Not a joke: Gore's "Inconvenient Youth"

Somebody really should take Mr. Gore aside and explain the imagery this name and the “personal blessing” by Gore conjures up. Newsbusters has a story on the creation of this group back in 2008, with the backstory on the connections of the people involved.

Press release:

Inconvenient Youth: Al Gore’s Alliance for Climate Protection to Launch New Initiative on Earth Day

The Climate Project Will Invite Five Teenagers to be Trained Personally by Gore

Inconvenient Youth Will Build Next Generation of Environmental Leaders

For immediate release: Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Press inquiries: Carrie Criado, 615-327-7577,

Laura Burton Capps, 202-567-6800,

Washington, D.C. and Nashville, TN — Teens who want to make a real difference in the fight against climate change will now have a place to share their pledges, actions and ideas. Inconvenient Youth (, the new teen climate education initiative of The Climate Project, a program of the Alliance for Climate Protection, will launch on Earth Day, April 22. Inconvenient Youth will also enable five teens to participate in The Climate Project’s upcoming Our Choice Training with Nobel Laureate and former Vice President Al Gore, to be held in June. The initiative dovetails with the Alliance’s Repower America “youth surge” campaign to organize students on college campuses across the country.

“Inconvenient Youth is built on the belief that teens can help lead efforts to solve the climate crisis. It will give this generation – which has a unique stake in this issue – a chance to organize and exchange ideas with other young people who want to do their part to address the climate crisis. Perhaps most importantly, this initiative was inspired by youth and shaped by youth with their unique viewpoint guiding it forward,” said Gore.

more here:

Here is a video trailer, note the laptop. Mr. Gore is on the board of Apple. The VW says “powered by vegetable oil”. Only one problem, it still produces CO2 when the oil is burned. Since Mr. Gore’s focus is on CO2 and not NOx or Soot, or SO2, you’d think they would have labeled the VW as “electric”.

The other problem with vegetable oil is that it is a finite resource. There is only so much used vegetable oil in a city available, so it really isn’t a “sustainable” concept beyond just a few vehicles.


NOTE: I know there will be a temptation to draw parallels with a another “youth” name, please commenters, don’t go there as all such comments will be snipped.- Anthony

h/t to CTM

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April 21, 2010 10:44 am


Xi Chin
April 21, 2010 10:45 am


April 21, 2010 10:46 am

I know a few yutes and it’s really frightening the things they ‘learn in school’ — a lot of which is not true.
Fortunately it is quite easy to get them fixed.

April 21, 2010 10:55 am

Why just 5 teenagers? Shouldn’t there be 12?

Henry chance
April 21, 2010 10:55 am

Earth Day. Lenin’s birthday.
Maybe long-time Earth Day advocate Ira Einhorn took the whole “recycling” thing a little too far when he “composted” his girlfriend’s remains in a trunk in his closet…
Back in 1970, Earth Day was a grassroots hippie event. The organizers chose April 22 – which just “happens” to be the birthday of their Soviet Communist hero, Lenin:
“One of the self-identified ‘founders’ of Earth Day, Bay Area activist John McConnell, has written that in 1969 he proposed to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors a new holiday to be called Earth Day on the first day of spring, the Equinox, around March 21. But, he writes, in 1970 local anti-Vietnam War and Environmental Teach-in activists ‘who were planning a one-time event for April 22, also decided to call their event Earth Day.’

Henry chance
April 21, 2010 10:56 am

So after this start, Algore is going to press for youth re education camps.

April 21, 2010 10:59 am

enneagram (10:44:20) : [snip]
Xi Chin (10:45:54) : [snip]

Rather snippy, today 😉

April 21, 2010 10:59 am

Well, he’s losing the battle with rational adults, so terrifying and manipulating children is the logical next step, before they’ve got to Piaget’s stage of rational thinking.

April 21, 2010 11:00 am

When you name your group “Whatever Youth” can you really be suprised when parallels are drawn? It’s like he is asking for it in order to get more attention and maybe sympathy.

April 21, 2010 11:00 am

The other problem with vegetable oil is that it is that it requires a lot of people eat a boatload of french fries.

April 21, 2010 11:00 am

Computer models have indicated that brainwashing needs to begin at a younger age.

R Shearer
April 21, 2010 11:02 am

We can hope that indoctrination isn’t a permanent change. Some will learn to see it for what it is.

April 21, 2010 11:03 am

When anyone goes after the kids (either Captain Crunch or politicos) I get the creeps. The eco-shriekers have no soul.

Steve in SC
April 21, 2010 11:03 am

Absolutely disgusting.

tim maguire
April 21, 2010 11:05 am

Can you leave one parallel up? You’ve piqued my curiosity and I’m drawing a blank.
To your main point, if I still believed in global warming and didn’t think the science had been tarnished, I would still want to distance myself from An Inconvenient Truth–a movie a large plurality (soon to be a majority) of the public has come to realize is manipulative, unscientific propaganda.
Gore should be looking to cut ties with his past sloganeering and try to appear fresh and new.
If he can.

April 21, 2010 11:05 am

Ah dang….I’ll just snip myself then: SNIP.

April 21, 2010 11:06 am

god help us, 5 mini me’s a la Gore. bring back Austin Powers.

Tom in Florida
April 21, 2010 11:07 am

Al Gore is preying on those that do not have fully developed cognitive abilities and lack any real world experience because he can no longer fool anyone else.
Perhaps he will issue brown shirts and arm bands to them.

April 21, 2010 11:11 am

Looks like child abuse to me.

April 21, 2010 11:11 am

When I read the heading I thought It referred to plastic surgery or botox, but it is much more insiduous, it is about the indoctrination of teenagers in the creed of Global Warming! . Is it not enough that, all over the world (and this is a reality) kids, my grandsons among them, are already indoctrinated with all that politically biased crap?

April 21, 2010 11:12 am

I am reminded of that old saying, “Youth is wasted on the young”.

Kevin G
April 21, 2010 11:12 am

They should be Convenient Youth, since they have apparently already been brainwashed as to develop such ideal “unique viewpoints.” Does the VW also say Transfat free?

April 21, 2010 11:20 am

“The Climate Project Will Invite Five Teenagers to be Trained Personally by Gore.”
Personal attention by Al baby?
Hmmm. I’m almost tempted to mention some other ongoing scandal …
What other machinations must he have in store?

Karl Maki
April 21, 2010 11:20 am

Why bother with contentious, skeptical adults when it’s so much easier to scribe one’s will on the blank slate of youth who will ask no difficult questions.
Further proof that it’s not the harsh martinet of science that lures Gore, but the siren song of an appealing narrative.

April 21, 2010 11:20 am

@Tim Maguire
Look up an old German dictator for the one specific parallel he is refering too.

April 21, 2010 11:21 am

The CULT expands to the next generation. Sigh.
Yes, the issues IS important. He is right. However, what’s important is to MAKE SURE WE GET IT RIGHT before jumping off the cliff of TERRORFORMING the planet and the Global Economy! It matters that we get the science right.
Doomsday Claims based upon Plausible Science just isn’t good enough. We need hard science backed up with hard facts. Hard science is science that can make verifiable predictions and have them actually happen. Newton passes this test. Einstein does. Climate Science DOES NOT. When climate science can pass this hard test of Objective Reality then let’s talk about what it means. Till then it’s premature (no pun intended) to jump off crazy cliffs based upon wild soothsayings of doomsday.
There would be no green without CO2. Inconvenient Fact.

templar knight
April 21, 2010 11:25 am


April 21, 2010 11:26 am

By a strange coincidence the evil Moonbat from the Guardian has recently organised a gang of trolls to haunt the internet and mess up sites. These guys don’t like loosing.

paul revere
April 21, 2010 11:28 am


April 21, 2010 11:28 am

I’m loving the image of Al Gore personally training 5 youth to become the future environmental leaders. I’m going to retire to my cave and write a script for a broadway style musical. I like to start with the songs:
Global Warming (Think Oklahoma!)
Shaping Young Minds (Think of an effeminate busy body brown nosing event planner who coordinates and color codes the whole process)
Reversing the Signs (Think Michael Mann)
Propaganda (Think Oklahoma!)
Climb Every Scissor Lift (Don’t even think about it)
CO2 (Think that starts with C and rhymes with cool – well it doesn’t but think about it)
Can we Get a Little Air in this Classroom?
Climate is not Weather Unless it’s Warm (Think Mares Eat Oats)
This Trade is Crap (The students begin to sense deceit)
If I Only Had Some Heat (Think the Yellow Brick Road)
O The Decline! (Think Inspector Javert)

April 21, 2010 11:28 am

No joke: Based in Menlo Park, California, Inconvenient Youth is a non-profit group looking to “mobilize young people to educate their communities about environmental science” in order to solve global warming
This is the same Hugo Chavez is doing, mobilizing young people to defend his “XX1 century socialist revoilution” or: -From Wikipedia-
The first NSDAP-related organization of German youth was the Jugendbund der NSDAP.[1] Its establishment by the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP, the German Nazi Party, was announced on 8 March 1922 in the Völkischer Beobachter, and its inaugural meeting was held on 13 May the same year.[2] In April 1924 the Jugendbund der NSDAP was renamed Grossdeutsche Jugendbewegung (Greater German Youth Movement).

