The IPCC "Delinquent teenager" gets air time

Donna Laframboise is interviewed on SunTV about her new book. 7:40, but well worth your time.

Click image for the video.

Tom Harris at ICSC writes: Toronto-based researcher Donna Laframboise deconstruct the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on Charles Adler, Sun Media TV. Ms. Laframboise is the author of “The Delinquent Teenager Who Was Mistaken for the World’s Top Climate Expert“, a book that describes how the IPCC includes green lobbyists and others too biased, or too misinformed to have any place on such an important UN body. Ms. Laframboise maintains, a website that argues that there is no scientific consensus on global warming.

Concerning her book, “The Delinquent Teenager Who Was Mistaken for the World’s Top Climate Expert“, Amazon Books writes: “This expose, by an investigative journalist, is the product of two years of research. Its conclusion: almost nothing we’ve been told about the IPCC is true.

If you haven’t got the book yet, now is the time. A free Kindle reader for PC and Mac is available too.

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October 25, 2011 12:27 am

There was a new study published today on the climate craziness, claiming that “Most People Are In Favor Of Wild Geoengineering Projects”:
“A majority of people in Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States support studying ways to reflect sunlight as a method to cool the planet, according to a new study. Researchers at Harvard and two Canadian universities say nearly three-quarters of survey respondents approved research into geoengineering.”

Ken Methven
October 25, 2011 12:27 am

Woohooo….I am 40% through and the facts and personalities are all there for checking. Great that she gets attention….and the book gets the ppublicity it deserves excellent work and everyone should know what has been going on. I have only recently become aware of all this and I am mightily outraged. The money and the attention that this has had distracting from so many other things that should be getting done. It IS criminal.

Jeff D
October 25, 2011 12:30 am

You go girl!
But you do realize that this will take you off big Al’s Christmas card list…

Mike Bromley the Kurd
October 25, 2011 12:34 am

Brilliant! Of course, the Sun News Network is vilified by liberals everywhere, so doubtless it will not wash in the eyes of the true believers. This is the beginning of the whitewash campaign from the UN, and the Fun begins!

October 25, 2011 12:34 am

I wish her all the best, I just hope enough uneducated voters/taxpayers understand what a sham the whole Climate Change movement is and vote for a change in Politics instead of Climate.
As an Aussie, I fear our country has already started walking the plank with our Carbon Tax incoming. We can only hope this travesty doesn’t last and people rise up against the biased, socialist greens and let common sense prevail. The IPCC was the “Key” that politicians are using to open the door to socialism and increased bureaucratic control of their constituents. The more the IPCC is shown for what it is (an environmental groups bible) the more chance have of brave politicians out there to try and win the “deniers” vote.
Being only 30, I find it insulting that in the last 200 years we have had such innovation, such inspiring work by very intelligent people which has allowed the human populous to do things not even dreamt of 100 years ago. Obviously with anything new, some things mightn’t of been the best idea in hindsight, but there is a clear line between being over conservative and overburdening our environment.
I just wish for all these greenies that live in their big houses (made out of timber cut from forests or bricks made from extracted earth) that are reading this blog using a computer (made from extracted minerals and oil) which is powered by coal and nuclear power, would take a step back and realise that sure, lets keep an eye on how things are going and not overburden the environment, but realise that obviously for the things we have the environment cannot stay identical to how it was 100 years ago, so doing stupid things such as turning off efficient, economical and well supplied Coal Fired Power stations to rely on wind or inefficient solar panels is just dumb and irrational.

October 25, 2011 12:39 am

Now all Donna has to do is announce she’ll send an article for peer-review at Nature or Science, then “The Delinquent Teenager” will have the same scientific weight as the work by a Dr Richard Muller.

October 25, 2011 12:54 am

That is an excellent interview. Good old Josh got a look -in too.

October 25, 2011 1:21 am

OK, I finally get it. The delinquent teenager IS the IPCC. I might have to get the book. That was weird listening to people who sound almost like Americans but strangely odd [*]. Canada is a bit like the other side in Fringe, mostly the same, but different. I like their term, “decided science”. Very good info.
* Yes, I know, from Canada to Chile we’re all from the Americas, but we have no fully unambiguous word naming people from the USA. Perhaps that’s why people prefer to say what state they are from. Once upon a time I was proud to say I was from California.

