Is this what the beginning of glaciation looks like?

While ice fishing is still going on in some parts of Minnesota, other parts are having what looks like glacier advance in the back yards that is damaging some homes.

As for climate change worries, you can always figure out ways to keep cool, but getting out of the way of an advancing glacier is no easy task as this video shows. Watch this video of what happens in an “ice out” from the nearby lake Mille Lacs, you can actually watch the ice advance. In a matter of minutes the wind pushes the ice about 15 feet from the shore to the doors and windows of lakeside homes.

While this isn’t the same mechanism as ice-age type glaciation, it is fascinating to watch.

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May 12, 2013 5:17 am

I hadn’t seen that phenomenon before. The same person put up the “after-math.” (My guess was that she’s blond, but it turns out these were the first videos she recorded on her phone). See
Glacier seems like the wrong word. Ice tsunami seems better, though there’s no earthquake involved, just wind blowing old ice around.
Note – this is also covered in

May 12, 2013 5:21 am

somebody tell me about that train sound.

May 12, 2013 5:23 am

Shown on NBC’s “Today” show too … that’s wild …

May 12, 2013 5:28 am

Gives new meaning to the term “fast ice”

May 12, 2013 5:31 am

The wind moves the ice on tho land. Scarry becaus of the sound wicth cane be like a train or a plane passing by. But as you can see its also a nice way tho demolish some properties. And this is only a small thing. In Holland the ice can come meters hight and that cane be massif peaces also.

May 12, 2013 5:36 am

Ric Werme says May 12, 2013 at 5:17 am

Glacier seems like the wrong word. …

I don’t know Ric; it was ‘chewing’ up anything in it’s path; I think that dark area near the tree at the 00:08 point is dirt/soil being tilled up. The ‘effect’ at the head end looks to be the same as a glacier, the ‘production’ back end process being different (i.e. the ‘cold flow’ of snow/precip turning into a frozen river of ice eventually and generally ’emptying’ into a waterway, lake or ocean). “Ice Heaves” is what the vid on YouTube is calling it.
Nature ‘taking back over’ in any case (if only briefly!)

May 12, 2013 5:37 am

Reblogged this on Combyne's Weblog and commented:
interesting supposition here

May 12, 2013 5:37 am

I was in Lake Elmo, Minnesota (East of Saint Paul) yesterday. The wind was fierce, and falling ice particles were rattling on the brim of my hat. Had to have come from the clouds, the previous snow had finally melted. Getting sick of this Global Warming stuff.

May 12, 2013 5:40 am

There have been years when the ice on Mille Lacs has pushed right over Highway 169 on the west/south sides or 18 on the north and east. We had 20-30 MPH winds yesterday (which was also the annual fishing opener) so I wasn’t surprised to see the ice pushed off. I feel bad for all of those cabin owners though.

Doug Huffman
May 12, 2013 5:40 am

Remember to build your vacation home bulwark against the advancing ‘glacier’. Like the barrier island’s mega-McMansions hurricane barriers; to be rebuilt with YOUR tax-insurance monies.

May 12, 2013 5:48 am

Yes, it´s very fascinating indeed!
Mother Nature makes a house call and they do the only sensible thing – adapting by removing fragile stuff!
This is the essence of science – observation without fictional simulation.
This also shows one of several “problems” with living near by water …

May 12, 2013 5:58 am


Rhoda R
May 12, 2013 6:06 am

That was one of the weirdest things I’ve ever seen! So quick and so relentless.

May 12, 2013 6:09 am

Actually this is quite normal near the end of a good winter, wich just happens to be half way May this year.

Erik Christensen
May 12, 2013 6:10 am

…not the beginning of glaciation, this is what Global bloody Warming looks like – the ice is rotten!

May 12, 2013 6:29 am

Seeing the force of this little tongue of ice it’s no surprise that glaciers could dig many of today’s valleys into the surface.

Tom in Florida
May 12, 2013 6:33 am

Looks like flowing lava, slow but relentless.

