New Push to De-Platform Climate Dissent Fueled by JunkScience Tweets

The climate mafia recently renewed its pressure campaign on social media companies to to silence online dissent. I’ve noticed a pattern. Maybe you’ll spot it, too.

Fed Up British Drivers Unglue Climate Protestors the Hard Way

Faced with repeated police inaction towards disruptive climate protestors, a handful of British drivers have taken the law into their own hands, dragging “Just Stop Oil” protestors from the streets.

Greta Thunberg: “We Might Still have Time to Turn Things Around”

Greta Wazzername trying to remain relevant in a world which has largely forgotten her.

New Hurricane Ian Challenge: Spontaneously Combusting Electric Vehicles

Flooded electric vehicle fires on a scale firefighters have never faced before, according to Florida’s top fire marshal Jimmy Patronis.

AEP, Carbon Brief & The European Climate Foundation

In short, far left political foundations, funded mainly by US billionaires, have been using their money to influence public policy for years, both here in the UK and in Europe.

Open Thread

Open Thread