October 25, 2011 1:25 am

Right around the corner…
..the MSM is going to start looking real bad over their bias on “global warming”.

Michael in Sydney
October 25, 2011 1:26 am

great book, easy reading and quite disturbing for anyone who is willing to look at the facts.

October 25, 2011 1:28 am

Congratulations to Donna, you came across very well and made your points very clearly – even if Mr Adler came across as OVER EMPHATIC to British ears. (What is so inadequate about North American microphones that people feel they need to project in stentorian tones to the back row of the stalls?)

October 25, 2011 1:54 am

omnologos says: Now all Donna has to do is announce she’ll send an article for peer-review at Nature or Science, then “The Delinquent Teenager” will have the same scientific weight as the work by a Dr Richard Muller.
JK: Right out of the Al Gore zombie’s play book: accuse the realist of not being peer reviewed (as if Al ever was).
In case you didn’t notice, the book is NOT a science book. It is a book documenting the deceptive practices and lies of an organization.
Why would such a subject go through the peer review process at a science publication – it is journalism which is distinctively different than science?

October 25, 2011 2:10 am

JK – any grocery till receipt is science on par with Muller’s as long as it’s sent to journalists and pre pre pre-announced for scientific publication

October 25, 2011 2:28 am

Artwest – no wonder every Hollywood villain is a cold, soft-spoken Brit

October 25, 2011 2:50 am

omnologos says:
October 25, 2011 at 2:10 am
JK – any grocery till receipt is science on par with Muller’s as long as it’s sent to journalists and pre pre pre-announced for scientific publication
It takes two grocery receipts to determine a trend, but if you only have one receipt, you can always adjust the receipt you have and use it as data for a second receipt, right?

Smoking Frog
October 25, 2011 3:07 am

Hoser October 25, 2011 at 1:21 am
* Yes, I know, from Canada to Chile we’re all from the Americas, but we have no fully unambiguous word naming people from the USA.
English doesn’t, but Spanish does: estadounidenses. However, AFAIK, most people in Latin America refer to people from the United States as americanos or norteamericanos.
Perhaps that’s why people prefer to say what state they are from.
No, that’s not why.

October 25, 2011 3:25 am

The word Yank seems to work OK. 🙂

October 25, 2011 3:26 am

Hoser October 25, 2011 at 1:21 am
Well I have thought for a long time that the reason that citizens of the United States of America were known as “Americans” was because their country is the only one in both continents with the word “America” in it.

October 25, 2011 3:27 am

‘student feces’
he he he

October 25, 2011 3:44 am

Yes SamG, I heard that as well and had to go back and listen a bit more carefully before I got ‘student theses’ – but I think what I heard first was nearer the truth…..

Stirling English
October 25, 2011 3:47 am

Great interview. Very impressive.
Donna is calm, reasonable and tells the story directly and clearly. She answers questions well.
I would love to see her debating with some of the more alarmist greenies. I think she would be very effective. DLaF vs Pachauri would be a ticket to cherish.

October 25, 2011 4:34 am

Michael Proctor,
As a fellow Aussie I agree. And I cringe remembering Labor’s rudely-dumped-by-his-own-party ex-Prime Minister Kevin Rudd saying in his prissy voice, “The first thing I’d say is the IPCC – International Panel on Climate Change – scientists has 4000 essentially humourless scientists in white coats who go around and measure things and have been doing so for about 20 years. They reached a conclusion about, first of all, climate change happening and, second, the high likelihood, defined as 90 per cent plus, of it being caused by human activity sometime ago.”
Rudd said climate change was the geatest moral challenge of our age – but dropped his ETS (emmissions trading scheme) once it was apparent voters weren’t impressed. So much for the geatest moral challenge of our age.
Doesn’t that say it all about the politicisation of science? Our former Prime Minister really believed that the IPCC was comprised of 4000 scientists. Why was he so badly advised? Why are so many prime ministers and presidents around the world being ill-advised? The only head of state sceptic I know of is the President of Czechoslovakia.
How can we counter the ignorance of politicians? You know, the people who make the laws? The carbon tax laws? The commitments to renewable energy targets? The people who legislate for subsidies for inefficient windfarms and rebates for expensive solar systems? Who, in Australia, actually want to stop the mining of high quality black coal which was Nature’s gift to us. We have centuries worth of high quality coal.
Please excuse me for a moment [she goes outside and screams Aaaaaaaggggghhhhh!].
I feel a bit better now.