April 21, 2010 11:30 am

I substitute taught high school for 5 years and the indoctrination by the left leaning educational system has been going on for a long time. “Pseudo-environmentalism” has been a major part of their pseudo-science education for at least 15 years that I know of. History is all but gone, everything has to be “fun”, no winners or losers are allowed, failure is a lost concept (and so we also lose success, by definition), unpleasant items like diagramming sentences are too stressful and no fun, same for flashcards and arithmatic memorization, etc, etc.
If we want to fix things the first thing we need to do is take back the educational system from the NEA.

April 21, 2010 11:30 am

Youths really are inconvenient. They use up the earth’s precious resources and expel CO2. Plus the whole diaper thing. Not to mention, youths are anthropogenic.
I wonder if that vegetable oil run car was filmed in California? I hear the police ticket them out there for not paying federal and state fuel taxes.

April 21, 2010 11:33 am

In cases of political or religious indoctrination, or just bad overly restrictive parenting, when the truth conflicted youth finds that reality is not as it has been taught. They go through a period of confusion, then outright rebellion, as they find that more and more of the propaganda is proven false.
Those who are able to see the corruption clearly from up close and personal, will be especially interesting to watch as they become aware of the reality that conflicts with Big Al’s programing, as they get out into the real world and learn the truth for themselves.
The most active members of social revolutions are the ones that have seen the inner workings of the empowered corrupt government in action and find it personally revolting in it’s principals. I see this as a self actuating self destructive mechanism and will watch with interest as the drama unfolds.
As a dandelion blooms yellow and then closes to process what it has gathered into seeds, that set out on their own days later when the white fluffy tops come back to send into the world the fruits of their labors, so all social and political changes end up turning loose upon the world, the seeds of all things, and what finds fertile places and grows is what survives.

Don B
April 21, 2010 11:34 am

Al Gore had an inconvenient youth, it seems to me, living in Suite 809 of the Fairfax Hotel, surrounded by old people and bellhops.
But he has risen above it, to be even better than you and me.

April 21, 2010 11:34 am

tim maguire (11:05:22)
The moderator is referring to the [SNIP] during the years of [SNIP] when [SNIP] [SNIP] [SNIP]. Throughout history [SNIP] has drawn parallels to [SNIP] [SNIP].
Make any sense now? I’m glad to help.
At this point, nothing Algore (et. al) does surprises me in the least. He’s been at it a long hard time. The man surely isn’t lazy, at least that can be said of him. And he sure has brass, too. Thus, these are the qualities that should also be present in those who seek to oppose him. Even then the truth may not suffice. Humans have an aggravating way of choosing delusion over truth. I do not understand it, even though I’ve been a party to it. HORRORS! Could it be that Mankind is flawed!

April 21, 2010 11:36 am

From its blog, :
April 21, 2010
cierra123 – earth day!
since tommortrow is earth day we all need to do 5 good things for the earth! recycle cans and bottles,paper,pick up any trash, or anything that will help the earth

April 21, 2010 11:36 am

Children should not be subjected to political pressures like this.
They should be left alone, and allowed to be …. children.
The crime here is stealing their childhood by burdening them with adult concerns.
Also, enslisting children in a cause should be challenged as a violation of child labor laws.
Violation of separation of church & state: Using a political machine to rob the children of free choice by sustituting an ersatz religion for moral values that their parents should be instilling. It says the State wants to raise your kids.
Children usually grow up to either accept the values given, or they temporarily rebel against their parents when teenagers.
The State will crush any rebellion of choice.
This could and should be argued at the Supreme Court.

April 21, 2010 11:41 am

SNICKER !!!!!!!!!!!
Neo (11:00:17) :
The other problem with vegetable oil is that it is that it requires a lot of people eat a boatload of french fries.
Just like we found out that they were using searchlights in Spain to produce “cheap” solar power, we will find out they purchased new cooking oil off the shelf.

William Lindqvist
April 21, 2010 11:41 am

Complete with jack boots I suppose – green color of course and not made from cow leather!

April 21, 2010 11:44 am

It makes me think of this commercial I hear regularly on the radio from fightglobalwarming dot org, featuring children taking turns to say that today’s adults are giving them ‘draughts’, ‘floods’, ‘dying corals’, etc because today’s adults are causing global warming. UN-BEA-RABLE.

April 21, 2010 11:45 am

“Al Gore is preying on those that do not have fully developed cognitive abilities and lack any real world experience”
Tom in Florida (11:07:57)
Which when you think about it is what he’s been doing all along.

April 21, 2010 11:48 am

Al old fat, singing:
There’s a drought at the fountain of youth, and now I’m dehydrating

April 21, 2010 11:52 am

rbateman (11:36:44) :
This could and should be argued at the Supreme Court

What if its veredict is also “inconvenient”?
No, No, the old american fashion works better: Get feathers and tar!

Craig Moore
April 21, 2010 11:53 am

Hilarious. I guess science is being redefined as the mangling of facts to reinforce a predetermined policy.

Al Gore's Holy Hologram
April 21, 2010 11:53 am

So we’re going to get more idiots claiming the temperature of the Earth’s mantle is millions of degrees under “hot crust”.

Bob Kutz
April 21, 2010 12:00 pm

Neo (11:00:17) :
The other problem with vegetable oil is that it is that it requires a lot of
people eat a boatload of french fries.
That is a sacrifice I am willing to make ‘for the children’. Who’s with me?

April 21, 2010 12:04 pm

Or do you mean the Orwellian youths as spys who tell on their parents?

April 21, 2010 12:12 pm

The boy pictured at the beginning is not a teen; he is prepubescent. There is more than a little hint of pedophilia here.

Robert of Ottawa
April 21, 2010 12:19 pm

The invitation to [self-snip] is strong because of the ominous parallels to [self-snip] and communist youth movements. This is an eco-youth movement; can we call them GREENSHIRTS
Al Gore is a seriously dangerous and his youth movement is truly distrurbing

Luc VC
April 21, 2010 12:20 pm

If your son is an idiot he’s an inconvenient youth. Nice of the inventor of the Internet to start a self help group. It can be quite a challenge to learn kids with learning disabilities to take care of themselves. Al Gore is an all American hero.

April 21, 2010 12:21 pm

Snippers, or at least self-snippers, need to be careful:- SNIP is the nickname for the Scottish National Party (SNP) who are in the throes of a General Election campaign here at the moment.
I would NOT like WUWT to be thought of as a Party Political machine.
BTW, now that the Icelandic ash is deemed to have gone away, a super sunset here at the moment.

April 21, 2010 12:21 pm

That’s funny!
I had a couple of “inconvenient youth” too…surprise!, but we love them.
I’ve got a couple others that are starting to get really inconvenient (puberty, grrrr)….

Mike from Canmore
April 21, 2010 12:24 pm

“I’m only 8 years old and I get it.”
No you don’t. You’re understanding of political influence and human nature is lacking. Hopefully through experience/education, you will learn critical thinking and make up your own mind. I don’t hold much hope for you though.

April 21, 2010 12:26 pm

Hmmmm. He feels as Socrates….no problem! we can give him the hemlock he deserves for perverting youth. History repeats itself, though he is not a Socrates but a fool pretending to be a philosopher, and using the pitagorean symbol of the pentad. How presumptuous!

reil deil
April 21, 2010 12:27 pm

I have trained my kids to yell “stranger! Danger!’ when approched by AGW bs spewing loons.

April 21, 2010 12:28 pm

This guy, instead of a vegetable oil powered car needs an oil colonics!

Myron Mesecke
April 21, 2010 12:39 pm

NOTE: I know there will be a temptation to draw parallels with a another “youth” name, please commenters, don’t go there as all such comments will be snipped.- Anthony
I was going to mention Musical Youth but I didn’t know pop/reggae was so disliked.
“Pass the Dutchie on the left hand side…”
I did have the revelation this morning that US traffic laws are against the liberal left. After stopping for the red (light) it is legal to turn right.

Al Gored
April 21, 2010 12:46 pm

Apparently ‘science’ czar John Holdren is hoping for something called Youth in Asia to save the planet.

April 21, 2010 12:52 pm

I understand it now!….you know who, last night, was sneaking out from the closet!

