Radical leftists say oil companies are committing climate murder!

They’re gaslighting voters and consumers – when the real mass killers are environmentalists

Paul Driessen

We’re constantly told fossil fuel use is causing an existential climate crisis, extreme weather, worsening wildfires, and more frequent and intense hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and droughts.

Actual temperature, storm and other records provide no support for these claims. They certainly don’t back up ludicrous assertions that burning coal, oil and natural gas – and even human breathing and baking pizzas in wood-fired ovens – are causing countless alleged calamities: such as slowing Earth’s rotation, thereby affecting scientific time clocks (by one second).

The claims are based primarily on computer models that erroneously assume carbon dioxide and a few other “greenhouse gases” (0.05% of Earth’s atmosphere, in total) control the climate, while the sun plays virtually no role, urban heat islands are inconsequential, and incompetent forest management is irrelevant.

It’s gaslighting: perversions of truth designed to make us guilt-ridden, willing to slash our living standards, and happy to keep poor countries energy-deprived and impoverished.

In the USA and worldwide, fossil fuels still provide 80% of total energy. They’re also the foundation for our economy, living standards, health and longevity – and over 6,000 vital products, including plastics, paints, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, cell phones, eyeglasses, fertilizers and wind turbine blades.

“Earth-friendly” wind and solar installations would blanket millions of acres of farmland, scenic areas and wildlife habitats; require billions of tons of ores; generate billions of tons of toxic water and air pollution from mining and manufacturing; and send electricity prices skyrocketing to pay for expensive battery or gas backup systems, and extensive new transmission lines and grid upgrades.

Climate Defiance, Extinction Rebellion and other radical groups nevertheless block pipelines, rant and rampage through our streets, deface priceless artwork, and glue themselves to roads and statues, to intimidate legislators and regulators.

Others file endless lawsuits to bankrupt fossil fuel projects and promote their twisted views about “climate justice.” Their latest scheme could be viewed as the culmination of their self-indoctrination.

A recent Harvard Environmental Law Review article proposes prosecuting major oil companies for “climate homicide” and “mass murder” – for supposedly killing people, by raising global temperatures and sea levels, and causing deadlier hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, droughts, heatwaves, blizzards and wildfires.

Media outlets eagerly promoted the claims – and Soros-funded prosecutors will undoubtedly be thrilled to indict ExxonMobil and other companies, once they’ve put more flash-mob thieves back on our streets.

But not even these prosecutors – or any judge, jury or “expert witness” – can separate natural from human causes of modern climate change. Nor can they calculate fractions of manmade-climate-change-induced disasters attributable to coal, oil, gas, dung, or “renewable” energy mining and manufacturing; to China and India versus Europe and the United States; or certainly to specific energy companies.

What they really don’t want addressed in this “climate homicide” discussion, however, is who is actually committing mass murder, especially of women and children, people with disabilities, people of color and other “particularly threatened” groups so supposedly beloved by climate justice warriors.

My book, Eco-Imperialism: Green power · Black death, forcefully demonstrates that it is these self-righteous climate and environmental activists, and those who fund them, that are callously causing the eco-murder deaths of millions every year – and setting the stage for dramatically more in the future.

These environmentalist death tolls have worsened, as greens became wealthier, more powerful, more fanatical, and more influential with and within US, EU and UN government agencies.

More than 750 million people still have no access to electricity; nearly 2 billion have only sporadic access to barely enough electricity to charge cell phones and power a lightbulb or 1-cubic-foot refrigerator – and no juice for modern homes, schools and hospitals, water purification, or factories and other job-creating businesses.

These people are forced to heat and cook with wood, charcoal or animal dung, inhaling noxious fumes that cause millions of deaths annually from respiratory diseases. Millions more die annually from intestinal diseases due to contaminated water and spoiled food, due to energy deprivation.

Green fanatics perpetuate the death tolls, by battling anything except grossly insufficient, weather-dependent wind and solar power. (In European and other modern countries, people die of heatstroke when they cannot get or afford air conditioning; nine times more die from cold – from hypothermia and illnesses they’d normally survive if they could afford to heat their homes properly.)

The fanatics also wage campaigns to deny Third World people access to insecticides and spatial insect repellants that would control disease-carrying flies and mosquitoes and even modern farming practices and technologies. Millions more thus die every year from diseases that are readily preventable or could be cured in modern hospitals (that don’t exist).