October 25, 2011 4:34 am

Not to be a curmudgeon or anything, but the title, “Big Al,” was taken by Alex Lifeson 30 years ago…

Roger Knights
October 25, 2011 4:35 am

I think more TV interviews like this will be scheduled, now that she’s shown she handles herself well. Her book is about something the average viewer can understand and about which it will be hard for warmists to muddy the waters. These interviews will lead to additional book sales.
The recent serialization in Canada’s National Post may tempt US publications to do something similar. I’m hoping for the WSJ or–ideally–the Reader’s Digest. The latter would make a big impact.

October 25, 2011 4:38 am

…and “American” feels fully unambiguous to this American.

October 25, 2011 4:42 am

Got the book and read it quickly –it’s quick work with easy style and good structure. Am now re-reading for detail and confirmation of the sometimes-stunning points she makes. I had little respect for IPCC back in 2009 when Climategate broke and Copenhagen showed Pachauri to be a clown; but Donna’s book really finished the job. Without the research and back-up her claims would seem ludicrous; but with them, she has broken a very big story. I don’t see how IPCC can survive these allegations, nor should it.

October 25, 2011 4:46 am

Try Merkin. As in ‘I’m a Merkin’. Only works with a Merkin accent though!

Pull My Finger
October 25, 2011 5:31 am

Merkin? You must be from Maryland. Maybe Balmer.

October 25, 2011 5:45 am

This is all a waste of time. The AGW liers know they are frauds. And the MSM are knowingly protecting them.
The problem is that there is no one with the political Will to demand or propose criminal prosecutions. Many $billions have been wasted on a co-orginated, planned and deliberate fraud, and no one has the guts to demand these people be brought to account.
Until we start protesting in the streets demanding jail sentances for these criminals, the AGW hoax will go on, and the MSM, academia and politicians will just ignore us. The GOP and other “conservative” parties around the world will throw us a bone every now and then, but none of them are prepared to bring the fraudsters to account – because the entire MSM, academia and political class will turn on them.

October 25, 2011 5:54 am

Hoser October 25, 2011 at 1:21 am
As a Brit I find Yank or Septic (Cockney rhyming slang : septic tank – yank) works quite well.
‘Cousin’ is quite good for a Brit too (comes from the revolutionary war; when the rebels were known as Cousin Johnathan to the Royal Navy and British Army).
Of course; the use of ‘American’ helps disguise the inability of the non-yank to work out a canuck accent !

October 25, 2011 5:56 am

This book finally prompted me to download the Kindle app for my iPad and buy the book last night. I’m only 4 chapters into it, but it reads very well and promises to be quite enlightening. I expect I’ll learn things I don’t know, and I’ve read up plenty on the problems and issues with the IPCC and their sloppy, biased work.

John Whitman
October 25, 2011 6:00 am

Donna L. ,
Clear your schedule. Based on that Sun interview then you are going on a world tour.

October 25, 2011 6:00 am

Anthony thanks for posting this interview with Donna L
No problem watching it here in Australia.
Great job Donna.

Mervyn Sullivan
October 25, 2011 6:33 am

Australia’s Prime MInister, Julia Gillard, has introduced a carbon tax in Australia, having relied on the IPCC’s ‘climate bible’. She, together with her Climate Change Minister, Greg Combet, and all her watermelon colleagues, should be forced to read “The Delinquent Teenager”!

Doug in Seattle
October 25, 2011 6:35 am

Like many other North Americans (about 1/10th at last count), I was born north of the USA border in that quaint corner of the continent spelled C eh N eh D eh N eh. We are polite and thoughtful, and often skeptical – like La Framboise, McKittrick, or McIntyre.