May 12, 2013 6:37 am

This can happen on the shores of any large lake, when high winds shove the ice. I’ve seen video of a neighborhood around Buffalo getting damaged, in the dead of winter, and a storage facility on the coast of the Arctic Ocean getting crunched by ice as well. In the summer you can sometimes see the damage to brush and trees, as you walk a large lakes shores.
Rivers can do some amazing things with ice as well, creating dams and flooding upstream areas until the dam breaks, whereupon a flood filled with ice rushes down stream. Then, wandering the river’s banks during the balmy days of summer, you can puzzle over the gashes on trees limbs high above your head.
It is interesting to see where the old-timers built, in areas near water. Perhaps they were wiser, or perhaps the houses built by the foolish are simply gone.
Not many built atop hills, here in New England, despite the beautiful views. Perhaps they knew about the highest winds during hurricanes, and heating costs during the winter. However I do know of two very old, very solid farmhouses, with amazing views. So perhaps there is something impractical in mankind, which simply loves a view.
Happy Mother’s Day, everyone.

May 12, 2013 6:43 am

Oh no! Not the “1970’s ice age cometh” scare, again! Thank crunchie I sold my cold “climate” gear and migrated to where “weather” is warmer… Oh no, I am going to burn in Australia!!!! Save me! Save me save me ye olde cahbon proice…

Paul Beckwith
May 12, 2013 6:47 am

During the little ice age in Europe the rate of glacial advance was apparently something that had to be seen to be believed. For example in Chamonix (below Mt Blanc in France) the main galcier came right out across the fields and orchards and ploughed them up, moving at a rate of feet per day (this is at an altitude of a little over 3,000 ft by the way). It was so bad the locals begged the bishop of Geneva to travlel up and see if he could make it stop.

Bruce Cobb
May 12, 2013 6:58 am

Ice floes also occurred to the northwest, in Manitoba, on the shores of Dauphin Lake:
These are massive, completely destroying 12 homes.

May 12, 2013 7:04 am

It’s definitely interesting (for those not living there) and scary (for those living there) phenomenon but it has nothing to do with glaciation at all. It shouldn’t also be very hard to prevent happening again (although it might involve ruining their lakeside yard). But it’s true that if real glaciation had to happen, even though the glacier would advance considerably slower, there would be no stopping it for people living in its path, as well as in this example.

May 12, 2013 7:26 am

In Nenana also still no breakup:

May 12, 2013 7:42 am

Reblogged this on CraigM350 and commented:
Great video. The ice moves like a lava flow.

May 12, 2013 7:44 am

Not having insurance/being able to buy any takes care of unsound building areas. But socializing risk-taking will make those more prudent pay for the foolishness of those who set up shop in dangerous places. Of course those lots are then more expensive because they’re “more scenic”, making it yet another transfer of wealth from the smart and cautious to the reckless and debt rich.

Dr. Cornelius
May 12, 2013 7:51 am

This happens only when the ice has “candled” i.e. full of multiple vertical holes shaped like candles – the result of solar radiation melting in place. The ice retains most of its thickness but the resulting ice mass is very light and fragile – so breaks up and gets pushed easily by winds. nevertheless when it gets piled up at a barrier it can still exert significant pressure and be destructive.

May 12, 2013 7:54 am

Yikes, and I thought the blob was just a SiFi movie!

Doug Huffman
May 12, 2013 7:56 am

N. N. Taleb attributes financial bubbles to risk commoditized and accumulated by government central banks. Many little mom-and-pop failures are anti-fragile to faux-robust “too big to fail.”

May 12, 2013 8:06 am

Here in Wisconsin we continue to break the cold weather records.
Here is an article from Hayward, WI discussing opening day of “Open Water” fishing, without the open water on the lakes around those parts of the state. They did manage to find some open water along the rivers so fish were taken..
Fishing Opener 2013: Snow, ice don’t stop some anglers
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
By Terrell Boettcher News Editor
With ice covering most area lakes, 16 inches of fresh snow and freezing rain and sleet to top it off, the 2013 fishing opener Saturday, May 4, was a memorable one. But those who got out — many on ice, not water — did catch some fish.
The snow was an all-time record for the month of May in Wisconsin. It didn’t stop the Governor’s Fishing Opener from taking place in the Cable and Hayward area, as anglers sought out any open water they could to wet a line.
Because of icy conditions at the Cable Airport and the wintry weather, Gov. Scott Walker didn’t make it to the event, which was headquartered at The Lakewoods Resort on Lake Namekagon..
While planning the event, “Never in a million years did we think we would be sitting here looking at snow and historic weather,” Bolen said. The area received as much as 17 inches of snow on Thursday, May 2, a new record for Wisconsin. The previous record for largest May snowfall in Wisconsin was three inches in 1935, he indicated. “So we have set a record for largest snowfall in the state of Wisconsin in the month of May ever.”
By contrast, last year, “we had the earliest ice-out ever,” Bolen said. “These lakes were all open the third week of March. On May 4, 2012, the water temperature was 62 degrees. This year, we are looking at a record late ice-out for the state of Wisconsin. So it really has been an unprecedented challenge that we have faced, to make sure we give you the opportunity to fish, to do so safely, to give you a great experience. Because fishing is ingrained in the culture of northern Wisconsin.”..