No wonder developing nations increasingly reject Western carbon colonialism.

Radical food groups despise genetically engineered crops that multiply crop yields, survive droughts and slash pesticide spraying by 75% or more. They vilify Golden Rice, which enables malnourished children to avoid Vitamin A Deficiency, blindness and death.

They demand “AgroEcology,” which rejects virtually everything that helps modern farmers feed billions more people (read this article!) with less acreage and water, and could largely eliminate hunger and malnutrition worldwide. The perverse movement rabidly opposes biotechnology, chemical insecticides, nitrogen fertilizers, and even hybrid seeds, monoculture farming and mechanized equipment like tractors.

It demands “food sovereignty” for impoverished, malnourished Africans, Asians and Latin Americans – the right to “define their own food and agriculture systems” and have “healthy and culturally appropriate” food produced through “ecologically sound and sustainable methods.”

Even more bizarre and frightening, major philanthropies like the Rockefeller Foundation and Walton Family Foundation support this craziness! So do the World Bank and many UN agencies.

They say the world’s food production systems should be “aligned” with the purely arbitrary goal of preventing more than 1.5ºC of global warming since 1850, by “phasing out fossil fuel use, especially fossil-fuel-based chemicals in industrial agriculture.”

Farmers who want to “define their own food and agriculture systems” by choosing modern technologies and practices get ostracized instead of supported.

It’s increasingly obvious that climate fear-mongering and GIGO computer models have replaced evidence-based science, history, human nutrition needs and traditional ethical principles. More and more, it is regulating and academic elites versus the rest of us, in rich and poor countries alike.

But on a more positive note, climate cultists chomping at the bit to see oil companies prosecuted for climate murder should be careful what they wish for. Such a precedent could put eco-imperialists and their financiers on trial for manslaughter on a truly horrific scale.

Paul Driessen is senior policy analyst for the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (www.CFACT.org), and author of articles and books on environmental, climate and human rights issues.

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May 4, 2024 6:08 am

Climate murder by fossil fuel production and utilization?
Habeas corpus.
(“Show me the body”)

Reply to  David Dibbell
May 4, 2024 7:53 am

Cui Bono – Cicero

Reply to  strativarius
May 4, 2024 2:56 pm

Who is Bono? – World Aid

Reply to  It doesnot add up
May 5, 2024 3:59 am

That’s nob head

Russell Cook
Reply to  David Dibbell
May 4, 2024 8:21 pm

If a few WUWT readers think the bit about ‘climate homicide’ sounds familiar, it’s the idea of a guy named David Arkush, who I mentioned in my WUWT guest post on April 25, 3rd paragraph. The “Harvard Environmental Law Review article” by Arkush which Paul Driessen refers to in the above guest post is something I covered back in March 2023, here.

Tom Halla
May 4, 2024 6:09 am

It is actually failure to go fully communist, not “environmentalism”. The radical “greens” are just the latest excrudesence of Marxist nihilism, and they hate current society.

Reply to  Tom Halla
May 4, 2024 8:13 am

The biggest Marxist countries, China and Russia, have rejected the so-called “climate” agenda.

This is about the $US200 trillion in spending that Bloomberg has estimated it will take to stop warming by 2050 and the profits to be made from that spending. It is classical capitalist greed.

Reply to  scvblwxq
May 4, 2024 8:40 am

I have visited Cuba a couple of times and I asked some Cubans whom I had got to know quite well and I asked them if they were worried about global warming or rising sea levels? They didn’t know what I was talking about or had ever heard of a Climate Crisis.
They were more worried about their lack of basic amenities such as plaster of Paris when setting a broken leg.

Reply to  scvblwxq
May 4, 2024 9:28 am

…Oops …and there are profits…

Tom Halla
Reply to  scvblwxq
May 4, 2024 9:54 am

Both Russia and the PRC are much closer to following Mussolini than Marx.

Reply to  scvblwxq
May 4, 2024 10:21 am

I find it fascinating how socialists actually believe that anyone who has money is a capitalist.
Especially since the wealthiest people in this world are mostly socialists.

Reply to  scvblwxq
May 4, 2024 8:52 pm

Using government to take other people’s money and give it to the politically connected is pure socialism and has nothing to do with capitalism.

Reply to  MarkW
May 5, 2024 2:47 am

Excellent, accurate comment, MarkW.

Reply to  scvblwxq
May 5, 2024 2:40 am

“It is classical capitalist greed.”

