Giant Sucking Sound


For Immediate Release: June 17, 2008

For Further Information, Contact:

Adam King, 615.383.6431

Energy Guzzled by Al Gore’s Home in Past Year Could Power 232 U.S. Homes for a Month

(Above is not my stat, could also be: “19 homes for one year” – Anthony)

Gore’s personal electricity consumption up 10%, despite “energy-efficient” home renovations


In the year since Al Gore took steps to make his home more energy-efficient, the former Vice President’s home energy use surged more than 10%, according to the Tennessee Center for Policy Research.”A man’s commitment to his beliefs is best measured by what he does behind the closed doors of his own home,” said Drew Johnson, President of the Tennessee Center for Policy Research. “Al Gore is a hypocrite and a fraud when it comes to his commitment to the environment, judging by his home energy consumption.”

In the past year, Gore’s home burned through 213,210 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity, enough to power 232 average American households for a month.

Read the entire press release here:

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dennis ward
June 17, 2008 2:38 pm

Why does it not mention how much of this electricity usage was generated from solar power and geothermal power?

Steve Stip
June 17, 2008 2:42 pm

Based on his mass to surface ratio, Al Gore needs a lot of cooling. Would you want the man to spontaneously combust?

D. Quist
June 17, 2008 2:43 pm

This is not TRUE!
Think about it. As the global temperature rises the copper wires in his house gets warmer, increasing friction. He is actually using less electricity! It is because of the rest of us spewing CO2, he is using more. Don’t you see? It is sooo obvious.

Andrew Upson
June 17, 2008 2:50 pm


June 17, 2008 2:52 pm

And inspired by this piece, I have just discovered that my house consumes enough electricity in a year to power TWELVE average homes for a month! The horror!
Just because you don’t like Al Gore (and I don’t either) doesn’t make it ok to use misleading statistics in this way.
REPLY: I didn’t create the statistics. The point about the 10% increase is valid though. Alternate Energy + Conservation = Reduced Energy Use. Unfortunately I think some view more efficuent energy like they do fat free ice cream – I can eat more of it.

June 17, 2008 3:00 pm

Even Al Gore doesn’t believe the AGW pseudo-science is true. If he did, he would change his lifestyle. Instead, it is big energy bills, private jets and caviar for the Gore clan.

June 17, 2008 3:06 pm

yeah…that stat was silly and misleading. they might have well just said that he uses about 19 times the average american’s usage. which is still embarrassingly hypocritical. why go from annual to per month?
at any rate….this is another embarrassing piece for al

June 17, 2008 3:10 pm

This is only for one home. Doesn’t he have two other more?
Also not included are his frequent flyer miles in private jets.
Do as he says not as he does.

Danny Vettoretti
June 17, 2008 3:12 pm

Dennis – The numbers are from the Power Utility. The solar and geothermal used by gore are over and above the power use tracked by the utility.
braddles -Maybe the numbers could have been stated as “gore used as much as 19 times the average house” – still a lot of use by any measure.
Interesting to see gore supporting obama – gee..I think I will bet Summer will come followed by Fall then by Winter – duh….

Bill in Vigo
June 17, 2008 3:15 pm

I just doesn’t seem to me that his green plan worked out just like he planned it. I wonder if he miss understood that his geothermal and solar were supposed to be used inlieu of commercial power. It seems to me that maybe he thought he must get his money’s worth out of the new equipment. It seems that i operate two small homes, and a small workshop on about 1100 kwh per month. This amount may go up a little as we are using the a/c now but the level is set at 77f to conserve.
In my opinion this man has no idea how he looks to the average man making a living. but then my mother used to say, “Flaunt it if you have it.” I guess he does.
Bill Derryberry
PS Dennis Ward with the information coming from the Nashville Electric Service I would think that it is only the commercial power that is being considered here.

