Notes on the faked Heartland document

UPDATE: there’s even more evidence that the document was faked. The Koch Foundation and The Atlantic weighs in in update 3 below. As a follow up to the post Notes…

Some notes on the Heartland Leak

Heartland has yet to produce a press release, but I thought in the meantime I’d share some behind the scenes. If/when they do, I’ll add it to this post. UPDATE:…

If the IPCC was Selling Manmade Global Warming as a Product, Would the FTC Stop Their Deceptive Ads?

Guest post by Bob Tisdale Many visitors here and at WattsUpWithThat will remember that a little over three years ago I published my first posts that illustrated how the process…

Do underwater volcanoes have an effect on ENSO?

I found this post interesting, especially after looking at some of the images that show what appears to be a tight hot spot upwelling off the coast of Costa Rica.…