The Big Blast

You know, for as much as we humans think we really have control over our planet, nature tends to remind us from time to time that we are just flyspecks…

Carbon dioxide did not end the last Ice Age

A new USC study shows that Deep-sea temperatures rose 1,300 years before atmospheric CO2 rose, ruling out the greenhouse gas as driver of meltdown, says a study in Science. Carbon…

NASA GISS and "pesky sunspot correlations continue"

Above: Earth in comparison, size wise to common sunspots The Christion Science Monitor had a detailed article recently that brought in a surprisng source – NASA GISS – an entity…

Please stand by

There’s nothing wrong with your computer monitor, do not attempt to adjust the picture. Normal blogging will resume shortly.

New Watts Up With That? blog in the works

I’m working on porting over to a new blogging platform. So there may be a delay in new content here. I’m trying out some ideas and themes, and it is…

A question for my readers

As you may or may not know, this blog has taken off with big traffic increases as of late. While the traffic has been an indicator of success, unfortunately, keeping…

How not to measure temperature, part 31

It’s been awhile since I updated this series, and its not for lack of material. But I got busy with the UCAR conference, publishing a slide show, and other things.…

Maybe they need a statistical analysis class

From The Wall Street Journal has a sobering piece describing the research of medical scholar John Ioannidis, who showed that in many peer-reviewed research papers ‘most published research findings…

Grilling the Data

9/29/07 UPDATE: We are still waiting on Mr. Steve Bloom to answer this question: “Why is positive bias imparted in USHCN adjustments?” He incorrectly asserts that he has been “banned”…

Raising Walhalla

An odd twist has developed in the past week regarding some data sets that volunteers have been using to look at individual stations. The data has changed on NASA’s…

My UCAR slideshow and station quality ratings online

With 33% of the USHCN weather station network now surveyed, the site quality rating is now applied, see the USHCN Station Master List file in HTML and XLS format. The…

33% of the USHCN network has been surveyed

I’m pleased to announce that 33% of the USHCN network of 1221 weather stations has been surveyed now by volunteers. With 404 stations surveyed so far, 817 to go.…

NASA's Hansen Frees the Code !

One of the goals I and many other concerned citizens have had this summer is to get full disclosures on the measuring environment, data, methods, and computer source code used…

Friday Funny – "Klaatu Barada Nikto"

According to Box Office Mojo, The classic sci-fi movie The Day the Earth Stood Still is going into production and is to open on May 9th, 2008. The original is a sci-fi…

Mount Shasta's glaciers not heeding climate change

From my friends at KOVR-TV in Sacramento, here’s this interesting tidbit: Mount Shasta’s glaciers are advancing rather than receding. Mount Shasta, at 14,162 feet seems to have a mind of…

Pictures do matter

Today I got a piece of delicious irony and satisfaction in seeing that one of the phantom operated climate blogs, Rabett Run, started using photos from to make a…

Upgrading Windows Vista to XP

I mentioned some months ago that I had to purchase Microsoft Vista, preinstalled on a laptop, against my better judgement. You can read about that experience here. Recently, I had…

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