Climate Craziness of the Week: This looks like a job for "green helmet guy"

Climate weirding at the UN:

Here’s the whole weird story. I suppose neither the UN nor the Guardian remembers the “green helmet guy” fiasco from 2006, or they wouldn’t be using the term.

Here’s a refresher:

First the questions that frame the story. And the proof, busted.

Let’s nominate Salam Daher (nickname “GHG”) for the job, he’s a perfect fit for climate and the UN. Why I’ll bet he and Pachy could become friends. I suggest the UN’s IPCC send him to the pole as a bear emissary, I’m sure he’ll be well received.

And with the photo faking, and all that, I’m sure Tom Karl and “GHG” could share Photoshop tips.

NCDC: Photoshopping the climate change report for better impact

h/t to DB Stealey

Note: Some folks in comments objected to the satirical image (widely circulated on the Internet for years) I originally had linked as being too strong. In retrospect, perhaps it was. My intent was only to draw attention to the absurdity of the present choice of “green helmets” as it related to the controversy over the “green helmet guy” and how that phrase “green helmet” is a bad iconic choice for the UN’s already laughably bad idea. Any other conclusions about my intent are erroneous.  – Anthony

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July 20, 2011 10:49 pm

Green helmeted UN Climate Change troops?
Sounds a lot like the Super Bowl Green Police ad.

Ted Dooley
July 20, 2011 11:18 pm

Hmmm…. occupied by troops driving miltary grade, Prius derived assault vehicles, shooting at deniers and polluters with Fair Trade supplied organic latex rubber powered non-lethal weapons….
Sounds like a normal day in Berkeley…..

July 20, 2011 11:34 pm

I doubt that my Lincoln Continental will immediately draw attention. But that electric hatchback that Mr Watts drives will. That is the way these creeps work. They start on the vulnerable and then move up. That hatchback is Green Bait.

July 20, 2011 11:49 pm

That’s why Germany should never be given a permanent seat in the security council.

July 20, 2011 11:50 pm

Soldiers with green helmets.
What colour will their guns be? Black?

Al Gored
July 20, 2011 11:55 pm

“Climate change ‘threatens peace’, UN official warns
Climate change poses a major threat to future peace and security, a senior UN official has warned.
Achim Steiner from the UN Environment Programme said climate change would also “exponentially” increase the scale of natural disasters.”

