On Comparing 30-Year “Climate Normals”

What is normal weather? One doesn’t spend much time learning about climatology before coming across a marvelous sound bite: “Climate is what you expect, weather is what you get.” The…

Appalachian Basin Shale Gas Production Hits Record High

Guest “Frac on!” by David Middleton SEPTEMBER 1, 2021Shale natural gas production in the Appalachian Basin sets records in first half of 2021 Dry natural gas production from shale formations in the Appalachian…

No Police Patrols in Your Neighbourhood? Perhaps They are Busy Chasing Extinction Rebellion

How many Londoners are being assaulted, raped, robbed and injured every day, because police have to keep diverting manpower to neutralising Extinction Rebellion protests?

California Coastal Commission Goes Berserk Mandating Future Coastal Sea Level Rise Hype

This ludicrous rate of coastal sea level rise is 26 times greater than the rate of coastal sea level rise that has been measured by NOAA tide gauge data over…

Reliability Challenges in Meeting New York’s Climate Act Requirements

I fear New York consumers will be lab rats for a politically motivated virtue signaling empty gesture that is going to cost enormous sums of money, and, in the event…

The New Pause lengthens yet again

The New Pause has again lengthened by another two months. On the normative UAH lower-troposphere dataset there has been no global warming over the 6 years 8 months from January…

Claim: Global Warming Tipping Points Caused the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum

According to a study, The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, an extreme spike of global warming which occurred 55 million years ago, was not just caused by volcanism and geological upheaval.

UAH Global Temperature Update for August, 2021: +0.17 deg. C

The Version 6.0 global average lower tropospheric temperature (LT) anomaly for July, 2021 was +0.20 deg. C, up from the June, 2021 value of -0.01 deg. C.

Lithium: How the Taliban will fight climate change?

Guest “America last… again” by David Middleton Biden’s Clean Energy Program Loses Out on Afghan LithiumBY IER AUGUST 24, 2021 Afghanistan is the “the Saudi Arabia of lithium” –a metal…

Michael Mann: Carbon Shaming Celebrity Climate Hypocrites is a Big Oil Plot

According to Mann, whenever we point out the private jet traffic jams at climate conferences, or Clown Prince Harry’s latest green PR disaster, its all part of a sinister big…

“Walrus Facts and Myths – A Science Summary for All Ages”

If you have more than one walrus, do you say “Two walruses”?  Or is it like hippopotamus for which the plural is hippopotami?   Or should you just play it safe…

AFR: The $30 Trillion Required to Decarbonise the Planet is a Great Investment Opportunity

According to the Australian Financial Review, $30 trillion to provide electricity to people who already have electricity is a greater investment opportunity than the internet.