October 25, 2011 6:38 am

Mervyn- why read the book? They can see a delinquent teenager in their own respective bathroom mirrors, every day.

ferd berple
October 25, 2011 6:39 am

Antonia says:
October 25, 2011 at 4:34 am
The only head of state sceptic I know of is the President of Czechoslovakia.
You might add the Prime Minister of Canada. 60 scientists wrote an April 6, 2006 letter urging withdrawal of Kyoto to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper which stated in part:
“Observational evidence does not support today’s computer climate models, so there is little reason to trust model predictions of the future. Yet this is precisely what the United Nations did in creating and promoting Kyoto and still does in the alarmist forecasts”
“It may be many years yet before we properly understand the Earth’s climate system. Nevertheless, significant advances have been made since the protocol was created, many of which are taking us away from a concern about increasing greenhouse gases.”
“If, back in the mid-1990s, we knew what we know today about climate, Kyoto would almost certainly not exist, because we would have concluded it was not necessary.”
“Climate change is real’ is a meaningless phrase used repeatedly by activists to convince the public that a climate catastrophe is looming and humanity is the cause. Neither of these fears is justified. Global climate changes all the time due to natural causes and the human impact still remains impossible to distinguish from this natural noise.'”

John Whitman
October 25, 2011 6:52 am

The name I like the best for citizens of my good old USA is ‘gringo’.
It has a certain charm.

Pamela Gray
October 25, 2011 6:56 am

The Australian Prime Minister needs instead to be forced to read the next election vote tally out loud and in public. As do our own Merkin (love that word) politicians who attempted to shove this UN IPCC nonsense down our throats.

October 25, 2011 7:11 am

Did she say that some of the references were derived from “student faeces”?? Sums up the IPCC report, I suppose…. 😉

October 25, 2011 7:15 am

Oh good, I now know how to pronounce Rajendra Pachauri. I learned something from the video. 🙂
And Canadians, you’re *too* polite. Seriously, you can be too polite, its true.

j ferguson
October 25, 2011 7:17 am

Did not Frank Lloyd Wright suggest that citizens of the US be known as Usonians?

Roger Knights
October 25, 2011 7:47 am

John Whitman says:
October 25, 2011 at 6:00 am
Donna L. ,
Clear your schedule. Based on that Sun interview then you are going on a world tour.

Ending, perhaps, in testimony to a congressional committee, along with other IPCC critics. It would play well in Peoria. IPCCers should be invited too, to explain themselves. Choo-choo would be a hoot.

Chris B
October 25, 2011 7:49 am

Merrick says:
October 25, 2011 at 4:34 am
Not to be a curmudgeon or anything, but the title, “Big Al,” was taken by Alex Lifeson 30 years ago…
OK, How about “Wierd Al”? Maybe Yankovich will share it.

October 25, 2011 7:54 am

I bought my iPad a couple of months ago. Got the Kindle app. Since then have downloaded eg Watermelons, The Hockeystick Ilusion, and The Delinquent Teenager amongst others. To quote Antonia “aaagggghhh!” In my despair I cling to the tentative hope that many of the millions of iPad users will do much the same. Sunlight is the best disinfectant….

October 25, 2011 8:24 am

I have been yelled at SO much that the IPCC is an august scientific body, it makes me sick. People assume that there are thousands of climate experts out there. There are actually rather few, probably way less than 100 and only a handful that are honest scientists who let the cards fall where they may.
It’s like helicopters after a bad hurricane with flooding. People assume that there should be helicopters everywhere rescuing people. There are, in fact, a limited number of helicopters in the world. A finite number. You cannot have more than there are. The IPCC would lead us to believe that there are thousands of climate scientists.
Also, sure we have helicopters attached to many hospitals, but we cannot pull them all away to a disaster and leave the rest of the population without. There will still be the normal number of accidents and heart attacks that need to be handled. Thus, usually only the military can spare some helicopters and even then they keep some back as they cannot leave the country undefended.

October 25, 2011 8:25 am

She held herself well. Great video. Thanks for the link.

