Sydney No Carbon Tax Rally on April 9th

Carbon Tax = SCAM

I have a few minutes online at hotel WiFi, and I’m using this to pass on this info at the request of my friend, Mr. David Archibald of Perth, WA.

He will be speaking at this rally. I don’t have a dog in the fight since I’m not a citizen of Australia, but I’m happy to pass on the info for anyone who might want to attend.

The banner at right, while irritating to some, is certainly a lot tamer than some I’ve seen from the left posted at zombietime.



The next CATA organised ‘NO CARBON TAX RALLY will be held this Saturday 9th April, Blacktown Showgrounds, Richmond Rd, Blacktown. 12noon to 130pm. Small & Big Business Says No To Carbon Tax.

Everyone Welcome.

Keynote Speaker Barnaby Joyce.

See the website for further details: .

Our facebook site is: CATA – NO CARBON TAX RALLY

This is a link to Saturday’s rally:


Mr. Archibald asked me to post his speech also, in advance. While I don’t agree with some of the points, the speech is sure to stir up some response from both sides of the debate.

Sydney Rally 9th April David Archibald Speech

We can thank the global warmers for one thing.

Their claim that the sky is falling got people like me to investigate.

What I found was that global warming is exactly wrong.

Instead of warming, our planet is cooling as solar activity weakens.

The heating effect of carbon dioxide is minuscule.

It is lost in the noise of the climate system.

That is why the temperature of the planet today is exactly the same as it was thirty years ago.

On top of all that, the carbon dioxide level of the atmosphere is dangerously low.

All living things would be better off if we had more of it in the atmosphere.

You have not been told that before because the global warmers have corrupted all the institutions that are meant to serve us.

The CSIRO, the Bureau of Meteorology, the universities, have all sold their souls, and sold the Australian People down the river.

Those institutions we once respected are now venal and not to be trusted.

That leads me to a useful outcome from this debacle.

Politicians who believe in global warming are easily deluded fools.

Either they are easily deluded fools, or they are Australia-haters.

Because surely by now they would be aware of the economic damage the carbon tax would do to Australia.

Yet they persist, and this tax has come back from the dead.

So far, it has been people like you and me who have taken on the responsibility to protect Australia against the depredations of the carbon tax.

Our politicians are easily cowered, and a lot of them don’t seem to care even if they could tell the difference between right and wrong.

Our academics have met our lowest expectations of them.

Missing in action are the major companies who have the resources to sort right from wrong, and who should be working to protect their factories, their workers, their shareholders, their customers and the society they operate in.

The society that has trusted them with a role to provide for the common good.

But they do nothing, and have reneged on their side of the bargain with Australian society, when this madness would be so easy for them to stop, if only they would choose to do so.

Dante said that the darkest recesses of hell are reserved for those who remain neutral at a time of great moral crisis.

That time is now, and most of our major companies have condemned themselves to the darkest recesses by their inaction and silence.

The rest of them do worse than that, and actively connive against the Australian people.

On the 24th of March, the Prime Minister herself provided us with a list of the names of these companies.

These are companies who, instead of contributing to greater wealth for all, would rather feed on the shrunken carcass of an enfeebled Australian economy.

I will now read the Prime Minister’s list of conniving companies.

Origin Energy





Insurance Australia Group


These are the companies that wish ill on you and your children.

They would sell the Australian people into the slavery and oppression of the carbon tax so that they can get their own snouts deeper into the trough.

It is your patriotic duty to avoid these companies as much as you can.

Withhold the blessing of your custom.

If you need petrol, and it is a choice between Shell and some other brand, for Australia’s sake, choose the other brand.

If any of these companies don’t actually support the carbon tax, they have yet to make the effort to correct that misperception.

By their silence, they are complicit.

Make no mistake, the carbon tax they wish upon us will devastate the Australian economy.

This week, a minister of the Federal Government visited the steelworks in Port Kembla and cheerfully, tearlessly considered its closure.

This government is quite happy to sacrifice our greatest industrial enterprise on the altar of this bizarre cult of carbon.

These people are remorseless killers of whole industries, and whole communities.

Once industries like steel and cement are gone from our shores, no amount of wishing or hoping or endless tears will bring them back again.

Skills that have been passed down generations will be lost forever.

And in a few short years, Sydney will start having blackouts because nobody will build a new power station while the carbon tax stalks the land.

