Russian President: Climate Change is Fraud

Portrait of Vladimir Putin, Source, Author Russian Presidential Press and Information Office
Portrait of Vladimir Putin, Source,
Author Russian Presidential Press and Information Office

Guest essay by Eric Worrall

h/t DailyCaller – Russian President Vladimir Putin has stated that he thinks the Western climate scare is a fraud, designed to restrain industrial development in countries like Russia.

According to the New York Times;

While Western media have examined the role of rising temperatures and drought in this year’s record wildfires in North America, Russian media continue to pay little attention to an issue that animates so much of the world.

The indifference reflects widespread public doubt that human activities play a significant role in global warming, a tone set by President Vladimir Putin, who has offered only vague and modest pledges of emissions cuts ahead of December’s U.N. climate summit in Paris.

Russia’s official view appears to have changed little since 2003, when Putin told an international climate conference that warmer temperatures would mean Russians “spend less on fur coats” while “agricultural specialists say our grain production will increase, and thank God for that”.

The president believes that “there is no global warming, that this is a fraud to restrain the industrial development of several countries including Russia,” says Stanislav Belkovsky, a political analyst and critic of Putin. “That is why this subject is not topical for the majority of the Russian mass media and society in general.”

Putin’s scepticism dates from the early 2000s, when his staff “did very, very extensive work trying to understand all sides of the climate debate”, said Andrey Illarionov, Putin’s senior economic adviser at the time and now a senior fellow at the Cato Institute in Washington.

“We found that, while climate change does exist, it is cyclical, and the anthropogenic role is very limited,” he said. “It became clear that the climate is a complicated system and that, so far, the evidence presented for the need to ‘fight’ global warming was rather unfounded.”

Read more:

Its difficult to know what impact Putin’s overt skepticism will have on the Paris climate meeting. The meeting is reportedly already in a lot of trouble, because even our economically illiterate leaders seem to be balking at the prospect of borrowing money from China, so they can gift the principle they just borrowed back to China as climate development assistance, then repay the loan back to China a second time, with interest.

To his credit Putin has no qualms about yanking the chain of climate obsessed Western Politicians. During the recent G20 conference in Australia, when asked why there was a fleet of Russian Warships just outside Australian territorial waters, the Russian embassy replied the ships were there to research “climate change”.

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October 30, 2015 3:12 am

Since O’bama was elected, this world has really been turned upside down !!!!

Reply to  Marcus
October 30, 2015 5:20 am

Regrettably the Russian president may turn out to appear more credible than our own (American). These United States are not what they used to be.

Reply to  taz1999
October 30, 2015 8:20 am

“May?” He’s already miles ahead of our Liar-in-Chief and is absolutely correct that there is none-to-minimal “global warming” that is cyclical as it has been for millions of years.

Reply to  taz1999
October 30, 2015 8:52 am

>>Regrettably the Russian president may turn out
>>to appear more credible than our own.
More credible on decisive intervention against ISIS.
More credible on Global Warming.
More credible on not encouraging a refugee exodus to Russia.
More credible on standing up for home interests.
Less credible to us with his sabre-rattling, but the Russians like it.
Simply more credible as a leader.

Reply to  taz1999
October 30, 2015 9:36 am

LOL May? we left that reality far in the rear view mirror.

John Endicott
Reply to  taz1999
October 30, 2015 9:50 am

I’m afraid there’s no “may” about it. Sad to say we left may in the dust long ago.

Reply to  taz1999
October 30, 2015 10:51 am

It is a surprising thing when the future of liberty and truth rests with the Kremlin…
I”m still struggling with the notion that Putin is more honest than The USA, UK, and EU governments…
Then again, I’m from The Cold War era… Old,dog, new tricks, etc. etc….

Reply to  taz1999
October 31, 2015 12:43 am

Her teacher is obviously a product of Affirmative Action coupled with Common Core.
Putin has it right. Our POS is still living in his Dream World.
He is an embarrassment and the whole world knows it.
Too bad that he still has enough time to make bigger messes before we can get rid of him.
I hope that somehow, his grandiose plan to be the head of the UN fails, or he will continue to leave a trail of ‘MESSES’ behind.
If there IS ‘climate change’ it comes from all the HOT AIR he is creating.

Reply to  taz1999
October 31, 2015 2:15 pm

Hello from Canada.
Not “may”, already has more credible than your lead from behind, Cut and run. race baiting, community agitator occupying the White House.

Being and Time
Reply to  taz1999
October 31, 2015 6:03 pm

What;s so regrettable about it? Putin is a good man.

Reply to  Marcus
October 30, 2015 6:44 am

Environmentalists and people who care about the well being of the poor should both be very angry at what their political leaders have done with all that political capital.
If AGW was not a scam, they could have done some good, instead of grabbing for loot with carbon credit trading schemes and subsidies for uneconomical crony energy scams. They could have reduced waste, encouraged conservation and allowed nuclear power.
The AGW propaganda created a lot of political power based on the support of well meaning, naive low-info types. Imagine if we had:
– taxed fuel used for private jets
-quit shipping raw materials and coal to the far side of the world, and products back.
– reduced speed limits – big fuel savings on the highway, and smaller cars more popular
– saved the nat gas for vehicles, no power plant replacement, no sun/wind backup gen
A lot could have been done which costed less than the benefits. Instead they increased the cost of energy and grabbed for the loot.

Reply to  jeff
October 30, 2015 8:43 am

Right idea. Not so right suggestions.
Why tax fuel for private jets? How about tax fuel used for private plane trips to conferences and symposiums with a hike in tax dependent upon destination? The more popular the vacation destination, the greater the tax. It would be odd to see one of these conferences held in Chicago, during February.
OK on the raw materials, not that we do much of that anymore.
Definitely OK on importing products, especially products formerly manufactured here.
Reduced speed limits is illusory savings. Most vehicles have sweet spots in every gear where speed is maximized per fuel consumption. The sweetest spots for distance achieved versus fuel consumption are not slow speeds. Think autobahn speeds.
Natural gas is the foundation for most of our chemical, resins and plastics industries. Using it for vehicles should be a last option resource. Natural gas is also darned efficient for power plants. Though I would prefer it’s usage for power generation to come after nuclear and coal.

Tom Judd
Reply to  jeff
October 30, 2015 10:09 am

Reduced speed limits on highways? Sorry, that gets my dander up.
Reduced speed limits would primarily impact the Interstate Highways where steady state cruising speeds already provide the best fuel economy: Note the difference between quoted city and highway mpg figures for vehicles. Also; the Interstates carry about 20% of total traffic volume. Therefore, even dramatic gains in fuel economy (which won’t happen) would impact overall fuel consumption only minimally.
But, dramatic gains in fuel economy won’t occur. A decrease in speed means that vehicles will be on a roadway for an increased amount of time. This phenomenon is witnessed by commuters every time there is rainstorm: traffic slows, commute times increase, and congestion increases. Any increase in congestion destroys fuel economy.
Furthermore, decreased Interstate speed limits have been demonstrated to divert drivers to secondary roads since the speed advantage of the Interstate disappears and the secondary roads won’t experience the same level of Draconian speed enforcement. Since secondary roads entail slow downs for towns, stop signs, stop lights, plus acceleration for passing maneuvers fuel economy suffers on these roads.
No sane traffic engineer supports speed limits slower than the prevailing speed of traffic. The U.S. has been down that sorry road before for almost a quarter century (1973-1996) with the National Maximum Safety Limit.
Experienced motorists can set their own speed, and not have it set by some private jet flying politico; or dour, human hating environmentalist. Both of whom are more than happy to restrict one’s freedom of travel.

Reply to  Marcus
October 30, 2015 9:45 am

He looks pretty “badass” in that picture, so much cooler than those mewling, mincing leaders of the so called free world.

Reply to  Mick
October 30, 2015 10:54 am

You have not seen him posing in Rambo mode then. Shirtless, scrawny, nondescript. He is ex-KGB and as such he fit the mold perfectly as a nondescript, easily over-looked man on the street. He is not tall, muscular or in any way impressive physically. Putin poses for photography and film shots continually to remind the Russian of what a bad ass he is, but not what kind. He is a schemer, vindictive, and very probably responsible, either directly, or in the same sense as Henry the Second was for the death of Thomas a’ Beckett, for the deaths of several critics including Alexander Litvinenko, assassinated in Britain using Polonium 210. The individuals who carried that out are known and their trail through Europe was easily followed by the traces of radioactive Po-210 they left where ever they stayed. It is likely they have or will suffer health effects themselves since you can’t be that careless with such a toxin with impunity.
The fact that Putin may or may not share an opinion with us does not increase his credibility in reality. He would happily embrace CAGW if it offered him a political leg up. Russia however needs energy every winter and carbon fuels are the sole important source. The immense majority of the population are dreadfully poor by western standards and while things improved economically for a little while, they have begun deteriorating again. If you have walk the streets of Moscow in the early winter mornings, you can find it hard not to see the crews picking up the bodies of the drunks and homeless who froze to death during the night.
“Scepticism” is Putin’s only safe political option regarding climate. He already has tens of thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands, or millions of home-grown Russian critics whose numbers would swell drastically if he headed down a “no-carbon” road. So, looking at his scepticism, remember that it really is there to convince his people that the west is against them – “… this is a fraud to restrain the industrial development of several countries including Russia. …”. Note too that he includes the words “several countries including Russia.” That is a blatant bid to attract China and India to a Russian anti-western stance, since they are the only non-western aligned major economic forces that would affected. We are already having problems with China in the South China Sea.

Reply to  Marcus
October 30, 2015 5:10 pm

The country, ours, has decomposed. Culturally, ethnically, economically, morally, militarily and politically it has decomposed. It’s good to see people in the world yanking that chain. I see that the left has basically been wiped out in Poland. This is a trend that we’re seeing now in all of the countries that haven’t decomposed.

Reply to  Marcus
October 30, 2015 5:14 pm

…designed to restrain industrial development in countries like Russia.

This is what it’s about. MONEY (resources control). I am from a poor country, but not an idiot.
Some folks see green funds as underdeveloped countries wanting free cash. They do. But the plan is more complicated. No ‘free cash’ for nothing. Payment = “restrain industrial development”. The Green Plan.
The West are not fools. Nobody is.

Reply to  Marcus
October 31, 2015 5:59 pm

We should all remember what is in store for us at the “Paris Love In”It has nothing to do with Global warming(or what-ever they are calling it these days)
At the moment the UN is not self funding. This means it has to pander to the whims of its funders ( the various national governments and through them to us). The global warming penance is an attempt to impose a tax by treaty, the beneficiary of which will be the global beaurocracy which will through the tithe become self funded with an avenue to tax populations through the funding provisions in the treaty. It separates the UN from needing to satisfy populations that it is working in their collective interests and gives the UN punitive powers against us. It is truly a surrender of sovereignty which should never be allowed to happen. In effect it funds world socialism on a scale never dreamed before. There must never be a tax by treaty capability – ever.
The only thing that will scupper Paris is resolute resistance from at least one prominent participant, or from an equally prominent national legislature in the aftermath. It’s not just the self-described “Greens” who like the idea of a one-world government and don’t care a jot about us little people. That nomenklatura thing has really caught on.
Some people (like the greens) seem to like the idea of a one world (generally of the socialist kind) government, for those people, I ask the simple question. Where do you go if you don’t like your one world government?
13 July: RTCC: Ed King: What could a legally binding UN climate deal look like?
A mooted UN climate pact could end up working like a credit ratings agency, say influential figures involved in crafting a Paris pact.
Countries that default or break their pollution cutting promises will lose credibility and trust amongst their peers, which will impact them in other venues and on other issues.
Rogue climate states (***Canada) could miss out on benefits such as protection from trade sanctions, or “in club” transfer of low carbon technologies.The suggestion was one of a series set out during a session hosted by the London-based E3G think tank last week …
***The session was held under the Chatham House rule – so names are off-limits…
There appeared to be a consensus that judging whether Paris is a tough deal will not simply swing on whether a new treaty or protocol is developed.
The legal form of a deal is one way of determining how binding it is. But so too is language, how specific pledges are, and the institutions that are created as a result…
Climate hawks hope countries will commit to a tough new regime under a legally binding treaty in the French capital.
But support for a deal with some legal options but without an overarching UN treaty has support from the Australia, Japan and New Zealand.
The US government is also holding out against a new treaty as it would have to get it past a hostile Senate…
Track Zero, an influential lobby group, wants emissions from fossil fuels to fall to zero (or net zero) by 2050.
But some emerging economies are less keen. India and China worry mid-century is too soon; top oil producers like Venezuela and Saudi Arabia see this as a red rag…
It seems unlikely the US or China would agree to their respective commitments coming under international law…
But it seems unlikely that the US, EU and others, who in 2009 promised to deliver $100 billion a year by 2020 in climate finance, would agree to long term financial hand cuffs…

everett walker
Reply to  Marcus
November 1, 2015 8:16 pm

Whether there is human caused global warming or not, it is a sure thing that there will be no Human Cured Global warming. Pooty is absolutely right that its a power grab by the useless appendages at the United Nations and in the Democratic Party.

