EPA's Jackson and Energy Sec. Chu on the Senate hot seat

In case you missed the debate on the Senate floor today over the Waxman-Markey bill, here is a video segment of interest. Jackson agrees that the USA effect on global…

Waxman-Markey Cap and Trade Bill: The next step – your chance for input

As you know, the next battle on the Waxman-Markey Cap and Trade bill will be fought in the Senate. Maybe then they’ll read those 300+ pages added at 3:09AM the…

RELEASED The censored EPA CO2 endangerment document – final report

On June 25th the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) released a draft copy of the suppressed EPA report by EPA employee Alan Carlin critical of the EPA’s position on Carbon Dioxide…

The Waxman-Markey pre-vote count – where you can help

OK folks, time to engage in our rights of citizenship. You know what to do. Phones and email contact info at the bottom. – Anthony UPDATE2: test vote passes narrowly,…

CARBONGATE – Global Warming Study Censored by EPA

Related story: Source inside EPA confirms claims of science being ignored, suppressed, by top EPA management by Richard Morrison, Competitive Enterprise Institute Washington, D.C., June 26, 2009—The Competitive Enterprise Institute is…

Source inside EPA confirms claims of science being ignored, suppressed, by top EPA management

This story is a joint effort between the San Francisco Examiner Environmental Policy blogger Thomas Fuller  and WUWT. Here is what started it all. An email as part of a…

Pelosi concedes 'not enough votes to pass global warming bill'

If any WUWT readers have moderates in their congressional district, now is the time to make your opinions known. May I suggest that you send your congressional representative this story…

The EPA suppresses dissent and opinion, and apparently decides issues in advance of public comment

The EPA apparently doesn’t care about any negative comment of their GHG Endangerment findings, even internally, so the exercise in Democracy we did yesterday apparently was for naught. “The time…

Pushback on Waxman-Markey – now is the time for all good citizens to come to the aid of their country

House to Vote on Climate Bill By Friday http://online.wsj.com/article/BT-CO-20090622-716255.html If you have not contacted your legislator yet, consider doing so after reading this. – Anthony Left Pushback on Waxman-Markey: Is…

LAST DAY: The June 23rd EPA CO2 endangerment public comment deadline is TODAY

I just sent my comments in, and have included excerpts from them below for structure and ideas. If you have not done it yet, get your comments in. I did…

Results: Lab experiment regarding CO2 "snow" in Antarctica at -113°F (-80.5°C) – not possible

A couple of days ago WUWT carried a story, talking about intense cold in Antarctica, carbon dioxide, and the icecap of Mars. This one passage stirred up a significant debate:…

CO2 condensation in Antarctica at -113F?

UPDATE2: The question has been resolved, please see this new WUWT story on the issue. – Anthony UPDATE: There is a debate raging in comments about the validity of the…

Disproving The Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) Problem

Reposted from The Air Vent Disproving The Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) Problem Leonard Weinstein, ScD April 25, 2009 A theory has been proposed that human activity over about the last…

Limitations on Anthropogenic Global Warming

by Leonard Weinstein, ScD March 1, 2009 reposted from The Air Vent It is not obvious what the ideal temperature and CO2 level should be for mankind. We tend to…

A look at human CO2 emissions -vs- ocean absorption

Steve Fitzpatrick writes in with a short essay: Graphic by NASA Ocean CO2 absorption On May 11 you reposted a blog from Dr. Roy Spencer, where he suggests that much of…

Leaked OMB CO2 memo: "no demonstrated direct health effects"

All is not well in CO2 regulation land. You may have heard about a leaked memo from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) that questions the EPA findings on…

Spencer on an alternate view of CO2 increases

This interesting essay by Dr. Spencer is reposted from his blog, link here: Global Warming Causing Carbon Dioxide Increases: A Simple Model May 11th, 2009 by Roy W. Spencer, Ph.…

Dealing with climate change in the context of other, more urgent threats to human and environmental well-being

Guest post by: Indur M. Goklany In a series of posts (collected here) we saw that no matter how significant climate change may seem when viewed in isolation, it pales…

Making your opinion on CO2 and climate change known to the EPA

As you may have already read about, the EPA is set to declare CO2 as a “public endangerment”. While the EPA declaration indicates “An endangerment finding under one provision of…

CO2, EPA, Politics, and all that

In a stunning act of political kowtowing, the EPA caved to special interest groups and politics and declared CO2 a “dangerous pollutant”, even though it is part of the natural…

Arrhenius' little known claim about the benefits of CO2

This article from NASA’s Earth Observatory came up in a reply prompted by one of Gore’s “presenters” who comment bombed a previous thread. I thought it interesting to present here…

Electric Utility sues New York over CO2 regulation

“Of course you realize, this means war!” – Bugs War has been declared in the New York court system over global warming regulation. Indeck Corinth L.P., which operates the Corinth…

Ocean iron fertilization CO2 sequestration experiment a blooming failure

Ocean iron fertilization. Source: Woods Hole From the best laid plans of mice and men department. In the late 1980’s, the late John Martin advanced the idea that carbon uptake…

Study of hemispheric CO2 timing suggests that annual increases may be coming from a global or equatorial source

Reposted from Jennifer Marohasy The Available Evidence Does Not Support Fossil Fuels as the Source of Increasing Concentrations of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide (Part 1) Because the increase in the concentration…