That sounds like something Karl Marx would say.

May 4, 2024 6:15 am

“thereby affecting scientific time clocks”

Thereby throwing off the workings of the entire cosmos! 🙂

May 4, 2024 6:21 am

The claims are based primarily on computer models that erroneously assume carbon dioxide and a few other “greenhouse gases” (0.05% of Earth’s atmosphere, in total) control the climate, while the sun plays virtually no role, urban heat islands are inconsequential, and incompetent forest management is irrelevant

Better to say “lack of forest management”. The greens are now fighting to end all forestry everywhere, now that they have nice wood homes loaded with nice wood furniture and tons of paper products.

May 4, 2024 6:24 am

“It’s gaslighting: perversions of truth designed to make us guilt-ridden, willing to slash our living standards…”

Right, slash OUR living standards, but not theirs of course.

DD More
Reply to  Joseph Zorzin
May 4, 2024 12:36 pm

When the computers these GIGO models are run on are rated in GWatts, power supplied by evil FF’s, and still cannot get it right. Shouldn’t the regulating and academic elites cut their CO2 spewing power use first?

Step up and stop the warming, fools.

May 4, 2024 6:26 am

I seek a mere one million dollar grant to study the relationship between climate change and the worldwide epidemic of toenail fungus…..help me solve the riddle of this scourge….oh the humanity.

Reply to  antigtiff
May 4, 2024 9:07 am

Since included climate change- you will surely get the grant!

Reply to  antigtiff
May 4, 2024 11:59 am

I have been asking for funding to research the certain link between climate change and ingrowing toenails, antigtiff, but no offers so far.
If you get lucky maybe we could join forces.

Reply to  Oldseadog
May 4, 2024 12:44 pm

Maybe if, instead of ingrown toenails, you proposed to study climate change causing ingrown toes?
Maybe we should all have six toes? (Playing “footsie” would be 1/6 th more fun!)

May 4, 2024 6:26 am

They say the world’s food production systems should be “aligned” with the purely arbitrary goal of preventing more than 1.5ºC of global warming since 1850, by “phasing out fossil fuel use, especially fossil-fuel-based chemicals in industrial agriculture.”

I’d love to watch them go to Africa and tell a farmer to destroy his tractor and go back to farming with mules. The farmer will be feeding them to the lions. 🙂

Reply to  Joseph Zorzin
May 4, 2024 8:09 am

Just look what happened when they tried this in Sri Lanka!

May 4, 2024 6:32 am

Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge solved the useless academic idiot’s problem in a particularly vicious way. I am beginning to develop a tiny little bit of understanding now of his ideas although still lacking any sympathy.

Reply to  Quilter52
May 4, 2024 9:17 am

Pol Pot was a slacker compared to Stalin, Mao or the Kims. Pol Pot does get extra credit for high percentage of his people murdered, if not for total headcount.

I think North Korea is the best example here, though. The people were forced to use new farming techniques created by Marxist scholars who never farmed anything in their lives. Millions starved. The populations of the Stalisist North and the free South of diverged in terms of IQ and physical size. The North is shrinking, physically and intellectually.

May 4, 2024 7:00 am

“Climate Defiance, Extinction Rebellion and other radical groups” – The young Neo-Feudalists

“We need to talk about the class dynamic in Extinction Rebellion. Surely everyone can see it. This eco-alarmist cult includes in its ranks a Belgian princess, the granddaughter of a baronet, and a public-school Guardianista descended of aristocracy.

And who do these poshos target? The working-class men of Smithfield meat market. The working families of Billingsgate fish market. And the good people of London just trying to get to work or to jet off on a much-needed break from the vagaries of life in capitalist society. These plummy millenarians can use all the pseudo-progressive language they like – the rest of us know that the XR uprising is class war waged by eco-elites against the apparently unenlightened little people.”

They have a real problem in squaring their ‘climate activism’ with their beliefs on identity and race etc. These beliefs trump social class in the wokeworld worldview, but in the real world they have had to acknowledge some other peoples’ truths. 

“But why is the movement so white? Why is that a problem? And what can be done to change it?”

“According to the Times, the research was conducted by scientists from the University of Exeter, Keele University, and Aston University. They interviewed 303 of those who took part in XR’s major protests last year and attended the court hearings of 144 of those who were charged with minor public order offences. The scientists also gathered data from 232 questionnaires that were mailed back to them by protesters.”

