Wild claim: Nuclear war could trigger big El Niño and decrease seafood

A nuclear war could trigger an unprecedented El Niño-like warming episode in the equatorial Pacific Ocean, slashing algal populations by 40 percent and likely lowering the fish catch, according to…

Global cooling after nuclear war would harm ocean life

Seafood production also may be impacted by increased acidification Rutgers University Corals, which are threatened by global climate change and ocean acidification, support a wide range of reef fish at…

Persistent plume

Analysis of massive 2017 cloud of wildfire smoke will help calibrate climate models, including modeling of nuclear winter, geoengineering University of Colorado at Boulder Thunderstorms generated by a group of…

Green Weenie Award: Nuclear War Will Save Us!

Powerlineline’s Green Weenie of the Week Award has now raised the bar against which all green weenies will now be measured. ~ctm From Powerline. Posted on January 4, 2019 by…