CFACT's "Kook of the week" at Cancun

From the YouTube description: Lord Christopher Monckton, renowned science and policy expert, presents CFACT’s Kook of the Week. This gentleman was found at the UN Conference on Climate Change in Cancun, Mexico.

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December 6, 2010 4:33 pm

He signed the petition, why hide his name?

December 6, 2010 4:36 pm

Did they really have that conference in an abandoned bus station?

December 6, 2010 4:48 pm

There’s not much point in showing his name. Pick one at random – these {trimmed] are interchangeable.

Atomic Hairdryer
December 6, 2010 4:52 pm

Hiding the name seems fair, but his badge showed he was an NGO delegate. Naming the NGO would seem fair given they’re pretty much unaccountable and increasingly dangerous.

James Allison
December 6, 2010 4:54 pm

I initially thought how embarrassing having a NZer saying these things, but on reflection its fitting he is there and saying that extremist crap as it helps put the whole event into perspective for all of us.
Thanks CM.
Perhaps a fellow Kiwi reader can put a name to the face.

R. de Haan
December 6, 2010 4:56 pm

Clearly not the brightest light on the planet.
We are suckered into all kinds of treaties by a few scam artists and an army of mental patients with a special voting rights evidently to stupid to do an IQ test.
What really wonders me is how they recruit these people.

December 6, 2010 5:02 pm

OMG….. I’m so embarrassed…. that moron sounds like a New Zealander…..
Moron = FAIL!

George E. Smith
December 6, 2010 5:07 pm

Well I cannot vouch for the sanity or common sense of all NZers. But most of them are pretty ok blokes; just like our Australian cobbers; although they do talk funny.
But as to why Dr Trenberth thinks the earth doesn’t totate under the sun beam, I think it is a travesty , that we have no explanation for that.
I did manage to read an overhead headline on a booth about gender specific Climate Justice; but the idiot, kept blocking it with his head.

December 6, 2010 5:10 pm

A very sincere nutter.
Wonder who paid his way to Cancun?

December 6, 2010 5:11 pm

He’s a kiwi?
Shame on my nation, he must be part of the Helen Clarke cocktail & Spin crowd.
Look, put your feet up team, we’ll intercept him at Auckland Airport when he returns.
Probably export him to Australia where he can get a senior role in the Ministry of Silly Walks and Environment under Gilly-ard. Now and then a few escape from Wellington (the capitol for the US readers) and make their way to conferences,…mostly to hog the buffet.
The rest head to Munich for the beer fest, which is where most Kiwi’s and Aussie youth end up, after years of mental abuse by the state education system.
By the looks of him, he may come straight from there – via Manhattan – don’t worry we’ll check his pockets for ACORNS.
Off Topic Britain just hammered Aussie in the cricket,…why can’t they both loose?

December 6, 2010 5:12 pm

I don’t particularly care about his name, but would like to have seen just which ngo he represented.

December 6, 2010 5:14 pm

Strangely reminiscent of the “Goose that laid the golden egg” fairy tale.

December 6, 2010 5:18 pm

It’s not an abandoned bus station.
It’s a brand-new warehouse.
No, really. It’s a nice, large warehouse, and they built the various “rooms” inside as standalone structures. The meeting rooms are all being torn down after the meeting is over. It’s a shame – it would be a decent permanent convention facility if they left it all in.

December 6, 2010 5:24 pm

Darn, I missed my guess based on the garbled vowels combined with the preening, smug, hate-America attitude- he’s not a Canuck, he’s a Kiwi!

December 6, 2010 5:32 pm

Thought he was an Aussie for a second, there. But he isn’t (phew!) No, we can all thank New Zealand for giving us that particular piece of entertainment.

e. cowan
December 6, 2010 5:34 pm

My vote for kook of the week (or decade) goes to Ted Turner.
says in part:
ā€œThe climate bill is much more important than health care because the climate situation is about life and death whereas the health-care bill was much more limited,ā€ Turner, 72, said…’
AND ā€œWe have to convince the majority of people in the world that we are right and get them motivated,ā€ he said. ā€œThatā€™s a big job, but hopefully we can do it.ā€
The next article is even better:
Climate change and population control can make for a politically explosive mix, as media mogul Ted Turner demonstrated Sunday when he urged world leaders to institute a global one-child policy to save the Earthā€™s environment………………….
Mr. Oā€™Neillā€™s study concluded that a rapidly rising global population is contributing to an acceleration of emission growth, and that widespread availability of family planning could reduce the amount of emissions reductions required in 2050 by as much as 30 per cent.
O’Neill is …Brian Oā€™Neill from the U.S.ā€™s National Center for Atmospheric Research..
He’s a close second.

December 6, 2010 5:45 pm

Fascinating. And for his age he’s that blitheringly stupid. Yes, destroy jobs over nothing other then a hunch. Look at the world over the last 100 years: the restrictions on travel; the censorship and book burnings; the ‘walls’. How could they have done that? This lunatic tells you exactly how.

December 6, 2010 5:45 pm

This guy isn’t even that kooky. There are worse in Cancun right now.
Like the woman who was talking to her friend. “Nothing we do here will matter. Nothing will make a difference until we appease the Earth Mother.”
No, really, she said this with a straight face. In a New York accent.
Her friend didn’t challenge her on this – she just tried to get some sort of detail on how to go about this appeasement. Apparently, the woman didn’t actually know, she just knew it had to happen before we could do anything about global warming. Or “Climate Justice,” as the new phrase refers to it. Get used to that – you’re going to start hearing it a lot.

December 6, 2010 5:47 pm

OK, so I am a Kiwi. I am also an NGO delegate to many environmental agencies – but I have never come across this guy.
At most environmental groups, naturally CAGW is one topic somewhere on their agenda.
Yet amongst my circle of friends and colleagues, which numbers many many hundreds, I know of not one single soul who belives any of it
I suppose it’s just which circles you move in.
All Kiwis aren’t this dumb – I just think those that are must move around a lot.

P Wilson
December 6, 2010 5:50 pm

Wow. What an angry man. No rationality, talent, or intellect. Nothing but attitude and arrogance.

Darren Parker
December 6, 2010 5:51 pm

I have to apologize for our trans-tasman cousins. They aren’t all this moronic.

P Wilson
December 6, 2010 5:53 pm

incidentally, I couldn’t ascertain what was criteria for desiring to cripple the USA.
Is this generally part of the implicit desire of the consensus (Royal Society, NASA etc) we hear about, or is it just the vitriol of a particular individual?

December 6, 2010 5:57 pm

Not just stupid, but dangerous. Some of these NGO’s have incredible amounts of power, funds, and poodle-followers; plus MSM media-hacks that gladly publish their discredited ranting about the approaching armageddon. He talks like he knows his NGO’s policy. Let’s see if their next global PR campaign is : “Bring em down”.

December 6, 2010 6:03 pm

he looks like he is the Senior global warming adviser for the NZ govt

December 6, 2010 6:04 pm

Oh thank God….
For a moment there I thought he was an Aussie! šŸ™‚
Would really like to know which organisation he works for.
I wonder if Monckton’s team is allowed to disclose that. After all, he was fully aware he was being filmed. Probably thought it was a news camera team. There must be plenty of PRESS around there.
Furthermore, it is all funded with public money is it not?
Who is he?
Who does he work for?

Bob Newhart
December 6, 2010 6:05 pm

He had a wedding ring!!!
Unfortunate. I think the society should not have to put up with the crazies like that spreading genes everywhere.
He should be tracked down and neutered.

