Belief in climate change tumbles in Germany
Another thing in Germany that lasted about 30 years

Leading German magazine SPIEGEL Online has conducted a representative survey about climate change. The (not so surprising) result is that now only a minority (42%) are afraid of the climate change, compared to 62% in fall 2006.

The same article mentions that the respected German Leibniz research community demands the step-down of IPCC”s Rajendra Pachauri. Leibniz president Ernst Rietschel sees climate research “in a difficult situation” in the light of the recent errors and mistakes of the IPCC. Rietschel says:

Rajendra Pachauri should take the responsibility for this and step down.

Original article:,1518,685946,00.html

Google Translation:

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Martin Brumby
March 27, 2010 10:24 am

Doesn’t seem to be on the International Spiegel web page yet.
Pachauri is obviously running out of cronies.
REPLY: Here is the Google translation of the story on Der Spiegel:

Steve Goddard
March 27, 2010 10:25 am

‘Sheep’s Chill’ cold snap hits Germany
Published: 3 Jun 09 08:29 CET
All-time October low recorded in Bavaria
Published: 20 Oct 09 16:36 CET
Meteorologists on Tuesday morning recorded the lowest ever October temperature in Germany, as the mercury dipped to a chilly -24.3 degrees Celsius
Cold Snap Causes Christmas Chaos in Europe
Generally Germany is well geared for colder weather. But nobody anticipated that this weekend would bring the year’s coldest. Temperatures sank as low as minus 30 degrees Celsius,1518,668320,00.html
Germany gripped by third day of record cold
Published: 8 Jan 09 10:15 CET
Berlin – Germany experienced its coldest night in 22 years on Tuesday as temperatures plummeted to more than 20 degrees below zero,,germany-in-grip-of-arctic-weather.html
Cold weather leaves 6 dead in Germany
2010-02-01 10:18 BJT
February 18, 2010
Germany: Freezing weather holds Germany in its biting grip as all travel is disrupted across Europe.

March 27, 2010 10:27 am

Finally the globe is getting some sense knocked into their brains!

March 27, 2010 10:30 am

So what Pachauri says to the Times is perhaps misleading:-
“It is not correct to say there are people who don’t trust me,”

March 27, 2010 10:33 am

I blame it all on DirkH – he’s like Exxon and McIntyre all rolled into one!

March 27, 2010 10:35 am

Pachuari writes in the Guardian that, “One regrettable mistake about glaciers doesn’t alter the vast evidence there is of climate change” “It is important, however, to understand that irrespective of the error on Himalayan glaciers and a few other questions about some specific wording in AR4, the major thrust of the report’s findings provides overwhelming evidence that warming of the climate system is unequivocal.”
And in this laugher in Time;,8599,1975630,00.html
Stephen Schneider, a Stanford University climate scientist and IPCC contributor says that:
“They have found perhaps three mistakes in the IPCC report out of, what, 1000 conclusions?” says Schneider. “That’s an incredible batting average. Think about it in comparison to predictions about health care or the economy — it’s better than any other human forecasting endeavor.”
From what I’ve seen it appears that none of the alarmist conclusions of the IPCC have withstood scrutiny thus far. All of the key ones, Himalayan glacier melt, sea level rise, sea ice melt, African rainfall/food production decline, Amazonian rainforest collapse, etc. have been shown to be wild speculation at best, and in many cases, straight up lies. The IPCC is a joke and and their predictions appear to be just as much garbage as most of the other human forecasting endeavors. Human’s understanding of Earth’s climate system is rudimentary at best, our ability to forecast the future state of highly complex systems like the economy and environment is nothing short of awful, and this only gets worse as the period of time forecasted increases. Climate scientists are the soothsayers of the day…

Henry chance
March 27, 2010 10:38 am

Joe Romm on Climate progress says it is because scientists do not employ a compelling narrative.
If it is true, you don’t need a compelling narrative nor cooked data.
This is a bad year for ACORN and other tools in the socialist agenda.