Bob in Castlemaine
July 21, 2011 12:02 am

You couldn’t make this stuff up? LOL

July 21, 2011 12:07 am

anthony –
never thought i’d ask you to remove a thread, but this one is truly shocking, especially as it relates to the killing of many children and a rescue worker. if salam daher was Hezbollah, he would have a full beard and he would be unlikely to have himself photographed. this thread may go down well in rightwing america, but it would be appalling elsewhere where the killing of children would not be seen as amusing:
2 Aug 2006: WaPo: Jefferson Morley: The Qana Conspiracy Theory
At a time when American and Israeli public opinion of the war diverge radically from the world opinion elsewhere, the emergence of a right-wing equivalent of the Sept. 11 conspiracy theories is worth noting…
Confronted with photographs of dead children, Israeli Insider’s Korvet insisted they must be something else: “The victims were non-residents who chose to shelter in the building that night,” he writes. “They were ‘too poor’ to leave the down, one resident told CNN’s [Jon] Wedeman. Who were these people?”
That question has been definitively answered in the mainstream press. Almost all of the victims belonged to two extended families, the Hashems and the Shalhoubs, who lived in the area, according to the independent accounts of The Washington Post’s Anthony Shadid and the Daily Star’s Nicholas Blanford…
As for EU Referendum’s claim that a Lebanese rescue worker seen in many photos from Qana was a “Hezbollah official,” I e-mailed co-author of the site, Richard North, to ask for his evidence.
“All I have to go on is gut instinct,” North replied.
I appreciate his candor. It confirms that he has no evidence to support the central claim of his blog posts.
North says he is just trying to “raise questions,” which is certainly a legitimate goal. My question is: What is it about the photos from Qana that made Israel’s supporters prefer fantasy to fact?
26 Aug 2006: WaPo: Deborah Howell: A War of Images and Perceptions
Two days later, Human Rights Watch ( ) put the number of dead at 28, 16 of them children…
HRW, an international nonprofit organization, interviews “multiple eyewitnesses” to calculate its numbers. Bouckaert said he felt it was “not a conscious effort” on the part of the Lebanese health ministry “to inflate the death toll. It was a very confusing and traumatic day.” …
Wikipedia: Salam Daher
Salam Daher is a Lebanese civil defense worker who was the target of accusations by bloggers in the aftermath of the Israeli airstrike on Qana on July 30, 2006,[1] where widely-published photographs showed him removing dead children from the rubble of a house struck by an Israeli attack…
Daher was born in 1967 in the predominately Christian south Lebanese town of Marjayoun and began working as a civil defense volunteer at the age of 12. In 1986, during the 1982-2000 South Lebanon conflict and Lebanese civil war of 1975-1990, he joined the civil defense service of the Lebanese interior ministry as an apprentice and worked his way up the ranks…
On August 13, 2006, Daher was reported to have been lightly injured in an Israeli attack near a hospital in Tyre shortly before a United Nations-brokered ceasefire in the conflict came into effect.
Wikipedia: 2006 Lebanon War photographs controversies
Salam Daher, the head of the South Lebanon civil defense organisation…

July 21, 2011 12:08 am

They can help keep the peace amongst those millions of climate refugees.

July 21, 2011 12:25 am

Germany said the security council needed to draw up scenarios for dealing with the affects of extreme temperatures and rising seas. How would the UN deal with climate refugees? How would it prevent conflicts in those parts of Africa and Asia which could face food shortages?>>>
How does the UN deal with “non” climate refugees? Answer: not well.
How does the UN deal with “non” climate conflicts? Answer: not well.
How does the UN deal with “non” climate food shortages? Answer: not well.
And that last line just kills me.
“Hello? Hello? Is this the UN? We need help, we’re starving here, gangs with guns are stealing what food is left, shooting each other, shooting bystanders, we’re on the bring of civil war…. what’s that? No, no, I’m not in Asia or Africa, I’m in – WTF? Hung up on me.”

July 21, 2011 12:35 am

“Repainting blue helmets into green might be a strong signal…”
Reminds me of a guy who comes to the mental hospital and says he is Napoleon.
Hospital staff heartily greets him: “Welcome home! We have a whole community of like-minded fellows here!”
“No, no! You don’t understand!”, the guy protests, “Those are mad, bloodthirsty people who want to be butchers, military dictators. No, I am a sweet, peaceful cake, don’t you see?”

Cassandra King
July 21, 2011 12:44 am

Fear & guilt = money = power = influence = control = more money = more power = more control = more influence.
Provoke enough fear and guilt in the target population and then provide a solution which is then pimped as the only solution. The only game in town for those with a dark agenda, the well used and trodden route of every despotic regime the world has ever known. Give us the power to save you from the monsters our imagination they cry, only we can save you but you must give up your critical faculties, your independence, your scepticism, just believe and obey.
A wise person said ‘you couldnt make this stuff up’ Oh but they do and they have a very good reason for making it up. Power! They want it, they need it and to gain it they must strip us of the ability to function as independent minded free thinking individuals. You can fool some of the people some of the time and all of the people some of the time but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time. The people who crave and scheme for this power are in fact the very last people who should have it. It would be like giving a chimp a flame thrower or a child a loaded revolver.

C Porter
July 21, 2011 1:05 am

This is an excellent idea and essential if the UN is to mean anything at all. How else are we to control those countries, such as Norway, Sweden, Canada and even the ultimate coloniser, Great Britain from trying to make a land grab as they see their territories disappearing under the advancing ice cap of the next imminent glaciation?

