Thanks again to my readers, another record month

And the hits just keep on coming… 646,024 for the Month of July, up from 582,079 in June.

CONFIRMED: Water on Mars

TUCSON, July 31 (UPI) — Scientists confirmed Thursday that water, considered an essential building block of life, does indeed exist on the planet Mars.An analysis of a soil sample collected…

An encouraging response on satellite CO2 measurement from the AIRS Team

Recently we’ve been discussing products from the AIRS satellite instrument (Atmospheric InfraRed Sounder) onboard the Aqua satellite. There has been quite a bit of interest in this because unlike the…

Polar Ice Check – Still a lot of ice up there

During our last check in, we had a look at northern Canada from the Arctic Circle to the North pole, and found we had quite a ways to go before…

Putting on AIRS

Recently we’ve been discussing products for the AIRS satellite instrument (Atmospheric InfraRed Sounder) onboard the Aqua satellite. For example we’ve been looking at the only global image we can find…

CO2 – "well mixed" or mixed signals?

One of the few things that BOTH sides of the Carbon Dioxide and AGW debate seem to be able to agree on is the belief that CO2, as a trace…

EPA asking for input on CO2/GHG – let's give it to them

From this page (h/t Dave Hagen) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is inviting comment from all interested parties on options and questions to be considered for possible greenhouse gas regulations…

How not to measure temperature, part 68

I don’t know what it is with weather stations at some universities. Of course we have the station at University of Arizona Tucson in the parking lot, and this one…

Penn and Teller on Carbon Credits

Magicians and Illusionists Penn and Teller have a popular TV show on the Showtime channel called, ahem, “Bullshit”. In homage to their debunking mentor, James Randi, they take on a…

Hey kids! Be a "Climate Cop" – rat on your family, friends, and classmates

Note: I don’t normally allow the discussion of things related to Nazi Germany here, including discouraging the use of the word “denier” due to it’s “Holocaust Denier” connotations. But this…

Some rational thought left – "climate change as curriculum" vetoed

There was a lot of lobbying going on with this one, I sent a letter myself, listing myself as a former school board member familiar with school curriculum. The real…

Anchorage's record setting cold summer

From the Anchorage Daily News, some anecdotal evidence that we may not see an ice-free arctic this summer. I had previously blogged on the lateness of a 70 degree plus…

Who lives in LA that can survey a station for me?

This is a request for some help to anyone in the Los Angeles area to get a weather station surveyed in the hills east of Altadena, near the Mount Wilson…

Who knew? Rachel Carson – climate change expert

NOTE: For those of you who don’t know, Rachel Carson has often been hailed as the “mother of the environmental movement” due to her book, Silent Spring.  Before that book,…

Beck on CO2 and Temperature: Oceans are the "dominant CO2 store"

Evidence of variability of atmospheric CO2 concentration during the 20th century Geo-Ecological Seminar University of Bayreuth, 17th July 2008 (see here) Ernst-Georg Beck, Dipl. Biol Summary of the presentation (printable…

NYT: Expert Says Arctic Ocean Will Soon Be an Open Sea

“Catastrophic Shifts in Climate Feared if Change Occurs” In case you missed it, this article in the New York Times illustrates what some scientists believe is a very serious issue,…

SEC petitioned to issue guidance on 'potentially false and misleading statements' on global warming

See also this related story from the Sacramento Bee: Carbon Markets Take Shape which outlines California’s agreement with six other Western states and four Canadian provinces released the draft of…

Nutty story of the day #3 – TV ads cause global warming

I suppose if the purpose of this is to say that we need less television advertising, I can go along with that. This is probably good news for the Ty-D-Bowl…

Compo and Sardeshmukh: Oceans a main driver of climate variability – it's the heat AND the humidity.

Illustration only: not part of the paper This paper has been out for a few days, and several people have alerted me to it. This new paper by Compo,G.P., and…

Stuck on Stupid: climate activist tries to superglue himself to UK Prime Minister

Activist tries to superglue himself to Gordon Brown By Daily Mail Reporter Last updated at 12:57 AM on 23rd July 2008 During these turbulent economic times, Gordon Brown is keen…

Algal Blooms: Not Caused by Global Warming

It seems that global warming is as easy to blame as “the devil made me do it” these days. Almost anything can be blamed on global warming it seems. It…

Sidebar to Spencer testimony today – Barbara Boxer tosses an insult, implies Limbaugh is involved in Spencer's testimony

Update: video link added below at 730PM PST (H/T to Joe S.) From C-SPAN, Click for video player When you watch this video it is clear Ms. Boxer does not…

Roy Spencer's testimony before congress backs up Monckton's assertions on climate sensitivity

Dr. Roy Spencer went to Washington to give testimony today to the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. Here is his presentation. While not as technical as Lord Moncktons paper…

The Green Inquisition

From Project Syndicate by Bjørn Lomborg COPENHAGEN – When it comes to global warming, extreme scare stories abound. Al Gore, for example, famously claimed that a whopping six meters (20…

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