Climate Craziness of the Week – I get mail

Clouded thinking

There seems to be a disturbance in the farce. Peter J. Simmons uses the WUWT Submit Story link (making it fair game to publish) to send this fine example of climate delusion in action, complete with “you people” and big oil claims.

Further down we have a death threat style email from Marc Morano he shared today. I’m sure David Appell will get right on it.

Peter J. Simmons writes:

Story body: You’re too busy for this to be a hobby. So it’s your job unless you are independently wealthy. Are you paid by oil companies to spread disinformation? If you live on the East Coast you may have cause to start wondering if your career choice was sensible.

But any way, the environment will catch up with you people, as every day brings more ‘extreme’ weather events, records for rainfall broken repeatedly [the north of England and Scotland just had a month’s rain in 24 hours, in June, one of many records broken] and extreme weather is becoming the norm around the world.

Rather than spending your life copying and pasting this garbage [do you actually create any of it?] you would be advised to step outside occasionally into the real world and experience what is happening to the climate in real time, in reality, you know, on your skin. So much effort, energy and activity to deny reality, and your epitaph will be ‘He got it wrong’.

‘It don’t take a weatherman to tell which way the wind blows’.

Short summary:

A couple of points.

1. I do get outside, for example-  the head photo in this post is of clouds taken by me last night near my home, I found the mix of lower level cumulus constrained by the LCL juxtaposed with the higher patterned cirrus interesting.

2. I don’t get any funding from big oil, small oil, or coal companies or energy companies of any kind. Yes I’m busy, yes I write a lot of my own material, combined with guest posts and press releases. Your assertions are just talking points fabricated by the haters with no basis. If I was funded by “big oil” or independently wealthy, would I need to do things like this (yes, another outside excursion)?

3. As for my epitaph, I’ve already written it into my will to be inscribed on my tombstone, you’ll just have to wait.

Here’s Marc Morano’s hate mail today, equally entertaining. He writes:

I wonder if Australian media would be interested in hate/threatening mail i recieved today. Abc News? I would send a taunting email back, but it is most likely fake email return address.

From: Fuk Yu <>

Sent: Tue Jun 26 11:44:29 EDT 2012


Subject: leave the scientists alone

I will have a nice long drive up to DC and have a very short and unpleasant conversation with your ass if you don”t stop harrassing scientists.


Greens need higher quality trolls. – Anthony

UPDATE: It seems that there must be something in the air today…more examples from Tom Nelson:

Classy: Warmist Brad Johnson tweets using hashtag “#suckitdeniers”

Twitter / climatebrad: #climategate smackdown

‪#climategate smackdown: “Petitioners have not, as they assert, uncovered a ‘pattern’ of flawed science.” ‪#suckitdeniers

Brad Johnson (climatebrad) on Twitter

Campaign Manager for Forecast the Facts (@ForecastFacts). Former ThinkProgress Green Editor at the Center for American Progress.


Left-wing warmist Roger Ebert: “Global Warming Deniers shouting their denials through snorkels”

Twitter / ebertchicago: Sea level rising 3-4 times

Sea level rising 3-4 times faster on East Coast. Global Warming Deniers shouting their denials through snorkels.

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June 26, 2012 11:04 am

Nature has a way of getting the last word. When does the ‘debate strategy’ of the global warming alarmists cease to work? When they lose popular support. Their support has been steadily falling to the point they’re pretty much out of the game. Pretense to authority and their petty liberal fascism seems to be about all they have left.

June 26, 2012 11:07 am

It’s a shame Mr Morano wasn’t using his spillchucker. ‘recieved’ Yuck!!!!

June 26, 2012 11:14 am

If Morano was an AGW promoter, that e-mail would be internatinal news and lead to much pontification about how wicked denialists are threatening poor AGW scientists.

David Jones
June 26, 2012 11:19 am

Greens need higher quality trolls. – Anthony
Do they have any “higher quality trolls?” I very much doubt it, they are too full believing their own BS to develop any quality.

June 26, 2012 11:19 am

I’d assume most conversations with my ass would be very short; it is not nearly as eloquent as most of my other body parts. I can’t speak to the unpleasantness of such an exchange as I have neither had the desire nor the thought of trying one, although I assume there are those who talk to just about anyone, I’m trying not to judge. I fail to see the threat in that email and I give it an F for originality.

June 26, 2012 11:22 am

The first email was nothing but supposition after supposition. Not very scientific, not very academic, not very nice. But I’m sure he had a smacking good time writing it – and sending it. I would insert here one of the many adages which deals with fools and the words of fools, but I figure we know the tune. And the fool never knows his part. He’s too busy listening to himself.

Ulrich Elkmann
June 26, 2012 11:24 am

Conclusive evidence that climate change lowers the IQ, moral standards and argumentative acumen of warmists and thus has to be prevented in the name of the future of the human race.

Stephen Richards
June 26, 2012 11:24 am

He said “talk with your ass” because that’s where you would exchange la merde, fumier etc

June 26, 2012 11:28 am

I will have a nice long drive up to DC…
…assuming he passes the road test for his learner’s permit and mom lets him borrow the car.

June 26, 2012 11:30 am

All I can picture is this guy kneeling behind Morano, red-faced, yelling, “And another thing…”

Tony Hansen
June 26, 2012 11:31 am

Morano has a donkey?

Tony Mach
June 26, 2012 11:33 am

“more ‘extreme’ weather events, records for rainfall broken repeatedly [the north of England and Scotland just had a month’s rain in 24 hours, in June, one of many records broken]”
Wasn’t the predication for the UK that it would get warmer and dryer?

June 26, 2012 11:33 am

…as every day brings more ‘extreme’ weather events, records for rainfall broken repeatedly [the north of England and Scotland just had a month’s rain in 24 hours, in June, one of many records broken]
Wrong! It’s getting hotter and dryer! All the models say so!
For a decade or more, we’ve been regularly told that the summers will get hotter and dryer, to the point that TV gardening programmes advocated growing mediterranean gardens. There’s a big county show every year here, in the middle of summer. Haven’t been since the 1980s, but I recall being amused by the stand from the local water company, with posters advocating the usual drought resistant plants to cope with the heat and aridity. What amused me was that the stand was on turf, rendered a sea of mud by the heavy rain. After a couple of years of this, I didn’t notice the water company stand any more. Cognitive dissonance is a wonderful thing, when you’re standing ankle deep in mud handing out leaflets about drought.
Here’s the sort of model-based nonsense we regularly get:

Adam Gallon
June 26, 2012 11:33 am

Ah yes, our rainfall. This is following on from the Met Office’s forecast, of April, May & June being “Drier than average”?

June 26, 2012 11:41 am

Dangerous talk…could get PJS and FY some serious quiet time….maybe even getting kicked out of mommies basement.

P. van der Meer
June 26, 2012 11:43 am

Of course, to understand the science behind climate change requires an IQ of at least saaayyyyy……….um… 80. So one would have to feel sorry for this troll, what’s his name again, Simons, Simmon, oh what the hell. Who cares anyway!