July 21, 2011 1:06 am

Planning shouldn’t be that hard should it? Can’t they take the plans from previous but similar problems and just modify them a bit? Like, they could dust off that stellar plan to prevent conflict in Rwanda….
OK, bad example. What about keeping refugees in Darfur safe instead? No, bad example again. Intervening in the conflict in Bosnia, there’s a good one! Oh wait, that was NATO. Uhm, OK, how about keeping the peace and stability in Somalia…no, bad example again. OK, what about the Iraq/Iran war…oh wait…they didn’t even try and do anything about that. OK, what about when Iraq invaded Kuwait and…darn, that was NATO again. Wait. I’ve got it.
Oil for Food! That was a UN program! Well I’m not sure how well it would look to be trading food and getting oil in return. What would they do with the oil? Burning it wouldn’t be allowed since that’s what supposedly started the problem in the first place. Maybe they could sequester the oil? Seems like a lot of work to pump it out of the ground, trade it for food, and then pump it right back into the ground again. Maybe they could trade food for NOT pumping oil out of the ground in the first place? Sorta like farmers getting paid to not grow food? Well not exactly like that, more like paying farmers to grow crops to make ethanol instead of growing food. OK, that makes no sense, let me rethink this. How about banning ethanol completely which would force farmers to grow food again? With all that extra food, maybe we could feed more people?
OK, I’m way off topic here, my point was that there ought to be UN programs like Oil for Food that can be dusted off and re-used. They could even document the bribes, the missing money, the investigation and the results showing everyone was innocent in advance. Why they could even document all the the lives they saved in advance. That would really simplify things because then, with all those people already saved by the UN, they wouldn’t have to both pumping oil, growing food, trading the oil for food, or anything, they could just transfer the money to their personal bank accounts right off the hop and get the whole thing done on the first day.
Now I know what you’re thinking. I’ve lost my marbles. There’s no way that the UN could say they saved people from starving if they didn’t send any food because the refugees would still be there, and obvious to the whole world who would of course demand that something be done for the refugees. Like say Darfur…. or Somalia…
OK, we can simplify it even more. First we’ll invent some refugees that don’t actually exist. Photoshop some thin people to make them look like a huge crowd on a sinking island, and they’re afraid to try and swim to the next island because the ocean is full of ice flows that have broken off from glaciers and floated into the tropics with hungry polar bears on them. then we could pocket the money, and photoshop pictures of the rescued polar bears in refridgerated habitats that run on solar power, and photos of the rescued people eating food handouts on the next island.
Makes total sense. If you can invent “climate change”, and get huge amounts of grant money for inventing it, one also ought to be able to invent refugees, and get huge amounts of money for inventing “saved” refugees. I think this might be one deal that the UN can actually pull off!

John A
July 21, 2011 1:23 am

I really think the public is bored with climate change alarmism. It feels like these people are going through the motions as well.

John R. Walker
July 21, 2011 1:24 am

What next? Pink helmets?

July 21, 2011 1:33 am

These NGOs are spreading their tentacles everywhere. Here in Britain the IPCC is investigating police corruption in the News of the World scandal.

July 21, 2011 1:34 am

No wonder the staff at CERN in Geneva were told this week to not speculate on
the possible political and scientific ramifications of soon-to-be-announced
results of the CLOUD experiment.
We wouldn’t want the folks at the UN Security Council meeting to be confused
as to whether their “troops” were mitigating the climate change effects from an
atmospheric CO2 increase caused by man or the from increases in solar activity
which discourage cosmic ray penetration into our atmosphere and thereby
thwarts cloud formation in some circumstances.

Mark S
July 21, 2011 1:40 am

This is a new low, even for you, Anthony. The deaths at Qana were dreadfully real. They had been killed accidentally in an Israeli air strike. The fact one aid worker (so-called ‘Green Helmet guy’) repeatedly held children up for the media is irrelevant. Again, you ignore a vast body of evidence and point instead to armchair bloggers.