March 27, 2010 10:41 am

I guess two factors are at work here:
1) The cool phase of the PDO (and negative AO), giving us very cold temperatures this winter (coldest temperatures since 1981 in some nights)
2) The fact that subsidizing renewable energy drives up the energy cost here by 6% a year; we’re now at 20 eurocent/kWh and rising with 6%/year. Vattenfall had a study out now that projected a rise of 10% next year. Industry figures said this is a realistic number.
As my fellow germans are usually very stubborn about “protecting the environment” you know something is happening when these boneheads start to sway.
It’s the usual U-turn in public opinion happening about every 30 years.

March 27, 2010 10:42 am

Anthony’s Google translation had this:
“…although the fundamental scientific knowledge about the human impact of global warming continue to endure”
Hubris! What is their definition of “endure”?? To have practically every tenant of the theory debunked one after another after another?
I just hope this summer’s weather is warm enough here to grow a decent garden. I have serious doubts, however.

March 27, 2010 10:42 am

In Finland national broadcasting company YLE made a similar study. According to it 48 % of Finns believe that climate change consequences are being exaggerated.
For those who want the original

March 27, 2010 10:45 am

Leibnitz Centre? Isnt it Germanys answer to the UK’s Tyndall Centre?
AGW crowd nesting place? Anyone?

Cassandra King
March 27, 2010 10:46 am

The simple combination of a couple of freezing cold winters and the stunning realisation by ordinary people that massive hikes in fuel/energy bills has no effect on natural climate variation coupled with the massive amount of lies spouted by the AGW fraudsters has hit home.
All the false promises of appocalypse’N’doooom unless we cough up more taxes and give away freedoms has been shown to be a shallow and false as a candlelight supper with Paris Hilton.
The ordinary people who will have to finance the AGW fraud have seen the light it seems, the AGW fraudsters can only offer poverty and misery heartily garnished with the kind of nasty authoritarian behaviour many thought died with the fall of the wall.

Huckleberry Finn
March 27, 2010 10:50 am

Just today YLE (Finnish Natiomal Broadcasting Corporation) has conducted survey about climate change too.
Finns attitudes towards global warming may be cooling off. This week on the opinion poll, about half of Finns has opinion that the consequences of climate change is overstated.
Only 15% think that consequences of climate change is understated.

March 27, 2010 10:55 am

Ich bin nicht warmist!

John Barrett
March 27, 2010 10:59 am

I wonder what caused the Germans’ change of mind? The “Arschkalt” winter might have had an influence, perhaps. Or maybe the impending implosion of the Eurozone might be concentrating minds.
However the MSM in Germany is solidly warmist, especially the TV news. Although the travails of the IPCC are mentioned, the whole UEA e-mails story never received the traction it did in the English-speaking world, or with such terrific blows to the warmists’ self-confidence.
There is the odd pocket of sanity: towards the end of last year there was an excellent radio documentary about alarmism in general ( climate, food scares, swine flu etc ) on Austrian Broadcasting which debunked a lot of the sillier warmist claims. Otherwise there is little to sway public sentiment in the MSM.

March 27, 2010 11:08 am

Deutchland duetchland uber alles….
And I want to personally thank Borenstein and his friends at the Associated Press for helping contribute to the growing WORLDWIDE skepticism.
Hey Seth! Please keep the propaganda coming! You will have burned so many bridges and alienated your audience one last time that nobody will eventually listen to you.
I got a good laugh on this one which also showed up in the second page of my newspaper today:
“…Experts say cutting back on carbon emissions to arrest rising sea temperatures and acidification of the water, declaring some reefs off limits to fishing and diving, and controlling coastal development and pollution could help reverse, or at least stall, the tide…”
Well I can certainly buy the last reasons as to the reefs’ demise [and more], but they are unfortunately lost in the stupidity of the first part of the quote!
How are these people to be called “experts” if these “experts” have yet to produce a single definitive study showing once and for all that cutting back on our carbon emissions will “arrest rising sea temperatures and acidification of the water?”
Speaking of acidification, in a tour de force survey of the scientific literature to expose the scam that is the movie “Acid Test” and the myth of “ocean acidification”, Dr. Craig Idso’s not-so-easy read is here:
And then, much shorter read [two pages] by Dr. Isdo about the REAL causes of the demise of reefs around the world.
I think he made this one only two pages as if to say to the world and to the scientific community: DUH!
So as long as the Associate Press continues to deliberately bury the truth and propagandize with its CO2 and AGW scare…enquiring minds across Germany, the USA, the UK and the rest of the globe…will continue to grow more skeptical.
Keep it up, Seth!!
Norfolk, VA, USA

March 27, 2010 11:11 am

Atta-boy Choo-Choo. Stay right where you are doing a steamy job of letting the world + dog know that AGW is full of hot air.