The results found that those who attended the protests in central London, the most significant of which took place in April and October, were largely middle-class, highly educated and from the south of the UK.”

Of course, whatever the likes of “Cressida, Phoebe, Indigo etc etc etc might think

“XR’s strength has been to create a new public agency amongst people who are not ‘natural’ protesters, and perhaps even less so natural law-breakers, but who were already persuaded of the rightness of the climate cause”

You see, ordinary working class people, whatever their colour, ethnicity or even perversion; ordinary working class people don’t have the luxury of the time [and money] to @rse about glueing themselves to anything but working and putting food on the table.

So when a radical leftist/environmental group says anything, remember this:

Net zero openly displays the decline. They are the real [dogmatic] deniers.

Reply to  strativarius
May 4, 2024 10:16 am

Smithfield is owned by the Chinese.

Reply to  strativarius
May 4, 2024 12:38 pm

strativarius –

Read Peter Turchin.

They are over-produced elites, that is, elites by family membership and maybe education, but with no elite roles available to them, because the elite class numbers have grown faster than available slots. The result is increased competition, falling returns, and destructive and radical drop-outs.

There are too many Belgian princesses, too many granddaughters of baronets, too many public-school Guardianistas descended from aristocracy. And nothing useful for them to do, and no-one willing to pay them to do it. So they take out their rage on the rest of us.

May 4, 2024 7:13 am

Since cold kills about eight times more people than heat, aren’t the climate radicals the eco-murderers?

Reply to  dougsorensen
May 4, 2024 8:20 am

Humans have great air conditioning systems. When trained we can run most other animals down until they collapse from heat exhaustion.

Below around 60F16C humans need technology in the form of warm clothes, warm houses, etc. to stay alive.

May 4, 2024 7:31 am

We have been living with a CO2 DROUGHT, for millions of years, which causes desertification, as flora and fauna becomes extinct

The oil companies are providing very valuable CO2 to re-green the earth. to promote flora and fauna, to reduce deserts areas, and to increase crop yields per acre.

Plants grow best with 1000 to 1200 ppm CO2, as proven in green houses

El Niños, Hunga Tonga Volcanic Eruption, and the Tropics

Retained Energy (Enthalpy) in Atmosphere
The RE in atmosphere is ONE net effect of the interplay of the sun, atmosphere, earth surface (land and water), and what grows on the surface and in water. 
Dry Air and Water Vapor
ha = Cpa x T = 1006 kJ/kg.C x T, where Cpa is specific heat of dry air
hg = (2501 kJ/kg, specific enthalpy of WV at 0 C) + (Cpwv x T = 1.84 kJ/kg x T), where Cpwv is specific heat of WV at constant pressure
1) Worldwide, enthalpy of moist air, at T = 16 C and H = 0.0025 kg WV/kg dry air (4028 ppm)
h = ha + H.hg = 1.006T + H(2501 + 1.84T) = 1.006 (16) + 0.0025 {2501 + 1.84 (16)} = 22.4 kJ/kg dry air
RE of dry air is 16.1 kJ/kg; RE of WV is 6.3 kJ/kg 
2) Tropics, enthalpy of moist air, at T = 27 C and H = 0.017 kg WV/kg dry air (27389 ppm)
h = 1.006 (27) + 0.017 {2501 + 1.84 (16)} = 70.5 kJ/kg dry air 
RE of dry air is 27.2 kJ/kg; RE of WV is 43.3 kJ/kg
h CO2 = Cp CO2 x K = 0.834 x (16 + 273) = 241 kJ/kg CO2, where Cp CO2 is specific heat 
Worldwide, enthalpy of CO2 = {(423 x 44)/(1000000 x 29) = 0.000642 kg CO2/kg dry air} x 241 kJ/kg CO2 @ 289 K = 0.155 kJ/kg dry air.
RE In 2023; 16 C
World: (16.1 + 6.3 + 0.155) kJ/kg dry air x 1000 J/kJ x 5.148 x 10^18 kg x 10^-18 = 1.161 x 10^5 EJ
Dry air, WV and CO2 played 71.4%, 27.9% and 0.69% RE roles. WV RE/CO2 RE = 40.6
Tropics: (27.2 + 43.3 + 0.155) kJ/kg dry air x 1000 J/kJ x 2.049 x 10^18 kg x 10^-18 = 1,448 x 10^5 EJ. 
Dry air, WV and CO2 played 38.5%, 61.2% and 0.22% RE roles. WV RE/CO2 RE = 279.4 
The Tropics is a major RE area, almost all of it by WV. At least 35% of the RE is transferred, 24/7/365, to areas north and south of the 37 parallels with energy deficits

