Omnibus Bill Trims President Biden’s Overseas Climate Funding Promise

Essay by Eric Worrall

The $1.7 trillion Omnibus government funding bill which just passed Congress omitted at least one extravagance.

US fails to give money promised for developing countries to ease climate impacts

Spending bill passed by Senate includes less than $1bn in climate assistance for poorer nations even though Biden promised $11.4bn

Oliver Milman @olliemilman
Sat 24 Dec 2022 04.40 AEDT

Biden has promised $11.4bn each year for developing countries to ease climate impacts and help them shift to renewable energy but the vast $1.7tn spending bill to keep the US government running, passed by the Senate on Thursday, includes less than $1bn in climate assistance for these countries.

The bill, which is expected to pass the House and be signed by the president, includes $270m for adaptation programs, largely for countries in Asia and the Pacific islands, along with $260m in clean energy investment, aimed at Africa. Another $185m will go on “sustainable landscapes programs”.

The failure to so far meet Biden’s pledge risks undermining the White House’s insistence that the US is committed to helping deal with the fallout of a climate crisis that it is a leading instigator of, through its huge historical and ongoing greenhouse gas emissions. Developing countries will need anything from $340bn to $2tn a year by 2030, according to various studies, to cope with the cascading impacts of global heating.

Administration officials say the goal is to deliver the assistance by 2024 and that money could come from other sources than direct appropriations from Congress. But the likelihood of doing this becomes far more remote once Republicans, who have largely rejected the idea of providing further aid for climate damages, gain control of the House of Representatives in January.

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It is nice to see that at least some leftists were left disappointed, by this latest borrow and spend government funding bill.

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Ron Long
December 27, 2022 2:12 am

What? How can we expect corrupt Dictators to live in the style that they are accustomed to? Not to mention the kick-back to Democrat Dark Money accounts.

Reply to  Ron Long
December 27, 2022 4:50 am

Trim? Only in government does “trim” mean “increase,” as in spend more.

December 27, 2022 2:17 am

I wonder if Gropes knows the Asian countries will be using his (our) cash for down payments to Win-Xi the pooh for brand spanking new Chinese built coal plants? Did Kerry spill the beans?

December 27, 2022 2:36 am

What?! Haven’t they read the report – The Times, The Independent, The Guardian etc – that tells us…

December 27, 2022 2:55 am

What? Haven’t they read the Christian Aid report in the Times, Independent etc?

“”Christian Aid has highlighted the worst climate-related disasters of the year, as the world sees more intense storms, heavy downpours and droughts driven by rising global temperatures as a result of human activity.””

It’s clearly worse now than at any time in fragile Earth’s history….

Reply to  strativarius
December 27, 2022 8:05 am


If you looked closely at the actual Christian Aid report “Counting the Cost 2022” you would have noticed that Christian Aid failed to examine each event in the light of their own particular context. The huge costs are usually not because of climate but because of shocking governance in these territories: mismanagement, fraud, neglect, incompetence, crime and more.

As a Christian organization Christian Aid should be very familiar with the contrast Jesus draws in Matthew 7 of building on the sand and building on the rock. If they were sticking to Christian teaching rather than recycling the alarmist narrative they would have been able to help far more people to adapt and survive these conditions.

Reply to  Michael in Dublin
December 27, 2022 2:46 pm

Christian Aid has drunk of its Kool-Aid.

December 27, 2022 5:47 am

From the article: “The failure to so far meet Biden’s pledge risks undermining the White House’s insistence that the US is committed to helping deal with the fallout of a climate crisis that it is a leading instigator of, through its huge historical and ongoing greenhouse gas emissions. Developing countries will need anything from $340bn to $2tn a year by 2030, according to various studies, to cope with the cascading impacts of global heating.”

Alarmists/CO2-phobes live in this False Reality, and want us to live in it, too.

But there is no evidence substantiating that the U.S. has caused any damage to the Earth’s climate or to other nations through the burning of coal, oil, and natural gas. Therefore, there is no reason for the U.S. to pay anyone for anything related to the Earth’s climate.

Before the U.S. pays one cent, let’s have the evidence showing damage done related to U.S. CO2 production.


Unsubstantiated speculations, assumptions, and assertions are not evidence of anything.

And this is all those who dwell in this
Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) False Reality have to keep the fiction going. They don’t have any real evidence of anything.

Not having any evidence won’t stop them from trying to spend as much of our money as they can, though (with a little off the top for themselves and their friends).

Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) is the biggest science scam in human history. And it is ongoing.

Reply to  Tom Abbott
December 27, 2022 8:53 am

“Alarmists/CO2-phobes live in this False Reality, and want us to live in it, too.” +1

December 27, 2022 5:57 am

I wonder how that spending reduction happened? Did any Senate Republicans make that a requirement for them to vote for the bill? That sounds like something they would do. It makes them look thrifty and they can still vote for the bill. One way or the other, thanks for nothng, Senate Republicans. Your vote for this 1.7 Trillion bill only enables the destruction of the United States by the radical Democrats. You get your little piece of the pie while the Rule of Law goes by the boards. Good Job!

The Trafficker-in-Chief, Joe Biden, is not going to be happy that his ability to spend American taxpayer money overseas is curtailed, especially when it comes to climate change (human-caused).

Well, it’s almost January 3. Let’s see if that makes any difference to this Biden fiasco.

Reply to  Tom Abbott
December 27, 2022 11:33 am

A President cant spend any money , only after its appropriated by congress

Trump was even bigger deficit spender after Congress appropriated it.

Reply to  Duker
December 27, 2022 5:03 pm

Every president was a deficit spender. Not one left office with reduced debt vs their inaugural at anytime. But it is congress who borrows the money to begin with.