Reply to  Marcus
November 5, 2015 9:08 pm

How does one become russian?

Evan Jones
October 30, 2015 3:16 am

Cat, meet pigeons.

Reply to  Evan Jones
October 30, 2015 6:59 am


Reply to  Evan Jones
October 30, 2015 8:50 am

Right concept evanmjones, wrong predator.
More like tiger meet pigeons, calm hesitant slow fat pigeons with limited smarts.
Or a Russian grizzly or polar bear.
All three predators are found in Russia.

Charles Nelson
October 30, 2015 3:21 am

I said it in a post several days ago and it gives me not pleasure to repeat it but he USA appears to be morphing into the USSR. (complete with Lysenko style science). And Obama is Gorbachev. As someone who grew up watching America dominate the world with its technology and its culture I can only shake my head and ask…What the hell went wrong?

Reply to  Charles Nelson
October 30, 2015 3:24 am

Liberal socialism !!! As a Canadian, I feel your pain !!!

Reply to  Marcus
October 30, 2015 3:31 am

How is that different from communism?

Reply to  Marcus
October 30, 2015 3:37 am

liberal socialism covers itself with “feelings” and hides behind “progress”, and uses fewer posters and murals.
However, in the end, there is little difference. Soon we’ll all be zipping around in Ladas and wondering what happened.

Reply to  Marcus
October 30, 2015 4:39 am

Libereral socialists have a need for large blocks of voters to serve as propagandists for their liberal ideas, because they still have economic, scientific and political opposition to their hairbrained ideas. The liberal socialist provides these voters (sometimes referred to as useful idiots) money and benefits and limited powers in exchange for their votes, thus keeping liberal socialist in power. Communists, having eliminated all competition to their ideas, no longer have a need for many of these useful idiots (especially the non productive ones) so they send them to Siberia. The useful idiot is always very surprised at this cruel turn of events … where what seems to be more of a good thing (socialism turning to communism) and something to be celebrated … more socialism always means more for useful idiots under socialism … communism turns out to be a very very bad thing for them. Communism means the useful iidiot is no longer useful and gets nothing.

Reply to  Charles Nelson
October 30, 2015 4:54 am

“And Obama is Gorbachev.”
There’s probably more to that notion than meets the eye. I’ve always suspected that Gorby, who happily dissolved the USSR on Christmas 1991, was more than passively involved in the subsequent evolution of Western democracies (especially the United States) into havens of socialist activism.comment image
It seemed to me, even back in the early 1990’s that the “dissolution” of the Soviet Union was more like chrysalis-like “evolution”, in which the USSR seemingly vanished, but was reincarnated, ironically, within the very same Western political and religious institutions that formerly were the its chief opponents.
So I think the USSR is merely playing “possum”, still alive and vibrant all around (and inside) us, exploiting the long-standing and destructive self-loathing of Western liberalism to its own advantage:

Reply to  Johanus
October 30, 2015 8:56 am

In case you didn’t already know. They’re reprinting Walt Kelly’s Pogo strips.
It’s irritating, I couldn’t afford the compilations when I was young, with minor exceptions where I traded the grocery money for literature. Now that I’m retired, I still can’t afford to just buy the reprints. Maybe if I can glom one or two issues a year…
Darned good stuff and still very relevant.

Steve (Paris)
Reply to  Johanus
October 30, 2015 9:02 am

With Merkel at the forefront. The daughter of the only German to have defected from West to East.

Reply to  Charles Nelson
October 30, 2015 5:35 am

The real irony is that Putin’s professional forbears planted the seeds that destroyed the Normal-American culture you describe.
The Comintern’s covert influence program, begun in the 1920s, inserted the anti-Normal-America message into our culture that has grown into Poltically Correct Progressivism.
The “blame rich white capitalists for everything” message found its most fertile ground in the “global warming is caused by capitalism” movement.
But be sure that the efforts of PC-Progs are not limited to just destroying our economy with the global warming scheme.
The destruction of Normal-American culture continues apace, on all the fronts laid out by the PC-Prog belief system: “America is a racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, imperialist, capitalist hell-hole. And it must be changed.”
The irony continues when Pravda is a truthful source of news; and the PC-Prog American media (ABC, NBC, CBS, NYT, WaPo, CNN, etc) are the grim purveyors of the PC partyline.
PS: Obama is not Gorbachev in this ironic reality-play. Obama is a lowly party apparatchik raised up as a symbol during the final putsch that stole the country from the real majority and put it in the hands of the fake “majority” party, the Bolsheviks. His type was quickly plowed under after the party showed its true face.

Ken (Kulak)
Reply to  kentclizbe
October 30, 2015 7:02 am

Well said. You nailed what has happened to a T.
I have a retired teacher friend and a now deceased teach step-brother who experienced communists in their classes in the late 1950s.

Reply to  Ken (Kulak)
October 30, 2015 7:49 am

Well said. You nailed what has happened to a T.
I have a retired teacher friend and a now deceased teach step-brother who experienced communists in their classes in the late 1950s.
Kudos to your friends’ attention to what was happening in their classrooms.
However, the overt communists were pretty much overpowered and destroyed in the early 1950s.
The actual powerful movements that destroyed our culture were all covert. The Comintern was extremely proficient at hiding their actual beliefs and credentials.
They targeted the three “transmission belts” of American culture: education/academia, the media, and Hollywood.
Here’s an overview of their most effective operator against education and academia, Dr George S. Counts, and a discussion of KGB’s operations today:

Reply to  kentclizbe
October 30, 2015 7:49 am

“Obama is not Gorbachev in this ironic reality-play”
Yes, I agree, Obama is but a pawn in this game of chess, orchestrated by Gorby, then. And now, by other fuzzy figures behind a curtain.

Reply to  kentclizbe
October 30, 2015 11:38 am

The socialists and communists in Canada pretty much stayed away from national politics and concentrated on infiltrating local urban councils and school boards. By the 80’s if not before, they had begun to influence curriculum in a very real way, and started brainwashing the children. Which is why we have Wynnetario, Notely the socialist in Alberta, and a part time ski instructor for Prime Minister. The brainwashed youth have spoken.

Reply to  kentclizbe
October 30, 2015 1:01 pm

Think…George Soros.

Reply to  Charles Nelson
October 30, 2015 6:54 am

It may well be “Liberal Socialism” as Marcus suggests – but what i have noticed over many decades (I was about when Global Cooling was the big bogeyman) is that:-
a) some people simply feel guilty at simply being alive and well and living in a time of plenty, and
b) some other people are really scared of having to make their way in the world and so embrace whatever scare story is on the horizon.
The former suffer from extreme angst and want to give what everyone else has away whilst tightly holding on to their own “stash”.
The later want world chaos so they don’t/won’t have to do any work.
We see both of these mindsets in Climate “science” – with the great and the good flying all around the world pontificating on what the rest of should not do – whilst they commit the same “sins” with impunity because they are the “chosen ones” being the former and the “Designer Anarchists” who pop up at all the protests from Fracking sites to Economic Summits.
The good thing is that people are realising it is a con – What Putin has said will resonate with many. Last night on the BBC news there was a article on how the UK is working with Iceland to possibly set up a geothermal energy plant that – via the longest cable ever! – could transfer power from Iceland to the UK.
Now i do not know haw feasible this is – but it seems a practical concept to provide a steady source of energy to me!
What did we then have?
The usual bleating from Greenpeace that the UK Government is doing “all it can to destroy the Solar industry in the UK” and that it really ought to concentrate on energy sources “closer to home”
And there’s me thinking that Iceland was a tad closer to the UK than the Sun.
Just shows how wrong you can be ……………………………..

Russ Armstrong
Reply to  Charles Nelson
October 30, 2015 8:41 pm

Our schools and universities stopped teaching our children how to think and began teaching them what to think.

Reply to  Russ Armstrong
October 31, 2015 3:06 am

Agreed. The public schools are an abomination and the private ones follow pretty close behind the public ones unfortunately. The schools are the first line of government propaganda.

Reply to  Charles Nelson
October 31, 2015 1:14 am

What went wrong? Progressives….liberals…..Socialists….and finally….OBAMA and his whole rotten cronies.
It all started with GREED.
Visitors coming back from Russia say there is MORE FREEDOM there, than here.

Leonard Lane
Reply to  Charles Nelson
October 31, 2015 11:58 pm

Leftist politicians promising bread and circuses and their invention of a secret addition to water that made eunuchs of Republican leaders without affecting the leftists. I think that is some of what went wrong.

October 30, 2015 3:26 am

It takes one to know one.

October 30, 2015 3:28 am

See chapter on same in Don’t Sell Your Coat
As Putin well knows, CAGW is an English-language-based cult, something I also explore in DSYC.

Dodgy Geezer
October 30, 2015 3:28 am

…when asked why there was a fleet of Russian Warships just outside Australian territorial waters, the Russian embassy replied the ships were there to research “climate change”….
Actually, that’s quite accurate.
Climate changes all the time, of course, and the physical reasons for this are immensely complicated – well beyond our current knowledge (though we know something about some of the drivers and resultant movements of energy)
But the Climate Change Putin is talking about here is not the physical phenomenon, but the man-made panic currently gripping the West. And parking your Navy just outside some territorial waters will probably provide a knee-jerk response from a panicky politician – just how panicky, Russia will find out. He is researching the minds of the Western politicians while they are in a typically confused and flustered mode…

Reply to  Dodgy Geezer
October 30, 2015 3:40 am

Sometimes I wonder how “we” won WW2.
Or, more accurately, I wonder why “the greatest generation” allowed their kids to be so completely and thoroughly destroyed.

Reply to  CodeTech
October 30, 2015 3:45 am

We have spoiled them beyond redemption !!!
P.S. Great answer above !!!

richard verney
Reply to  CodeTech
October 30, 2015 4:29 am

And we are rapidly giving away the freedoms that our fathers fought so hard to keep. Disgraceful.

Reply to  CodeTech
October 30, 2015 4:53 am

I think this is called “Losing the peace”.

Gary Pearse
Reply to  CodeTech
October 30, 2015 6:09 am

USSR has some claim to winning WWII. It sure would have been a different war without them. Mind you we did supply them substantially.

Reply to  CodeTech
October 30, 2015 7:40 am
For a long time I thought it was just well meaning but misguided efforts at reform but after reading Charlotte Iserbyt’s well researched (and free PDF) book I’ve come to the conclusion that George Carlin was correct. Those in power don’t want an intelligent populace.

Reply to  CodeTech
October 30, 2015 8:16 am

The Soviet Army ground the Wehrmacht to sausage.
The US faced less than 25% of the Nazi war machine.

Steve R
Reply to  CodeTech
October 30, 2015 10:41 am

I think we need to be honest with ourselves about the “we won WWII” meme. The Soviet Union did most of the fighting and most of the dying while the allies kept them distracted and divided.

Reply to  CodeTech
October 30, 2015 11:15 am

Actually our children are voluntarily giving up their freedom based on the re-education camps we currently call schools. Most teachers today are naturally “people” people and have somewhat left leaning ideals that they pass on to the students in their class rooms.
“If a young man is not a socialist, he has no heart; if he is still a socialist at 40 he has no brain.”
Our children are probably smarter than we are, but they have been so indoctrinated by the time they are 40 they have stopped thinking for themselves in areas like Global Warming. Our children are inundated by media and politicians. They don’t have the experience of those of us nearing the end of our lives who have learned how often the media and politicians get it wrong. However, by the time they are my age, I hope they get it figured out so they can explain things to their children and their children’s children. Change is in the air. (Oh, maybe that’s just snow.)
“May you live in interesting times.” Chinese curse. We ARE living in interesting times with the Bear and the Dragon rising and the Eagle in trouble. Course the good ol’ beaver just keeps on beavering along; the Kangaroos keep hopping back and forth across the political fence while the Yorkshire pudding crowd tries to figure out what the H happened to the implementation of the Magna Carta; whilst the holy cows keep passing methane; the elephants get trophy hunted and Quixote rides across the EU tilting at windmills …
(Add your own metaphor for each country/continent – might as well have fun while we watch.)
Well, off to fix some equipment before the snow comes.
Have a great day everyone and watch out for trick or treaters tomorrow.

Alan Robertson
Reply to  CodeTech
October 30, 2015 12:04 pm

You’re right. Even as the Soviets bore the brunt of Nazi fury, the Soviet triumph was inevitable, given enough time. However, without the efforts of the Western Allies (Britain, USA,) the outcome for the Soviets would have been far more costly, maybe even to the point that the Soviets would not have had the eventual wherewithal to envelope and sequester Eastern Europe behind the Iron Curtain. The Western powers divided the Nazi forces into a multi- front war and more importantly, destroyed not only the Luftwaffe, but Germany’s structural ability to wage effective war. Also, without the early, crucial materiel support from the West, the Soviets would have been far less able to withstand the developing Nazi onslaught long enough to ramp up productions from their own war machine, resulting in years of further exorbitant losses to the Soviets.
As great as all of the efforts of the Allies were, the fuehrer’s own edicts played a great role in Germany’s defeat, with his hands- on control of the Nazi war machine. As example, without Adolf’s witless orders, the Soviet victory at Stalingrad would have unquestionably had a more favorable outcome, for the Germans.
BTW, While destroying Japan’s Navy and Air Forces, as well as the Japanese wartime infrastructure, at war’s end, the Allies had confronted and destroyed only about 5% of the Japanese men- at- arms. The death and destruction averted by the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is incalculable.