July 21, 2011 1:42 am

It may sound a little odd now. But being an international force would they be able to implement rules. This may be a way of bypassing the need for agreement from soverien states, therefore implement any GHG emmissions restrictions they wish.
(Purely in the name of national security of course)

Dave N
July 21, 2011 1:54 am

Can’t wait for the sequel:
“Surely people are too dumb to find us out?”

July 21, 2011 1:56 am

Has Tuvalu finally succumbed then? It’s been 20 years now. And the Carterets? Although the Carterets are definitely going to go due to tectonic movement and sinking, plus the damage they caused when dynamite fishing.
Any other poster children atolls?

Rob MW
July 21, 2011 2:21 am

Fair dinkum……………..hee……..hee…….sh@%. As Clint Eastwood would say “go ahead make my day.” These morons are just as likely to cause the next major conflict rather than prevent it.

Alan the Brit
July 21, 2011 2:24 am

Intersting comment from Germany about the Council being premature in seeking this solution to a crisis!
As Englishman’s Castle has pointed out & I quote:- “Create a crisis, create a “police force”, then move in to “solve” crisis. Round up the dissenters. Why does that sound familiar?”
Reminiscent of Nazi Germany & any other totalitarian state, if you ask me! It would be laughable if it wasn’t so terrifying a thought that it actually could happen & these lunatics are serious! Has anyone read the Communist Manifesto of late?

July 21, 2011 2:59 am

Die Grüne Polizei? No thank you!

July 21, 2011 3:15 am

Green shirt, Brown Shirt
Green Helmet, Stahlhelm………

July 21, 2011 3:39 am

I’m speechless… just wow…

Chuck L
July 21, 2011 3:59 am

Will they use biodegradeable bullets?

July 21, 2011 4:14 am

davidmhoffer says:
July 21, 2011 at 1:06 am

I like admire the way your mind works — but I fear it even more!
Only one misstep: it’s ice “floes”, not “flows”. It’s the key just to the right of the one you typed.
😉 ;p

July 21, 2011 4:19 am

Warren says:
July 21, 2011 at 1:56 am
Has Tuvalu finally succumbed then?

Unfortunately not. It appears to be inconveniently rising. Something to do with the busybody corals it’s built on …

July 21, 2011 4:58 am

So they occupy Tuvalu and the Maldives to protect them from rising sea levels while sipping Margeritas?

July 21, 2011 5:10 am

I recommend a straitjacket for the coat firmly secured and of course a green helmet.

R. de Haan
July 21, 2011 5:16 am

The BBC want to make us belief: Climate Change is causing War
We hadn’t seen this one on the list.

July 21, 2011 5:28 am

Three cheers for the Russians.
“Russia’s Deputy Ambassador, Alexander Pankin, referred in his remarks to the Security Council to the “hypothetical nature” of the threat and “lack of empirical evidence” linking carbon emissions to droughts, rising sea levels and other extreme weather patterns. “
Andrew Bolt has more on this today

July 21, 2011 5:37 am

I wonder if they are planning rendition flights to Hadley CRU and use “Enhanced Interrogation Techniques”…

July 21, 2011 5:57 am

In that movie poster, I remember that man holding the dead little boy. After an Israeli bombing several years ago, the man pick up the boy and went around to several cameras faking sadness. There are several pictures of him in different locations wailing like he is in the picture above.What an appropriate person to use for the new green helmet brigade: Someone who fakes outrage and righteousness while he himself is a hypocrite; Someone who plays the victim while he himself is really the instigator. The war may be different but the battle for minds has the same tactics. Carried out differently, of course, but the tactic is the same.

July 21, 2011 6:09 am

The blue helmets showing up is always a sure sign that things are about to get worse. Knowing the UN they will somehow actually making dangerous climate change actually happen. My guess is they’ll cause an ice age like in Larry Niven, Jery Pournelle, and Michael Flynn’s story Fallen Angels.

