Do you care what ISIS thinks about Global Warming?


Guest essay by Eric Worrall

The question might seem insane – but in a recent Fox News interview, a Democrat supporter expressed an interest, in finding out what ISIS thinks about global warming.

Original Source:

Its easy to write the guy in the video off as just being an idiot, but the reality is more complex. Consider that prominent politicians like President Obama have frequently insisted that Global Warming is a greater threat than terrorism.

Imagine just for a moment that you believed those assurances.

From this perspective, wouldn’t it just maybe make sense to try to reach out to bloodthirsty Islamic terrorists, to try to find common ground, in the greater struggle to contain what you believed was an existential threat to the entire world?

I don’t know what ISIS thinks about Global Warming, but terrorist leader Osama Bin Laden certainly saw the potential of exploiting global warming fears. Towards the end of his career, Bin Laden tried to reach out to climate activists, to invite them to join his global jihad.

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Krudd Gillard of the Commondebt of Australia
July 31, 2016 7:43 pm

Osama and Obama: each trying to make the other his “useful idiot”

Reply to  Krudd Gillard of the Commondebt of Australia
July 31, 2016 7:46 pm

Problem in this world is that useful idiots are being misled by useless idiots.
World Stupidity Quotient is ant an all time high.
Or I am just getting too old and too wise for it.

Reply to  Leo Smith
July 31, 2016 9:37 pm

It has always been pretty much the same, it’s just that the people they want to keep in serfdom can now get on the internet so they have to create bigger and better mechanisms for lying to them.

Reply to  Leo Smith
August 1, 2016 3:00 am

I always wondered how the large empires of the past could just disintegrate but now I can see. When most are just concerned with where the next meal is coming from it fully occupies them and that is all they do.
When they get to the point where everything “just happens” and you have a privileged population that have nothing serious to worry about they go out and find stuff. The devil makes work etc.
When problems do arise they find that there are not enough people capable of surviving without help so the system crashes.

Gerry, England
Reply to  Leo Smith
August 1, 2016 4:22 am

On the internet point I would disagree. The internet provides an unrivalled resource to find out if you are being lied to. If you need proof, look where you are now. A blog that provides knowledge far beyond the legacy media, from pontificating politicians, and even pontificating pontiffs. From here you can learn that there is no settled science and no consensus.
In the UK the referendum campaign was one of the most stupid ever since neither side knew what they were talking about. The Remain campaign spewed out lies and got the establishment to lie for them and even now they are still trying to pretend that their lies are coming true. Vote Leave had no understanding of the workings of the EU and critically had no exit plan in the event of winning the vote. Now we are suffering a period of intense stupidity in the absence of a plan. In the blog world however, intelligent debate could be found where the so-called amateurs demonstrated their far superior knowledge of the EU and how to leave. While it is true that anyone can set up a page and wikipedia is a dubious source, at least you can look around to find cross references.

Reply to  Leo Smith
August 1, 2016 4:52 am

Two major problems are 1) near-lightspeed transmission of stupid, but appealing, ideas to people eager to be seen as virtuous, and 2) the complicity, attention-seeking and often outright incompetence of “news” agencies which are supposed to inform, not proselytize and function as PR organizations.

Reply to  Leo Smith
August 1, 2016 6:20 am

Gerry, England- What makes you think the Leave campaign needs a Gummint plan anymore than Henry Ford was planning a motor industry? In that regard did those deciding to join the EU Common Market years ago ever plan for the Brussels behemoth Brits endure now? Just believe in evolution, or devolution in this case as well as the intrepid nature of free individuals and unleashed entrepreneurial spirit. After all it’s how that little island of shopkeepers and sailors took on the world and ruled it in the first place and they’re still risking life and limb to get a slice of it. Snap out of it man.

Reply to  Leo Smith
August 1, 2016 6:55 am

I’ve been saying, “Peak Stupidity!” for awhile now.

John F. Hultquist
Reply to  Leo Smith
August 1, 2016 9:14 am

At Gerry, England 4:22 am
legacy media
While I have seen this phrase, I did not realize how well it suits the situation. Many folks use Main Stream Media (MSM) but that suggest such are highly regarded. Once popular magazines are gone or nearly so and newspaper print numbers have dropped:
For the UK>
And a different sort of examination (value) from the U. S.:
declining value

Barbara Skolaut
Reply to  Leo Smith
August 1, 2016 11:13 am

“I’ve been saying, “Peak Stupidity!” for awhile now.”
Unfortunately, Goldrider, there’s so such thing. Stupidity is infinite. >:-(

Mark Luhman
July 31, 2016 7:44 pm

As Ron White put is “you can’t fix stupid” God help us, can we even begin to recover from over fifty years of leftist control our education system.

Reply to  Mark Luhman
July 31, 2016 7:47 pm

The West is probably dead of its own liberal ideals

Reply to  Mark Luhman
July 31, 2016 8:55 pm

“Against stupidity the very gods
Themselves contend in vain.”
– Friedrich Schiller

Robert of Ottawa
Reply to  Richard
August 1, 2016 2:32 am

I like that, I’ll go read some more Schiller

Steamboat McGoo
Reply to  Mark Luhman
August 1, 2016 1:03 am

“Beauty is only skin deep,
But Stupid goes all the way to the bone.

Janice Moore
July 31, 2016 7:44 pm

ISIS is simply something to be exterminated.

Reply to  Janice Moore
July 31, 2016 8:28 pm

spot on.

Reply to  Janice Moore
July 31, 2016 8:47 pm

Well, we know some things about how they were created.
The disbanding of Saddam’s army coupled with the widespread rape and torture of Iraqi citizens held without charge in detention centres like Abu Ghraib throughout iraq, followed by insufficient legal avenue for justice afterwards.
How would you go about exterminating them?
I think that recent history shows us that the most important desiderata are the elimination of civilian casualties and respect for the rule of law.
Unless you’ve got the resources and will for a really long hard haul, it might be the better part of valour to let them settle for a couple of decades, rather than further fuel their recruitment.
Further bombings or a few years of invasion and retreat will, I suspect, do more harm than good.

Reply to  Seth
July 31, 2016 9:16 pm

Well, we know some things about how your mind is seriously twisted Too !

Reply to  Seth
July 31, 2016 9:29 pm

“Well, we know some things about how they were created.
The disbanding of Saddam’s army coupled with the widespread rape and torture of Iraqi citizens held without charge in detention centres like Abu Ghraib throughout iraq, followed by insufficient legal avenue for justice afterwards.”
How exactly do you (and whomever those all you claim to be speaking for) know they are mostly ruthless mercenaries recruited/paid by interested parties to attack/destabilize Syria? Is there some magical force operating in the region that would automatically eliminate that potential?

Reply to  Seth
July 31, 2016 9:30 pm

Sorry, I meant to say *How exactly do you (and whomever those all you claim to be speaking for) know they are NOT mostly ruthless mercenaries recruited/paid by interested parties to attack/destabilize Syria?*

This Jim G, not the other Jim G.
Reply to  Seth
July 31, 2016 10:36 pm

Sorry, but this (the destruction of Israel, destruction of the USA) has been a meme of many in the Middle East since before the 70’s (which goes back as far as I can personally remember). However, if you read the history of the Marine Corp Hymn (…to the shores of Tripoli) you will understand that ISIS is not something new under the sun. Also read about the advancement of the Ottoman Empire. How would you stop an army that is bent on conquest?

Reply to  Seth
July 31, 2016 10:42 pm

How exactly do you (and whomever those all you claim to be speaking for) know they are mostly ruthless mercenaries recruited/paid by interested parties to attack/destabilize Syria?

They may well be. But they are also ex-Iraq army, at the upper echelons of the military:
How Saddam’s men help Islamic State rule
The hidden hand behind the Islamic State militants? Saddam Hussein’s.
Saddam-era veterans account for ISIS battlefield victories, dominate group’s top command – report
Saddam’s former army is the secret to ISIS success.
ISIS Essentially Ruled by Former Saddam Hussein Army Officers: Report
Saddam’s Former Loyalists Are Leading ISIS — as True Believers
And the injustices of the ruthless occupation of Iraq seen as being recruited and paid by interested parties to attack/destabilize Iraq, can only benefit their recruitment.

Reply to  Seth
July 31, 2016 10:44 pm

However, if you read the history of the Marine Corp Hymn (…to the shores of Tripoli) you will understand that ISIS is not something new under the sun.

New or not, the military leadership are from Saddam’s army.

Reply to  Seth
July 31, 2016 11:12 pm

“New or not, the military leadership are from Saddam’s army.”
Says you (and possibly the “all” you like to speak for ; ) and surely some TV talking heads that no one with a lick of sense trusts anymore, apparently, but one is hesitant to believe that such persons could not be recruited/paid to attack/destabilize Syria, which just so happened to be in the “up next” slot on the endless war list of the neocon/liberal regime change campaigners, who essentially dominate the establishment gangs of both major P-Parties in the US, as far as I can tell.
It takes lots of money and arms/ammo and vehicles and supplies and so on, to “create” something like ISIS, not just hard feelings regarding harsh treatment of some people in prisons . . that sounds like SJW BS to me. I there any chance to your mind that there’s more to it than those hard feelings?

Reply to  Seth
August 1, 2016 2:32 am

“Radioactive parking lot” comes to mind.
Never use a tacking hammer on a job that requires a sledgehammer.

Reply to  Seth
August 1, 2016 4:16 am

This Jim G, not the other Jim G. says: July 31, 2016 at 10:36 pm
… How would you stop an army that is bent on conquest?