Larry Wirth
Reply to  CodeTech
October 30, 2015 8:37 pm

Mostly right in the replies, but Alan, it needs to be said that while probably 80% of mortal human effort against Germany was supplied by Soviet manpower, 15% by American and 5% by British, the war against Japan was 98% American. FDR (socialist bastard) was correct on his call: provide more than enough to the European Theater to assure the defeat of Hitler et al, and apply the rest to the Pacific.
The fight in North Africa was 80% British, 20% American; Italy was 90% GI boots, the rest British.
But without American and British aid to the Soviets, the Germans would, most likely, have defeated the Soviet Union in WWII. You’re also 100% correct that Hitler was the Wermacht’s worst enemy.

Reply to  Dodgy Geezer
October 30, 2015 3:50 am

The Australians will soon be regretting the castration of Abbott !!! With Obama in charge of America for another year, who will come to save the Australians this time ???? Definitely not Obama !!

Reply to  Marcus
October 30, 2015 4:10 am

Won’t be Shorten (ALP), won’t be any “Green” (Ha ha ha ha), won’t be Turnbull in 2016. But, I am confident we will see a “commitment” from Turncoat for an ETS. Australia…anyone wanting to come here…don’t bring industry skills. We don’t want you!

Reply to  Marcus
October 30, 2015 4:45 am

Canada will be joining Australia with its own ETS, just watch.

Ian W
Reply to  Marcus
October 30, 2015 6:32 am

There is money in ETS for the politicians and their backers. It doesn’t matter what the science says or what it will do to the economies. Their wallets always have absolute priority.

Reply to  Dodgy Geezer
October 30, 2015 4:59 am

I agree with you, Geez. I take issue with the “Climate Change is Fraud” headline, since we all know the climate does change constantly. But I will take it as shorthand to mean catastrophic, anthropomorphic global warming.
[But remember, the headline (of this article) is reporting what the gist of the story is: That the Russian president believes it is a fraud. That does not make his statement true. Or false. It does not make his belief (because he may be lying about whatever he actually believes in) true or false. .mod]

Reply to  Dodgy Geezer
October 30, 2015 5:40 am

No, no, the embassy left out one word – the ships were there studying political climate change. Welcome to the new Cold War.

Gary Pearse
Reply to  Ric Werme
October 30, 2015 6:12 am

The won the cold war – they are a nation of chess players.

Reply to  Dodgy Geezer
October 31, 2015 6:14 pm

Thats all the time isn’t it?

October 30, 2015 3:37 am

Surely it is aCO2 DRIVEN catastrophic climate change is the fraud?

October 30, 2015 3:39 am

BTW, his oil exports and oil price are killing his war efforts…sorry the other “e” word, economy. At least he still seems to be pulling Obama’s strings.

richard verney
Reply to  Patrick
October 30, 2015 4:27 am

The oil price was a deliberate policy to achieve this end.
Raegan did something similar and it caused the collapse of the USSR.

Reply to  richard verney
October 30, 2015 5:31 am

You forgot to put quotes around “collapse”.
Why do you think Gorbachev put an image of himself shaking hands with Reagan on the Gorbachev Foundation homepage?

Reply to  richard verney
October 30, 2015 6:04 am

So here is the GF homepage. Does Gorby look like the person who “lost” the Cold War?

Reply to  richard verney
October 30, 2015 9:10 am

>>So here is the GF homepage. Does Gorby look
>>like the person who “lost” the Cold War?
Smiles for the cameras.
I was there before and after the revolution, and Russia had LOST big time. The country was producing nothing, nothing was being repaired, nothing worked, and the people were destitute and starving. The USSR was dead on its feet. They could not even find a lawnmower for the first Moscow airshow, so several dozen serfs used scythes. Has the US pushed, the new Russia would have fallen over in a biig heap.
But that would have been dangerous with a capital D, so Bush did not deliver the coup de gras. Instead, the new Russia was kept afloat and away from starvation by several billion Bush Wings (chicken drumsticks from the USA). More importantly, the US gave $500 million in 1990 dollar values, to the Russian nuclear weapons cities. The fear was that they would sell their wapons to the highest Middle Eastern bidder, so the US enabled the nuclear cities to have relative luxury and stability, as the rest of the nation collapsed around them.
A tricky policy, but it worked. I just hope they remember that little favour, back in 1990.

Reply to  richard verney
October 30, 2015 12:33 pm

I was an observer then too. Of course the miserable Soviet economy could not sustain their vast empire, so Gorbachev had to “let it go”.
I was surprised at the time how quickly the Soviet Empire disappeared, with barely a whimper. The entire Communist block, which had seemed nearly invincible, was dissolved by peaceful revolts, peasants armed with feathers (and Reagan’s admonition to tear down a wall).
It seemed that the animus of the Russian Revolution of 1917 had entirely vanished. But it didn’t. I remember remarking to a friend in 1991 that Gorbachev seemed to be acting on the faith that this animus was so powerful, that it could be released from their direct control and it would come back together sometime in the future, revitalized and stronger than ever.
That seems to have been the plan all along.

Gary Pearse
Reply to  Patrick
October 30, 2015 6:13 am

Low energy prices must benefit other sectors.

Jerry Henson
October 30, 2015 3:43 am

For the first time ever, I find myself in agreement with the KGB.

Reply to  Jerry Henson
October 30, 2015 3:46 am

That’s gotta hurt !!

Reply to  Jerry Henson
October 30, 2015 4:34 am

Think that should be the FSB. KGB is old hat. However I agree with you in essence.

Spiros Destenedos
Reply to  TedM
October 30, 2015 4:59 am

They changed the name not the people …

Evan Jones
Reply to  TedM
October 30, 2015 5:03 am

I think NKVD. And Ogpu.

Samuel C. Cogar
Reply to  Jerry Henson
October 30, 2015 5:24 am

And I am glad that Putin has moved in to protect Assad’s reign in Syria.
Putin knows for a fact that if the US is permitted a “free hand” to depose Assad that Syria will become another corrupt quagmire of terrorist activities just like Iraq and Afghanistan now is.

DD More
Reply to  Samuel C. Cogar
October 30, 2015 9:50 am

Sam, “Will become another corrupt quagmire of terrorist activities”
No, Putin knows when Assad falls, the Saudi / Qatar gas pipeline to Europe will be built and cut into Russia’s business.
Bamako is just screwing up running an unpaid mercenary outfit.

Reply to  Samuel C. Cogar
October 30, 2015 11:03 am

This is a site about climate, not nut bar conspiracies. Plenty of other fruit loop places you can vent your tin foil hat paranoid ideas.

Alan Robertson
Reply to  Samuel C. Cogar
October 30, 2015 12:15 pm

Abe- You’ve provided a vivid example of the Dunning- Kruger Effect.

Reply to  Samuel C. Cogar
October 30, 2015 3:41 pm

Simon and Alan, look through the capital letters and it’s fact in inflammatory style. He grew up in Sunni Islam in Jakarta. He is openly arming al Qaeda against Assad. (Google “baddies vs baddies” – it took Putin and A666ott to point out what Rudd openly supported). As for the foreign student thing, there doesn’t appear to be any reasonable doubt that he claimed for personal advantage to be a foreign student. Abe goes on to state that he was actually born in Kenya – that’s the only part that is debatable.

Samuel C. Cogar
Reply to  Samuel C. Cogar
October 31, 2015 6:00 am

@ DD More – October 30, 2015 at 9:50 am

Sam, “Will become another corrupt quagmire of terrorist activities”
No, Putin knows when Assad falls, the Saudi / Qatar gas pipeline to Europe will be built and cut into Russia’s business.

Don’t be talking silly. They could have built that pipeline at any time during the past 50 years, but didn’t.
If they depose Assad via help of the US then the Isis et el terrorists will move in and take control and then there will be no way in hell they will be able to construct such a pipeline.
And ps, I forgot to include Iran in my previous post. Iran was on extremely friendly terms with the Western world, especially the US, … but then the US was a party to and complacent in deposing the Shah and installing an Islamic “wacko”, to wit:

Ruhollah Moosavi Khomeini, was an Iranian Ayatollah, revolutionary, politician, the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the leader of the 1979 Iranian Revolution which saw the overthrow of the Pahlavi monarchy and Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the Shah of Iran.

So, Syria would make the 4th “corrupt quagmire of Islamic terrorist activities” ….. that the US would be a party to help creating.
And don’t be forgettin the current status of Libya and Egypt, which the US was a party to.

Reply to  Samuel C. Cogar
October 31, 2015 4:21 pm

Simon, normally every one here would agree with you but as this post points out Putin’s comments (and the Pontiff’s which admittedly was not mentioned here-in) are now a serious political issue (s) and therefore the subject is no longer “off limits”. Wish it were otherwise. NOAA’s recent example of “cooking the books” in an election year run up did not help. If it quacks like a Duck it probably is a Duck…..

Reply to  Samuel C. Cogar
October 31, 2015 9:29 pm

If he is of the Kikuyu tribe, not many Kenyans would respect him.

October 30, 2015 3:43 am

“Principal”, not “principle”.

Jeff (FL)
October 30, 2015 3:47 am

‘ seem to be balking at the prospect of borrowing money from China, so they can gift the principle they just borrowed back to China’
The ‘principle’ ?
Actually, that almost works. 🙂

Bloke down the pub
October 30, 2015 3:52 am

Unfortunately, having Putin as an ally will not be seen in the West as a positive.

Phil B.
Reply to  Bloke down the pub
October 30, 2015 4:04 am

You underestimate the West. Putin is the most popular political leader among the populace of every Western country. Despite the US media’s attempts to paint him as the new Hitler, he’s even more popular than Trump.

Reply to  Phil B.
October 30, 2015 12:24 pm

Phil B – have you got a reference? Curious to see where that comes from. Not disagreeing, just wanting a link.

October 30, 2015 3:52 am

As much as I hate his KGB past, Putin is indeed a leader and it’s nice to see a world leader tell it like it is.

Gary Pearse
Reply to  nigelf
October 30, 2015 6:46 am

nigelf, I’m with you on that. The entire west is run by the most gutless bunch ever collected together at one time. Self interest is a bad name. Stupidity and handing over seems to be the new strategy in the West. With China and Russia in their current status, we would have been terrified and expanded our nuke capability in a panic in former decades. Now we let them decide our future.
Putin is a leader who sees the opportunity to exercise his will however he chooses. He knew we would be no threat to him invading Ukraine and he will test us to the limit now. Indeed, the entire former iron curtain block including the new Eurozone countries and China are the only states with leadership. Poland, Czech/Sovakia could be looked upon as saviors for the idiot agglomeration known as the EU. Poland has elected a government to say no to EU stupidity on energy/environment/economics.
In other threads I’ve presented the view that we have to look to India as a developing leader of the English -speaking world. Here we have Britannia, which used to rule the waves, joining the totally expected marx brothers infusion of the continent (save Germany), when they could have put together the greatest economic power on the planet – The English-Speaking World. It would have 3 times the clout of China and Russia added together. The colossal stupidity and missed obvious opportunities of the once greatest must be the number one Wonder of the World.
Yes, a nation of chess players and one of, what? mahjong(?) find other ways to outwit their opponents. Although these days, checkers and Xs and Os would be enough to push us aside and they had better hurry before we beat ourselves. Harper in Canada lacked a few ingredients to be an excellent prime minister, unfortunately, being a bit of a cold fish. I wish he had handed over to John Baird. I had hoped he would hang on for another term. But in a nation of useful idiots it was inevitable they elect a kid who never had a job and can hardly wait to pledge blood and bone in Paris, the UN and to play ring around the rosy with a defunct EU.

