GHGs, California, and the EPA: a golden braid of off-the-rails

The unavoidable conclusions are that the SAFE Vehicle Rule serves no ameliorative purpose because the EPA CO2 endangerment finding has no scientific merit.

Surge in Survival Courses for Manhattan Climate Change Worriers

Urban high-rise dwellers are increasingly flocking to survival skill camps, to learn how to trap game and light fires by rubbing two sticks together.

Sow the Wind Turbine, Reap the Wind Turbine Noise

As wind farms proliferate they are bound to invade residential areas and noise sensitive facilities with increasing frequency, making arguments over nuisance and health concerns increasingly acute and acrimonious. Yet,…

ECOSTRESS Data Incorporated Into New Wildfire Response Tool

ECOSTRESS measures surface temperature from the vantage point of the International Space Station, and its ability to observe fires of the Northwest US often twice per day at a high…