March 27, 2010 11:14 am

Correction on my spelling: Should be… “Deutschland Deutschland über alles”

March 27, 2010 11:16 am

Arggghh “Associated Press” not “Associate”. I’m firing my editor. [Not sure how to fire myself.]

March 27, 2010 11:20 am

I am still waiting which top world politician will have enough balls to say openly the whole CAGW is BS. Up to now Vaclav Klaus (Czech president) and Sarah Palin.

Big Al
March 27, 2010 11:24 am

We shall see if it continues to cool.
Perhaps after the first degree or so of decline, the AGW-Flat-Earthers will still be collecting the grants.
After the second degree of decline or so, the public will clammer for a reallocation of our precious resources – so we can still eat and exist – of course by that time billions will have perished – because so many thought CO2 was a poison.
It would be very fitting if the Germans woke up and put a stop to this nonsense – since they were there right at the beginning.

March 27, 2010 11:52 am

“RockyRoad (10:42:07) :
Anthony’s Google translation had this:
“…although the fundamental scientific knowledge about the human impact of global warming continue to endure”
Hubris! What is their definition of “endure”?? To have practically every tenant of the theory debunked one after another after another?”
Der Spiegel and its web outlet Spiegel Online is leftist central here; NYT style. They’re strictly on message.
The conservative papers are more skeptical: “Focus” and “Die Welt”. The economy papers try to convey information neutrally: Financial Times Deutschland for instance, . They also reported about Dr. Choo-Choo’s bad luck with numbers like 2035 and 2350 and they do look at what’s going on at WUWT.
(So all the economist bashers amongst the WUWT readers, be careful. Economists and traders are the ones most insistent on good and objective reporting.)

Amino Acids in Meteorites
March 27, 2010 12:04 pm

Steve Goddard (10:25:08) :
Are you trying to say the Germans are believing what they are seeing out their window and not what’s on tv? Is that what you’re trying to tell us?

Amino Acids in Meteorites
March 27, 2010 12:05 pm

What ever will the trolls do now? Probably roll out the Hockey Stick, again.

Pete Olson
March 27, 2010 12:08 pm

I think you meant ‘every tenet’, not ‘every tenant’.

Amino Acids in Meteorites
March 27, 2010 12:10 pm

DirkH (10:41:01) :
It’s the usual U-turn in public opinion happening about every 30 years.
It’s not just happening in Germany. It’s the same here (USA) too. In general people don’t make the effort to see what’s really going on.

March 27, 2010 12:21 pm

“NickB. (10:33:43) :
I blame it all on DirkH – he’s like Exxon and McIntyre all rolled into one!”
I did talk to a few people i have to admit.

Peter Miller
March 27, 2010 12:25 pm

42% is still too many people believing in AGW. A figure of around 15-20% probably represents a hardcore believer group, consisting mostly of government ‘scientists’, sundry losers and rent-a mob lefties. You will never convince any of them of the facts.
In this case, the orthodox political viewpoint is a lagging indicator. It will need to drop below 30% worldwide and stay there; only then will most politicians start pointing out: “the science was flawed, I knew it all along – so that’s it, end of story; let’s move on.”

March 27, 2010 12:44 pm

“Amino Acids in Meteorites (12:04:28) :
Steve Goddard (10:25:08) :
Are you trying to say the Germans are believing what they are seeing out their window and not what’s on tv? Is that what you’re trying to tell us?”
Amino, reality couldn’t be ignored by anyone making his way to work in Germany this winter. You absolutely needed winter tyres. Hundreds of high speed train connections failed. Trucks were veering off inclines. There were even a few localized shortages of road grit. We usually have way more supplies than the UK because icy roads are common in Germany but this winter nearly overpowered the system.