May 12, 2013 8:16 am

This phenomenon is something everyone living on the shore of large norther lakes needs to be familar with. It is not new. This is what happens with very large lakes freeze over durring the winter and then start to thaw in the spring.

May 12, 2013 8:18 am

One of the most amazing weather events I have ever seen!! Absent of the obvious implications towards the (decided)Science, It is still breathtaking. On a more humorous note, I hear tell that they ran this story on Al(gore) Jazeera.

May 12, 2013 8:18 am

Ivu events like this are greatly feared by northern slope natives as they happen with little warning and are caused by events far from the effect. Like flash floods in a desert on a clear day. Barrow Alaska had a significant ivu event in 2006 that was widely reported. It buried a road and can potentially have destroyed the town had it not stopped when it did.

May 12, 2013 8:20 am

The scariest part was the two women standing around filming while the ice was destroying their house.

May 12, 2013 8:21 am

Another cold slooooooooooow moving front moving through these parts again..
Loopy jet stream. Maybe, should be taking a close look at the arctic oscillation thingy..
All the fun stuff seems to gather around the poles..

May 12, 2013 8:29 am

It was 53 F this morning here in Memphis, supposed to hit 45 tomorrow… normally 65 or so at this time, so we’re a good 15~20 degrees colder than usual today.
Looking at the May temps for last year, the scale went from 40 to 100, this year it goes from 30 to 90… >.>

Diana Moher
May 12, 2013 8:32 am

Similar event occurred in Manitoba, Canada this past week. The ice pushed cottages off their foundations. The ice piled house high. Not “unprecedented” but certainly frightening. People said they went in to get something from inside & upon their return the deck was being torn off.

May 12, 2013 8:48 am

Wow – maybe 400 ppm CO2 really was a tipping point after all.

May 12, 2013 8:50 am

Powerful stuff. It reminded me of the remorseless advance of the tsunami waters moving inland on the East coast of Japan.
The real ice age will show up probably as a series of long (not necessarily the coldest) winters followed by cool summers which will allow snow and ice to accumulate.

G P Hanner
May 12, 2013 8:54 am

One of my cousins if Houghton, Michigan, says that they have to hire somebody to remove the snow from their roof about half way through the winter. Maybe they ship the snow to Mille Lake.

May 12, 2013 9:08 am

Great visual example of how dominant wind is in Arctic ice formation and dissipation. The cho-cho sound is maddeningly mysterious!

Sean Peake
May 12, 2013 9:08 am

On a canoe trip back in June 1985 I was stuck on the only island on a Sid Lake, NWT, at the edge of the treeline–lake ice had stopped our progress. On the second day there the wind came up from the NW and slowly pushed 30 foot slabs of ice onto the island. It was an incredible sight to see it move. Unstoppable. Fortunately, the wind cleared a path through foot-thick floes, leaving us with only candle ice to deal with as we pushed on to the Thelon River where ice would no longer be a problem.