CRS, Dr.P.H.
December 6, 2010 6:05 pm

*Spot the looney!!*
They tried a massive boycott of BP during the Transocean spill event earlier this year, all it did was hurt some station owners. BP just goes merrily along.
If that’s the best they can do, well, best to them.

December 6, 2010 6:09 pm

That’s amusing, but, totally unfair. I can find kooks at any convention. Filming them and putting them on TV as representative of any particular viewpoint is an old trick that the right wing loves to do with hippies and the left wing loves to do with Sarah Palin. Let’s not make too much of it.

December 6, 2010 6:15 pm

Completely off topic…
just went surfing around the site and found this as the second comment to Anthony’s first post.
Jack Lee says:
November 19, 2006 at 9:02 pm
Iā€™m very pleased to see you writing this column Anthony! Itā€™s sure to be a big hit….
Big Hit?
Now there is a prediction that came true. Although you could argue that his prediction fell way short of the mark!
Great job Anthony and all at WUWT.

Amino Acids in Meteorites
December 6, 2010 6:16 pm

I wonder if the cold weather and huge snow storms are making him mad too? What would he do to Mother Nature if he could? I wonder if this man has something other than America that is bothering him and he is displacing his anger on America—I wonder that about other global warmers too. Maybe some of them hate themselves.
In the end though I don’t even raise an eyebrow when I hear him because I think he will do nothing of consequence, he only has pipe dreams. He would not be able to gather enough people to put anyone out of business. I think he should begin to deal with whatever it is that is making him angry and find a happier life.

December 6, 2010 6:18 pm

He comes from NZ, yeh I’ll believe that.
There’s quite a few retarded nutters in the AGW camp that post on web sites here in NZ.
One by the name of Behappy comes to mind and is a good fit for this guy.

Bob Diaz
December 6, 2010 6:24 pm

So help me to understand, the US CO2 emissions are pure evil, but China is OK?
He rattles on and on about the US, but NOTHING about China… Very inconsistent.

December 6, 2010 6:28 pm

JDN says…
“Lets not make too much of it.”
Crippling the US economy is the sole purpose of the AGW anti-CO2 apparatus.
The entire Cancun conference would be dedicated to US crippling, if they weren’t at such a weak point currently. This guy is perfectly representative of the meeting.
He’s just saying it out loud, on camera, without the mealy-mouthed blather about “justice” and “healing the Earth”.

December 6, 2010 6:29 pm

Interesting delegate booths behind the interview:
International Trade Union Confederation, an umbrella group for socialists
Climate Justice for Women, whose vision is:
“GenderCC believes that in order to achieve womenā€™s rights, gender justice and climate justice, fundamental changes are necessary to overcome the existing systems of power, politics, and economics.”
Herein lies one of the problems. We working wealth producers are busy at home while the non-working wealth redistributors are busy in Cancun, and Copenhagen, and Bali etc. I get the feeling that the climate is just an excuse for these people.

December 6, 2010 6:31 pm

Hmmm, sure he’s a Kiwi? Accent doesn’t sound quite right. Maybe he’s actually an Aucklander šŸ˜‰

December 6, 2010 6:31 pm

His badge says “Non-government” and it looks like Unicef ? in the top right corner of the badge.
I hope it’s not Unicef – surely they wouldn’t be spending child charity money on a climate change boondoggle ? Ouch – just checked their web-site – they do have a “climate change” programme. Dang.

Richard Day
December 6, 2010 6:34 pm

Honestly, is he that far removed from 99.9% of the rest of the kooks in Cancun? I think not.

Dave Springer
December 6, 2010 6:41 pm

cirby says:
December 6, 2010 at 5:18 pm
“The meeting rooms are all being torn down after the meeting is over. Itā€™s a shame ā€“ it would be a decent permanent convention facility if they left it all in.”
It’s being torn down (burned actually) as a safety precaution. Computer models show that Moonbattery may be contagious and until the vector is identified (need more/bigger grants to study it) it just doesn’t make sense to take any unnecessary chances.

Dave Springer
December 6, 2010 6:53 pm

Bob Newhart says:
December 6, 2010 at 6:05 pm
“Unfortunate. I think the society should not have to put up with the crazies like that spreading genes everywhere. He should be tracked down and neutered.”
This guy was just repeating what that jackwagon Lord Nicolas Stern said. Clip him first.
UK climate economist warns US of trade boycott
(AFP) ā€“ Nov 18, 2010

JRR Canada
December 6, 2010 6:55 pm

I was raised in NZ and I was sure he was a Canadian Liberal.

December 6, 2010 7:09 pm

Did anyone get a clear understanding of his last sentences? It sounded like he was implying if he was *in some situation* he would “set fire” *to something* so as to “take some of them with me.
His speech wasn’t clear to me, but it honestly sounded like he felt that suiciding to take out American’s was something he felt was righteous.
Someone please clarify. I don’t like mis-labeling someone a terrorist.

December 6, 2010 7:10 pm

D.M. says:
December 6, 2010 at 6:31 pm
Hmmm, sure heā€™s a Kiwi? Accent doesnā€™t sound quite right. Maybe heā€™s actually an Aucklander šŸ˜‰
I’d pinned him for a Wellingtonian, the lack of dress sense, the off the shelf Rims and ruinous venom towards anyone with a working Air force were a give away.
Kelburn boy perhaps? Then again he sounds a bit like Richard Taylor of WETA fame, long lost Brother?, Sister?. Maybe he was entirely CG?…Miramar or Miramax?
We should cobble together a Fund to restore the used of fully formed Vowels to stricken Kiwi’s the world over, maybe too late for Helen C,…goes without saying…

December 6, 2010 7:14 pm

God! I listened to his accent and realised that he is a New Zealander! What is it that has happened to we N.Z.ers lately that we have managed to breed gits like this one? Is there something in the water? We used to be solid, sensible stoic and taciturn. Now we are garrulous, gormless ginks! (The accent seems to be Auckland – and that explains a lot! )
As I said God help us – maybe Christopher Monkton was wrong about that event 2000 years ago of Saving The Planet [ā€œwhich, of course, was triumphantly Saved 2000 years ago and does not need to be Saved againā€]. in his earlier post!
Red faced Douglas

Dr. Dave
December 6, 2010 7:33 pm

Kiwi? Huh! I would have sworn it was tequila poisoning.

December 6, 2010 7:37 pm

My sister-in-law is from NZ (Dunedin) and she is as beautiful and smart as they come.
That’s why my brother married her. šŸ™‚
NZ is a GREAT place….a slice of paradise, really.
Well….THIS guy….he would be an embarrassment to ANY country….or even another planet.
I was waiting for the camera to pan away and for him to be holding two manicured yippy poodles in his arms….wrist abent as he bitches about the USA….like a bitter histrionic old woman.
Thanks for the comic relief, CFACT!
Norfolk, VA, USA

December 6, 2010 7:37 pm

Come on all you Aussie representatives in Cancun ! I know you can beat this Kiwi !
Do it for us ! Aussie, Aussie, Aussie ! Oi! Oi! Oi!

