The Guardian: Climate Activists Avoid or Regret Having Children

Imagine kids growing up in a household where the eco-activist parents think their own children are an unacceptable burden on the planet.

Study: Humanity “is beyond the point-of-no-return” on Climate Change

A pair of researchers from the Norwegian Business School have produced a climate prognosis so profoundly depressing even Katharine Hayhoe has publicly complained about it.

"Volcanologists warn world is unprepared for next major eruption"… And?

Guest pondering by David Middleton NEWS 06 MARCH 2018 Volcanologists warn world is unprepared for next major eruption A big blast could hobble global trade, communications and financial systems. Alexandra…

Are Doomsday Scenarios Best Seen As Failed Predictions Or Political Detonators?

Date: 16/09/17  | Tor H Aase, The Geographical Journal of Nepal The so-called ‘Theory of Himalayan Environmental Degradation’ predicted an environmental collapse by the end of last millennium, threatening the…