Greg Strebel
Reply to  Gary Pearse
October 30, 2015 3:06 pm

Uhh, easy on the Putin invaded Ukraine stuff. James Baker and Gorby shook hands in an agreement that if Russia did not stand in the way of re-unification of East and West Germany (40 divisions of Soviet troops there at the time) that the West (NATO) would not move one thumb’s width east. That understanding did not hold even five years, then the boyz behind Clinton felt it was the time to start taking the former Warsaw pact nations into their embrace, much to the delight of the east block populations which did not anticipate the subsequent financial raping they were being set up for, and which had little love for their past dominators.
Then we got the establishment of radar batteries and the proposal for ABM bases in some of those former Warsaw Pact countries “to protect the west from nuclear missiles from rogue nations” meaning, nudge, nudge, wink, wink: Iran. Of course Putin and company knew quite well it was part of the plan to neutralize Russia’s counterstrike abilities. At the same time the US was ‘promoting democracy’ as Victoria Nuland says, spending $5Billion in Ukraine and an undisclosed sum in Georgia towards their ‘color’ revolutions. These activities got people into the streets. Duly unhappy with the succession of corrupt presidents, the people were enticed by the prosperity of the west, unaware that they were pawns of Pravy Sektor and Svoboda, the successors to the ultraright (read Nazi) organizations which had welcomed the WW2 Germans into Ukraine to throw off the yoke of the hated commies who were responsible for the Holodomor, the starving of some 6-8 million Ukrainians in 1932/3 during collectivization. President Yanukovych responded to the unrest by moving up the date of the next election by two years, but the ultrarightists, encouraged by Nuland and US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoff Pyatt, chose to precipitate a coup months ahead of the new elections. Nuland’s choice Arseniy Yatsenuk (Yats to Victoria) was installed as the interim leader in parliament in which rightist guns were shown to ensure discipline and the passage of a new law to outlaw the use of Russian. Needless to say, the Russian-speaking population of the southern and eastern Oblasts saw the writing on the wall and organized plebiscites on self-determination. It should be remembered that eastern Ukraine was Russian territory until re-assigned to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic by Kruschev in 1954. Whereas western leaders had warned Yanukovych to refrain from violent suppression of dissent, they were silent when the new coup responded with violence to collection of signatures for self determination in the Russian speaking areas. This was most graphically illustrated in Odessa, where busloads of thugs from the northwest arrived and drove petitioners into the Trades Union building and set it afire, shooting and clubbing those who tried to escape.
John Baird chose to pander to the Ukrainian/Canadian electorate (as did Harper) by interpreting the events as a popular overthrow of a corrupt government and the secession of Crimea as a Russian plot. He and Harper prematurely blamed the downing of MH17 on the ‘Russian-backed rebels’ before reports of the Spanish air traffic controller contracted to the Kiev airport reported invasion of the ATC by the Ukraine military and subsequent disappearance of audio recordings wherein the plane was ordered 200 km north of its usual route and down from 33,000 feet to 23,000 ft, within the ceiling of the Ukrainian Air forces SU-25’s, and the press conference by the Russians reporting the corroborating documentation of two radar stations on their side of the border.
Putin has been most circumspect on this situation. His was the most economically attractive proposition to Yanukovych, the EU proposal was certain austerity and called for restrictions on Ukrainian trade with Russia. The decision to take the Russian deal was the precipitating event leading to the coup. Putin had previously accommodated western political correctness on climate change, thinking this stance would ease the way to improved diplomatic and trade relationships with the west. He has since concluded that this accommodation meant nothing to the west and consequently is no longer participating in the CAGCC charade.

Reply to  nigelf
November 1, 2015 12:26 pm

Compared to the “Idiots”that w have at the moment,he’s the only one that has a “Brain”and uses it.

October 30, 2015 3:54 am

One of the things I’ve tried to convey to the proponents of AGW, is that no matter how true they think climate science is, it’s not actually convincing. My evidence is that people like Putin are clearly not convinced. People the world over are demonstrating how unconcerned about CO2 they are. This simple truth should spur believers into improving the science but instead they prefer to look elsewhere for an explanation.

Reply to  TinyCO2
October 30, 2015 6:41 am

Environmentalists and people who care about the well being of the poor should both be very angry at what their political leaders have done with all that political capital.
If AGW was not a scam, they could have done some good, instead of grabbing for loot with carbon credit trading schemes and subsidies for uneconomical crony energy scams. They could have reduced waste, encouraged conservation and allowed nuclear power.
The AGW propaganda created a lot of political power based on the support of well meaning, naive low-info types. Imagine if we had:
– taxed fuel used for private jets
-quit shipping raw materials and coal to the far side of the world, and products back.
– reduced speed limits – big fuel savings on the highway, and smaller cars more popular
– saved the nat gas for vehicles, no power plant replacement, no sun/wind backup gen
A lot could have been done which costed less than the benefits. Instead they increased the cost of energy and grabbed for the loot.
[Delete dupes? .mod]

October 30, 2015 3:57 am

that this is a fraud to restrain the industrial development of several countries including Russia

Typical Russian paranoia.
Actually, not to be too harsh on the Russians. Historically, the national character of the Russians has been to be at least a little suspicious of the intentions of the West. The greenies which animate the AGW movement in the West do not care in the least about Russia. They are concerned with shutting down industrial development in the West itself. Putin is a hard-nosed realist who seems not to understand that the West is deliberately pursuing a willfully self-destructive agenda. To Putin, such behavior would have to be seen as truly insane. Therefore, the Russians will continue to seek an ulterior motive of the West where none exists.
In short, Putin can not believe we are so stupid.

Reply to  TonyL
October 30, 2015 12:00 pm

“In short, Putin can not believe we are so stupid.”
Actually he does. As he proposes climate is a fraud he knows for sure it is because his unwitting agents (AKA useful idiots), at his bequest, are in the forefront promoting the climate change fraud in the west.
For example, in conjunction with the “Socialist International”among others, who’s members include such entities as the federal New Democratic Party in Canada, and by extension its provincial members who now have a choke hold on the Alberta energy industry, Putin can indirectly pull strings to totally didsrupt, discredit, and destroy the entire Canadian energy industry. A fact being presently enacted post hast as we speak.

Gary Pearse
Reply to  TonyL
October 30, 2015 5:16 pm

He knows we are stupid. Any thinking person knows we are stupid. He has tested the waters and found us to be stupid. He knows he can act with impunity. China knows it, you know, the country that hold the notes on America’s debt. Skeptics certainly know it but we are a small minority. The majority isn’t far off knowing it, though.

Dr. S. Jeevananda Reddy
October 30, 2015 3:58 am

This is exactly what I was talking and writing since more than few decades.
Dr. S. Jeevananda Reddy

October 30, 2015 4:03 am

He needs primary science education, not CC but western explanations for the cause of the CC is fraud or metaphorical.
STOP THIS NONSENSE ghg IDEA. Can anybody give me only one pollution that CO2 does?
{In scientific explanations, dislike is meaningless, but only right or wrong; if wrong, comment is necessary; any idiot can say dislike without respective knowledge. Only a person with some understanding of the explanations can choose like.}
You need to know basic science related to climate. They are rain cycle (functions, key factor – lifting up humid air to the height where it can condense to droplets, evaporation from heated land surface not sea surface etc, the most effective cooling system of nature) fluid property, green house (gases can’t make), green house effect, trapping heat, 3 methods of heat transmission, physical properties of climatic atmosphere (stratosphere) etc. If you know them, you will have no problem to realize that GHE due to gases is impossible and that GHG idea is fake or metaphorical.
search by TITLE for details and sharing:
Solutions to Climate Change and Power crisis TURBINES DON’T DECREASE POWER OF RUNNING WATER
The problem is not the rising temperature but water. Temperature rise is due to our activities like urbanization, deforestation, expanding deserts etc. They are all converting naturally moist land surface into dry land. Drier the land, the warmer it is. Moisture contents on the land surface controls our climate.
Ozone depletion is not possible. Not Ozone but it is oxygen that absorbs UV heat . Ozone releases heat absorbed by O2 forming O3 (Ozone). Ozone formation depends upon the concentration of O2 in the atmosphere. O2 is released by plants during photosynthesis. O2 release is different in different time and season, depending upon which part of the earth the sun is shining on. Don’t blame CFC for depletion of Ozone. CFC is too heavy and scarce to reach to the stratosphere, the O2 layer. Ozone is extremely unstable and beaks down itself as soon as it forms.
We can reduce the use of fossil fuel to almost zero percent for electricity by making correction in the hydropower engineering. There is a blunder in the hydropower engineering. It is possible to uniformly run turbines in series without decreasing their efficiency.
The CREATOR has not made gases for making Green house and for GHE due to gases to warm the earth. They are great coolant as one of many cooling systems of the nature, besides many other functions of the atmosphere. Gases are freely moving molecules. So, they can’t form ‘green house’. Only solid materials can be fixed to make four walls to trap heat by insulation. Solid transparent materials like plastics and glasses are used to make green houses, so that the sunlight goes through to heat inside the green houses.
So GHG idea is not analogy but metaphorical, ridiculous, fake, imaginary, spurious and greatest fraud in the history of science. Shame on you NASA / IPCC / UNFCCC and all other institutions advocating GHG idea. Gases are helping the earth to cool down by delivering heat to the space by convection method of heat transmission all the time and man has no control over the process. Therefore, don’t blame gases for GHE.

Lewis P Buckingham
October 30, 2015 4:04 am

Putin is into realpolitik.
The little Northern Hemisphere warming that is occurring will help Russia continue to boost her grain production.
Climate warming and added CO2 fertilisation is a win win for Russia and Ukraine not to mention Europe for food production.
Taking into account the weather conditions during the autumn 2014 sowing campaign and in December, winter crop losses in the current season are expected to reach 8-9%. Most of the agricultural producers will keep the areas planted with grain in the current year at the previous year’s level, including spring wheat planted areas, because of the need to replant areas where winter crops have been lost.

richard verney
October 30, 2015 4:06 am

Once again, Putin has called it right.
There is no such thing as global warming (whether AGW or natural). To the extent that the data sets are right (and bear in mind their true error bounds), they show that variation in temperature is not global, but rather regional. part of the globe appears to be warming, parts of the globe appear to be cooling, and parts of the globe there appears little if any change. further, it appears that most of the warming appears to consist of slightly warmer night-time lows (not daytime highs), and a slight reduction in the length of winters. What is there not to like about that type of warming?
Climate is not global, but rather regional. So not only is warming not global, the impact of warming (if any0 will depend upon regional circumstances.
Warming will no doubt be a net positive for planet Earth as a whole. Everything we know about history (man has developed faster and acquired skills earlier in warm climates) and the distribution of life on this planet tells us that warmth is good, cold is bad. Warm and wet is best, eg., tropical rain forests, cold and arid is worse, eg., the plains of Antarctica.
But since the impact of change is regional dependent, the fact is that for some regions warming will be very beneficial (Canada, Russia, high Northern latitude countries such as Norway etc), for some countries it will have no significant impact, and for others it may have some adverse impact.
The fact that warming is not global, and the fact that the impact of any warming depends upon regional characteristics, strongly supports a policy of adaption over a policy of mitigation.
Mitigation will fail if CO2 is not the dominant control knob. In this scenario all the money spent on this matter will have been wholly wasted, with long term impacts of deindustrialisation, loss of employment, uncompetitiveness of the developed West, and the headache of high energy prices being paid for unreliable energy.
Even if CO2 is the control knob, the cost of mitigation is too high, especially as relatively few countries will be severely impacted by warmer temperatures, and many would have grossly benefited.
The real disaster scenario would be that the developed West bankrupts itself trying to mitigate, but mitigation is unsuccessful, the globe continues to warm because of natural drivers, and (contrary to my opinion) a warmer world is a disaster, and by that time the developed West will have no money to adapt or to assist other countries in adapting, and it will not have the industrial might to throw at matters since it has castrated its industrial might, and developing countries have not been permitted to develop because of caps placed upon their CO2 emissions. No one will have the wherewithal needed to carry out the adaption required.
Adaption on the other hand is targeted. Since warmth will be a Godsend for some countries they will not need to adapt and will receive the benefits that come with warmth (as Putin rightly notes). For other countries, warming will cause no or insignificant downsides such that again either no adaption is required, or limited adaption to deal with the downside areas. For some countries they may be severely impacted by increasing warming and those countries will have to adapt, and the developed West can assist by using some of the monies that it would have wasted on mitigation.
So I consider that Putin has got it right. It appears that AGW is well overhyped and that CO2 is not the dominant driver of the modest amount of warming that we have seen these past 150, or so years. Indeed, I have yet to see any convincing evidence (ie., evidence that withstands serious scientific scrutiny) that CO2 does anything of significance at today’s level, other than to green the planet which is obviously a very good thing. But even if there is some merit in the AGW conjecture (and it is not yet a hypothesis since no one will set out falsifiable predictions which will permit the hypothesis to be tested) the fact remains that due to the complex nature of the atmosphere and regional differences in existing climate regimes, warming will be good for many countries, Russia being one such country.
I have often remarked that the global mantra is necessary, ie., we are all in this together for political expediency and world governance. As son as countries appreciate that warming is regional with many winners, self interests will emerge, and then there is no prospect of world control.
It is good to see Russia stick up for its own interests. The US has been cooling since the 1930s, there appears to be no evidence that it is experiencing more extreme weather, it is not being adversely impacted by so called climate change and the President should stand up for the interests of the US. The same is true with Canada which just like Russia would greatly benefit from some warming.
I expect the leaders of each country to act in the benefit of the country and for the benefit of the people of that country, so Putin is showing how it should be done.
I am not supporting Putin in all respects (there are sever question marks over many of his actions, and Russia does not have a good record on human rights etc), but he has made a number of good calls. He warned against intervention in Libya, and this country is now a failed state. he warned the west that there are no moderates in the Middle East and that many of the so called moderates that we are arming in Syria are worse than Al Quaeda, and we can now see that they are ISIL, and much of his reactions that we do not like are because the West has been poking Russia by European expansionist policies, and the West playing a significant role in overthrowing a democratically elected government in Ukraine. It appears that we have not learnt anything from the Bay of Pigs and Cuban missile crisis, since the West is now seeking to do what Russia did back in the 1960s. We know what the US rightly thought of that action, so why should we be surprised if Russia feels similarly to NATO parking itself on Russia’s doorstep, especially in Ukraine and Crimea which have deep rooted historical ties with Russia, and strategic importance of a warm water port. In fact, Russia knows too well of the advantage of the need for warm water ports.
Leaving aside the politics, which is difficult in AGW because it has become overtly politicised, let us hope that other leaders will have the guts to stick up for their nation’s interests. It is a pity that the Prime Ministers of Australia and Canada have recently been overthrown, and Lord Monckton was quite prophetic in predicting that steps would be taken to other throw those leaders.