December 6, 2010 7:57 pm

Lord Monckton might want to award at least a consolation prize for this:
From (apparently) the Washington Post via AboveTopSecret
With United Nations climate negotiators facing an uphill battle to advance their goal of reducing emissions linked to global warming, itā€™s no surprise that the woman steering the talks appealed to a Mayan goddess Monday.
Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, invoked the ancient jaguar goddess Ixchel in her opening statement to delegates gathered in Cancun, Mexico, noting that Ixchel was not only goddess of the moon, but also ā€œthe goddess of reason, creativity and weaving. May she inspire youā€”because today, you are gathered in Cancun to weave together the elements of a solid response to climate change, using both reason and creativity as your tools.ā€ …
ā€œExcellencies, the goddess Ixchel would probably tell you that a tapestry is the result of the skilful interlacing of many threads,ā€ said Figueres, who hails from Costa Rica and started her greetings in Spanish before switching to English. ā€œI am convinced that 20 years from now, we will admire the policy tapestry that you have woven together and think back fondly to Cancun and the inspiration of Ixchel.ā€

Beam me up, Scotty! But first, another round of Dos Equis for the Excellencies!

December 6, 2010 8:14 pm

If any movement ever had a liability, loony Lord Monckton is it. His extreme right wing nuttery and silly accent are an embarrassment and incredibly easy to ridicule.
While believing AGW is the biggest corporate scam in history, the delegate is correct about the actions of the USA. Some of it was revealed by Wikileaks cables.

December 6, 2010 8:18 pm

Jeremy says: December 6, 2010 at 7:09 pm
Did anyone get a clear understanding of his last sentences? It sounded like he was implying if he was *in some situation* he would ā€œset fireā€ *to something* so as to ā€œtake some of them with me.
His speech wasnā€™t clear to me, but it honestly sounded like he felt that suiciding to take out Americanā€™s was something he felt was righteous.
Someone please clarify. I donā€™t like mis-labeling someone a terrorist.
Jeremy He said:
ā€˜Youā€™re all going to hell in a hand-basket ā€“ thatā€™s the reality of it and quite frankly if I was sitting on a small?? simple?? I would set fire to ?? and take some of them with meā€™
Some of the words in the video were lost where the question marks are ā€“ but it was clear that he was a ā€˜nutterā€™ and carried away by the moment ā€“ being interviewed – his brief moment on the world stage!! But a terrorist – nah!

December 6, 2010 8:32 pm

Schadow says: December 6, 2010 at 7:57 pm
Lord Monckton might want to award at least a consolation prize for this:
From (apparently) the Washington Post via AboveTopSecret
—the woman steering the talks appealed to a Mayan goddess Monday.
Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, invoked the ancient jaguar goddess Ixchel in her opening statement to delegates gathered in Cancun,
I am convinced that 20 years from now, we will admire the policy tapestry that you have woven together and think back fondly to Cancun and the inspiration of Ixchel.ā€
Good Grief! The tapestry will be threadbare in 5 minutes!

Grant Hillemeyer
December 6, 2010 8:42 pm

Made me feel good about the US, that we’re exporting enough stuff still to get boycotted. As in many areas of politics and all good social movements, those on the outside edges of the bell curve tend to dominate the discussion. They are all true believers. That is why these people display fanatical traits.

Bob D
December 6, 2010 8:51 pm

I think he said: “If I was a small island state that was drowning I’d set fire to my forests so I was taking some of them with me”.
If so, then I presume he meant the extra CO2 from burning forests will cause more warming, etc. Makes me embarrassed to be a New Zealander, but as others have pointed out, we’re not all like that.

December 6, 2010 9:02 pm

morgo says:
December 6, 2010 at 6:03 pm
he looks like he is the Senior global warming adviser for the NZ govt
Nope, that’s Dr. Peter Gluckman (a medical doctor, clueless about AGW) and this guy isn’t him. If this guy is who I suspect he is, he’s from UNICEF.

December 6, 2010 9:03 pm

Well, we all have our share of nut bags, and we all knew there was a nut-fest going on down there. Honestly, its kinda funny in a sad, pathetic way. Remember all of the pomp and circumstance in some of the other climate gatherings? Now they’re reduced to a pep-rally for loony-tunes.

December 6, 2010 9:04 pm

For all the New Zealanders who are embarassed by this “gentleman” don’t be. I am a California native. He is no worse than thousands here.
Actually, I guess that wouldn’t make you feel much better. Just be assured we understand that even the best have their worst.

David Ball
December 6, 2010 9:12 pm

As a counterpoint to this man’s delusion, is a straight to reality quote from Rex Murphy’s latest (National Post) article; ” Does not one of the great minds decoding next century’s weather see the brain splitting contradiction of holding a conference warning of the imminent threat of global warming in a venue that mainly exists because people fly there to get warmer.” Absolutely Beautiful, Mr. Murphy.

Wayne Richards
December 6, 2010 9:13 pm

Invoking Ixtel? Appeasing Gaia?
These can only be coded references to human sacrifice. That would be the justification for the deaths in the Third World as a consequence of diverting food to SUV fuel, and depriving those regions of the competitive energy with which they could otherwise get their economies moving.
Kumbaya, folks!

December 6, 2010 9:15 pm

ant @ December 6, 2010 at 7:37 pm
We can’t even beat the poms at cricket at the moment, so don’t hold your breath for the Aussie cavallry.
BTW the Aussie expression for a chap like this is: “He’s got a few kangaroos loose in the top paddock.”

Layne Blanchard
December 6, 2010 9:28 pm

Eric Smith says:
December 6, 2010 at 8:14 pm
I’m dying for a definition of Monckton’s “right wing nuttery”. What would that be? Threats to Blow up an abortion clinic? Hiding in the mountains with a cache of weapons and camo gear?
Or maybe stating that CAGW is really about a global Marxist government, which it is. ?
Monckton is dead center in America’s Heartland. If the EU doesn’t want him, we’d be glad to have him here.

December 6, 2010 9:30 pm

George E. Smith says:
December 6, 2010 at 5:07 pm
Well I cannot vouch for the sanity or common sense of all NZers. But most of them are pretty ok blokes; just like our Australian cobbers; although they do talk funny.
But as to why Dr Trenberth thinks the earth doesnā€™t totate under the sun beam, I think it is a travesty , that we have no explanation for that.
I did manage to read an overhead headline on a booth about gender specific Climate Justice; but the idiot, kept blocking it with his head.

I thought that there would only be one gender – Gaian. It just has a multiplicity of subtextual, interpretive manifestations with a series of telelogical, guilt and innocence associations that would provide a plenum of social justice outcomes that would enable an integrative, and inherently eco-friendly redistribution of the worlds financial resources.
Or something like that…

Al Gored
December 6, 2010 9:31 pm

Bob Diaz says:
December 6, 2010 at 6:24 pm
“So help me to understand, the US CO2 emissions are pure evil, but China is OK?
He rattles on and on about the US, but NOTHING about Chinaā€¦ Very inconsistent.”
Just follow the money. China is the new cash cow for the resource industries of Australia and New Zealand – including their coal exports of course – so it would be inconvenient to mention them. And China will not let their pandas drown., so they are very green. And China supports this process because they have a lot of coal-fired power plants to pay for, and they can lend us the cash to give them for that.
Too bad about NZ. Such a beautiful country, run by such a bunch of AGW drones. But I must say that, based on all the people from there who I have met, this guy takes the cake. Hope he enjoys his moment of fame and becomes the poster boy for this Watermelon conference.

James Allison
December 6, 2010 9:32 pm

Cancun Kook Competition

James Allison
December 6, 2010 9:42 pm

He dresses like a jaffa but I think he is really an ocker pretending to be a kiwi. Lol.
No offense meant to any of us.

