Comments On Federal Scientific Integrity

It is one thing to impose drastic measures and harsh economic penalties when an environmental problem is clear-cut and severe. It is quite another to do so when the environmental…

“Greenflation”: What Happens When Climate Activist Politicians Oppose New Mines

The comedic spectacle of activist politicians choking off the supply of raw materials required for their precious green revolution, then wondering at the lack of progress.

British Labour MP Ed Miliband Demands Real Climate Action

Ed Miliband, who served an unremarkable two years as secretary of state for energy and climate change under Prime Minister Gordon Brown, has just demanded real climate action.

Europe’s Expensive Climate Club And Its Detractors

It is no surprise then that a senior economist at Deutsche Bank, one of Europe’s largest banks, warned that for the EU’s Green Deal to succeed, “a certain degree of eco-dictatorship will…

Californian Gamers Being Starved of High End Computers Because of Green Energy Regulations

I have long predicted Californian support for the green revolution would evaporate the moment it interfered with coffee deliveries to Starbucks. But I never dreamed California would mess with the…

China Claims Global Climate Leadership, Slams US Republicans for Obstruction

The Global Times, a mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist Party, has criticised US Republicans for not joining Biden’s effort to support Chinese climate leadership.

Ohio Eviscerates Preferred Siting, Accelerated Permission for Wind/Solar Developers (communities win!)

For a wind industry that has been overriding, even bull dozing, unwilling host communities, this new legal framework will be a significant brake. Some say, it is a death knell…

G20 fails to agree on climate goals in communique

Clearly China, Russia and India were never going to commit to give a date for phasing out coal power, as they know their economies depend on it. And while ever…

National Grid to lose Great Britain electricity role to independent operator

Government will therefore throw out the knowledge and skills built up over many years by electrical engineers who know what they are doing. In their place, we will probably end…

German Resident “We Weren’t Warned” about the German Floods

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has wasted no time attempting to pivot her government’s disastrous failure to act on warnings about the flood disaster into a climate change propaganda campaign.

Biden wanted a climate alliance with Europe. He’s getting a carbon trade war

It was inevitable that the relentless radicalisation of climate hysteria and protectionist carbon border taxes would ultimately lead to a global trade war and the self-destruction of the Western alliance.…

Greenland Votes to Suspend Oil and Uranium Exploration because Climate Change

The Greenland Government, which currently survives on handouts from Denmark, has voted not to encourage the development of local oil and mineral resources, because of climate change.

Another Biden Administration eco-con

Any American “energy transformation” would simply transfer emissions from the United States to these other countries. Worldwide fossil fuel use and CO2/greenhouse gas emissions would actually increase significantly. Even assuming…

China will benefit when Biden caves to climate activists: Marc Morano

From Fox News Watch the latest video at Marc Morano: Biden is going to kneecap the US on climate agenda with China ‘Green Fraud’ author discusses the left’s push…

SMH: “If green hydrogen becomes competitive … gas prices will plummet”

The Sydney Morning Herald thinks Australia’s Scott Morrison is making a big mistake, ignoring the imminent collapse in fossil fuel prices due to low cost green hydrogen.

NYT: President Biden Just “Walked Back” his Pledge on Climate Action

NYT contributor Farhad Manjoo is horrified President Biden appears to have “walked back” an apparent pledge to veto the bipartisan infrastructure bill, if it is not accompanied by a partisan…

Green New Deal Insurrectionists Blockade the White House, Demand Money

Or is it only an “insurrection” when the protestors support President Trump?

British BBC Scolds Australia for Failing to Embrace Net Zero

BBC’s Australian correspondent is aghast that Australia continues to resist pressure to join President Biden’s climate change economic suicide pact.

Climate Scientist: “Politics Is Now The Battleground For Climate Change”

David King, former long term UK government science advisor, is heading a new climate advisory body. But his track record of recommendations includes some worrying missteps.

UK Government Funded Climate Think Tank Demands Peak Cars by 2030

According to the Institute of Public Policy Research, even Electric Vehicles are not green enough to permit unfettered growth in car ownership.

Cape Town and Dubai battle over Africa’s energy future

None of these energy-rich African nations is eager to submit to IEA demands, which seem to envision only existing OPEC nations as future producers and refiners. This, it appears, is…

The Guardian Demands More Nuclear Power to Fight Climate Change, Slams Plant Closures

According to The Guardian, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Closure of Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant was a big step backwards in the battle to reduce CO2 emissions.

David King Crawls Back Out Of Woodwork

Several of the world’s leading scientists plan to launch an independent expert group this week to advise, warn and criticise global policymakers about the climate and nature crises.

Aussie Acting Prime Minister: “Hell Will Freeze Over Before I Start Listening to the Greens” on Climate Change

A hilarious week in Australia politics, during which acting PM Michael McCormack has labeled the Aussie Greens leader a “traitor to Australia”, because the green leader wrote to foreign governments…