April 21, 2010 12:54 pm

Al Gore will personally instruct his young acolytes: click
…using empirical facts: click
The evils of fossil fuels will be explained: click
Dissent will not be tolerated: click
Indoctrination headquarters: click
The acolytes will be sent out to sell subscriptions to Al’s magazine: click. Their pay: click
The Guru: click
The Guru’s bedtime story: click

April 21, 2010 12:58 pm

So the Goracle is to choose 5 – the best of the best – to train in the ways of the alarmist. This simply has too many parallels with the Way of the Warrior and Kung Fu to be ignored.
The Goracle’s mansion is the new Shaolin Temple, to which the five must face a gruelling and hazardous journey to reach. There they will be trained in the most deadly arts of the Carbon Warrior. They first must study the way of “Hockey Thump” as perfected by the ancient master Ho Ke Mann. Then they must master other esoteric and deadly arts such as “Moonbattery” and “Romm Fist”, before moving onto the “secret rings of Yamal.”
Only when a student can snatch a sceptics argument from Gore’s hand can he become a master, and wear the robes of a true warmist.

Lance H.
April 21, 2010 1:01 pm

Shameless is too mild a word.
I’m sure this eight year old kid really reads a lot of “articles about climate change” and then he “sees what other people in other countries are doing about it” and then he looks at “politicians” and thinks “they just don’t seem to be getting the message”.
Is there no ploy too emotional and despicable for these people?
I guess it’s OK to play dirty when you’re trying to save the planet.

Tom in Florida
April 21, 2010 1:21 pm

JN (11:20:36) : “@Tim Maguire ……Look up an old German dictator for the one specific parallel he is refering too.”
I am thinking it was more like someone who could teach the kids how to moonwalk, that would be a thriller.

Al Gored
April 21, 2010 1:21 pm

On a similar tangent, the BBC’s ‘Ethical man’ series had a report last May about Leo Podesta’s group training youth in civil disobedience and resisting arrest in the coming campaign to save us from The Warming.
Given Podesta’s connection with the White House – Van Jones now works with Podesta – I thought that was totally over the top too. But it does show us the grand plan emerging.
Combine this with a horde of brainwashed braindead ‘teachers’ showing Gore’s science fiction movie and preaching eco-doomsday and we have the recipe for some seriously frightening consequences.

April 21, 2010 1:25 pm

Smokey (12:54:23) : Great photoshops!, however think a few snip deserving ones are missing☺

April 21, 2010 1:28 pm

I remember the movie the killing Fields, about the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, a brief scene of a kid with an AK47, basically guarding terrified adults.
That was threat of violence backed up by the means to commit violence.
Now we have the Jungen Vert troopers, using the capricious disdain of callow youth, to cow parents into subjegation. What parent can tolerate the thought of being condemned as a bad parent, especially by their kids?
This will drive a wedge through some families…picture this scene:
Grave site, fresh grave, youth in prim green U.N Jungen Vert International Peace Maker uniform.
“I’m sorry Dad,…it had to be, no one can mercy flush and expect to get away with it. If only you had of believed in composting toilets.”

April 21, 2010 1:32 pm

How to tell if some one doesn’t have a real argument:
Name calling…
Abuse (physical threats, cuss words, etc..)…
Attacks on character…
Appealing to children

R. Craigen
April 21, 2010 1:40 pm

As I understand it Gore spent his own inconvenient youth living high on the hog because of the vast fortune his family had accumulated over generations as tobacco millionaires. A bit inconvenient, that.

R. Craigen
April 21, 2010 1:41 pm

Here’s a link for that…

Michael in Sydney
April 21, 2010 1:44 pm

I find our youth already inconvenient, no need to wait.

dave ward
April 21, 2010 1:45 pm

“Next Generation of Environmental Leaders ” – That sounds ominously like the nasty organisation “Common Purpose”

April 21, 2010 1:50 pm

The farce continues. In Spain the Socialist Governemnt will stop subsidizing “Green Energy” in part. And they are talking about retroactively getting part of money back they enticed the suppliers with!!
The “green energy” is so “efficent” that increases to each Spanish citizen more 250 Euros/Year in illumination costs:

Roger Knights
April 21, 2010 1:50 pm

Mike86 (10:55:05) :
Why just 5 teenagers? Shouldn’t there be 12?


R. de Haan
April 21, 2010 1:50 pm

Categories : Al Gore is an idiot
Love that!

April 21, 2010 1:55 pm

Don’t forget that Fat Al is only superficially an ordinary warmist; deep in his filthy heart he’s the biggest money-grabbing bastard you can find. Maybe he’ll teach the kids something useful – appear righteous while picking the purses of the population. Or maybe he just exploits them for a new money-making scheme and throws them away afterwards.

April 21, 2010 1:55 pm

How come the spoilt little brat wasn’t walking to school?

April 21, 2010 2:07 pm

Find Canadian Maurice Strong; find the Goreacle; find Power Corp.; find UNations; find Saddam; find North Korea, and more.
“The event’s main sponsor is Investors Group, a Power Corp. company owned by the Desmarais family. The Desmarais family and their Belgian partner, Albert Frere, are the largest shareholders in oil company Total, which hopes to take three billion barrels of oil from the Alberta tar sands over the next 30 years.”
“Gore indirectly involved in Alberta’s oil industry
Five months after saying the exploitation of the tar sands was “one of the most serious threats to the human race,” former U.S. vice-president Al Gore came back to Montreal this week with financial backing from Investors Group, a Power Corporation affiliate that is indirectly involved in Alberta’s oil industry.
The man behind the documentary An Inconvenient Truth will participate Thursday in an international conference organized during the 2010 Millennium Summit. The event will also include Sarah Ferguson, duchess of York, and actress Kristin Davis of Sex and the City fame.
The event’s main sponsor is Investors Group, a Power Corp. company owned by the Desmarais family. The Desmarais family and their Belgian partner, Albert Frere, are the largest shareholders in oil company Total, which hopes to take three billion barrels of oil from the Alberta tar sands over the next 30 years.
During a trip to Toronto at the end of November, Gore said the exploitation of the tar sands is the “largest source of polluting energy on earth” and represents “one of the most serious threats to the human race.””
Maurice Strong
Maurice Strong, United nations, oil for food, cordex, tonsung park, kyoto, … of Paul Martin company that accepted Saddam’s million worked for Power Corp. …

April 21, 2010 2:08 pm

Mike 86,
Sorry, the 12 apostles were already taken by the Obamessiah.

R. de Haan
April 21, 2010 2:13 pm
R. de Haan
April 21, 2010 2:16 pm
April 21, 2010 2:20 pm

Whoa! AGW indoctrination of children, building a new Kmer?…

April 21, 2010 2:23 pm

I would’nt send my kid to his mansion. Who would?

April 21, 2010 2:29 pm

Too bad we can’t call it what it is.

April 21, 2010 2:43 pm

“Here is a video trailer, note the laptop. Mr. Gore is on the board of Apple. The VW says “powered by vegetable oil”. Only one problem, it still produces CO2 when the oil is burned. ”
If you were to give the CO2 = AGW nonsense any credence, there’s still an important difference here: Carbon in diesel was safely underground until it was pumped out of the ground, refined, and burned in a diesel engine. Vegetable oil, however, comes from a plant which was growing at the surface and had drawn carbon out of air. Provided an equal amount of plant material is grown to replace the previous crop, that vegetable oil would, in a perfect world, be carbon-neutral. Naturally the stuff has to be processed and today that likely means using fossil fuels, and the shipping of the stuff probably also uses fossil fuels, but I was going for a perfect-world scenario; and besides, it still wouldn’t be carbon-neutral if the stuff was going to end-of-life as used french-fry oil 😉

April 21, 2010 2:44 pm

That’s five kids that are going to be really messed up…..
…..when they grow up and figure it out.

Pieter F
April 21, 2010 2:49 pm

“Teach” them what? . . . climate science? Aren’t there better professors for that subject, perhaps those who did better in school than Al did?
Oh wait. It’s not teach, but train. One is not “trained” in climate science. Perhaps they mean to train the selected five in the tactics and strategies found in Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” or the techniques of propaganda.
Will they be insulated from debate as Gore has been?
Is there any significance in the number five? A Pentangle (in the religious sense, not the band)?

April 21, 2010 3:04 pm
L Nettles
April 21, 2010 3:10 pm

Quiz: The press release was dated April 20 which is also ________ birthday

Pete Olson
April 21, 2010 3:11 pm

Language Patrol: It seems necessary these days to now and again remind a very large and persistent group of folks that:
Loose rhymes with moose, and means ‘not tight’.
Lose rhymes with ooze, and means ‘don’t have it anymore’.
Loosing rhymes with goosing, and means ‘releasing’.
Losing rhymes with schmoozing, and means ‘misplacing’ or ‘not winning’.
Hint: 99 times out of 100, if you’re about to write ‘loose’ or ‘loosing’, you probably mean ‘lose’ or ‘losing’.
Drives me crazy.

April 21, 2010 3:13 pm

regeya (14:43:11) – Or the diesel fuel was dangerously hidden underground, migrating and leaking into the environment until we helped remove it in a controlled fashion and incinerated it.
Leaking into the environment? Yes. Many (some experts say most) oil deposits are found by following oil seeps to their source.