Reply to  richard verney
October 30, 2015 9:38 am

The #1 country covered nearly totally by MILE THICK ICE repeatedly during the last 2 million years is Canada. It is utterly insane for Canada, at the tail end of this Interglacial, to demand it get colder.

DD More
Reply to  richard verney
October 30, 2015 10:08 am

I love the MSM’s supposed take-down of Putin
The president believes that “there is no global warming, that this is a fraud to restrain the industrial development of several countries including Russia,” says Stanislav Belkovsky, a political analyst and critic of Putin. “That is why this subject is not topical for the majority of the Russian mass media and society in general.”
But if that is true, then the converse would also be true.
The president’s (USA, EU, Canada(new), Australia(new)) believes that “There is global warming, that this is true to repress industrial development of several countries including Russia and their own,” says their critics. “That is why this subject is all important for the majority MSM and society in general.

October 30, 2015 4:20 am

Wow, that Russia gets at least the basics correct is disturbing.
The plain truth- that the West is suffering from a social mania involving CO2 and climate- is something that media has so much to account for.

Reply to  hunter
October 30, 2015 7:06 am

+ 100

Reply to  hunter
October 30, 2015 10:20 am

Russians recognise Lysenkoism when they see it, they had enough of it in the 1930s. AGW is the modern Lysenkoism in the west.
AGW is not about science at all, it is just a political tool to grab power and enslave people.

Lew Skannen
October 30, 2015 4:23 am

Imagine in 1985 trying to tell someone that in thirty years time China would be the worlds major creditor and Russia would be the major protector of civilization.

Steve P
Reply to  Lew Skannen
October 30, 2015 6:55 am

In 1985, The United States became a debtor nation for the first time since WWI, as the world’s former economic powerhouse suffered under the malignant spell of voodoo economics.
The United States was transformed from the world’s largest international creditor to its largest debtor nation.
” Because something is happening here. But you don’t know what it is. Do you, Mister Jones ?”
–Bob Dylan, Ballad of a Thin Man

Reply to  Lew Skannen
October 30, 2015 10:02 am

Or that Bruce Jenner would win Woman of the year. The world has gone bonkers

October 30, 2015 4:23 am

The West is insolvent, they can’t afford to pay for their welfare systems, they can’t afford the bribes and ransoms demanded by the CAGW Rent Seekers. The U.S. can magic up some dollars because it’s still the Reserve Currency, but at some point they have to borrow it. So the future will pay for it all, and receive worthless paper and rotten windmills for the mistake of being born after the boom.

Reply to  Jannie
October 30, 2015 4:33 am

There is a reason China is setting itself up as a supplier of credit to Asia.
The Golden Rule: He who has the gold,makes the rules.

October 30, 2015 4:24 am

What with oil being one of the ways Russia is supporting its economy, hard to understand Putin’s opinions.

Walt D.
October 30, 2015 4:27 am

Very interesting.
Putin obviously knows that it is a fraud because Russia was in on the fraud. They openly stated that the best way to hobble western capitalism was to co-opt the green movement.
Climategate was released just before an IPCC Conference.
I wonder what he has up his sleeve this time?

Reply to  Walt D.
October 30, 2015 9:21 am

>>Climategate was released just before an IPCC Conference.
The data was also released by a Russian, from Russia. But I still cannot work out what Russia had to gain from this. I suspect a complex tit-for-tat deal with Western intelligence, where Russia’s SVR got some big pay off, while MI6 could deny all responsibility.

michael hart
October 30, 2015 4:52 am

The new Polish President is also asserting Poland’s right to continue burning coal, but I guess the MSM don’t think he’s as cute as the Canadian guy.

Reply to  michael hart
October 30, 2015 7:07 am

Just looking at him makes me want to puke !!

Gary Pearse
Reply to  Marcus
October 30, 2015 5:20 pm

My reaction is envy. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a leader with national self interest instead of the marx brother states of EU showing us the way.

CR Carlson
October 30, 2015 5:13 am

Just a week ago, Putin called Obama, “Mush for brains.” or something to that effect. Vlad plays master chess while Barack plays marbles. Obama appeals to his fellow ideologues, so used to lying, it’s their new normal.
John Kerry is trying to out-propaganda Russia’s old propagandists, jetting world wide.
Al Gore has dug in his high heels, jet setting world wide spawning tiny, brainwashed MiniGore’s, soon, in ant-like fashion- spreading their mass hysteria to dark places.

October 30, 2015 5:15 am

Having grown up during the 1950’s when showing any support for the Soviets could have gotten you labeled a commie and when some considered fluoridation of water a pinko plot, you can imagine the discomfort I feel being aligned on the same side as the bear. But it is what it is, even though I still wouldn’t trust Putin any further than I could throw one of his 500 pound barbells.

Reply to  cerescokid
October 30, 2015 7:10 am

Putin certainly makes Oblama look like a professional idiot !!!

October 30, 2015 5:31 am

Climate Change is Fraud
…climate scare is a fraud…
I think the headline of this article should be corrected.
Climate change never was a scare or a fraud.
Climate has always changed.

Reply to  petermue
October 30, 2015 10:20 am

I second that motion. Eric Worrall seems to have coined a powerful new mantra: “Climate Scare is a Fraud“!
I don’t think we’ve seen those exact words uttered in print before. I think it could become a useful catch phrase to counteract the impact of the “climate change” meme, which has been very effective in recruiting new believers of CAGW.
The title of this post should respect the quoting of Eric’s words.

Reply to  Johanus
October 30, 2015 11:14 am

The post above seems to claim that Putin is somewhat skeptical of climate change. But this view seems to be entirely based on the views of analysts and critics who claim to know Putin’s private views. I don’t think Putin has ever stated this skepticism out loud (if indeed those are his private views).
Rather doubtful, actually, because Putin just addressed the U.N. a few days ago, promising to study and take action against the problems caused by изменением климата (“by climate change”).
Putin said: “We propose to establish under the auspices of the UN special forum where comprehensive look at the problems associated with the depletion of natural resources, habitat destruction, climate change. Russia is ready to become one of the organizers of the forum”
So, publicly, Putin is not a skeptic. Please don’t quote this post post as “proof” that Putin is a climate skeptic. He’s not.
But I still like Eric Worrall’s new slogan: “Climate Scare is a Fraud”!

October 30, 2015 6:01 am

When you compare Putin with Obama……

Björn from sweden
October 30, 2015 6:03 am

Putin continues to act as the only sane world leader. He fights isis while usa and nato continues to aid the terrorists with ammunituon, money, intelligence (the military kind wich is the exact opposite of ordinary intelligence) and weapons. And all western media condemn both isis and Putin. No doubt media will come down hard on Putin if he speaks out against the global warming scheme. I know Putin is probably an honest man because all politicians and media of importance in Sweden hate and depise him. There is no greater praise to be honored with in my estimate.

October 30, 2015 6:09 am

At this point in time, on a continuum from total collectivism (totalitarianism always follows) to total freedom (e.g. the anarchy of centuries in Ireland) we find today Russia is much closer to the freedom end of the spectrum than the US Empire. Russia (USSR) used to be a total police state but no longer is one. The US Empire is now assuming that role as the world’s foremost police state and moving towards totalitarianism by leaps and bounds.
Putin is very popular in Russia, and one reason may be that he is trying to look out for Russia first. It would be darned nice to see some US politicians trying to look out for the USA rather than trying to run the whole world. (ah, but that is a pipe dream now that Empire has taken us over)
~ Mark

October 30, 2015 6:15 am

Russia has emerged to save the Middle East, Africa, and Eurasia from the social activists; Europe, America, South America, etc. from the refugee crisis; and now science and the scientific method from people with a god-complex.

October 30, 2015 6:25 am

Thus Russia’s recent insistent that the Climate Conferences follow their own rules. The conference rules require that the position adopted by unanimous. However, what happens in reality is quite different. The chair asks “anyone opposed?”. A bunch of nations indicate they are opposed, but the chair fails to acknowledge them. Instead the chair calls out “none opposed, motion carried”.
This is what happened in Bonn recently when the US led chair tried to remove the section on reparations. The US wants everyone else to cut emissions, but doesn’t want to have to account for their own historical emissions. The US wants a get out of jail card for itself, while locking everyone else up for the future.
However, the developing nations along with China and Russia are having none of it. They know Obama will pay anything to get his legacy, and so they are going to hold the US feet to the fire in Paris. And Obama will pay, to get the most expensive legacy in history.

Reply to  ferdberple
October 30, 2015 12:13 pm

“This is what happened in Bonn recently when the US led chair tried to remove the section on reparations. . . . However, the developing nations along with China and Russia are having none of it. They know Obama will pay anything to get his legacy, and so they are going to hold the US feet to the fire in Paris. And Obama will pay, to get the most expensive legacy in history. . . . .”
That’s what happened in the TPP negotiations recently: the US folded at the last minute on its demand for 8-year patent-protections for certain important pharmaceuticals, agreeing to the demand by Australia and others for a 5-year period. That deal was also important for Obama’s legacy.

October 30, 2015 6:25 am

Putin is right, we have had steel plants close here in the UK.

October 30, 2015 6:33 am

Not only that, but Russia is becoming a world leader in nuclear power plant production:
“Over the past five years, Rosatom (Russia’s state-owned nuclear vendor) has quietly cornered the market in nuclear energy, systematically seeking out agreements and contracts with roughly 30 nations interested in the installation of nuclear power plants (NPPs).
Thus, Russia’s nuclear power diplomacy has penetrated the international stage in an already significant manner. Countries that have signed on to Rosatom nuclear agreements span across all regions of the world, and include strategically significant players such as Argentina, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey.
As of 2014, 29 Russian reactors are planned for construction abroad, and Rosatom predicts that the number will grow to around 80 within a “few years.””

October 30, 2015 6:35 am

The irony is that Putin’s professional forbears planted the seeds that destroyed the Normal-American scientific culture that repulsed scams for 2 centuries.
The Comintern’s covert influence program, begun in the 1920s, inserted the anti-Normal-America message into our culture that has grown into Politically Correct Progressivism.
The “blame rich white capitalists for everything” message found its most fertile ground in the “global warming is caused by capitalism” movement.
But be sure that the efforts of PC-Progs are not limited to just destroying our economy with the global warming scheme.
The destruction of Normal-American culture continues apace, on all the fronts laid out by the PC-Prog belief system: “America is a racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, imperialist, capitalist hell-hole. And it must be changed.”
The irony continues when Pravda is a truthful source of news; and the PC-Prog American media (ABC, NBC, CBS, NYT, WaPo, CNN, etc) are the grim purveyors of the PC party line.

October 30, 2015 6:40 am

Right now where I am the price of gas is down to $2.19. And 45 cents of that is tax. All the bloviating aside, nobody’s going to be the least bit motivated to move to “alternative” energy while fossil fuels are more affordable. Most people also now realize that the AGW issue is political, since the climate has demonstrably not followed the modelling.
The media is making a push because of Paris, but this time no one is listening. They just aren’t getting any traction, except maybe with the 3% of the upper middle class progressives who wring their hands over ANYTHING and compete to be more PC than their neighbors. The rest of the country, indeed the world, has already moved on.

Björn from sweden
Reply to  Goldrider
October 30, 2015 10:55 am

in sweden gas is almost 6 dollar per gallon, most taxes, of course a huge chunk is carbon tax.

Reply to  Björn from sweden
October 30, 2015 2:16 pm

Is that per gallon or liter?

Reply to  Goldrider
October 30, 2015 12:18 pm

“no one is listening. They just aren’t getting any traction, except maybe with the 3% of the upper middle class progressives ”
Not true–all the Democratic candidates are on board fairly forthrightly, and hundred (s?) of thousands paraded for climate action in NYC a few months back.

Ian L. McQueen
Reply to  Goldrider
October 30, 2015 6:01 pm

You obviously are not in Canada where CBC radio is pushing the Paris conference and the like for all they are worth. Likewise our print media.
I presume that the story is much the same everywhere else.

October 30, 2015 6:45 am

Environmentalists and people who care about the well being of the poor should both be very angry at what their political leaders have done with all that political capital.
If AGW was not a scam, they could have done some good, instead of grabbing for loot with carbon credit trading schemes and subsidies for uneconomical crony energy scams. They could have reduced waste, encouraged conservation and allowed nuclear power.
The AGW propaganda created a lot of political power based on the support of well meaning, naive low-info types. Imagine if we had:
– taxed fuel used for private jets
-quit shipping raw materials and coal to the far side of the world, and products back.
– reduced speed limits – big fuel savings on the highway, and smaller cars more popular
– saved the nat gas for vehicles, no power plant replacement, no sun/wind backup gen
A lot could have been done which costed less than the benefits. Instead they increased the cost of energy and grabbed for the loot.