John Tillman
May 12, 2013 9:10 am

In 2002, Mann dismissed the “so-called Medieval Warm Period” & the Little Ice Age as regional phenomena, despite the fact that abundant evidence already then existed that both were global climatic events.
Did he simply ignore this evidence or not bother to look for it? Some references from 2002 & earlier:
Johnson, T.C., Barry, S., Chan, Y., Wilkinson, P. (2001). “Decadal record of climate variability spanning the past 700 yr in the Southern Tropics of East Africa”. Geology 29: 83–6. Bibcode:2001Geo….29…83J. doi:10.1130/0091-7613(2001)0292.0.CO;2. ISSN 0091-7613.
Holmgren, K., Tyson, P.D., Moberg, A., Svanered, O. (2001). “A preliminary 3000-year regional temperature reconstruction for South Africa”. South African Journal of Science 97: 49–51.
Kreutz, K.J., Mayewski, P.A., Meeker, L.D., Twickler, M.S., Whitlow, S.I., Pittalwala, I.I. (1997). “Bipolar changes in atmospheric circulation during the Little Ice Age”. Science 277 (5330): 1294–96. doi:10.1126/science.277.5330.1294.
Khim, B.-K.; Yoon H. I.; Kang C. Y.; Bahk J. J. (November 2002). “Unstable Climate Oscillations during the Late Holocene in the Eastern Bransfield Basin, Antarctic Peninsula”. Quaternary Research 58 (3): 234–245. Bibcode:2002QuRes..58..234K. doi:10.1006/qres.2002.2371.
D.M. Etheridge, L.P. Steele, R.L. Langenfelds, R.J. Francey, J.-M. Barnola, V.I. Morgan. “Historical CO2 Records from the Law Dome DE08, DE08-2, and DSS Ice Cores”. Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, Tenn.
M. Angeles Bárcena, Rainer Gersonde, Santiago Ledesma, Joan Fabrés, Antonio M. Calafat, Miquel Canals, F. Javier Sierro, Jose A. Flores (1998). “Record of Holocene glacial oscillations in Bransfield Basin as revealed by siliceous microfossil assemblages”. Antarctic Science 10 (3): 269–85. doi:10.1017/S0954102098000364.
Erica J. Hendy, Michael K. Gagan, Chantal A. Alibert, Malcolm T. McCulloch, Janice M. Lough, Peter J. Isdale (22 February 2002). “Abrupt Decrease in Tropical Pacific Sea Surface Salinity at End of Little Ice Age”. Science 295 (5559): 1511–4. Bibcode:2002Sci…295.1511H. doi:10.1126/science.1067693. PMID 11859191.
Nunn, P.D. (2000). “Environmental catastrophe in the Pacific Islands around AD 1300”. Geoarchaeology 15 (7): 715–40. doi:10.1002/1520-6548(200010)15:73.0.CO;2-L.
Winkler, Stefan (2000). “The ‘Little Ice Age’ maximum in the Southern Alps, New Zealand: preliminary results at Mueller Glacier”. The Holocene 10 (5): 643–647. doi:10.1191/095968300666087656. Retrieved 2010-06-27.
Villalba, R. (1990). “Climatic fluctuations in Northern Patagonian during the last 1000 years as inferred from tree-rings records”. Quaternary Research 34 (3): 346–60. Bibcode:1990QuRes..34..346V. doi:10.1016/0033-5894(90)90046-N.
Villalba, R (1994). “Tree-ring and glacial evidence for the medieval warm epoch and the Little Ice Age in southern South America”. Climatic Change 26 (2–3): 183–97. doi:10.1007/BF01092413.

May 12, 2013 9:15 am

They an event in January at Lake Winnebago where foot-thick slabs of ice were pushed ashore by high winds damaging houses and other structures. One homeowner said his family had built the house in 1953, and they’d never seen anything like it. Clearly, the event must have been caused by global warming.

May 12, 2013 9:59 am

There didn’t appear to be high wind in the video. It’s a tremedous volume of ice to move, I can’t see wind having enough traction on surface ice to push it up the banks of the lake, unless it was funnelled into a bay.

Chris @NJSnowFan
May 12, 2013 10:00 am

We should see some more good videos like that one in a few days, strong winds cranking in all areas where ice is still on lakes..

