ClimateTV – URBAN HEAT ISLAND EFFECT – Dramatic New Findings! 

The Urban Heat Island effect (UHI) has been known for decades, but it is routinely dismissed by climate advocates as being either insignificant or “we adjust for it” when they…

New paper submission: Urban heat island effects in U.S. summer temperatures, 1880-2015

The bottom line is that an estimated 22% of the U.S. warming trend, 1895 to 2023, is due to localized UHI effects.

Climate Craziness of the week – with the physical signature of UHI staring them right in the face, Mann & Borenstein go with their 'gut' instincts

Some people wonder if Michael Mann is simply an activist masquerading as a scientist, this lends credence to that idea. I wonder if Dr. Mann has ever visited weather stations…

California to quantify UHI statewide

From the if we can quantify it we’ll figure out a way to tax it department comes this short press release (h/t Kakatoa) The Governor’s Office of Planning and Research…

Measuring UHI on a bike produces a new paper

While NCDC’s Dr. Thomas Peterson tries to ignore UHI, from Hans Von Storch at Die Klimazwiebel (h/t to Jos de Laat) we learn that many other people are actively measuring…

Satellites Image the Urban Heat Islands in the Northeast

Gee where have we seen something like this before? Dads/Moms and Grandparents: if you’d like your children/grandchildren to be able to do something on UHI for the spring science fair,…