RE in 1900; 14.8 C
World: (14.8 + 5.8 + 0.106) kJ/kg dry air x 1000 J/kJ x 5.148 x 10^18 kg x 10^-18 = 1.066 x 10^5 EJ
Dry air, WV and CO2 played 71.5%, 28% and 0.51% RE roles. WV RE/CO2 RE = 54.7
The 2023/1900 RE ratio was 1.089
NOTE: My calculations are based on three well-known items. I assumed 16 C in 2023 and 14.8 C in 1900, as the temp of the entire atmosphere, which is overstated, but helps simplicity. The RE ratio would not be much different, if complex analyses were used, such as how the three items vary with altitude and temp. The complex stuff would subtract from both REs, leaving the ratio in tact. 
The above method is suitable to objectively approximate the RE role of CO2. How CO2 performs that role, the A-to-Z process, will keep many academia folks busy for many years.
NOTE: This short video shows, CO2 plays no RE role in the world’s driest places, with 423 ppm CO2 and minimal WV ppm, i.e., blaming CO2 for global warming is an unscientific hoax. 

Reply to  wilpost
May 4, 2024 12:50 pm

I think some of the climate-analysis complexity is deliberately introduced/kept alive by a cabal of fanatic, self-serving folks for distractive purposes.
People are not allowed to see the “real picture”.
The short video at the end of my comment shows CO2 has no/minimal effect in the coldest, driest places on earth,
It should be required in all grade and high schools and colleges, as a wake up call, similar to Martin Luther’s protest proclamation on the Church door against the corrupt Roman Catholic Church
The elites, and IPCC, and WEF, and $politicians, and entrenched bureaucrats, and compromised academia, and lapdog Media, have combined to perpetuate and/or enrich themselves, using the unscientific hoax of “CO2 causes global warming” 
The financial exploitation by self-serving elites of the hoax has become a huge scam to impoverish all others.
The self-serving Democrat elites are implementing the West’s rules-based wind/solar/batteries/EV/heat pump, etc., scam to defraud all others
However, fast-growing BRISC, with 11 members and 20 applicants, including China, India, Russia, etc., are not playing along with the multi-$trillion per year hoax and scam, and the demonizing of fossil fuels.

China sold $250-billion of US bonds, which are flooding the world financial markets. The revenue of selling the bonds is used by China to buy gold, which has seen an increasing $/troy-ounce price

The Biden government has $TRILLION annual budget deficits, which are “papered/financed” by printing new US bonds, which are also flooding the world financial markets.
Such flooding requires high interest rates to get people to buy these bonds. 
The high interest rates will tank/stagnate many parts of the US economy, such as housing, cars, anything bought on credit, with an election coming up in Nov 2024.
Plus there are millions of scruffy, poor, inexperienced, uneducated, culturally-different folks, from all over, crossing our borders, or secretly flown in, unvetted, to get free work permits, free phones, and free debit cards, and free housing, and start sucking, for free, from various Democrat-run government programs.
Geez, we are so screwed!
Gross political and economic/financial mismanagement by the self-serving Democrat elites, at the expense of all others.
The $3.5 billion slush fund to bring in more Muslims will further ruin the traditional fabric of the US, thanks to evil-doing Democrats canvassing for voters from anywhere, and some Republicans who voted for it! Geez!

Reply to  wilpost
May 4, 2024 12:57 pm

Long wave radiation from the earth surface contains only 7% of 15 micron photons
Almost all photons, with many wavelengths, are impacting other molecules.
CO2 absorbs a very small fraction of the 15 micron photons
WV absorbs a very large fraction of the 15 micron photons, plus many photons with other wavelengths, because it has many big “windows”
All this absorbing and colliding will warm the atmosphere, which will radiate up and down, at longer wavelengths, because it is colder than the surface, etc.
Those longer wavelengths are beyond the CO2 window, but not beyond the WV window.
Almost all WV is created in the tropics, 24/7/365, because of unvarying temps, and in the sub tropics.
This produces huge, big sky clouds, which transport the heat to areas which get too little sunshine.
Any impairment of the tropics is like removing a lung.
The Earth is pretty good at balancing energy just by itself, without heroic efforts, such as seeding clouds.
That could be used to rain on the enemy during a battle.
Viewed from outer space, clouds look as white as snow, i.e., they reflect a lot of short wave energy, likely more than they are credited with in NASA energy balance calculations
Less clouds, less reflection, more short wave energy reaches earth surface, from which it is emitted as long wave energy that warms the atmosphere, by about 1.2 C since 1900.
No big deal, because it was a lot warmer during the Medieval Warm Period, and Roman Warm Period, both were boom times, because warm is good.
Why foolishly spend tens of $trillions to reduce CO2, which plays less than 1% role regarding global warming, as proven in very cold areas?