April 21, 2010 3:37 pm

Some of the kids ideas are interesting over at
“March 31, 2010
RachelGreiner – Green Shirts
So say that there is going to be some sort of cool petition day or something, like earth day. To show that somethings up, we could all wear our “green shirts” (or whatever they would be called.) to advertise our actions to other people and then we would get the word out and at the same time build some sort of commerade-ship because it always feels good to know that you are part of a group that’s doing something cool. Maybe the proceedes from the shirts could go to some good organization as well.”
“April 3, 2010
Imani – Carbon Footprint Grants
In my area, the local government should create a carbon footprint rating level and keep track of everyone\’s carbon footprint. Anyone\’s carbon footprint that is in the \’great\’ range is eligible for prizes. Prizes would include money, free green-vacations, free food and coupons. Also, people who purchase, own or use green technology and power (examples include biodiesel cars, a home that uses 100% renewable energy, a person who owns or buys from a renewable energy company, etc) are eligible for awards.”

Craig Moore
April 21, 2010 3:39 pm

What Gore is doing is already incorporated into college class work:

April 21, 2010 3:47 pm

Anthony, you don’t need to go back to the last century. Exploitation of children is alive and well and beamed into your living room every day. Just look at the sexualisation of young children by the fashion industry and the music industry. Look at fast food, toys, basically anything that gets kids reaching for your wallet. It’s called “marketing” and it is a science (of a sort) that puts things at the browse line and at the check out in your local supermarket. But that’s ok isn’t it?
Now a step to the dark side. We have child labour in third world countries. We have child soldiers and yes we have Chavez and Mugabe and … a long list of others. Now we have Gore. Will his green shirts be any different from Mugabe’s National Youth Service aka Green Bombers?
History has shown us why old men send young men to war. And we still do it. Recruiting our children into idealistic youth brigades is just the first step down a slippery slope towards “carbonnacht”.
It is perhaps ironic that the same youth that embrace the newest technology causing real destruction of the environment and species loss (e.g. coltan mining) are now to be our saviours from some other supposed environmental evil. But that is ok too becuse the ends justify the means.
Rant off/

April 21, 2010 3:48 pm

Congratulations to Anthony on his civilised ‘snip’ policy for inappropriate comparisons to Mr Gore’s youth movement. Public life in Anthony’s country and mine (Australia) would benefit hugely from wider application of his civility. Inappropriate comparisons are unnecessary anyway. Just refer to the medieval Children’s Crusade.

Leon Brozyna
April 21, 2010 4:04 pm

Oh great — another childrens’ crusade.

Tom in Florida
April 21, 2010 4:16 pm

“April 3, 2010
Imani – Carbon Footprint Grants
In my area, the local government should create a carbon footprint rating level and keep track of everyone\’s carbon footprint. Anyone\’s carbon footprint that is in the \’great\’ range is eligible for prizes. Prizes would include money, free green-vacations, free food and coupons.”
We could also bring Bob Barker out of retirement to MC the whole shindig.

Reed Coray
April 21, 2010 4:25 pm

I have done the calculation and concluded that on this blog Anthony expends 1.2435 +/- 0.4 attoJoules per character. Some of that energy required the release of CO2 into the atmosphere. Therefore, in the spirit of “slowing down” global warming, I recommend that Anthony use codes instead of phrases or words to specify the “Category” of each post. In the spirit of using short codes for information that is obvious (i.e., that requires very few bits), I recommend that Anthony encode the Category “Gore is an idiot” with a “blank”. That way, every post will contain at least one obvious truth and no energy will be expended transmitting that truth to the public.
BTW: I am looking for a grant of a few billion $ to improve the accuracy of my “attoJoules per character” estimate.

April 21, 2010 4:34 pm

Child abuse plain and simple. I

April 21, 2010 4:36 pm

cont’d…I have a 7 and 6 year old and luckily they have a Dad who is a 22yr meterologist and is very in tune with the whoooooole debate here. Not my kids…no way.

April 21, 2010 4:43 pm

PaulH (11:12:21) :

I am reminded of that old saying, “Youth is wasted on the young”.

Beautifully paraphrased by Douglas Adams as “Life is wasted on the living”!

April 21, 2010 4:59 pm

Ya, Monckton was right, it’s (preemptive self snip, put down the snippers ctm) Youth.
I have said in the past Al Gore is neurotic. He is beyond neurotic. He is mad.

April 21, 2010 5:03 pm

tom (16:36:31) :
cont’d…I have a 7 and 6 year old and luckily they have a Dad who is a 22yr meterologist and is very in tune with the whoooooole debate here. Not my kids…no way.
That’s the only way to stop it, parents being the parents of their children instead of just putting their kids in front of the tv and leaving them. Al Gore will take them if the parents don’t want them. Maybe then he’ll feel the satisfaction he is looking for.
Really, it’s pathetic that the only audience Al Gore has is children.

April 21, 2010 5:06 pm

It should be a crime to scare children with fake stories about global warming. A study in New Zealand shows how worried children are:
What’s bugging the nation’s children
By Elizabeth Binning
4:00 AM Wednesday Apr 21, 2010
Today’s children are worried about more than just their homework and peer pressure – they are also worried about terrorism and climate change and whether there will be a future for their own children.
These are just some of the serious issues a group of more than 170 New Zealand children have cited as major stresses in their lives.
Auckland University Researcher Fiona Pienaar interviewed children aged 8-12 for her PhD to find out what stressed them out and how they coped.
The study, which only involved children with no obvious stress, identified 29 common issues that caused stress, the majority of which were clustered around school and family.

Global warming and how a natural disaster would affect their lives were two other issues for children.
“I’m worried about the environment and the global warming, the ice and how it’s going. I write it down in my little notebook … I’m thinking people should actually stop the global warming before it’s too late for their children,” said one child.

April 21, 2010 5:08 pm

Sloane (14:20:25) :
a new Kmer?…
Ouch. Which was also started with ‘good intentions’.

Graham Dick
April 21, 2010 5:08 pm

As Andrew Bolt said of this sinister strategy: “seriously creepy”.

April 21, 2010 5:10 pm

Kilroi1 (11:45:19) :
“Al Gore is preying on those that do not have fully developed cognitive abilities and lack any real world experience”
Tom in Florida (11:07:57)
Which when you think about it is what he’s been doing all along.


April 21, 2010 5:12 pm

Karl Maki (11:20:30) :
Further proof that it’s not the harsh martinet of science that lures Gore, but the siren song of an appealing narrative.
Nice Karl, good way to phrase it.

stan stendera
April 21, 2010 5:13 pm

Moderater Alert!! Anonymoose, 15:04:17, has snuck an ad into our blog. Please flush him!!??!!
Reply: You got no sense of humor, Anonymoose was merely illustrating what you get when you cross a penis with a potato. ~ ctm

Craig Moore
April 21, 2010 5:14 pm

With all of the post snipping and editing, ctm is beginning to resemble Gavin Schmidt.
Reply: I’m just really tired of the sloppiness of commenters who throw off topic suggestions and questions in any thread they are reading instead of taking the time and minimal effort to put these things where they belong. It’s like riding herd on a room full of children with attention deficit dis……ooh look, something shiny! ~ ctm

Craig Moore
April 21, 2010 5:21 pm

“Reply: You got no sense of humor, Anonymoose was merely illustrating what you get when you cross a penis with a potato. ~ ctm”
I’ll bet that would make the potato a little cross-eyed.

Capn Jack.
April 21, 2010 5:22 pm

Aaargh it reminds me of Ceasar Caligula’s Brown Sheet Youth Movement, these nutjobs never change.
You know all those marching Soldiers, Colliseums stacked with rabid masses, purple Banners and Kids in their fancy Brown Sheets sceaming Ave Ceasar.
Torches flaring everywhere. But history was never my strong suit.
Ave Ceasar Gore.

April 21, 2010 5:22 pm

If we can’t refer to one well-known youth group, can we refer to the Komsomol? Mind you, I prefer the term ‘Khmer Vert’

Craig Moore
April 21, 2010 5:26 pm

ctm– You do a great job. I just thought you would appreciate the Schmidt comparison.
Reply: There are many moderators. I let my personality show through a bit more than others so I appear to be doing all the heavy lifting, but this is simple observation bias. Our TEAM does a great job and they should all be thanked, most importantly for relieving me and Anthony from having to do much of the aforesaid heavy lifting. Thanks guys! ~ ctm

April 21, 2010 5:27 pm

Two can play at this game.
6th grader shows urban heat island effect scientists say doesn’t exist
Picking out the UHI in climatic temperature records – so easy a 6th grader can do it!
Global Warming US Cities Getting Warmer

April 21, 2010 5:35 pm

This should be at the top of every post:
I’m just really tired of the sloppiness of commenters who throw off topic suggestions and questions in any thread they are reading instead of taking the time and minimal effort to put these things where they belong. It’s like riding herd on a room full of children with attention deficit dis……ooh look, something shiny! ~ ctm
But would it change anything?