That’s relatively easy. An actual army is supported by an infrastructure. Deprive the army of its support. Right now, ISIS is having trouble supporting itself. link
Because it can’t afford to pay its fighters, ISIS is telling its potential soldiers to create trouble in their own countries with whatever resources they can muster. As we have seen lately, there are a few crazy people willing to die as terrorists.
Protecting against terrorists is harder than fighting armies. Its a bit like fighting mosquitos. I can make sure that I am never bitten but that’s more nuisance than it’s worth. It’s much better to take the simple precautions and put up with the fact that the occasional mosquito might make it over the fence.

Reply to  Seth
August 1, 2016 6:56 am

It really is fascinating the why trolls believe whatever their masters tell them to believe.

Brooks Hurd
Reply to  Seth
August 1, 2016 8:35 am

Your basic assumptions are that this conflict is regional, new, and caused by the US. Since the goals of IS are to establish a global caliphate, this is a global rather than a regional conflict. Violent jihad has been one of the pillars of Islam for 14 Centuries. Consequently, this conflict’s roots preceded the formation of the United States, Iraq and as well as IS by more than 1,100 years.

Reply to  Seth
August 1, 2016 6:02 pm

Your basic assumptions are that this conflict is regional, new, and caused by the US.

I think that the recent increase in recruitment capacity, the military expertise and military equipment is new and cause in great part by the “coalition of the willing”.

Since the goals of IS are to establish a global caliphate, this is a global rather than a regional conflict.

Most of the damage is being done in Iraq and Syria. It may grow later, but that is immaterial to the cause of the rise in power sufficient to take land.
(And to be fair, the second I and S in ISIS is “Iraq and Syria”, so they might not be as global in their vision as you claim)..

Violent jihad has been one of the pillars of Islam for 14 Centuries.

It gets an increase after bombings and the torture and rape of detainees. They seemed to be fairly well equipped and funded for a while after the USA “lost track” of $9,000,0000,000 of their taxpayer’s money there.

Consequently, this conflict’s roots preceded the formation of the United States, Iraq and as well as IS by more than 1,100 years.

Ongoing conflicts simmer in years of peace, but I don’t think that it’s necessary to address greivances all the way back to the first crusade. Iraq and Syria were places you could live (Kurds excepted) prior to about 2003, which is only 14 years ago. We only need to get it back to how it was then. (Politically … There’s a metric shedload of infrastructure to fix).

Reply to  Seth
August 2, 2016 10:04 am

@ commiebob
You wrote: “…. It’s much better to take the simple precautions and put up with the fact that the occasional mosquito might make it over the fence.”
So…….. are you saying it would not be productive to attempt to control the mosquitoes at their source before they arrive at your hypothetical fence? Would you also suggest that it would be better to just open the fence and let any and all mosquitoes in and hope they don’t bite?

Reply to  Seth
August 2, 2016 3:20 pm

eyesonu says: August 2, 2016 at 10:04 am
… are you saying it would not be productive to attempt to control the mosquitoes at their source before they arrive at your hypothetical fence?

Absolutely. How would you feel if I came onto your property in search of standing water that might enable mosquitoes to breed?

Reply to  Seth
August 2, 2016 5:53 pm

“They may well be [ruthless mercenaries etc]. But they are also ex-Iraq army, at the upper echelons of the military:”
I get that, and would be surprised if that local “resource” were not tapped by those interested in regime change in Syria and so on, but my “bitch” is about the idea that we are mostly speaking about some sort of emotional reaction to things like the (to my mind despicable) brutality perpetrated at Abu Garib . . This to me “smells” like the con that was attempted regarding what happened in Benghazi, with hurt feelings about a low budget movie. That con was “supported” by a whole lot of big time media outlets, but it was still a con.
I don’t believe we are watching upset people acting out, I believe we are watching criminally insane people recruited/financed by “elite” criminally insane people who want to rule the world, essentially. (that’s pretty much a universal trait among criminally insane people, I think ; )
Organized crime type stuff, I mean, and the organizers employing whatever and whoever they can, as criminally insane people are want to do. “Radical Islamist” tough guys ? Sure. Out of work Iraqi “security forces” tough guys? Sure. Tough guys (and gals ; ) infesting American and European politics? Sure. Lapdog media outlets for hire? Sure. Ruthless military/pysops strategists, arms dealers, human traffickers, etc, etc? Sure sure sure sure, etc ; )
Propaganda proliferators/agents in social media to keep the “elite” criminally insane folks out of the public’s consideration? . . Sure ; )

Nigel S
Reply to  Janice Moore
August 1, 2016 2:13 am

One problem with that analysis is their lack of success whilst working for Saddam.
A local reminder of the ‘shores of Tripoli’ days ‘enslaved by the Moors for 17 months’ (then ransomed).

DC Cowboy
Reply to  Nigel S
August 1, 2016 3:47 am

During their heyday the ‘Pirates of Tripoli’ (who were not pirates, but slave traders) raided the coasts of Europe as far north as Ireland and sold off over 3 million Europeans into slavery.

Janice Moore
Reply to  Janice Moore
August 1, 2016 8:11 am

How would you go about exterminating them?

At every opportunity with whatever means we have.
If one of them pulled out his machete on my front lawn, a double-barreled shotgun would do nicely.
That a goal is difficult does not make it impossible.
The reasons for why there is a need to achieve that goal are irrelevant.
What’s done is done. Let’s roll.

John Harmsworth
Reply to  Janice Moore
August 1, 2016 10:37 am

Seth is completely right and the only fix is development, education and rule of law. Saddam was an @ho!e but
Irag was stable before Bush and Blair destroyed the country. Blowing up more innocent people (bombs can’t tell the difference) won’t “fix” anything. It would create millions more enemies.

Reply to  Janice Moore
August 1, 2016 5:55 pm

… John Harmsworth, do you remember that little country called Kuwait ????

Reply to  Janice Moore
August 1, 2016 10:14 pm

US had destabilized area by committing atrocities?
The only way Saddam managed to make Iran stable was by committing atrocities that would far exceed anything US had done by many orders of magnitude.
Killing and torturing countless innocent people is exactly how Saddam had kept the country stable.
There is zero logic in what you or Seth are saying.

Reply to  Janice Moore
August 2, 2016 4:48 am

Janice Moore:

ISIS is simply something to be exterminated.

I think that we should have left the middle east alone and left it to the Arabs. Western Civilization is not compatible with Islam as it exists today. Europe is committing suicide trying to prove me wrong on that statement, but they are not doing a good job of it so far.
The USA wants to import millions of legal and illegal immigrants, provide them with welfare and free everything, and have them vote Democratic Party. I predict this is not going to go well for the Empire. (I think history tells us Rome ran afoul of similar issues)
It is sad that the SECULAR states in the middle east who were keeping a lid on Islam have been destroyed. When the Ba’athist party of Iraq was defeated by the US invasion, Christians and other non-Islamic religions were no longer protected by the secular Ba’athists. Now their ideology is not ‘static’ and so they are moving closer to an alliance with ISIS today. It just keeps getting better don’t it?
The middle east is a mess, but the US needs to leave it alone. Let Saudi take in the refugees. Bring all troops home. How much money do we need to waste over their? How many soldiers must die or be crippled? How many innocent civilians need to be destroyed?
Just declare victory and come home. It worked in Vietnam.

John Robertson
July 31, 2016 8:07 pm

Me thinks you are granting Obama Bin Lying far too much credit.
Based on his actions, Climate Change is just another “Progressive Meme.
Ala Alynski.

Komrade Kuma
July 31, 2016 8:23 pm

The imbecile in the interview reminds me of an old school buddy who I ran into at university one lunchtime in our freshman year ( i.e. in about 1972 or 3) talking similar empty headed drivel to a group of girls. Now we had gone to an all guys school so I put it down to him trying to get laid and at that age all was fair in lust and bar fights. Now I look at the imbecile in the interview and fear that old buddy of mine would probably have similar curiosities.
The weed and the LSD have acted like a fish eye lense on the brains of so many of that (my) generation where common sense, rationality and objectivity, i.e. the signatures of the enlightenment, are diminished into the fringes of one’s world view and what’s in the leftard alarmist media is magnified and helps from this bizarre, distorted central feature in their belief system.
Either that or their was some female ( or male for that matter) off camera who he would like to have over for a tumble and was trying to impress with his Obama like air of ‘sophistication’.

Reply to  Komrade Kuma
August 1, 2016 2:37 am

I have always been bemused by this so called linkage between use of psychedelics and the crazed hippie think of the environmental Left.
Reality is, as we all know, for people who can’t handle drugs. Leftism is for peole who cant even handle reality.
I do admit that opening the doors of perception in order to abandon outmoded ways of thinking may occasionally engender even more dysfunctional ways of thinking, but that is a risk we all take.
Most of te heavy trippers of my generation are either completely A-political or somewhere to the right of Ghengis Khan.,
Just because the Left tried to take over flower power and bend it to its ends, doesn’t mean that those of us who were actually there, considered them to be more than charlatans.

Mike Jowsey
Reply to  Leo Smith
August 1, 2016 3:43 am

Leo, +1 from me. The causation-effect obfuscation over prior recreational drug use and political view is unhelpful and shows cantankerous disregard for the independent thinker.

Reply to  Leo Smith
August 1, 2016 4:13 pm

Well said!

