The Western Snowpack is 137% of normal

From The Declining Spring Snowcover Department Experts tell us that spring snowcover has seen rapid declines in the Northern Hemisphere over the last 20 years. As of today, western US…

Past the tipping point

By Steve Goddard In 2007, Dr. Hansen boldly declared “…defying government gag orders. Hansen told Reuters, quote, “The reason so much (of the Arctic ice) went suddenly is that it…

Romm's Mosquito Bomb

Most of us just ignore Joe Romm. Because, well, even the fresh prince of Wikipedia, William Connolley, described him once as “foaming”. When members of his shared climate viewpoint say…

Modeling the Polar Bear Tipping Point

After reading this BBC article on modeling the “tipping point” of polar bear populations, it seemed this photo summed it up well, especially since modeling was substituted in lieu of…