April 21, 2010 5:43 pm

AnonyMoose (15:04:17) : wrote
JN (11:20:36) – What an old German dictator may look like.
Too funny AnonyMoose.
Let me make a scientific observation concerning the link.
All the technology in that link has been made obsolete . Everything that old stuff used to do can now be accomplished with a small thumb drive. The savings of natural resources alone from computer modernization should be satisfying enough for the wacky environmentalists.

Russ Blake
April 21, 2010 5:52 pm

Pete Olsen- Your comments make me feel like I am loosing my mind. In preparing a comment, particularly on this website, it is important to do it quickly, while the subject is still current. It is very easy to make a small mistake and misspell a word or two.
This does not mean that a person has lost it, or are in the process of loosing it! Lighten up! Language Patrol is for a small group of 8 year old’s, who are hoping to win Nobel Peace Prizes.

April 21, 2010 5:53 pm

Inconvenient Day. It was launched on April 20th… Hitler’s birthday…

April 21, 2010 5:55 pm


April 21, 2010 5:58 pm

Honestly, I came onto this knowing the thread was going to be an egg pelt and the first two entries are [snip]. Laughed for ages !!!! Says it all really!

April 21, 2010 6:14 pm

Were this kids grandparents Wanda Dombek and Theodore Richard Kaczynski by chance?

April 21, 2010 6:20 pm

So whats the answer, to childrens questions about the climate?.
Do we just tell them they’ve been told wrong and leave it at that? How much can YOU explain?, and how well?, can you taylor make it for differing age groups? Religious affiliations, Culture?
What Unky Al has, is a method and a means of delivery, plus all the loot he needs to steam roll this malarky out, and the bulk of the Western Media and Schools on his side.
Someone needs to get onto an educational PDF for parents, that sums up the actual debate, and then let the kids decide as they grow up, with plenty of opportunity to review new developments.
If we don’t step up, and claim our kids back ASAP, Unky Al we gladly absorb them into his BORG collective. And when he’s done with them, they’re spare parts for the next lobotomised recruit.
Worried, I’m frickin’ mortified.

April 21, 2010 6:36 pm

Avoiding the obvious analogies to totalitarian youth organizations, it should be pointed out that creating and mobilizing a corps of young people to go out and proselytize in favor of a supposedly ‘scientific’ proposition, namely that there is a ‘climate crisis’, is most decidedly un-scientific.
Indeed, it represents the very antithesis of science. It is a form of political action in support of a most-convenient myth, aiming to create a cadre of True Believers (viz. Eric Hoffer) who will work to further the ends of an insidious political movement, which we might call ‘green socialism’. It claims as its raison d’etre the quasi-scientific proposition that mankind if left to its own devices will destroy the Earth, and therefore needs to be controlled for its own good.
This proposition has no more objective validity than those that promoted enslavement and murder in the name of a ‘master race’, or for the benefit of the ‘working class’. They are all convenient myths, enshrined to the status of unarguable Truths.
Unfortunately, the Obama regime consists of ideologues who believe in this program and share its objectives. Be wary, because it is in the nature of extreme ideologues not to tolerate dissent. And where is dissent (‘denial’) today? Almost entirely on the Internet. There are already proposals floating between the White House and Capitol Hill to begin instituting taxes and controls on the Internet.
The Goracle’s Green-Shirt Youth Corps is a sign of what is to come, if we let it.
/Mr Lynn

Jim Clarke
April 21, 2010 6:41 pm

Back in March, Thomas Sowell wrote an article called ‘Artificial Stupidity’, about how our educational system trains children to be artificially stupid by teaching only one side of an issue while refusing to teach them how to think. Mr. Gore is the poster boy for that method. Here is the link:

April 21, 2010 6:48 pm

maybe the should be could – Belittler Youth

April 21, 2010 6:50 pm

From a philosophical viewpoint;
Most high schools teach algebra now, and some even offer calculus. However, a course in logic is non-existent even in most colleges. I think I know why, as not only could people easily question the likes of AGW with such a background but also political statements/claims and all advertising. This could be politically and economically upsetting. It’s too bad that courses in this subject are not offered in very early grades as I believe that if they were then this kind of fight over climate control (and others) would not even be necessary.
I see that one of the most important things that this website offers are just such lessons in logic. However some are obviously more resistant than others but their payback will be an inability to use these logic lessons in daily life with justifiable consequences.
Keep up the good work…

Ray Hudson
April 21, 2010 6:55 pm

“We will never forget their names: Kid 1, Kid 2, Kid 3, and Kid 4”
– Al Gore on South Park ManBearPig episode.
It seems apparant that he had to select 5 kids so no one would make the joke I just made. And yes, he is sooper serial about all this!

April 21, 2010 6:56 pm

“Give Me the Boy Until the Age of Seven, I Will Give You the Man.”
S of J.

April 21, 2010 6:58 pm

My God what a horrible thread.
I’m lost for words.
Hitler/Stalin in their times would be most happy with your spin.

April 21, 2010 7:00 pm

OK, harvey, give us your version.

Gary Hladik
April 21, 2010 7:04 pm

What happens when these indoctrinated IY’s reach the age of rebellion? Will they start driving SUV’s…eating meat…switching to incandescent lighting?

April 21, 2010 7:21 pm

I don’t have Photoshop, so this is my somewhat amateur bit of satirical (or, at least, I hope it is) pictorial fun with Al Gore’s new venture:

Pamela Gray
April 21, 2010 7:35 pm

Next installment of Dr. Evil:
“I demand 12.5 Million…Billion…Trillion…. (whisper whisper) What?…CO2? Really? CO2? Everybody’s afraid of bad breath? You’re kidding. You’ve got to be kidding. All I have to do is threaten the globe by breathing on them? Are you NUTS???? No one is going to give me 12.5 gazillian coinage for bad breath! (whisper whisper)…WHAT????? If I eat pork and beans that makes it WORSE??? I’ll get how much???? Okaayyy. Whatever floats….”
“I demand 12.5 bizi-illion gazi-jillion trilli-million mulas or I will… (I can’t say it, I just can’t)……(whisper whisper)…oKAY! BREATH and FART on you!”
“I never thought I would hear myself say this. I think the world is crazier than I am now. What ever happened to the threat of atomic weapons! When did breathing and farting take over atomic weapons????? Cut, cut. I can’t make this movie without laughing myself to death! Who the hell wrote this script???”
(whisper whisper) “You’re kidding.”

April 21, 2010 7:41 pm

During the Hitler and Stalin era, science was held in total disrepute.
Because it could logically produce results that were against the political and ideological demands of the master races. This exact spin is what Fox news and its adherents (Watts etc) are promulgating: Science and Scientists are not to be trusted nor listened to. It is only the “truth” put forward by various spin-meisters that is to be listened to.
but true.

Reply to  harvey
April 21, 2010 7:53 pm

You may want to read up on the history of Eugenics in the 20th century. Far thinking liberal scientists were in lockstep with the ideas of some rather nasty people until they saw the rather disturbing results of their theories being taken to their logical extremes. Quoting the linked wiki article.

When Nazi administrators went on trial for war crimes in Nuremberg after World War II, they justified the mass sterilizations (over 450,000 in less than a decade) by citing the United States as their inspiration.[56] The Nazis had claimed American eugenicists inspired and supported Hitler’s racial purification laws, and failed to understand the connection between those policies and the eventual genocide of the Holocaust.[70]
In the USA, eugenic supporters included Theodore Roosevelt[77] , pre-1960’s Democratic Party[citation needed], the National Academy of Sciences[78] and the National Research Council[79]. Research was funded by distinguished philanthropies and carried out at prestigious universities.[citation needed] It was taught in college and high school classrooms.[citation needed] Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood of America to urge the legalization of contraception for the lower classes.[citation needed] In its time eugenics was touted by some as scientific and progressive[citation needed], the natural application of knowledge about breeding to the arena of human life. Before the realization of death camps in World War II, the idea that eugenics would lead to genocide was not taken seriously by the average American.

I think you have it backwards at least as far as Germany goes. Russia is another case entirely.

April 21, 2010 7:42 pm

101 How to Drive an Escalade
Construction of 15,000 Sq Ft. Homes
Flying with the most footprint – The Gulfstream Way
Trading nothing for something
Hire an audience, film their sophomoric reactions to your rubbish-Oscar
Tell everyone you are the conscience of the planet — Nobel
Invest in Oil

April 21, 2010 8:01 pm

Communism and fascism or nazism, although poles apart in their intellectual content, are similar in this, that both have emotional appeal to the type of personality that takes pleasure in being submerged in a mass movement and submitting to superior authority.
I see the same meme being followed on this web site.
Dont listen to rational thought, rather follow the idiologues as it is safer than to actually think out the problems.