June 17, 2008 3:32 pm

OT, Polar Bears migrating south to Iceland.,23599,23882774-23109,00.html

Jon Jewett
June 17, 2008 3:32 pm

You can compare the way Al Gore lives to how The President lives by taking a look at details of GWs house here:
Also, there have been stories in the past comparing the US CO2 production level changes vs. European countries. With the exception of the former Soviet Union, I believe that we are on a par or ahead of most of the rest of the developed world in maintaining or lowering CO2 emissions. That proves GW cares more about the environment than either Al Gore or the Europeans. (I do not have a reference for the CO2 production. I believe I read about it in an editorial. I would appreciate a reference if someone has it)
Steamboat Jack

June 17, 2008 3:36 pm

Don’t forget his condo in California that is 10 feet above sea level despite the “projected rise” of 20 feet. It’s not just a matter of not doing as he says, he clearly doesn’t believe what he says. Why, oh why, is he still the spokesman for AGW?

June 17, 2008 3:44 pm

Anthony. I cannot wait to open up the posts Just to read Dennis Wards!

retired engineer
June 17, 2008 3:46 pm

213 THOUSAND kwh ?!? I use about 330 kwh per month. Less than 4000 per year. Big Al could power my house for 53 years. How much does he have to pay himself for ‘carbon offsets’ ?
(more to the point: he should have to pay me. I have lots of trees. Sucking up all that nasty CO2 he produces.)

Rick Lambert
June 17, 2008 3:47 pm

REPLY: I didn’t create the statistics. The point about the 10% increase is valid though.
According to whom? Is it just on the basis of what the TCPR says? They claim they have proof, but they don’t seem to provide any. Moreover, they claim that their assessment began after all of the rennovations occurred, but they don’t seem to provide any evidence of that either. I have no affinity for Mr. Gore, but we’re supposed to be objective, aren’t we? If we aren’t, well…

June 17, 2008 4:32 pm

The statistic change from year to month is probably just lazy reporting. But it shouldn’t have been done. It hardly reflects well on the organization.
The writer probably got Gores annual from one source, found a monthly average at another source was too lazy to multiply or divide by 12.
Still, he wasn’t too lazy to make the calculation of 232 homes.
I think Gore believes in AGW very much. That does not mean a believer wouldn’t use all that electricity. Possibly he feels he is entitled to it; this guy’s first home is said to have been a penthouse in Washington D.C. where his father was a Senator.
Notice these are guesses. Fun and games. I can’t read Gore’s mind. How a politician behaves isn’t often how he intends that others behave.

June 17, 2008 4:40 pm

TCPR’s previous report on Gore’s usage was not contested by Al Gore.

June 17, 2008 4:41 pm

Someone forgot to teach Gore to say “End Program” when he exits the holosuite.

Terry S
June 17, 2008 4:54 pm

Re: Rick Lambert

According to whom? Is it just on the basis of what the TCPR says? They claim they have proof, but they don’t seem to provide any. Moreover, they claim that their assessment began after all of the rennovations occurred, but they don’t seem to provide any evidence of that either. I have no affinity for Mr. Gore, but we’re supposed to be objective, aren’t we? If we aren’t, well…

As a Noble Laureate and spokesman for the AGW religion movement any mis-information regarding his energy usage could be considered to be damaging to his reputation. No doubt we’ll be seeing a lawsuit soon…

Terry S
June 17, 2008 5:05 pm

Rick, one other thing, if you read the original article you will see that they state where their source of information was from. If want to verify the data then you can obtain the information yourself.
Mind you, I do realise that having the data available for for the public to verify themselves is a novel concept….

June 17, 2008 5:26 pm

Dear Mr. Gore,
Here at the Nashville Electric Service we are very energy conscience. We appreciate your business, but we are alarmed at your rate of consumption. As carbon dioxide levels have increased 20% this century, we’ve seen increased global warming and increasingly violent weather. Clearly this is a result of mankind’s influence and is not subject to debate. We are at a pivotal time where the fate of the earth hangs in the balance and we must act now. According to some scientific studies and 85% of scientists, we’ve passed the point of no return and will have run-away global warming.
In an effort to combat run-away global warming, we will begin rationing your energy. Your consumption will be capped at ten (10) times the average Nashville Electric Service customer’s usage per day. When the cap is met, we will institute an power-shutoff.
If you find this policy to be inhibiting, you can also buy carbon credits. You will need to buy the carbon credits in addition to the costs of the energy itself. Unfortunately carbon credits are traded on a market and we have no control over the pricing.
We hope you understand our efforts to save the mankind and the world as we know it. Please also note that if anthropogenic global warming is over estimated, we cannot offer any refunds or restitution for carbon credits or lost hours of productivity.
Thank you,
The Nashville Electric Service

June 17, 2008 5:32 pm

Not very related. I’ve confirmed that fuel consumption is not down nearly as much as driving is. The discrepancy is far to large to be explained by drivers eliminating their most fuel efficient trips. There must be other compounding factors.
High Gas Prices Are Causing High Gas Prices. How’s that for a positive feedback?

