How to constrain unconstrained global-warming predictions

Suddenly, the hitherto-unconstrainable equilibrium sensitivities become constrained – and their entire interval turns out to be below the lower bound of the currently-imagined interval. Inserting the 255 K emission temperature…

Hansen’s 1988 global-warming prediction was thrice observation

Hansen’s business-as-usual scenario A is now universally recognized, even among the Thermageddonites, to have been a baseless and absurd exaggeration. It predicts two or three times as much warming as…

Lancing the Lancet’s global-warming pustule

The Lancet, once a respected medico-scientific journal and now just another me-too mouthpiece for theusual suspects, ran an editorial this week on climate change – on which subject it has…

News on the Mann vs Steyn global-warming hockey-stick case

From Mark Steyn: Breaking news in the Mann vs Steyn global-warming hockey-stick case! Santa has come early and left a lump of coal in my stocking: Almost three years ago,…

Introducing the global-warming exaggeration factor X

Guest essay by Christopher Monckton of Brenchley Recently I provided – based on a characteristically interesting email from Roger Taguchi – a demonstration that IPCC has at least doubled true…

On the Monumental Differences in Warming Rates between Global Sea Surface Temperature Datasets during the NOAA-Picked Global-Warming Hiatus Period of 2000 to 2014

Guest Post by Bob Tisdale UPDATE: See the 2 updates under the heading of A QUICK OVERVIEW OF SHIP-BUOY BIAS ADJUSTMENTS. # # # Alternate Title: NOAA Has a Sea…

The abject failure of official global-warming predictions

Guest essay by Monckton of Brenchley The IPCC published its First Assessment Report a quarter of a century ago, in 1990. The Second Assessment Report came out 20 years ago,…

Busting (or not) the mid-20th century global-warming hiatus

Guest Post by Bob Tisdale This article is also cross posted at Judith Curry’s ClimateEtc. # # # In previous posts at WattsUpWithThat and at my blog ClimateObservations, I’ve discussed…

2 Deg C Global-Warming Limit in the News – Recent Comments by James Hansen, Godfather of Climate Alarmism

Guest Post by Bob Tisdale The 2 deg C global warming limit, above pre-industrial temperatures, is back in the news.  That limit was first proposed in the 1970s by an…

The 2-Deg Global-Warming Limit

Guest Post by Bob Tisdale Politicians from around the globe gather annually in the UNFCCC meetings so they can propose and fail to come to worthwhile agreements on how to…

If you want to play the all-weather-is-influenced-by-global-warming game, you are going to lose

Chip Knappenberger writes: Should We Credit Global Warming When Disasters Don’t Happen? Every time there is some sort of weather disaster somewhere, someone blames it on human-caused global warming. Maybe…

The Inventor of the Global-Warming 'Hockeystick' Doubles Down

Professor Michael Mann, if you see something, say something – or maybe just keep your mouth shut Guest essay by  Dr. Fred Singer Professor Michael Mann, the inventor of the…

Obama’s global-warming folly

I’m amazed this made it into the Washington Post – Anthony by Charles Krauthammer The economy stagnates. Syria burns . Scandals lap at his feet. China and Russia mock him , even as a “29-year-old…

SOON AND BRIGGS: Global-warming fanatics take note – Sunspots do impact climate

From the The Washington Times – By Willie Soon and William M. Briggs Scientists have been studying solar influences on the climate for more than 5,000 years.

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #594

“Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.” – Albert Einstein

Man Made Global Warming

Put all three series together, and we can see how most of the warming since 2001 is the result of adjustments to the data

“I Am Going To Lecture You On Climate Change:” BBC Reporter Gets Schooled for Hypocrisy

Let the BBC’s reporters peddle their luxury beliefs to those who think they can afford them.

Climate Fact-Check March 2024 Edition

As always, average global temperature is not a physical concept. It is merely a notion invented to push the global warming agenda. We mention it merely because it is what…

Worst Floods For 80 Years Sweep Kazakhstan

Naturally the lazy journalist blames it on global warming!

Claim: Unilateral Geoengineering Attempts Could Lead to Conflict

“… Once climate engineering is deployed, countries may be more likely to blame climate engineering for extreme events such as hurricanes, floods and droughts, regardless of the evidence. …”

Global Warming Inhibits Hurricane Activity as Indicated By Decreasing Tropical CAPE Values

Tropical cyclone data from global sources show that tropical cyclone activity is slowly decreasing during global warming. 

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #593

“Everything is determined, the beginning as well as the end, by forces over which we have no control. It is determined for the insect, as well as for the star.…

Mongolian Deep Freeze Due To Global Warming–Says Discredited Daily Telegraph

Now we are expected to believe that global warming is making Mongolia colder.

Bill McKibben: Is the Fight Against Climate Change Losing Momentum?

McKibben still doesn’t get it: Greens are entirely to blame for Net Zero momentum.