Rob Potter
June 26, 2012 11:44 am

Speaking of the UK rainfall, didn’t the Met Office say that April would be the driest of the three months – just before the deluge started? At the time some wags said “wait for May and June” and so far this seems likely!
Since the UK is so variable (for a relatively small island) I am sure we can find somewhere where May and June rainfall is greater than April – anyone got the time to look and save the Met Office blushes?

June 26, 2012 11:46 am

Awww bless. Isn’t he nice to be thinking of us Brits and our unusually wet summers, especially after the dry winters we’ve been having? Of course the models said it would be the other way round.

Keith Pearson, Formerly bikermailman, Anon No Longer
June 26, 2012 11:49 am

What always amazes me is how people on the Left, ordinarily very skeptical, esp towards ‘Big’ Whatever, are so willing to blindly accept whatever Big Government shovels down our throats. I realize the mentality involved, and should you wonder in stunned amazement yourselves, give Dr Sanity’s blog a go. It’s a, IIRC. Well explained for the layman (as much is here, Thanks Anthony, Willis, and all!), and lots of things will begin to make sense. Anthony, I truly hope they don’t start going down the #BrettKimberlain road on you, SWATing and all. Given he tactic becoming more common, it might behoove you to have a peremptory chat with your local LEOs. One blogger on your side of the country could well have been shot by the police, given the tactics used.

a jones
June 26, 2012 11:54 am

The English have a long tradition of entertaining epitaphs on their gravestones until such things were suppressed by the moralists about a hundred years ago. Still they sometimes slip through even today and one of the wittiest modern ones was the late Spike Milligan’s.
“I told you I was ill.”
As for the level of invective it is very puerile. The best example I have ever met was by a noted chess player and written to a lady friend, alas no longer with us. It is a quite superb mixture of insult, invective and abuse. I have the original letter and when the gentleman dies I shall publish it as an exemplar of the art.
Kindest Regards

June 26, 2012 12:01 pm

Was beer involved by any chance, seems likely to me.

June 26, 2012 12:02 pm

you would be advised to step outside occasionally into the real world and experience what is happening to the climate in real time
Actually, this is very good advice. When Texas was undergoing its drought last year, it was interesting watching how nature dealt with it. It was also interesting watching how nature bounced right back after the drought ended. It was almost as if all the plants and animals were capable of dealing with the situation, like maybe they had had to deal with similar situations thousands or even millions of times before in the past.
This is a big reason why I think global warming is a bunch of hooey.

June 26, 2012 12:03 pm

Yah, I saw the clouds too. Here in Chico I was trying to get my equatorial mount aligned and the sky didn’t cooperate.
It’s pretty amazing how these shrill people think that the only reason we don’t agree is because we don’t know what they do. Sigh.

June 26, 2012 12:04 pm

The “record” rainfall in the North of England and Scotland is only a record if one ignores any “record” more than 30 years old.
As for the trolls – what a pity stupidty, even this terminal, takes so long to eradicate them from the gene pool.

Gail Combs
June 26, 2012 12:08 pm

Kaboom says:
June 26, 2012 at 11:19 am
I’d assume most conversations with my ass would be very short….
My conversations with my ass are more intelligent than with some of the CAGW brethren. She looks like this BTW: PHOTO (Note the intelligent expression)

June 26, 2012 12:16 pm

I love that the guy links to the story about sea level rise being higher on the east coast:

Since about 1990, sea-level rise in the 600-mile stretch of coastal zone from Cape Hatteras, N.C. to north of Boston, Mass. — coined a “hotspot” by scientists — has increased 2 – 3.7 millimeters per year; the global increase over the same period was 0.6 – 1.0 millimeter per year.

“Cities in the hotspot, like Norfolk, New York, and Boston already experience damaging floods during relatively low intensity storms,” said Dr. Asbury (Abby) Sallenger, USGS oceanographer and project lead. “Ongoing accelerated sea level rise in the hotspot will make coastal cities and surrounding areas increasingly vulnerable to flooding by adding to the height that storm surge and breaking waves reach on the coast.”

So let’s see. They claim that for the last 20 years the sea level rise has been about 1—3 mm/year higher in New York, meaning that since 1990 the sea level is about one to three inches higher in New York … and somehow this has changed the flooding??? I don’t think so.
I also love the idea that such a differential will continue over the next century, such that we’ll have a huge bulge in the ocean off the east coast, and boats will have to go uphill to get to New York …
PS—At least the National Geographic had some sense about the issue, saying:

Mysteries of East Coast Sea Level Rise
It’s still something of a mystery why the U.S. East Coast is bearing the brunt of sea level rise. Maybe, the researchers say, fresh water from Greenland’s melting ice is disrupting North Atlantic currents, slowing the Gulf Stream and causing East Coast sea levels to rise.
It’s also unclear to what extent humans may be to blame.
“This could be part of a natural cycle maybe 100 to 200 years long. Or not,” study ao-author Howd said. “We need more data over years to help build climate models and greater understanding.”

Steve Atherton
June 26, 2012 12:16 pm

Hi Anthony – You just keep it up I find the approach of much of the material presented to be spot on. I do enjoy the show immensely. More popcorn!

Mike Bromley the Kurd
June 26, 2012 12:17 pm

ANH says:
June 26, 2012 at 11:07 am
It’s a shame Mr Morano wasn’t using his spillchucker. ‘recieved’ Yuck!!!!

Chiep shawt.

June 26, 2012 12:17 pm

Yet another nutjob:
Oil Companies Fear Financial Impacts of Climate Change (+ Global Warming & Climate Change News Roundup)
And the formerly respected weather guy Paul Douglas is one of hos many CAGW rants at www,

Posted by: Paul Douglas Updated: June 25, 2012 – 12:00 PM
“Living In The New Abnormal”. For about 10-15 years now I’ve been talking about Weather 2.0, how weather patterns have shifted, evolved…mutated into something almost unrecognizable some days. Here’s an excerpt of an Aspen Times article that caught my eye on Sunday: “….We’re living in a new abnormal, perhaps,” said Dennis Dimick, National Geographic magazine’s executive editor for the environment. He showed detailed graphic displays that demonstrate how global temperatures have increased 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit since the 1970s. Projections indicate that summers in 2040 to 2060 will be “warmer than the warmest on record,” he said. Go ahead and throw weather records out the window, agreed Kevin Trenberth, senior scientist with the National Center for Atmospheric Research. The atmospheric conditions are changing to the point where “every weather event is different than it would have been,” Trenberth said. “We keep changing the climate so there is no new normal.”

