Quote of the Week, down under edition

Many Australians are celebrating the win of Tony Abbott and his coalition government as a vote by the populace against the much hated Carbon Tax ramrodded by former prime minister…

The Carbon Tax starts down under

On July 1st, the much hated Carbon Tax was implemented in Australia. Given that PM Gillard made a promise for no Carbon Tax on video at the beginning of her…

Eco-rout down under: 'A mini-van will have more seats than the Labour party in the new parliament.'

Australians come to their senses – March 24th will be remembered as the day they collectively said “we’re tired of this sh**” Commenter “truthseeker” writes in comments: ============================================================ Anthony, You…

Letter to the editor: Carbon Lies

Letter to the Editor Watts Up With That? 11th March 2012 The Australian government’s plan to sell their un-saleable carbon tax has hit a snag – their pollsters have discovered…

Green Chaos Down Under – Battle Over Climate Policy May Bring Down Aussie Government

Newsbytes from Dr. Benny Peiser of The GWPF Kevin Rudd has declared he will challenge Australia’s prime minister Julia Gillard as leader of the Labor party on Monday, saying he…

Australia's Carbon tax's poisonous pill

Story submitted by Richard Abbott At the last Australian federal election the incumbent government lead by prime minister Julia Gillard’s Labor party stood with a “no carbon tax policy”. To…

Give this lady an Order of Australia medal

The death spiral of PM Julia Gillard and the Labor Party in Australia continues, and it has been pretty much a sealed fate thanks to one nameless woman in gift…

Quote of the week – Australian gassing edition

Friends, prepare yourselves for this stunning collection of logic, green thinking, and simple unvarnished, outright hatred. Should we be thinking about getting ourselves off to secure locations in light of…

Australia! Say YES – to an election on carbon tax

Guest post by Ruth Bonnett In late 2010, I wrote about how bad science can give rise to bad policy.  My Christmas message to farmers in Australia and around the…

Australia's carbon tax losing public opinion big time

It seems Australians are waking up to the folly of a carbon tax. I’m sure Mr. Flannery’s quote of the millenium helped bunches. However the sheer pig-headedness of PM Julia…

Listen up, "deniers"! Your Internet use is destroying the planet

Personally, I’ve always thought that the key to an advanced and open society was freedom of information. Apparently too much freedom for certain labeled groups of people is going to…

ABC news asks: Is the phrase "climate change denier" offensive?

  If you were to ask Joe Romm, Jim Hansen, Bill McKibben, Al Gore, and some of the other hard core angry people who use this word daily, they’d probably…

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