Germany’s Tragic 2021 floods and misinformation from Orwellian Science NewSpeak

Video reveals the natural weather dynamics that undeniably caused the deadly July 2021 flooding in Germany and clearly refutes any causal connection to global warming

Guardian: “Climate change deniers are as slippery as those who justified the slave trade”

The Guardian is outdoing itself reaching for ridiculous hyperbole, to try to make us care.

Nature promotes frivolous lawsuits

By Andy May A Dutch joke*: “The Judge asks an attorney pleading his case: ‘Am I ever to hear the truth?’ The attorney responds: ‘No, my Lord, only the evidence.’”…

Senior British Police Officer Confirms Extinction Rebellion is Disrupting Efforts to Fight Violent Crime

A few days ago WUWT slammed Extinction Rebellion’s mindless London climate protests for diverting police manpower. Now a senior British police officer has confirmed XR are disrupting police efforts to…

EPA Penalized for Polluting

Under the category you can’t make this stuff up, the September 3, 2021 Federal Register included a notice of a proposed settlement agreement, enforcement action alleging air pollution violations for…

US EPA To Become The Environmental Justice Agency.

How EPA employees feel about themselves with the release of the report.