Hey Paul – weather changes – always has. And the last 100 years changes are nothing unusual compared to the last 10,000 years, let a lone a single glacial cycle

Mac the Knife
June 26, 2012 12:17 pm

From: Foul Yap
Sent: Tue Jun 26 11:44:29 EDT 2012
Subject: leave the scientists alone
“I will have a nice long drive up to DC and have a very short and unpleasant conversation with your ass if you don”t stop harrassing scientists.”
You have my abject sympathies, Mr. Morano.
These types of comments are representative of what many of us receive on occasion. Why this individual desires an ‘unpleasant conversation’ with your posterior areas defies logic, however, I’m confident your posterior is more intelligent, accurately informed, and considerably more eloquent that your tormentors entire personae non gratae.
All the best to you, Sir!

June 26, 2012 12:32 pm

The Gray Monk said @ June 26, 2012 at 12:04 pm

The “record” rainfall in the North of England and Scotland is only a record if one ignores any “record” more than 30 years old.

Anybody know if there’s a youtube of the young female TV reporter ankle deep in water talking about the record flood level while completely oblivious to the sign on the wall above her head indicating the flood level reached back in the 1920s or 30s? It was shot in a British pub IIRC.

more soylent green!
June 26, 2012 12:34 pm

He can have a conversation with my @$$ is he wants, but he won’t like what my @$$ has to say, or how it says it!

June 26, 2012 12:35 pm

Popular Science on the job. Love the detailed scientific explanation:
There are a lot of reasons why a coast in one country–or even different pars of the same coast–would get hit harder by rising sea levels than another. For one, climate change’s effects aren’t consistent across the globe as ice caps and glaciers melt; ocean currents, water salinity, water temperature, and other factors could all change how much water creeps over and onto land. Those variables combine to separate the local from the global. The East Coast stretch and California drew the geological short straw in the short term, but the rest of the world will eventually feel the pressure as well.

June 26, 2012 12:41 pm

Willis Eschenbach said @ June 26, 2012 at 12:16 pm

boats will have to go uphill to get to New York

They already necessarily go uphill if they are sailing there from the Maldives for example, something those ignorant of geomatics remain blissfully unaware of. Not that I’m suggesting Willis is ignorant of such things…

Kelvin Vaughan
June 26, 2012 12:43 pm

Heavy rain in the UK in June is normal weather! I’ve had many holidays ruined.
It was not a record, It was wetter 150 years ago.

June 26, 2012 12:45 pm

An interesting mapping tool from NOAA – US Contiguous Temperature since 1896 ….thru 2011 the average JUNE temp looked like this:
US Contiguous Temperature 1896-2011
The actual average JUNE temp in 2011 and 2010 were virtually identical to JUNE temps in 1897 and 1896 ….
Yeah but you cherry picked and left out 2012 … nope – the record does not include June 2012 yet …. but May 2012 WAS warmer than most … however it was exactly the SAME temp as May 1934 – which was also a single year outlier … if you look at May 2011, the temp was nearly identical to May 1895 – and the same as many/majority of May temp readings since 1896
So … the AGW proponents can post their slick graphs about the vast number of new temp records all they want. They are meaningless. It was JUST AS HOT in May 1934 as May 2012.
Like MOST of the extreme claims these days – they are a result of reporting bias – we are simply better at collecting data and reporting it – it is clear from NOAA’s contiguous US record that the extreme numbers of records have had little overall effect on the US average tempos, and the 2012 warm temp is nothing new – we saw the same May temps in 1934 and a few others.

June 26, 2012 12:45 pm

Wow… The level of stupidity of these greenies is staggering at times. Tony Hansen, I am laughing. That was a good one. I sent the editor of National Geographic my cancellation letter years ago and referenced the supposed sea levels of the East Coast in it. I was not particularly tactful. Someone needs to publish those comparison photos of NYC again and show how it is not rising at all.

CW - code monkey with a wrench
June 26, 2012 12:45 pm

“Morph says:
June 26, 2012 at 12:01 pm
Was beer involved by any chance, seems likely to me.”
You can almost smell Old Milwaukee wafting off the “ass” email.

Mindert Eiting
June 26, 2012 12:47 pm

Regularly I receive mail from Avaaz, sometimes about reasonable actions but also about the climate. In the mail of last week they seem to assume that I know who Big Oil is. The rest is also incomprehensible but that may be my fault.
“Dear friends,
Over a million people have called on world leaders to end fossil fuel subsidies at the Rio Earth Summit, — a no-brainer policy that could take one trillion tax dollars from Big Oil and reinvest it in green energy. But they have failed to deliver. — even with the backing of the EU, the US and most G20 countries! The talks end in 48 hours. Now is our chance to save them and the planet’s future. “

Gras Albert
June 26, 2012 12:48 pm

Rob Potter asks
Since the UK is so variable (for a relatively small island) I am sure we can find somewhere where May and June rainfall is greater than April – anyone got the time to look and save the Met Office blushes?
UK Met Office forecast issued March 23, 2012
The forecast for average UK rainfall slightly favours drier-than-average conditions for April-May-June as a whole, and also slightly favours April being the driest of the 3 months
Wettest April to June periods on record for England and Wales since the year 1766 ( in mm)
2012 347.4 (up to June 23)
1782 336.7
1830 324.4
1797 313.1
Wettest Junes on record for England and Wales since the year 1766 (in mm)
1860 157.1
1768 148.7
2007 144.9
1848 141.5
2012 141.0 (up to June 23)
As far as global warming is concerned, 10 years ago it was possible to grow a crop of tomatoes in a garden in southern England, provided they were grown against a south facing wall. It has been impossible to get them to ripen for the past 5 years, not enough sunshine!

June 26, 2012 12:51 pm

But any way, the environment will catch up with you people, as every day brings more ‘extreme’ weather events, records for rainfall broken repeatedly [the north of England and Scotland just had a month’s rain in 24 hours, in June, one of many records broken]
The last time England had such heavy rain in June was 1767, which suggests low temperatures not high.

June 26, 2012 12:52 pm

“higher quality trolls?” I don’t believe that triolls come in “high quality” Trolls are all “low quality” which allows them to lurk under bridges.
It is very encouraging that the trolls and ACGWarmists are now resorting to extremely low level attacks against irrefutable logic.

June 26, 2012 12:52 pm

a jones
Spike Milligan may have lived most of his life in England but he was Irish not English.
He was born in India (his father was in the British Army and was posted there) and was of Irish antecedents. Despite this and the fact that Spike himself served in the British Army (in WWII) a legal change in the 60s meant that he had to fill out forms and pay a fee to get a British passport. He refused to do this and was, essentially, rendered stateless. Because of his Irish ancestry he was able to obtain Irish citizenship, which he did.
BTW, I am not grinding any sort of political/nationalistic axe, I am English, I just like things to be accurate. Maybe because I read a science degree!

June 26, 2012 1:06 pm

Tony Mach says:
June 26, 2012 at 11:33 am
“more ‘extreme’ weather events, records for rainfall broken repeatedly [the north of England and Scotland just had a month’s rain in 24 hours, in June, one of many records broken]”
Wasn’t the predication for the UK that it would get warmer and dryer?
If they’d been right it would have been “extremely” warmer and dryer.