Baa Humbug
December 6, 2010 9:44 pm

I can’t seem to access the tips & notes section fully, I hope here is OK
Anthony, you and Willis may wish to deconstruct this drivvell by MSNBC coming out of Cancun.
If seas swallow island state, is it still a nation?
Climate talks include that issue; Columbia University will gather scholars
“CANCUN, Mexico ā€” Encroaching seas in the far Pacific are raising the salt level in the wells of the Marshall Islands. Waves threaten to cut one sliver of an island in two. “It’s getting worse,” says Kaminaga Kaminaga, the tiny nation’s climate change coordinator.”
And these from the link in the article
View key warming indicators
National Academy of Sciences lists ‘significant risks’

December 6, 2010 9:44 pm

@ George E. Smith,
“I did manage to read an overhead headline on a booth about gender specific Climate Justice; but the idiot, kept blocking it with his head.”
Here are the details on Booth 144, from the conference’s website: (note, country code 49 is Germany)
“GenderCC – Women for Climate Justice (GenderCC)
Ms. Gotelind Alber
+49 30 21982175
GenderCC will display posters and materials on gender sensitive mitigation, adaptation and capacity building.
Stand 144 / Both weeks”

December 6, 2010 9:47 pm

Eric Smith says: “If any movement ever had a liability, loony Lord Monckton is it. His extreme right wing nuttery and silly accent are an embarrassment and incredibly easy to ridicule…[yatta-yatta-yatta]”
Ad hominem attack, the AGW troll’s first line of defense. And second. And third. Zzzzzzzzzzz…

December 6, 2010 9:51 pm

Yes, the famous video of the “Santa Cruz Girl” is a great example of kooks in California.
(mods, this video is entirely benign, or G-rated).

December 6, 2010 9:58 pm

I am in Cancun at COP16 with CFACT, and I can confirm that this Kook of the Week is from New Zealand. The NGO he is with is the Global Forest Coalition (we won’t release his name, so please don’t ask).
Unfortunately, he really isn’t very unusual. In just an hour or two, we got many many other delegates to sign the same fake petition calling for the crippling of the US economy by reducing GDP by 6%. We’re making an entire video on that–expect to see it sometime Tuesday afternoon. Follow us on Twitter (@CFACT) to find out exactly when.
If you found this interesting, you should also check out the interview we did with IPCC chair Pachauri, calling him out on the lack of warming over the past 15 years.

Brendan H
December 6, 2010 10:05 pm

No way is this kook a New Zealander. I would say definitely British. The accent is upper class or at least upper middle. The tie is the clincher. Keep your eye on the tie.

December 6, 2010 10:06 pm

Why hide his name and organization, he said the words, he knew he was being filmed.

Brian H
December 6, 2010 10:07 pm

OT, but the comments box is gone on the Tips and Notes page. Which pretty much eliminates its function, no?

Baa Humbug
December 6, 2010 10:13 pm

All you Kiwis bemoaning should know exactly why there are so many nutters in New Zealand.
All the smart ones crossed the Tasman and are living in Australia šŸ™‚
But unfortunately for Australia, most of them are on welfare šŸ™
I do love our cousins from over the “deutch” though. Great people, great sense of humour and probably the best little corner on the planet to live in. It’s just that the isles are a little shaky.
WUWT readers shouldn’t take this kook on the vid as representative of Kiwis. We all have a throwback or two among us.

Cassandra King
December 6, 2010 10:16 pm

Just another whack job in an army of whack jobs attending just another conference paid for by you and me.
Leftist politics, Marxist socialist ideology hidden by a fake concern for the planets wellbeing. We call them the watermellons and they are now controlling huge areas of public policy, yes they have had setbacks but walk around any conference like this and he is typical of them all really.
Anti capitalist and Marxist, leftist to the core these people are more dangerous to all of us than many realise. They have the funding stream and they earn a very good living on the backs of taxpayers but how did it come to this? The leftists need a cause and a platform from which to launch their policy goals and a front which they can hide their ghastly beliefs behind. The best way to expose these whackos is to talk to them, you soon find out their true agenda.

December 6, 2010 10:37 pm

Eric Smith says: December 6, 2010 at 8:14 pm
If any movement ever had a liability, loony Lord Monckton is it. His extreme right wing nuttery and silly accent are an embarrassment and incredibly easy to ridicule
Well Eric Smith, I donā€™t know nor care how you would ā€˜easily ridiculeā€™ Lord Monckton but I do know from the strategy that you outline here that you do not convince me that you would have the skill or ability to succeed in your task. I do know however, that should you attempt to do so, Lord Monckton would flay you within an inch of your life. You would be, as they say ā€˜down underā€™, Dog Tucker.

Doug in Seattle
December 6, 2010 10:55 pm

His name is irrelevant. His words are what is relevant. These crackpots come from your towns and mine. They hold the attention of those in power throughout the western world. And because they do, CFACT’s video needs wide distribution so the ordinary citizens of our countries can see for themselves where, how, and upon whom their taxes are being spent.
Thanks for helping to reveal these loons CFACT and WUWT.

December 6, 2010 11:21 pm

Well you think he’s a nut job. Here in Zimbabwe my president ( yes that guy ) is telling us endlessly that we are chopping down 300 000 hectares of forest every year to burn ( out of a total of 11m Ha ) because of global warming.
Go figure.

December 6, 2010 11:41 pm

Baa Humbug says: December 6, 2010 at 10:13 pm
All you Kiwis bemoaning should know exactly why there are so many nutters in New Zealand. All the smart ones crossed the Tasman and are living in Australia .
Baa Humbug. Baa Humbug to you too. Everyone knows that the migration of New Zealanders to Australia raises the IQ of both countries. ā€“ and BTW – donā€™t dare raise the subject of sheep!

Al Gored
December 6, 2010 11:42 pm

Hmmm. How about just calling it “Kookun”? It sounds like cocoon, which seems to fit their insulation from reality.

December 7, 2010 12:14 am

Brendan H says: December 6, 2010 at 10:05 pm
No way is this kook a New Zealander. I would say definitely British. The accent is upper class or at least upper middle. The tie is the clincher. Keep your eye on the tie.
Brendan. Heā€™s got the flat vowels of N.Zers but much of his accent is barstardized. There are a lot of strange and contradictory pronunciations that seem to be collected from other parts of the world – No upper class sound though. Maybe he migrated to NZ a good time ago.
Anyway – kook he is- wherever he is from! I donā€™t get the tie bit though Brendan.

UK Sceptic
December 7, 2010 12:42 am

Okay, so we ‘ve got all the climate idiots in one place. Can we make sure they all stay there so the rest of the world can get on with life unmolested?

December 7, 2010 12:52 am

NGO delegate…
Get a perm!

December 7, 2010 1:06 am

The Kooks name is Sandy Gauntlett he is an environmental activist of Maori descent. He lectures in indigenous resource management at the indigenous university of Te Wananga O Aotearoa in New Zealand. He also chairs the Pacific Indigenous Peoples Environment Coalition and the Pacific Regional Focal Point for the Global Forest Coalition.

December 7, 2010 1:26 am

Sandy Gauntlett?

December 7, 2010 1:29 am

Anoneumouse beat me to it.

Grumpy old Man
December 7, 2010 1:38 am

“Off Topic Britain just hammered Aussie in the cricket,ā€¦why canā€™t they both loose?”
Not a clever comment considering what happened to the Kiwis in India, and your Rugby team continues to peak between world cups.

Alexander K
December 7, 2010 2:03 am

As a Kiwi, I was embarrassed by this idiot, but only briefly. The odds of finding rational delegates at Cooncan must be fairly slim. It’s interesting that he has a job with the Wananga O Aotearoa, but only mildly – every race and ethnicity has it’s share of people who are a few sandwiches short of a full picnic.