Anthony Scalzi
July 21, 2011 6:53 am

Warren says:
July 21, 2011 at 1:56 am
Has Tuvalu finally succumbed then? It’s been 20 years now. And the Carterets? Although the Carterets are definitely going to go due to tectonic movement and sinking, plus the damage they caused when dynamite fishing.
Any other poster children atolls?
There’s the Duke of York islands in Papua New Guinea, which according to Ross Gelbspan’s book Boiling Point are seeing a sea-level rise of a foot a year. They have supposedly started evacuating 10 years ago, but I cannot find any up to date information on the islands though.

Chris Riley
July 21, 2011 6:59 am

“Green helmets=brown shirts”
“History repeats itself. First as tragedy, next as farce.- Karl Marx
The AGW movement is just now beginning to produce something of value, comedy.

July 21, 2011 7:08 am

Disregarding the Blue UN Decease troopers but wouldn’t the logistics of the Green UN Decease trooper raise the sea levels by all the emissions they would cause.
And why not go for the African Union that appear to have done more good ‘an the whole of UN has ever manage to do in its entire history.

Anthony Scalzi
July 21, 2011 7:11 am

Takuu Atoll too.
“On Takuu, 400 people with a unique culture are in a similar plight. The inhabitants of the low-lying atoll, who have a memorised repertoire of 1,000 songs, have seen their gardens flooded and their sand dunes swept away. It could be a few months, at most five years, before the waves swallow their houses.”
That was published 10 years ago, and the island is still there and (barely) habitable.

July 21, 2011 7:33 am

Yet more nonsense from the UN trying to frighten people into believing the UN should receive more funding.
When are people going to recognize the UN as the commercial entity that it is, with the playlist and tactics of Disney?

July 21, 2011 8:15 am

Why would conflicts caused by shrinking coastlines require specialized military? Wouldn’t the ones they already have be exactly as good for the task?

chris b
July 21, 2011 8:35 am

Anthony Scalzi says:
July 21, 2011 at 6:53 am
Warren says:
July 21, 2011 at 1:56 am
Has Tuvalu finally succumbed then? It’s been 20 years now. And the Carterets? Although the Carterets are definitely going to go due to tectonic movement and sinking, plus the damage they caused when dynamite fishing.
Any other poster children atolls?
There’s the Duke of York islands in Papua New Guinea, which according to Ross Gelbspan’s book Boiling Point are seeing a sea-level rise of a foot a year. They have supposedly started evacuating 10 years ago, but I cannot find any up to date information on the islands though.
Apparently it’s still a tourist destination in spite of being at or below sea level as of January 26, 2010.
And flights to Port Moresby are still offered as of today.
Climate Fail fodder?

chris b
July 21, 2011 8:42 am

Anthony Scalzi says:
July 21, 2011 at 6:53 am
Warren says:
July 21, 2011 at 1:56 am
Has Tuvalu finally succumbed then? It’s been 20 years now. And the Carterets? Although the Carterets are definitely going to go due to tectonic movement and sinking, plus the damage they caused when dynamite fishing.
Any other poster children atolls?
There’s the Duke of York islands in Papua New Guinea, which according to Ross Gelbspan’s book Boiling Point are seeing a sea-level rise of a foot a year. They have supposedly started evacuating 10 years ago, but I cannot find any up to date information on the islands though.
And furthermore:

Tom T
July 21, 2011 9:04 am

Does the UN have a standing committee to think up stupid things for it to do? This seems like the natural course for organizations that have out lived their usefulness, or never were useful in the first place. The UN is an example of the latter, they have never been able to do anything useful to stop real conflicts, so they have made up disasters to solve. First they created the IPCC, then they decided they needed an alien ambassador, now this.
NASA is an example of the former type of organization, after Apollo there wasn’t much for them too do, until along came Jim Hansen and created global warming. Jim Hansen and that arm of NASA feed very well into the UN and the IPCC, one organization with nothing to do complementing another organization that can’t do anything right.