May 4, 2024 7:52 am

Radical leftists say oil companies are committing climate murder!
No it’s the knife manufacturers after the gun buyback in Oz nowadays. You know it makes sense lefties.

John Hultquist
May 4, 2024 8:03 am

 ” … major philanthropies like the Rockefeller Foundation and Walton Family Foundation support this craziness! So do the World Bank and many UN agencies.”

Are there any Rockefeller or Walton family members alive and lucid, or are the foundations being run by mushroom growers?
81a4e5654bc39450d8d9dbaffb84ab5f.jpg (967×760) (pinimg.com)

Coeur de Lion
May 4, 2024 10:12 am

They are all middle class know nothings. Have they watched one of the six hundred million without electricity – let’s say a middle aged Indian mother making cow dung chappatties to dry in the sun for fuel. With the daily tear down of local woodland the stupid greenies call it TRADITIONAL BIOMASS ‘cos it’s CO2 neutral (is it? ) and SOUNDS NICE. In global energy terms traditional biomass is THREE TIMES the energy of all the windmills and all the solar panels there are. Not bad for trillions of dollars not spent on power stations for the world’s poor. Shame on them. Shame on them.

May 4, 2024 12:37 pm

And the PeTA people say “meat is murder”.
Who cares?

May 4, 2024 1:59 pm

These radical leftist twerps, only exist in today’s world BECAUSE OF FOSSIL FUELS. !

With them, they would die a slow and painful death.

Reply to  bnice2000
May 4, 2024 6:10 pm

Typo fix… Second line ..

Without fossil fuels, they would die a slow and painful death.

Edward Katz
May 4, 2024 2:15 pm

And when climate alarmism is aided and abetted by the mainstream media and adopted by governments, it’s the consumer who suffers and pays the price in the form of higher carbon taxes that are nothing more than money grabs. In addition, these drive up the costs of everyday essentials from food to electricity to heating, to appliances because their producers are forced to pay the initial levies and then pass them on to the customers. All these might be tolerable if the energy sources like wind and solar, which are being subsidized by the taxes, were dependable enough to supplant fossil fuels; but when they’ve been consistently shown to be unreliable and in sufficient, once again it’s the consumer that gets the shaft.

May 4, 2024 5:59 pm

Desperation is setting in. The shriller they get the more they lose fellow lefties. I’m seeing a huge shift with self described Liberals denouncing Progressive idiocy.

May 4, 2024 7:22 pm

This is purely a government issue not a climate issue.

Frank Pouw
May 5, 2024 4:15 am

Here’s my proposal for the next phase of this game. The fossil fuel producers, either individually or through trade associations, should pick a state, logically a relatively small one (Vermont might be a good place to start), and go to the legislature with this proposition: Ban us! Make the sale or use of fossil fuels in your state illegal, starting at some early date, like for example tomorrow. We will then withdraw. And your citizens will then find out whether they prefer life with fossil fuels, or without them.
In other words, stop being such pansies. It’s time to call their bluff.

Reply to  Frank Pouw
May 5, 2024 5:46 am

I absolutely love this idea, which is not new, but well expressed here. Of course, we all know the various groups pushing for climate blah-blah will never go for complete fossil fuel banning. How would they get to their protests and disruptive road closures? Then there is a chart somewhere which shows how much of our existence is aided by the products of fossil fuel. Which is something most sane folks knew about for quite some time. Where are the mental asylums when they are most needed?
Folks who want to give up anything fossil fuel derived should do so almost immediately. Just let the rest of us know when so we can understand why there are some folks walking around half naked.

May 6, 2024 2:26 pm

P.T. Barnum says there is a sucker born every minute, but there is a whackjob born every minute too.

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