March 27, 2010 12:51 pm

Lost in Google (headline) translation:
“Deutsche verlieren Angst vor Klimawandel” = “German fear of losing climate change”
My take: “Germans losing fear of climate change”

March 27, 2010 12:57 pm

“Erik (12:51:55) :
Lost in Google (headline) translation:
“Deutsche verlieren Angst vor Klimawandel” = “German fear of losing climate change”
My take: “Germans losing fear of climate change””
You’re right, of course. Funny translation by Google.

March 27, 2010 1:08 pm

@martyn (10:30:54) :
Maybe its time for Mr. Pachauri to leave before he lose it all:
“I swing the ball in both directions. I used to be fast, I’m gentle medium pace now”

Al Gored
March 27, 2010 1:19 pm

Erik – You are no doubt right… although some Germans, like the whole IPCC and World Watermelon Front gang, do fear “losing climate change” as in the bogey man of AGW which is so useful for stampeding and synchronizing sheep.

John M
March 27, 2010 1:20 pm

My rudimentary German from college agrees with your take, as does babelfish.
“Germans lose fear of climate changes”
I guess it’s always a good idea to try both translators.

March 27, 2010 1:27 pm

Erik (12:51:55) :
My take: “Germans losing fear of climate change”

March 27, 2010 2:06 pm

Leif Svalgaard (13:27:55)
I know a little German…He’s sitting over there

March 27, 2010 2:39 pm

Erik (13:08:15) :
Maybe its time for Mr. Pachauri to leave before he lose it all:
“I swing the ball in both directions. I used to be fast, I’m gentle medium pace now”
Interesting that he brags that he swings both directions. What does that have to do with climate change?
Inquiring minds want to know.

Tony Hansen
March 27, 2010 3:30 pm

Erik (13:08:15) :
Maybe its time for Mr. Pachauri to leave before he lose it all:
“I swing the ball in both directions. I used to be fast, I’m gentle medium pace now”
Methinks the only unplayable deliveries he ever bowled were wides.
And that he had a chronic problem with no-balls (overstepping the line).

March 27, 2010 3:47 pm

Soon only moonbat scientists and leftwing politicians will be the only ones left believing the catastrophic nonsense.

March 27, 2010 4:14 pm

It’s quite clear that this issue is one of leftist media versus the people in most countries.
savethesharks (11:16:46) : “Arggghh “Associated Press” not “Associate”. I’m firing my editor. [Not sure how to fire myself.]”
AP actually stands for “Asinine Propaganda,” so you were almost close enough for jazz. Or for astrophysics, where getting the decimal in the right place suffices. In climate science, the objective is to get the right number of digits in the exponent, and then sell the world on spending trillions of dollars based on that level of uncertainty.

Michael Maxwell
March 27, 2010 5:20 pm

Almost makes you want to say, “Ich bin Berliner.”

March 27, 2010 7:17 pm

What is the relative influence/leadership that Germany has had in the AGW/CAGW movement? Are they main players, leaders, followers or have they been relatively neutral.
Has anyone done an assessment, country by country of the roles various nations have played in the last ~25 yrs?
I have been looking mostly at the science side, not the socio-politico-econo side, so don’t have an overall world perspective on that.

Amino Acids in Meteorites
March 27, 2010 7:26 pm

DirkH (12:44:09) :
“Amino Acids in Meteorites (12:04:28) :
Amino, reality couldn’t be ignored by anyone making his way to work in Germany this winter. You absolutely needed winter tyres. Hundreds of high speed train connections failed. Trucks were veering off inclines. There were even a few localized shortages of road grit. We usually have way more supplies than the UK because icy roads are common in Germany but this winter nearly overpowered the system.
I know it’s because of the weather that peoples opinion of global warming is changing. It is a shame though that they didn’t discover it through searching for the truth in the science for themselves. It wouldn’t have taken them long, just a few weeks. And it wouldn’t have mattered what the weather was like this year.