May 12, 2013 10:06 am

I live near and often fish on Lake Dauphin- the Manitoba example above. We call this “fri-ice”, for friable, but candle ice is correct. Lake Dauphin is very large- maybe 40×30 miles. The 80km north wind would have a fetch of 40 miles to “push” from any place there was a crack or opening. Once moving the ice piles up and catches more wind. The Lake had 30-35″ of solid ice this winter, and we had to put extensions on our augers for ice fishing. With the very delayed spring, the candled ice was still very deep last week, but was rotting because the sun has power. I’ve seen this before, but never this deep. Even more awesome is the wind driven hard ice that infrequently occurs. Here, solid ice floating offshore can move around as wind direction changes. Those in the know watch this closely, as a wind shift can trap a boat and prevent escape to a landing. I have seen boats crumpled and pushed many metres into the bush. Ice slabs can be pushed up on shore with such force that they move boulders and bulldoze trees. Once I saw three layers of 24″ ice slabs stacked up like planks against a wall. When this happens it sounds like thunder- such is the force. Like so much in nature ice off can be gentle, or fearsome.

john robertson
May 12, 2013 10:16 am

With late break up and the seasonal winds coming soon, I expect great entertainment for the squatters and house boaters on our local waterfront, I am cheering for a wind from the south and slabs of ice ramming into the bay.
Nothing can stop it, exposed points can be cleaned right down to the glacier polished bedrock.

May 12, 2013 10:24 am

Pathway says:
May 12, 2013 at 8:20 am
“The scariest part was the two women standing around filming while the ice was destroying their house.”
They were doing the most responsible thing. By staying there, exhaling CO2, they tried to amplify the greenhouse effect. The 4.3 micrometer photons emitted by CO2 are optimally suited to melt ice.
The only thing they forgot was producing enough 4.3 micrometer photons and direct them at the CO2 cloud so that the CO2 could absorb and re-emit them towards the ice.

May 12, 2013 10:43 am

If this was scattered surface ice that accumulated due to wind direction, I understand.
I’ve never seen ice in such strange crystal shape, though Perito Moreno was a bit of an eye-opener with its galleries, tunnels and streams.

Silver Ralph
May 12, 2013 11:03 am

Wow, I am surprised that the BBC did not have this as headline news, proving Global Warming to be true.
Instead, yesterday morning the BBC had an item on changing migration patterns of birds, with two species not arriving this year because ‘Britain was too warm’. This, by the way, is a nation still locked into winter, with many trees still not in leaf. Even the reporter had to stifle a laugh at that one. God knows who dreamed up that report, and on what evidence.

May 12, 2013 11:15 am

May 12th,2013.Watching the ice on Lac Ste.Anne,west of Edmonton,Alberta,redesign the landscaping on many a front lawn on the east side of the lake.Happens every year,just depends on the winds which side gets free ice cubes.
And trust me,climatefraudwatcher.The winds can,and do push mini 10 foot icebergs onto shore,when it has 32 miles of unoppesed lake to come across.Cripes.Even the Canada geese are taking over our front lawn,1/4 mile from shore,as the lake isn’t safe.

Eve Stevens
May 12, 2013 12:19 pm

Sitting in my house in Southern Ontario watching the snow-rain outside in 4 C temp (40 F), wondering why I came back from the Bahamas. Oh yes, to pay taxes on my electricity, phone, TV, heating oil, gas, etc. It’s just not worth it.

Bryan S
May 12, 2013 12:49 pm

I live in northern Minnesota and grew up on a lake. Watching the ice go out was always one of my favorite spring time activities. Because Mille Lacs is such a large, round lake… they are susceptible to huge ice heaves and floes when the ice rots and melts away from the edges of the lake. Some years it can be especially damaging because it’s still thick in the middle, but the wind carries it along. The worst ever for me must’ve been spring 1993. We lived on the NE side of the lake, but strong west winds pushed the ice off the lake before it was really ready. The ice sheet “grinding” along the shore at an angle caused a lot of damage, uprooting full grown trees and pushing up dirt embankments. It’s a power you have to respect. And yeah, this is the coldest spring since 1950 which was the only 20th century analog to this year. There have been colder springs… but the pattern in March and April was consistently well below average temperatures with no mild weather to speak of… so even in those “colder” springs you’d get a few days of warm weather to really rot that ice. Not this year until the 28th of April. Which is why lake ice out records are being smashed… easily beating 2008 and 1996 and challenging 1950 records.

Jeff Alberts
May 12, 2013 12:57 pm

This is obviously the wrong kind of ice.