Mike Bryant
June 17, 2008 5:48 pm

Hansen obviously forgot to adjust and massage Gore’s KWHs before the data was released.

Gary Hladik
June 17, 2008 6:04 pm

Could the increase in consumption be weather-related? RSS and UAH say the average global temp has dropped in the last year. What’s the weather been like in Tennessee? (I have no use for Gore, but you’d think he’d get something out of his investment in energy efficiency…)

Mike Bryant
June 17, 2008 6:09 pm

HAHAHA love the letter from Nashville Electric Service…

David Walton
June 17, 2008 6:25 pm

I have recently revised Gore’s total estimated carbon footprint upwards from 5.3 Madonnas to 5.7 Madonnas.
(For those of you unfamiliar with these units, a Madonna is equal to 100 Britons. A Briton is the averaged carbon footprint of a citizen of the U.K. and is equal to 10 metric tons of CO2.)

Rick Lambert
June 17, 2008 6:39 pm

Terry: Rick, one other thing, if you read the original article you will see that they state where their source of information was from. If want to verify the data then you can obtain the information yourself.
This isn’t my story. All I’m pointing out is that the only facts in evidence are second-order: hearsay, in other words. And I’m afraid that doesn’t ascend to a sufficient level of objectivity for me. I have no problem criticizing Gore on the basis of the fact that he is a politician politicizing science. But I will do so on the basis of the uncertainties in the science — uncertainties which I feel he overstates and conflates into something akin to certainty (actually, I don’t just “feel” it, I can document it). On that score I think I can rightly call him a preacher. And I feel I can do that with a certain level of objectivity. But I have no desire to vilify him on the basis of hearsay evidence. That’s going too far.

June 17, 2008 7:23 pm

Dennis Ward:
Read this part:
“The Tennessee Center for Policy Research, a Nashville-based free market think tank and watchdog organization, obtained information about Gore’s home energy use through a public records request to the Nashville Electric Service. ”
Al’s not buying solar power from NES….

Bill Newberry
June 17, 2008 7:43 pm

You’re absolutely right Rick, but vilifying him is a lot more fun!!

June 17, 2008 8:08 pm

Rick, electricity usage records from the Goreacle’s very own utility company aren’t “hearsay”, they’re “hard evidence”. C’mon, man, he’s a hypocrite of the highest order and his Glow Bull Worming™ fraud is responsible for hundreds of millions, nay, billions, of lives being adversely affected.

Robert in Calgary
June 17, 2008 8:16 pm

Gore’s book “Earth in the Balance” was published in 1992.
Gore has had 16 years to get the most energy efficient home on the planet……and hasn’t done it. Not even close.
It’s a clear insight into how real AGW is.

Rick Lambert
June 17, 2008 9:08 pm

BC: “Rick, electricity usage records from the Goreacle’s very own utility company aren’t “hearsay”, they’re “hard evidence”.
Have you seen the “hard evidence”? I’m guessing you haven’t. If you have, please produce it. Short of that all you have to go on is faith. Do you see the problem?
I hate to beat a dead horse here, because I think everyone inclined to understand what I mean has already done so. But allow me to extract the title of a post on your own web site: Nobody Ever Went Broke Underestimating the Intelligence of the Public. That’s as sad as it is true perhaps. But as a small member of The Public, I refuse to be underestimated. So until you, or someone else produces some hard evidence, you might want to take that to heart. I’m not saying the evidence doesn’t exist. I’m saying I haven’t seen it. And I’m guessing you haven’t either. That’s all I”m saying.

June 17, 2008 9:28 pm

If it gets warmer, they’ll be enthralled.
If it gets colder, from Al they’ll withdraw.
It might take a cold season
for folks to see reason.

June 17, 2008 9:29 pm

Just as the names Benedict Arnold and Vidkun Quisling became synonymus with the term traitor I wonder if now the name Al Gore will become synonymus with sanctimonius hypocrite.

