Climate Woke G7 Agrees to Eliminate Coal Jobs

Anyone listening in Pennsylvania?

New Paper From Richard Tol: The Economic Impact of Weather and Climate

I propose a new conceptual framework to disentangle the impacts of weather and climate on economic activity and growth: A stochastic frontier model with climate in the production frontier and…

Betrayers of the Truth

Accordingly the motto of the oldest scientific institution is Nullius En Verba: Take no one’s word!

Facing Dry Year, CA State Water Board is Draining California Reservoirs

“Are we having a dry year? Yes,” Diener says. “That is normal for us. Should we be having water shortages in the start of our second dry year? No. Our…

Western US Drought Implications

Neither California nor Las Vegas will go dark because of the current drought, which itself provably isn’t attributable to anthropogenic climate change.

NASA’s Perseverance Rover Begins Its First Science Campaign on Mars

The goal of the campaign is to establish what four locations in these units best tell the story of Jezero Crater’s early environment and geologic history. When the science team…