Reply to  Komrade Kuma
August 1, 2016 6:52 am

Well his thinking might have been a little off because of his age, but these newbies at a Bieber concert who couldn’t identify recent president’s pix in interviews by Fox’s Watter’s World obviously either didn’t take/wasn’t offered or flunked American History. Probably also points out one result of social media dragging down knowledge level,

July 31, 2016 8:30 pm

No, not at all. ISIS needs to be extinguished.

Reply to  John
August 1, 2016 12:02 pm

“I mean the profit of fossil fuel companies is clearly more important than the overall economy. How else are politicians to get donations?”
The oil companies has been one of the few bright lights in creating jobs in the last 7 years and have prevented the Administration from creating a recession.despite their efforts to kill oil along with coal.
Seth, it is union dues, green energy bundlers, and wall street that are giving donations, and you know that . This where Hillary may loose since she is throwing the coal Miners under the bus with her obsession with climate change ,

July 31, 2016 8:30 pm

i don’t know about ISIS but i do know about “vulnerable” “least developed countries (LDC)” and “small island states (SIDS)”. their view of global warming is that it is a wonderful opportunity to milk the rich countries who appear desperate to get milked. so they are “on board” the climate bandwagon. to get isis on board all we have to do is to declare them vulnerable and offer billions in adaptation aid.

Reply to  chaamjamal
July 31, 2016 9:03 pm

all we have to do is to declare them vulnerable and offer billions in adaptation aid.

Yeah, how dare they be vulnerable to climate change?
And obviously we’re not going to do mitigation, because that would increase growth in the economy:
Between 2009 and 2013, the RGGI states cut their carbon pollution by 18 percent while their collective economies grew by 9.2 percent. Carbon pollution in the other 41 states fell by just 4 percent while their collective economies maintained 8.8 percent growth over the same time period.
I mean the profit of fossil fuel companies is clearly more important than the overall economy. How else are politicians to get donations?

Reply to  Seth
July 31, 2016 9:24 pm

Please try not be such an idiot, I don’t like seeing people making asses of themselves.

Reply to  Seth
July 31, 2016 9:26 pm

” Between 2005 and 2014, the U.S. economy grew by 13 percent “….You actually think 1.3% economic growth per year is good ?? LOL

Reply to  Seth
July 31, 2016 10:36 pm

Carbon “pollution” does not exist except as particulates in the form of soot. Other than that, there is no such thing as “carbon pollution”. If you are referring to carbon dioxide, which is called “carbon” only by the scientifically illiterate, it is NOT a pollutant, but an essential ingredient in photosynthesis.

Reply to  Seth
July 31, 2016 11:39 pm

Other than that, there is no such thing as “carbon pollution”.

Let me google that for you: “Carbon Pollution”
About 459,000 results (0.46 seconds)
Perhaps the phrase has reached the lexicon after all?

it is NOT a pollutant, but an essential ingredient in photosynthesis.

Being a pollutant is NOT about taking part in photosynthesis or not. There are many things that aren’t pollutants that don’t take part in photosynthesis … Nitrogen, Helium or Silicon Dioxide for instance.
And there are things that do take part in photosynthesis that are pollutants in sufficient concentrations. For instance Arsenic and Carbon Dioxide.
A pollutant is a substance or energy introduced into the environment that has undesired effects, or adversely affects the usefulness of a resource.
This is not related to photosynthesis.

Reply to  Seth
August 1, 2016 12:51 am

And yet there you are Seth, breathing out 100 times the atmospheric amount of this pollutant, ..
to go with all the other scientific pollution and idiocy you spread on this forum.

Reply to  Seth
August 1, 2016 1:38 am

I see it now. ISIS is like the Fremen in Dune, and the evil fossil fuel companies are like all the evil companies in so many movies, e.g. aliens or blade runner.

Reply to  Seth
August 1, 2016 1:48 am

Seth, up to 1000 ppmv CO2 are put into greenhouses, as they increase growth of many plants. There is zero proof that the current and foreseeable future emissions of CO2 will do harm to anything or anybody, to the contrary: the earth is greening, specifically in the (semi)deserts, thanks to CO2…
All the rest is hype from failed climate models, which don’t even follow the current temperatures, let it be the temperatures of 2050 or 2100…
There is nothing against looking for cheap alternatives for fossile fuels, but the current “alternatives” are neither cheap or fuel conserving…

DC Cowboy
Reply to  Seth
August 1, 2016 4:00 am

As Don Perry puts it, ‘Carbon’ as an individual component does not exist in the atmosphere outside of small particulate matter and is properly referred to as ‘pollution’. However, I don’t think that is what you are referring to. The fact that the media has picked it up as a meme (to make ‘climate change & CO2 scarier) and it has entered the lexicon does not make it accurate. The fact that all the world’s leaders and most of it’s people celebrated Jan 1, 2000 as the first day of the new millennium doesn’t make it accurate either.
CO2 can’t be referred to as ‘Pollution’ as an accurate descriptor, if it was then Nitrogen is also a ‘pollutant’

DC Cowboy
Reply to  Seth
August 1, 2016 4:04 am

I’d add that, by your definition, Oxygen is more of a ‘pollutant’ than CO2. Certainly Oxygen meets all the requirements of your definition and anyone who has observed a forest fire can attest to the ‘undesirable effect’ of Oxygen.

Reply to  Seth
August 1, 2016 5:01 am

Let me google that for you: “Bigfoot Exists”
About 422,000 results (0.46 seconds)
Perhaps the phrase has reached the lexicon after all?

John Harmsworth
Reply to  Seth
August 1, 2016 10:52 am

In logic, this is an argument of “post hoc ergo propter hoc”, and recognized as false. One event following on another does not make causation. Silicon Valley or Boston may have knowledge economies that are insensitive to carbon policies but some places farm or make steel. Only University miseducated people who’ve never had dirty hands can believe that the whole world can design chips (but not make them) and write programs.

Reply to  Seth
August 1, 2016 12:08 pm

Where do you believe the ecoloonatic energy collectors (like solar panels, converters…) are manufactured?
Not in California. Not with “clean” energy.

Reply to  chaamjamal
August 1, 2016 3:22 am

Yup Andy, Seth breathes out 40000ppm of CO2, and when he hyperventilates (which may be often) he has to breathe into a bad to increase “pollution” intake lol
His home is 700 to 1000+ ppm of pollution CO2.
I guess the ISS crew have a legal case against NASA for several thousand ppm in the ISS and every submariner ever can sue the US NAVY too

Reply to  chaamjamal
August 1, 2016 4:19 am

Jamal you nailed it, are you the author of two recent papers I read on the UN and activism disguised as development assistance?

Dr. Strangelove
July 31, 2016 8:36 pm

[snip waaayy off topic -mod]

Reply to  Dr. Strangelove
July 31, 2016 9:00 pm

@ Dr, Srangelove. No wonder I don’t like Rap, although I thought that one was on point! It’s amazing how the media just screws us over.

Reply to  Dr. Strangelove
August 1, 2016 3:18 am

There is several pieces of footage where Obama calls Michelle “Michael”, even on Bear Grylls lol

Reply to  Dr. Strangelove
August 1, 2016 3:19 am

Freudian slip ROFL

Paul Westhaver
July 31, 2016 8:50 pm

Here is the photograph based upon which Rick McKee made his cartoon noted above.
I wonder what these men were thinking?comment image

Reply to  Paul Westhaver
July 31, 2016 9:10 pm

Paul, I cannot imagine. may they Rest In Peace.

Reply to  asybot
July 31, 2016 10:40 pm

No. May their spirits rise from the grave to haunt the minds and hearts of their murderers. I would say “consciences”, but the black-clothed barbarians have not conscience.

Reply to  Paul Westhaver
July 31, 2016 9:12 pm

oh, they were hoping seth would save them with talking points about the evils of economical energy.

Reply to  Paul Westhaver
July 31, 2016 9:43 pm

Face it, any religion that gets its “appeal” by brutal force doesn’t represent any supreme being worth following. These executioners destroy their own religion and demonstrate it with absolute cowardice. May they rot in hell forever.

Mike Jowsey
Reply to  RockyRoad
August 1, 2016 4:01 am

“any religion that gets its “appeal” by brutal force doesn’t represent any supreme being worth following”
Crusaders, KKK, Conquistadors, etc….. All Christian-based ideologies.
“May they rot in hell forever.” Hell only exists in the minds of (some of) the religious.
While the picture above stirs the gut of everyone of any intelligence, your hypocrisy, Rocky Road, is laid bare by your own words.
Religion poisons everything, no matter where you were born or what privilege you enjoy.

Tom Halla
Reply to  Mike Jowsey
August 1, 2016 11:37 am

OMG! A millitant atheist, using a name I do not recognize as a usual participant. The problem is that people tend to make a quasi-religion of any strong belief system, whether greens or communists, the latter formally atheist. The problem is the behavior of people, not just the rationale they hang on that behavior.

Reply to  RockyRoad
August 1, 2016 3:48 pm

Mike Jowsey wrote: “Crusaders, KKK, Conquistadors, etc….. All Christian-based ideologies.”
The KKK was American Democrat-Party-based.
The difference between Christian atrocities and Muslim atrocities, is the leader of Christianity, Christ, rebuked violence and never called on his followers to murder innocent people just because they didn’t believe the way Christ believed. Christ said to “Turn the other cheek” if someone slapped you, not do them violence.
The Muslim leader preached and practiced the murder of innocents. And his followers do to this day. Can you imagine Mohammed telling his followers to “Turn the other cheek”?
Christianity is a religion of peace, if you follow its leader’s directions; and Islam is a religion of violence and murder, if you follow its leader’s directions.
A very stark contrast.