Beyond the economic damage, the carbon tax is putting Australia’s very existence at risk.

Our oil self-sufficiency is falling rapidly now.

It will be down to 25% by 2015.

We will be scrambling to buy oil to keep our farms and factories running.

We can’t do anything about the price of oil.

But we can make our own transport fuels from low grade coal.

And keep the money we pay for them in Australia.

The facilities we need to secure our fuel supply won’t be built while the carbon tax is alive.

To kill off that tax, and send the right signals to the animal spirits in the economy.

Federal Parliament needs to repeal the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act.

Because that act is the auditing basis of the carbon tax.

A politician is not fully enlightened on global warming unless he wants to repeal that act.

Only then will our nation have any hope of being secure and happy.

It was four hundred thousand emails, letters and phone calls which stopped the carbon tax in late 2009.

We need to resend those four hundred thousand emails, letters and phone calls.

But this time with a sharper edge.

Belief in global warming cannot be forgiven.

Australia’s standard of living, and our very existence, are at risk from this tax.

For the sake of our children, and grandchildren,

And for Australians as yet ungotten and unborn, we must do our utmost to stop this tax.

Lastly, as a scientist I have a duty to warn you, who have come here today to protect our country from harm, about what is happening to the Earth’s climate.

What is happening is that the world has entered a sharp cooling phase.

I expect growing conditions to shrink three hundred kilometres towards the equator by the end of the decade.

There will be a major reduction in agricultural productivity in the mid-latitudes.

For example, the Canadian wheat crop is likely to be wiped out.

Our Prime Minister spoke recently of the benefits of reading Bible stories.

The Bible story that all governments should be paying particular attention to is the one in Genesis about the seven years of fat followed by the seven years of lean.

Otherwise another Biblical character will make his appearance – the Third Horseman of the Apocalypse, Famine.

David Archibald

Sydney, 9th April 2011

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April 8, 2011 12:33 am

“Belief in global warming cannot be forgiven.”
I wouldn’t put it so bluntly, which sounds like something the warmist cult would say about “deniers.” Rather, perhaps something like “Belief in global warming, while understandable under the hysterical indoctrination and fearmongering by banks, energy conglomerates and the governments they have bought off, is ultimately not just wrong but ultimately a dangerous threat to both humanity and the planet.”

April 8, 2011 12:52 am

Interesting that the longer the climate debate goes on it sounds more and more like a bible belt fire and brimstone bible meeting, where belief trumps factual evidence every time.
Both sides look to their prophets to give them the answer, and the principles of good Popperian science get cast into the fiery pit – we’re all doomed!
Why can’t both sides agree they haven’t a clue about the future direction of climate and expend their mental energy on working out a scientific approach to find out???

April 8, 2011 1:16 am

Here are some other ‘conniving’ companies in the USA and UK.
National Power [uk]
Glorioil [set up by R. Pachauri]
and many more…………….

April 8, 2011 1:29 am

For the information of David and others interested in the Port Kembla meeting of steelworkers in New South Wales last Wednesday Greg Combet the Minister for Climate Change and the Australian Workers Union National Secretary Paul Howse were jeered and heckled. The local newspaper carried the following report:
These workers are facing loss of work and a reasonable standard of living as a consequence of a public policy that is built on the lie of a settled science. The anger and contempt ain the community is very strong against this threat to the regions employment base. Good luck with the meeting in Sydney.

Michael in Sydney
April 8, 2011 1:40 am

We need some passion like this from those not convinced by AGW. I’m not sure about the level of warming/cooling but I’m sure as sure that those who believe in AGW are ideologues as the evidence does not warrant the certainty they exhibit.

william gray
April 8, 2011 1:54 am

MMmm ‘grain futures’ anyone might be more profitable than carbon trading.
Anyway see yoall there. BTW my banners say ‘WANTED CLIMATE CHANGE DEBATE’, and ‘Carbon dioxide TAX on LIFE.’
Jonathon Lowe is a statastition and has determined Australian temps to have risen sharply from 2000 to 2005. This is his blog
Until we can sort out the mess with the High Quality Temp Data from CSIRO/BoM we are all still in lala land regards temps. Royal Commision NOWW.

Steve in SC
April 8, 2011 2:02 am

I rather like his speech.
Brief and to the point.