Reply to  harvey
April 21, 2010 9:09 pm

I answered your point directly about science being held in disrepute when in fact the leading theories of the time were used to justify and in fact likely inspired the horrors of WW II, and now you run off in a tangent about repressive governments and people who like to be part of a mob. Then you indirectly accuse those who disagree with you of this this inferior psychology.
You have a narrow world view. There are intelligent logical people who disagree with you but you believe anyone who disagrees with you is an ignorant sheeple.
It is you who are following a mob meme, the meme of the elitists. You see I can make this argument without talking about liberals or conservatives, old or young.
One day you may be less myopic in your model of the people who disagree with you. I hope it is soon.

April 21, 2010 8:01 pm

Brainwashing minors with a political agenda or with any other fuzzy logic by public servants or any political group, should be a crime.

Gail Combs
April 21, 2010 8:22 pm

Jim (11:30:06) :
“I substitute taught high school for 5 years and the indoctrination by the left leaning educational system has been going on for a long time…..
If we want to fix things the first thing we need to do is take back the educational system from the NEA.”

I do children’s entertainment at parties and fairs. I strongly recommend homeschooling or Montessori to my customers. There are some very good homeschooling programs available and my area has some good support groups that allow kids to interact with each other as well as learn from other adults.
I have no kids but if I did there is no way I would allow them into a government indoctrination center. I made that decision in 1971 while I was still in college training as a science/chemistry teacher.

April 21, 2010 8:32 pm

Gail Combs
No way your children should in any way be in any government run establishment.
rather I would suggest that they spend the day listening to Fox News.
There they would learn all they need to to survive in the world..

April 21, 2010 8:34 pm

harvey (19:41:18) :

During the Hitler and Stalin era, science was held in total disrepute.
Because it could logically produce results that were against the political and ideological demands of the master races. This exact spin is what Fox news and its adherents (Watts etc) are promulgating…

WUWT is promulgating a master race ideology?? Who knew?
Please expand on that thesis. I want to know who these ‘master races’ are, and who they are the master of, since that is your ‘exact spin.’
The fact that science is heading toward ‘total disrepute’ is because most alarmist climate scientists are bought and paid for advocates of their rich patrons: the pro-AGW government funding agencies, and tax-exempt NGOs with their heavy pro-AGW agenda.
The $Billions diverted every year to AGW deprive other deserving sciences of needed funding, and the ethics-challenged AGW purveyors fight off every attempt to derail their gravy train. The recipients of this easy loot are the reason the public is increasingly viewing science in general with a jaundiced eye.
Scientists in other deserving fields need to speak up about this waste of resources, which starves their own fields of the funding that would otherwise be available.

Gail Combs
April 21, 2010 8:35 pm

William Lindqvist (11:41:19) :
“Complete with jack boots I suppose – green color of course and not made from cow leather!”
Only the finest quality plastic made of ARRGHHHHhhh PETROLEUM in a oil powered factory….
HMMmmmm I guess it is down to handmade hemp sandals. NOPE, that won’t work either, hemp is illegal in the US of A
…..I guess they had better go barefoot but they’ll have to watch out for the piles of bull excrement from Al Baby.

Claude Harvey
April 21, 2010 8:39 pm

This is how it started with Father Duffy: “We’ll have a little retreat for selected youths to get some quality, one-on-one time with the padre.”
Then came the lawsuits.

April 21, 2010 8:40 pm

“The fact that science is heading toward ‘total disrepute’ is because most alarmist tobacco scientists are bought and paid for advocates of their rich patrons: the anti-tobacco government funding agencies, and tax-exempt NGOs with their heavy anti-tobacco genda.
The $Billions diverted every year to anti-tobacco deprive other deserving sciences of needed funding, and the ethics-challenged anti-tobacco purveyors fight off every attempt to derail their gravy train. The unchallenged recipients of this easy loot are the reason the public is increasingly viewing science in general with a jaundiced eye.
Scientists in other deserving fields need to speak up about this waste of resources, which starves their own fields of the funding that would otherwise be available.”
reads funny eh?

April 21, 2010 8:45 pm

harvey (20:40:45),
Aren’t you a clever little man, with your strawman arguments. You set that strawman up and knocked him right down, you brave strawman killer, you.
What a man…
Wake me when you start answering the specific questions put to you.

April 21, 2010 8:51 pm

What I want to know from Harvey is: who is the “superior authority” that we are all supposed to be happily submitting ourselves to on this website?

April 21, 2010 8:54 pm

ah you wish me to answer a question?
I only saw one. lol
so is there a “master race” behind the Fox and WUTT propaganda?
Rather this was from an erudite poster on this thread.
One may posit that there is an “elite” in the U.S that would like to maintain their world wide montetary position and lifestyle at all cost.
if this were true, would they not care about AGW because it would not effect them?
It may kill millions in the third world, but good riddence….

Ian H
April 21, 2010 9:10 pm

since tomorrow is earth day we all need to do 5 good things for the earth! recycle cans and bottles, paper, pick up any trash, or anything that will help the earth

I plan to reduce the nitrogen load on the local water recycling plant by urinating on the lemon tree in the garden.
Um … 5 times? … Looks like assisting the planet may also require me to have a few beers.

April 21, 2010 9:18 pm

Digsby (20:51:22):

What I want to know from Harvey is: who is the “superior authority” that we are all supposed to be happily submitting ourselves to on this website?

Well for sure, it isn’t Harvey’s nemesis, the e-e-evil Fox News.
Maybe it’s Harvey’s benevolent, altruistic UN/IPCC.
Harvey says: “So is there a ‘master race’ behind the Fox and WUTT propaganda? Now note I DID NOT AT ALL MENTION THIS.”
Harvey conveniently forgets his statement above:

…it could logically produce results that were against the political and ideological demands of the master races.

Looks like Harvey did mention it after all.
Rather than argue with Harvey, as Marcus Aurelius said, “The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.”
I’m distancing myself from Harvey’s ranks. G’night, all.

April 21, 2010 9:22 pm

Anybody wanting to teach their children to think for themselves and how to resist authoritarian propaganda of whatever kind should try to get hold of a copy of the book Straight and Crooked Thinking by Robert Henry Thouless.

April 21, 2010 9:33 pm

Re: Harvey
Don’t feed the troll.
/Mr L

Steve Schaper
April 21, 2010 9:36 pm

So these young pioneers///// will be launching a ‘youth scourge’? Rather green, aren’t they?
(I think they had the jackboots cobbled back when they thought cows were warming the planet due to ruminant gut bacteria – forgetting, apparently the Great Northern and Southern herds of American buffalo////bison///wisent that used to cover the plains. )

Steve Schaper
April 21, 2010 9:43 pm

Is harvey from Bizzarro World?
The National Socialists and the Corporatists/fascists and the Communists hold to vary similar ideologies, separated primarily by the difference between modernism (communism) and post-modernism (national socialism and fascism or whatever group-identity will-to-power politics are calling themselves these days)
It was Darwinism which drove the extermination camps in the Third Reich. It was ‘scientific socialism’ which ruled the Soviet Union. They weren’t anti-science, they held to scientism – the notion that if you can’t measure it with a material tool, it doesn’t exist.
jeez, one error, Americans -did- know that eugenics led to genocide. Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood’s continuing attempts to exterminate the African-American, the views of Charles Lindberg, Henry Ford and the Ford Foundation, the whole Progressive(ist) gang. Even the brothers Mayo.

Gail Combs
April 21, 2010 9:49 pm

jeez (19:53:03) :
You may want to read up on the history of Eugenics in the 20th century….
“When Nazi administrators went on trial for war crimes in Nuremberg after World War II, they justified the mass sterilizations…”
How about reading up on what the USDA is funding now, Spermicidal Corn.

Scientists have created the ultimate GM crop: contraceptive
corn. Waiving fields of maize may one day save the world
from overpopulation.
The pregnancy prevention plants are the handiwork of the San
Diego biotechnology company Epicyte, where researchers have
discovered a rare class of human antibodies that attack
‘We have a hothouse filled with corn plants that make
anti-sperm antibodies,’ said Epicyte president Mitch Hein.”
Not to mention the forced sterilization of native American women here in the USA up until the seventies. This web site has amassed links to the sterilization issue.
Then there is the US government’s use of her citizens as guinea pigs without their knowledge.
According to an article I saw a couple of years ago, the US government was using cancer patients for radiation overdose trials without knowledge or consent. My mom was one of those who was badly burned by a major overdose by “mistake”…when she left that hospital for a second opinion her Doctor complained he was writing a paper on her. At first the second hospital was going to take my mom on as a patient, they even operated, but after her Doctor talked to them they adopted a strict hands off policy.
No wonder the other doctors at the hospital called this guy “the Butcher”

Gail Combs
April 21, 2010 9:58 pm

harvey (20:32:29) :
” I would suggest that they spend the day listening to Fox News.”
Harvey, I do not OWN a TV because the stuff on it is crap. I read books instead. However my neighbors government educated kids can barely read and are incapable of adding two single digit numbers despite the fact they are in high school. It is @#$!$ hard to tutor a kid in algebra when he can not even ADD!

