Hey Ya! (mal) McIntyre was right – CRU Abandons one tree Yamal Superstick

This must be personally satisfying for Steve McIntyre, though I doubt the folks at RealClimate will have the integrity to acknowledge that he was right, and they were wrong. It…

McIntyre charges Grant Foster aka "Tamino" with plagiarism in a Dot Earth discussion

Reader “pottereaton” submitted this on 2013/04/01 at 2:28 pm McIntyre/Tamino Feud brewing: First McIntyre at DotEarth: Steve McIntyre Toronto, Canada Andy, The ideas in Tamino’s post purporting to explain the…

As one "gate" opens, another closes. Wegman given a letter of reprimand, keeps job, no further investigations expected.

WUWT readers may recall “copygate” surrounding the Wegman report and all of the accusations of plagiarism from the man behind the curtain “Deep Climate”, and John Mashey. This item from…