CR Carlson
Reply to  jeff
October 30, 2015 7:53 am

Yes. When pre-war Germans of Hitler’s ilk co-opted the popular nature-loving sentiment of the citizens, thus turning their environmentalism into a political entity, they wrote the play book for our modern so-called environmentalists.
The Green movement.

October 30, 2015 6:49 am

Almost makes me want to believe in climate change. Almost.

Reply to  Michael Palmer
October 30, 2015 7:09 am

I don’t give a **** what Russian president thinks. But certainly if climate change was invented to ruin something, it was invented by Russians to ruin West.

Reply to  Hugs
October 30, 2015 7:23 am

Chinese weapon !!!

October 30, 2015 7:14 am

Putin is a thug, but he is also one smart cookie who can play Obama and the West, like a fiddle. He must have read Machiavelli, and Sun Tzu. I cannot help but admire the man and wish we had ruthless leaders like him in the West.

Reply to  jsuther2013
October 30, 2015 9:46 am

Um, look at who leads us…not the puppets but the thugs who control our media, political parties, etc. Thug City! Visit Wall Street to take a peek at a few of these creatures.

October 30, 2015 7:14 am

Hard to believe that Russia is the free worlds last best hope at defeating the socialist parasites that have infected the Earth !!! What a f#cked up world we are living in !!

Gary Pearse
October 30, 2015 7:20 am

How could we know that Mars ice caps were also shrinking in concert with our northern ice cap over 10years ago and just ignore it? NASA recorded it and the troughers dug up other possible causes!!! and laid it to rest. The MSM, of course, has been silent on this irrefutable fact.
“NASA’s findings in space come as no surprise to Dr. Habibullo Abdussamatov at Saint Petersburg’s Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory. Pulkovo … Heading Pulkovo’s space research laboratory is Dr. Abdussamatov, one of the world’s chief critics of the theory that man-made carbon dioxide emissions create a greenhouse effect, leading to global warming.
“Mars has global warming, but without a greenhouse and without the participation of Martians,” he told me. “These parallel global warmings — observed simultaneously on Mars and on Earth — can only be a straightline consequence of the effect of the one same factor: a long-time change in solar irradiance.”
This is an Einsteinian finding and we are letting proponents of this egregious dishonesty get away with it. No wonder they jack the temperature records around with impunity when the greatest falsifying experiment of this science is being played out before our very eyes. Putin knows he is dealing with idiots. I do believe science is also be preserved by Russia – it is still a sacrosanct part of their culture- and Post Abnormal Stupidity will never get a foothold there.

Gary Pearse
October 30, 2015 7:23 am

PS: I speak a bit of Russian and Saint Petersburg seems like a good place to retire.

Reply to  Gary Pearse
October 30, 2015 7:44 am

PSS. I don’t speak Russian and St. Petersburg still sounds like a good place to retire !!! Sad !!

JJM Gommers
Reply to  Marcus
October 30, 2015 8:29 am

I speak a bit Russian, I was two times in Saint Petersburg , lived two years in South Russia but I want to retire to the Black Sea area with my russian wife.

Curious George
Reply to  Marcus
October 30, 2015 9:32 am

JJM, I wish you a good luck.

October 30, 2015 7:25 am

Putin is criticized as a criminal and a thug; for his venture into Ukraine I would agree.
Putin is criticized for “propping up” Bashar al-Assad by Obama, but our President says the US should never have deposed Saddam Hussein. Why is one tyrant acceptable and another not? He criticizes Bush for the same moral choice he has made; the only difference being Bush acted on his choice and Obama is too fearful of acting on his.
On CAGW Obama has made the immoral choice. CAGW is based on a falsified hypothesis, yet he persists to build a “legacy” that will ultimately prove him a fool. He will increase poverty throughout the world denying tens of millions access to energy, and as a result; food, water and shelter, all with the Popes blessing.
Indeed the world is upside down.

Reply to  GTL
October 30, 2015 7:40 am

Russia intervened in Ukraine following a violent, Western-backed coup.
Syria (Libya, Yemen, etc.) did not invade a neighboring nation and then following removal refuse to comply with the terms of the ceasefire.
CAGW is constructed with a quasi-science that replaces deduction with induction, evidence with models/estimates, reproduction with consensus, assumptions/assertions of uniformity, and frames of reference far exceeding the scientific domain.

Reply to  n.n
October 30, 2015 8:23 am

You say: “Russia intervened in Ukraine following a violent, Western-backed coup”.
The west did not intervene militarily, it was an internal matter.
You say: “Syria (Libya, Yemen, etc.) did not invade a neighboring nation and then following removal refuse to comply with the terms of the ceasefire”.
Both Saddam Hussein and Bashar al-Assad perpetrated horrific crimes upon their own people and those of other nations. Libya and Yemen are two more foreign policy failures of the Obama administration but I did not mention those.

Reply to  n.n
October 30, 2015 8:35 am

The West backed a violent coup in Ukraine. The regime change in Ukraine was not simply an internal matter.
Hussein invaded a sovereign nation. Assad is one of many examples of people who committed “horrific crimes”. Mandela committed horrific crimes to claim South Africa. Gandhi committed horrific crimes to secure India’s independence. Obama committed/commits horrific crimes as a social activist. Gosnel, Cecile, etc. commit horrific crimes in aborting and cannibalizing over one million wholly innocent human lives annually.

Reply to  n.n
October 30, 2015 9:05 am

You say “The West backed a violent coup in Ukraine. The regime change in Ukraine was not simply an internal matter”.
Russia intervened militarily at which point it was not just an internal matter any longer. The coup was executed by Ukrainians, not the “West”
You say; “Hussein invaded a sovereign nation”. / “Assad is one of many examples of people who committed “horrific crimes”.
I am not disputing this.
You say; “Mandela committed horrific crimes to claim South Africa. Gandhi committed horrific crimes to secure India’s independence. Obama committed/commits horrific crimes as a social activist. Gosnel, Cecile, etc. commit horrific crimes in aborting and cannibalizing over one million wholly innocent human lives annually”.
I was pointing out the different paths taken by two presidents taking similar moral positions. Why is any of this relevant all be it factually incorrect.
Gandhi committed horrific crimes? Can you be specific? You believe Gosnel and Cecile are cannibalizing aborted babies?

Reply to  n.n
October 30, 2015 9:40 am

>>Russia intervened in Ukraine following a violent,
>>Western-backed coup.
Simplistic and naive.
Ukraine hates Russia, always has, always will. Why do you think they greeted the Germans during WWII with roses? As did the Baltic States. In fact, in 2005 the Latvians raised a large memorial to the Waffen SS, because they were so grateful to be rid of Russian domination and oppression in the 40s. But the EU told them to take it down again.
During the USSR era, Russia engineered the destruction of the Ukrainian kulag farmers, creating a famine that killed tens of millions. They then repopulated Ukraine with Russians. And then they claimed this was Russian land. Standard tactic for Russia. They did exactly the same to Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania, and to Georgia with South Ossetia.
So the political divisions in Ukraine have been deliberately engineered by the USSR and Russia over the last century. And then they claim that all of Ukraine wants to be Russian, just as they did in the Crimea recently. But in reality that is the last thing Ukraine wants, which is why western Ukraine went to the EU for political and financial assistance.

Reply to  ralfellis
October 30, 2015 9:49 am

It’s pretty clear that many European countries think they’re just playing a friendly game with Russia:

Reply to  n.n
October 30, 2015 11:20 am

>>It’s pretty clear that many European countries think
>>they’re just playing a friendly game with Russia.
LoL, LoL, LoL. Those pics sum up the Russia I know perfectly. For all their many faults, you have to admire the Russians for being a no-nosense, pragmatic and practical people.
You forgot a pic of the (unelected) EU foreign minister, Katherine Ashton. Commonly known as “the 33a from Picadilly Circus”. Aston was a former CND treasurer, and was accused on many occasions of taking slush money from the former USSR. So yes, she is a real patriot. /sarc
Ashton is a feminist, as you might expect. But when she met the Iranian minister he refused to shake hands with her, in front of all the media (because she is a woman). Did she complain about this overt discrimination? Did the media make a fuss? No. If a right wing politician had done such a thing they would have collectively screamed the house down, but as usual the Middle East gets a free pass on everything they do.×500.jpg

John Robertson
October 30, 2015 7:30 am

CAGW is an intelligence test.
Putin is not stupid.
Very few of our western leaders seem to see the world as it is.
They seem to be fixated on how they hope the world could be.
Realism with a vision of the future is fine.
Ignorance of the state of the world,human nature and your own finances, while spending like crazy on your retirement, is insane.
By this standard, Putin is sane.

Bruce Cobb
October 30, 2015 7:34 am

Putin for president!

Reply to  Bruce Cobb
November 5, 2015 7:04 am

If the presidential election were held today Vladimir Putin would be my write-in candidate.

October 30, 2015 7:34 am

1. Borrow money from China
2. Give the money to China for climate development assistance (whatever that is)
3. Repay the loan back to China with interest.
If I was China I would definitely be pushing the climate change agenda. Except internally I wouldn’t call it climate change I would call it, “Free money from dumb-asses in Washington” .

Reply to  Alx
October 30, 2015 8:31 am

Who do you think started it !!! CHINA !!

Steve P
October 30, 2015 7:39 am

Just in the interest of accuracy, the headline here to Eric Worrall’s essay is misleading. Perhaps Mr. Putin has said somehwere that climate change is fraud, but I couldn’t find anything like that in the NY Times article cited by Mr. Worrall.
“The president believes that “there is no global warming, that this is a fraud to restrain the industrial development of several countries including Russia,” says Stanislav Belkovsky, a political analyst and critic of Putin.
During a trip to the Arctic in 2010, Putin acknowledged that “the climate is changing”, but restated his doubt that human activity was the cause.”
— NY Times

Reply to  Steve P
October 30, 2015 8:34 am

Reading comprehension problem ????

Steve P
Reply to  Marcus
October 30, 2015 8:57 am

Punctuation problems?
If Putin uttered the words “Climate change is fraud,” please provide source and link. The word “fraud” appeared once in the NY Times article, as I quoted it above, but the speaker was Stanislav Belkovsky, not Vladimir Putin.
Hoist by your own petard.

Reply to  Steve P
October 30, 2015 11:33 am

>>Perhaps Mr. Putin has said somehwere that climate
>>change is fraud, but I couldn’t find anything like that
What do you not understand about the phrase: “The president believes that there is no global warming, that this is a fraud”? Putin must have said this, otherwise Belkovsky would not know about it.
I don’t see your problem.

Steve P
Reply to  ralfellis
October 30, 2015 12:28 pm

October 30, 2015 at 11:33 am

What do you not understand about the phrase: “The president believes that there is no global warming, that this is a fraud”? Putin must have said this, otherwise Belkovsky would not know about it.

Some logic! Putin must have said it, else Belkovsky wouldn’t know about it. Of course, everyone knows that the NY Times would never bend the truth, but did you miss the part about Belkovsky being a Putin critic?
And more to the point, do you still not comprehend the simple fact that global warming and climate change are not the same thing?
Putin acknowledged that “the climate is changing”, but restated his doubt that human activity was the cause.
Do you see those quotation marks? Their presence means we can be reasonably sure that Putin has said “the climate is changing.” That being the case, it seems unlikely to me that he would also say “Climate change is a -f-r-a-u-d-,” but I’m willing to be convinced if you can provide a citation where Mr. Putin uttered those words.
There is no dispute that Putin seems to be a CAGW skeptic. The issue is journalistic accuracy and integrity.

Reply to  ralfellis
October 30, 2015 5:16 pm

Putin must have said this, otherwise Belkovsky would not know about it.

Except that Belkovsky is a big critic of Putin and has published a lot of sensational stories about him. So I’m guessing he has never met Putin.

Reply to  ralfellis
October 30, 2015 5:34 pm


Putin acknowledged that “the climate is changing”, but restated his doubt that human activity was the cause.
Do you see those quotation marks? Their presence means we can be reasonably sure that Putin has said “the climate is changing.”

I think I found the report where Putin was quoted on this.
Not surprisingly, the NYTimes got the context wrong. It wasn’t “During a to the Arctic in 2010”, rather Putin was attending an conference in Moscow about the Arctic. The reporter, Peter Glover, wrote this about Putin’s “agnostic” stance on climate change:

Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) agnostic
While Putin believes “the climate is changing”, he asks: “But why is it changing? Is it changing because of human influence or because of unavoidable changes in the planet’s development that humankind cannot prevent? Is it really disastrous for the planet? I don’t want to say that we should give up our efforts to combat global warming, but maybe it is happening regardless of our influence? It is most likely so.”

So it seems to be true that Putin really did express some “skeptical” beliefs about climate change, as late as 2010.
Would he express those same beliefs in public today? I think not.
As Hillary would say, he has “evolved”.