June 17, 2008 10:29 pm

What the hell. Does he have a band of gypseys living in the backyard? Is he powering a trailer park on a splitter? Does he have one of those huge German made incinerators converting the table scraps into simfuel? Does he power his jet off the home juice?

June 17, 2008 10:32 pm

dennis ward (14:38:53) :
“Why does it not mention how much of this electricity usage was generated from solar power and geothermal power?”
I strongly suspect that the geothermal power is not for generating electricity but to provide a cooler heat dump in the summer and a warmer heat source in the winter for a heat pump system.
I wonder why it doesn’t mention my average house uses enough electricity in a year to power 365 typical houses for a day. These people just aren’t thinking big enough.

June 17, 2008 10:58 pm

Gore’s spokeswoman had this explanation:
“…the renovations weren’t complete until November, so it’s a bit early to be attempting before-and-after comparisons. In addition, the Gores participate in the Nashville Electric Service’s Green Power Switch Program, which allows them to buy their electricity from renewable sources like wind power, solar power or methane gas from landfills (the house’s 33 solar panels only supply 4 percent of its power needs, per Kreider.) So any energy they burn won’t be burning them a bigger carbon footprint.”
Ok. So Gore used bunches of energy, and much / some of it was “clean”. But if he used all this extra energy, that energy was not available for other folks to use, so they had to use the “UNCLEAN” stuff, because Gore used up the “clean” supply. What ever happened to conservation? It doesn’t matter what kind of energy he used, he used way way too much to ever taken seriously as an environmentalist. This is sooo stupid! Did Al Gore hire a P.R. lackey from the Bush administration?

June 17, 2008 11:19 pm

Rick Lambert. I live in Australia and I cannot believe that there is a place called North America because I have never been there. When I am asked if there is such a place, then if I have never seen, touched and smelt it it is just hearsay.By the way, I have a relative who has just gone on a holiday to a place named Los Angeles andshe phones me now and then. Los Angeles is obviously a place here in Australia that I have visited, but cannot remember doing so. I have never been outside of Australia, as the world ends at its borders.

Jeff B.
June 17, 2008 11:33 pm

Folks, I think we are witnessing the last days of any credulity for Al Gore. The public can only take so much of hypocritical blowhards like Gore. And the Sun did not get the Gore memo.
Everywhere I run in to average Joes and Janes who are starting to put two and two together. People are realizing that we do need energy to run our economy. And people are realizing that energy usage is a human virtue and not a vice. Couple that with the empirical data that shows that the climate models are a joke, and it’s just about curtains for Al.

June 17, 2008 11:58 pm

Rick, earlier you’ve claimed Gore is a “politician politicizing science” and that Gore “overstates and conflates” to the point of preacherhood and you can document this. And yet you didn’t. I’m not asking for your documentation, I’m merely asking why you feel it is proper for you to make specific accusations against Gore based on your studies but others should not?
So much of what is examined here deals with manipulation of complicated data, I am pretty sure if a simple check of public records on the amount of energy by an individual proved Gore was saving energy rather than increasing energy use, there would be plenty of mea culpa’s to satisfy you. I apologize in advance for not documenting how many mea culpas this would be and how many would be necessary.

Pierre Gosselin
June 18, 2008 12:39 am

I think you should have a feature at this site called “How to Live Green” or “Living Green”.
You could provide a photo gallery of homes of famous energy efficient homes of activists like:
– Sean Penn
– Leonardo DiCaprio
– Laurie David
– Sting
– Madonna
– John Edwards
– John Travolta
– Al Gore etc.
This way the rest of us could get ideas on how to “live green” and save the planet like these role model activists do.

June 18, 2008 3:03 am

I am stunned! I have calculated, and I have trouble believing this,that this would cost €32045 here in Ireland. Average bill per two months €5341 ! What does he do ? Of course -air conditioning to control the hot air he expells.

Tom Bruno
June 18, 2008 4:08 am

As always Big Al lives by the creed “all of us are equal but some of us are more equal than others”

Bruce Cobb
June 18, 2008 4:38 am

Al Gore, I’m Big Al Gore,
I’ve got big bucks, so I can burn more;
Do as I say and not as I do,
You can’t be me, and I’m glad I’m not you.
So go Green, ya got to go Green,
I’ve got more Carbon Credits than you’ve ever seen;
Buy ’em up, buy ’em up, buy ’em up now,
‘Cause ya don’t want global warming and I’ve got a Cash Cow!