Chris Smith
April 8, 2011 2:14 am

“I don’t have a dog in the fight since I’m not a citizen of Australia”
We all have a dog in this fight. This is a global tax, global governance without representation. It is the wedge which is being pushed under the door. the more nations that fall, the easier it is for them to come after the others.

richard verney
April 8, 2011 2:17 am

Hope that everything is going well.
Whilst I don’t agree with everything being said, it is good to see that a march is being organised. Hopefully, large numbers wil turn out and that it well get some press (hopefully) TV coverage. Somehow, the politicians need to see that the people are not behind this scheme and are not willing to dig into their pockets to fund this loony greenish scare story, nor are they willing to take a drop in living standards, return to pre-industrial levels so as to avert a non existent danger.

Olaf Koenders, Wizard of Oz?
April 8, 2011 2:21 am

Maybe he should have mentioned we’ve been warming since the last deep ice age 20ky ago, where SUV’s were driven by cavemen and, that the Maunder Minimum from 1200-1800 was caused by the Sun, not witches. JooLIAR Dullard and her stoolies require immediate education from the people that keep them fat..

Olaf Koenders, Wizard of Oz?
April 8, 2011 2:29 am

What’s really needed at the rally are actual charts blown up and used as placards showing the truth about our climate, such as this one depicting temp rising before CO2:
And my fave – what caused all this warming JooLIAR..?:
Let’s see if news reporters train their cameras on them..

April 8, 2011 2:38 am

Mr Archibald,
Our politicians are easily “cowered” should read “cowed”.
Not sure that the low sun activity effect is proved yet, likewise futher cooling is unproved; both are only theories.
Claiming unproved ideas as facts detracts from the argument, in fact it is a warmist tactic.
But good luck with the rally.

Dr T G Watkins
April 8, 2011 2:45 am

Greatest respect for David Archibald. Somewhat melodramatic but maybe that’s needed to prevent suicidal economic policies based on incomplete if not faulty science.
I will be urging my two eldest children, who live in Sydney’s western suburbs, to attend the rally.

Joe Lalonde
April 8, 2011 2:53 am

For example, the Canadian wheat crop is likely to be wiped out.
Wow, last year most of the prairies where the wheat crop was suppose to be was underwater.

Johnny in NQ
April 8, 2011 2:57 am

I agree with this blog, that man made global warming is a load of bs, instigated and propogated by a great big rolling money machine feeding on common people’s fear. That we have done some rotten things to the planet is not in question, but we have largely addressed most of our worst trangressions, and continue to do so, with better technologies solving most of our nasty pollution problems.
We, (the mostly silent little people who like to be reliably informed,) have to speak out as and when we can about the lies and deciept we are told to absorb in the name of “settled science,” and “gaia.” And about the utter madness of carbon DIOXIDE taxes, trading schemes, whatever, that will eventually cripple our standard of living, for absolutely no gain whatsoever. (Except for the money houses and individuals associated with them who administer the schemes, and the party “scientists,” and the politicians, and Patchauri and Gore and etcetera. No weather gain, anyway.)
I have been listening to propoganda for years now about how the climate is going to tip over, because of what we are doing regarding “greenhouse emmissions.” I am an uneducated country boy, but I have internet access, and I can read. This site is one of my favorites, but I visit the “other side’s” as well. One of the things that p’s me off on the “other side’s” sites the most, is the specific predictions that are made about how bad it’s going to be for this agricultural area or that, for this species or that, for the ski season or the reef, whatever, there’s hundreds of them. All with “may,” or “could,” or some other qualifying phrase attached to them. It REALLY irks me. It is based on bs, and it is the height of fear mongering ignorance masquerading as “science.”
Mr Archibald, I wish I could be at that rally tomorrow, but I live in North Queeensland, and with all the NATURAL disasters we have had recently, I am having trouble making ends meet for my family, so trips around the countryside are out of the question at present. I wish you, and the rally,well, but could I ask you one thing?
In your speech, please PLEASE take out the references to predictions of cooling, of agricultural growing areas receding, of canadian wheat crops being wiped out. You may be right, but look at what is happening to the “other side,” with regards to their predictions. The rest of it is fine, and needs to be said, but countering one kind of catastrophe with another is kinda counterproductive, in my view, and we are slowly winning without it. And you can bet the grabs on the news will be about those things only, and you will be pidgeonholed as an extremist conspiracy theorist nutter by our severely left wing media. Please consider it anyway, and whatever you say, I hope it goes well for you, and the rally.
Kind regards,
Johnny in NQ
PS, For god’s sake, don’t get photograhed with a compromising sign behind you either. Does the common sense cause no good at all 🙂

John Marshall
April 8, 2011 3:00 am

Oldseadog states that cooling of the planet is only a theory. Wrong! Cooling is an observable fact so moves beyond theory.
What has not been proved or observed is warming caused by CO2. This is a product of model runs with corrupt input. Models DO NOT prove theory especially when the models do not conform to past climate. They have no hindsight and certainly no foresight.