October 30, 2015 7:41 am

Let’s be clear, both Obama and Putin are dishonest men who lie to the world and their own people to further their selfish political aims.
That said, the two men approach Global geopolitical problems at ver different intellectual levels. Putin approaches the geopolitical cat and mouse game as a master chess player at a chess board with many potential moves and opponent counter moves considered. Obama approaches the geopolitical problems with the intellect and skill of an 8 yr old to a game of tic-tac-toe. Then he whines like an 8yr old school mama’s boy everytime Putin drubs him and gives him a super-wedgie.

Reply to  Joel O’Bryan
October 30, 2015 8:35 am

ALL politicians are dishonest !!! Most of them are / were lawyers after all !!

Reply to  Joel O’Bryan
October 30, 2015 4:16 pm

We used to called it an “Atomic Wedgie”.
This was when the underpants were pulled completely up over the back of the head of the victim, and then pulled back down the top of the forehead to hold them in place.

Dave in Canmore
October 30, 2015 7:48 am

From the article: “While Western media have examined the role of rising temperatures and drought in this year’s record wildfires in North America, Russian media continue to pay little attention…”
This opening line contains so much that makes me want to throw up. Western media have most certainly NOT investigated what they claim to. If they did they would notice that land use is a huge factor in wildfires. They would also have noticed that we are in a large El Niño, and that in fact, America shows no warming trend over the last generation. Instead of examining, Western media have replaced observable facts with whatever the journalists imagine to be true. To then chastise someone else for not doing a similar “examination” is just disgusting. What a perversion of journalism.

Reply to  Dave in Canmore
October 30, 2015 9:49 am

Record wildfires?

Reply to  emsnews
October 30, 2015 1:44 pm

They are claiming that 5.5 million acres burned is a record.
The lies are getting bigger and are now completely divorced from reality:

John Robertson
Reply to  Dave in Canmore
October 30, 2015 10:40 am

I noticed that too.Western media has done zero investigation, they read the propaganda as it is handed to them.
The CRU emails AKA Climategate, are a gold mine for an investigative journalist.
Yet here in Canada the “Media” first ignored it, then played squirrel with it.
Environment Canada is another cesspit just waiting for proper investigation, yet few taxpayers have even heard of the $65 million theft, by the last director.
We have fully bought up Presstitutes.
They lie to us, we hate them for it, they wonder why their profits are plunging.

October 30, 2015 8:00 am

That is nice that he said that but since he’s a nutbag it really isn’t very helpful.

October 30, 2015 8:18 am

The KGB School of Media does on occasion get it right. And who is better qualified to comment on large-scale policy and perception fraud that the star graduate of that KGB school?

October 30, 2015 8:21 am

I bet he would make a good presidential debate participant and nail the wacky moderators too.

October 30, 2015 8:30 am
October 30, 2015 8:35 am

So, Putin is playing the part of the little boy saying,
“the Emperor has no clothes!”
Who’d a thunk it?

Reply to  JohnWho
October 30, 2015 8:38 am

If climate change is so dangerous , why does it barely get mentioned in the debates ?????

Reply to  Marcus
October 30, 2015 9:32 am

Easy answer… since most Republicans, especially Ted Cruz, can talk with clarity on the AGW scam the moderators want to avoid discussion of the topic because the science (as opposed to the propaganda) is NOT on the CAGW side. They do not want an actual discussion of the science on nationwide television. Cruz tried to bring it up in the first debate but the moderators quickly and decisively cut off discussion. Notice how the topic DOES come up in the Dem debates because all of them spout the Progressive CAGW line.

Reply to  Marcus
October 30, 2015 10:32 am

Because “the debate is over”. It always was, it never started. It was the only way the fraud could be established as “fact”.

Reply to  Marcus
October 30, 2015 10:36 am

Because “the debate is over”. It always was. It is the way the fraud can be established as perceived fact.

October 30, 2015 8:43 am

I really don’t buy into this thing that Putin is really any different than any other so-called world leader, but I did notice that he can talk without a teleprompter and that does say something about him; you know….. not so coached. On the other hand, some of the most passionate, intelligent, none-conformist minds that I’ve ever encountered are usually of Russian background. Still, Putin in the end is a form of government and with that, one must always be cautious.
Who really knows what Putin thinks about the CO2 hysteria…… who knows. Regardless, I personally don’t give a damn, because I believe its the surface of the earth that has more of an influence than this CO2 crap. The climate has changed alright- in the ever expanding cities, that where!!! Hot and dry, holding heat all night etc etc

Reply to  kenin
October 30, 2015 9:51 am

Easy answer: Much of Russia is at or near the Arctic Circle and sane people know that warmer is better. I feel sorry for Canada which is hammered every Ice Age, anyone tempted to cool down the planet should remember what happens next.

October 30, 2015 8:56 am

Russia Backs Kyoto to Get on Path to Join WTO
By Peter Baker
Washington Post Foreign Service
Saturday, May 22, 2004; Page A15
MOSCOW, May 21 — Russia signaled Friday that it would ratify the Kyoto climate change treaty in exchange for European support for its bid to join the World Trade Organization, a breakthrough that could revive the long-stalled pact designed to curb global warming.
Russian and European Union officials reached a trade agreement that helps open the way to WTO membership for Russia, the largest country that remains outside the international group. President Vladimir Putin then recommitted to the Kyoto treaty after months of mixed signals, characterizing it as a tradeoff for the economic agreement.
“We are for the Kyoto process,” Putin said during a news conference after a summit with European leaders. “We support it, although we do have some concerns over the obligations that we will have to assume. The European Union has met us halfway in negotiations on the WTO, and it could not help but have a positive effect on our attitude toward ratification of the Kyoto protocol.”
The arrangement appeared to end an impasse that had long held up both Russia’s integration into the world economy and enactment of the plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. European countries have been eager to win Russia’s ratification of Kyoto, and they made significant concessions in the trade talks to obtain it.
Ever since the United States backed out of the Kyoto pact after President Bush took office in 2001, Russia has held the treaty’s fate in its hands. To take effect, the treaty requires ratification by countries producing at least 55 percent of the world’s greenhouse gases, and Russia, with its 17 percent share, was the only nation left that could put it over the top.
Putin promised last year to move toward ratification, but his top economics adviser, Andrei Illarionov, launched a vigorous public campaign against it, portraying Kyoto as “a death treaty” and “international Auschwitz” that would strangle the Russian economy just as it was growing again. Some analysts interpreted that as a sign that Russia would not ratify the treaty, but others said Putin used the conflicting signals to make Kyoto a bargaining chip for economic benefits.

Joel Snider
October 30, 2015 8:58 am

I would never have believed that I would be more on board with an ex-KGB thug like Putin than my own President.

Curious George
Reply to  Joel Snider
October 30, 2015 9:37 am

Leaders occasionally exhibit nice traits. The Fuehrer was a vegetarian.

Chris Schoneveld
Reply to  Curious George
October 31, 2015 2:00 am

Vegatarism a nice trait? Believing that is just as stupid as believing in CAGW. Humans are omnivores, duh!

Reply to  Joel Snider
October 30, 2015 10:38 am

The western leaders lied to you about AGW. Consider where that thug idea comes from.

Joel Snider
Reply to  Amatør1
October 30, 2015 12:47 pm

For sure no government is above corruption – and I certainly don’t believe our current leaders have the western world’s best interests at heart. At best we are means to an end.

Matt G
October 30, 2015 9:07 am

The first signs of being a fraud were especially such a short period they were originally based on and ignorance of many natural internal mechanisms.
1) Very short period of warming global temperatures. (Only 8 years after a little bit of warming, Hansen 1988)
2) Claiming all warming was due to humans since after the 1970’s at the time. (0.2c per decade)
3) Ignoring ocean mechanisms/cycles like the AMOC, AMO, PDO and ENSO etc.
4) Ignoring increases in worldwide sunshine hours and the decrease in albedo.
5) Claiming the sun has no affect on climate when the energy source is orders greater than anything else.
6) The CO2 positive feedback that CAGW relies on never been shown to exist.
7) The failure to show outgoing long wave radiation could warm the ocean, while being at orders smaller and could barely penetrate 1mm of the surface.
8) Ignorance of CO2 lags temperature at all time scales.
9) Ignorance of geological history showing much larger changes in global temperatures that had also occurred much quicker.
10) The failed acceptance/avoidance that the troposphere must warm first for the greenhouse effect to have any influence on the surface.
11) The ignorance of blaming almost every single weather event on humans, when there has been no way of distinguishing between what’s normal. Only the trends of events showing nothing have been unusual.
12) Trying to change history with bad science and removing inconvenient warmer periods like the MWP.
13) The Cherry picking of Arctic warming while ignoring Antarctica and ignoring ocean mechanisms that greatly affect sea ice in both. Failure to acknowledge global sea ice behaves in bi-polar seesaw and overall albedo from both more important in climate.
14) Increasing failure of models matching observed temperatures and greatly exaggerated assumption on aerosols affecting climate. Reasoning because of the ignorance of many internal mechanisms that can’t be replicated or incorrectly assumed.
Digging an even bigger hole.
15) Claiming the pause must be longer than 15 years, 17 years (changing goal posts), when longer than original warming in the first place and then trying to claim it didn’t even exist.
16) Failure to show global temperatures means anything with local climates much more important and behave differently.
17) Ignorance in warming showing benefits and only mainly occurred in cold regions, during night and in winter.
18) The claim of a consensus that doesn’t exist in science.
19) The exposure of intent from hacked e-mails known as Climategate.
20) Intimidation and hate on those with different views. Threatening these with fear of sack just because they don’t fully agree on their alarmist agenda.
21) Claiming huge funds for Skeptics were changing public views when they have wasted billions on the climate scare on a yearly basis.
22) The frequent adjusting of surface data once the planet failed to warm. Adjusting it the most during recent periods of most accuracy. The tampering of surface data increased from all involved the longer the pause went on.
23) The increasing dishonesty and ignorance of inconvenient data/observations.
Putin is right on this occasion and the planet has already shown that global warming from CO2 will never be at dangerous levels and this was falsified years ago. The biggest worry well into the future is if the CO2 levels become too low to support plant life. The original 0.2 c per decade needed to double or more for the scare to be a possibility, but it has greatly declined instead. The planet is behaving exactly as it should with ocean cycles changing during the warming and cooling natural cycle of around 30 and 40 years respectively. What affect CO2 has on climate has been shown to be indistinguishable from natural cycles.

October 30, 2015 9:19 am

Could we also request some statements on other aspects of policy fraud, like EPA as a competent authority on asthma and mining engineering, NOAA propaganda, NASA nonsense, and NSF-funded nonsense?

October 30, 2015 9:22 am

The greatest Russian poet Alexander Pushkin said:
“If you are bored and feel like listening to some inane hooey, just ask a foreigner what he thinks of Russia.”
Many of the commenters illustrate the point to perfection.

October 30, 2015 9:34 am

Said one command and control freak to another

October 30, 2015 9:37 am

So he also has a single payer health care system and a flat tax system. I’m sure he can drum up a Hawaiian birth certificate too.

Reply to  Resourceguy
October 30, 2015 9:53 am

Putin was born everywhere at once. 🙂

George Lawson
October 30, 2015 9:52 am

An ideal scenario at the Paris conference would be for the Russian representative to come down firmly against the AGW scam, and to make it clear that Russia will not take part in any bogus programme designed to mitigate a non-existent global warming danger. Russia should be made aware that they are far from being alone in their opposing view on AGW, and that it is more than likely that the sceptics across the World now considerably outnumber the believers, They and we only need the vocal support of China, and we’re home and dry!.

Paul Westhaver
October 30, 2015 9:59 am

Even a broken clock is right twice a day…. no that isn’t the aphorism I was looking for….Hmmmm
Putin is a thinking, action oriented person motivated by the pain of watching the Soviet Union collapse. He is also ex KGB and is intelligent.
He is unscrupulous, ego maniacal, and psychopathic.
That does not make him wrong.
I suppose he can balance his bank account, appreciate a good steak, and otherwise perform normal functions with relative ease. So it is no surprise to me that he sees the CAGW scam as fraud. It is a fraud.
One observation…..I was under the impression that the CAGW scam was being driven by the socialists. Hmmm… It must be the home grown socialists with George Soros. Putin must not see this scam as one he can exploit. That to me is the most interesting facet of his willingness to say that CAGW is fraud..

Gary Pearse
Reply to  Paul Westhaver
October 30, 2015 5:40 pm

Expatriot Russians are a wonderful resource against socialism. They’ve seen it and heard it all. I notice Putin’s ex economic advisor is now a senior fellow at the Cato Institute:
“Andrei Illarionov is a senior fellow at the Cato Institute’s Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity. From 2000 to December 2005, he was the chief economic adviser of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Illarionov also served as the president’s personal representative in the G-8. He is one of Russia’s most forceful and articulate advocates of an open society and democratic capitalism, and has been a long-time friend of the Cato Institute.”
They should be a preferred group for immigration instead of opening the doors to socialists on the southern border and to Middle Easterners who hate western culture and its people.

Paul Westhaver
Reply to  Gary Pearse
October 30, 2015 8:16 pm

Thanks for that. I will look into this. How did you notice the connection?