May 12, 2013 1:18 pm

OMG – that moved so FAST.
Good to see the clip getting some coverage (if you’ll excuse the pun). The wackos won’t like this one.

May 12, 2013 1:20 pm

Put the camera down and pick up a shovel!
The tide was the culprit (yes, lakes have tides too) and that train sound is caused by the shuffling of the Ice as the rising and falling of the swells pushed the ice forward.

North of 43 and south of 44
May 12, 2013 2:04 pm

Ellen says:
May 12, 2013 at 5:37 am
I was in Lake Elmo, Minnesota (East of Saint Paul) yesterday. The wind was fierce, and falling ice particles were rattling on the brim of my hat. Had to have come from the clouds, the previous snow had finally melted. Getting sick of this Global Warming stuff.
Yes it is very hard of the flamingos

J. Murphy
May 12, 2013 2:20 pm

Title – “Is this what the beginning of glaciation looks like?”
Last line – “While this isn’t the same mechanism as ice-age type glaciation, it is fascinating to watch.”
So what type of glaciation does this look like the beginning of, if it’s not an ice-age type?

May 12, 2013 4:33 pm

John Tillman-
the most important part of Mann’s dismissal of the MWP and LIA is that he published on them in 2002, and now again in 2012. So which is it Dr. Mann?

May 12, 2013 4:37 pm

I live in Kentucky in the USA.
Lot’s and lots of idiots around, trust me on this one, Hee-Haw on acid.
One winter my brother and I were out poking around, I remember that it was desperately cold out. We kept hearing this very loud booming noise from the other side of the levee. There’s a levee around the town that we grew up in.
People in Kentucky are in no wise prepared for two or three or four weeks of back to back sub-zero temperatures. An inch of snow snarls up everything. I lived behind the lines in Communist Illinois, a jack-booted-government-thug-police-state for a long, long time, more than a month. They had more snow plows in the town that we lived in than we have in all of Kentucky.
We decided that the thing to do was to go check out the booming noise. We walked up the levee and there was the most amazing thing, a dam of ice across the creek. We walked down to the creek, maybe a week before people had fires out on the ice and people playing on the ice, slipping and sliding around. Nobody had ice skates, wouldn’t have known what to do with them if we did. We had never before seen ice thick enough to support the weight of a car. As we watched, standing below the dam of ice, like I said, lots of idiots around, water gushing out of the holes in the ice dam like fire hoses, grown trees all mashed up in the ice and great rocks gouged up out of the creek bed, and there we are watching, looking up at this spectacle. Then the light came on and we decided that the smart thing to do was to watch from the top of the levee. As we got to the top of the levee the dam broke, like thunder, like dynamite, like thunder, reely, reely loud, the damndest thing I ever did see and the ice dam moved down the creek maybe a hundred feet or so. Trees that we’d climbed and fished under ripped up by the roots and so on.
If you ever get the chance to be around where people are using explosives, in rock quarries or the like, that is what the sound was like. You could head and feel the “BOOM” at the same time.
This dam of ice that I’m telling you about was perhaps thirty feet high. We’d seen floods before. My earliest memory is sitting on sand bags that the Corps of Engineers had piled up and tossing gravel in the water. My mom and dad’s house was right on the levee. I remember flying through the air and landing on my feet and my mom chasing me down the levee. The family was getting to bug-out to Grandmas house, to higher ground.
The creek that I’m talking about at this part is maybe sixty or so feet across.
This went on all day long. My brother and I went and told Mom and Dad all about what was going on. Pappy said stay away, neither went and looked. Best as I know my brother and I were the only people that watched.
I’ve see the work “Gobsmacked” used here before. I was Gobsmacked. Have you ever been amazed and afraid at the same time? Gobsmacked.
You’d have to be Gobsmacked to know what being Gobsmacked is like.
The rest of the day my brother and I watched the dam of ice progress down the creek. Some trees were taken and other left. On the upstream side of the ice dam and the creek bottom flooded and the down stream side looking as it usually did, twenty or thirth frrt in elevation between the two. It looked like a Salvadore Dali landscape after a three week drunk. Never-ever seen anything like it before or since.