April 8, 2011 3:08 am

I can’t get to this rally, but I helped elect the first ever conservative representative for our seat in Newcastle, just north of Sydney, in the recent NSW state election – which was in part a referendum on the carbon dioxide tax.
Also, my phone ring tone is Julia Gillard saying “There will be no Carbon Tax under the government I lead”.

April 8, 2011 3:36 am

John Marshall,
Present cooling may be observable but a future Ice Age is still only a postulation and will probably remain so until it happens (or not as the case may be).

April 8, 2011 3:40 am

I attended the first Sydney rally and I will also be attending this one. While David’s words may seem a bit extreme, it should be remembered that the politicians that spoke at the first rally were too spineless to comment on the science. It needs to be said and said loud, that the “science” behind the proposed tax is post normal pseudo science. My sign for this rally reads “Save science, end carbon dioxide fraud.” because I truly believe that the globally warming hoax threatens one of the foundations of modern society. Whatever may be said about David’s speech, at least he is not stooping as low as Kevin “travesty” Tremberth and asking for the reversal of the null hypothesis.

April 8, 2011 3:44 am

Brett Mc_S,
I like it!

Steve C
April 8, 2011 3:49 am

I do like Archibald’s sh*tk*ck*ng style – the man is obviously a troublemaker. I wish we had a few like him in Britain, to speak truth to power.

April 8, 2011 3:55 am

I wonder if it will be as bad as that rally Tony Abbott attended?
That one just made conservatives look bad.

April 8, 2011 4:03 am

I’ve been a keen observer of solar cycles ever since I attended the Newcastle appearance by Anthony and David. I notice the current projection for SC24 by NOAA is for a max about 30% higher than David forecast in early 2010. He did comment that better telescopes nowadays do see more sunspots so keeping that in mind his prediction may well be right. He bases the cooling prediction on the similarity with SC5. Should it be followed by another weak cycle similar to SC6 then another Dalton Minimum could be expected with the very cold conditions which pertained at that time. Time will tell and if David is proved right the AGW scam will be finally laid to rest if it can’t be interred sooner.
I agree that cooling predictions may be construed as just as fanciful as the warmers frying but we have had a very mild summer and for most a very wet one. Neither was forecast by our warmist scientific organisations although they now gleefully claim such abberations as signs of climate change. Well, whoopy duck. Just the same UAH and ARGO both show a lack of warming when that wasn’t part of the script either. Concentrate on the facts and the failed predictions.

John Gorter
April 8, 2011 4:11 am

Hit ’em hard David.
Ciao from warm and sunny Milano
John Gorter

April 8, 2011 4:35 am

About 2,000 years ago the Romans planted wine in England, while the Chinese invented chrome to protect their crossbow bolts from corrosion.
About 800 years ago the people in Denmark planted wine as well, while in Japan culture bloomed in the Heian period.
Now, wine needs a rather warm climate to grow. I guess those Romans and Danes had some special… I don’t know… CO2 creating machine that made some global warming? Or something? Today, the “wine-border” is somewhere in the middle of Germany. North of that you can’t plant wine because it’s simply too cold.
Or maybe… it was just because it goes in cycles? It gets warmer, it gets colder, it gets warmer, it gets colder. It has always been like this and it will go like this until our sun dies.
Historically, when have cultures bloomed? In warming or cooling periodes? The answer is simple: always in warming periodes. Always.
So yeah, I take global warming over global cooling. Seriously.