Reply to  RockyRoad
August 2, 2016 12:38 am

@TA, you say –
“Christianity is a religion of peace, if you follow its leader’s directions;”
Jesus said to follow the torah teachings (Matt. 5:17).
now read the teachings –
Bible violence toward Women –
Raping Mutilation & Killing (Isaiah 13:15-16) (Hosea 13:16)
Pedophilia (Judges 21:11-12) (Numbers 31:18)
Mutilation of women (Deuteronomy 25:11-12)
Women are sinful & wicked (Eccles. 25:13) (Eccles. 25:22)
Women to be subservient to men (I Timothy 2:11-14) (Ephesians 5:22-24)
Let your women keep silence (I Corinthians 14:34-35)
Bible violence toward all non-believers –
(Deuteronomy 13:6-16) (Deuteronomy 17:3-5)( Numbers 31)
(Luke 19:27) (Matthew 10:34)
Christians, HATE Muslims & Jews.
Muslims, HATE Jews & Christians.
Jews, HATE Christians & Muslims.
They all have two things in common –
– the same god (of Abraham)
– & HATE.
Deeply held beliefs seem to generate HATE, look how the Warmists act towards skeptics.

Paul Westhaver
Reply to  RockyRoad
August 2, 2016 10:09 am

Just to keep the record balanced…
Atheist Leaders of the 20th century, withing the memory of living people today, murdered 262,000,000 of their own people in acts of democide by an enlightened fascists and totalitarians, all socialists.
Yes the enlightened socialist enablers of mass murder carp about religion all the time such to attempt to disarm the public so they have no moral authority to complain about socialism’s industrial scale megamurder.
Green ATHEIST socialists haven’t a leg to stand on. They have taken mass murder to and incomprehensible level. ATHEISM is just another word for murder-by-the-millions.
Yup. I’ll take ancient and antiquated criticism of Christianity compared with Modern, industrial, videotaped, murder by atheist socialists any day.

Reply to  RockyRoad
August 2, 2016 5:55 pm

1saveenergy August 2, 2016 at 12:38 am: “@TA, you say –
“Christianity is a religion of peace, if you follow its leader’s directions;”
Jesus said to follow the torah teachings (Matt. 5:17).”
Christians follow the New Testament, not the Torah.
As for Christians being full of HATE, I think you are seeing it through your own prism of emotion.
Obama could bring every Christian Syrian refugee he could find here to the U.S. and I would be perfectly fine with it. I would have no qualms about inviting Syrian Christians into the U.S.
I can’t say that for the Syrian Muslims. I don’t know which of them to trust. Some of them may want to murder me because I don’t believe what they believe. A Christian wouldn’t do that to me, no matter what I believed.

Paul Westhaver
Reply to  RockyRoad
August 3, 2016 11:31 am

The final word from the Roman Catholic priest in France who’s throat was slit during Mass by muslim terrorists was:
…Rev. Jacques Hamel said to his murderers as he tried to push them away with his feet.
“Go away, Satan!” the 86-year-old cleric commanded before the assailants slit his throat at the altar of his parish.

July 31, 2016 9:12 pm

The US Secretary of Ketchup can not be gone soon enough.
He was an embarrassment to the voters of Massachusetts when he was their senator. He is an even bigger embarrassment as the US Top diplomat.
Kerry threw his Vietnam War military decorations over the WH fence in protest. He seems to have forgot it was Dumbocrats JFK and LBJ that got the US in that mess.

Retired Kit P
Reply to  Joel O’Bryan
July 31, 2016 11:22 pm

Still miss George Bush.

Reply to  Retired Kit P
August 1, 2016 12:20 am

Yeah, we should invade another country, and leave while the displaced army grows ISIS further.
That way we could roll our eyes at people concerned about climate change instead of ISIS even more.

Reply to  Retired Kit P
August 1, 2016 3:32 am

My Lord I wish American presidents really think about the people at war-zone before they start a war. For some others, I don’t expect it to happen.
And for frackings sake, I really, really want that European countries double their military budget before a new Tank Curtain (which can be seen in Ukraine) starts rolling west.

Reply to  Retired Kit P
August 1, 2016 4:05 am

The American public are also victims of this war mongering. The media are a massive problem.
Every time the US mil lost an APC of good men, Halliburton cheered, because they get to sell another to the gov. Cheney is Halliburton so he cheered too, he got Halliburton a no bid contract

DC Cowboy
Reply to  Retired Kit P
August 1, 2016 4:06 am

“we should invade another country, and leave while the displaced army grows ISIS further.”
You mean like Libya?

Reply to  Retired Kit P
August 1, 2016 7:36 am

The no bid contracts came from Bill Clinton they just continued when he left. Think they might have contributed to the Clinton Foundation?
Get the story straight.
Also the ExxonMobil merger which formed the largest public owned Oil Company occurred under the Clinton Administration which is now hated by the illogical left as their elites have the largest carbon footprint of any including the President.

Reply to  Retired Kit P
August 1, 2016 4:17 pm

Seth wrote: “Yeah, we should invade another country, and leave while the displaced army grows ISIS further.”
No, that’s the last thing we should do. Pullout prematurely, I mean. If we don’t do “Nation Building/Stabilization” after the war is over, then we should expect anarchy to rein. That’s the natural outcome of a leaderless society. Someone has to provide the leadership or there is going to be trouble.
The problem in Iraq wasn’t the invasion and deposing of Saddam. Things finally settled down by 2008, and Iraq’s future was looking good, with very little violence ongoing. There was not one carbomb attack in Baghdad from 2008 until 2011. Bush had run the precursors of ISIS: Al Qaeda in Iraq, out of Iraq and into Syria in 2008, where it was reported that their numbers had been reduced to under 100.
Then along came the pacifist, President Obama, who pulled all U.S. ground combat troops out of Iraq in 2011 (the first carbomb in Baghdad occured about three weeks later), and basically wrote Iraq off. Obama did not want to cultivate Iraq as an ally, he just wanted out, and the Iraqi people knew it and had no faith in Obama.
This weakness shown by Obama emboldened the Islamic Terror Army, and the Iraqis knew Obama no longer had their back, so the Iraqi army ran away, and left ISIS with a treasure trove of money and military equipment, and Obama did nothing about it and is still doing nothing about it, and will not do anything about it. All he wants to do is wash his hands of it.
The Iraq war was a Bush success story turned into a nightmare as a result of Obama’s bungling of the war. Instead of a good, solid, peaceful ally in Iraq, right in the heart of the Middle East, we now have chaos over the entire region of the Middle East and North Africa which is spilling over into Europe.
All because of a clueless President Obama.
Obama screws things up and then other pacifists say “See, going into Iraq was a bad idea.” No, the bad idea was putting Barack Obama in charge.

Barry Sheridan
Reply to  Joel O’Bryan
August 1, 2016 12:12 am

Joel, the initial commitment was under President Eisenhower, though it was small, about 800 advisors. The expansion to 25,000 came under JFK, although of course the real commitment was made by LBJ.
That said, it is fair to acknowledge the overall situation at the time with all the worries about communist advance, prompted expanded and sustained the intervention. The really odd thing was the total failure to fight to win, it was a waste of American, Vietnamese, Cambodian and Loatian life.

Reply to  Barry Sheridan
August 1, 2016 4:09 am

Winning is not the desired outcome mate, ongoing war is. The “fighting communism” in Cambodia and Laos was and is complete nonsense, it was about preferred regime, not communism, any popular uprising against a preferred regime was called communism lol
Here is a 1 minute vid of what the US airforce did to Laos, each dot that appears is a bombing! while the media raged about watergate
This is truly astounding

Reply to  Barry Sheridan
August 1, 2016 4:11 am

and who made those bombs? and who loaned the gov money to pay for them?
The Vietnam war rules of engagement of the US mil were designed to drag out the conflict, if one examines them. Fact

Reply to  Barry Sheridan
August 1, 2016 4:13 am

On Laos, 1 billion cluster munitions were dropped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Patrick MJD
Reply to  Barry Sheridan
August 1, 2016 5:11 am

“Mark – Helsinki August 1, 2016 at 4:09 am”
Apparently during that time some 280 MILLION bombs were dropped and some 30% never exploded. The most bombed place on earth! 80 MILLION unexploded bombs still to find.
[??? .mod]

Patrick MJD
Reply to  Barry Sheridan
August 1, 2016 5:15 am

“Mark – Helsinki August 1, 2016 at 4:13 am”
Yes, the cluster bombs would expand on that number, “bombies” I think they were called. About he size of a tennis ball, a “skin” of a couple of hundred ball bearings, with an explosive core.

Patrick MJD
Reply to  Barry Sheridan
August 1, 2016 6:31 am

“Patrick MJD August 1, 2016 at 5:11 am
Apparently during that time some 280 MILLION bombs were dropped and some 30% never exploded. The most bombed place on earth! 80 MILLION unexploded bombs still to find.
[??? .mod]”
I have no links…but those are the figures estimated by the US. Thats a lot of UXB devices.

Reply to  Barry Sheridan
August 1, 2016 6:57 am

The stupidity in that war was that all the invasion and most of the bombing was done to our own side; should have returned the favor and gone into North Vietnam; worried about the Chinese, then shouldn’t have been there in the first place.