Mike Bryant
June 18, 2008 4:39 am

Great idea Pierre…

June 18, 2008 4:46 am

I take it you won’t be satisfied until you personally are allowed to read Gore’s electric meter.

Mike Bryant
June 18, 2008 4:55 am

How many different countries read this blog? It might be interesting to see the average bill on Gore’s mansion in several world denominations…

Alan Chappell
June 18, 2008 4:57 am

GALL, the trate of being rude , ignorant, or impertinent, inclined to take liberties.
Sound familiar?

Bob Moss
June 18, 2008 4:59 am

It should be noted that Gore heats his house, guest house, pool house, and pool with natural gas. He also has his driveway lined with CO2 spewing gas lanterns.
At last report the gas bill for just his pool house and pool was averaging over 500 dollars a month. Likewise the gas bill for his house was averaging over 500 dollars a month.

June 18, 2008 5:35 am

According to whom? Is it just on the basis of what the TCPR says? They claim they have proof, but they don’t seem to provide any. Moreover, they claim that their assessment began after all of the rennovations occurred, but they don’t seem to provide any evidence of that either. I have no affinity for Mr. Gore, but we’re supposed to be objective, aren’t we? If we aren’t, well…
In all honesty, I think it’s great that you are being skeptical; demanding proof; and scrutinizing the claim in question.
I really wish that the public would take the same attitude towards the pronouncements of Al Gore; the IPCC;

June 18, 2008 6:02 am

Come on guys, it’s obvious the extra power consumption comes from Tipper leaving the front light on for Al’s late night speaking engagements.
or it’s having to constantly charge their electric limo to take Al to and from the airport.
One of the two anyways.

Tom Bruno
June 18, 2008 6:03 am

This figure most likely doesn’t count the energy needed to transport the massive amounts of food Big Al needs daily to keep up his weight, not to mention feeding his staff and the security personnel. It also doesn’t mention how much CO2 is spewed to keep the grounds manicured, surely that is gasoline in the lawnmowers and two stroke trimmers.

June 18, 2008 6:16 am

This is the Nobel Peace prize equivalent of finding out that Ghandi was a serial killer.

Quentin--The Uncomfortable Truth
June 18, 2008 6:34 am

Don’t worry, he and I have worked out a deal where he pays me every month for the carbon he generates!

June 18, 2008 7:15 am

“Nashville Electric Service’s Green Power Switch Program”
I presume that the NES is part of the TVA. The way I understand it, the Green Power Switch Program is nothing more than a $4/150 KWh price increase. There is really no way to separate “green” power from “you pick the color” power on an electric grid.
The extra money is apparently used to purchase power from “green” sources which has to be mixed with “other” sources. A little weird actually. Isn’t the TVA one of the biggest hydroelectric producers in the U.S.? Doesn’t that count as “green”? Why the “extra” money” anyway? “Green” power really costs an extra $0.027/KWh and the TVA wouldn’t touch it unless somebody ante’s up?
I think Anthony hit the nail squarely when he compared “green” power consumption to fat-free ice cream. As others have pointed out, increased “green” power consumption is that much less “green” power available to everyone else.
The extra money is a “feel good” sacrifice. But an extra charge for power just leads to the feeling of entitlement. If you paid more for your dinner than others pay for theirs wouldn’t you feel entitled to a bigger/better dinner experience? I think the TVA Green Power Switch Program is a mistake.

June 18, 2008 7:36 am

Just to add to the irony — President Bush’s house in Crawford is exceptionally energy efficient. (Here’s a link with a description of the house’s energy efficiency. You’ll note that the piece does not come from an organization that is usually friendly to Bush.)

June 18, 2008 8:39 am

this story went through at least two other cycles, last time there was a comparison between Gore’s Nashville & Bush (GW) Waco homes – as much as I detest politicians of both parties, the younger shrub has a very well designed “low footprint” home

Bruce Cobb
June 18, 2008 9:30 am

GALL, the trate of being rude , ignorant, or impertinent, inclined to take liberties.
Sound familiar?