Crispin in Waterloo
June 26, 2012 1:14 pm

Tony Mach says:
>>“more ‘extreme’ weather events, records for rainfall broken repeatedly [the north of England and Scotland just had a month’s rain in 24 hours, in June, one of many records broken]”
>Wasn’t the predication for the UK that it would get warmer and dryer?
Oh yeah, the inconvenience of facts…. The UK Met gets it exactly wrong (again) on a large scale.
It is so easy to point out the breathtaking ignorance and desperation of the submission and the submitter. It appears to me that the writer thinks the ‘creative’ aspect will be so shocking that Anthony will get upset and have to examine his soul for avenues of deliverance. What a maroon.
I know that sites like RC do their best to advance the idea that anyone who dares host a blog that allows actual skeptical discussion to be held have to be in the pay of some ‘big player’ because it is their only model – they themselves being in the pay of Big Green.
What really sticks in the craw of people like Gavin and Hansen is that a bunch of people off the street, so to speak, can overturn their scribblings with such ease. I mean, no one except M&M had to spend much time using query tools to find unlinked files on the servers like, Censored data.
Something to keep an eye on (Monckton wrote about it years ago but you should get ready for a version of the distraction in AR5) is the tropical mid-tropospheric heat signature of CO2’s back-radiation. It has to be there, right? So…how are those radiosonde readings looking? Are we finally going to see the smoking gun of CO2 in the new AR5? Will we see a rebuttal of Monckton’s charts in which he shows zero additional heating at the requisite altitude? After all, the models all suppose the heat is there – it is the very basis of AGW, the Root of that toxic green shoot.
The major warmist response (not a Paper with Proofs) was a comment that ‘the heating will appear in the Arctic, not the equator’ which is a) BS, b) not what the Models model and c) blithely pretends it addresses the issue of the defective claims for the magnitude of CO2-warming. The idea was parrotted all over the blogosphere as the standard response to anyone pointing out the required heat signature does not exist – that, after years of saying it is there. It was even shown on Wikipedia for heaven’s sake!
But the IPCC cannot get away with that simplicity – it has to show the basic science. How will AR5 deal with what has heretofore been shouted, modelled, assumed but lacking proof? It is about time the infidel Monckton’s rebuttal was properly tasked with a resounding demonstration of the AG signature, no? Come on IPCC, show us the temperatures and humidity v.s. altitude – a nice clear chart please.
People have been sending up balloons like crazy lately measuring temps and humidity and from all reports, the warming is not there, the high moisture is disappearing (also contrary to the models) and the alarmist claims are once again looking more than foolish. We had a recent discussion about the missing moisture so I think, m’Lud, it is time we revisit the missing back-radiation temperature signature.
Even Jerk-Wad the Submitter above will eat them for breakfast, ‘alternatively-abled’ and ‘special’ as he is.

Gary Hladik
June 26, 2012 1:24 pm

“I will have a nice long drive up to DC and have a very short and unpleasant conversation with your ass if you don”t stop harrassing scientists.”
I imagine the conversation would go something like this:
[ ]
Yes, it probably would be “unpleasant.”

June 26, 2012 1:30 pm

I am not sure where to post this, I will do it here. I saw amount of sea level rising on the east coast based on a USGS? report. My big concern is that it is not rising the same at different locations along the coast. If it does not raise the same amount along the east coast will the ocean dump over 🙂

June 26, 2012 1:35 pm

Have you ever noticed how often the UN agencies or political radicals will use pictures of a series of different size gears working together (that’s to illustrate systems thinking which they love even when it is not apt) or jigsaw puzzles with distinct pieces and several missing?
They thought only they could communicate globally. They thought if they made the environment the focus no one would appreciate it still functions like renamed socialism. They thought if they talked about national academic standards no one would notice the actual implementation was about adopting the tenets of UNESCO’s Education for Sustainable Development. They thought if they made Rio+20 the focus no one would notice the real action was at the Planet under Pressure Conference in March. They thought if they wrote the statutes and regulations to obtain what they wanted all the lawyers would simply stick to opining on whether something was legal or not. Not write about the actual consequences of what had now been officially authorized.
The schemers love to talk interdisciplinary and transdiciplinary because they do not want anyone knowing enough with an ability to prove it and describe it. They hate it when those of us with real expertise in one area gain it in another and then describe the problemmatic overlap.
And they really hate it that we reach out to other experts to augment our knowledge through the spontaneous internet. No wonder the UN wants so badly to control the internet. It really is proving to be their undoing.
And they are very resentful. They are so close. And we are just a bunch of little people who probably never eat at the finest restaurants. We are not behaving yet like the docile serfs and subjects they intend for us to be.
And their source of funds. Always that.

June 26, 2012 1:36 pm

If you live on the East Coast you may have cause to start wondering if your career choice was sensible.

I love the “climate panic de jour” aspect. Presumably he is referring to the same thing as Ebert:

Sea level rising 3-4 times faster on East Coast. Global Warming Deniers shouting their denials through snorkels.

Can these numbskulls really not realize that if sea level is rising faster in one place it is because of land subsidence and NOT due to climate change? I know that global warming alarmism is an IQ test but this is ridiculous.

June 26, 2012 1:39 pm

“[the north of England and Scotland just had a month’s rain in 24 hours, in June, one of many records broken]”
Isn’t england according to reports in the driest month in the last 30 years or something… and under full government control drought restrictions?

June 26, 2012 1:41 pm

leave Brad alone! he hasn’t realized it yet, but the only ways to FORECAST the FACTS are (a) a time machine; (b) a crystal ball or (c) living in North Korea where everything happens as expected by the Government.
seems to me FtF is anti-science in all respects and the last thing they should do is imagine there’s bigger suckers than them.

Chuck Nolan
June 26, 2012 1:41 pm

Tony Hansen says:
June 26, 2012 at 11:31 am
Morano has a donkey?
Yeah, I thought he was getting a horse.

June 26, 2012 1:45 pm

Now tell me Peter J. Simmons WHERE IS YOUR PEER REVIEWED EVIDENCE OF MORE EXTREME WEATHER EVENTS? (I vaguely recall that global warming means more warmth at the poles therefore we should bet fewer extremes, but hey I’m no climate scientist.)
Now try and pull yourself out of your stupor and try to read some peer reviewed evidence showing NO EXTREME TRENDS. Some show decreases!!!! Head for the hills!
Regarding oil funding you really should learn to get out more and open your eyes. May I firstly point out that Anthony has his own private business. Secondly, take a peek at the right hand side of this page and your will see a few money making schemes that helps to keep things running.