April 8, 2011 4:38 am

For us In Australia, the battle is just beginning. Carbon dioxide taxing is the agenda, that has nothing to do with science, therefore this is all about politics and power, and the power is always with the voter. If any of us are concerned enough to be spending our valuable time here and on other blogs trying to make sense of the corruption of climate science, to understand how a few have made such nonsense of the science and others have fallen in blindly banging the same drum or merely lead by the nose. It is pointless playing ping pong games batting science theories back and forwards in the hope that we might just reinstate science to its former pre-eminent place by the force of reasoned and polite argument in the halls of academia. That just won’t happen, we need to get out in the streets and show our support, to add our voices and drive home to those who arrogantly think they can continue to manipulate the media and efectively hide behind their false walls of academic association and avoid their culpability, to maybe think again, and think like scientists without agenda.
There is a lot of voter anger against the carbon dioxide taxing agenda in Australia, we need to harness that anger into a solid opposition, and then you will see true climate change as the warmist believers jump ship.
Crude yes, but go for it David, speak to the man in the street, he needs to hear the sceptical scientists for himself, as he won’t hear it from the biased media. They, (the voters) have the gut feeling its a crock, but they want you, to tell its like it is, and time other scientists spoke up like you.
The ordinary man in the street is the person with the power to change this whole corrupt cabal, to preserve jobs, his family circumstances and reign in costs, and build not destroy the economic wealth of Australia, so we have the ability to really do things to alleviate poverty and environmental issues for the betterment of the world and the future generations, that will thank us for taking issue for the sake of science.
Strong words, but it needs to be SAID!

David L. Hagen
April 8, 2011 5:40 am

Endorse Archibald’s call to focus on Peak Oil, not catestrophic global warming.
The critical issue is the impending rapid decline of available light oil EXPORTS to support transport.
See Brown et al. Peak Oil Versus Peak Net Exports–Which Should We Be More Concerned About?
2010 ASPO-USA conference.
Our economy will decline in proportion to reductions in available transport fuel – until alternatives can be brought on line. We are severely behind on developing alternative fuels in sufficient quantities to replace the impending rapid decline in oil exports. See:
Robert L. Hirsch, The Impending World Energy Mess

April 8, 2011 6:19 am

They’re wasting their time parading in Sydney – they need to organise a Commonwealth-wide (It is after all the Commonwealth of Australia) occupation of that lalaland they call the ACT. That’s where the Greens and the politicians stitch everyone up!

April 8, 2011 6:56 am

The banner at right, while irritating to some, is certainly a lot tamer than some I’ve seen from the left posted at zombietime.

What banner? What are you talking about?

ferd berple
April 8, 2011 7:15 am

“We all have a dog in this fight. This is a global tax, global governance without representation. It is the wedge which is being pushed under the door. the more nations that fall, the easier it is for them to come after the others.”
When the Nazis came for the communists, I remained silent; I was not a communist.
When they locked up the social democrats, I remained silent; I was not a social democrat.
When they came for the trade unionists, I did not speak out; I was not a trade unionist.
When they came for the Jews, I remained silent; I wasn’t a Jew.
When they came for me, there was no one left to speak out.

Quis custoddiet ipos custodes
April 8, 2011 7:47 am

The head of Exxon could be added to the list of companies that PREFER a carbon tax over a cap and trade system to mitigate the perceived pollutant- CO2. It would be interesting to know if the companies noted in support for the tax plan are only supporting it compared to a cap and trade plan………………… A separate question would have to be asked to see if they agree with the presumption of CO2 being a pollutant.

kadaka (KD Knoebel)
April 8, 2011 8:16 am

I don’t have a dog in the fight…
I keep waiting for the day when PETA demands we stop using that phrase as “cruel and demeaning” due to the dog fighting reference.
Such effort will then be cheerfully met by referencing another example of animal fighting and will spawn generations of humor, intentional and otherwise: “I don’t have a cock in this fight.”

April 8, 2011 8:19 am

I’m a bit conflicted over this. It would be very good for the US economy to have other countries destroy their economies in this way. I would prefer we succeed rather than have them fail, but the outcome is the same. And if they’re stupid enough to do this to themselves, is my support for repeal even going to help? And it’s not like our economy can even win in a fair fight, today.
The above is said with tongue firmly in cheek to make a point. The protesters have my full support! Save your economy from a multi-pronged effort to crush it – the jackals of the world are already circling your dying economy.

Greg Holmes
April 8, 2011 8:44 am

I speak to people all the time regarding AGW. I find the ones who believe, are too idle to check the facts. It was ever thus I am afraid and I will keep banging the drum for people to use the old grey matter that god has given to them.
Long live WUWT.

April 8, 2011 8:48 am

literalist that I am, I see this headline and think, “how come there’s no rally this Saturday?”