Yes, sounds like a pretty good description of most AGWers. I could add a number more “trates”.

June 18, 2008 10:07 am

I wonder what the adult children would do if Al Gore didn’t exist?
Then again, they’d just find SOMEBODY else to trash. It’s cheap entertainment, though it does nobody (including them) any good.

June 18, 2008 11:10 am

I love this story the more I read it. The only change I would like to see is consistent values. One YEAR of kWh usage translates to 19.33 homes per YEAR or 232 per month. Just keep the data constant.

June 18, 2008 11:17 am

Till the end of days
they’ll always be knaves.
Till they’re on the run
we’ll have our fun

Rick Lambert
June 18, 2008 11:54 am

MarkW: “Rick, I take it you won’t be satisfied until you personally are allowed to read Gore’s electric meter.”
Actually, independent verification from a reliable source would go a long way towards satisfying me. I’m skeptical, not crazy. I rather hope most folks recognize a difference. Independent verification is certainly a hallmark of the scientific method, but it’s not limited to it. The same principle applies whereever uncertainty reigns — which is to say pretty much everywhere. I’ve never been to Australia, but I’m quite confident it exists — because several independent lines of evidence strongly suggest it does. I suppose there might be a huge conspiracy afoot to make us all think it does exist when it actually doesn’t, but I sincerely doubt it. In fact, I think you need to be a little crazy to buy into such a conspiracy theory, hehe.
Unfortunately in the case of Gore’s home, independent verification of TCPR’s claims seems unlikely at this point.

June 18, 2008 12:31 pm

Since any information might conceivably be useful to terrorists don’t be surprised if less and less of it becomes accessible. There is absolutely NO end to paranoia (notice mine?) 🙂 The very best solution is to avoid making enemies in the first place. Bring the troops home!

Gary Gulrud
June 18, 2008 12:55 pm

“I’m skeptical, not crazy.”
Can’t tell about that, but I do think Wisdom is more discriminating over the battles to be fought.

June 18, 2008 1:21 pm

“This is the Nobel Peace prize equivalent of finding out that Ghandi was a serial killer.” jryan
Just a quibble in the interest of truth, but wouldn’t “parallel killer” be more accurate? 😉

June 18, 2008 1:26 pm

I withdraw my quibble. But I will point out that government leaders, I exclude Ghandi, are masters at “parallel processing” of living bodies into corpses.

June 18, 2008 2:27 pm

Rick Lambert:

Actually, independent verification from a reliable source would go a long way towards satisfying me.

Then why don’t you: 1) call Adam King at 615.383.6431 which he posted as a contact number; 2) ask him how he got his information then 3) do the same yourself? Mr. King said in his article how he got the information. Seems you could readily do the same. Lacking that, what would you consider to be an “independent source?” Is there one?

Rick Lambert
June 18, 2008 3:54 pm

DAV: “Then why don’t you: 1) call Adam King at 615.383.6431 which he posted as a contact number; 2) ask him how he got his information then 3) do the same yourself? Mr. King said in his article how he got the information. Seems you could readily do the same. Lacking that, what would you consider to be an “independent source?” Is there one?”
Answering the last question first, certainly Gore’s spokeswoman, Kalee Kreider, would qualify as a source independent of TCPR. Wouldn’t you agree? You could certainly argue that Gore’s spokeswoman is not a disinterested party. Then again, it’s pretty clear that neither is TCPR. I mean really, can you ever be sure that any party in any dispute is truly disinterested? IMO, everyone has biases — including me — including you. It’s unavoidable. I try very hard to be as objective as I can, but I know it’s a quest that can never be fully fulfilled. How about you?
I called the number you indicated, and talked to a guy named Michael, who identified himself as Adam King’s aide (Adam himself wasn’t available). This is how I identified myself: “Hi, my name is Rick Lambert and I was wondering if you could answer some questions I have about Al Gore’s home there in Nashville that you recently reported about.” I didn’t claim any affiliation or anything, and he didn’t ask. He just said, “Sure, what do you want to know?” So I asked Michael…
1. How they defined “year”. He said that they defined it as June 2007-2008, which they compared to June 2006-2007. I presume that explains the discrepancy between
their original 2007 article
in which they claimed, “In 2006, Gore devoured nearly 221,000 kWh—more than 20 times the national average.” and their recent article in which they claimed that “In the past year, Gore’s home burned through 213,210 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity…” And that, they said, was 10% more. Obviously if you compare the numbers in the two different reports, it’s not. But their re-definition of “year” provided some wiggle room on that score. I pointed out the discrepancy. He acknowledged it, and said the redefinition was the reason.
2. I informed him about what Gore’s spokeswoman claimed — specifically, that rennovations weren’t completed until Nov 2007. He said he hadn’t heard of any comment from Gore’s people, and they (TCPR) determined from media reports that rennovations were completed prior to June 2007. So they went withg that.
3. I told him that Kreider claimed that since rennovations were completed the Gore’s utility bills had decreased 40%, and did he have any comment. He said he hadn’t heard that, so was unable to comment.
4. I asked him if they had monthly records. He said yes, they did. So I asked him if they had seen a reduction between June 2007-Nov 2007, and between Nov 2007-June 2008. He said he didn’t have that information available at the time.
5. I asked him if they had plans to publish the monthly totals. He said no.
6. I asked him who I could contact to find out that information. He said he didn’t have that information available.
I’m not a reporter, so I suppose there were questions that I could have asked better than I did, and/or questions that I could have asked that I didn’t. But the foregoing is an accurate description of our conversation.