May 12, 2013 4:55 pm

This is what global warming looks like. Is there anything that doesn’t look like global warming??? 😉

Seth Borenstein
This summer is ‘what global warming looks like’

George Monbiot
“That snow outside is what global warming looks like”

Hahahahahahah, haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

May 12, 2013 5:05 pm

More lookalikes……

“Superstorm Sandy Is ‘What Global Warming Looks Like’”
ENS Newswire

“America Underwater: What Global Warming Looks Like”
ABC News

Gary Hladik
May 12, 2013 5:48 pm

We…we didn’t listen! We didn’t listen!!

Jeff Smathers
May 12, 2013 5:51 pm

Fortunately, the correlation to temperature and control of the climate via carbon credits can be seen immediately by the global increase of ice. Therefore by taxes alone we are able to control the climate median temperature. Please see the disclaimer which shows measureable effects +/- 100K years with a Std dev. of approx. 22.37 degrees centigrade…… thank you.

May 12, 2013 7:12 pm

A great on the spot video ‘by iphone’ capture.
Very rare.
And needed. This video will help surge glacier dynamics, no fooling about that !
That sound, yes I hard it clearly near 2/3 the video. Wonderful !
Well yes. This is a surge powered by the wind across a lake with shore ice and both respond to the conditions.
Although that owner of the house with the patio doors crushed will not be having a happy day at the sight of that.
But that is nature. Get use to it.

May 12, 2013 9:23 pm

1phobosgrunt says on May 12, 2013 at 8:06 am, in part:
“While planning the event, “Never in a million years did we think we would
be sitting here looking at snow and historic weather,” Bolen said. The
area received as much as 17 inches of snow on Thursday, May 2, a new
record for Wisconsin. The previous record for largest May snowfall in
Wisconsin was three inches in 1935, he indicated.”
Meanwhile, the Germantown section of Philadelphia, at slightly lower
elevations of mostly around 250-300 feet, where winters are much
warmer than those of Wisconsin, once received a 4 inch early May
snowstorm sometime in the 1800s. (It probably did not accumulate much
in Center City, whose elevation is mostly around 40-45 feet.)
I doubt Wisconsin never before had 4-plus inches of snow in early May.

Mike Fox
May 12, 2013 10:07 pm

FTM’s experience sounds like a miniature version of the Ice Age Bretz (Lake Missoula) Floods that scoured the channeled scablands of eastern Washington state and carved out the Columbia River gorge.

May 12, 2013 10:58 pm

It’s a little bizarre how long it took her to realise the nature and magnitude of the threat.

May 13, 2013 12:41 am

In the winter of 2009 I remember looking at a worldview of the massive snow line and the thought went through my mind that this is what the footprint of the glaciers would be. I even made that comment on Newsvine at the time. Somehow, I think that we will come to miss the warm times.

May 13, 2013 3:22 am

not according to Bloombergs classic fraud.
of course the good ol Spencer Street Soviet picked it up and ran with it..

May 13, 2013 3:37 am

Things aren’t looking too good in the “canary in a coal mine” of global warming – Alaska. It’s worse than we thought for the area that is warming faster than any other place. Hahahahahaha.

May 12, 2013
Alaska Endures Record Cold While Still Buried Under Snow
…..The five-week period from April 3 to May 7 was the coldest in 109 years of record keeping at Fairbanks, Alaska, according to the National Weather Service (NWS)……
“This just goes to show how consistently cold this spring has been over a large part of Alaska,” Lundberg added.

May 13, 2013 7:13 am

bobbyv says:
May 12, 2013 at 5:21 am
somebody tell me about that train sound.
Polar Express….

James at 48
May 13, 2013 8:31 am

I call this ice tectonics. Now imagine this in the Arctic. The past few years there have been enormous pile ups in the 20 – 50W longitudes of the Arctic shore. I wonder how many “average ice thickness” studies account for this?

John Tillman
May 13, 2013 12:26 pm

7552209 says:
May 12, 2013 at 4:33 pm
Despite even more studies since 2002 from around the world, ie actual physical evidence, that the LIA was global, Mann still refuses to behave like a scientist.

May 13, 2013 8:41 pm

RE: FTM says:
May 12, 2013 at 4:37 pm
Wow! Excellent description. Thank you.

May 14, 2013 11:34 am

Looks like things are a lot worse than this video would show: 12 houses destroyed by this so far