Tom T
July 21, 2011 9:21 am

Mark S says:
July 21, 2011 at 1:40 am
“This is a new low, even for you, Anthony. The deaths at Qana were dreadfully real. They had been killed accidentally in an Israeli air strike. The fact one aid worker (so-called ‘Green Helmet guy’) repeatedly held children up for the media is irrelevant. Again, you ignore a vast body of evidence and point instead to armchair bloggers.”
============================================================== I think it is you, Mark who is missing the vastly bigger point. This post is about the UN coming up with a crazy plan to solve a non-existent problem. Even if you accept global warming, there has not been any wars fought over it at all, so at the very least the UN should wait until there are. But you miss that point entirely and instead focus on a side comment Anthony is making about phony issues. Even at that you go overboard, you call it “a new low ,even for you,” yet even you admit that it was accidental, so how is it a new low to point out the use of this guy for propaganda purposes.

kadaka (KD Knoebel)
July 21, 2011 9:26 am

Mark S said on July 21, 2011 at 1:40 am:

This is a new low, even for you, Anthony. The deaths at Qana were dreadfully real. They had been killed accidentally in an Israeli air strike. The fact one aid worker (so-called ‘Green Helmet guy’) repeatedly held children up for the media is irrelevant. Again, you ignore a vast body of evidence and point instead to armchair bloggers.

The truth is a new low? Surely Mr. Watts can go further than that.
Still the question does arise as to how many of the deaths at Qana were “dreadfully real.” Here is a compendium piece featuring two January 2009 pieces from Canada Free Press noting the recycling of the photos for Hamas propaganda. The second one also notes, which I find ironic, one of the Green Helmet Guy photos was recycled in a San Francisco Sentinel article “Hamas declares it will kill Israeli children anywhere” with the caption “Israeli child previously killed by Islamic terror”. The compendium also features an “Addendum by Editor” discussing assorted circulating “dead baby” pics as well as showing how previous footage was recycled into “evidence” of an Israeli “atrocity” (my word).
In that Addendum is the link to this detailed analysis which I highly recommend reading. It is quite compelling and raises many questions as to what really happened at Qana, and even goes as far as to evoke a question you may find unthinkable: Was Qana even “real”? Not only were corpses carefully presented for the cameras, there are compelling reasons to consider if the entire Qana event was “staged” for PR purposes.
Seriously, before you continue whining that mentioning the long-existing doubts and conclusions about Green Helmet Guy is “a new low,” you need to consider the callous manipulation of corpses for PR purposes, including the shocking depths mentioned in that last linked piece, as well as the ongoing practice of terrorist groups and certain dictators to place military operations and equipment in civilian areas to guarantee civilian deaths if attacked, even carefully “cleaning” the area before the press is allowed to arrive to showcase “this atrocity against unarmed innocent civilians”, to have the context to realize how “low” low can really get.

Bob Diaz
July 21, 2011 9:27 am

Let’s do some math here:
Assume it takes 20 feet (6,096 mm) of sea level rise to cause a problem with a given island. The current rate is 3.2mm per year, but let’s assume it is twice that, just for fun, 6.4mm per year.
6096mm rise / 6.4mm per year = 952.5 years !!!
Now I know that government bodies move VERY slowly in making decisions, but I don’t think they move that slow! So, what is the point of setting up such a group to make any decision in the next 50 years regarding sea level rise? The rise in 50 years is too small to mater.

July 21, 2011 9:37 am

This is no joke, and the staged Qana photos are a distraction, not relevant in any way to the topic. There are trillions of dollars at stake here, and the UN (and other organizations) realized long ago the eventual need for an armed force to impose its will on uncooperative countries. The fact is, the establishment of this Green Force was alluded to in the early Copenhagen Draft Agreement, though in such elliptical terms as to require reading “between the lines.” Ultima ratio regum hasn’t changed. If this goose-stepping green army is created, it will be used, have no doubt.

