"…this year, there was an exceptional amount of ice -"

Click for larger image – Polarstern am Eisrand vor Nordost-Grönland Photo: Martin Graeve, Alfred-Wegener-Institut August 7-08 press release on work done from MV Polarstern in the northern Greenland Sea (between…

NOAA: U.S. Temperature Above Normal in July

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: John Leslie 301-713-2087, ext. 174 Aug. 8, 2008 NOAA: U.S. Temperature Above Normal in July   July 2008 was the 30th warmest July for the contiguous United States, based…

July UAH Global Temperature Anomaly: up a bit and in general agreement with RSS

UAH (University of Alabama, Huntsville) Microwave Sounder Unit (MSU) lower troposphere global temperature anomaly data for July 2008 was published today and has moved a bit above the zero anomaly line, with…