Evan Jones
March 27, 2010 8:03 pm

From Elfenland to Elefantenland in ten short years.

March 27, 2010 10:58 pm

Juraj V. (11:20:02) :
I am still waiting which top world politician will have enough balls to say openly the whole CAGW is BS. Up to now Vaclav Klaus (Czech president) and Sarah Palin.
Sarah Palin – “top world politician”? Really? Do you really think she is incapable of riding the same kind of gravy train Al Gore did? Do you really think she has done the careful diligent study of the situation that merits her a voice of leadership? Enough balls? Pleeeease!!! She didn’t even stick out her governorship. Please, let’s not feel we have to have another failed politician spearhead the skeptic movement. Palin and Gore drink from the same kool-aid, just different colors. Their lack of credibility gives both their respective positions a bad name. Globally, it appears that slowly but surely, with the help of diligent skeptics, people are doing a good enough job on their own to reach their own conclusions. The so-called “top world politicians” will follow the money trail, as usual.

March 28, 2010 3:07 am
March 28, 2010 4:04 am

even though this maybee suprinsing numbers, in toto the german society is still green (or at least everyone believes he would be). chancelor merkel herself, who is head of the conservative party, is picking up traditional green topics every time she has the chance to. and most of left media (wich actually includes most of german media) didn’t even bother covering climagate and similar blowoffs.
so don’t get the numbers worng, maybe less people are afraid anymore, but still the political agenda is full of green issues.
partly due to merkel hersellf, and partly as a leftover from the “rot-grüne” coalition.

March 28, 2010 4:47 am

re westcoasttiger – I meant well known politician. An yes, to declare AGW for BS needs balls.

March 28, 2010 4:50 am

I just want politicians to say ‘I don’t think we know, and I’m not spending any more of your money until things become clearer. We should look at adaptation, not trying to mess with the planets climate.’
Cities such as Dresden and Hiroshima were completely destroyed in WW2. A few decades later they were almost back to normal. It’s not that hard to move a city and abandon an old site. The egyptians, romans and greeks did it all the time for one reason or another. And that is only if large sea level rises come to be, which is about the only real threat of a warming climate.

Pamela Gray
March 28, 2010 8:02 am

In one of the most conservative areas of the US, the people, almost to a baby, speak of the dearth of independently minded educated, wise, values rooted potential candidates for leadership positions in the political scene. This opinion includes the last presidential category of front runners on either ticket.
Find me such a person. Have that person be wisely distant in the way of private social and medical matters, have that person be miserly with my dollars, and encouraging in the way of boot strap behavior to those who find themselves without medical care or a job, have that person encourage the process of neighborhood law against polluters (as in toxic land dumps, foul discharges into the air we breath, and smelly fish-killing discharge into our rivers), have that person be progressive, even pit bullish, in energy independence from hamper heads, have that person believe in the sanctity of other people’s right to either stomach their own form of government, or rise against it, and save us from all backroom back scratching and willingness to pass garbage can bills (as in throw in everything from soup to nuts just to get it passed).

March 28, 2010 8:35 pm

A couple of things to keep an eye out for…
Koryaksky volcano becomes active: Voice of Russia
The Koryaksky volcano raising 3,456 m above sea level on the Russian Kamchatka Peninsula, 30 km from the region’s main city Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, is showing signs of higher seismic activity. Thirteen 3-magnitude tremors have been registered in the past 24 hours. After staying dormant for 52 years, Koryaksky woke up in December 2008, sending plumes of ash and steam into the air. So far, it poses no threat to local residents, but trails of ash and smoke endanger air flights. Caught amid turbines, particles of magma can cause engine failure. The peak of Koryaksky’s volcanic activity occurred 7,000 and 3,500 years ago.
Cap-and-trade ‘dead’ in US Senate: lawmaker
by Staff Writers
Washington (AFP) March 25, 2010
A Republican US Senator said Thursday that he and Democrats working on climate change legislation would unveil a new bill in mid-April, but warned that a “cap and trade” proposal was “dead.”

March 29, 2010 11:01 am

This tells me that 42% of Germans are still morons. Now I know why my grandparents left Germany. Too many stupid people.

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