Sun getting bubbly: Coronal Mass Ejection may hit Earth

We had "yellow" level geomagnetic activity on the sun last night, and more may come tonight and tomorrow night. Its coming from Sunspot 953, which is about 3 times the…

Panic of the Day: Cell Phones Kill Bees

There’s an article on UK’s The Independent website about a most unusual scientific theory. “Cell Phones kill bees.” From the article: Some scientists suggest that our love of the mobile…

The adapability of man to his climate

Yesterday, the IPCC Climate Change Report was released. Now the hand wringing starts. I’ve made a lot of entries on climate change here, I’ve given newspaper interviews, radio interviews, written…

It's the Sun, stupid

The The United Nations’s IPCC Report comes out today so I thought I’d make a report too. James Carville used to remind Clinton during the ’92 campaign that “its the…

The Sun may disrupt GPS system, banks, hi-tech during next solar max

As previously mentioned on this blog, sunspot 930 released a masive solar flare in December, even though we are in the solar minimum between 11 year sunspot cycle peaks. Now…

Guest Blogger: William F. Buckley on Climate Change

From RealClearPolitics April 03, 2007 Business of Global Warming Feels a Lot Like Inquisition By William F. Buckley The heavy condemnatory breathing on the subject of global warming outdoes anything…

In search of the perfect thermometer.

Lon Glazner, a fellow blogger and local electronics engineer made some comments about my post on the NASA/CSU study on California temperatures. Well that got me started…so below are Lon’s…

California Heating Up, a new NASA/CSU study finds, but data questionable

Image: Average temperatures warmed in nearly all parts of California between 1950 to 2000. Image credit: NASA/JPL/Cal State L.A Click for Larger Image Average temperatures in California rose almost one…

Sustainability Task Force

I just completed my first meeting of the City of Chico Sustainability Task Force today and here are a few observations. First, it seemed to be pretty well rounded, we…

The Missing GW Link: New images shock scientists with view of sun's magnetic field power

Image above: Dubbed the “Swan” this X-ray image shows massive energy releases from the sun’s magnetic field, even while we are at the solar minimum in between sunspots cycles. Last…

Global Warming Expedition called off due to extreme cold

From the “You might want to check the weather forecast before you start out” department: I’m sorry, but I just have to laugh at this one. There’s just too much…

A Big Solar Storm Coming

This week researchers announced that a solar storm is coming — the most intense solar maximum in fifty years. The prediction comes from a team led by Mausumi Dikpati of…

Aging weather satellite's failure feared…Forecast accuracy could be reduced…

Jessica Gresko at the Associated Press reports: Certain hurricane forecasts could be up to 16 percent less accurate if a key weather satellite that is already beyond its expected life…

Internal Combustion Engine could get new lease on life

Ok, everybody’s favorite modern boogeyman, the Internal Combustion Engine, has been blamed for everything from global warming, to wars over oil, to baby booms caused by backseats in 57 Chevy’s.…


As a kid, science was my big deal. Science fairs were even bigger. In my senior year of high school, I made my grand project, a 10MEV cyclotron. It weighed…

Note to pilot: run Windows Update prior to takeoff

The new US stealth fighter, the F-22 Raptor, was deployed for the first time to Asia earlier this month. On Feb. 11, twelve Raptors flying from Hawaii to Japan were…

ER Outlook- Sustainability – My missing article

A “computer glitch” when the reporter sent my story to copy editing added an extra “o” to the word “Outlook” in the title, sending my entry into “etherland”. You can…

No more regular light bulbs?

The California legislature may want to revisit the wording of their proposed ban on incandescents (AB 722). California assemblyman LLoyd Levine, a Democrat from Van Nuys in Los Angeles, wants…

Bacteria to prevent earthquake damage?

If you live near the ocean, chances are high that your home is built over sandy soil. For example many places in San Francisco are built on sandy soil or…

Critical Mass

You know you’ve reached critical mass in an argument when you start having editorial cartoons drawn about you. In this weeks Chico Beat, the editorial cartoon above appeared. While editor…

Solar Lotto Numbers

What do the numbers 923, 930, 935, 941 and 944 have in common? Answer: They’re different names for the same sunspot, this one shown above. Greg Piepol of Rockville, Maryland,…


The “Big Ben” Cray XT3 at University of Pittsburg Computer Center runs at 10 Teraflops Ok if you aren’t computer savvy. you might think “tri-tera-flops…a dinosaur?” or maybe “Tera Flops”…

Space Junk Box Score

Due to the interest in my space junk entry below, I thought I’d provide an up to date list of all the objects in low earth orbit and who the…

An end to space travel?

The picture above shows space junk being tracked by NORAD radar This is one of the most depressing pieces of news I’ve read in awhile. It means the beginning of…

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