In search of the perfect thermometer.

Lon Glazner, a fellow blogger and local electronics engineer made some comments about my post on the NASA/CSU study on California temperatures. Well that got me started…so below are Lon’s…


I don’t know why I’m posting this other than its how I feel today.

Something new to worry about – will your flight get whacked by space junk?

An airliner traveling from Chile to New Zealand early today was in for an near miss from something you wouldn’t expect. Flaming space debris — the remains of a Russian…

California Heating Up, a new NASA/CSU study finds, but data questionable

Image: Average temperatures warmed in nearly all parts of California between 1950 to 2000. Image credit: NASA/JPL/Cal State L.A Click for Larger Image Average temperatures in California rose almost one…

Study: Cell phones unlikely to cause brain cancer

For all those folks worried that a cell phone tower at the Elks Lodge or Hooker Oak Park is going to give rise to a legion of cancer ridden mutants,…

Sustainability Task Force

I just completed my first meeting of the City of Chico Sustainability Task Force today and here are a few observations. First, it seemed to be pretty well rounded, we…

The Missing GW Link: New images shock scientists with view of sun's magnetic field power

Image above: Dubbed the “Swan” this X-ray image shows massive energy releases from the sun’s magnetic field, even while we are at the solar minimum in between sunspots cycles. Last…

This week in Global Warming

Whew! It has been a busy week, with lots of things to report. So rather than making a blog entry for each one I thought I’d condense them all into…


In the UK Channel 4 produced a new documentary titled: The Great Global Warming Swindle This is well worth watching, especially if you’ve ever doubted the veracity of such claims,…

Ghost Fleet

Today I had to do a round trip drive to San Jose to inspect some video transmission equipment and back to Chico all in a few hours. Coming back, I…

Global Warming Expedition called off due to extreme cold

From the “You might want to check the weather forecast before you start out” department: I’m sorry, but I just have to laugh at this one. There’s just too much…

A Big Solar Storm Coming

This week researchers announced that a solar storm is coming — the most intense solar maximum in fifty years. The prediction comes from a team led by Mausumi Dikpati of…

The Red 40 Menace

I’m not usually a fan of food additive scares, as I find a lot of the "science" driving them to be somewhat emotionally based rather than factually based. For example,…

Aging weather satellite's failure feared…Forecast accuracy could be reduced…

Jessica Gresko at the Associated Press reports: Certain hurricane forecasts could be up to 16 percent less accurate if a key weather satellite that is already beyond its expected life…

Air Car

This from the “fun things you can do with compressed gas” department: Now I’ve seen everything. Tata, India’s largest automotive manufacturer, has developed a car that runs on compressed air,…

My 100th entry – some other views on Global Warming

I figured for my 100th entry, I’d make it a big one. Especially in light of the fact that a recent editorial in the ChicoBeat said that I’m completely wrong.…

The sun is blank – welcome to the solar minimum

No I’m not asking you to fill in the blank, but I am asking you to notice that at this time, there are no sunspots on the sun at all.…

Blue Angels

Last Saturday I took a brief diversion from a long business trip to attend the air show at NAF El Centro as the guest of former navy pilot Vance Parker.…

Beat Up

There’s an article in this issue of the Chico Beat about my views on global warming. You can read it here: I knew going into it that they’d probably…


Yesterday while driving north on Highway 99 from Bakerfield, I passed a Union Pacific freight train. To my surprise, it was quite long, I counted over 120 cars. When I…

Internal Combustion Engine could get new lease on life

Ok, everybody’s favorite modern boogeyman, the Internal Combustion Engine, has been blamed for everything from global warming, to wars over oil, to baby booms caused by backseats in 57 Chevy’s.…

YouTube sued for 1bil$, are local bloggers at risk?

Viacom has filed a $1,000,000,000.00 lawsuit for ‘massive intentional copyright infringement’ against Google over YouTube video clips. ‘”YouTube’s strategy has been to avoid taking proactive steps to curtail the infringement…

Can outing an anonymous blogger be justified?

Ok I’ll bet the first word that went through your mind was “Tasker” right? Even though our own local and vocal anonymous blog commenter can sometimes raise some ire, this…


As a kid, science was my big deal. Science fairs were even bigger. In my senior year of high school, I made my grand project, a 10MEV cyclotron. It weighed…

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