June 18, 2008 4:47 pm

Rick Lambert

Answering the last question first, certainly Gore’s spokeswoman, Kalee Kreider, would qualify as a source independent of TCPR. Wouldn’t you agree?

Independent of TCPR perhaps but certainly not of the issue. She wouldn’t be Gore’s spokeswoman very long if she was in the habit of not spinning Gore in the best light.
Let me get this straight. You were looking for “independent verification” so you called King’s number and stopped at whatever answers you got? IOW: what was posted above was perhaps of questionable validity but now what you are being told no longer is?
I don’t know. I would have thought you would ask for his source then go there to check it yourself. Instead of “who” maybe your question should have been “where”? In any case, “public information” was claimed. Did you try NES as well?

It’s unavoidable [being objective]. I try very hard to be as objective as I can, but I know it’s a quest that can never be fully fulfilled. How about you?

Gore’s electric bill certainly wouldn’t qualify as opinion. However, you don’t sound like you really want to verify the numbers but instead want something else. Are you saying it’s not possible to get the real numbers? It’s not like you need a three year project with associated personnel plus a period of analysis. That might be a reason to complain about lack of independent verification but IMO it is NOT when I believe you could easily find out for yourself. Do you really need spoonfeeding or is it just a convenient position?

I informed him about what Gore’s spokeswoman claimed — specifically, that rennovations weren’t completed until Nov 2007. … I told him that Kreider claimed that since rennovations were completed the Gore’s utility bills had decreased 40%

FWIW: Note that Gore (once removed) is NOT denying the usage from last year but is instead saying the equivalent of “I’m trying to fix that” and furthermore is saying he got his usage all the way down from 20x (or 19x or whatever) to around 12x the average home use. Sounds like he better be planning a whole lot more “rennovation.”

Interesting what people are saying about Bush’s house. It’s actually smaller than mine, too — I have 4500 sq. ft. (the house is 50 x 30 x 3 floors, counting the basement) but not all of that is useable. I never felt it was abnormally large.

Gary Gulrud
June 19, 2008 8:04 am

From the ‘Tenneseean’ by way of ‘Planet Gore’ at NRO.
“Gore purchased 108 blocks of “green power” for each of the past three months, according to a summary of the bills. That’s a total of $432 a month Gore paid extra for solar or other renewable energy sources. The green power Gore purchased in those three months is equivalent to recycling 2.48 million aluminum cans or 286,092 pounds of newspaper”
Good thing this option is available, newspaper become scarce and all.

June 19, 2008 9:00 am

“Gore purchased 108 blocks of “green power” for each of the past three months … That’s a total of $432 a month Gore paid … [for] renewable energy sources … equivalent to recycling 2.48 million aluminum cans or 286,092 pounds of newspaper”

I wonder where the conversions come from.
To think: all of that for only $432/mo. Must be nice to be feelthy rich 😉 Of course there’s a BIG difference between SAVING energy (via recycling) and USING energy. He pays roughly 50% more to make the energy available then uses it himself. Now there’s a humanitarian.
Interestingly, since there aren’t any truly independent electric grids in the U. S., everyone here uses that same “green power” as well. So, no need to fret over lining your backyard with carnival lights and those 40 million candlepower searchlights, kids. Light ‘er up!
I think I’ll have me another helping of that low-fat ice cream.