Reply to  Barry Sheridan
August 1, 2016 4:29 pm

“The really odd thing was the total failure to fight to win, it was a waste of American, Vietnamese, Cambodian and Loatian life.”
The U.S. military won the military war in South Vietnam. Just ask the Supreme Commader of the North Vietnamese Army, General Giap. He publicly admitted the U.S. won all the battles. He also said that didn’t matter because the North Vietnamese had the American anti-war Left and the Amercan anti-war Leftwing News Media on his side. General Giap was exactly right. The U.S. military won the war, and the American Leftwing threw it all away like it was nothing.
The problem was, just like in Iraq, the U.S. military defeated the enemy, and then Leftwing, anti-war, pacifist Democrats gained power and turned their backs on both countries, which caused both to descend into chaos.

Reply to  Joel O’Bryan
August 1, 2016 3:14 am

I’ve done extensive research on war over the years. With Vietnam the same banks lending to the US gov were also funding the arms factories in Russia that were arming the VC.
The money-go-round that is war
Bankers back both sides in almost every war

John Harmsworth
Reply to  Mark - Helsinki
August 1, 2016 11:09 am

The Laotians must have been delighted to be saved from Communism. Perhaps, if some Laotians went to that broken shell of a country called Iraq they could explain to them how lucky they are.

Reply to  Mark - Helsinki
August 13, 2016 1:50 am

I am always reminded of this SF story by William Tenn – the liberation of earth
The earth has been “liberated” by different alien species, each leaving it in worse condition and finally ….
Yes, even as we do now did we do then, telling the same tale, running the same frantic race across miles of unendurable heat for food and water; fighting the same savage battles with the giant rabbits for each other’s carrion—and always, ever and always, sucking desperately at the precious air, which leaves our world in greater quantities with every mad twist of its orbit.
Naked, hungry, and thirsty came we into the world, and naked, hungry, and thirsty do we scamper our lives out upon it, under the huge and never-changing sun.
The same tale it is, and the same traditional ending it has as that I had from my father and his father before him. Suck air, grab clusters, and hear the last holy observation of our history: “Looking about us, we can say with pardonable pride that we have been about as thoroughly liberated as it is possible for a race and a planet to be!”

Reply to  Joel O’Bryan
August 1, 2016 3:54 pm

“Kerry threw his Vietnam War military decorations over the WH fence in protest.”
Just to show you how dishonest John Kerry is, the medals he threw were not his, but another person’s. Kerry kept his medals safely at home.

July 31, 2016 9:39 pm

The cartoon is perfect. Does Paul Ehrlich think that accepting this barbarity just one of those “difficult decisions” we just must accept to reduce the world population to the target 3 billion?

Reply to  fossilsage
August 1, 2016 3:15 am

Ted Turner Gates and co think 500 million not 3 billion :p

Retired Kit P
July 31, 2016 11:18 pm

‘as just being an idiot’
These are Eric’s words for those who think using such words are not nice.
As matter of disclosure my son in a technician for a the nightly major market Fox Affiliate. Before a smaller NBC station.
The people you see on camera are not rocket scientists.
Could it be that their are clever folks with no agenda who know how to get rating by inciting the base at Fox News and CNN?

Reply to  Eric Worrall
August 1, 2016 4:35 am

Here take this puppy and some playdo, and these plastic pants just in case :p

Patrick MJD
Reply to  Eric Worrall
August 1, 2016 5:18 am

Time for you guys to give it a rest.

Reply to  Retired Kit P
August 1, 2016 4:15 am

It’s a fact that there are government agents at all the major networks who vet certain news.
Also a fact the CIA recruit reporters and journalists, actors and so on.

Reply to  Retired Kit P
August 1, 2016 4:17 am

Heck directors work directly with the CIA now for movies. Ton Hanks has appeared in several propaganda pieces, Hollywood is part of the war machine

Reply to  Mark - Helsinki
August 1, 2016 11:12 am

Hollywood has ALWAYS been part of the war machine. Nothing new under the sun with that one.
As for the CIA hiring actors….if you are insinuating a false flag scenario then you are way off topic.

July 31, 2016 11:38 pm

It sounded to me like the guy is holding off on condemning ISIS until he knows what their ideology is when it comes to environmental concerns like global warming. In other words, if they believe like he does that global warming is bad, they must be good guys in his book no matter what else they do. These leftists consider the environment to be a greater concern than terrorism and mass murder. That’s why John Kerry didn’t think twice about expressing his opinion that the use of air conditioning is just as great a threat as ISIS.

Reply to  Louis
August 1, 2016 1:11 am

Yep, that was pretty much my take on it as well.

July 31, 2016 11:52 pm

This is exactly the kind of muddle-headed feeble-minded political correctness which God-willing Trump will brush aside to prepare a nation for a rather darker and harder future than the pampered lives of the now passing baby-boomers experienced post-war. Post war has become pre war.

Robert from oz
August 1, 2016 1:28 am

Message to Seth , margarine , butter , beer and the list is endless can all be pollutants if introduced into the environment but you will have a hard time convincing most people that a river of beer is bad .
[A river of good beer is bad, if the mods need to wash clothes in it.
A river of pure, clean, cold water is bad, if the mods wish to drink beer. .mod]

Reply to  Robert from oz
August 1, 2016 4:27 am

and a river of beer requires a lake of third world water to make it

Patrick MJD
Reply to  Mark - Helsinki
August 1, 2016 5:17 am

Beer was the only safe liquid to drink at one time.

Reply to  Mark - Helsinki
August 1, 2016 7:30 am

and wine, Roman wine was a lot better than Roman water

August 1, 2016 1:36 am

Don’t care what they think about much of anything that does not have to do with helping us exterminate them before they attack or to defend against their attacks if preemptive action is not possible.

Berényi Péter
August 1, 2016 2:53 am

I do not know about the Islamic State’s stance on climate, but here is an extremely moderate paper from Norway.
Climate Change and Global Warming: An Islamic Perspective
Ebraima Kebba Saidy Imam
Daru Salaam Islamic Centre and
Member: Imam Committee – Islamic Council of Norway

In a nutshell: “Justice, including climate justice brings peace which is the very essence of Islam.”
It must be the same with mass beheadings, rape &. enslavement, as well as gaining immense wealth by selling copious amount of other people’s crude oil on the global market.
It is nothing, but doing justice and justice surely brings peace which is the very essence of Islam.
That’s how those perverted bastards rationalize their crimes away.

Reply to  Berényi Péter
August 1, 2016 3:11 am

Given they were extracting refining and selling oil, and burning anything they could, I think it is pretty clear they don’t give two hoots about climate change lol

Berényi Péter
Reply to  Mark - Helsinki
August 1, 2016 3:23 am

They may still be great fans of climate justice. No need to be consistent, you can always behead those fiddling about logic.

Reply to  Mark - Helsinki
August 1, 2016 3:23 am

Why would any sane person think that an organization which uses drug money to help fund it’s operations gives a hoot about AGW?

Reply to  Mark - Helsinki
August 1, 2016 4:25 am

Berényi Péter
Ever hear of research? because the Islamic Relief fund is a partner with the United Nations Economic and Social Council

Reply to  Mark - Helsinki
August 1, 2016 4:26 am

August 1, 2016 at 3:23 am
Why would any sane person think that an organization which uses drug money to help fund it’s operations gives a hoot about AGW?
Source of that info? They are connected to the UN hence the “climate change” nonsesnse

Reply to  Berényi Péter
August 1, 2016 6:00 am

August 1, 2016 at 3:23 am
Why would any sane person think that an organization which uses drug money to help fund it’s operations gives a hoot about AGW?
Source of that info? They are connected to the UN hence the “climate change” nonsesnse
It would be hard to find a terrorist organization on this planet that does not deal in drugs on one way or another. In the part of the world we’re talking about he who controls the yield from the Poppy fields controls a great deal of the wealth in the region. Clandestine communications and the cellular structure used by terrorists are ready made for drug trafficking. Drug trafficking is a whole lot easier than kidnapping and ransoming rich people to gain funds which is the second most common illegal activity that terrorists use for self funding.
Plenty more out there if your willing to look.

Reply to  RAH
August 1, 2016 6:30 pm

RAH August 1, 2016 at 6:00 am
August 1, 2016 at 3:23 am
Why would any sane person think that an organization which uses drug money to help fund it’s operations gives a hoot about AGW?
Thanks for the links RAH
The Role of Drug Trafficking and Money Laundering in Fighting ISIS
Drug money doesn’t JUST fund them.. but is also tactical…destroying the lives and brains of those who become addicted and enslaved.
It also sets up being able to control those who are addicted. We have a very serious drug epidemic in this country.
Where on this continent is the money taken laundered? Down the street at the local peaceful, law abiding mosque, through an addicted emom or at a presumed law abiding home? You don’t need many in the know to pull it off.

August 1, 2016 3:09 am

“Bin Laden reached out to climate activists” < That will keep me laughing for the rest of the day thanks 😀

August 1, 2016 3:17 am

In the wake of a priest getting his throat cut by Islamic maniacs less than a week ago, I think the selection of that cartoon with all of the victims wearing crosses is inappropriate. Please take it down.

Reply to  Pointman
August 1, 2016 3:53 am

whoa. triggered! please go to your safe corner.