December 7, 2010 2:07 am

@ Schadow
“Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, invoked the ancient jaguar goddess Ixchel in her opening statement to delegates gathered in Cancun … ”
The Mayas and the Aztecs used to go in for human sacrifice on a large scale. Is the UN considering that as a possible means of preventing global warming? It would probably be just as effective as some other “green” policies.

Peter Pond
December 7, 2010 2:16 am

Josh – December 6, 9:58 pm
In your interview (around the 40 second mark), Pachauri notes that it is the “planetary system” that is warming, and not just the Earth. Perhaps you could have asked him how anthropogenic CO2 emissions got to the other planets?

December 7, 2010 2:30 am

Brendan H says:
December 6, 2010 at 10:05 pm
‘No way is this kook a New Zealander. I would say definitely British.’
Absolutely not British, the vowel sounds are definitely antipodean not mainland UK. Not that it matters – we have plenty of similar nutters here in GB. And to Eric above: where are you from, son? I expect your accent would sound pretty ‘silly’ to anyone from Britain too if they were as xenophobic and dim as your good self. Poor old troll, all falling to bits ain’t it?

Stephen Brown
December 7, 2010 2:53 am
December 7, 2010 3:02 am

“Crippling the US economy is the sole purpose of the AGW anti-CO2 apparatus.”
But most of those who support AGW are from the USA…

December 7, 2010 3:06 am

Eric Smith says: December 6, 2010 at 8:14 pm

If any movement ever had a liability, loony Lord Monckton is it. His extreme right wing nuttery and silly accent are an embarrassment and incredibly easy to ridicule.

Dear Lord Monckton
I, and I am sure many others here, would very much appreciate it if you could provide us with a single web page wherein are listed all your rebuttals to the prime attacks you have had. It would, moreover, be helpful if your rebuttals can be referenced by paragraph, one click away from a “Contents” list, so as to direct people immediately to the relevant place.
No doubt you are fully aware how many people say you’ve been “rubbished” because they have seen material from the acolytes of Gavin Schmidt, Prof Abrahams, etc – but have not found your answers – no doubt because these good people forgot to include references to your responses.
Perhaps, with the help of Anthony Watts and Ric Werme here, it will be possible for WUWT supporters here to immediately direct your detractors to your truly unanswerable rebuttals.

M Simon
December 7, 2010 3:27 am

I’m all for Climate Justice. How much will it cost to move the climate of Central America to Northern Illinois? It is unjust that my heating bills are so high this early in the season.
I do have a proposal that will reduce the cost of justice some. The move only need be done during the months of Dec., Jan., Feb., and March. That should reduce the costs by 2/3rds over a year ’round solution.

December 7, 2010 3:47 am

Roger Sowell says:
December 6, 2010 at 9:51 pm
Quite possibly the most excruciating 2 minutes 35 seconds I have ever spent….

December 7, 2010 4:00 am

The developed world does all this to itself and willingly. As the wikileaked documents show, for e.g., there:
“The Dutch are concerned that failure by donors to get fast-track financing flowing quickly will lead to more friction with developing countries later this year. ”
the Third World is dragged into this by carrots-and-sticks of “mitigation” funding. But it’s not them underdeveloped, who ask for it, but us developed, who eagerly offer it for toeing our AGW line.
Like that Maldivian said:
“Ghafoor added that Maldives would like to see that small countries, like Maldives, that are at the forefront of the climate debate, receive tangible assistance from the larger economies. Other nations would then come to realize that there are advantages to be gained by compliance.”

P. Berkin
December 7, 2010 4:15 am

Why’s he dressed as a toddler?

P Wilson
December 7, 2010 4:47 am

here’s a quote from the 18th century scottish philosopher, David Hume, which can be taken to refer nowadays to the “imagined sublunary apocalypses that face mother earth”
“THAT the corruption of the best things produces the worst, is grown into a maxim, and is commonly proved, among other instances, by the pernicious effects of superstition and corruptions of true religion.
These two species of false religion, though both pernicious, are yet of a very different, and even of a contrary nature. The mind of man is subject to certain unaccountable terrors and apprehensions, proceeding either from the unhappy situation of private or public affairs, from ill health, from a gloomy and melancholy disposition, or from the concurrence of all these circumstances. In such a state of mind, infinite unknown evils are dreaded from unknown agents; and where real objects of terror are wanting, the soul, active to its own prejudice, and fostering its predominant inclination, finds imaginary ones, to whose power and malevolence it sets no limits. As these enemies are entirely invisible and unknown, the methods taken to appease them are equally unaccountable, and consist in ceremonies, observances, mortifications, sacrifices, presents, or in any practice, however absurd or frivolous, which either folly or knavery recommends to a blind and terrified credulity. Weakness, fear, melancholy, together with ignorance, are, therefore, the true sources of SUPERSTITION.”

December 7, 2010 5:01 am

BSM says: December 6, 2010 at 6:04 pm
kuhnkat says: December 6, 2010 at 9:04 pm and the other very witty commentators
Try this one. It will make you feel better. Immeasurably…….
Jane Goodall for the Governors’ Global Climate Summit 3

h/t Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) suggest go to 3.40 mark

December 7, 2010 5:08 am

“Or maybe stating that CAGW is really about a global Marxist government, which it is. ? ”
The driving forces behind global warming are the investment banks and fossil fuel companies. If Monckton think Goldman Sachs are Marxists, he is insane, and no amount of twisted libertarian logic will convince me otherwise.
International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) members.
BP, Conoco Philips, Shell, E.ON, EDF , Gazprom, Barclays, JP Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley.. Goldman Sachs.
Here is Gazprom on Bloomberg today.
“Europe needs to reinvigorate the worldā€™s second-biggest emissions market as global climate talks to reduce greenhouse gases stall, the head of a carbon-trading unit of Russiaā€™s OAO Gazprom said.

David L
December 7, 2010 5:12 am

In the background there’s a booth with a banner “GENDERCC Women for Climate Justice”. What the heck is that?

P Wilson
December 7, 2010 5:14 am

Jessie says:
December 7, 2010 at 5:01 am
since Ms Goodall clearly isn’t a chimpanzee, we can assume that the chimpanzees voted her to act on their behalf. (a greeting from chimpanzees in Africa)

December 7, 2010 5:15 am

I would be more than happy for Lord Monckton to come to Glasgow and I would have his upper class gibblets on a plate at any level. We have already crossed swords by email when I called him a dodgy b* for going to America and pretending to be even madder than he is (think Glenn Beck) to make money.
The Guardian has used his photograph to ridicule AGW scepticism on numerous occasions. The photograph is enough. I also suspect that Exxon gave money to Heartland for the exact same reason. Ridicule of right wing extremist opposition to the carbon trading scam.
REPLY: Congratulations on stating that you denounce people solely on the basis of their looks in a photograph. – Anthony

j ferguson
December 7, 2010 5:23 am

P Wilson
Thank you so much for the David Hume quotation. I’ve been struggling with the idea that environmentalism is a State Religion. Clearly many of the superstitious activities pursued in its support seem similar to those employed among the religious, and certainly many of the tenets of environmentalism are accepted on faith including some whose bases may even be subject to scientific “proofs” but such “proofs” being beyond the comprehension of the supplicants.
I think the trick, here, will be to be able to show that environmentalism is driven by politics rather than the other way around. Ben Pile and Stuart Blackman at “Climate Resistance” have pursued this line of thought very effectively.

