Pickup trucks – a major cause of roadside trash?

Ok this is probably going to make some truck owners mad, but its the truth as I see it. The other day I was driving on 99 south and watched…

Ford Introduces Ethanol Powered Sports Car

In a nod to alternate energy, Ford annouced a new sports sedan with roots in the Mustang design that will run on E85 ethanol fuel. It’s called the Ford Interceptor.…

Scientists Predict Large Solar Cycle Coming

An erupting solar prominence photographed by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). [More] In a post a few days ago I mentioned scientists discovering that global warming appears to be…

Global Warming on Mars?

Global Warming is a hot topic here on Earth, but it may be the issue will be settled not here on Earth, but on Mars. A study of the ice…


Fact: Sunspot 930 on the sun right now is three times as wide as the earth. This picture of the sun was taken today from the SOHO satellite and I…


Ok the first thing that went through my mind when I saw the word Yottawatts was that episode of Seinfeld where Elaine uses the phrase…yadda, yadda, yadda… But its actually…

New satellite service captures Mt. Etna in action

This Envisat MERIS image acquired on 25 November 2006 captures smoke spewing from Europe’s largest active volcano, Mt. Etna. The 3 350 metre-high volcano resumed eruptions in early September this…

Solar Cells hit 40%!!!

Solar power has held out a promise of energy independence for a very long time. Unfortunately, its taken a very long time to become a significant part of the energy…

Open the garage bay door, HAL

There’s a Chicago Tribune article reporting that in Colorado the Air Force is jamming garage doors. In a joint U.S.-Canadian operation, they were testing communications on a frequency that would…

Radiation Poisoning

More evidence is connecting the Russian government to the deadly radiation poisoning of former KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko. The Kremlin denies any involvement, but says none of this would have…

The Online Taxman Cometh

Yes, Virginia, there is a sales tax. With Republicans no longer in control of the House, Forbes says this may be the last Christmas you’ll be able to dodge sales…

Watts Up with power hogs?

Given this gadget matches my blog namesake, you’d think maybe I invented it. Alas, though I’ve made lots of other inventions, this is not one of them. For those of…

Greenhouse gas stablizes on its own – scientists confused

Multiple news sites are reporting that levels of the second most important greenhouse gas, methane, have stabilized. From Scientific American: "During the two decades of measurements, methane underwent double-digit growth…

Nuclear power in your basement

Years ago in the 50’s, nuclear energy was the big idea of the time. Clean and nearly limitless energy for everybody was the promise, and ideas such as having a…

The Need for Speed

Have you ever wanted a reliable way to test your Internet connection speed? I have, and there’s been a bunch of tests devised…but not all work that well. I even…

Watts Up with PS3?

PlayStation3 is out. I’m under-whelmed. The most odd part of this is that people are actually leaving their jobs, schools, and family to camp out in front of stores to…

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