Reply to  gnomish
August 1, 2016 3:55 am

I respect those who distinguish between radical Islam and Islam. There is a world of difference

Janice Moore
Reply to  gnomish
August 1, 2016 8:00 am

Helsinki — You respect what you do not understand. The tenets of fundamental, basic, Islam are utterly ev1l and violent toward women, other groups, and to all non-believers. Your ignorance of Islam is all that supports your smug distinction-without-a-difference.
Read the Koran and the Ijtihad teachings interpreting it. You obviously haven’t (no matter what you claim).

Reply to  gnomish
August 1, 2016 8:24 am

I respect those who distinguish between radical Islam and Islam
No, you respect those who distinguish between those who practice orthodox Islam…and don’t
There’s no such thing as radical Islam
…you’ve been fed a line of BS and you bought it

Reply to  Pointman
August 1, 2016 4:01 am

Gnomish and Helsinki, I’m so happy we’re not on the same side.

Reply to  Pointman
August 1, 2016 4:29 am

Same side of what my good man?

Reply to  Pointman
August 1, 2016 5:27 am


Reply to  Pointman
August 1, 2016 7:29 am

Ok, when you make sense, call me 😀 until then…

Reply to  Pointman
August 1, 2016 8:32 am

Mark, like most people, I’ve always been an admirer of you. Across the whole world, there are few individuals who make as much sense as you. I’m afeared you might be unique. I consider myself fortunate to have tripped over an intellect like you.
I know you don’t ordinarily string together more than a noun clause (commonly called a gerund BTW), or God forbid more than two sentences, but have you ever considered going for a full paragraph?
I think you’re just teasing us, Gowon, go for the full paragraph.
Have some Wagner while you think it over.


Janice Moore
Reply to  Pointman
August 1, 2016 8:02 am

Mr. Worrall’s choice of cartoon was perfect.

Reply to  Janice Moore
August 1, 2016 8:47 am

Peut-être que vous devriez demander au Père Jacques Hamel?

Reply to  Janice Moore
August 1, 2016 5:41 pm

avec des gens comme pointman pour le défendre père hamel n’a pas besoin de chercher des ennemis

Reply to  Janice Moore
August 1, 2016 6:18 pm

Imbécile. Even in French, sentences begin with a big letter. If you’re going to use auto translate to murder the language, at least try to use it intelligently.

Reply to  Janice Moore
August 1, 2016 7:32 pm

i just read a horror novel about a hunchbrain who masquerades as an english teacher to murder language – called The Gerunding.

Reply to  Janice Moore
August 1, 2016 8:50 pm

now go back, sit in the corner and stridulate

August 1, 2016 3:50 am

I agree with Seth, wow 😀 Kidding.
This is an area I have expertise in. Actual expertise. This area of history has been my addiction for a long time.
Iraq’s problems started when Britain went in an forced Sunni and Shia together in newly drawn borders, the infighting is the perfect rule strategy, Britain did it in Nigeria, promoting one tribe over another, buying the chieftains to manage their peoples. Anywhere you look where Britain drew borders and forced incompatible ideologies and religions together has led to 100 years of conflict, Iraq Palestine, Nigeria and Ireland
So they put Saddam in power, armed him, sold him weapons, gave him gas. After Iran deposed the scumbag Kermit Roosevelt put in power in 1953, by the 70s, Saddam was pointed at Iran, 1 million Iranians died, the very chemical weapons our govs gave him were used. The gas Saddam used on the Kurds was sold to him by Germany of all countries! This is why in the ICC, he was only charged for 129 murders, not the several thousand so as to keep Germany out of the case.
(Iran in 1953 elected a man dubbed “the chance for peace in the Middle east” and the CIA and US administration and no doubt Anglo alliance ran a coup, and replaced him with scumbag that was rotting in an Iranian prison, a self confessed admirer of the Nazi party. It took 20 years and many murdered Iranians to remove this scumbag, and then Saddam came in!)
Iran has not invaded another nation since the 1700s.
Yes Iran meddles and backs people in that region just as Britain backed partisans in Europe and Greece, Germany called such partisans terrorists too, so tell me how it is any different given retired US military often say “we not only negotiate with terrorists but we back them if they are in line with what we want”
Saddam, as a matter of official record consulted with the US administration before invading Kuwait, yet no one knows this really! There was NO objection!
The testimony that led to NATO intervention was false, the “nurse” was in fact the daughter to the Kuwaiti ambassador to the US, trained to act by a US acting agency. These are well established facts.
Then there was a also a call for Iraqis to rise up, many did, and NATO pulled out and left them to Saddam.
George Bush jr was planning 9\11 during his first election campaign, it had nothing to do with terrorism and everything to do with destroying and replacing massive amounts of weapons by Halliburton and co. The US administration is a revolving door for gov and corps, a cursory glance at who and what makes this patently clear. It has been monetised.
After Saddam was taken out a David Steele, Cheney’s death squad man from south America ops led Baathist torture squads and reported directly to Cheney, whole families were strung up with electrical cables and tortured with US military personnel in the same building though the death squads were made of ex Saddam military. This I seem from footage on a Finnish documentary you wont see in the US.
Then the puppet government, another sectarian corrupt mess, Iraq post Saddam never had a military even in 2012, it was nothing but a collection of militias. The media and gov lie, they had no military.
Essentially our own states have bombed regime changed, couped and pillaged that region for the last 100 years and for some reason people actually believe this has nothing to do with Islamic extremism even though the CIA, as per declassified documents, were funding such schools of thought since the late 70s.
Take Afghanistan, in the mid 70s Kabul was thriving, there was no “taliban” just a collection of different rag tag groups (as ISIL was in Syria pre 2011) Women wore no veils, went to university ect.
Kabul 1970s
The CIA, as even reported by CNN in the 70s, Zbigniew Brzezinski (Obama’s mentor) was heading up arming and organizing a force to draw the Russians into Afghanistan, a plan which ultimately started the end of the soviet Union. A war they could ill afford.
This set of actions destroyed Afghanistan. Yes our secret “states” did that, and then left the remains to rot.
If one reads declassified documents and reads the likes of Foreign, this is all easily put together.
The history you think you know, is a complete lie
This is just one snippet of the skulduggery we got up to in the ME< a quantum of the whole truth.

Reply to  Mark - Helsinki
August 1, 2016 7:05 am

“Iraq’s problems started when Britain went in an forced Sunni and Shia together in newly drawn borders,”
And Kurds, one problem with modern globalists is the “melting pot”. If one bothers to actually look there is no such thing, except around the fringes. People of similar beliefs/interests tend to group together and others not so much and conflict becomes easy with the differences.

Reply to  Mark - Helsinki
August 1, 2016 4:41 pm

That’s one heck of a conspiracy theory you have developed about recent wars there, Mark. So many manipulators, so little time.

Reply to  Mark - Helsinki
August 1, 2016 9:45 pm

“Iraq’s problems started when Britain went in an forced Sunni and Shia together in newly drawn borders”
So you are essentially saying that multiculturalism leads to chaos and destruction of the State.
Thanks for the warning.

August 1, 2016 3:54 am

Wow I went way OT there sorry folks, I hate false history, I feel compelled to correct, it’s a sickness with me 😀

Reply to  Mark - Helsinki
August 1, 2016 4:43 pm

I don’t think you corrected anything, you just created more confusion, with your conspiracy theories.

Reply to  TA
August 1, 2016 4:52 pm

I would agree, Mark should give it a rest. What he’s written is ….out there…way out there.

August 1, 2016 4:00 am

The ME has always been embroiled in conflict primarily because there is less arable land and water resources. Then Anglo nations pillage bomb destroy and regime change and support barbarous monarchies and dictators on top of that. How else does one expect things to turn out.
All that has literally recruited for Islamic extremism, and the media, wow, has been giving ISIS more advertising than they could ever have hoped for!

Reply to  Mark - Helsinki
August 1, 2016 4:44 pm

I don’t suppose Mohammed’s teaching have anything to do with the Islamic violence. Right? It’s just those evil corporations and warmongers who are at fault. Right?

August 1, 2016 4:01 am

Does anyone really believe NATO let ISIS have an oil operation with Turkey and Israel for 2 years because of “environmental damage”?
lol surely not

Reply to  Mark - Helsinki
August 1, 2016 4:47 pm

“Does anyone really believe NATO let ISIS have an oil operation with Turkey and Israel for 2 years because of “environmental damage”?
lol surely not”
Does anyone really believe NATO conspired to allow ISIS to sell oil to Turkey and Israel? Other than Mark, I mean.

August 1, 2016 4:15 am

“Post war has become pre war.”
A’int that the truth,
always been that way –
must be in our DNA !!.
From the Stone Age to the present day nothing much has changed (except some have developed better stones) in human mentality.
Some people think we are the result of ‘intelligent design’ from a caring creator, seems Charles Darwin got it right….survival of the fittest (but then maybe that IS the ‘intelligent design’ ??)
Almost every civilization, culture, religion & empire (from the Assyrians to the Americans, Hittites to Hitler, Sumerians to Spanish ) has thought it was superior to all others & proceeded to go out & ram it down people’s throats, with the latest high tech killing methods, then take the ‘spoils of war’ & subjugate the population; any resistance fighters are then termed as terrorists & are fair game.
As a society we reap what we sow. See Job 4:8 & Hosea 8:7.
We’ve never seen prolonged peace (because some bastard always has an agenda) & are well overdue for the next BIG one, sadly as we become more polarized that day looms.
Looking on the bright side – war brings loads of grief & misery for the masses….but huge profits for the few !
If you want to predict the future ….read history (same goes for climate).

