Claim: Cheap energy stimulates the economy too much – Natural Gas will not reduce CO2

Eric Worrall writes: A new study published in Nature has revealed that switching to cheap Natural Gas will not reduce CO2 significantly, because all that cheap energy will stimulate the…

World Disasters Report for 2013 – lowest number of catastrophies and deaths in 10 years

Alexej Buergin writes in WUWT Tips and Notes about a report from the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) that puts climate alarmism’s claims of increased…

We weren't lying, we were oversimplifying – the Conversation's latest 'dog ate homework' excuse for climate insanity

Eric Worrall writes about “The Conversation” Austalia’s favorite hangout of climate doomers: As the great unwinding of the more extreme climate alarmist positions gathers momentum, “The Conversation” provides us with…