December 7, 2010 5:28 am

Embarrassing as it was for we Kiwis, Sandy has been quoted as saying something sensible once:
I’ll finish for now with another quote from Sandy Gauntlet of the Pacific People’s Environment Coalition.
Not only does the carbon trading mechanism not work, it makes the greedy north feel like they have done something meaningful while we keep drowning. Using the market to solve a problem the market created seems little short of insanity.ā€
Admittedly not a great deal of balance in that quote but I think we can agree that the carbon trading mechanism is a stupid idea. However, it was interesting to read that we [NZ?] keep drowning. Do the Kiwi WUWT readers who are currently resident there realise that their toes are getting wet?

December 7, 2010 5:30 am

Eric Smith says:
December 7, 2010 at 5:08 am
First link not working, please redo
This may be of interest to you also

December 7, 2010 5:40 am

My all time favourite kooky comment
RealClimate and a Campaign against Climate Change Activits with her own blog..
“5.I would like to propose that we form a ā€œPhil Jones Devotional Circleā€, and put a nice logo on our personal and organisational websites, linking through to a page here at RealClimate (or elsewhere) that extols the virtues of said Phil Jones, and catalogues his many great achievements. ”
anyone have any thought on that logo – Josh?

December 7, 2010 5:49 am
Jose Suro
December 7, 2010 6:15 am

“e. cowan says:
December 6, 2010 at 5:34 pm
Climate change and population control can make for a politically explosive mix, as media mogul Ted Turner demonstrated Sunday when he urged world leaders to institute a global one-child policy to save the Earthā€™s environmentā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.”
So utterly disgusting and pathetic. A perfect example of the thought processes of one of the kings of the “do as I say, not as I do” silver spoon liberal crowd……. Mr. Turner has five children…….

Bruce Cobb
December 7, 2010 6:45 am

The climate movement is rife with kooks, quacks, catastrophists, and con artists. Indeed, for True Believers, rationality is more of a liability than an asset, and they seem to celebrate kookiness. In a very real sense, mankind itself has gone “climate crazy”, in a mass hysteria or delusion similar to the Salem Witch hysteria, except on a world-wide scale. It is but one element of what is proving to be its demise. Continually shining the spotlight of truth on them, as Lord Monckton and others do certainly helps quicken their downfall.

December 7, 2010 6:48 am

Barry Woods says:
December 7, 2010 at 5:40 am
I was actually just having a look at RC – I drop in every week or so to see what is happening – and left a comment: “You guys really are a bunch of nutters”. Childish? perhaps. But it was the natural reaction to what I was reading…

December 7, 2010 6:49 am

With an attitude like that you should be forwarding the name and video to the TSA so he can’t gain entry to the USA

Roger Knights
December 7, 2010 6:49 am

Larry, Moe, and Curly say, “Cancun spelled backwards is nuc nac.”

December 7, 2010 6:58 am

@j.pickens says:
December 6, 2010 at 6:28 pm
[snip] This guy is perfectly representative of the meeting.
Yes, that’s the dirty trick. Let’s find the most radical and indefensible position and paint everyone at the conference with it. You just wait until it’s done to something you like and see how you feel about it then. WUWT has done a really nice job at avoiding this trap, and, I’m just saying that dirty tricks like this are unnecessary when the actual leadership of the conference gives you about the same degree of nonsense. If you were going to identify the NGO this fellow belongs to and see how his privately stated positions explain this NGO’s public positions, then it would be fair game. Without that, it’s just an unfair attack on everyone else. In summary, I don’t like cheap shots, and, it’s tough to win an argument in the long run when you start doing this sort of thing. Is there some shortage of material to show the AGW position is nonsense?

Gareth Phillips
December 7, 2010 7:02 am

I think you will find one at every conference of any size, I typical sign is that they snub anyone who uses evidence as reality freaks who can’t handle fantasy and conspiracy. It’s only really a problem when they get into positions of power such as in the case of Senator McCarthy.

December 7, 2010 7:06 am

David L says:
December 7, 2010 at 5:12 am
In the background thereā€™s a booth with a banner ā€œGENDERCC Women for Climate Justiceā€. What the heck is that?
The best banner I ever saw was “Lesbians Against Bush”. I’ll try and find it and post it.

Roger Knights
December 7, 2010 7:11 am

Doug in Seattle says:
December 6, 2010 at 10:55 pm
His name is irrelevant. His words are what is relevant. These crackpots come from your towns and mine. They hold the attention of those in power throughout the western world. And because they do, CFACTā€™s video needs wide distribution so the ordinary citizens of our countries can see for themselves where, how, and upon whom their taxes are being spent.

Much better would be a video of the Copenhagen delegates applauding Chavez (after he went way beyond his speaking time) and Mugabe. close-ups of their shining faces would be a cherry on top. Why hasn’t this been done already? (I’ve missed it, if it has.)

Roger Knights
December 7, 2010 7:17 am

Lucy Skywalker says:
December 7, 2010 at 3:06 am
Dear Lord Monckton
I, and I am sure many others here, would very much appreciate it if you could provide us with a single web page wherein are listed all your rebuttals to the prime attacks you have had. It would, moreover, be helpful if your rebuttals can be referenced by paragraph, one click away from a ā€œContentsā€ list, so as to direct people immediately to the relevant place.

Hear, hear!

December 7, 2010 7:18 am

Thank you Eric Smith,
Also on Moncktons Mexican story there was a link to
1. Russia and carbon trading (PNG I recal) and
2. Carbon War Room (Branson Virgin) that may be of interest to you.
Yes true P Wilson, she clearly is not a chimpanzee, though your assumption of voting rights is not one I would have thought about. Prominantly having a book on screen titled ‘rape’ (if I am reading clearly) as she discusses global warming and chimpanzees is an unusual juxtaposition. HIV (in humans) and I assume predominantly women and children in Tanzania, is an issue which requires speaking out upon, by persons of Jane Goodall’ eminence and linguistic skill.
Your post on Hume and latter comment from j ferguson is informative, thank you.
Kevin Andrews MP has just published 4 articles on the politics and the Greens that may be of interest.
try google : – The Greens Agenda: Part 1 – Western culture and the Greens

December 7, 2010 7:58 am

“The Guardian has used [Monckton’s] photograph to ridicule AGW scepticism on numerous occasions. The photograph is enough.”
So, Monckton’s exotropic strabismus defines the man inside. I hate to think what your kindergarden mates would do to Stephen Hawking.

Richard S Courtney
December 7, 2010 8:12 am

Eric Smith:
You assert:
“I would be more than happy for Lord Monckton to come to Glasgow and I would have his upper class gibblets on a plate at any level”.
Really? But St Andrews is not far from Glasgow and you did not take this opportunity to fulfil your boast
One person travelled up from Newcastle to attend as a member of the debate’s audiance but you did not travel from Glasgow. If you had then I have no doubt you would have been trounced along with the other AGW proponents.

Alexander K
December 7, 2010 8:45 am

FDN, I am extremely puzzled by your reference to ‘dirty tricks’. Filming a conference delegate/groupie/nutter voicing his hatred for the USA in a totally neutral, calm voice shows up one whacko for what he is, an idiot’s idiot, for believing the load of nonsense that he enunciates. But he must have got the ‘information’ from somewhere or someone he regards as an ‘authority’ Who or what on earth could that be? Oh yeah, right, he’s at the conference for disseminating the stuff, like ‘big oil’ pays all of us handsomely and if you look hard enough, you will find the anti-Warmists are incredibly well organised, prolly by the CIA or the SIS who are spying on us from those funny plastic domes on that airfield in the South Island.
The real squirm-making fact is that he’s a fellow Kiwi and really should know better.
Our state school system has a lot to answer for!