April 8, 2011 8:49 am

NASA announced that 2008 & 2009 were MINIMUM SOLAR YEARS
Worde Ice shelf March 1986*
Larsen A Ice shelf January 1995*
Larsen B Ice shelf February 2002*
Jones Ice Shelf 2008*
Wilkins Ice shelf March 2008
If the Ice shelves are disintegrating during WINTER, it is not SUN or CO2.
“The Climate is changing” said JAY LAWRIMORE, Chief of Climate Analysing at
the National Climate Data Center in Asheville, N.C. “Extreme events
are occuring with greater frequency and in many cases with greater
Climate Change is due to the following:-
1. Mushrooming of Sea water desalination systems in the Middle East:
Discharging of desalination & Cleaning chemicals & Concentrated
brine into Oceans & Seas.
2. Artificial Island developments in the Arabian Gulf since 1985: dredging,
drilling, dynamiting & excavation of sea floor shifted Magnesium
Chloride, Sulfur & Sodium Chloride
3. The geographic position of the Arabian Gulf is peculiar to other Oceans & Seas.
Ocean circulations bringing it to Arctic & Antarctic Oceans during Monsoon
seasons along with hot water of the Middle East.
Those who are having the Oceans water Analysis since 1980 will WIN the
Climate WAR.
Concentrated 7,100 p.p.m. of Magnesium Chloride & 31,000
p.p.m. of Sodium Chloride are detected in the Arabian Gulf. These are
De-icing agents which are helping to disintegrates the Arctic &
Antarctic Iceshelves. International Desalination Association (IDA) is
investigating about it.
If we enforce strict Environmental regulations, recover MgCl3 and NaCl3 at
Straight of Hormosa and Straight of Gibraltar and recover those at
closed eddies of Baffin Bay & Green Land Sea we can correct the climate.
Sea ice & Ice shelves in Arctic & Antarctic are Natural Air Conditioners of
MOTHER EARTH. When more ice in both Poles, the third Pole, as Scientists
described, Himalayas will have abundance of ice and Snow & Bolivia
will have more Glaciers & water.
Book releasing soon in USA ” Environmental Rapes & H. R. abuses Lead
to Climate Change Control”.
(Full color 450 pages) by Raveendran Narayanan also visit:
“Raveendran Narayanan” “Climate Change” – Google Search
Raveendran Narayanan, U.S.A.
E- mail :

April 8, 2011 10:00 am

On the one hand, Anthony says he doesn’t have a dog in this fight (excused because personal plate is very full right now)….
….on the other hand, there’s David saying the science is flawed and weathermen can’t predict the future – while predicting the coming of the next ice age AGAIN
nope, I don’t see anything screwy going on here – carry on

Charles Higley
April 8, 2011 11:38 am

Governments love the carbon tax. How often do they have a chance to create whole new revenue streams with which they can fund all of their pet projects and enrich their friends. Who are we to resist having our money taken in taxes that they admit will really do little or nothing related to the excuse for the tax?
The tax is a form of wealth redistribution but it is wealth from the many going to a few (political friends).
Companies have largely not weighed in against the carbon tax because they have probably been threatened and/or coerced by the government to go along and avoid the wrath of the government. This is not how governments are supposed to behave, but politicians nowadays appear willing to do anything to achieve their goals.

April 8, 2011 12:07 pm

Johnny in NQ says: April 8, 2011 at 2:57 am
[I agree with this blog, that man made global warming is a load of bs, instigated and propogated by a great big rolling money machine feeding on common people’s fear.—–
In your speech, please PLEASE take out the references to predictions of cooling, of agricultural growing areas receding, of canadian wheat crops being wiped out.—– You may be right, but look at what is happening to the “other side,” with regards to their predictions. Please consider it anyway, and whatever you say, I hope it goes well for you, and the rally.]
Johnny in NQ. I agree with you. No need to descend to the warmista’s level.