Lee Riffee
December 27, 2022 8:00 am

What’s that old saying about throwing good money after bad money? IMO the only reason that natural disasters appear (at least to the gullible and ignorant) to be getting worse is the simple reason that many more people are living in areas that can be affected by said disasters. For instance, in New Orleans there multitudes more people living in that area in 05′ when Katrina hit, than when the last hurricane that size hit. And before us Europeans began emigrating to North America, surely Native American tribes would have had to have dealt with cat 4 and 5 hurricanes, powerful tornadoes, floods, fires, landslides, “bomb cyclones” and all sorts of bad weather. But, there were a lot fewer of them and they did not keep written records of such catastrophes. So, therefore, in the minds of CAGW fans, they didn’t happen….well, or at least no where near to the severity of today.

My point is that I believe there are just some places here on this planet where humans should not live (not live permanently). And, for those who chose to do so, it is on them (and their governments) to deal with the fallout from natural disasters which are known to occur fairly regularly in those areas.

That’s what always got me about people living on the east coast of the US. Hurricanes come up and graze or slam into the east coast of the US (and sometimes the gulf coast) on a fairly regular basis. Some years are worse than others, but hurricanes are a normal occurrence on the east coast of North America. It used to be “OMG! a huge hurricane is brewing that might decimate the Carolinas, gulf coast of Florida, Louisiana, Texas, etc” and now it is “OMG! a huge climate change driven hurricane might decimate whatever areas”. But yet people continue to want to live in these places. And then the blame goes to “climate change” when millions of dollars of damage (or billions) is done and people die….
As I said, there are some places where either people should not live. And by that I don’t mean the government forcing them out but rather people making informed decisions about whether or not to live in such places. In developed countries perhaps updating building codes (Florida has done a decent job at that, and California with earthquakes) to help resist storms, fires, floods, or whatever. Third world countries it would be much harder, but the bottom line is still that people elect to live in unstable areas must understand that they do so at their own risk! No, it isn’t climate change, it isn’t wealthy countries burning fossil fuels – it is people choosing to live in areas that face high risks of natural disasters.

Reply to  Lee Riffee
December 27, 2022 9:19 am

In Cape Town there is an area called the Cape Flats with regular floods during the wet winter rainfall season. No one should be living is this area but many have built shacks in this area which regularly floods and regular appeals are made for assistance. The municipal authorities should prevent people from living here but the central government would not find this acceptable. The same occurs in other areas in South Africa where people are living in shacks close to rivers. Perhaps there needs to be a tough love policy.

Reply to  Michael in Dublin
December 27, 2022 10:37 am

Alaskan natives have invariably made their homes on the banks of rivers. They expected floods during spring breakups, hauled their possessions to higher ground and returned when the water level dropped. There was no one to appeal to for assistance. Only when the whites showed up were agencies created to address a problem that had existed since time immemorial and still exists today.

Reply to  nailheadtom
December 27, 2022 11:36 am

Dont need to go to Alaska , europeans have built cities and farms on the flood plain of the Missouri-Mississippi river system since they arrived.

This is 1993 Flood at St Louis

Reply to  Lee Riffee
December 27, 2022 3:18 pm

The only reason that natural disasters appear to be getting worse is that no-one looks at the past. Every natural disaster now is the very first one of its kind.

Reply to  Mike Jonas
December 27, 2022 5:07 pm

Natural Disasters are not getting any worse. Spending on Natural Disasters afterwards is what is getting worse.

Reply to  Lee Riffee
December 29, 2022 2:11 pm

… don’t let them repair/rebuild in Buffalo. It will just happen again & again. I am with you here.

December 27, 2022 10:11 am

There are some $15b in climate spending in the omnibus bill. They are passing Green New Deal piecemeal having failed at all at once.

December 27, 2022 10:26 am

“this latest borrow and spend government funding bill.”

What borrow? Have treasuries already been sold to the tune of $1.7 trillion for just this piece of horrendous legislation? How do we know that this money will actually be borrowed? Isn’t it more likely that it’s simply being enpixelated on treasury servers where it can be easily electronically transferred somewhere else in the world? At one time creating counterfeit money actually meant printing and distributing it. See Wiemar Germany. Now just a few strokes on a keyboard creates trillions of ephemeral dollars. Why are taxes even necessary? The FTX scam is child’s play compared to the ongoing US government swindle.

December 27, 2022 11:07 am

President Biden, EU leaders, British politicians and King Charles are not only deceiving Africa but forcing them down a path that is going to lead to a disastrous situation. South Africa was the most advanced country in Africa 30 years ago with cheap and reliable electricity. Consider a recent assesment:

Eskom’s real debt . . . . . is over 75% of South Africa’s total debt.

the wheels have pretty much come off of South Africa, because when you take out the power generation out of the industry, you can’t run your plants, you can’t run your smelters, you can’t run your mines, you can’t run your light industrial manufacturing. And so your economy starts to collapse. So, when Eskom goes down, for all practical purposes, the economy goes down in South Africa. And I want people to understand this is not something that’s going to be solved by renewable energy(my emphasis)

Eskom is the South African electricity public utility that for over 50 years was well managed and successful but no longer the case. Sadly the government is not addressing the fraud, corruption and theft but has bought into the lie that renewables will solve their energy and debt problems.

I am angry when I look at all this and see so many people naive and apathetic.

December 27, 2022 3:25 pm

If you start spending a million dollars a day in year 1, and keep on spending a million dollars every single day until the end of the 21st century (the year 2100), you are not even halfway to $1.7 trillion. Frightening.

December 28, 2022 3:20 pm

What, no money for deforestation in Pakistan?

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