December 7, 2010 8:54 am

For those of you saying things like ‘there’s one at every conference,” you should realize there’s not one, or ten, but DOZENS of people at the Climate Conference at least as nutty as the guy in the video.
Even the folks who aren’t as blatantly crazy are living in a weird dream world, where standing next to the head of a delegation in a serving line counts as “a close contact in their Embassy,” where “they were very receptive to our message.”

Blueridge Mtns
December 7, 2010 9:20 am

It’s about time these AGW people moved their meetings to a more tropical setting. I was starting to feel sorry for these people. Every time they held a conference it snowed or the temperature was breaking all time lows.
I remember the last time I was in Cancun. It was hot, and the sun was high. I wonder if there is any correlation. šŸ™‚

December 7, 2010 9:20 am

JDN says:
December 7, 2010 at 6:58 am
I have to disagree with your comment, they were asking for petitioners to sign a document supporting exactly what this guy was going on about. If the guy wants to expand (obviously he did) on his view of what the petitions agenda was while the camera was rolling then he is ‘fair game’, hidden identity aside.
I think what is being missed by some is that there were many people that signed the petition, apparently not all commented or shared their personal view while doing so, as this man did. If they had, perhaps we would have had a 3-way, or 10-way tie for ‘Kook of the week’.
The point being: his view could well be (and probably is) indicative of the general “consensus” at the conference. I seriously doubt, given the turn-out, that his was “…the most radical and indefensible position…”

Al Gored
December 7, 2010 9:22 am

Jimmy Haigh says:
December 7, 2010 at 7:06 am
“The best banner I ever saw was ā€œLesbians Against Bushā€.”
That certainly has plenty of comedic double entendre potential in the context of a beach resort like Cancun… where bikini waxes are prominent.

December 7, 2010 9:27 am

St Andrews is miles away from Glasgow in Scottish terms.
I am not an AGW proponent. I think Monckton is extremely smart, an excellent speaker and generally correct, but he wants to play the clown and the Lord too much. In my view, he is a liability as are all other obviously extreme right wing elements like Heartland.

Al Gored
December 7, 2010 9:28 am

Jose Suro says:
December 7, 2010 at 6:15 am
“So utterly disgusting and pathetic. A perfect example of the thought processes of one of the kings of the ā€œdo as I say, not as I doā€ silver spoon liberal crowdā€¦ā€¦. Mr. Turner has five childrenā€¦ā€¦.”
So does Canadian super-hypocrite planet-saver David Suzuki. He was once interviewed about that and he explained that that was OK because all his children were environmentalists.
In the meantime, this zealot has a Gore-like carbon footprint, which I have never heard him try to explain away… but I’m sure we can all imagine the ‘for the children’ answer he would come up with.
Hypocrisy does seem to be one of the common characteristics of the leaders of the AGW crowd and all the useful idiots who jet around to these conferences.

December 7, 2010 9:39 am

Eric Smith says: December 7, 2010 at 5:15 am
I would be more than happy for Lord Monckton to come to Glasgow and I would have his upper class gibblets on a plate at any level. The Guardian has used his photograph to ridicule AGW scepticism on numerous occasions. The photograph is enough. I also suspect that Exxon gave money to Heartland for the exact same reason. Ridicule of right wing extremist opposition to the carbon trading scam.
REPLY: Congratulations on stating that you denounce people solely on the basis of their looks in a photograph. ā€“ Anthony
Eric Smith: Your reply confirmed my suspicions regarding your first comment i.e. that you would have neither the skills nor the ability to achieve your goals. Lord Monckton, I suspect, should he bother to engage with you would eviscerate your pathetic attempt before you knew what had happened.
Anthony. You hit the nail on the head re the photograph. It was what I thought he was alluding to in the first place before he was stupid enough to be more specific.

December 7, 2010 9:56 am

Anoneumouse says: December 7, 2010 at 1:06 am
The Kooks name is Sandy Gauntlett he is an environmental activist of Maori descent. He lectures in indigenous resource management at the indigenous university of Te Wananga O Aotearoa in New Zealand. He also chairs the Pacific Indigenous Peoples Environment Coalition and the Pacific Regional Focal Point for the Global Forest Coalition.
Thanks Anoneumouse for clearing that up. Itā€™ all I needed to know! Though I would guess that he has about as much Maori blood in his veins as I do ā€“ he has the bearing of a real poser ā€“ It explains his mangled accent also -plainly contrived – probably wears one of those oversized Maori carvings under that jacket tooā€“ What a W—ker.

December 7, 2010 10:01 am

Jimmy Haigh says:
December 7, 2010 at 6:48 am
Barry Woods says:
December 7, 2010 at 5:40 am
I was actually just having a look at RC ā€“ I drop in every week or so to see what is happening ā€“ and left a comment: ā€œYou guys really are a bunch of nuttersā€. Childish? perhaps. But it was the natural reaction to what I was readingā€¦
Actually, I am a regular reader of the lady in questions website – Jo Abbess…
she is infamous in the UK – google jo abbess roger harrabin bbc
And I was reading the article real time at RC that long ago, and I nearly fell of my chair laughing…
she is of the same breed of people.. ( Campiagn Against Climate Change )
that targets sceptical websites and has Deniars Halls of Shame.
Hall of Shame:
Skeptic Alerts:
And most recently they have targeted the blog of the author of:
‘The Hockey Stick Illusion’ A W Montford
this book you may notice is advertised at the top of Watts Up.
Check out the same commentors Osama Bin Laden moment at her website.

December 7, 2010 10:02 am

Please note how much the rabidly pro AGW Guardian loves to ridicule Monckton. These are new articles within the last hour.
CancĆŗn climate change summit: ‘No global warming since 2001’A heated debate on climate change between the Guardian’s environment editor John Vidal and Lord Christopher Monckton
Monckton crashes CancĆŗn business lunchLord Christopher Monckton is asked to leave corporate lunch party after airing his sceptical views on climate change

December 7, 2010 10:04 am

Eric Smith says: December 7, 2010 at 5:15 am
I would be more than happy for Lord Monckton to come to Glasgow and I would have his upper class gibblets on a plate at any level. The Guardian has used his photograph to ridicule AGW scepticism on numerous occasions. The photograph is enough. I also suspect that Exxon gave money to Heartland for the exact same reason. Ridicule of right wing extremist opposition to the carbon trading scam.
REPLY: Congratulations on stating that you denounce people solely on the basis of their looks in a photograph. ā€“ Anthony
Eric Smith: Your reply confirmed my suspicions regarding your first comment i.e. that you would have neither the skills nor the ability to achieve your goals. Lord Monckton, I suspect, should he bother to engage with you would eviscerate your pathetic attempt before you knew what had happened.
Anthony. You hit the nail on the head re the photograph. It was what I thought he was alluding to in the first place before he was stupid enough to be more specific.

December 7, 2010 10:16 am

Anoneumouse says: December 7, 2010 at 1:06 am
The Kooks name is Sandy Gauntlett he is an environmental activist of Maori descent. He lectures in indigenous resource management at the indigenous university of Te Wananga O Aotearoa in New Zealand. He also chairs the Pacific Indigenous Peoples Environment Coalition and the Pacific Regional Focal Point for the Global Forest Coalition.