August 1, 2016 4:40 am

Lol does anyone still believe the US gov didn’t know the Japanese were on their way? Even with two key memos being declassified that prove they knew, one of which detailed an 8 point plan to goad Japan into attacking, starting with economic war, by blocking Japan from the Asian resource markets because the Japanese economy was too strong and Britain and US were getting hammered in trade.
This is the same reason Libya was destroyed, Sarkozy upon Gaddafi’s announced plans to implement an African gold backed currency “He is a threat to the financial stability of the world”.
Let me paraphrase “he is a threat to our worthless paper money and fraudulent financial markets and thieving bankers”
[You may express your opinion. .mod]

Reply to  Mark - Helsinki
August 1, 2016 5:57 am

The memo, now held at the Franklin D.Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum in upstate New York, has sat unpublicised since its declassification 26 years ago. It’s not opinion.

Reply to  Mark - Helsinki
August 1, 2016 5:58 am

The The McCollum memo is also not opinion

Reply to  Mark - Helsinki
August 1, 2016 6:01 am

While the McCollum memo is not as solid, the memo of the 3 day warning the Japanese fleet was on it’s way is factual. A part of history

Reply to  Mark - Helsinki
August 1, 2016 6:03 am

Re McCollum memo, Britain acts to block Japan from trade due to japan’s economic dominance are factual.
OK I’ll drop it. 😀

Reply to  Mark - Helsinki
August 1, 2016 6:16 am

and tbf to Mod, yes I worded it wrongly, not “goaded Japan into attacking”, the 8 point plan that “led” to Japan attacking the pacific fleet. Apologies
I’ll say no more on it, obviously an emotive issue

Tom Halla
August 1, 2016 6:02 am

Nothing like a post to draw out many of the disputes of the last 16 years. My question is why many seem ignorant of any history before that, when arguably most of these disputes are much older.
I could make an argument that the Arabs have not had it together for most of the last 1000 years, noting the civil war, then the Turks, civil war again, the Crusaders, then the Mongols, then the Turks again having an effect on Arab political organization, with a plagues thrown in for confusion.
The whole US/Western response to the Muslim Middle East has been a political football since the French Revolutionary/Napoleonic Wars, and shows no sign of being less of a tool to beat up on domestic political opponents anytime in that history. What the various politicians tend to forget is that the Muslims have their own political goals, and are not the tools of their current internal enemies. Bin Laden et al were aiming at the Saudi government, not the US per se at 9/11. John Kerry is an idiot regardless of what any foreigners do, and will make airheaded statements merely by being John Kerry.

Eyes Wide Open
August 1, 2016 6:59 am

The problem with following the masses is that sometimes the ‘m’ is silent!

August 1, 2016 7:27 am

Aw hang what ISIS think. This is riveting stuff with huge possibilities-
OTOH perhaps not-
So long CAGW and hello Catastrophic Asteroidal Global Banging. We’re doomed I tell you unless the mates and I get some serious grants to look into all this.

Reply to  observa
August 1, 2016 11:29 am
The badges are the badges of AP-HP (Assistance publique – Hôpitaux de Paris):
Emmanuel Martinod is the surgeon who performed the first transplant of the respiratory tube, at Avicenne (Bobigny, France).

August 1, 2016 7:33 am

Just in: Clinton took $100k cash from & was director of company that gave money to ISIS
This thread was always going to go OT 😀
The whole ISIS climate change link is so barmy as to be parody. 😀

Reply to  Mark - Helsinki
August 2, 2016 1:43 am

Dunno, what *do* ISIS think about climate change?

Reply to  Richard A. O'Keefe
August 2, 2016 2:21 am

There is no “they” 😀 The effigy of ISIS is a straw man, they are not one single entity. They are a mix of nuts, mercenaries, militants, religious extremists.
Their fighters are paid wages.
The media have made them into something they are not, there was 30k of them initially, against all of NATO’s might, and the Media literally ran PR for the effigy of ISIS, they could not have even prayed for such exposure.
Just as the “taliban” is an effigy, they were not and are not a single entity. Al Qaeda, no one in Afghanistan ever heard that name, no one in Syria never heard of Daesh either. All these groups are collections of groups not some single force.
Lets not forget, NATO weapons given to the “rebels” in Syria went to ISIL (group of Syrian\Afghan ragtag fighters. The FSA “Free Syrian Army” spoke openly of cooperating with “their brothers” as they called them.
We are being sold a product, that product is war, if you have ever read RAND corporation documents, I have read a few, nefarious think tank who think up marketing strategies for selling war to you and I
Follow the money, always follow the money and you will find those who start wars

Reply to  Richard A. O'Keefe
August 2, 2016 2:26 am

“ISIS” are the bad terrorists and the “Rebels” are the good terrorists.
Now Libya is being bombed yet again, 5 years after Hillary “saved Libya”. The Pentagon advised her not to do it 5 years ago as per the leaks.
We seem to be still dropping bombs in 3 countries Obama ended war in Iraq Afghanistan and now Libya.
Follow the money, perpetual war, no better profits

Reply to  Richard A. O'Keefe
August 2, 2016 7:14 am

over two decades a marine, Smedley Butler on war, it’s a racket

August 1, 2016 7:38 am

Weapons stolen from arms room on US military base in Stuttgart by persons unknown

August 1, 2016 7:51 am

So, is this real or photoshopped? Could shed some light on things like climate as a tool for control eh?

Reply to  ossqss
August 1, 2016 8:13 am

That is so out of context as to be..rofl

August 1, 2016 8:21 am

But even more importantly, just exactly “What does ISIS think about CO2-Global Warming?”
Book of Tenets:
1] In order to prove you are not an Infidel, you must commit suicide by murdering Infidels” [pbuh]
a] Except for Me, because Someone’s got to Manage it! [pbuh]
b] Otherwise, “Infidels” deny 1] and Anything Allah decrees as Science or True because
i) Mecca is the Center of the Universe and America is not! It follows for example that:
{You must kill Americans wherever they are and pari passu Anyone who has adopted their evil
Capitalistic or Crusader ways which presume to bring about “The Destruction of Creation!”. For
further guidance see 2] below}
c] Before it’s too late!
i) Otherwise it’s no Virgins for you!
d] See 2]
2] Read The Holy Books of Assessments and His Pope and Prophets for the most exquisite further
expositions of their Expertise!
Yours in Taqiyya,
Allahu Akbar!
n.b. – Eat your heart out Karl Marx and Saul Alinsky because Lucifer has already ascended and there will be no First Lucyfer!

Reply to  JPeden
August 1, 2016 8:38 am

Hmmm…the above didn’t follow my grammar. But after all, it is The New World Order, same as the Old Pre-Enlightenment Order. Get used to It or else!
But it could well be that Trump’s had the Ruskies hack into my computer code and change it, just to cover all possible bases which might challenge his “Dark” Realities. / sarc

August 1, 2016 9:20 am

Man, all these unleashed Progressive Mutant Feral Turkeys now coming home to Roost are so target-rich, I’m almost feeling rich myself! But we must ‘help’ Them to Roost on the ones who unleashed Them by defeating Alinsky’s would-be First Lucyfer, otherwise it’s no Freedom for us! Unless we then have to try to unseat another Tyranny and repeat the history of America’s Genesis.
Slight Digression: I own remote Property from which Justice William O. Douglas bought a couple of acres in the 40’s. He built 3 log cabins on it, and the front door to his Library was adorned only by the simple word, “Genesis”. Amen.

August 1, 2016 11:03 am

Janice, you say
“The tenets of fundamental, basic, Islam are utterly ev1l and violent toward women, other groups, and to all non-believers.”
Maybe you should read the bible…see if that floats your boat.
Bible violence toward Women –
Raping Mutilation & Killing (Isaiah 13:15-16) (Hosea 13:16)
Pedophilia (Judges 21:11-12) (Numbers 31:18)
Mutilation of women (Deuteronomy 25:11-12)
Women are sinful & wicked (Eccles. 25:13) (Eccles. 25:22)
Women to be subservient to men (I Timothy 2:11-14) (Ephesians 5:22-24)
Let your women keep silence (I Corinthians 14:34-35)
Bible violence toward all non-believers –
(Deuteronomy 13:6-16) (Deuteronomy 17:3-5)( Numbers 31)
(Luke 19:27) (Matthew 10:34)
True Christians must comply with all the above, as Jesus said to follow the torah teachings (Matt. 5:17).
Religions are not pick & mix, you must have faith & belief, anyone who deviates is a heretic…just like in CAGW.
Is the Quran more violent than the Bible? That question is hard to answer.
See –

Reply to  1saveenergy
August 1, 2016 3:23 pm

Yes blaming religion absolves the individual. Each man has a choice before him, be an animal or not, he can read what he likes but he knows what is right or wrong.
As you rightly pointed out the Bible is very violent if you wish to interpret that way. We choose not to. As in each man and woman choose not to follow it that literally. So each who follows Islam chooses their interpretation.
There is a common theme throughout the world where religious beliefs script are taken on in full, and that common theme is never pleasant to us soft life kinds so we dont understand it. Much of it is born of anger and lack of other points of view, isolationism and rabble rousers who manipulate easy fodder for hate.
There are many muslims here in Finland, I’ve met plenty, African and Middle eastern, Iraqi, I worked with an Iraqi women. In almost all cases, they speak two or thee languages fluently, are well educated and uncowed.
One is a carer in my kids creche and my kids adore her. She’s intelligent and certainly not oppressed. On more than one occasion I got the distinct feeling the woman was wearing the pants when I met a couple.
I see kids out playing, with other teens, phones mucking around dancing to music ect.
And yes you have the hardliners. The animals, the killers. but nuance in this world is truly dead!