June 26, 2012 1:51 pm

I’ve seen people like this called “Nasty Libs” on select political blogs–this one is particularly Nasty, but a Nasty Lib nonetheless.
When a person’s belief system begins to crumble like a landslide in progress, all sorts of mental contortions, manifest as verbal and written vomit, are the typical symptoms.
All I can say, Anthony, is “Keep it up!” You’re driving these people nuts. The vast majority of your readers are enjoying it immensely, and in a viseral, very satisfying way.

June 26, 2012 2:09 pm

Peter Simmons
I guess you are British-like me-as you make two references to British weather. Can I respectfully suggest you look at the records in your own country as I do? The Met office archives are a good place to start. I’ve managed to get back to 1538 in my endeavours to find out what the weather has been doing over the centuries. You can read my research here. It examines literally thousands of contemporary records and also compares the methodology of Hubert Lamb-the fitrst director of CRU- and Dr Michael Mann who invented the Hockey stick.
You then might like to examine the Met Offices own temperature record for Central England (the oldest in the world.)
Do you realise the temperature has been dropping like a stone for the last decade? Its currently at the same anomaly as it was in the 1730’s. Makes you think doesnt it? If you’re a gardener it will be why you won’t be able to grow outdoor tomatoes any more and why many of your plants might have succumbed to frost.
Rain? The deluges we used to endure in this country- as noted by our ancestors- puts the current benign era into proper context.
According to BEST-a recent temperature database-one third of the world is cooling not warmimg. Did you know that Peter?.
Hopefully you’ll take your own advice and look around a bit more. We have the finest weather records in the world. You’ll soon see that nothing untoward is happening if you look at centuries, rather than decades. By the way Big Oil-regrettably-dont pay me for my articles either. In fact I don’t know anyone who gets money from them. At the moment its only warmists who get research grants for ‘proving’ global warming. As your tomatoes will testify, warming certainly isn’t global
cordially yours

June 26, 2012 2:16 pm

Peter J. Simmons writes …..
“‘It don’t take a weatherman to tell which way the wind blows’.”
And don’t take a Mann to know what blows.

Bruce Stewart
June 26, 2012 2:22 pm

Don’t forget Roger Pielke Jr.’s handy bullshit button!

TK in GA
June 26, 2012 2:23 pm

Seriously. With respect to the considerable amount of hate mail *and action* coming from certain activists these day – please be careful. What has been a phenomenon affecting conservative bloggers could be starting to focus on “deniers” who speak out. [snip – well aware, but lets not give some of the angroids any ideas – Anthony]

John from CA
June 26, 2012 2:28 pm

Hmmm, the DC comment threw me but I’ve been posting a lot of WUWT article links on various ‘The Hill’ posts related to Energy & Environment, E2-Wire, etc over the last few weeks.
Sorry if the links are attracting some of the craizier Trolls. Hopefully the links are also attracting Congressional Aids and the Press.

Dr Burns
June 26, 2012 2:31 pm

The Planet Ark link above now points to an alarming story about water running uphill, obviously our fault again:
“Sea levels from Cape Hatteras to Cape Cod are rising at a faster pace than anywhere on Earth …”
“Researchers found that sea levels in this corridor were rising between three and four times faster than the global average, and they fit with computer simulations aimed at predicting the effects of climate change.”

John West
June 26, 2012 2:33 pm

Peter J. Simmons
“the environment will catch up with you people, as every day brings more ‘extreme’ weather events”
So, if we start having less extreme weather events you’ll jump sides? Or will you say, that’s just weather not climate? What if it’s “you people” that nature catches up to? What if we see global cooling for the next few years? Will you stop accusing people of maliciousness just because they’ve come to different conclusions than you? Will you and all the other CAGW fanatics finally learn a lesson on critical thinking and how not to be sold a bill of goods so easily? Will you finally learn what a logical fallacy is?
Being a skeptic means I’m not convinced that it is likely that anthropogenic CO2 emissions will be devastating to the planet’s ecosystems and/or civilization; and even less convinced that “mitigation” is the best way to deal with it if it is. Since I’m “not convinced ” I can change my position if new evidence arises without much ado, whereas you are going to look pretty darn [self-snip] if the whole CAGW disaster turns out to be much ado about nothing after all.
Obviously, you and I have very different thresholds of evidentiary influence. If I were a defendant, I would not like to have you on the jury, as apparently the prosecutor would merely have to show the flimsiest of circumstantial evidence to convince you of my guilt. I’ve decided if I’m ever put in that position I’ll have my lawyer dismiss anyone who believes in CAGW, “you people” are just too easily manipulated by simple lies of omission i.e.: Zohnerism.
How sad that there are still people living in the 21st century that haven’t learned enough history, science, physics, psychology, sociology, statistics, or any other discipline that easily supplies the tools from which one can determine the CAGW conjecture is actually quite dependent on looking at merely a portion of the available evidence.

June 26, 2012 2:37 pm

There seems to be a move by the clever people away from AGW, leaving just the socially and cognitively challenged behind to man the blogs…

June 26, 2012 2:40 pm

And while we are on Marc Morano his site point out a new paper showing it’s worse than we thought in Antarctica.
Via the Register

Twenty-year-old models which have suggested serious ice loss in the eastern Antarctic have been compared with reality for the first time – and found to be wrong, so much so that it now appears that no ice is being lost at all.
“Previous ocean models … have predicted temperatures and melt rates that are too high, suggesting a significant mass loss in this region that is actually not taking place,” says Tore Hattermann of the Norwegian Polar Institute, member of a team which has obtained two years’ worth of direct measurements below the massive Fimbul Ice Shelf in eastern Antarctica – the first ever to be taken.

Two years of oceanic observations below the Fimbul Ice Shelf, Antarctica

Steve C
June 26, 2012 2:50 pm

Unfortunately, persons of dubious parentage sending poison emails demonstrates that bad vibes travel across the interweb quite well. Fortunately, like the warming effects of CO2, the effects on the recipient have logarithmically decreasing m\gnitude, which probably means Anthony is effectively immune by now.
A note on those “more extreme weather” claims. On Metcheck’s website, they have a page showing UK Weather Singularities – specific periods of the year where “weather types” are common across the British Isles. Let’s see what they have for June, with their confidence level in each case:

1 Jun – 4 Jun : The first wave of the ‘European Summer Monsoon’ as low pressure moves in from the West bringing cooler weather and heavy, slow moving showers : confidence 77%
10 Jun – 14 Jun : The second wave of the ‘European Summer Monsoon’, bringing more wet and windy weather. Between the periods, expect better weather as the Azores high begins to expand : confidence 77%
18 Jun – 27 Jun : The third and final wave of the ‘European Summer Monsoon’ brings more wet and windy weather to the UK with further heavy showers : confidence 77%

Hmm. It might make an interesting exercise to work back and find just how short a memory is required to panic about a wet June, given those confidence levels in those predictions …

June 26, 2012 2:55 pm

There appears to be a Peter J. Simmons at the University of East Anglia who seems to be paid for doing nothing of any particular significance. He is interested in nuclear power, I’m not sure whether for or against.

