Paper: 'Summer temperatures were about 10°C warmer than today, even though the concentration of atmospheric CO2 was similar'

From AAAS: From Russia with Lovely Data Climate and the atmospheric concentration of CO2 are closely linked. Brigham-Grette et al. (p. 1421, published online 9 May) present data from Lake…

New NSF paleo research claiming Arctic was warmer fails to take major ocean circulation changes 3 million years ago into account

I covered this story earlier today, and it was presented much differently in that press release. This press release takes a different tack. IMHO, it looks like a big “ooops”…

Claim: Fates of polar ice sheets appear to be linked

From the National Science Foundation – Press Release 12-115 Remote Siberian Lake Holds Clues to Arctic–and Antarctic–Climate Change Keys to climate change lie buried beneath “Lake E” in the Russian…