Sort of answers the rejoinder that “He is an isolated case” and “can be ignored” or “is not worth listening to (or repeating”.
As an “official” highly paid!! government activist, teacher, lecturer and coalition leader, he IS the both most dangerous and best representative enviro. But he could not get by in the private sector. Take away his tax paid wages, subsidized expense account and travel budget, his publicly-paid rostrums and publicly paid press secretaries and supplies and offices and power and lights and heat and HVAC and office space and his publicly-publicized TV and press appearances, and he would be nothing but what he really is.

December 7, 2010 10:21 am

There is no way to deduce ” Congratulations on stating that you denounce people solely on the basis of their looks in a photograph.” from what I said. This is the kind of photograph I’m referring to. It is the Guardian ridiculing him, not me.
If a member of the British aristocracy wanted to make himself look utterly ridiculous, they could not have bettered that photograph. Part Eton, part Oxford, part clown and part Zulu (film). In addition, his extreme right wing politics puts him well outside the British mainstream.

Dave Worley
December 7, 2010 10:24 am

Throw us out….please.

R. Craigen
December 7, 2010 10:30 am

I agree with the commenters that the NGO which this fellow represents ought to be identified. It was kind of you to obscure his name, but the organization deserves no such courtesy.

December 7, 2010 10:41 am

Eric Smith says:
[Lord Monckton’s] “extreme right wing politics puts him well outside the British mainstream.”
Eric, the entire blame for Britain’s national self-destruction must be laid directly at the feet of the ‘mainstream’ Left [‘mainstream’ as defined by the state-controlled media], which has deliberately wrecked the formerly great UK. From Samizdata [2007]:

Imagine telling somebody twenty years ago that by 2007, it would be illegal to smoke in a pub, or bus shelter, or your own vehicle, or that there would be Ā£80 fines for dropping cigarette butts, or that the words “tequila slammer” would be illegal, or that the government would mandate what angle a drinker’s head in an advertisement may be tipped at, or that it would be illegal to criticise religions, or homosexuality, or rewire your own house, or that having sex after a few drinks would be classed as rape, or that the State would be confiscating children for being overweight. Imagine telling them that the government would be contemplating ration cards for fuel, and even foods; that every citizen would be required to carry an ID card filled with their private information which could be withdrawn at the state’s whim. They’d have thought you a paranoid loon.

You can’t be so foolish as to believe that the average UK citizen agrees with or wants these restrictions. Just as you can’t be so foolish as to believe that Lord Monckton wasn’t just having some fun in that picture.
But when that’s the best argument you’ve got, I guess that’s what you have to use.

December 7, 2010 10:47 am

This is what I wrote in the comments section. The debate is worth listening to.
Monckton is so vastly more capable than Vidal (Guardian), the debate is ridiculous.

Bruce Cobb
December 7, 2010 10:48 am

Eric Smith says:
December 7, 2010 at 10:21 am
If a member of the British aristocracy wanted to make himself look utterly ridiculous, they could not have bettered that photograph. Part Eton, part Oxford, part clown and part Zulu (film). In addition, his extreme right wing politics puts him well outside the British mainstream.
The point is, Eric, that whatever one looks like, or whatever their politics are (and labeling his as “extreme right wing” seems way OTT), is completely immaterial, and their use is just an ad hominem tactic, used by those who can not argue with what he says. So no, I don’t agree that he’s a “liability”. Far from it, in fact.

December 7, 2010 10:55 am

Are you referring to the Blair government that was 100% controlled by Rupert Murdoch, owner of Fox News ? That left wing government ?
The Samizdata article is almost totally false.

December 7, 2010 11:19 am

Eric Smith says:
“The Samizdata article is almost totally false.”
So we’re into proving negatives, are we? Are you familiar with the laws in every locale? Seeing what has become of the formerly Great Britain, I will go with Samizdata’s statement.
And you may not know it, but the most far right government in the UK is well to the left of the U.S. Democrat Party. And regarding Fox news, they also are only less leftist than the rest, which makes them appear to be conservative ā€“ which they are not.

December 7, 2010 11:29 am

Bruce Cobb
Once again. Calling carbon trading based climate conferences a UN push for a Marxist one world government is not rational. Carbon trading was created by Enron the corporate death star, and is supported by every corporation on earth. Its main promoters are the world’s biggest oil companies and banks. It literally couldn’t be any more capitalist.
Monckton is fantastic with the science. I understand it. Almost no one else does.
Fox News is left wing. Fine.

Al Gored
December 7, 2010 11:40 am

Bruce Cobb says:
December 7, 2010 at 10:48 am
Eric Smith says:
“The point is, Eric, that whatever one looks like… is completely immaterial…”
I certainly do agree in principle but I still have a problem with the credibility of people dressed up as polar bears. No offence to polar bears of course.

Al Gored
December 7, 2010 11:48 am

Eric Smith says:
December 7, 2010 at 10:47 am
“Monckton is so vastly more capable than Vidal (Guardian), the debate is ridiculous.
Thanks for that link Eric. The ironic thing, given all this talk about superficial appearances, is that Vidal looks a lot like Monckton.
Curious to see if anyone dares respond to the comment from the former carbon trader.

Reynard Foxe
December 7, 2010 12:09 pm

It’s OK, I don’t this this one’s a breeder.

December 7, 2010 12:29 pm

“Fox News is left wing. Fine.”
Eric, George Orwell would have a ball with you. I responded that Fox news appears to be conservative, given the competition.
The fact that Fox is eating its competitors’ lunch indicates that it is much closer to what people want than the rest ā€“ especially the UK government’s official propaganda organ, the BBC, which seems to be pushing green totalitarianism as the solution to everything.
And now that the old Soviets have admitted how simple and easy it was for their agents to infiltrate the Guardian from top to bottom, their BBC toadies no doubt ran and held the door open for the FSB. Really, can there be any doubt?

December 7, 2010 1:00 pm

Grumpy old Man says:
December 7, 2010 at 1:38 am
ā€œOff Topic Britain just hammered Aussie in the cricket,ā€¦why canā€™t they both loose?ā€
Not a clever comment considering what happened to the Kiwis in India, and your Rugby team continues to peak between world cups.
Probably an Aussie Umpire, and with a Kiwi running your national team,…tee-hee-hee, you still rate your chances at the World Cup?

Gilbert Paton
December 7, 2010 1:56 pm

It was England not Britain who gave the Aussies a comprehensive thrashing in the recent test match. Hope you don’t mind us gloating but we don’t win in Oz very often.

Don Keiller
December 7, 2010 2:39 pm

If this guy really believed in “saving the planet” he should do the honourable thing and try and get a nomination for a “Darwin Award”.
Unfortunately he strikes me as too stupid even for that.

December 7, 2010 6:54 pm

Hey all, you know how I said there were a lot of other kooks out there and that this guy isn’t the only one? We just posted the video!
Check it out here! UN climate kooks: cripple US economy & ban H2O
These people are nuts!

December 7, 2010 8:09 pm

I have a very un-“PC” comment, Mods and snip if required.
[snip – it was required]

December 7, 2010 10:49 pm

I love NZ (the country) and have a bunch of good friends there. Don;t blame NZers for dribble like this. This guy is a first class wanka. Whats the name of the NGO he works for?

December 8, 2010 4:37 am

Josh says: December 7, 2010 at 6:54 pm
Thanks Josh, Entertaining and for all you and your colleague’s hard work, well done.
Especially to keep a straight face for so many hours.
Hope you both have a chance to have a break from the clip-board.

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