Reply to  Mark - Helsinki
August 1, 2016 4:56 pm

“As you rightly pointed out the Bible is very violent if you wish to interpret that way.”
Jesus said if someone slaps you on the face, you should turn the other cheek, rather than engage that person violently. Can you show an example of Jesus promoting violence against innocents? Even one? I didn’t think so.
Can you show an example of Mohammed promoting violence? Numerous instances.
Islam and Chrisianity are not on an equal moral footing.

Reply to  Mark - Helsinki
August 1, 2016 10:45 pm

Majority of iolence described in Bible is not instructions for current behavior – it’s record of what happened. Noone required to do it, and if they do it’s their own choice.
Majority of violence described in Koran is something to followed, because it was done by perfect human being, the Muhhamed (pbuh)
Which is why if you are observant muslim, you have no choice whether do what is described or not – you have to do what prophet did under similar circumstances. It is not open to interpretations.
One can chose to ignore Koran, but then one wouldn’t be a muslim anymore.

Reply to  Mark - Helsinki
August 2, 2016 1:55 am

“Jesus said if someone slaps you on the face, you should turn the other cheek, rather than engage that person violently. ”
You proved my point because most readers of the bible would not follow than tenet, you slap anyone in the face and the “person” will respond, not jesus or the bible.

Reply to  Mark - Helsinki
August 2, 2016 6:21 pm

Mark – Helsinki August 2, 2016 at 1:55 am wrote:
TA: “Jesus said if someone slaps you on the face, you should turn the other cheek, rather than engage that person violently. ”
Mark: “You proved my point because most readers of the bible would not follow that tenet, you slap anyone in the face and the “person” will respond, not jesus or the bible.”
Well, I don’t know about making any point, but you are correct, most people would respond with violence if slapped in the face. The point is, if they are Christians, they wouldn’t have their religious leader’s permission to do so. He advised them to do otherwise.
And BTW Mark, I do enjoy most of your posts. I disagree with some, but very few, and none on the subject of CAGW.

August 1, 2016 4:31 pm

The cowardice of Liberals would love nothing better than to find ” common ground ” with terrorists.

Reply to  Logos_wrench
August 1, 2016 5:03 pm

The Left doesn’t want to find common ground with the terrorists. The Left is deathly afraid of the terrorists, so they pretend they are not really terrorists, as a way of making themselves feel better about the situation, since they have no intention of trying to fix the situation because they are afraid, so they ignore the situation, and pretend it doesn’t exist.
So connecting climate change to ISIS means to the Left that ISIS are just good people who have been misunderstood, because they are worried about climate change, too.

Reply to  Logos_wrench
August 2, 2016 2:00 am

Making this a polarised political issue is not really helpful. Life is a negotiation after all, at every turn.
Calling anything you dont agree with “left” or “right” doesn’t really make sense and all to often that is the discourse these days.
I checked out of politics and ideology decades ago. I love history and history shows that those two things are the most used divisive tools used to manipulate within social discourse, patriotism is used at a international level, and religion is another.
As I said, nuance is dead! Too many seem to wrongly boil it down to binary choices, binary choices are of no use when you come to a crossroads with 3 choices

Reply to  Mark - Helsinki
August 2, 2016 6:35 pm

I agree generalizations should be avoided when possible, but the fact is there *are* large groups of people who think pretty much the same way, especially in the political arena, so generalizing on their behavior is relevant.
I can tell if you are on the Left or Right shortly after reading or hearing you expound on a political subject. It would fit a stereotype I have seen before. I would compare your position to mine and determine your leanings from there.
Group-Think is alive and well in human society. There are lots of people who don’t think for themselves, or don’t think about much beyond their narrow lives, and all they know is what they hear and see on tv.

Reply to  Logos_wrench
August 2, 2016 2:03 am

Intentional polarisation takes two sets of people who agree on 95% of things and makes them fight over the 5% of differences

August 1, 2016 5:50 pm

ISIS details ‘Why We Hate You’ in new magazine

Reply to  Marcus
August 2, 2016 1:28 am

Christians HATE: Muslims & Jews.
Muslims HATE: Jews & Christians.
Jews HATE: Christians & Muslims.
They all have two things in common –
– the same god (of Abraham)
– & HATE.
Deeply held beliefs seem to generate HATE,
look how the Warmists act towards skeptics.
[??? .mod]

Reply to  1saveenergy
August 2, 2016 5:58 am

…How many Christians or Jewish people do you see massacring innocent civilians everyday in your little atheist world???

Reply to  1saveenergy
August 2, 2016 7:40 am

..P.S. ……I am an Agnostic person …

Reply to  Marcus
August 3, 2016 1:54 am

@ Marcus
You say
“How many Christians or Jewish people do you see massacring innocent civilians”
Where should we start; let’s look at a few historical facts –
Christians killing – Muslims, Jews & Christians.
Crusaders 7 May 1099 the crusaders killed almost every inhabitant of Jerusalem. Muslims and Jews alike.
The genocide of the Cathars (1209–1229) Pope Innocent III had 200,000 men, women and children butchered.
The Lucera Muslim colony was sacked in 1300 by Christian forces under the command of Charles II of Naples. The majority of the city’s Muslim inhabitants were slaughtered or – as happened to almost 10,000 of them – sold into slavery.
1821 Greeks kill ~20,000 Muslim Turks in Tripolitsa, plus the entire Jewish population of the city.
Russo-Turkish War 1877–1878 – 260,000 Muslim Turks perished and 500,000 became refugee
~ 6 milion Jews 1939-45,
Northern Island – Christians killing Christians. 1,000s dead over 300+ yrs.
2014/15 Central African Republic Christians ethnic cleansing of Muslims.
For more see –
Jews killing -Christian & Muslim
20,000 Christians massacred in Yemen by “Yousef Asa’ar”, a Jewish warlord AD 516.
100s of 1,000s killed by Jewish Bolsheviks in the Russian Revolution (20 million claimed but I can’t substantiate).
Repeated attacks on Christian and Muslim places of worship in the Palestinian territories by small minority of violent extremist Jewish settlers
Then in India we have – Christians, Hindus, Muslim & Sikhs all butchering each other ( ~ 3-4 million since 1947).
The 3 Balkan Wars, complicated but with a large religious element.
Even the quintessentially peaceful and nonviolent faith Buddhism is on a Muslim killing spree in Sri Lanka and Myanmar, ignoring the teachings of the Dalai Lama.
No room here to go into full lists of religious bloodshed…. & then there are all the non- religious atrocities.
Humans are not a nice species.
But to look on the bright side, all this violence keeps the population down & arms dealers can make a nice profit.

Reply to  1saveenergy
August 3, 2016 9:03 pm

“No room here to go into full lists of religious bloodshed…. & then there are all the non- religious atrocities.”
Yeah, approximately 250,000,000 humans murdered in cold blood, by non-religious regimes, just since the twentieth century began . . (didn’t take much room at all)
But seeing is done in the present, and the question stands it seems to me.

Reply to  1saveenergy
August 3, 2016 9:15 pm

PS ~ “Jews” is not necessarily a religious classification . . and I bet you realized that.

August 2, 2016 4:30 am

I think if we apply a bit of basic scientific reasoning to the matter you’ll agree that far, far more Americans have died due to the cold than have died due to terrorist incidents since 1990, the year the IPCC was founded.
Therefore, as ISIS currently stands, it represents almost zero threat to Americans, as you have spent your military dollars ensuring that the Muslims fleeing war zones all end up in Europe.
You are all neurotic hysterics where terrorism is concerned. You have not experienced anything of any significance, ever, in your history, where death associated with terror is concerned.
Europe has. Russia has. The Middle East has. Africa has.
America has not.
Now if ISIS actually targeted nuclear weapons at you, you might start worrying.
But as long as it is 9/11, a lorry driven into a crowd or the like, you can rest easy.
You aren’t going to be wiped out by terrorism.
And as things stand, you’re unlikely to be wiped out by climate either……..

Reply to  rtj1211
August 2, 2016 9:12 am

…Well, unlike you, we believe ALL LIVES MATTER ! One preventable American death is one too many !

Reply to  rtj1211
August 3, 2016 5:18 pm

If you can go to jail for criticizing the intentional importation of millions of military age Muslims (or anyone else, or anything else), you ARE in a totalitarian police state already, as far as I’m concerned. So who cares what you think we (in the US) are worried about, if you are not even worried about that?
It’s about the freedoms and “unalienable” rights, and terrorism (and hyped up violence by SJWs and such) allows for the gradual curtailment of those freedoms and rights, using the terrorism/violence as an excuse we (free people) are concerned about, naturally. So sue us, contented prisoner . .

August 2, 2016 6:51 pm

The Islamic Terror Army is a rag-tag bunch of criminals and psychopaths equivalent to a Los Angeles street gang armed with military heavy weapons. They are no match for a competent fighting force.
A concerted effort against the Islamic Terror Army would route them from their safe places in a matter of weeks. The Islamic Terror Army can not stand up to a professional military force. They will be too busy running away.
Trump says he is going to wipe ISIS out Quickly. The U.S. has the ability to do this, if its leader gives the go-ahead.
Six more months and Trump is in Office (maybe). Three months later the Islamic Terror Army is running for the hills.
If Hillary gets in there, ISIS has nothing to worry about. She will do about what Obama is doing now: Nothing of any conseqence.

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