April 21, 2010 10:00 pm

Funny, isn’t it? The kid is riding in a car and has a lap top. Doesn’t burning vegetable oil produce CO2? Isn’t car manufacturing producing CO2? Isn’t the lap top produced from petrol and doesn’t it require energy?
Indoctrination at its worst. The kid doesn’t even understand what he is saying.

April 21, 2010 10:02 pm

How can five random teenagers be believed to become leaders in the future? Just because they have met Al Gore? This movement is really transforming into a full-fledged religion as the encounter with the prophets gives people a special magic and ability to lead. 😉

Gail Combs
April 21, 2010 10:17 pm

Digsby (21:22:29) :
Anybody wanting to teach their children to think for themselves… get hold of a copy of the book Straight and Crooked Thinking by Robert Henry Thouless.
Thanks for the tip, I will try to pick up a copy and see if I want to recommend it to my customers’ parents.

Gail Combs
April 21, 2010 10:39 pm

cogito (22:00:22) :
“Funny, isn’t it? The kid is riding in a car and has a lap top….
Indoctrination at its worst. The kid doesn’t even understand what he is saying.”

They get real irate when you point out what hypocrites they are too.
In the eighties there was a bogus anti-polystyrene campaign. Some idiot was ranting at me about the evils of polystyrene and other plastics two days after I lost my job because the polystyrene manufacturer I worked for closed five plants.
She had a nice big crowed gathered hanging on her every word as she lectured, finally I lost it and said “Hand me your car keys”…
Her reply “What??”
“Your car keys, and take off that blouse and those shoes”….
“Put you money where your mouth is or shut up, because you are nothing but a hypocrite.”
She left in a huff with the audience snickering.
I do not see Al Baby living like the Amish, so that makes him and Mann and Jones and no doubt good ole Harvey hypocrites.
I wonder if Harvey is a Moonbat Troll since he can’t come up with anything but rather lame attacks.
” leadkindlylight (11:26:20) :
…By a strange coincidence the evil Moonbat from the Guardian has recently organized a gang of trolls to haunt the internet and mess up sites. “

April 21, 2010 11:06 pm

harvey (19:41:18) :
During the Hitler and Stalin era, science was held in total disrepute.

Stalin may have had disdain for scientists but then he was a paranoid psychopath. Hitlers whole military machine was driven by scientific innovation and engineering excellence. The Ballistic Missile is the foundation of our space programs. The Jet Engine and Night Vision were pioneered and first used by Nazi Germany.
Ironically the VW motor car was a Nazi invention. They were at first designed to run on petroleum but I believe as fuel shortages began to bite, plans were made to import whale blubber from Norway and convert them to bio diesel. As an added selling point polar bear skin seat covers were to be offered as an optional extra.
Our RAF chappies soon put a stop to that little caper.

April 21, 2010 11:10 pm

Luboš Motl (22:02:00) :
How can five random teenagers be believed to become leaders in the future? Just because they have met Al Gore? This movement is really transforming into a full-fledged religion as the encounter with the prophets gives people a special magic and ability to lead. 😉
The only think Al Gore will end up spawning in them is neurosis, and madness.

Pete Olson
April 21, 2010 11:11 pm

Russ Blaik – Regarding ‘Lose’ and ‘Losing’ vs ‘Loose’ and ‘Loosing’:
It drives me crazy when people misspell my name, too…how about you?
Can’t imagine what would make anyone think that my comment was directed at them – this erroneous spelling has become so ubiquitous that it has nearly edged out the correct one. SOMEBODY has to help set this right. It’s not done as a criticism, but as a service to a broad, general audience – something more along the lines of letting folks know that the tag is hanging out of the back of their shirt, so they don’t look ridiculous.

April 22, 2010 12:33 am

Is this snipworthy?
“Nancy Sinatra and Lee Hazlewood recorded a song written by Jerry Leiber and Billy Edd Wheeler about a married couple who find (according to the lyrics) that the “fire” has gone out of their relationship. The song relates the desire of both partners to travel to a city named “Jackson” where they each expect to be welcomed as someone far better suited to the city’s lively night life than the other is.” Wikipedia.
Oh for knowledge above my pay grade!

April 22, 2010 12:38 am

MartinGAtkins (23:06:37) :
VW could have been British!!!
The company owes its post-war existence largely to one man, British Army officer Major Ivan Hirst, REME. In April 1945, KdF-Stadt, and its heavily bombed factory were captured by the Americans, and subsequently handed over to the British, within whose occupation zone the town and factory fell. The factories were placed under the control of Oldham-born Hirst. At first, the plan was to use it for military vehicle maintenance. Since it had been used for military production, and had been in Hirst’s words a “political animal” rather than a commercial enterprise, the equipment was in time intended to be salvaged as war reparations.

David L
April 22, 2010 12:42 am

Why do megalomaniacs always end up going after the poor unsuspecting kids? That’s a rhetorical question BTW. But has it ever worked?

David L
April 22, 2010 1:15 am

L Nettles says:
April 21, 2010 at 3:10 pm
Quiz: The press release was dated April 20 which is also ________ birthday
Oooo… Ooooo. Ooooo. I know!!! I know!!! It’s Snappy’s birthday (my dachshund).
Ad well as a famous historical figure that shares my dogs nationality…. but the similarity ends there!

David, UK
April 22, 2010 2:15 am

AW said: “I know there will be a temptation to draw parallels with a another “youth” name.”
Yes, and the temptation is not without justification, is it?

UK Sceptic
April 22, 2010 2:36 am

Good grief! That has to be the most erudite eight year old on the planet. Or maybe he’d spent several hours practising reading a Gore script from an autocue…

April 22, 2010 3:26 am

Green is the new brown! Shirts anyone?

April 22, 2010 3:49 am

This indoctrination of the young, both in the UK and the US, is quite sickening.
Some children can barely tie their own shoe laces but can spout endless mantras about Global Warming, the Environment etc., Complete obedience and groupthink is the order of the day.
It will take a whole generation I believe to dismantle all this nonsense and there will be casualties. There is a long road ahead but in the end truth and logic will prevail – as it always has done.
Orwell was an insightful genius.

April 22, 2010 4:22 am

Now you kids, repeat after me:’ the core temperature of Planet Earth is several million degrees.’

April 22, 2010 4:23 am

Well if we can’t use ‘youth’ we’ll use the original initials instead then. HJ. The parallels are frightening.

April 22, 2010 4:26 am

Re Pete Olson (23:11:14):
Yep; besides ‘loose’ for ‘lose’, there’s ‘it’s’ for ‘its’ (and vice-versa), not to mention ‘there’ for ‘their’ (and even ‘they’re’). And then you have supposedly educated people forming plurals by adding apostrophe-s.
(The latter I suppose is a back-formation from the unfortunate modernism, endorsed by the NY Times, no less, of forming plurals of acronyms thus: CD’s, rather than CDs.)
The Internet in general, and blogs and forums like this in particular, encourage such sloppiness. Spell-checkers do help, but not for homonyms. And sticklers for accuracy, like Mr. Olson (and me), when we speak up generally succeed only in ruffling feathers.
Would that the egregious Algore would devote himself to teaching grammatical skills to our youth, rather than indoctrinating them in the Creed of Global Warming (now apparently “the climate crisis”).
/Mr Lynn

April 22, 2010 4:46 am

When your soldiers aren’t doing the job and you start arming your grandmas and youth with pitchforks and wooden sticks you must surely be knowing you are probly gonna lose the war.

April 22, 2010 4:47 am

I know there will be a temptation to draw parallels with a another “youth” name…
I was actually thinking about the irony of a Malthusian calling his protégés — “Inconvenient”…

Dave Springer
April 22, 2010 5:44 am

How is vegetable oil supposed to help climate change?
Is it clean burning?
The warmists are going bonkers.
Let’s hope we don’t follow suit.
Engage your mind!
Reiterate the facts over and over.
YOUTH deserve the truth.

April 22, 2010 5:47 am

His name is Al Gore if you care
His stock and his trade, just hot air
Though Vice was his thing
He now lives like a king
Promoting the CO2 scare.

Claude Harvey
April 22, 2010 6:25 am

In case no one noticed, we have two “Harvey(s)” chipping in on this site. There’s “Claude Harvey” and there’s just plain “Harvey”. Claude Harvey does not wish to be confused with the lunatic branch of the family (I think they breed trolls).

Bob L
April 22, 2010 7:16 am

Sounds like Al’s the father of program that has really created a furor!
It will probably spread across Europe with lighting speed–a blitzkrieg if you will.
I’m sure it will include some summer programs for the kids when they’re out of school–probably at camps where they can concentrate on saving the planet.