Rick Lambert
June 19, 2008 10:14 am

DAV, why don’t you try contacting NES and asking them for Gore’s utility bill records? Here’s the number: 615-736-6900. See how far you get. That’s why I asked “who” I should talk to, because I wasn’t getting very far with the obvious “where”. They seem to be a little reluctant to give out that kind of information to any schmuck that gives them a jingle.
One more thing I did discover is this from back in 2007: But electric company spokeswoman Laurie Parker said the utility never got a request from the policy center and never provided them with any information.
They may both be right. TCPR may have gotten their numbers from NES, just not through the front door. I don’t know. That would explain why I didn’t get very far though. Also, the numbers the AP dug up are somewhat lower than what TCPR reported. There may be an explanation for that, too. Then again, maybe not. The article didn’t say.
Michael (from TCPR) invited me to email Adam King with the questions he couldn’t answer, which I did. I haven’t heard back.
Any other suggestions?
As I mentioned before, I’m not a reporter. But I do work for a living, so my time is limited, and I think I’ve spent as much time on this as I care to. You would think that some reporter somewhere would have done what you say I should. Maybe they are. So far though, all any media outlet seems to have done since this most recent dust-up is get a statement from Gore’s spokesperson. I did find this article dated Oct 2007 though. If it is accurate, then apparently it is true that rennovations weren’t completed until around Nov 2007.
And no, I don’t assume Gore’s spokesperson is objective. I don’t assume TCPR is objective, either. The extent to which either one of them is reliable is another good question. I don’t know. All I’m saying is she’s independent of TCPR, and that they have different stories. I tried to find out why they were different. I have so far been unable to do that to my satisfaction — and apparently yours. If I hear back from King I’ll let you know.

June 19, 2008 6:34 pm

Rick Lambert,
Other than getting a copy of his electric bill, no.
Frankly, though, the TCPR reports (this year and last) have a ring of truth. Oddly, Gore aids in giving it credence. I’ve spent all but seven of my working years in and around the federal government. Without going into a lot of detail, Gore’s statement (via proxy) is what clinches it for me. Keep in mind, he’s a politician. He knows how to use spin. Here’s my analysis of his (proxied) statement:
1) the base fact of high usage last year remains undisputed. If the TCPR report wasn’t close to the truth, Gore would have trumped that by producing the his bill on his own.
2) He disputes the latter claim of 10% rise by claiming to be doing something about the original allegation. Consider: he wouldn’t have to do anything about it if the original allegation was false.
3) Last year (March, 2007) Gore’s response was it didn’t matter that his extravagance was so high because he buys “green” power.
4) He claims to have implemented changes that already have the effect of reducing the previous usage. Note that he uses a percentage instead of (or in addition to) the reduced value. This is PR sleight-of-hand where only the most favorable numbers are used and unfavorable eschewed. It automatically implies that the actual number might be considered out-of-sight by many (in this case a 40% reduction of 20 x average household is still an outrageous 12x) or ridiculously unimportant (e.g., saying something like “this menace has increased 200%” within the last year which pushes the alarming +200% while failing to mention that last year said menace affected at most one individual).
5) the use of a whole number which is a multiple of 10. In the spin world this is called an “estimate.” It’s purpose is to sound objective but the value is often an optimum of looking good while remaining believable but still allowing the “it was only an estimate” out if the true value should ever come to light. Rounded numbers that might be mistaken for “sound good” numbers are usually guarded with “close to” or added decimal places which make it harder to later say it was “just an estimate.” Whole numbers ending in 5 are used to sound even more precise while those ending in 3 or 7 sound almost scientific. Remember, 87% of all statistics are manufactured.
Personally, I really don’t want to go to the effort of getting Gore’s electric bills, anyway. Gore’s responses indicate high likelihood that the TPCR report is close enough to the mark (despite its over-the-top-tone) and that final confirmation would just be a waste of time. All circumstantial though. YMMV.