July 21, 2011 10:07 am

this thread may go down well in rightwing america
Exactly. The bigoted right wing hate fest is why I could no longer tolerate Goddard’s site.
Picking on the UN is one thing, but the fake movie poster is offensive. Very.
I love your blog Anthony but please try to be more careful.

kadaka (KD Knoebel)
July 21, 2011 10:07 am

I was scared last night. I saw the Green Helmet piece pop up on Drudge Report, then WUWT stopped loading. Period. I couldn’t bring it up at all. I wondered if it was a temporary glitch, but wordpress-dot-com and anything but WUWT loaded just fine. It made me wonder if the attack of the “UN Greenpeace Keepers” had started.
This morning, still wasn’t loading. But it did for my one other browser. So I went back to the first, purged cookies and cache, then WUWT was loading again.
Makes me wonder what sort of “purge” it would take to get the UN functioning, or at least stop it from being such a problem. Maybe a purging of the cash, and no cookies for them, ever.

Anthony Scalzi
July 21, 2011 10:56 am

Thanks for digging that up, chris mb. I knew that sea level rise of a foot a year didn’t pass the smell test. Definitely climate FAIL folder fodder.

July 21, 2011 11:07 am

The UN is an agglomeration of low grade political hacks who have been living off OPM (other people’s money) for all too many years. The organization is worse than a failure, it is a menace and we should withdraw from it. We can deal with everyone bilaterally.Wilson and Roosevelt’s dreams have turned into a nightmare. Let’s end it and send them packing. These ignoramuses have finally found a path to power through the scam of global warming and the largest extortion threat of all time, “Obey us or you’ll all be roasted by global warming gone wild!” Without this threat all their politics is nothing but a house of cards.

July 21, 2011 11:12 am

Peter Hodges- it’s easy to start making accusations and throwing around names when you are completely ignorant. This thread will attract attention because of the unprecedented nature of the UN’s power grab! A bunch of low grade hacks and enemies of the US, with an outpost on the East River in New York. We should send them packing and withdraw from any association with them. We can deal bilaterally with everyone. Wilson’s fever dream of a league should be terminated, it is now a nightmare.

kadaka (KD Knoebel)
July 21, 2011 11:25 am

From peterhodges on July 21, 2011 at 10:07 am:

Picking on the UN is one thing, but the fake movie poster is offensive. Very.

In can be found in a 2006 Little Green Footballs post here. It includes the following:

UPDATE at 8/25/06 11:48:54 am:
A note from the illustrator:

The point of the poster isn’t to bring humor from a dead baby – quite the opposite actually. It’s intended to use the same means and exploitation that the MSM use when ‘reporting’ on their stories – mainly photoshopped images and staged scenes.
Again, I have nothing but grief for the innocent lives lost in Qana. That said, I do have a problem with paraded corpses and false photography. Hezbollah has shown nothing but deceit in these recent events and I just thought it would be suitable to throw a little photoshop back in their faces.

I find the posing of dead children for PR purposes to be offensive. I found the movie poster to be a poignant criticism of that and the hypocrisy of the MSM. Have such expressions of outrage against insults to “basic human dignity” now become right-wing only?

Bruce Cobb
July 21, 2011 12:05 pm

“there has been talk, meanwhile, of a new environmental peacekeeping force – green helmets – which could step into conflicts caused by shrinking resources.”
So, Greenie troops for the Greenie Malthusian myth of “shrinking resources” and the resultant mythical conflicts. Sounds like they’ve been watching “Waterworld” again.

