Google hangout notes: 'I've never seen Revkin less convinced that CO2 causes bad weather'

This is from Tom Nelson, who took notes on yesterday’s Google hangout between Andrew Revkin and David Roberts [1-hour video] Andrew Revkin from Dot Earth Blog and David Roberts from…

Friday Funny: Grister David Roberts says Earth to roast at 180 degrees F by year 2300, film at eleven

Steve Milloy at posted this yesterday, and even though it is a few months old, it’s too funny to pass up. It is so ridiculous that it reminds me…

Quote of the Week: rationalizing deceptive practices in 'Tabloid Climatology'

I would not have believed this if I didn’t see it in print. It’s another example of the playbook pioneered by the late Dr. Steven Schneider. Bolding mine.