Peter Melia
June 26, 2012 2:56 pm

Didn’t the Met Office recently get itself a brand new 30 million pound computer (or was it 30 billion, whatever, let us not quarrel over a few nothings!). With this mighty new tool they were able to produce more and wronger forecasts. Now I have even seen murmurings from their top people to the effect that the new computer is too small, they need a bigger one.
It’s a fair bet that whatever they “predict” go for the opposite.
As for extreme weather, here in the South of France, the weather is hot during the day and cool at night, exactly as always. Is France somehow excused extreme weather? Just in case someone finds this humorous, there was an hilarious French tv news item at the time of Chernobyl, which showed the radioactive clouds streaming across from the East, then dividing East of France, some heading North, some South, and then reforming West of France, resulting in alleged green-glowing sheep in Wales. Now, wouldn’t that French exception be worth getting a hold of?
Except, except….When visiting the area of South central France, Occitania, not far from Toulouse/Montauban there is a two story house somewhere out there with a metal plaque on the chimney. The plaque marks the high water mark of the Grand Inondation which occurred thereabouts in, I think, the 1920’s.
Was this an extreme weather condition? Even before CAGW?
Shouldn’t we be told?

Peter Crawford
June 26, 2012 2:56 pm

Heavy rainfall in June is an ancient English tradition. We have a short, dry, hot spell. Then the worlds top tennis players arrive in a normally obscure corner of southwest London and the heavens open.
The sight of a surly Croatian munching a banana under an umbrella in a rainstorm is all part of our rich national tapestry and long may it continue.

June 26, 2012 3:04 pm

What was it Gandhi said? Anyway, I think they are at the “then they fight you” stage now. Some of them do seem to be getting a little bit irrational…

June 26, 2012 3:09 pm

A true word spoken “It is skepticism that gives value to science and is what separates true seekers of truth from government science authoritarians.”

June 26, 2012 3:12 pm

Tony Hansen says:
June 26, 2012 at 11:31 am
Morano has a donkey?

Ahhh…. apparently so – for that is the implied threat.
Mr Morano needs to toe the line or the ASS get’s it!

June 26, 2012 3:14 pm

The east cost isn’t suffering from sea level rise. So far as I know, everything that was built above water in the oldest east cost port cities 100 years ago is still above water. There have been a few islands disappear into the Chesapeake bay, but, they were washed away or sunk due to subsidance ( I suspect this sort of thing happens to the barrier islands as well.
Aren’t those tidal gauges that show catastrophic sea level rise situated in marshland? Sinking of marshland or increased swelling of rivers due to loss of surrounding marshland will give you the impression of sea level rise. Anyway, as a lifetime east coaster, I don’t see it. How do these researchers not have to answer these sort of objections?

June 26, 2012 3:16 pm

The extreme weather meme is not even supported by the official science at the UN IPCC.
From Roger Pielke Jr:
So where do these people get this idea of a sudden upsurge in extreme weather from – is it entirely made up?

June 26, 2012 3:24 pm

I wouldn’t worry about it. When you crunch the numbers – a’la the Drake Equation – ( %people with access to the net =30%, % of that who are AGW believers, speak english, don’t live in mom’s basement, etc., etc. ) there’s probably only a dozen or so world wide who get their jollies from crap like this.

June 26, 2012 3:56 pm

“I’d assume most conversations with my ass would be very short….”
Whether it be with the ass or the arse, this guy would still be seriously out-witted.

June 26, 2012 4:52 pm

From one religious fanatic to another, the “hate” mailer is wrong on man being responsible for increased “extreme” weather. How do I know? Because the Bible said so two thousand years ago!
Luke 21:11
There will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences. And there will be terrors and great signs from heaven.

bobby b
June 26, 2012 4:53 pm

1). As the phenomenon of the AGW Panic fades from the public concern, we’re seeing the effects of the more thoughtful, empirically-minded AGW proponents stepping back from the public debate. Back when everything they were shown led to their continuing belief that AGW posed a threat, they could participate in forums such as blogs with fervor and righteousness.
But now, as the other view’s evidence comes to light in their own knowledge-sources (i.e., mainstream media), they’re realizing that it isn’t settled, that they’ve possibly been following frauds and cheats, and that they’ve maybe been duped.
As those good-faith believers drop out, there will be more and more room for the sort of besotted soccer-fan model of AGW commenters that seem to be more prevalent than they were a year ago. As they get more vicious and less informed, we can only take comfort in the fact that they signal the death-throes of the scam.
2). I was filing my canvas bathtub last night, and the right side was full while the left side had only a few inches of water! I thought to myself, “I finally understand how people can claim that the ocean is rising faster in Florida than in New York!” Then my wife came out, told me to lay off the beer, and asked why I had set the tub up on a hill. My next thought was “Okay, NOW I understand the basis of the AGW movement. It’s beer.”

June 26, 2012 4:53 pm

LOLing my arse off at Peter’s entry. Every delusional and off-base lack-of-credible-evidence talking point rolled into one entry in the fewest words I’ve ever seen. Truly remarkable. Well done…

Robert of Ottawa
June 26, 2012 4:58 pm

Anthony, I am very disappointed that you did not include me in your list of evil money providers. I am going over to the tip jar to register my complaint.

F. Ross
June 26, 2012 5:18 pm

If Mr. Morano is interested in tracing the source of the atrocious email he received, there is a poster at who often uses similar euphemisms [From: Fuk Yu] that the anonymous sender used. Not saying it is the same person but similar – hate to use the word – “style”, since that implies some class.

June 26, 2012 5:26 pm

Even ‘those people’ are beginning to realize their junk science is done. The rate of panic will be ‘unprecedented’. Maybe they can instead get funding to make a hockey stick graph of that….

Michael R
June 26, 2012 5:52 pm

I really don’t get it. Everytime I see arguments relating to climate matters from those concerned about the environment, they keep blurting out statements that I literally /facepalm to. I don’t understand how people can be that concerned about envrironmental issues while at the same time being so clueless about even the very basics of what they are talking about.

June 26, 2012 6:03 pm

The comment under his tweet about overweight is a hoot! LOL!!

June 26, 2012 6:05 pm

Ebert has watched to many movies and his mind is in a fantasy.
Mr. Ebert, “The Day After Tomorrow” isn’t about anything in the real world. Just thought I’d tell you.

June 26, 2012 6:26 pm

“….‘extreme’ weather events, records for rainfall broken repeatedly [the north of England and Scotland just had a month’s rain in 24 hours, in June, one of many records broken]….”
I really have to admire the gullibility shown here: Not too long ago the whole story was about droughts, dustbowls, and starvation….. now they’ve seamlessly encompassed ‘pretty much anything else the weather might do’.
Ironically enough, the English/Scottish rainfall extreme follows a very strong forecast of ‘climate change induced drought’.

J. Felton
June 26, 2012 6:51 pm

I’m quite an avid reader of Roger Ebert’s reviews. It’s sad he’s given in to rhetoric and myths.

