meeting can be later described as a conference/forum without much fanfare of 24 notable leaders in their perspective fields of experience.
I did like how Joe Romm said,” I expected a discussion about how the continuing onslaught of frightening science is producing documented cases of “climate blues” among children.
What I heard instead is that the climate blues is infecting climate activists…”

Hot under the collar
April 5, 2012 8:37 am

I used to be a climate skeptic but I’m alright nowooooooooo

April 5, 2012 8:47 am

Kim2000 says- “I wouldn’t put much stock in BrainPop’s survey”
No I wouldn’t either but it was the precursor of many and I was searching for a recent news report of a similar survey in Oz but hadn’t found it However another search came up with this handy rundown of the results of frightening kiddies with complex adult science-
I have young relations with early primary schoolers and they are disgusted with the propaganda that is being fed to their children too young to understand any of it except to retain some child’s bogeyman/nightmare view of the world which they as parents have to deal with.

Chuck Nolan
April 5, 2012 9:20 am

markx says:
April 4, 2012 at 7:24 am
Gotta love the intro by van Susteren and Coyle:
Sounds like the theme of a bad teen novel aimed at schoolgirls:
Questions beg to be asked:
• What will the rest of the world think of us?
• Where will we be safe?
• How will we feel about ourselves?
Will he still respect me in the morning?

April 5, 2012 9:27 am

observa says:
April 5, 2012 at 8:47 am
I have young relations with early primary schoolers and they are disgusted with the propaganda that is being fed to their children too young to understand any of it except to retain some child’s bogeyman/nightmare view of the world which they as parents have to deal with.
Thank you for the links!!! 🙂
I can both agree with you and attest to the post-normal science scare going on – at least in my schools. Thankfully, I’m mostly home schooled .
I don’t know what the answer is to correct it….but if parents don’t challenge it – it will continue. 🙁

April 5, 2012 11:10 am

ClimateForAll says:
April 5, 2012 at 1:22 am
This PDF is a fraud. There was no forum on the date mentioned.
For those claiming this is a fraud, it’s linked directly at the NWF;
Are people claiming the page has been hyjacked and this was inserted? You might hope it was skeptic conspiracy but it doesn’t look likely. Maybe “big oil” is behind this?

Gail Combs
April 5, 2012 11:34 am

LC Kirk, Perth says:
April 4, 2012 at 6:16 pm
Surely we must have found a better way of estimating global atmospheric paleo CO2 concentrations by now than looking at squashed gas bubbles in ice cores…. Are we even looking?
Actually it was looked at first using stomata on the leaves of plants:

Follow the Money
April 5, 2012 1:33 pm

I wish to complement the artist of this psychology piece. Your work is brilliantly subversive. I know what gave you the idea. Their is no greater art than cleverly subverting your master.

April 5, 2012 2:00 pm

“It also is a call for professionals in the mental health fields to focus on this, the social justice issue of all times, with their capacity to work through denial and apathy, to bring insight and commitment before it is too late.” – Source
It sounds like one of the objectives is plowing the ground for climate change denial reeducation camps. If you deny climate change, the mental health professionals will help you work through your mental illness before it is too late.

April 6, 2012 6:46 am

They listed suicides relating to Afghanistan, the military and associated the war to climate change.
They used 9-11 photos to illustrate the relationship of terrorism to climate change.
Every possible natural disaster is inferred to do with climate change policy (co2 mitigation or lack of).
Skeptics need to address the underlying political culture of greens first, technical attributes of the debate are effectively secondary as the source article demonstrates. Do you really expect them to debate obscure climate data with you??

Doctor Demotropolis
April 19, 2012 2:19 am

You guys in the USA can afford to bury your heads in the sand as the water will cause death, disease & destruction in a lot of other places before it reaches you and you can afford to move. It’s the most vulnerable people on the planet that will suffer first and are already suffering.
Surely even with your closed minds you can see that a finite resource like fossil fuels will run out one day and economies based on burning the stuff are ultimately doomed to failure. Probably not in your lifetime though, which seems to render all arguments invalid as far as you are concerned. You’re happy to let your grand-children, or people in far-off lands, pay the price for your selfish attitude and hedonistic, egotistical lifestyle. It’s just a shame that the God that a lot of you profess to believe in doesn’t actually exist to pass judgement on you. As long as you have had a good life, who cares, right?
[we welcome contributions here at WUWT but such contributions should add to what we know. This type of contribution is simply an affirmation of your belief system and apart from that does not advance the debate and so could be misconstrued as trolling . . . kbmod]

April 19, 2012 2:44 am

Doctor Demotropolis,
Spoken like a true Malthusian Luddite.
The truth is that the world’s poorest bear most of the human suffering inflicted by the enviro-dictators [that’s your side, you know], while you are personally untouched, except for the marginal energy cost increases on the well to do.
How nice for you to be able to preach from the comfort of your relatively wealthy position. You can afford a rise in your energy bills; but the one-third of the world that lives on less than $2 a day is facing catastrophe. What do you care? You’ve got yours, right? And you’re ‘saving the planet’, which takes priority over people, who are just collateral damage in your plans, right?
It takes a really smug, superior, uncaring attitude, and a complete lack of conscience and humanity, to support policies that cause such massive suffering for the poorest members of society. Why do you do it? Do you really hate the world’s poor that much? To use your own despicable phrase: ‘as long as you have a good life, who cares?’ Right?’
The world’s poor require cheap energy to allow them to lift themselves out of abject poverty. But the enviro crowd obstructs them at every opportunity. Why do you people do that to them?
Really, why?

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