Gail Combs
April 22, 2010 7:57 am

Claude Harvey (06:25:18) :
In case no one noticed, we have two “Harvey(s)” chipping in on this site. There’s “Claude Harvey” and there’s just plain “Harvey”. Claude Harvey does not wish to be confused with the lunatic branch of the family (I think they breed trolls).
Should we call the second “Harvey” Moonbat Harvey after the trolls being sent out by George Monbiot? /sarc

Gail Combs
April 22, 2010 8:07 am

ralphieGM (04:46:10) :
When your soldiers aren’t doing the job and you start arming your grandmas and youth with pitchforks and wooden sticks you must surely be knowing you are probly gonna lose the war.
Makes me think of the old Clint Eastwood move with granny in a rocking chair blasting away with a shotgun at a motorcycle gang… the moral of the story is Do not underestimate us old women.

hippie longstocking
April 22, 2010 8:21 am

Jim (11:30:06) : If we want to fix things the first thing we need to do is take back the educational system from the NEA.
No truer words have ever been spoken. This is how it all was started. By starting the take over of the education system decades ago, the leftists in this country have been able to slowly manipulate people to believe (or at least not fight back against) their agenda. The NEA is the number 1 problem with our education system in this country. Fix that and the vast majority of this “post modern science” that is really just populationist and/or Marxist agenda wrapped in science-sounding verbiage disappears.
It’s time for us all to stop talking about the problems we see and do something about them. Whether on a local, state or national level, we, the people, need to take back control or be subjected to more and more of the AGW style pseudo-science and the governmental controls that come along with it.

John Q. Galt
April 22, 2010 8:25 am

*DING* Biofuel Bashing Detected *DING*
The canard that “there isn’t enough to go around” is like telling someone who has never seen the movie Aliens to not bother as they all end up dead in the sequel anyways.
UVO biofuel is simply an example of a combined cycle, one of many that add up to create the aggregate activity I like to call “making a living.”
Here’s a fun idea: once used fryer oil for your chips and french fries. Great marketing point, no? Free radicals and all. Place a frozen fried food factory in front of a biodiesel reformer plant. We need, and can supply, far more vegetable oil for fuels than food. Can’t have soybean meal without dumping that toxic fat somewhere, no? Or maybe use the vegie oil as the working fluid in an open-cycle oil heating element oven. Add some zeolite catalyst, alcohol, CO2 and 1% lye and out the other end comes biodiesel. Meh, just a thought.
Haters will hate. 😉

April 22, 2010 8:53 am

Wow – just watched the video (was on my mobile earlier). By youth I was thinking teenagers – exploiting a child like that is unforgivable.
When I was that kid’s age I thought we were all going to die of skin cancer because of holes in the ozone layer. I think, in celebration of Earth Day, I need to sit down with my kids and remind them how the people trying to scare them – maybe including their teachers – don’t know what the f…[self-snip]…udge they are talking about.
Planes flying into the WTC was one thing, teachers terrorizing children in the classroom is another. Only one of these is state-sponsored

R. de Haan
April 22, 2010 9:43 am

More propaganda from Harvard
Join us for the Green Carpet!

R. de Haan
April 22, 2010 10:08 am
April 22, 2010 10:26 am

I just got through a quick look at the Inconvenient Youth website and it is horrifying.
We have one young person suggesting that everybody should have their carbon footprints monitored so that they can win prizes for good environmental behaviour.
Another thinks it would be great to have a day where all the kids wear Green Shirts … pausing while people shudder in historical awareness… to “build some sort of commerade-ship because it always feels good to know that you are part of a group that’s doing something cool.”
And from the next head of Acorn, “Each school could apply for a grant to help the climate.”
We may now officially be screwed as a civilization.

April 22, 2010 10:46 am

John Q. Galt (08:25:17) – There is a market for used frying oil. The current market price is $0.24/pound (See “yellow grease” in Kansas City commodities) or $1.80/gallon. A fast food restaurant produces 20-30 gallons of yellow grease per week. How often do you need to fill up – once a week? 10 gallons is half to a third of one store’s used oil (before conversion to biodiesel) production in a week. Of course, you shouldn’t contract with your local fast food store because it’s better if the oil goes to a refiner who can process it for reuse, so it can be used more than once before it is incinerated. You should get your biodiesel from the refiner’s fraction which is not suitable for reuse.

April 22, 2010 11:04 am

“harvey (19:41:18) :
During the Hitler and Stalin era, science was held in total disrepute.

harvey is probably one the Gore kids on his first mission – he must be very young because he doesn’t know anything about history. And i mean *anything*.
I feel the need to point out that not only Hitler but also the Russians innovated like hell during the war years.

Brendan H
April 22, 2010 12:46 pm

Jeez: “The Nazis had claimed American eugenicists inspired and supported Hitler’s racial purification laws, and failed to understand the connection between those policies and the eventual genocide of the Holocaust.”
So American eugenicists were responsible for the Holocaust? Right, and the Nazis were just following orders. Eugenics was a misguided social and political movement, but comparing it to the Holocaust is like claiming that the mass bombing of German cities was the equivalent of the Holocaust.
This type of relativism fails to recognise the unique nature of the Holocaust, and its roots within German history and culture.
The eugenics argument is also a favourite of anti-evolutionists, used to discredit and demonise evolutionary theory. It has the same value in the argument against AGW.

April 22, 2010 12:50 pm

Re. the video: I think it’s creepy, spooky and way out of order. If some people don’t recognise it for what it is then – in my view – they’ll never ‘get’ a number of very important points about the so-called ‘free world’ that we live in. Do they still call it ‘the free world’?
Re. veg oil vehicles: I was running my 1989 Mercedes van on off-the-shelf supermarket sunflower oil some years back because it was 40% of the price of diesel. No conversion of the engine was necessary – just a separate tank for the veg oil and a dashboard switch to switch to that tank once the engine was warmed up. Engine ran better – smoother – although you could smell the ‘cooking’ smell. Now veg oil is through the roof in price there’s no point in doing it any more.
Re grammar: I rue the way the richness of the English language is being eroded – like people rarely use ‘fewer’ any more; they always just say ‘less’, when ‘fewer’ is the correct word to use: they say ‘less traffic jams’, for example. I hear it all the time, including the BBC. It doesn’t drive me nuts, but it does annoy me whenever I hear it…

Bruce Cobb
April 22, 2010 1:22 pm

These Inconvenient Youths will, of course be required to have shrunken, and mushy gray matter for brains, since fully-functioning and healthy minds would be very inconvenient to being properly brainwashed. They will need to be able to live in a dream world, and not be able to distinguish fact from fiction, have no idea of what constitutes science or mathematics, and be ignorant of history, particularly paleoclimatology. They will also need to know nothing about more recent periods such as the MWP and LIA. For them, ignorance truly is bliss.

April 22, 2010 3:15 pm

AGW is for kids.

April 22, 2010 3:34 pm

Goreific is going to tutor kids? Why Gore? When it comes to science,
He Is The Least Educated Radical.

Munimula the Beneficent
April 22, 2010 7:01 pm

Lies and Damn Lies
There is a great difference between “Climate Change” aka “Global Warming” and Science. The first is a manufactured crisis by the Socialists and Marxists represented by the Obama Regime along with their fellow travelers while Science is the methodical and logical search for the truth using the Scientific Method. The research done on “Climate Change” by the UN up to this point has been discredited along with the dishonest people who did the research and called themselves Scientists.
While Al Gore is just another corrupt progressive politician and a liar, the people who falsified the data in the research are damn liars. With the help of the NEA, Gore and his friends are trying their best to indoctrinate your children. Don’t let them succeed.

April 22, 2010 8:35 pm

“AnonyMoose (15:13:10) :
regeya (14:43:11) – Or the diesel fuel was dangerously hidden underground, migrating and leaking into the environment until we helped remove it in a controlled fashion and incinerated it.
“Leaking into the environment? Yes. Many (some experts say most) oil deposits are found by following oil seeps to their source.”
Up from the ground came a-bubblin’ crude? Oil, that is? Black gold? Texas tea?

Stop Global Dumbing Now
April 22, 2010 11:08 pm

Algore loves me this I know,
for the IPCC tell me so.
Little ones’ minds to him belong,
theirs are weak and his is wrong.
Yes, Algore loves me.
Yes, Algore loves me.
Yes, Algore loves me,
the IPCC tells me so.

April 23, 2010 6:56 am

I got confuse about why 5 as well…..should be 12..right?

zombie Michael Jackson
April 23, 2010 10:46 am

Al…buddy…let me tell you: No matter how noble your cause, this sort of thing never ends well. Trust me.

April 23, 2010 11:05 am

I understand the comments being snipped, but I hate to say the first parallel that jumped to mind for me was “Youth in Asia”. Yeah, not nearly as creepy, but maybe still applicable.

John Q. Galt
April 23, 2010 3:15 pm

AnonyMoose (10:46:45)
Sorry AnonyMoose, your point escapes me.

April 23, 2010 4:08 pm

Mike:  We will run our cars on french fry oil in an ecological world.
Fred:  OK. I’ll have 500 orders of french fries please, and the fry oil on the side.