October 25, 2011 9:08 am

Doug in Seattle says:
October 25, 2011 at 6:35 am
Like many other North Americans (about 1/10th at last count), I was born north of the USA border in that quaint corner of the continent spelled C eh N eh D eh N eh. We are polite and thoughtful, and often skeptical – like La Framboise, McKittrick, or McIntyre.
Wonder if Rex Murphy a journalist, should be added?
Doug you forgot David Suzuki, sorry I just could not resist. Needed some balance, HE HE, EH—

Werner Brozek
October 25, 2011 9:33 am

“nc says:
October 25, 2011 at 9:08 am
Wonder if Rex Murphy a journalist, should be added?”
Yes, I agree. See the following four minute video:

October 25, 2011 10:07 am

Why should anyone seriously consider that the ipcc will change, or be wound-up (dissolved) as a result of this book ?
The politicians already know that the science is, and always has been, wanting for facts and truth.
The ipcc was established BY politicians to give a veneer of respectability to their anti-freedom-anti-democracy slant.
After all, for many decades now we (everyone, everywhere) have had the elections, followed by the reneging on promises, followed by downright lies.
Just because someone has been elected does not mean they are democratic.
Here in the UK we have three main political parties. The distance between each is so small that they may as well be a single entity.
All are dedicated to wasting billions building big fans to chop birds to pieces, while somehow thinking that people will not notice that a quarter of their bill is to subsidise an industry that exists to waste money.

October 25, 2011 10:08 am

Donna was awesome!
Take note: not a single snark out of her; just competence and focus.
She doesn’t try to channel nancy grace and it’s totally refreshing.

October 25, 2011 10:46 am

It was important for Donna to get her book out now, but there’s still more shenanigans she could cover. Relating to my own focus on the smear of skeptic scientists, I accidentally discovered just a couple of weeks ago that Al Gore’s current spokesperson, Kalee Kreider, is found in a 1997 IPCC special report, in its Annex H for authors, contributors, and expert reviewers – USA section, where she is listed in association with Greenpeace.

October 25, 2011 11:19 am

First question: Does anyone out there have any contacts at Fox News? I can’t see the MSM touching this but FOX viewership is bigger than the rest of the US TV MSM combined. A similar interview on Fox would reach a very large audience.
Second question: Are there any resident experts in YouTube posting? Can the SunTV interview be posted in YouTube without running into intellectual property issues? If the answers are yes then would one of you do it and post the link on WUWT?

Chris D.
October 25, 2011 11:50 am

You go, Donna! I can hear you roar from my house.

Nic Lewis
October 25, 2011 12:19 pm

Is anyone else having problems accessing this video? Whenever I click the link the Sun News Network site comes up with “The video you are trying to watch is currently unavailable.”

October 25, 2011 12:20 pm

Donna has done an important contribution by writing this book.
Thank you Donna!

Martin A
October 25, 2011 1:52 pm

Hoser said (…) but we have no fully unambiguous word naming people from the USA. (…)
People from the USA are Merkans.

October 25, 2011 2:24 pm

This book is a great read, especially for Australian farmers who have had their land stolen by the Australian governments with no compensation on the premise of dangerous global warming which used the ‘hockey stick’ as a visual aid to promote the Kyoto Protocol.

Brian H
October 25, 2011 3:26 pm

Back when I was anti-American (> a decade ago) I suggested Americans be called “USians”. Still available, if you want it! 😉

John Whitman
October 25, 2011 3:48 pm

Actually, in the movies where there were people shouting “Yankees go home”, the set for the filming was at a Boston Red Sox game in Boston.

October 25, 2011 7:10 pm

Wow that was a great interview. She comes across as a concerned citizen and meets the attack by WWF with some very concerning facts. She is so calm and cool.
I feel like I just saw the IPCC Titanic hitting an iceberg. This is history in the making!
Well done Donna!
David Letterman should ask Donna to be on his show.

October 25, 2011 7:43 pm

ich99cat says:
October 25, 2011 at 7:10 pm
David Letterman should ask Donna to be on his show.

Yeah, like that would happen.
If you’ve watched any of Al Gore’s appearances where you see Dave fawn all over Al, you know that Dave worships at the Al Gore altar.

Brian H
October 26, 2011 2:23 am

I think Donna might survive Dave, just by being clam, clue, and corrected.

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