Gore's Climate Reality Project: a massive dud – even warmists are panning it now

Last night after hour#4 I said:

You can watch the live video presentation here, I urge everyone to do so (because after hour 4 it is starting to look like a massive dud, Al needs the help)

That appears to have been prescient:

He continues:

So I was a little nervous this morning logging into Climate RealityAl Gore‘s 24-hour global-warming warning – as to what I might discover. And, I have to say, my heart immediately sank.

A no-doubt sincere presenter from the Solomon Islands was showing slide after slide of extreme weather events around the world that have occurred over the past year and linking everyone, it seemed, to the rise in anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. As anyone who follows the climate debate closely knows, that is a very contentious peg on which to hang your hat. That kind of talk traditionally requires lots of caveats and careful explaining. Done with abandon and raw emotion – as this presenter seemed to be doing – and you are quickly labelled in some quarters as a climate “alarmist”.

And, for me, this is one of the key challenges the Climate Reality project faces. Who exactly is it trying to convince with its urgent, sometimes breathless campaign? Is it preaching to the converted? If so, it is doing a good job.

Full story here

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Pull My Finger
September 15, 2011 12:05 pm

The person who designed the logo for this blog should be beaten to death with his Adobe Illustrator instruction manual. Yuck.

September 15, 2011 12:09 pm

From the article:
“The politics of climate change is much more polarised and fraught now than back then – even if the science is, it would seem, hardening – and, for right or wrong, Al Gore is a hugely polarising figure, particularly in his homeland.”
Yes, it is “hardening” – in the direction of the skeptical position.
The Gore believers remain entrenched, however.
Moreover, Gore has been a “hugely polarizing figure” since he gave up his Vice Presidential position.

September 15, 2011 12:16 pm

Anyway I thought of Al’s massive divorce payments, upkeep for his mansions, jets, his large fleet of vehicle, massage bills and other assorted amenities – I feel for you pal. Now I know why its getting hot your way, buddy. Now this tuned into a dud. See – that’s what I call Global Warming.

September 15, 2011 12:26 pm

Could it just be about the donations they keep asking for?

September 15, 2011 12:28 pm

“…for right or wrong, Al Gore is a hugely polarising figure, particularly in his homeland.”
Can we bear polarizers? Or are we polarizing bears, Theo?
To polarize = to prepare for the arrival of cold weather when Al Gore is scheduled to arrive.

September 15, 2011 12:32 pm

Where is my hat tip, dammit? 😀
[sHx is awarded a h/t. ~dbs, mod.]

John Whitman
September 15, 2011 12:33 pm

How could the best & the brightest voluntarily pick Al baby as their intellectual leader?
Answer – They (B & B) did not.

September 15, 2011 12:52 pm

I looked through most of Australia’s large circulation daily papers, and this opinion piece from warmist The Age (Fairfax) is the only thing I could find on Gore’s “project”.

September 15, 2011 1:28 pm

When you say, ‘Gore has been a “hugely polarizing figure”, ‘ is the word “polarizing” intended to be a pun on polar regions?
It is uncanny how the poor fellow brings a chill where ever he goes, and whenever he speaks.
The Arctic Sea Ice has either started to regrow two weeks early, or else it has gone through an uncanny uptick on the very day of poor Al’s “Climate Reality Project.”
Do you think Someone Upstairs is trying to tell him something?

Pull My Finger
September 15, 2011 1:41 pm

Al is simply huge. If you put him and Michael Moore in the same room they would likely create a binary star system.
Moore in particular has gained girth in direct inverse proportion to his relevance. He likely needs one of those little scooters to get to the Organic Twinkie aisle of his local Whole Foods store (hah) and the Lil’ Buddy Giant Arse Heaver to get to the fourth story of his various palaces.

September 15, 2011 1:42 pm

Isn’t it a coincidence that the solution for this issue is a massive transfer of wealth from people Gore and his progressive elite don’t like to the elite and their friends.
Funny that.

September 15, 2011 2:25 pm

It’s called ‘the Gore Effect’. He is a complete fruitcake and a total failure, but he tells his followers what they want to hear of what he wants them to hear. Amazing!
I take back my first thought. Maybe he’s not a total failure and maybe he’s not a complete fruitcake, as he has made a fortune. But there are some fruitcakes involved in the equasion. Oh, now i get it!
Hey Al, ol’ buddy! How ya been ……….

September 15, 2011 2:45 pm

I also can’t bear the thought of my spelling. I will sentence myself to writing sentences using the word sentence until I can barely write anymore and then sit in the corner.

I deleted both posts, you can start over with no shame – Anthony

September 15, 2011 3:02 pm

Which would you rather trust more in the quest to understand climate change:
a) Millions of years of data deposited in layers of soil and ice, or woefully inadequate global climate models using a few decades of dubious initial conditions, and data ‘cooked’ to match a global warming theory that cannot stand on its one (CO2) foot?
b) An endless litany of meaningless, disconnected weather anecdotes, or totally traceable, predictable influences of planetary mechanics on the sun, and lunar orbital influences on the Earth?
This is a no-brainer folks!

Bob Diaz
September 15, 2011 3:13 pm

I wouldn’t say that, “Gore’s Climate Reality Project: a massive dud”, after all, we got 24 hours of Josh as a result!!!!
Josh, thanks for all the laughs.

September 15, 2011 5:41 pm

Nothing about the Climate Reality Project in the German MSM. Amazing!

Bernd Felsche
September 15, 2011 7:09 pm

I believe Al Gore
is making a plea of insanity.

Brian H
September 16, 2011 12:38 am

But there are some fruitcakes involved in the equasion. Oh, now i get it!
Hey Al, ol’ buddy! How ya been ……….
eyesonu says:
September 15, 2011 at 2:45 pm
I also can’t bear the thought of my spelling. I will sentence myself to writing sentences using the word sentence until I can barely write anymore and then sit in the corner.
REPLY: I deleted both posts, you can start over with no shame – Anthony

The remedy was insufficient. “equasion”, on the world’s #1 Science Blog! The Ignominy, the Shame, the Incongruity! It’s inappropriately unbearable.

Brian H
September 16, 2011 12:41 am

I didn’t watch. Whom did he “out” as receiving dozens, if not hundreds, of dollars from Evil Elitist Oil Interests, Et Al?

September 16, 2011 3:23 am

Not a star system, more like a Black Hole.