Steve Koonin on Joe Rogan

You will probably need to create at a Spotify account to listen in its entirety. 15 minute free preview.

How El Niño and Drought Affected the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

El Niño, an oceanic phenomenon that affects worldwide weather patterns, significantly affected the number of enslaved Africans transported from West Africa to the Americas between the mid-1600s and mid-1800s,

Another Planet Discovered Orbiting Proxima Centauri

Proxima Centauri, our closest known stellar neighbour, is packed full of interesting planets. My question – when are we going to send a probe to take a look?

Restoring The Equilibrium

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach In this post, I will both provide additional data for and also correct an error and a claim in my post entitled Where Is The…

An Ocean of Ignorance Guides Western Energy Policy

How can you trust any analysis that refuses to integrate the current hydrocarbon system that meets 80 percent of global energy needs?

Planetary bodies observed for first time in habitable zone of dead star

Planetary bodies observed for first time in habitable zone of dead star