April 8, 2011 12:19 pm

KenB says: April 8, 2011 at 4:38 am
For us In Australia, the battle is just beginning. Carbon dioxide taxing is the agenda, that has nothing to do with science, therefore this is all about politics and power, and the power is always with the voter.—-, we need to get out in the streets and show our support, to add our voices and drive home to those who arrogantly think they can continue to manipulate the media and efectively hide behind their false walls of academic association and avoid their culpability, to maybe think again, and think like scientists without agenda.
There is a lot of voter anger against the carbon dioxide taxing agenda in Australia, we need to harness that anger into a solid opposition, and then you will see true climate change as the warmist believers jump ship.
Crude yes, but go for it David, speak to the man in the street, he needs to hear the sceptical scientists for himself, as he won’t hear it from the biased media. They, (the voters) have the gut feeling its a crock, but they want you, to tell its like it is, and time other scientists spoke up like you.——-
The ordinary man in the street is the person with the power to change this whole corrupt cabal, to preserve jobs——
Strong words, but it needs to be SAID!
KenB – verily thou speakest a mouthful – so true KenB – that is the ONLY way to turn this around.
Aussie Aussie Ausie- Oi! Oi! Oi! Go get em!
Douglas (in N.Z.)

Janice Baker
April 8, 2011 1:29 pm

Toronto’s National Post printed today comments made by David Evans (a self-proclaimed convert from AGW to skepticism) at a similar rally on March 23 in Perth. It is, IMHO, somewhat simplistic, but nonetheless a good summary of some of the main problems with AGW. It is fittingly titled “Climate models go cold” and is worth a read. Readers can usually find articles from the Financial Post section of the Natinal Post on line.

David Archibald
April 8, 2011 2:06 pm

oldseadog says:
April 8, 2011 at 2:38 am
Well spotted sir, with thanks.
On the cooling, I had good news last weekend. A European professor emailed me to see that he is putting out a paper, with the assistance of a statistician, crediting me with the discovery of the use of Friis-Christensen and Lassen theory to predict future temperatures. Whant the methodology is saying about the next ten years is a 1.5 degree decline for northern Europe, 2.0 degrees C for the US-Canadian border. The cooling is coming.

April 8, 2011 2:40 pm

Pelicanman says:
… perhaps something like “Belief in global warming, while understandable under the hysterical indoctrination and fearmongering by banks, energy conglomerates and the governments they have bought off, is ultimately not just wrong but ultimately a dangerous threat to both humanity and the planet.”
That doesn’t work as a sound bite.

April 8, 2011 3:18 pm

David I don’t care that a Prof thinks there will be cooling within 10 years or whatever.
He may be right he may be wrong or temps may flatline over that period, but remember we only have 10 years to wait to find the answer and that’s not a long time.
But please remove the reference to Canada etc, you’ll just be branded as looney and possibly destroy the hard work of the people organising the rally and you could suck the life out of future rallys to be held elsewhere in other states.

R. de Haan
April 8, 2011 5:48 pm

By Adolfo Giurfa
“Wheresoever there is CO2 around, there is cold around: From dried ice to baking soda and soda beverages.
Mix ammonium bicarbonate with baking soda, add some water and you´ll see it.
The real issue is: One thing is chemistry, another politics and bribery…..”
Posting in response to an article “CO2 cools damp air”

April 8, 2011 8:57 pm

“………National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act. ”
The Stasi would be proud of this.
Coming soon , strap on breath meters.
I understand there are 700 eco bureaucrats set up in Canberra ready to go.
Stand up and stop the rot.

Gillian Lord
April 8, 2011 10:28 pm

Congratulations, David! That was fine.
I don’t know why Tony Abbott gets the blame for unfortunate placards at demonstrations. On the radio I heard the man who made and carried the placard which caused the most concern, and he said he was lucky, there was a parting in the crowd and he had the opportunity to slip in behind Tony Abbott just as he started speaking.

April 9, 2011 12:42 am

Here’s a graph of temperature of the earth, which seems to contradict the statement that the temperature of the earth is the same as it was 30 years ago:

Werner Brozek
April 9, 2011 7:55 am

“South African says:
April 9, 2011 at 12:42 am
Here’s a graph of temperature of the earth, which seems to contradict the statement that the temperature of the earth is the same as it was 30 years ago:”
He may have been talking about the following.
See the graph at and compare the February, 2011 value with those from 30 years ago:

April 9, 2011 9:20 am

IPCC’s Prof. Richard Lindzen says no environmental benefit for carbon tax 6/April/11

Professor Richard Lindzen interviewed by Chris Smith on 2GB 873AM

April 9, 2011 9:59 am

Governments are like a cell. As long as they are healthy no problem, but when they get out of control they turn into a cancer that the people have to cut out of their body before it will kill them.
start cutting David

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