Reply to  Gary Pearse
October 30, 2015 10:31 pm

Gary Pearse : Immigrant Russians – one of Canada’s biggest resources along with Ukrainians, Italians and a host of others. Where I grew up in southern British Columbia, Russian and Italian were first languages for a lot of folks. Nowadays in may be Mandarin or (pick any language you like). We are a nation of immigrants including “First Nations”. They just immigrated to North America first.

Reply to  Paul Westhaver
October 31, 2015 9:32 pm

Paul Westhaver,
“He is unscrupulous, ego maniacal, and psychopathic.”
I have begun to suspect the last is not true, reluctantly, and I now suspect he has a conscience, and at least some degree of affection for humans. I can’t be sure of course, but watching him interact with people in small groups and such, he does not give me the impression he is a true psychopath. If he’s not, he could be fighting “ours” for real, and that’s no small factor if true.
(My weakening impression is that he is playing the part of a real adversary, to facilitate the formal establishment of World Government . . )

Paul Westhaver
Reply to  JohnKnight
November 1, 2015 9:10 pm

Yes. At times it is hard to choose the lesser of two evils.
I am not a clinical psychiatrist so my diagnosis is worth anything, however, I’ll go with this one for now.
That being said I see your point. The UN is my enemy. The UN is the enemy of Russia. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

October 30, 2015 10:35 am

Reblogged this on The Arts Mechanical and commented:
It’s scary when sanity seem to come from Putin.

Reply to  jccarlton
October 30, 2015 12:04 pm

But Putin didn’t say “climate scare is fraud”. Those are the words of Eric Worrall (and very useful too I should add). Putin has said nothing recently that would make him a climate skeptic.
Russia has lagged in pledging emission reductions and similar commitments to environmentalism. So analysts (Stanislaw Belkovsky and Andrey Illarionov, in the post above) claim he is skeptic from their own research of Putin’s inner circle.
But when pressed for an explanation of the lagging pledges, Putin’s allies merely say “Better late, than never”.
Лучше поздно, чем никогда: Путин все-таки поверил в изменение климата
(“Better late than never: Putin never-the-less believed in climate change”)
Putin’s plan for addressing climate change (by reducing emissions) for this decade:
Revealing Putin’s skepticism (if indeed it is real) would be foolish, and risk alienating the liberal environmentalists (“useful idiots” as Stalin called his Western admirers).
I don’t think you’ll find any any true skeptics in today’s crop of world leaders. I think most of them don’t care about the scientific arguments, one way or another, as long as the “science” can be used to support their political and economic agendas.

Reply to  Johanus
October 30, 2015 12:40 pm

That would also explain the disconnect between science summaries and policy communique for leaders at IPCC over time.

Reply to  Johanus
October 30, 2015 2:19 pm

From the Reuters (N.B not the NYT) report.

Putin’s scepticism dates from the early 2000s, when his staff “did very, very extensive work trying to understand all sides of the climate debate”, said Andrey Illarionov, Putin’s senior economic adviser at the time and now a senior fellow at the Cato Institute in Washington.
“We found that, while climate change does exist, it is cyclical, and the anthropogenic role is very limited,” he said. “It became clear that the climate is a complicated system and that, so far, the evidence presented for the need to ‘fight’ global warming was rather unfounded.”
That opinion endures. During a trip to the Arctic in 2010, Putin acknowledged that “the climate is changing”, but restated his doubt that human activity was the cause.

Reply to  Johanus
October 30, 2015 2:23 pm

Andrey Illarionov, Putin’s senior economic adviser at the time

Reply to  jccarlton
October 30, 2015 7:37 pm

“Putin has said nothing recently that would make him a climate skeptic.”
I really doubt there exists even a single climate skeptic in the world . . and I really wish those labeled such ridiculously absurd things would stop using the phrase (and many others) as though it made sense or applied . . It’s being downright foolish to speak in “official” shorthand, I implore, and an opportunity to present a more realist/rational self applied label.
In this war of words, speak wisely, please . . one and all.

Reply to  JohnKnight
October 30, 2015 8:25 pm

PS . . I might say I’m a climate crisis skeptic, for instance.

Tom Judd
October 30, 2015 10:55 am

Let’s see; it was just about at the time that the U.S. was on the verge of winning the Cold War with Russia that the scare of an approaching Ice Age was beginning to wane. Cold War? Ice Age? Coincidence? I think not.
Then, almost immediately following our hard fought victory in the Cold War, the scare of an approaching Global Warming Catastrophe began, now being followed (with the creepy – what the hell was Obama and Kerry thinking? – Iranian nuke deal) by Putin’s geostrategic advances, and his Iranian alliance, and the resultant possibility of a Hot War.
Hot War? Global Warming? Coincidence? …

Mike Smith
October 30, 2015 11:01 am

Putin is smart and ruthless, to the point of dangerous.
But he is proud of his country and has the courage to fight for it.
That is something I can respect but it’s completely lacking in the USA leadership. This one simple factor (pride in country) explains all of the policy differences between Putin and Obama.

Reply to  Mike Smith
October 30, 2015 12:48 pm

Another big difference is the courtroom style win-the-day policy tactics of the Dems versus determination and consistency of Putin. Nether side is really interested in facts, fact checking, or science as un-bendable truths. They just want their stuff for their backers.

Sun Spot
October 30, 2015 11:06 am

Vladimir Putin plays Chess, Obama plays Golf, say no more . . .

October 30, 2015 11:24 am

“Russian President Vladimir Putin has stated that he thinks the Western climate scare is a fraud, designed to restrain industrial development in countries like Russia.”
All I can say is, join the club!
We would be smart to agree with Putin on this sentiment

October 30, 2015 12:16 pm

DD More
October 30, 2015 at 9:50 am
Sam, “Will become another corrupt quagmire of terrorist activities”
No, Putin knows when Assad falls, the Saudi / Qatar gas pipeline to Europe will be built and cut into Russia’s business.
Bamako is just screwing up running an unpaid mercenary outfit.

Not if Putin controls the route after Assad is gone and the Russians stay there. In addition, in the long game, Russia may provide support to the Shiite minority to create issues in Saudi and raise the price of oil. That should not be a surprise to anyone should that happen, especially since lower oil prices to hurt Russia was an American idea in the first place. Tit for Tat diplomacy and the law of unintended consequences.
The Russians and Chinese play a long game, not based on 4 year election cycles.

October 30, 2015 12:17 pm

The New York Times reported,
Putin’s scepticism dates from the early 2000s, when his staff “did very, very extensive work trying to understand all sides of the climate debate”, said Andrey Illarionov, Putin’s senior economic adviser at the time and now a senior fellow at the Cato Institute in Washington.

“We [Illarionov & his staff] found that, while climate change does exist, it is cyclical, and the anthropogenic role is very limited,” he said. “It became clear that the climate is a complicated system and that, so far, the evidence presented for the need to ‘fight’ global warming was rather unfounded.”

Indeed. Indeed. Indeed.

October 30, 2015 1:06 pm

Now if he could just get NK, Cuba, Venezeula, and Iran to chime in to daisy chain the fraud-buster message on successive days to counter the daily climate fraud drum beat of the White House and its distracted agencies who stopped doing their day job responsibilities for this.

October 30, 2015 4:17 pm

Putin obviously is paying attention to IPCC official statements, e.g. A clear distinction has to be made between the finance of development aid and the fiction of a man-made carbon dioxide caused global climate disaster, which in turn appears to be the opposite to what Flora – and therefore also all of Fauna including us – are known to require with nothing but beneficial effects
About time too! : In an interview published in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung on 14 November 2010, Ottmar Edenhofer, co-chair of IPCC Working Group III, said “The climate summit in Cancun at the end of the month is not a climate conference, but one of the largest economic conferences since the Second World War…. one must say clearly that de facto we redistribute the world’s wealth by climate policy…. One has to rid oneself of the illusion that international climate politics have anything to do with environmental concerns.”
When further prompted by Bernhard Pötter, the interviewer: „So far, when discussing foreign aid, people usually equate it with charity“, to which Edenhofer replied: „That will change immediately as soon as global emission rights are distributed. …“
Estimates of the carbon trading market were reported by Joanne Nova quoting Commissioner Bart Chilton, head of the energy and environmental markets advisory committee of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) with his prediction that “I can see carbon trading being a $2 trillion market,” which other quoted sources describe as “the largest commodity market in the world.”
Edenhofer continued: “…When that happens on a per capita basis, then Africa is the big winner, and large sums will flow there. This has enormous consequences for foreign aid policy. And, of course, the question arises whether these countries would at all be capable of using so much money wisely.”
Why politicians have dreamed up a ‘man-made climate disaster’ knowing well of this distinction is well recorded elsewhere and beyond this brief comment, but it’s quite understandable why developing nations resist now being cajoled by yet another financial jamboree to help finance that climate fairy-tale.
It’s time to remember Alexius Meinong, who put so: “Truth is a purely Human Construct, but Facts are Eternal.” My result of following this tenet is:
In the light of this:
I calculated this:
Resulting in this:
Why should I, or anyone, form a different opinion?

Reply to  Mike Hohmann
October 30, 2015 10:37 pm

Very good. I help my friends’ daughter out with her Kumon (Maths) study and other homework. Last night she wanted to do her quizzes that her school suggests she does. It’s an ABC (Australia) website. One quiz was obviously biased against fossil fuels to the point of very obvious and provable error(s). I had to explain to her, as simply as I could, that carbon (C) was an element and carbon dioxide (CO2) was a molecule that plants (In the quiz it was only trees do this) use in photosynthesis. She’s a little young to fully grasp that concept, but the seed of the lie has been laid by scientifically ignorant types at the ABC. This is what kids are being taught here in Australia. I was disgusted.
I was also told by her that her “science teacher” told her that the sun revolves around the earth. I am not kidding!

October 31, 2015 5:36 am

James Blish got it right in “Cities in Flight”, where the West essentially became the same as the Soviets (referred to as the “Bureaucratic State).

October 31, 2015 7:04 am

I have to agree with the consensus and say the Mid-East gets whatever they want be it Nuclear Technology or the Saudis who hate us but love our money will continue to hold us ransom when we don’t need them. Obama has proven he can’t play with the big boys unless his teleprompter is with him. He bullshits the Democrats and some Republican’s in 08 then pulls off the lets kill Obama when they knew where he was and killed him because he knew too much about everything we do since he worked for us for 12 years. They tried to put 9/11 on him even the Taliban read that right. They would give him up because they didn’t do it. G,W. and Cheney wanted a bonafide war to fight. Let’s get everyone together for our New World Order. Putin has stopped the Banksters who now are the government. Lets put corporate patches on each Senator like NASCAR drivers wear. Show you who runs what here, we want our country back.

Walter Sobchak
October 31, 2015 3:45 pm

“so they can gift the principle they just borrowed back to China”
the word gift is a noun. The verb form is give. The fragment above should be:
“so they can give the principle they just borrowed back to China”

Reply to  Walter Sobchak
November 1, 2015 2:47 am

Walter Sobchak:
And the reason for you having interrupted the conversation of this thread by posting a pedantic irrelevance is?

Kalle Tappinen
November 1, 2015 1:21 am

Putin thinks and covers his own oil production and everything in the world is western nonsense for him. Sadly he needs western banks to hide his stolen billions, western luxury goods etc. The climate change is real and a person doesn’t has to be a genius to realize, that if we pump our oil from the ground to the thin atmosphere, there must be consequences. Obama and some European leaders are trying to save this world to our children. God bless them.

Reply to  Kalle Tappinen
November 1, 2015 3:00 pm

“… a person doesn’t has to be a genius to realize, that if we pump our oil from the ground to the thin atmosphere, there must be consequences.”
No one is pumping oil into the atmosphere, Kalle . . and a person certainly doesn’t have to be a genius to realize that.

Nikola Milovic
November 2, 2015 5:53 am

To present observations CAUSE CLIMATE CHANGE IS ABSOLUTELY illogical and wrong, !!!

November 2, 2015 10:45 am

Putin’s publicized position will hurt the cause of defending against AGW control freaks, because of his behaviour in Georgia and the Ukraine.

November 2, 2015 7:17 pm

Here is an example of passive fraud. The page has been wrong for a long time. It should be updated or removed because like a lost fish net never quits fishing, it is still attracting alarmists who never quit alarming.

November 5, 2015 8:43 am

Putin knows that the true purpose behind the IPCC’s so called “Climate Bible” is to convince a sufficient portion of world’s population that they will not survive unless they surrender their individual liberty to the state along with unfettered dominion over the world’s natural resources and means of production. Unfortunately for the master planners, since 1998, global GDP per capita has increased 60%, infant mortality has declined 48%, life expectancy has increased by 5.5 years, and the poverty headcount has dropped from 43% to 17% despite a population increase of 40%. Because uncontrolled life, liberty and happiness is antipathetical to the aims of our prospective overlords, the pogrom must be accelerated. See World Bank, World Development Indicators,…, 18 October 2014.; World Bank, Povcalnet,…, 18 October 2014. CARBON DIOXIDE The good news, Indur M. Goklany Copyright 2015 The Global Warming Policy Foundation.