Eos: let's get the bankers and the climate modelers talking, but will the bankers be too realistic?

From Eos June 11, 2013, PAGE 215, comes a recommendation that the finance community and climate scientists work together. One wonders though, if people in the results driven financial world…

Another paper shows that severe weather/extreme weather has no trend related to global warming

From Pierre Gosselin’s  Notrickszone http://notrickszone.com/2012/05/25/comprehensive-alps-study-clearly-refutes-humans-are-causing-more-weather-variability-and-extremes/ A new paper authored by Reinhard Böhm of the Austrian Central Administration For Meteorology (ZAMG) refutes the notion that anthropogenic warming is causing an increase of climate extremes…

CO2 increases to make drunken clownfish

From Nature.com, is there anything trace amounts of CO2 can’t do? As if clownfish (the test subject) don’t already act funny. The New Scientist says: Carbon dioxide in the ocean…

Penn State to lecture on "climate ethics"

I got this late, but this must be the most clueless thing I’ve ever seen, especially coming on the heels of the biggest ethics scandal ever in the history of…