Passing the 1000 mark

Another parking lot being measured for climate change: Newport, TN My project has reached an important milestone. With the submission of #222, Lexington, VA, submitted by John Goetz, we…

How not to measure temperature, part 25

This picture, taken by volunteer Don Kostuch is the Detroit Lakes, MN USHCN climate station of record. The Stevenson Screen is sinking into the swamp and the MMTS sensor…

How not to measure temperature part 24

Warren Meyer, one of the first volunteers, delivered Tucson for us Saturday. It was discovered during an analysis of climate stations around the USA on the Climate Audit blog…


I’ve been involved in meteorology in one way or another since 1976, and while I knew of the vast number of COOP stations around the USA, I never knew that…

Why Pictures Matter

Above: Tifton, GA Sewage Treatment Plant – a good place to measure climate? There have been some claims on the blogosphere of limited or no value to the taking of…

How not to measure temperature, part 23

The picture below is of the USHCN climate station of record for Newport Beach, CA When I first visited this site I did a double take. Then started searching for…

How not to measure temperature, part 22

This picture below comes to me via volunteer Kristen Byrnes, a 15 year old budding scientist that has created a bit of a stir with her critique of Al…

The Stevenson Screen Paint Test

You may recall that back in May I did a simple preliminary experiment to give me guidance on a hypothesis: That changes in paint on Stevenson Screens over time make…

How not to measure temperature, part 21

The recent photo submissions at have demonstrated that many NOAA/NWS climate monitoring stations feature convenient close-by vehicle parking. Not to be outdone, the Paso Robles USHCN Climate Station of…

How not to measure temperature, part 20

Pictures have been coming in to from many places. This one is from Fort Morgan, Colorado’s USHCN climate station of record. Fort Morgan is in the eastern plains of…

Air conditioning trends in the USA

Lately, it seems that I’ve been finding air conditioners juxtaposed with temperature sensors for USHCN climate stations of record all over the USA. That got me to wondering; what sorts…

How not to measure temperature, part 19

In traveling around California and Nevada to look at NOAA USHCN climate monitoring weather stations I’ve seen some odd things. I’ve seen temperature sensors near asphalt and concrete, sensors placed…

How not to measure temperature, part 18

On Friday June 6th, I made a trip though northern California to visit four official climate monitoring stations that are part of the US Historical Climatological Network (USHCN) which has…

NOAA and NCDC Restore data access

You may recall and entry about a week ago titled: NOAA/NCDC Throws a roadblack my way. Good news! NCDC has decided to restore the access. I think this is a…

How to Measure Temperate, Part 2 – down under

Ok a simple post since I’m not up to speed today. I’ve already talked about the effort in the USA to create the Climate Reference Network (CRN) In Australia, they…

The Climatic Blog War of 2007

There is a war of words going on between two scientific blogs over my project at The RealClimate blog, operated by pro AGW global warming scientists Penn State’s Dr.…

How to Measure Temperature, Part 1

After showing a number a stations where poor siting and thoughtless local influences may have biased the temperature records for a weather station, I decided I’d show some examples of…

Find the weather station

The picture above is from the National Weather Service in San Diego. It is of Laguna Beach, CA, a COOP station that it manages. This picture illustrates how some cooperative…

Standards for weather station siting using the new CRN

NOAA has put together a new series of surface stations called the Climate Reference Network (CRN) As a specialist in the technology of meteorology, I like this program a lot.…

How not to measure temperature, part 17

The picture below comes to me via the National Weather Service Forecast Office in Monterey from their website. You can see the unannotated version here: It is the Cooperative…

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