Bruce Findlay
June 26, 2012 7:02 pm

a few years ago I participated in a survey of some land surrounding a lake of about two miles in length. The surveyor determined that it had been a dead calm for two days so he used the surface of the lake as an elevation marker to transfer a measured elevation at the north end of the lake to the south end, where he placed a mark on a telephone pole to show a point five feet higher than the water surface and therefore equivalent to the elevation at the north end, also five feet off the water. I will have to call him to let him know that he was mistaken about the surface of the lake making a level surface for surveying purposes.

June 26, 2012 7:04 pm

[the north of England and Scotland just had a month’s rain in 24 hours, in June, one of many records broken] and extreme weather is becoming the norm around the world.
Yep heavy rain is unprecedented in Europe all right!
Might try reading some history !

Justa Joe
June 26, 2012 7:11 pm

Good thing that we have movie critics with climate cop alter egos like Roger Ebert to let us know about the scary catastrophic sea level rise on the east coast or nobody would have noticed it.
I’m no climate scientist, but wouldn’t the oceans tend to be self leveling given their fluidity and all… just sayin’

June 26, 2012 7:35 pm

Anthony, I just wanted to let you know that the check is in the mail….

June 26, 2012 7:35 pm

The irony is these days Big Oil is also Big Green (well, at least one of several such hogs at that particular trough). So there is no way Big Oil gonna have anything to do with us knuckle draggers.

June 26, 2012 7:37 pm

What is about these “sea level rises”? Why do they have to pick on the East Coast? Can’t they do their rising over in Ireland or Greenland or the French Riviera? If there’s one thing I hate, it’s a sea level rise that discriminates. I’m just astonished at how Mother Nature manages to confine its sea level rises to the Eastern Seaboard. King Neptune at work, no doubt.

Eric Dailey
June 26, 2012 7:39 pm

Just wait till after the November elections to see a whirl of crazy like never before.

June 26, 2012 7:45 pm

I will have a nice long drive up to DC…
♪ … in the surry with the fringe on the top ♪

June 26, 2012 8:03 pm

Two thoughts: Big Oil used to send me nice checks once a quarter. Then I sold the stock, and the money train stopped.
Britain will soon see a transition from the ruling of the Queen to the eventual ruling of a King. I ponder that event and what it will mean to the suppressed debate and settled science. I look forward to comments by those more involved being a distant Yank many generations removed.

June 26, 2012 8:12 pm

It is so much fun to screw with the warmists. They seem to be coming unglued.

June 26, 2012 9:03 pm

“……………At the moment its only warmists who get research grants for ‘proving’ global warming. As your tomatoes will testify, warming certainly isn’t global
cordially yours”

And some of that is from Big Oil.
Sceptics are outgunned and outspent but are holding ground and gaining realists every day.

Mickey Reno
June 26, 2012 9:13 pm

Now that the ID-10-T climate model is beginning to use the fact of beach erosion as a proof of sea level rise, the brainwashed Dailycosians, Emessenbeecesians, Guardianyookayseans, Huffposians and Sorosians are dutifully and sycophantically outraged.

June 26, 2012 9:18 pm

Peter J. Simmons writes:
But any way, the environment will catch up with you people, as every day brings more ‘extreme’ weather events, records for rainfall broken repeatedly [the north of England and Scotland just had a month’s rain in 24 hours, in June, one of many records broken] and extreme weather is becoming the norm around the world.

OK. Now read this:

Met Office 3-month Outlook
Period: April – June 2012 Issue date: 23.03.12
The forecast for average UK rainfall slightly favours drier than average conditions for April-May-June as a whole, and also slightly favours April being the driest of the 3 months. With this forecast, the water resources situation in southern, eastern and central England is likely to deteriorate further during the April-May-June period. The probability that UK precipitation for April-May-June will fall into the driest of our five categories is 20-25% whilst the probability that it will fall into the wettest of our five categories is 10-15% (the 197-2000 climatological probability for each of these categories is 20%).
As a legacy of dry weather over many months water resources in much
of southern, eastern and central England remain at very low levels.
Winter rainfall in these areas has typically been about 70% of average,
whilst observations and current forecasts suggest that the final totals for
March will be below average here too. The Environment Agency advises
that, given the current state of soils and groundwater levels in these
areas, drought impacts in the coming months are virtually inevitable
Read the entire forecast here:
Saved copy here:

What do you have to say about this????? And they call us the deniers. Stop being so naive and believing everything you are being told by these scam artists.

Frank Kotler
June 26, 2012 10:06 pm

“By an intern.” – Megan McArdle

Patrick Davis
June 26, 2012 10:34 pm

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” Gandhi.

June 26, 2012 11:09 pm

“…you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass…”
(I always thought this was the funniest of commandments, though they all don’t hold water if you think about it.)

June 27, 2012 12:09 am

Dr Burns says:
June 26, 2012 at 2:31 pm
The Planet Ark link above now points to an alarming story about water running uphill, obviously our fault again:
“Sea levels from Cape Hatteras to Cape Cod are rising at a faster pace than anywhere on Earth …”
“Researchers found that sea levels in this corridor were rising between three and four times faster than the global average, and they fit with computer simulations aimed at predicting the effects of climate change.”

One of the parameters in the simulation is that the increase in Nanny State insanity is creating gravitational nodes in DC, NYC, and Bahstin, resulting in a continuous aquatic speedbump linking those sites. The Gaussian-smoothed trendline, using 1988 as the base year, indicates that the tipping point will be this coming November and, if nothing changes, the gravitational pull of the amount of nuthatchery accumulating in DC by 2014 will result in a hemisphere of water 200 meters high inundating the area inside the Beltway.
Then, we build the wall…

June 27, 2012 12:17 am

Greens need higher quality trolls. – Anthony
Peter Gleick should be well-rested by now…

Bruce C
June 27, 2012 12:42 am

Meanwhile…….the troops are retreating from the front lines:
“Global warming: second thoughts of an environmentalist.
Fritz Vahrenholt, one of Germany’s earliest green energy investors, is not convinced that humanity is causing catastrophic global warming”
“For many years, I was an active supporter of the IPCC and its CO2 theory. Recent experience with the UN’s climate panel, however, forced me to reassess my position. In February 2010, I was invited as a reviewer for the IPCC report on renewable energy. I realised that the drafting of the report was done in anything but a scientific manner. The report was littered with errors and a member of Greenpeace edited the final version. These developments shocked me. I thought, if such things can happen in this report, then they might happen in other IPCC reports too. . ”

June 27, 2012 4:18 am

“I will have a nice long drive up to DC and have a very short and unpleasant conversation with your ass if you don”t stop harrassing scientists.”
What a lame threat – 2 spelling mistakes AND a real lack of technical clarity.
Could be a death threat, but it’s so unclear – it could even be an amorous proposal..
Marc must be thinking “Death threat, my ass!”
About a decade ago, I wrote an article in the National Post, saying that Canada should not ratify the Kyoto Protocol ( 2012 update: we recently withdrew from Kyoto – Ha ! ).
I soon received an angry, threatening email from some lunatic who held me personally responsible for the flooding of the City of Prague.
I replied:
Dear Sir, you are entirely correct.
I am the One fully responsible for the flooding of Prague.
Now “run along”, or I’ll do it again.
On a more serious note, I am aware of real death threats and real acts of violence against climate skeptics by enviro radicals..
These are the “brown-shirts” of the radical enviro movement. They are uneducated, ignorant and fervent – the extreme end of the “useful idiot” spectrum – but they are a predictable result of the decades of lies by global warming science fanatics. The “hockey team” and “the Hansen’s” bear full moral culpability for these violent imbeciles and their fantasies to “save the world” from “big oil”, as they all fly back from Rio (Ipanema) and drive home in the VW microbuses, to live the good life provided by fossil fuels in modern society.