July 21, 2011 2:36 pm

I love how the all moralising UN doesn’t get involved in resolving actual genuine issues like genocide, but can plan for something that will never happen. Here’s a logical thought for the UN, if in the faintest, most remote of chances some of these tiny little islands ever do have issues, evacuate their probably very small population.
Judged on the past of the UN, they would land too few troops to do any good because nobody will want to supply the resources, on what dirt was left only to find that said population had long built new boats and sailed off to pastures new. Nobody at UN Plaza will have even bothered to check intel reports before giving it the green light, leaving the underfunded personnel in the middle of nowhere. But the UN will feel all warm inside because they are addressing the ‘real’ problems of a new world.

July 21, 2011 3:25 pm

kadaka (KD Knoebel) says:
July 21, 2011 at 9:26 am
The truth is a new low? Surely Mr. Watts can go further than that.
Thanks, man you stated it much nicer than I would have.
What kind of sick SOB thinks it is ok to pose a dead child several times for PR purposes and then feigns offense when someone calls attention to the deception???
They weren’t worth the spittle it caused on my keyboard. Utter filth and trash.
James Sexton

July 22, 2011 11:12 am

davidg says:
July 21, 2011 at 11:12 am

Well you may call me ignorant, but I agree with you about the UN!
UPDATE at 8/25/06 11:48:54 am:
A note from the illustrator:

Whatever the apology applied by the illustrator, the content of the poster is not aimed at the MSM… I had no idea what the message even was until I read all the text. And the text is entirely political, of the neocon variety.

July 22, 2011 8:00 pm

Ah, Green Helmet Guy. Hadn’t thought about him in a long time. LGF was referenced above, that was back before Charles Johnson lost his bloomin mind. A site that did the heavy lifting on that whole timeframe was EUreferendum, Great site for news about the EU, the UK, and the UN.

kadaka (KD Knoebel)
July 23, 2011 2:16 am

From peterhodges on July 22, 2011 at 11:12 am:

UPDATE at 8/25/06 11:48:54 am:
A note from the illustrator:

Whatever the apology applied by the illustrator, the content of the poster is not aimed at the MSM… I had no idea what the message even was until I read all the text. And the text is entirely political, of the neocon variety.

First off, that you choose to interpret the illustrator’s explanation as some sort of “apology” says a lot right there. What did you find in that movie poster that you think deserved an apology?
As to the content of the poster, to make it more noticeable I’ve copied the easily-readable bottom of the poster with appropriate highlighting:

A Faux Films Production | A Film By The Associated Press | “Fauxtography”
Green Helmet Guy | Wailing Woman | Rescue Workers | The Reuters Team
Written & Directed By Green Helmet Guy & The MSM

Can you see now how the content is aimed at the MSM?
Criticism of “faked imagery” (fauxtography) and the MSM is “entirely political”? It is political to want the unadulterated truth?
BTW, can you elucidate as to what “neocon” is? I would have thought “Tea Partier” was a sufficiently-sized shoe box to file away and ignore anyone with non-liberal non-“moderate” leanings. “Neocon” has been used for quite a while, I once heard it described as “Reagan Republicans,” former Democrats who “awakened” and became conservative Republicans, noted for the fervor of their beliefs. What do you consider to be “neocon”?

July 23, 2011 12:13 pm

perhaps the guys might want to rethink the moniker “green hat guys”.
several years ago during the last series of “semi wars” in lebanon and environs there was a gentleman who was an undertaker. this man had a refrigerator truck and he would collect various dead bodies and take them to various sites where he would arrange the bodies in strategic ways and his “friends” would then corral various reporters and photoghraphers and encourage them to take pictures for “news purposes”. he would then collect up the bodies and take them to another site for reuse.
there was a british website (i lost the link several years ago) that chronicled his various activities through at least 4 actions between the israeli armed forces and their opponents.
because most of his work was in active war zones he wore a U.S. army WWII helmet painted a dark green while he went about his buisiness, thus the nick name Green Hat Guy.
i would certainly hope that any self respecting group would avoid this name like the plague in the future.

July 23, 2011 12:17 pm

i see on further examination of the thread that a real number of the gang has beat me to the “green helmet guy”

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