June 27, 2012 5:35 am

“Ongoing accelerated sea level rise in the hotspot will make coastal cities and surrounding areas increasingly vulnerable to flooding by adding to the height that storm surge and breaking waves reach on the coast.”
If sea level rises it must not only occupy volume/space upwards but a continually increasing volume/space horizontally. As few coastlines are neat vertical cliffs then I assume a sea level rise of 1 mm has been calculated based on the volume of sea required to occupy not only the area above the current sea boundaries but also the land that will been invaded.
In addition some environmental research 30/40 years ago into the Florida wetlands noted that there was land subsidence and salt water invation of ground water. The conclusion was this was due to water extraction and the way the wetlands had been managed.
At school around the same time we studied the Nile which included the effect of the Aswan dam. The stopping of the annual flood meant there was little or no river silt tranported onto the Nile delta with the effect that the delta was losing mass and salt water was beginning to invade groundwater.
No doubt the scientists involved in these studies would these days require some form or ‘re-education’. Although IMHO I think ‘unpleasant conversations’ via the bottom is a bit unorthodox and sounds gimmicky.

James of the West
June 27, 2012 5:48 am

I could not resist
/sarc on
Maybe the reason the e-mailer wants to have a conversation with Mr Morano’s ass is because the hate mail writer mostly talks s**t and Morano’s bottom can best translate the conversation? I do however agree with the hatemail sender that it would be an unpleasant conversation 😛
/sarc off

June 27, 2012 6:19 am

“I will have a nice long drive up to DC and have a very short and unpleasant conversation with your ass if you don”t stop harrassing scientists.”
The appropriate rebuttal is certainly, “I fart in your general direction”

Rob Huber
June 27, 2012 7:44 am

The Roger Ebert comment helps explain his glowing praise of Prometheus … One of the most scientifically illiterate films I’ve seen in a long, long time.

Dave Worley
June 27, 2012 4:07 pm

Here is an excellent article about a skeptic who is unabashedly funded by big oil.
To use a favorite alarmist analogy, one trusts his doctor for medical advice. We rely on the doctor to advise us on the safety of the medications he prescribes.
Why do some choose to disregard the comments of fossil fuel experts? One cannot disregard contrary evidence, otherwise science fails.

Simon Barnett
June 27, 2012 4:55 pm

The last time it was this wet was … drumroll … last summer! Doesn’t make quite as good a story, though. I remember asking my Dad 30 years ago why it always rained in, what we like to call the “Lake District”. Sagely he answered, “if it didn’t rain all the time there wouldn’t be any lakes”.
Another fact about the North of England. During the Roman warm period the Roman occupiers grew grapes at Hadrians wall. When it’s warm enough to do that again let me know. Otherwise it’s cooler now than then, and without hitting any catostrophic tipping points.

June 27, 2012 5:38 pm

Always thought Roger Ebert was a smug little pea-brain.

Ian Blanchard
June 28, 2012 2:09 am

The one thing I’ve noticed about our ‘extreme weather ‘ in southern England is just how non-extreme it’s been.
Yes, we’ve had quite a lot of rain (sufficient to re-fill all the reservoirs but not yet to recharge all the aquifers), but this has tended to be from frequent and persistent steady rain rather than the heavy but short-lived storms more typical of May and June. We’ve not had many days of high temperatures and I can’t recall any lightning – remember the usual quote regarding British summer weather is ‘three nice days then a thunder storm’.
Oh, and it has mostly been cold – the May average got helped out by having a hot final week, dragging the average up from the doldrums to about ‘typical’, and June may well be following a similar path, although this week, while quite warm, has been consistently less sunny and more showery than the 1 or 2 day forecasts have predicted.

June 28, 2012 3:01 am

It’s funny actually. They always complain about big oil and what not, whine at a couple hundred thousands or millions of currency being used by the skeptics, while the alarmist front is a multi-billion Dollar/Euro industry with massive government backup, the same governments that want to tax us more and more.

Roger Tolson
June 28, 2012 7:19 am

The worst June channel storm in living memory on the 19th.
It destroyed the American Mulberry harbour, disrupted Allied supplies to the bridgehead and severely affected Allied air operations

Paul Coppin
June 30, 2012 7:30 am

Anthony, btw, thank you for the brief corelation in your cloud photo to the relevant meterological paremeters. In my on going non-professional study of meterology, I frequently yearn for a visual correlation of what the various sounding paremeters actually produce in the sky. You instantly crystallized LCL for me that a fair bit of time working with skew-t diagrams and definitions wasn’t quite doing. If you want more work to do (/sarc:) I think there’s a need for a textbook that does exactly what i just described – correlates sounding parameters and related meterological measures to real world observations. I haven’t found a source that does this at a technical level- most only offer generic interpretations, like showing charts of cloud types, leaving it to the reader to try and figure out what the atmospheric dynamics might actually be that produces the sky view..

July 4, 2012 3:58 pm

I so love visiting. There’s always food for thought, from tidbits to full blown banquets…
What I sincerely don’t get is the politicisation, Left v Right, of the US view of the debate, and the way that the various media streams assume their stances. Call me naive if you like, but in the UK, at least from my reading, listening and watching, while AGW seems to be more or less the accepted stance, with rare but occasionally spot on cynics being allowed to speak, the press & media haven’t identified denial with either political persuasion…as yet. Why on the opposite side of the pond is this whole area of intelligent questioning relegated to “Us & them”??
I haven’t got a personal axe to grind, I think the whole global environment thing is in flux, as it probably always has been, as regularly demonstrated by our archaeological friends. But their “science” doesn’t seem to fit the media sponsors’ agenda…..oh, no, that’s it. I understand now….
I do think that as a species we ought to have more consideration of the resources angle, and behave a tad more responsibly, but the way this is being portrayed is just so that “those in charge” can bully and TAX, and demand, and rule, and so on, based on misrepresented facts. Hence sites like this are manna for the sceptics among us.
Keep up the good work, please!

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